The entire educational process consists of various types of activities. By performing certain work we stimulate the development of systems. Function builds the organ.


    Associated with high energy costs (physical)

    Associated with low costs E (mental)

The result of activity is fatigue.

Fatigue is a physiological process that is characterized by temporary physiological functions of the body, the level of which is restored after properly organized rest.


    decreased performance

    weakened internal braking act

    decrease in the functional state of analyzers

    feeling tired is a subjective state of the body

Fatigue is a protective reaction against further fatigue, on the other hand, it is a stimulator of individual processes

Overwork – a pathological process that indicates a deep depression of body functions. Requires drug treatment.


    prolonged mental and physical functions

    neuropsychiatric disorders

    persistent changes in the regulation of vegetative functions of the body

    decreased body resistance to adverse environmental factors

1st – there is an increase in the capacity of the cerebral cortex, which is accompanied by 2 phases:

simple – motor activity


2nd – decreased excitability of the cortex; 4 phases

simple brake

egalitarian - the same reaction to both stimuli

paradoxical – inadequate reaction to a stimulus


The last two indicate excessive load on the nervous system

Factors contributing to fatigue:

    improper organization of work and educational process

    inconsistency of the educational load with the age and individual characteristics of the child

    non-compliance with hygienic requirements for the regime and conditions of training.


    Proper organization of work and rest, adherence to the daily routine.

    Correspondence of the educational load to age and individual characteristics.

    Compliance with hygienic requirements for the regime and learning conditions.

    Medical control of a teenager

    Factors determining performance, its phases and dynamics. Hygienic bases for maintaining the performance of schoolchildren during the training period.

A rational daily routine is the alternation of various types of activities and rest for children during the day, taking into account their anatomical and physiological characteristics, actual development and health status.

    Various activities

    Rest: active – maximum physical activity

passive - sleep

    Balanced diet.


N time – quantitative indicator

qualitative indicator

Take into account: biological age (actual development)

health status

biological rhythms (daily, seasonal)

Daily biorhythms:

1 gr. – 2 levels of rise: in the morning 8 – 12, 16 – 18 hours.

2 g – 1 rise from 12 to 16 hours.

3 gr. – multi-peak ascent curve

4 gr. – inverted type, rises early in the morning – larks, owls – late in the evening

5 gr. - inert

Seasonal: autumn and spring

Gender: only with N physical activity

Physiological features of the ANS (higher nervous activity)

School age

The main form of activity is educational

Form of organization - lesson

Factors: lesson length

form of lesson organization

45 min – high school optimal.

1st class – 35 min.

The organization of the lesson, especially for primary school age, is of great importance: mandatory physical education lessons, children can read for no more than 8 - 10 minutes

1st class 20 hours 6 – 7 classes. 32 hours

2nd class 22 hours 8 classes 33 hours

5 grades 30 hours 9 – 12 classes. 34 hours

In lyceums 2–3 hours more

ability to work

Tuesday, Wednesday – optimal.

1st class – no D/z

2nd grade – 1.5 hours. D/z

5 – 6 2.5 – 3 hours.

8 – 11 no more than 3 hours

    Hygienic principles of organizing the educational process in schools (schedule, daily routine, teaching loads). Medical care for schoolchildren.

Organization of the educational process for children aged 6 years.

N no more than 25 - at school and 20 at kindergartens.

The teaching load is no more than 20 hours/week, only on the first shift. Start time – 8.30 – 9.00. lesson duration is 35 minutes, breaks are 20 minutes. At the 10th and 20th minutes - physical education minutes. After 2.3 lessons, outdoor games will be organized (40 min).

On Monday, Thursday, Friday - no more than 3 lessons; Tue., Wed. – no more than 4 lessons. Subjects that require a lot of mental effort in lessons 1 and 2, with a motor component - 3, in fine arts and labor - lesson 4.

Thursday is a lighter day (organizing excursions, outdoor games, going to the theater).

No points are given. Textbooks etc. are kept in the school. In the third quarter there are additional holidays. Children cannot be required to maintain a fixed posture for a long time.

