Scenario for the holiday “POLICE DAY”

SASHA : Guys, today we will talk to you about a very important and necessary profession.

Please listen to R. Rozhdestvensky's poem.

It’s just that their service is really needed.

It’s just that their everyday life is stormy.

At an hour when war is not heard,

They receive orders

And bullet wounds...

Through unimaginably long experiences

Their profession is

Be on guard.

Their law: do not feel sorry for yourself!

SASHA: Have you guessed what profession we are talking about?

OLGA: Policeman

SASHA: That's right, only now they are called police officers by order of Russian President Dmitry Medvedev. He explained this by saying that we need professional people, we need employees who work efficiently, honestly, and harmoniously. Former police officers successfully passed recertification and became police officers.

OLGA: The native police became the police,
However, she did not change her position:
Stands up for a good deed,
He is in a hurry to catch up and neutralize the bandit!
He can make a decision quickly,
Give the victim a hand!

In the capital and in the province DENIS
All day long
Russian police
Protects our peace.

In the police, of course, SASHA
No place for a weakling
After all, the public guardian must
Always be on alert.

Neither hail nor flood, PASHA
Not God's way -
No reason to serve
We, citizens, must leave.

The work of the district police officer ARSENIY
And guard labor
From a bad case
People will be saved.

And let the opponents tremble ANGELA
Countries honoring laws:
Always operatives
Crime will be defeated.

Russian police – OLGA
Reliable institute.
Low bows from us

Thank you for your hard work.

We came to say from the stage PASHA
To those who take care of our lives:
Your shift is growing!
Hey criminal, watch out!

SASHA: 6th grade students perform the song “02”


SASHA: People of this profession perform such hard, but so important work, fight against evil and are always ready to help those who are in trouble. Therefore, they are our protectors in times of peace.

We are all friends of Russian laws, VLADIMIR

Believe me, we cannot violate them!

We know all the laws and follow them everywhere. DENIS

We do not humiliate anyone, we encourage everyone to live according to the law!

We are for health, NASTYA

We are for happiness

We are against pain and misfortune!

For a sober mind,

For clarity of thought,

Together: For childhood, youth,

For the joy of life!

We don't serve in the police. VLADIMIR
She and I are just very friendly.

If anything happens, DENIS
We can be useful to you!

Know: WE ARE YOUR HOPE! (together)

SASHA: : The militia was originally created by Peter on March 1, 1715. Her main task was to serve the Fatherland. These words “Serving the Fatherland” still remain the motto of the police. In 1917, when the October Revolution took place, there was a need to restore and maintain order in the young country of the Soviets, and a workers' militia was created on November 10.

Together we are strong, the whole world is before us. PASHA
So that he can be bright and kind,
Let's dream and create according to our strength
To the glory of our great Russia!

We, friends, of course remember VADIM
Uncle Styopa, foreman.
How Stepan served in the navy,
Defended his country
Like in the police then
Stepanov helped everyone.

Who was Uncle Styopa? ANTON
Everyone in the country knew him.
A bright, valiant example
He glorified the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Hero of law and order, VALERA

Protector, brother and friend to everyone.

He will help without looking back,

He won't let anyone get away with it!

It was so and will be forever, YANA

Through the years, for centuries,

In our life is fleeting,

This is a steady hand!

Despite the names, SASHA

Someone will be again, again,

From criminal atrocities,

Protect peaceful citizens!

In blue or gray uniform, VICTOR

With or without a belt,

Stately, honest, strong, brave,

As if sent from heaven!

A policeman is valor! STEPAN

Our Motherland is big!

And in the police, there is pride!

Uncle Styopa is a guard!

SASHA: - What has happened with you?
DASHA- My puppy is missing
Black nose, red side.
I don’t know where to look for him
Help, I beg you...
SASHA : Of course, we will help you.
Let's consult with the guys. Where to start looking for a puppy?

OLGA: Ah We have a former police officer in the hall today and this is YURI IVANOVICH DVOEKONKO. Let's ask him!
Yu.I. : First you need to look near the place where she got lost and call the puppy loudly.
SASHA: What is your puppy's name?
DASHA: Buddy.
Yu.I. : If you haven't found it, you will need a photo of the puppy.
DASHA: I have not it
Yu.I. : T When do you need to write and post notices about a missing puppy?


