Dry shampoo is experiencing a real boom. For many people, it has already become a daily used cosmetic product.

Who has time to wash their hair every day (or even every other day)? Dry shampoo provides an excellent opportunity just in stressful situations, while traveling or when you just need to refresh your hair. The next hair wash can be postponed by 1-2 days, therefore, some time is freed up. In addition, this will protect your hair from stress due to frequent washing. But what if you don't have dry shampoo on hand or want to stay away from dry shampoo altogether?

Reasons to change your dry shampoo

There are several reasons that speak against the use of commercial dry shampoo. Increasingly, you can hear about the appearance of dandruff or even hair loss, which is caused by irritation of the scalp due to the frequent use of this powder. Many women cannot even stand the smell of the product; sometimes it causes a cough reflex. Constant use of dry shampoo is not for everyone.

However, you shouldn’t completely abandon this practical assistant, and it’s not always at hand. However, there are home remedies as an alternative to dry shampoo.

Powdered products that replace dry shampoo

Many products in your household can serve as substitutes for dry shampoo. After all, almost all powdered substances are capable of absorbing oil from the hair and scalp. Any of these products should be sprinkled on the hair, massaged, wait a little and then either combed out or rubbed with a towel.

  • 1. Flour. As a rule, there is flour in every home. It's especially good for blonde hair, coarse flour is even better as a dry shampoo replacement, it's not so glaringly white.

  • 2. Clay. Clay is a true all-encompassing remedy. It helps with skin conditions such as eczema or acne, as well as oily hair. Its light brown shade is ideal for brown and red hair (blonds should avoid this product). In addition, healing clay soothes the scalp and is 100% natural.

  • 3. Food starch. Starch is commonly used as a thickening agent, such as in sauces, in cooking. It looks like flour, a small amount of starch can be distributed very quietly in the hair and absorb oil from the scalp. It is best to use cornstarch.

  • 4. Cocoa powder. On dark hair, light powdered products would leave an ugly gray haze. This does not mean a sweet drink for children, but bitter cocoa powder used for baking. It has a distinct scent and is especially good for brown hair.

Baby powder instead of dry shampoo

Baby powder acts on the skin not only as an anti-inflammatory agent, but also helps with problems with oily hair. Plus, it smells very nice.

For grandma's old secret trick against oily hair, all you need is a teaspoon of baby powder, sprinkled onto your scalp and massaged gently. Baby powder will absorb oil, moisture and styling residues that are deposited on your hair, thereby making your hair look flat.

There probably aren’t many people left who don’t already know about the existence of dry shampoos. Until recently, I was one of them. Moreover, only thanks to Airek I learned that there are also solid shampoos, sulfate and sulfate-free. So, living in the wilderness, I was completely behind the times...

To keep up with the times, I still decided to purchase Batiste Original shampoo to try, because, judging by the reviews, this brand is ahead of the rest in the production of dry shampoos.

I must say, I was surprised. I was surprised by everything: from its method of action, from its composition, from its effect. Why? Let's find out...


If solid shampoo differs from regular liquid shampoo in the absence of an emulsifying and stabilizing base, then dry shampoo differs from regular and solid shampoos completely the whole staff .

Features of dry shampoo:

  • Dry shampoos are based on 3 natural gas, which, it turns out, do not serve any function for hair. Their task is to create excess pressure in the cylinder to release other components.
  • The absorbent has a “washing” effect. talc powder.
  • Lots of fragrances(more than in other shampoos);
  • Present components with antistatic, antibacterial and antifungal effects, which are dissolved in alcohol;
  • High risk of developing an allergic reaction, because the shampoo is not washed off from the hair, and its components partially remain on the scalp.


The shampoo bottle exactly replicates the design of hairsprays. The volume of the cylinder is 200 ml. Under the cap is a regular spray bottle.

Price at IM Ozon - 450 rubles + delivery.

Composition of Batiste Original:

Butane, isobutane, propane, rice starch, alcohol denat., fragrances, benzyl benzoate, distearyldimonium chloride, cetrimonium chloride.