During the after-school program, a mandatory 1.5-2 hour sleep is required; 2.5 - hour. stay in the air. Outdoor games at least 2 times. 3 meals a day.


    taking into account the performance curve and day. biorhythms (during the day, quarter, academic year).

    Light Thursday, Light Monday, Saturday

    adequate rest breaks

additional holidays for children from areas with unfavorable radioactive background.

Difficulty ranking scale:

Mathematics, Russian language 11

Foreign language 10

Physics, chemistry 9

Story 8

Native language, literature 7

Natural science, geography 6

Physical education 5

Drawing 3

Drawing 2

The first lesson - easier subjects, 2, 3 lessons - the most difficult subjects. It is necessary to alternate subjects with a mental and physical component. It is prohibited to pair items. The exception is laboratory classes and physical education classes on skiing, labor lessons.

During the lesson there should be physical education minutes for 15-20 minutes. Changes by 1 = min min . Vacations with a total duration of at least 60 days.

During the lesson - alternating different types of activities (writing, oral analysis), rationing the number of lessons during the day (1 - 4 no more than 4, 8 - 11 grade - 6 hours)

Medical care for schoolchildren.

Objectives: organization of preventive, sanitary and epidemiological measures aimed at protecting health, providing medical care


    outpatient treatment of students

    registration and isolation of schoolchildren with infectious diseases, organization of epidemiological measures

    equipping the medical office with everything necessary

    screening testing

    informing teaching staff about the health status of children

    control over the conduct of classes, meals, extracurricular activities, hygiene regime, organization of daytime sleep, walks and outdoor games.

Determining the functional readiness of children to enter school using a set of medical and psychophysiological criteria.

    Medical criteria:

    level of biological development

    state of health at the time of examination

acute morbidity in the previous year

    Psychophysiological criteria:

    results of the Kern-Irasek test

    sound quality

motometric test

indicators for assessing biological age:

For children over 7 years old, the annual increase in body length is used.

    4. The child’s body length in comparison with local age-sex standards, and the average height is taken to be body length values ​​within M ±

Premises for children 6 years of age are allocated into separate educational sections, no more than 2 - 3 classes, placed in a separate compartment or block on the 1st - 2nd floors, must have independent access to the school site

Standards for premises:

2.4 m 2 for 1 child – classroom

2.0 m2 for 1 child - bedroom

2.0 m 2 per 1 child – playroom

1 m 2 – recreation

toilets, wardrobe for outerwear, dining room.

You can combine a sleeping area with a play area or a play area with recreation (the area of ​​the combined room is at least 75 m2). Recreation for no more than 2 classes. A separate area on the site includes a sports playground and an area for quiet games (7.2 m2 per child)


t 18 – 20 o C, humidity 40 – 60, air speed 0.2 – 0.4 m/s, in sports halls t 15 – 18 (for junior grades). classroom area 1.25 m2 per student, 1.5 m2 in a boarding school; the height of the premises is at least 3 m (3.75 m 3 per student). Lighting – as in DDU 300 lux (lume), 150 lux (nak lamp); 1:4, 1:5 – light coefficient. Mortgage depth coefficient – no more than 2. KEO no less than 1.5, angle of incidence no less than 27, opening angle no less than 5

Furniture. There are 6 groups of furniture (has color and symbol markings, depending on height data).

The seating distance is the horizontal distance between the projection of the rear edge of the table cover and the front edge of the chair. N must be negative (2 – 4 cm).

When seating children, they take into account their vision, hearing, and health status (frequently ill children should not sit by the window). For this purpose, the magazine should contain a health sheet. 2 times a year - change of places. The distance from the first desk to the board is 2.4 m.

    Hygienic requirements for the design of children's hospitals and clinics. Features of the layout of the emergency department, ward section in children's departments of hospitals.

The area of ​​the site depends on the capacity and construction system. It is based on zoning, location rights, convenient and short traffic schedules.

The following zones are distinguished: treatment of non-infectious diseases, treatment of infectious diseases, gardening and park areas, clinics, utility buildings, pathological-anatomical and radiological buildings. M/s zones – strips of green spaces.

Gaps between buildings:

    between the medical and medical buildings, the medical and food blocks - at least 30 m.

    along the walls of buildings with chamber windows - 2.5 times the height of the opposing building, at least 25 m.

