On the special website of St. George's Night you can see the entertainment schedule and get ideas for interesting events. Everyone can become the organizer of a holiday in their city - there are no restrictions for this.

St. George's Night is a night version of Cosmonautics Day for those who want to celebrate the event to the fullest. As part of St. George's Night, events of various types and sizes are held all over the world: thematic exhibitions, scientific lectures, quizzes, discussions. Grandiose art installations allow viewers to become participants in the world event of 1961 and see with their own eyes what opened a window to a new era.

In 1968, the holiday in honor of the conquest of space received international status. World Cosmonautics Day was approved by the Council of the Fédération Aéronautique Internationale at its November conference.

On the eve of the anniversary of this significant event, pilot-cosmonaut and Gagarin's backup German Titov proposed to immortalize man's flight into space and establish a corresponding holiday in the country. This proposal was accepted, and on April 9, 1962, the Decree on the celebration of Cosmonautics Day was officially signed by the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. Since then, April 12 has become one of the favorite and joyful holidays for the citizens of a huge country.

With the collapse of the Soviet Union, it became necessary to reaffirm beloved and important holidays. In 1995, Cosmonautics Day was confirmed by the Law “On Days of Military Glory and Memorable Dates of Russia.”

On this unearthly and interplanetary day, I would like to say thank you to the pioneers of space and everyone associated with astronautics. We wish you success in their difficult task, high technical equipment, coherence of the crew on board, and good health. We look forward to seeing you on Earth.

Especially for young people who love parties, nightclub owners organize grandiose space parties. Almost every entertainment establishment tries to fill its program with a holiday theme. On this night, many cinemas show films dedicated to the first flight into vast space.

On April 12, 1961, one of those events that are commonly called those that turned the world upside down took place. On this spring day, for the first time in history, a human-controlled spacecraft left the planet. The first legendary cosmonaut was a citizen of the USSR, Yuri Gagarin. The premiere journey into space lasted less than two hours. During this time, the previously unknown pilot managed to fly around the Earth’s orbit, earn the title of Hero of the Soviet Union and forever remain in the memory of citizens around the world.

Here it is - bottomless heights. A space liner makes its way among hundreds of thousands of celestial bodies. The only thing that takes your breath away is the fact that in this endless Universe a person is flying towards his goal. On this significant day, I wish every conqueror of the cosmic depths to find their brightest star in life and conquer the heights of their most unattainable and lofty dreams. Happy Cosmonautics Day, gentlemen!

Humanity has always strived for the sky, because flying is the dream of almost all of us. You were able to make our childhood dream come true. I wish you strong wings and interesting flights. Happy holiday to you! Happiness, health, eagle eyes and falcon wings!

In April 2011, the UN General Assembly changed the name of the usual Cosmonautics Day and proclaimed the world holiday the International Day of Human Space Flight. The reason for such changes was the half-century anniversary of the greatest world event in history and science.

Everyone has probably dreamed of learning to fly at least once. And you can do it! You were able to overcome gravity and fly through outer space. I would like to wish you to easily overcome all life's difficulties and obstacles. Happy Aviation and Cosmonautics Day to you!

In 2001, on the fortieth anniversary of the first flight into outer space, St. George's Night was held for the first time, organized by the Space Generation Advisory Council. The initiator of the new format for celebrating Cosmonautics Day was a group of American activists. The event quickly gained popularity and gained worldwide proportions. The number of participating countries and cities wishing to join the new format of the holiday is growing every year, but the most global events take place in the USA.

You can see everything better and more noticeably from above. You were chosen as the most persistent, courageous, and healthy. I wish you interesting flights, wonderful discoveries and wide wings behind you to fulfill all your desires!

If you want to congratulate your friends on Cosmonautics Day in beautiful and original prose, then choose the congratulation you like and go ahead and congratulate. For you, our authors have written several bright and memorable congratulations that will appeal to people whose profession is related to space. So if you have friends in such professions, then be sure to say beautiful words to them on their professional holiday on April 12th. Until which, by the way, there is very little time left.

My dear, beloved person. I congratulate you on Cosmonautics Day and give you this wonderful one. Let it remind you that it was our country that was the first to conquer space, and we are rightfully the conquerors and winners of space. Please accept my sincere congratulations, enjoy life and work for the benefit of our aviation.

I wish you happiness as vast as space. I wish you to fall in love as brightly as the brightest star shines. Let your life partner be a person who is faithful to you. Happy Cosmonautics Day to you, happiness and health to you.

Congratulations on Cosmonautics Day and I wish that you always have a faithful companion. So that the stars will always illuminate your path, and joy and health will send their signals every hour. I wish you happiness and mutual respect at work and everywhere.

Congratulations on your professional holiday, Aviation and Cosmonautics Day. I wish you to always find new planets that are full of happiness, love and kindness. Be the best and most confident in yourself. Learn always and everywhere, and pass on your life experience to your children.

Today is a wonderful holiday - Cosmonautics and Aviation Day. I congratulate you on it and wish you to discover something new and interesting for yourself every day. And so that your wishes always come true and that the stars and planets always help you. Happy holiday, with the discovery of a new star!

We are all, to some extent, astronauts, pioneers. Because after a few drinks you fly high and it seems to you that you are flying in the clouds. And since we are all astronauts, I congratulate you on this day and wish you every success and new discoveries in everything. Live and rejoice as if you were just born.