Characteristics and method of use of shampoo:

Important! The shampoo is intended not for basic “washing” of hair , but only for refreshing hair between regular bath procedures! That is, the shampoo does not take on the functions of a regular liquid shampoo, but acts only as a means that gives the visual effect of clean hair.

Therefore, it is wrong to wait 4-5 days for the hair to become greasy and dirty in order to objectively evaluate this product. The right way is to use it 1-2 days after washing.

After all, it happens that the next day after washing, your hair is no longer as fresh as you would like, and this is where this shampoo comes to the rescue.

Just spray it on the roots of your hair and comb it out thoroughly with a comb.


They may throw tomatoes at me, but I say no to shampoo.

* Firstly, the product is extremely uneconomical. To refresh all the hair, and not just the visible part of the hairstyle - near the face, along the parting, etc., you will probably need half a bottle of the product. It turns out a little expensive.

* Secondly, Shampoo does not give the same refreshing effect 100%. Yes, the hair looks cleaner, but not enough to create the effect of freshly washed hair.

Therefore, we take this can with us on the road, on a long trip on a train, on a plane, in a car, when we won’t be able to take a shower for several days. This shampoo will at least allow you not to lose your human appearance.

* Third, for me the most important point. The composition of the shampoo is such that it may cause problems for people with asthma or other lung diseases. I don't have these problems, but when I use shampoo I always start coughing and gasping for air, like a fish out of water. It is also better to avoid contact with eyes. Spray the shampoo with your eyes, mouth and nose closed and it is generally better to die during this time.

* Fourth, if you are also allergic, then another unpleasant moment may await you: the shampoo is not washed off, but combed out of your hair. This means that most of it remains on the scalp. I have sensitive skin, so I can always scratch until I wash it.

* Fifthly no matter how you comb it, but It is impossible to remove the product from the hair without leaving a residue. There is always a slight whitish residue that can give the appearance of dandruff or gray hair, especially on dark and black hair. To remove shampoo from your hair as much as possible, it is better to use a brush with natural and dense bristles. I'm combing it out. Besides, Spraying it carefully and only on the hair is unrealistic. My whole face is covered with a white dry coating of rice starch. Then I understood the direct meaning of the phrase “sprinkle ashes on your head”) I don’t even know what’s worse - walking around with a dirty head or walking around with flour on your head...

But despite the negative aspects, I will highlight advantages:

  1. Nice smell. Remains on the hair until the next wash, gives a feeling of freshness.
  2. Gives the effect of clean hair(at least not 100%).
  3. Convenient for travel. It is for this purpose that most women buy it.


Dry hair shampoo is an alternative to standard detergent. It is convenient to use on the road, in the absence of the necessary conditions for proper hair washing. In just a few minutes, shampoo in the form of a dry powder allows you to restore freshness to your hair and get rid of oily, unpleasant shine.

Let's learn about all the pros and cons of this type of hair washing, how to use dry shampoo for hair, a rating of the best ones on the market, as well as recipes for making it yourself at home.

What is dry shampoo

This is a cosmetic product in powder form that collects oil from the root zone of the hair and slightly dries the scalp. As a result, the hairstyle regains its fresh and neat appearance for a while. What is dry shampoo for? It is used to remove oily shine from hair and refresh it when it is not possible to wash it in the usual way, or when there is not enough time to dry a wet head before going outside.

Dry shampoo is also used in the following cases.

  1. Combating excess oiliness in hair. If you alternate between dry and standard wet washing, you can achieve a reduction in sebum production and rapid contamination.
  2. Preservation of hair color. After coloring, thanks to the tinting pigments in some dry shampoos, you can maintain the resulting shade longer.
  3. Volume restoration. Dried hair roots, freed from oily sebum, rise, which returns them the volume lost as a result of pollution.
  4. Dry shampoo can be used for bedridden patients who are difficult to move to the bathroom for a wet procedure.