The correct layout of a hospital should include 2 entrances to the territory (in the medical and household areas). The building density of the site is 12 – 15%, the density of green spaces is at least 60%

Reception department:

The layout should ensure the prevention of infections in patients, help speed up and improve the quality of the diagnostic and treatment process. They should be separate for children's, obstetrics, dermatovenous, inf., and mental health departments.

The estimated number of patients admitted to the emergency department/day is for multidisciplinary hospitals 10% of hospital capacity, for emergency hospitals - 15%. There should be wards for patients with an unclear diagnosis.

Features of children's emergency departments

    there are reception and sports boxes (16 m 2)

    boxes for children with unknown disabilities (22 m2)

    rank pass for staff

the number of reception and inspection boxes is 3%, the number of boxes is 5%.

Requirements for the design of children's non-inf departments

    prevention of infection in children and isolation of certain categories of patients, which was achieved by the device required number of boxes for isolation of patients with suspected infection, strict isolation of each ward section

    Children's departments must have their own admission and discharge department.

    If the number of beds is more than 60 - a separate building

    6 m2 for 1 bed, for children under 1 year old - 2 beds, over 1 year old - 4 beds

    partitions between beds, height 1.8 - 2 m

    a mandatory element of the children's section is a heated veranda; there are sections for mothers with separate entrances


40% - therapeutic department

20% - surgical department

premises: medical, treatment and diagnostic, waiting rooms, lobby, reception. The area of ​​the pediatrician's office is 15 m2.

Vocational guidance is a scientifically based system of influencing a student in order to assist him in choosing a profession (taking into account his desires and the needs of society).

Aspects of career guidance:

    Psychological and pedagogical - the study of the student’s personality, the formation of professional suitability depending on personal abilities and characteristics.

    Economic – study of society’s needs for specialists in various fields.

    Medical-biological and physiological - development of criteria for professional selection, study of the features of the profession (development of professionograms; identification of key physiological functions for professions

    medical-professional selection – a medical report on the possibility of working in a profession depending on the state of health.

    Medical and professional orientation (from 5th grade)

    Hygienic requirements for computer science and computer science classrooms at schools, operating hours in them.

The area for 1 workplace is at least 6 m2, the volume is at least 24 m3. The height of the office is at least 4 m. There must be a laboratory with 2 entrances. In a kindergarten, an adjacent room can be a games room. For interior decoration, diffuse reflective materials should be used with a reflectance coefficient for the ceiling of 0.7 - 0.8, for walls 0.5 - 0.6, for the floor - 0.3 - 0.5.

It is unacceptable for two or more students to study at the same display. The keyboard surface should be sloping. The optimal distance to the screen is 0.8 - 0.7 m. Eye level should be at the center or 2/3 of the height of the screen. Natural light should fall predominantly from the left. The optimal location of workplaces is perimeter (can be in rows or central). The distance between the tables is at least 2.0 m, and the distance between the side surfaces of the monitor is at least 1.2 m.

Optimal temperature 19 – 20°C, humidity 55 – 62%, air speed not less than 0.1 m/s

There should be natural and artificial lighting (mainly luminescent lamps). The level of illumination on the keyboard and table surface is 300 - 500 lux, on the display screen no more than 300 lux. The noise level in the workplace should not exceed 50 dB. To prevent fatigue, in grades 10-11 there should be no more than 2 lessons/week; for the rest - 1.

12. Medical control over the physical education of children and adolescents.

Physical education is an organized process of influencing a person through physical exercise, hygienic measures, and natural forces of nature to ensure a certain level of physical development, formation and improvement of motor qualities, education of skills and abilities in order to better prepare for a variety of activities.