SASHA: Today we cannot help but remember a graduate of our school who gave his life to serving people and died at his post. On June 16, the guys and I held an event dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the death of Yuri Nikolaevich Lunin and we would like to present to you a presentation we prepared.

To all the policemen of our country STEPAN
We should congratulate them on their holiday today!
You protect us along with fate,
We wish you confidence in the future!

We wish you the accomplishment of valiant deeds, VICTOR
Courage, success, true friends,
Promotions, high awards,
And let there be fewer obstacles in your work!

You deserve the loudest praise, IVAN
We give you the highest score for your work.
May peace continue to surround us,
And goodness always wins in this life!

Final song “WE ARE ONE FAMILY!” 7th grade

Police day scenario

Host: Good afternoon!

Presenter: Hello, dear friends! We are pleased to welcome you to this hall today. Police Day. With the first snowflakes, this wonderful holiday was born, which is celebrated annually on November 10 by the whole country!

Presenter: The internal affairs bodies are the largest law enforcement agency, and it is difficult to overestimate the role it plays in ensuring law and order. The Russian police have more than eighty years of history. Anything has happened over the past years: the country and people have changed, but the main purpose of law enforcement officers has remained unchanged - serving the people. These are not big words. You truly serve your people, sometimes without sparing your own life.

Presenter: “02” is a phone number that every Russian knows. That is how it is. And even the most inveterate skeptic, in difficult times, when trouble threatens him or his loved ones, dials “02” and firmly hopes for help from the police. It is not easy for you today, but, nevertheless, you are doing your duty. The streets of our city are becoming calmer and safer. Criminals act less confidently and brazenly, encountering the strength and professionalism of the police. Police Day is a traditional holiday that is celebrated everywhere not only by its employees. He became nationwide.
The floor is given to the deputy director of boarding school No. 2, Tatyana Nikolaevna Kholina.

Presenter: The future of Russia is unthinkable without reliable law and order. Therefore, congratulating you, dear friends, we talk about our faith in people dressed in police uniforms, and we wish you courage, perseverance, mental strength in your daily service to law and order, in serving Russia.

Presenter: Police officers are always visible. Every day, in the heat and cold, hundreds of police officers go out to protect public order, constantly putting themselves at risk on our “streets of broken lamps.”

Presenter: Everyday life of the police is harsh and difficult even on peaceful days. Police officers regularly travel to the North Caucasus region, where they serve in combat conditions.

Presenter: Let's remember everyone by name,
Let us remember with our hearts,
It's not the dead who need it,
We need this alive.
A minute of silence is announced.

Host: We will always remember the heroism of the soldiers in police uniform who died defending the interests of the state and all its citizens in a distant land. Let the sun shine, the birds sing, the gardens bloom and the fields turn green, but never, never let bullets whistle.

Presenter: We sincerely wish you
Smiles, joyful chores,
Health, happiness and good luck,
Goodness and light, joy, warmth,
Today, tomorrow and always!

Host: Happy holiday, dear friends! Happy professional holiday!

March 4 is a holiday of the Belarusian police. A professional holiday celebrated on this day by the personnel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus. It was officially approved by Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus No. 157 of March 26, 1998. But the history of this holiday began in 1917. On this day, March 4, 1917, the office of the civil commandant of the city of Minsk issued an order, according to which the Bolshevik M.A. Mikhailov was appointed temporary chief of police of the All-Russian Zemstvo Union for the Protection of Order in the city. In accordance with this order, all city police officers were required to hand over to him the weapons in their possession according to the inventory.

It is a state holiday and is celebrated widely and solemnly by the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The hall is festively decorated. Solemn music sounds. Excited audience waiting for the start of the festive event. The hall includes the senior staff of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and a representative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Two presenters appear on stage.
Presenter: Police work is difficult, dangerous, harsh:
These are sleepless nights, this is a battle of wits,
These are bullets and explosions, and the severity of losses.
And with victory - happy
And a joyful look.
So let us bow to her best sons
For perseverance, for honesty, giving us
Live in peace and know
What - anxiety is barely -
We can trust “zero two”.