This product can be purchased at the store - many well-known brands produce dry shampoos, or you can make it yourself.


Any dry shampoo has a combined composition. It may include the following components.

  1. Cosmetic clay - blue, white, pink, black, green. Its type depends on the hair color for which the detergent is intended. The purpose of cosmetic clay is to add shine and volume to hair.
  2. Cetrimonium chloride is a substance that makes hair easier to comb and has an antistatic effect. It is also a preservative and antiseptic.
  3. Aromatics that impart a pleasant scent.
  4. Butane - an aerosol gas - is a substance that allows all components to be evenly distributed from the bottle to the strands.
  5. The composition may contain triclosan, a broad-spectrum antibacterial and antifungal agent.
  6. Coumarin. A substance that ensures the duration of the effect of using dry shampoo and also enhances its aroma.
  7. Talc, potato or rice starch act as absorbents.

Many industrial dry shampoos contain tint components. Therefore, blondes, brunettes or red-haired girls will be able to choose a detergent to match their hair. Coffee, cocoa, amla fruit powder and others are used to create shades. Compared to regular shampoo, dry shampoo has a more natural composition.

Advantages and disadvantages

Using dry shampoo has both positive and negative qualities.

Its advantages are as follows:

  • quickly refreshes hair when it is not possible to use a standard detergent;
  • easy to use;
  • effectively removes sebum (sebum) from the root zone of the hair;
  • gives the hairstyle a little volume;
  • good for combination and oily hair types.

Disadvantages of using dry shampoo are:

  • frequent use is undesirable, especially for dry hair types;
  • the cost is usually higher than that of liquid shampoos;
  • not effective for heavily soiled areas.

Dry shampoo cannot replace a full head wash, especially for oily hair.

This product is recommended to be used only in emergency cases when there is no other way to deal with contamination. Or if you don't have time to dry your wet hair. In addition, the powdery consistency of dry shampoo contributes to poor skin breathing, as its pores become clogged with particles of the cosmetic product.


The main contraindication is the occurrence of a reaction after use. If your scalp is too sensitive, you may be allergic to dry shampoo. This is expressed in the appearance of burning and itching. This reaction of the body can be pronounced. Then the scalp suffers and there is a risk of increased hair loss.

You cannot completely replace regular shampoo with dry shampoo. It eliminates greasiness, drying the hair at the roots, but leaves behind impurities such as traces of hairspray, gel and other styling products. And the accumulation of its powder on the scalp leads to clogging of pores.

How to use

To properly apply it to your hair you need:

  • use a comb to make a straight parting;
  • spray the aerosol on the roots from a distance of 30 cm;
  • Gently rub in with your fingers, spreading over the entire surface;
  • repeat the process, stepping back 2 centimeters and making a new parting.

Wait 2–3 minutes, and in case of heavy contamination, up to 10 minutes. After this, use a fine-toothed comb to comb out any remaining powder. Or blow it with cold air from a hairdryer so that after dry shampoo there is no white residue left on your hair.

When using pressed powder, the same thing is done, but the product is applied with a brush.

Which dry shampoo to choose

Many manufacturers produce different brands of dry shampoos. Let's consider those that have a higher rating on sites dedicated to publishing product reviews.

How to make dry shampoo at home

Since these products are generally quite expensive, it is often easier, and, most importantly, cheaper to prepare your own dry shampoo with your own hands. They can be made from various improvised materials that everyone usually has at home.

After all, the main property of dry shampoo is the absorption of sebum and dirt along with it. Therefore, by choosing a handy ingredient that has similar properties to absorb fat, you can make dry shampoo at home.

From starch

The most common way to make your own dry shampoo is to make it from corn, rice or potato starch. To do this you will need the following ingredients:

  • one glass of warm water;
  • vodka - 50 ml;
  • essential oils - 3–5 drops;
  • starch - a quarter cup.

If you need an unscented dry shampoo, then you don’t need to use essential oils.

Take a bottle with a spray bottle and thoroughly shake all the listed components in it. Before each use, the resulting suspension must be shaken. Use as a regular aerosol.