Control over physical education

    monitoring of health status: basic, weakened - in preschool education; basic, preparatory, special – at school


    Place of physical education lessons in the schedule, their duration and correctness of construction

    introductory part – 5 - . min

    will prepare – 12 – 15

    main No. 20 – 25

final – 3 – 5

    The DDU has 3 parts:

    introductory (general education)

    basic (learning basic movements)

final (outdoor games)

Control over the general and motor density of the lesson. General – 80 – 90%, motor in kindergartens – 70 – 80%, in schools – 60 – 70%

Monitoring the condition of children (skin condition, heart rate, distractibility, blood pressure) An exercise curve is built based on heart rate

10 – 15% heart rate recovery in 5 minutes

In DDU physiological curve

Average pulse pressure level:

5 – 6 years – 140 – 150 beats/min

7 – 14 years – 140 – 160

    Control over the conditions of the event. T 15 – 18 (in gyms), in kindergartens – 16 – 18 kindergarten group, 18 – 20 – nursery;

    humidity 30 – 60%, air speed – 0.5 – 1 m/s; illumination 100 lux – incandescent lamps, 200 lux – luminous; air exchange 80 m 3 per 1 person/hour (ventilation volume)

    Compliance with safety precautions and injury prevention (sports uniform, equipment)

    Sanitary and educational work in physical education.

Physiol the essence of hardening and its development on the growing org of the individual heat exchange rvstushch org the main pr-py carried out hardening procedures

Hardening is a system of procedures aimed at developing hardening

Hardening is a quality of the body that provides resistance to its adverse weather influences.

The essence of hardening: skin irritation, short-term narrowing of superficial vessels, blood flows to the internal organs, retaining heat. At the same time, metabolism increases, the production of additional heat increases, and blood vessels dilate. That. Systemic repetition of the irritating effect leads to the creation of some training in self-regulation of vegetative functions.

In an unhardened child, vasoconstriction occurs more slowly, resulting in heat loss. There is no “vascular play”, the skin is pale, the effect of chemical thermoregulation is delayed, hypothermia sets in and the child may get sick.

Thermoregulator is the body’s ability to maintain body temperature at a certain level, regardless of the ambient temperature. It is based on a chemical nature; in parallel, heat transfer occurs through: heat radiation, evaporation, during breathing and sweating, i.e. through physical regulation (physical T). balance between physical and chemical T. in children occurs by the age of 13–15 years. When training the thermoregulation system, balance is formed much earlier.

In a child, the heat transfer is 5 r more intense, the formation of heat is greater in - r.

    Principles of hardening procedures

    systematic use of hardening at all times of the year, without interruption. It is based on a conditioned reflex that must be maintained. It is not recommended to cancel procedures in cases of mild illness in children not accompanied by a significant deterioration in their general condition. Depending on the time of year, procedures change.

    When using various means of hardening, it is necessary to take into account the child’s age, state of health and nutrition, living conditions, and individual properties.

1 gr. health – all types of hardening are recommended for children

2 grams of health – air hardening, limited physical activity, water temperature 2°C higher are indicated

3 gr. health - exercise therapy for physical education, water procedures only local, air procedures - moderate

    integrated use of all natural factors together with physical control and their correct combination.

    Any hardening activities must be carried out on a good emotional basis.

Hardening begins with local hardening procedures.

    Hygiene in health camps. Organization of medical care and assessment of the effectiveness of summer health work among children and adolescents.

    carrying out organizational and preparatory work before the departure of children.

    Preliminary check of the camp

    Equipping the office and isolator


    medical documents for each camp employee

    Medical examination of children before leaving for camp

    Accompanying children to and from camp

    Treatment and preventive work in the camp

    Systematic health monitoring, especially for children with health problems

    Enrolling children in medical groups for physical education classes

    Isolation, treatment of patients, hospitalization, first aid

    Informing the SES in case of an infectious disease

    Control over the organization of children's nutrition (product quality, storage, cooking technology, etc.)

    Monitoring the sanitary condition and maintenance of all premises

    Organization and implementation of epidemiological events.

    San-clearance work

    Monitoring physical education, conducting health-improving activities

    Participation in the preparation of tours and walks, participation in them

    Medical documentation

Assessment of the effectiveness of children's health.

Assessing the effectiveness of children's health improvement in a health camp.