Presenter: Good afternoon, dear friends! Today we are pleased to welcome you to this hall and congratulate you on your professional holiday - Police Day. Let me thank you for your hard work days and nights, for your concern for our peace of mind, for your willingness to always come to our aid and wish you health, good luck, career growth and prosperity for your families.

Presenter: We are pleased to welcome the head of the Internal Affairs Directorate ____________________ in this hall and give him the floor for congratulations.

Presenter: Sometimes your service is not easy,
Sometimes it becomes desperately harsh,
But the main thing is that the hand is strong,
And those who broke the law, listened at a glance.
Police officers always
I wish you health and strength.
Remember guys, the whole country
He wants order, hiding behind your back.
And on Police Day I want to wish one thing,
That no matter how difficult it may be for you -
It’s your duty to protect the weak,
So that goodness and joy reign in the soul.

And may the gift for you, friends, be the song __________ performed by ______________
Presenter: Honor and glory to the veterans of the Ministry of Internal Affairs!
You, without sparing yourself at all,
Dedicated their lives to their native country,
They took risks, protected and cared!
May fate reward you a hundredfold
Have a peaceful holiday with your loved ones and family!
How medals color your outfit,
So let life turn out beautifully!

The floor to congratulate veterans is given to the Deputy Head of the Department for Ideological Work___________________________

Veterans are given valuable gifts, and a song ____________ is played for them.

Presenter: Who will save us on any day?
Will it ensure our peace?
Who, having risen in alarm,
Rushing along the road with a flashing light?
You are the heroes of jokes,
But without you, I will say this,
It would be really bad for us
After all, order is not a trifle.

Presenter: Day and night - always on duty,
And for this difficult work
I would like a gift for your friendship
I suggested it, but they won’t understand...
It will be worse for you and me -
You can't take bribes.
I will then say in words:
Happy Police Day, friends!

Yes, no one is allowed to take bribes. And the military work of our police officers will be appreciated by the state. And the floor for reading the order on conferring the next military ranks and presenting state awards is given to the Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs___________________________

Presenter: We congratulate you, friends, on your new titles and state awards and accept this musical gift from us.

Host: There are many police services
They are difficult to count.
Do you know how to work?
For this you are honored!
Presenter: Theft is a problem with us.
Without security - nowhere!
If you hand over your object to the remote control -
Save it, the department is all yours.
The alarm will help
But she cannot live without people.
People are the main wealth
In their affairs there is a male brotherhood!

A musical number is performed for security department employees.

Host: One of my friends spent his entire life on the road:
Passages, dead ends and stages,
But I have my own path, and thank God:
According to the stars and gaps on the shoulder straps.
Even if this path is sometimes thorny and difficult,
And often there is not enough faith,
That I carry my cross for the benefit of people,
And not for the benefit of anyone's career.
Presenter: When trouble covers my house,
No one is immune from this,
I want to know that someone will remember
What kind of district policeman was there in the world?
And for you, dear local police officers, this musical number is performed.

Host: Who should be hired as a staff member?
Who needs a military ID urgently?
The personnel officer's gaze sees right through us,
And we can confidently assure you of this!

Presenter: They know how to keep records for us,
And they do it with great knowledge.
Today we give to personnel officers
All our respect and attention!
For you, friends, there is a song _______________________

Host: Any American superman will understand
What are the exploits of his antlers and prose,
When will he find out how it works with us?
Our legendary criminal investigation department!
Presenter: Congratulations to the criminal investigation officers _________________
Presenter: It’s not easy to be a traffic police officer –
You know this better than anyone else
I wish you happiness and love!
Let difficulties happen sometimes.
Don't pay attention to them
And know that you will be lucky in life!
You meet every moment with hope,
Then luck will come forever!

Presenter: Sends her greetings to the traffic police officers_____________________

Presenter: A girl in uniform is non-standard,
You can't count the difficulties in your service.
To serve the young lady properly in the police,
All men's difficulties must be taken into account.
Dear, beautiful women in the police,
I would like to wish you many glorious years!
Wherever you work - at the post, in justice,
I wish you great happiness and no troubles!