If you need dry shampoo and not a solution, then potato or corn starch can be used independently - for light hair in its pure form, and for dark hair, diluting it in equal proportions with cocoa powder.

Dry shampoo made from starch

From soda

Baking soda used for washing hair has not only a powerful absorbing effect, but also a drying effect. Therefore, it is not recommended to use it for dry hair. For brunettes, to hide the white powder that is not completely removed, you can mix soda in equal proportions with cocoa.

There are many varieties of baking soda-based dry shampoos you can make. But in reality there are no exact recipes. For example, it can be used in the form of a solution, diluted in equal proportions with warm water and applied to the root zone using a spray bottle. You can also use soda in combination with other products that have sorption properties. So, the recipe could be as follows:

  • 2 tablespoons oatmeal;
  • one tsp. baking soda.

Mix the components thoroughly. You can apply the product to the hair roots with your hands or with a brush.

Dry shampoo made from soda

From cocoa

Cocoa detergent is suitable for those with dark hair.


  • one teaspoon of cocoa powder;
  • the same amount of corn or potato starch;
  • a teaspoon of ground cinnamon;
  • 3-5 drops of your favorite essential oil.

Mix all components thoroughly. Apply with hands or brush.

Cocoa dry shampoo

Answers to frequently asked questions

Using dry shampoo is a non-standard method of washing your hair, which is used when you need to quickly get your hair in order. Many people are just discovering this opportunity to quickly freshen up before a business meeting or the sudden arrival of guests. Increased interest gives rise to many questions about the use of dry shampoo that clients ask hairdressers. We will try to answer the most frequently repeated ones.

  1. How does dry shampoo work? When applied to the root zone, it absorbs most of the sebum - sebum along with impurities.
  2. Is dry shampoo harmful to hair? It contains no dangerous substances that negatively affect hair. If you follow the recommendations for using the product and do it only in cases of real need, then there will be no negative consequences. However, for dry hair, these products should be used with caution, as they have drying properties.
  3. How long does dry shampoo last? Manufacturers indicate different durations of hair freshness after using their cosmetics. However, the duration of action of dry shampoo greatly depends on the type of hair - if it is normal, it will remain clean for another 1-2 days, and oily or combination hair will become dirty within a few hours.
  4. Can I use dry shampoo after keratin straightening? During this procedure, the hair structure is filled with a building protein - keratin, which penetrates the medula and is embedded in damaged areas, and then sealed under a tightly pressed cuticle. To prevent all the beneficial substances from being quickly washed out of the hair structure, after keratin straightening you should not wash your hair with products containing sulfates. But they are not in dry shampoos, so you can use them.
  5. What can you use instead of dry shampoo? At home, flour, corn or potato starch, talc - any natural ingredients with sorption properties are suitable.
  6. Can dry shampoo cause hair loss? Only if you use it too often. In this case, the pores of the scalp become clogged, which limits the flow of oxygen. As a result, hair becomes weaker and may begin to fall out more than the daily norm.
  7. How often can you use dry shampoo? No more than 1-2 times a week. This product should not be used as an alternative to regular shampoo. It is intended only for emergency cases when you need to quickly refresh your head.
  8. Is it possible to dye your hair with dry shampoo? No, since its particles along with the pigment will get inside the hair, which can affect the quality of the procedure. Before dyeing, you need to wash your hair with a regular sulfate shampoo to wash away all impurities and lift the cuticular layer for better penetration of the dye inside.
  9. Does dry shampoo prevent dandruff? - No. Moreover, if it is abused, it can cause drying of the scalp and increased exfoliation of scales.

Dry shampoo is a product that allows you to quickly refresh your hair in conditions where it is not possible to use a regular detergent. However, one cannot assume that such a product can replace a thorough hair wash. It will not save you in case of severe pollution, but it can help you quickly get yourself in order in an emergency.

How to use dry shampoo for hair

Homemade Dry Shampoo- an effective, inexpensive, natural product to prolong the freshness of hair. How to cook. Application method.