It is carried out based on a comparison of data from medical examinations at the beginning and end of the shift.


physical development of the child

assessment of the correspondence of body weight to length (determined by the Quetelet index)

Quetelet index = weight in kg/height in m

    the index indicates the harmony of physical development

functional state of the body

    increase in functional CV tests, respiratory system tests: orthostatic test, Gench test (breath holding on exhalation)

fitness level

    morbidity during the shift

health effectiveness is assessed:

    the predominance of positive dynamics in most tests (the measures are effective)

    there is no healing effect in the absence of positive dynamics of functional tests and physical development. In this case, it is necessary to analyze the reasons, reveal shortcomings in the organization of the motor regime and mass sports work, and find ways to eliminate them.

    Children's nutrition as a factor in their health and development.

Anatomical and physiological features of the gastrointestinal tract in children. The importance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the nutrition of children and adolescents

Among the factors that ensure age-appropriate development of the body (hygienic, health-improving, peragogical measures), adequate nutrition is of paramount importance. Errors in the nutrition of children can cause indigestion, impaired physical health, rickets, etc.

The energy consumption of a growing organism per kg of body weight is inversely related to age. The dependence of energy consumption on physical activity is similar.

For the same type of activity, boys expend more energy than girls, especially in adolescence.

Baby nutrition is based on taking into account the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the gastrointestinal tract and metabolism of children and adolescents.

OO and the expenditure of E on activities are several times higher than in an adult; the pH of saliva up to 1 year is slightly acidic; in adults, it is slightly alkaline.

The esophagus relates. growth is longer than that of an adult. The food is richly vascularized and easily vulnerable. Food flows around the entrance to the larynx, and conditions for simultaneous breathing develop. and swallowing. The stomach has a volume of 1 liter, the tone is more pronounced than in an adult. The intestine is longer than in an adult, peristalsis is less pronounced.

    In baby food B:F:U=1:1:4. At least 60% of proteins are animal proteins, plant proteins – 15%. In terms of energy value, proteins should be 11–14%, fats – 30%, carbohydrates – 56%. Ca:P ratio=1:1.5.

In childhood, the need for substances that carry the function of regulating the processes of development of the body increases, i.e. in vitamins. Children are more sensitive to the lack of any vitamins than adults. A lack of vitamins, in addition to specific painful manifestations, can cause a disease, the clinical picture of which is weak and the true cause can be difficult to recognize. In such cases, children experience some lethargy, pallor, fatigue, sometimes knee pain, decreased appetite, etc.

Vitamins A and D are especially important. A lack of vitamin A in food causes growth retardation, loss of body weight, disruption of normal vision and the protective function of the mucous membranes and skin. A lack of vitamin D causes rickets, promotes dental caries and has a negative impact on the well-being and overall development of the child. hypovitaminosis C manifests itself as general weakness, decreased performance, resistance to infections, bleeding gums, contributes to the development of dental caries, etc.

Minerals, like proteins, are plastic materials and are necessary for the growth and development of the skeleton and teeth. In addition, many of them perform a number of functions in the body. For a growing organism, the salts of calcium, phosphorus and iron are of greatest importance. Regular mixed foods provide children with the required amount of minerals, provided there is sufficient milk and dairy products, important sources of calcium and phosphorus. The daily intake of calcium for children over 4 years of age is 1200 mg, phosphorus – 1800 mg, iron 18 mg

    Medical control over catering in preschool institutions.

The doctor, together with the nurse, establishes the children’s diet, develops a sample menu and menu layout; controls the quality of incoming products and the conditions of their transportation; storage conditions and terms of sale of products. Monitors the correct culinary processing of food, participates in the rejection of ready-made dishes. Conducts systematic monitoring of the sanitary condition of the catering department, compliance by catering department employees with personal hygiene rules and passing a medical examination. The catering department keeps a log, where every day the condition of the skin and the presence of gastrointestinal diseases are noted.

Evaluates the conditions for eating, instilling personal hygiene skills, table setting, the volume of portions in the presence of leftover food after eating, identifying children with poor appetite and establishing the reason for this.

Doctors of the Sanitary Service are extremely strict in selecting samples for laboratory analysis of the diet.

In kindergartens, food is controlled by a nutrition commission, which includes parents.

    Medical control over catering in schools and children's health camps

It is allowed to design a catering unit for working with semi-finished products. The set of workshops, the placement of equipment must ensure compliance with the flow of the technological process, provide for cargo lifts (if the catering unit is on 2 levels)

Tables for 4 to 10 seats must have an easy-to-clean hygienic coating that is resistant to detergents.