Host: And for you, dear beauties, she sings_____________________

Host: About the fact that service is difficult and dangerous,
Much has been sung and much has been written.
In fact, it is unclear to civilians
That you are truly performing titanic work.

Presenter: I wish you, police representative,
So that luck does not leave you in life,
Honor, medals, career ambitions.
And may he rise to the rank of general!
Host: Our festive concert has come to an end. But we don't say goodbye, friends. We tell you:
Together: See you soon!

The scenario presented below is designed for a celebration in a relatively small company (30-40 people). However, with minor modifications, it can also be used for large formal evenings where 50 to 100 people or more may be present.

Toastmaster (jokingly):

I congratulate you on the holiday, I wish you happiness and joy! (In a more serious tone, but joyfully.) My dears! What a joy that we are now gathered here to celebrate this wonderful holiday! For you, it is, perhaps, in no way inferior in importance to the New Year. And although your service “appears to be invisible at first glance,” smart people noticed it and added a proper professional holiday to the calendar. Let's drink to this event: to the fact that there is Police Day, and to the fact that we are celebrating it now!

  • (The audience has a drink and a snack.)

Toastmaster: Every day a person in uniform gets to meet a lot of interesting personalities... However, sometimes not very interesting, but in their own way remarkable, original and unforgettable. That’s why every day for police officers is full of amazing events, as if a professional holiday is celebrated all 365 days a year. And this cannot be said better than it is said in the song.

  • (In the middle of the room are two assistant toastmasters, dressed in police uniforms - Stas, looking stupid with his cap askew, and the respectable, fit Ivan. Two homeless people walk past them - in the past, apparently, decent people, intellectuals.
  • Ivan and Stas sing verses based on V. Vysotsky’s song “Conversation at the TV.”)

Stas: Oh, Van, look at these homeless people!

Both are Delons and without lice...

And our boys are not alike

Not one bit for drunks!

Ivan: Don’t be touched here, come on,

And drive these homeless people away - So that they don’t hang around the stall and steal milk.

(Two dressed-up girls walk past the “policemen.”)

Stas: Oh, Vanka! Look at these girls!

No, Van, now I’ll scream!

Look at this one - in a blue T-shirt...

I want to meet her.

Ivan: You better listen, Stas,

What are they saying now? To be honest, they resemble “drugs.” What are you doing, Stas?!

(Stas “peers into the distance”, from where a nervous horn signal is heard.)

Stas: Van, look at the intruder!

He almost got hit by a Volvo! Should you have heard, Van, the driver: I wouldn’t have said it so nicely

Ivan: Well, why did you pass by? It would be necessary to draw up a protocol, slap a fine on the violator, and put the driver under arrest. What are you doing, Stas?!

(A “drunk” man appears in the hall, leaning against the wall with an exhausted look not far from the “policemen.”)

To the flock: Look, Van, a drunkard has come along,

Standing, leaning on the fence.

I had a good time on Friday -

Exactly like our dear major!

Ivan: You're talking about the wrong major!

No matter what happens suddenly. But to be honest, then... well... He is physically similar too. Hey, hey, he looks like it!

What if those gathered told the funniest adventures that befell them during their service? Just look, “about the wrong major”!.. Moreover, it is possible that he is among us and hears everything.

  • (General fun.
  • If a major is present among those gathered, the toastmaster’s assistants present him with a small present - a bird-whistle with a striped coloring, like a police baton.
  • Participants of the evening share their memories.
  • At the appropriate moment, when everyone has already spoken, the toastmaster inserts his remark.)

Suitable scenarios for the holiday:

  • In recent years, this holiday has become widespread in Russia, especially among young people.…
  • When a Russian is asked what his favorite holiday of the year is, he most often...
  • Competitions. Before the holiday, hide the pieces of paper where you can sit down and wash your face. On every piece of paper...
  • A wedding is a bright holiday that marks the beginning of family life, so the wedding day…

SHE: Today we celebrate our professional holiday - Russian Police Day. As they say, we hold the cards in our hands. More precisely microphones. And I must say, holding a microphone in your hand is much more pleasant than a military weapon.