Since I was a teenager, I have suffered from excessively oily scalp. And yes, I do suffer, because it gives me a lot of inconvenience.

Eventually it got to the point where I had to wash my hair every day. And then I wondered why my hair didn’t grow at all?

As it turned out, the answer was very simple. By frequently washing our hair, we wash away natural protective oils, which leads to dry hair and split ends. And with them it is almost impossible to grow long hair.

I switched to shampoos and conditioners with 100% natural ingredients. I always selected them for oily hair types, which I think was a big mistake. Since when washed off, they completely dried out my hair. As a result: the roots were greasy, and the ends were dried out.

My diet is close to ideal, so I think that the increased oiliness of the scalp is still my heredity.

I tried to train my hair to not wash it for several days in a row. But since my hair is already thin, it’s easy to imagine who I looked like without washing my hair even for 2 days.

All this continued until I discovered Dry Shampoo! And now I believe that this is a necessary thing for almost the entire beautiful half of humanity.

Homemade Dry Shampoo is an effective, inexpensive, all-natural product that is very easy to prepare and apply to your hair at home.

What is Dry Shampoo?

This is a substance that, when applied to the hair roots and the hair itself, absorbs excess sebum/oil. The result is voluminous, fresh hair that is easy to style and keeps its shape.

Most store-bought Dry Shampoos contain , have nothing natural.

Homemade Dry Shampoo can be used for any hair type.

How to make Dry Shampoo?

It is very easy to prepare. The ingredients can be found in almost every home or can be easily purchased at the store.

You will need:

  • Corn/potato starch/arrowroot powder - 1/4 cup
  • Ground cinnamon/cocoa powder - amount depending on hair color
  • Essential oils, (optional) - 4-6 drops
  • Blush brush

If you are blonde, then you most likely won’t have to add cocoa or cinnamon (but it depends on the shade).

On my brown/copper hair, I add a mixture of cinnamon and cocoa. Although recently I started using pure arrowroot powder (it’s hard to find non-GMO starch in America) with orange essential oil, simply because my other half doesn’t like the smell of cocoa or cinnamon on my hair, but he loves the smell of orange. But if these smells don’t bother you, feel free to use them.

When applying pure starch or arrowroot, the hair will look slightly grayish, so I recommend applying it 2 hours before going out or at night.

I usually make a reserve of this shampoo and store it in a container so that next time I don't waste time mixing it.

How to apply:

  1. Dry Shampoo should be applied along the partings, just as you would apply hair color or hair color.
  2. Dip our blush brush (I use an old brush), lightly shake off the excess and apply to the roots and hair (usually 5-7 cm from the roots).
  3. After applying to all partings, lightly massage the scalp to improve the absorption of sebum.
  4. Then comb your hair thoroughly, combing out the starch/arrowroot.
  5. We look in the mirror and check if there are still “fat” areas. And if we find such, then we again apply our Dry Shampoo to these areas.
  6. After this, I apply argan oil to the entire length of my hair, except the roots. Argan oil adds shine and moisturizes (I have dry ends).


  • Do not overdo it. If you apply too much Dry Shampoo, your hair will lose its shine and look dry and lifeless. So it’s better to apply less and then add more than to immediately “over-powder” your hair.
  • Dry Shampoo is not a replacement for washing your hair. It comes in very handy when, for example, you go on vacation or to nature, or even, like me, who doesn’t want to wash your hair every day from the point of view of hair health.

Now I wash my hair every 5-6 days. I apply Dry Shampoo 3 days after washing my hair. And even after 6 days my hair still looks voluminous and clean.

And I admit, my hair looks much fuller with the Dry Shampoo than without it, which can be a problem for people with very thick hair.

Also, to normalize sebum production and hair shine, I recommend .

Dry Shampoo is an ideal alternative to frequent unhealthy hair washing. Making it yourself at home from natural ingredients is not difficult and the result, I think, will please everyone.

Do you use Dry Shampoo? Homemade or store-bought?