Transportation of food products must be carried out under conditions that ensure safety and protection from contamination, with strict adherence to the rules for the proximity of raw and finished products.

All students in general education institutions must receive 1 hot breakfast (lunch; children from extended day groups - 2 - 3 times a day; pupils of boarding schools - 4 - 5 times). Children's nutrition should be under the supervision of the teacher

Food should be prepared for each meal and sold within 2 to 3 hours from the moment of preparation.

See question 17.

    Dry thermal readings. static psychrometer 19, wet readings 18. Baromatric pressure 740 mm Hg. Art. The studies were carried out with little air movement, i.e. psychometric coefficient = 0.00110.

Define: absolute air humidity, relative (by formula and table), saturation deficit and dew point temperature. Give a hygienic assessment of air humidity.

К1 = f – a(t1 – t2)ß f at t = 15.48

K = 15.48 – 0.0011 (19 – 18)*740 = 14.666%

R att 1 = 16.48

according to the table 90%

Saturation deficit is the difference between maximum and absolute humidity.

D = F – K = 16.48 – 14.66 = 1.814

Dew point is the temperature at which the maximum and absolute humidity are equal

Of course, it is important to maintain children’s interest in learning using modern information technologies. You just need to not overdo it in this matter and remember that mental and physical health are more important than all knowledge combined.

A child living in the 21st century is faced with a huge information flow from an early age, the sources of which are most often television, the Internet, school, kindergarten, books, parents and teachers. Of course, broadening one’s horizons and acquiring new knowledge has a positive effect on a child’s intellectual development. However, prolonged exposure to a saturated information environment may be unsafe for him. Why? As I write these lines, my 7-year-old daughter is sitting next to me at the computer and also deftly presses the keys. She already has her own, albeit toy, educational computer, on which she can solve logical and mathematical problems, train her memory, reaction speed and much more. This is wonderful - it is easier for a child to master the school curriculum; thanks to intensive mental development, he is able to perceive more complex information about the world around him. But at the same time, I see and understand very well that interest in the computer and TV can so absorb a child that he will not notice anything around him. This danger is not in scientific books - it is before my eyes.

When a child is 6-7 years old, we can and must manage the situation; when a child is 13-14 and older, it will be more difficult to do this. Entering the virtual world is a real threat to the mental and physical health of modern children. If a child, with the TV and computer turned off, says that he is bored and has nothing to do, it means that we did not help him find and love alternative activities: reading, sports, walks or something else.

Today, for example, Sunday, soft wet snow fell, and it’s time to go make a snow woman. Forgetting about the Internet and TV, my daughter and I first took shovels and cleared the paths, and then in the clearing we created a wonderful snow beauty, whose hair was made of branches and moss. The mood after that was great. Flushed and happy, we came home, and my daughter enthusiastically began writing a small book “about sculpture,” accompanying it with original drawings. This little book, made with passion, is now kept in my desk.

Forming interest in something in children if you don’t have it yourself is a pointless undertaking. "Let's dance to the music!" - I tell the child on the next weekend. "Hooray! Let's!" - the child answers joyfully. There are so many opportunities when a child is 6-8 years old!

In the modern world, when demands on the level of education and intellectual capabilities of children are constantly increasing, the child is at the mercy of our parental ambitions. The child has not yet begun to walk and talk, and we strive to educate him in early development groups. Later the study of foreign languages, computers, choreography, swimming pool and much more are added. It is not surprising that nowadays the vast majority of children do not want to go to school. Even before school, their lives were scheduled minute by minute; there was no time left for games and children's creativity.

The son of my friends was a little over 4 years old when his childhood ended. All week he was obliged to attend clubs: acrobatic, drawing, speech development, dance, etc. Of course, after the first week, full of useful activities, a real hysteria happened to him, he refused to go anywhere or do anything. He's loud

screamed, threw things around and didn’t hear the adults at all. Mom tried in vain to explain to him that “everything has been paid for,” and therefore he must go. For a child, such a load is unbearable! The mental reserves of a preschooler are still very small, and therefore, due to overload, fatigue sets in, which in turn entails all the signs of bad behavior: whims, irritability, increased excitability, etc.