HE: Plus it's safer. And the safety of our citizens is precisely the business of the police. I think it's time to start holiday duty.

SHE: I really hope that it will be calm and without incident.

HE: Don't worry, everything is under control - the police are in the hall and on stage. This means no incidents except congratulatory ones.

SHE: The festive concert dedicated to the Day of the Russian Police is opened by a vocal ensemble (number)….

1. Concert number

HE: Irregular working hours, urgent calls, night shifts and communication with suspicious persons.

SHE: And I really want weekends to be more frequent, and calls to be less frequent! But in reality...

HE: Irregular working hours, urgent calls, night shifts, communication with various suspicious persons. This is our daily work life, nothing can be done.

SHE: But today we see in the hall and on stage only faces that are familiar and dear to us. And this is completely different...a festive matter. A musical gift sounds performed by... She dedicates her number to her beloved dad and his colleagues.

2. Concert number.

HE: More recently, we have experienced global changes.

SHE: Do you mean renaming the militia to police? Then, I hasten to reassure you... We simply returned to our roots.

HE: As far as I understand, we are waiting for an excursion into history?

SHE: Absolutely right. Back in 1715, Peter I created a public order service in Russia and called it... police, which translated from Greek means “government of the state.”
Even then, law enforcement structures were given an honorable, important role in maintaining and enforcing laws.

HE: Today we have been entrusted with an equally important and pleasant mission - to congratulate our colleagues on their professional holiday, standing on this stage.

SHE: And I am pleased to announce the next issue of our holiday program. Sings (dances...) for you...

3. Concert number

SHE: Let's continue the conversation regarding the upcoming changes... What do you think about the new form?

HE: I believe that a man is good in any form! You women are used to changing your wardrobe according to your mood.

SHE: By the way, I’m in just such a mood right now. You announce the next number, and I’ll change into my dress uniform.

The presenter leaves.

HE: Dear friends! Please accept congratulations from the dance team...

5. Concert number

SHE: Many books have been written about police officers, and entire series have been filmed about them. But there are countless songs about the police on one hand.

HE: I can't agree with you. The songs of many popular artists are dedicated specifically to the police. For example, songs by Stas Mikhailov, the group “Korni” and many others.

SHE: And I always thought that they were singing about love.

HE: Everything is correct. About love for the police. Here you go, listen and watch!

6. Video for songs by popular performers.

HE: Well, are you convinced?

SHE: Your example is another proof that a good song will always find its fan. They sing for you...

7. Concert number

SHE: There is such a title - the wife of a policeman... After all, every new star on the uniform of her beloved man means her alarm bells, sudden and often dangerous business trips, sleepless nights...
The next issue of our holiday program is dedicated to these loving, patient, courageous women.

8. Concert number

HE: Traffic police inspectors, guards, riot police officers, district police officers, criminal investigation officers, police department officers on duty, heads of passport offices... At work we are always reserved and strict, but at home...

SHE: At home, the usual everyday worries of life await us. Everything is like everyone else; family, children, everyday life and holidays.

HE: I really want the alarm calls to be heard less frequently, and the hours spent with family to be as large as possible.

9. Concert number

SHE: Honoring the Russian police today, I would like to say special words of gratitude to our fellow veterans. We wish them health and family well-being.
A song performed for you...

10. Concert number

HE: Dear colleagues, the students of... the secondary school convey their congratulations to you.

11. Video with congratulations.

SHE: Perhaps some of these boys and girls will choose to serve in the ranks of the police as their profession. In the meantime, they are faced with a difficult choice.

HE: But we hope that their choice will be correct, they will become worthy citizens of their country and will also stand up for the law.
Please accept congratulations from...

12. Concert number

SHE: It’s not for nothing that the song says: “Our service is both dangerous and difficult.”

HE: And no matter how they call us, militia, police, the essence remains the same. We are still ready to help those who need it. And our saving number remains unchanged - 02.

13. Song “02” - all concert participants