May your life be as bright as the stars. May your happiness and love be as mysterious as the universe. And may every new discovered star give you happiness and love. Happy holiday to you, happy cosmonautics day.

Very soon the whole country will proudly celebrate April 12, 2019 Aviation and Cosmonautics Day. Our courageous pilots and cosmonauts put so much effort into the exploration of heaven and outer space. For older people, April 12 is a small journey into the past, the world of childhood, romance - remember the magnificent soulful films “Youths in the Universe”, “Solaris”, “Milky Way”. The red thread running through them is the hope and dream of humanity - the exploration of space, other planets, worlds, knowledge of the Universe.

Congratulations on April 12, 2019 in prose and pictures

Our dear pilots and cosmonauts! Congratulations on your professional holiday! We wish you good health, clear skies, strength, patience, creative inspiration, professional growth and development. Let every star in the sky illuminate your path in life. I wish you peace, kindness and warmth.

Where it all began

Happy Aviation and Cosmonautics Day! I wish you clear skies, high flights, successful landings. Let new heights be conquered and new spaces explored. I wish you to catch the comet of luck by the tail and never let go!

Happy Aviation and Cosmonautics Day! May the sky above you be clean and clear. May your dream come true and the stars become closer, and may the vast space and distant planets submit to you.

Congratulations on World Aviation and Cosmonautics Day. I wish you to shine with your talents, brighter than the stars, I wish you to achieve all your goals faster than the Earth rotates. I also wish you high flights in your dreams and hopes and successful flights in outer space and happiness.

Happy World Cosmonautics Day! We wish to catch up with the light of the sun and explore more of outer space. Excellent health, physical fitness, new technology, good colleagues and achieving your goals.

Congratulations on World Aviation and Cosmonautics Day. I wish you never to succumb to fears, always courageously conquer new heights and explore new spaces of space with full confidence. Let good luck and success be sure to accompany your activities, let there be a lot of opportunities and bright ideas in life to realize everything you have planned.

On World Aviation and Cosmonautics Day, I would like to wish you great luck in an interesting and important matter, new borders and bright horizons for discovering great secrets, happy flights and joyful returns home.

Congratulations on World Aviation and Cosmonautics Day. I wish you happiness, more of the Universe, love, brighter than the twinkling of stars, good luck with the speed of the Earth’s rotation, prospects of cosmic proportions for development in activity and prosperity in life.

We are proud of the achievements of our country, our astronauts and say that space should be peaceful!

Humanity has always strived for the sky, because flying is the dream of almost all of us. And our pilots and cosmonauts made our childhood dream come true. You can see everything better and more noticeably from above. You were chosen as the most persistent, courageous, and healthy. I wish you interesting flights, wonderful discoveries and wide wings behind you to fulfill all your desires!

Congratulations on April 12, 2020 in prose

Everyone has probably dreamed of learning to fly at least once. And you can do it! You were able to overcome gravity and fly through outer space. I would like to wish you to easily overcome all life's difficulties and obstacles. Happy Aviation and Cosmonautics Day to you!

On this unearthly and interplanetary day, I would like to say thank you to the pioneers of space and everyone associated with astronautics. We wish you success in their difficult task, high technical equipment, coherence of the crew on board, and good health. We look forward to seeing you on Earth.

Congratulations on World Aviation and Cosmonautics Day. I would like to wish you rapid development of the industry and great victories, significant achievements and magnificent successes. Good health and respect, vigorous strength and endless enthusiasm.

Congratulations on World Aviation and Cosmonautics Day and I want to wish you from the bottom of my heart brave flights and high results, wonderful ideas and optimism of the soul. High achievements and prosperity, good health and constant development of aviation technologies.

Congratulations on World Aviation and Cosmonautics Day. Let this industry be among the leading ones, let the world and the country always be proud of the successes achieved and discoveries of our space and aviation heroes. May you always be able to implement any idea and idea, may your soul never stop flying high.

Congratulations on April 12, 2020 in verse

A Russian guy took off in a rocket,
I saw the whole earth from above.
Gagarin was the first in space.
What score will you be?

When Cosmonautics Day is celebrated,
Everyone remembers their favorite.
But on this day we will congratulate those
Who creates glory for the country, success:

Everyone who is watching the remote control from Earth,
How cosmonauts accomplish feats
And those who send ships,
Starting from Mother Earth,

Everyone with space science
I am bound by my work forever.
The people owe them their love.
The country is proud of its astronautics:
We needed it and will continue to need it!

If the Cosmos says “We must!”
we must answer “Yes!”
In astronautics, guys,
There are no miracles without heroes!

I sincerely congratulate you on April 12, World Aviation and Cosmonautics Day. I wish you great victories and significant achievements in your activities, brilliant successes and brave undertakings. Excellent health and good spirits, great honor and personal benefits in life.

The whole country proudly celebrates April 12, 2020 Aviation and Cosmonautics Day. Our courageous pilots and cosmonauts put so much effort into the exploration of heaven and outer space. Another surprise for you - congratulations on April 12th. For older people, April 12 is a small journey into the past, the world of childhood, romance - remember the magnificent soulful films “Youths in the Universe”, “Solaris”, “Milky Way”. The red thread running through them is the hope and dream of humanity - the exploration of space, other planets, worlds, knowledge of the Universe. Enjoy watching!