Every girl should strive to be neat and well-groomed, but what to do when there is no time to wash your hair or you are on a trip, for this case we need dry shampoo. Dry shampoo is easy to prepare at home; you don’t need to buy any additional ingredients to prepare it; everything you need can be found in your kitchen. It is necessary for emergencies; if you are on a hike or in a hurry somewhere, then dry shampoo will be your salvation.

What is dry shampoo for?

Dry shampoo is a regular powder that can be unscented or scented with essential oils. Dry shampoo is designed for all hair types, as well as for various life situations. It is an excellent oil absorbent that absorbs all the oil accumulated on your hair. Dry shampoo can refresh and cleanse your hair, so you should always have it on hand. This shampoo can be used in the following circumstances:

  • if you are late for something or in a hurry, and your hair is not the first freshness, then dry shampoo will give you a fresh and well-groomed look;
  • if your hair is prone to excessive oiliness, and it’s hot outside or you’re sweating, and you don’t have time to wash your hair the traditional way, then it will serve as an excellent hair cleanser;
  • if you are on a long trip in transport (train, plane, bus), then dry shampoo will help you refresh your look;
  • if you want your hair to look clean and have an extra fresh scent.

To keep your hair healthy, you only need to wash your hair once or twice a week, and in between, you can use dry shampoo, but not too often, just twice a week.

How to use dry shampoo

Apply dry shampoo to dry hair in the bathroom, over the sink. To do this, you need to apply the powder to the hair roots by simply dividing it into strands for uniform application. To easily apply shampoo, you can use a powder brush. Then wait 3 - 5 minutes for the powder to absorb excess oil, then comb your hair with a massage comb from roots to ends. This will help distribute the powder throughout your hair and also remove excess shampoo, then simply run your fingers through your hair to remove the powder more thoroughly.

Note: For the best effect, dry shampoo can be applied overnight and the hair can be cleaned of powder in the morning. The disadvantage of this method is that the powder remains on the pillow.

If you find untreated oily areas on your head, reapply dry shampoo.

How to make dry shampoo for blonde hair

You can make dry shampoo from light-colored absorbent powders; do not use dark-colored or colored powders for light-colored hair, as they may slightly color the hair. So, let's look at several recipes for dry shampoo for blonde hair.

Dry shampoo made from arrowroot powder for blonde hair


½ cup arrowroot root powder (can be replaced with baking soda)

5 – 10 drops lavender essential oil

Note: Any essential oil can be used, but patchouli, geranium and ylang-ylang essential oils are best.

Place arrowroot root powder or baking soda in a glass storage jar, add lavender essential oil and mix thoroughly. After this, close the lid and shake well to mix evenly. Then you can apply dry shampoo to the roots of your hair along the partings. To apply shampoo to your head, use a powder brush. Dry shampoo should be stored for 6 months.

Clay dry shampoo for blonde hair


½ cup white kaolin clay

Place arrowroot root powder or baking soda in a glass storage jar, add white kaolin clay, essential oil and mix thoroughly. After this, close the lid and shake well to mix evenly. Then you can apply dry shampoo to the roots of your hair along the partings. To apply shampoo to your head, use a powder brush. Dry shampoo should be stored for 6 months.

Dry shampoo made from corn or rice starch for blonde hair


Place corn or rice starch in a glass storage jar, add essential oil and mix thoroughly. After this, close the lid and shake well to mix evenly. Then you can apply dry shampoo to the roots of your hair along the partings. To apply shampoo to your head, use a powder brush. Dry shampoo should be stored for 6 months.

How to make dry shampoo for dark hair

For dark hair, you can make dry shampoo from dark absorbent powders. Avoid using light-colored powder to make shampoo, as... the hair will acquire a white coating, it will look disgusting. So, let's look at several recipes for dry shampoo for dark hair, as well as hair with a red tint.

Dry shampoo made from arrowroot powder for dark hair


¼ cup arrowroot root powder (can be replaced with baking soda)

2 tablespoons cocoa powder

5 – 10 drops of essential oil (any of your choice)

Note: Essential oils such as grapefruit or ylang-ylang will go well with cocoa powder.

Place arrowroot root powder or baking soda in a glass storage jar, add cocoa powder, essential oil and mix thoroughly. After this, close the lid and shake well to mix evenly. Then you can apply dry shampoo to the roots of your hair along the partings. To apply shampoo to your head, use a powder brush. Dry shampoo should be stored for 6 months.

Clay dry shampoo for dark hair


½ cup kaolin clay

¼ cup arrowroot root powder (can be replaced with baking soda)

¼ cup cocoa powder

5 – 10 drops of essential oil (any of your choice)

Place arrowroot root powder or baking soda in a glass storage jar, add kaolin clay, cocoa powder, essential oil and mix thoroughly. After this, close the lid and shake well to mix evenly. Then you can apply dry shampoo to the roots of your hair along the partings. To apply shampoo to your head, use a powder brush. Dry shampoo should be stored for 6 months.

Dry shampoo made from corn or rice starch for dark hair


¼ cup corn or rice starch

¼ cup cocoa powder

6 – 8 drops orange essential oil (optional)

Place cornstarch in a glass storage jar, add cocoa powder, orange essential oil and mix thoroughly. After this, close the lid and shake well to mix evenly. Then you can apply dry shampoo to the roots of your hair along the partings. To apply shampoo to your head, use a powder brush. Dry shampoo should be stored for 6 months.

Dry shampoo made from arrowroot powder for dark hair with a red tint


¼ cup arrowroot root powder (can be replaced with baking soda)

1 tablespoon cinnamon

5 – 10 drops of essential oil (any of your choice)

Note: Essential oils such as lemon and cedar will go well with cocoa powder and cinnamon.

Place arrowroot root powder or baking soda in a glass storage jar, add cocoa powder, cinnamon, beet root powder, essential oil and mix thoroughly. After this, close the lid and shake well to mix evenly. Then you can apply dry shampoo to the roots of your hair along the partings. To apply shampoo to your head, use a powder brush. Dry shampoo should be stored for 6 months.

Clay dry shampoo for dark hair with red undertones


½ cup pink kaolin clay

¼ cup arrowroot root powder (can be replaced with baking soda)

5 – 10 drops of essential oil (any of your choice)

Place arrowroot root powder or baking soda in a glass storage jar, add pink kaolin clay, essential oil and mix thoroughly. After this, close the lid and shake well to mix evenly. Then you can apply dry shampoo to the roots of your hair along the partings. To apply shampoo to your head, use a powder brush. Dry shampoo should be stored for 6 months.

Dry shampoo made from cornstarch for dark hair with red undertones


¼ cup corn or rice starch

1 tablespoon cocoa powder

1 tablespoon cinnamon

2 tablespoons beet root powder

6 – 8 drops essential oil (any of your choice)

Place cornstarch in a glass storage jar, add cocoa powder, cinnamon, beetroot powder, essential oil and mix thoroughly. After this, close the lid and shake well to mix evenly. Then you can apply dry shampoo to the roots of your hair along the partings. To apply shampoo to your head, use a powder brush. Dry shampoo should be stored for 6 months.


If you don't have arrowroot root powder or baking soda, you can use organic starch or oat powder, which also have absorbent properties.

After applying dry shampoo, you need to wait a while so that the shampoo can absorb the oil that is located on the roots of the hair. Then tilt your head over the bath and run your hands or a comb through your hair to thoroughly remove the powder from your hair.


If you use dry shampoo very often, it will damage your hair. It is able to well absorb the sebum oil that the skin produces, however, with frequent use of dry shampoo, the protective film of the scalp may be damaged. In addition, the powder can clog the hair follicles; a study was conducted that found that clogged hair follicles leads to thinning hair and a decrease in natural shine.

In conclusion, dry shampoo is an excellent alternative to traditional shampoo, but frequent use is harmful to the scalp and hair.