Fatigue is caused not only by intellectual overload, but also by a decrease in the duration of night sleep, disruption of daytime sleep, and insufficient exposure to fresh air.

Here are the norms for the duration of classes, sleep and walks for preschool children.

Duration of classes in preschool age

At 3-4 years old, the duration of classes should be 10-15 minutes, at 4-5 years old - 20 minutes, at 5-6 years old - 20-25 minutes, at 6-7 years old - 25-30 minutes. Of course, if a child is passionate about something, he can do it for much longer. If it does not harm his health, then there is no need to interfere.

Sleep duration in children

Children's stay in the fresh air

Walking is the most effective form of relaxation. Walks are especially important for preschool children: in winter, at least 4-4.5 hours, and in summer, if possible, all day.

The smaller the child, the faster he develops fatigue. For example, in an infant, staying awake for 1.5-2 hours leads to fatigue even without vigorous activity. Fatigue occurs most quickly in a child in response to monotonous activity; 5-year-old children get tired faster than 6-7 year olds.

From the age of 5-6 years, children begin to actively master the computer. Unfortunately, recently there have been many families in which children, from an early age, spend most of the day at the computer. Naturally, they develop a computer addiction, and if the mother refuses to turn on the next cartoon, the child becomes aggressive and uncontrollable. Of course, computer games for preschoolers are an interesting and exciting activity. It gives the child a new way of acquiring knowledge, allows him to independently study various phenomena, and directly participate in what is happening on the screen. However, working on a computer causes a lot of stress and quickly leads to fatigue, which adults do not always notice. Children, however, also do not notice fatigue. The child’s eyes are no longer looking, his back is numb, and he exclaims in joyful excitement: “I’m not tired!” It is clear that this has a calming effect on parents, especially since the child is busy and does not bother anyone.

Physiologists have long proven that computer games are among the most strenuous activities compared to other types of computer activities and are considered more tiring than solving mathematical problems.

Moreover, in Japan and England, a syndrome of “video game epilepsy” was identified in children who are addicted to computer games from an early age, manifested by headaches, prolonged spasms of the facial muscles, blurred vision, and the appearance of negative character traits.

The time of onset of fatigue may vary not only in different children, but also in the same child in different cases; Depending on his condition, mood and other reasons, fatigue occurs at different times.

What signs can be used to determine if a child is tired:

Increased distractibility;

Frequent change of posture;

Unusual movements of arms and legs (shaking, tapping, etc.);

Unpleasant facial expressions (grimacing, tics);

Uncontrollable outbursts of emotions (screaming, crying, jumping, etc.).

What can you do to prevent fatigue?

To prevent overwork, it is necessary to establish a child’s daily routine, completely eliminate lack of sleep, reduce workload, properly organize a change in mental activities and rest, and increase time in the fresh air. It is necessary to alternate mental work with physical exercises, and after classes provide children with a sufficiently long rest.

Frequent fatigue leads to overwork and deep behavioral disturbances, so it is important to recognize the causes of this condition in time and help the child.

The maximum duration of work on the computer should not exceed 10 minutes for children 5 years old, for children 6 years old - 15 minutes. It is also important to know that the visual system of children during preschool and primary school age is intensively improved. Since it is computer activities that cause the greatest visual fatigue, it is necessary to perform the following exercises.

"Brooms" . Keep your head straight. Blink, without straining your eye muscles, on a count from 1 to 10-15.

"Far close". Children sit freely near the window. The presenter first names a distant object, and after 2-3 seconds - a nearby one. Repeat 6-8 times.

"Owl". Close your eyes, without straining your eye muscles, on a count of 1-4, open your eyes wide and look into the distance on a count of 1-6. Repeat 2-3 times.

"Dress up the Christmas tree". When performing this exercise, the reference points for turning the head and body are toys, fairy-tale characters, etc. They are hung in different parts of the room. For example, a game object can be a Christmas tree that needs to be decorated. Children should look for the toys and animals needed for this purpose throughout the room with their eyes. The Christmas tree is placed or depicted in the center of the wall or slightly lower. Toys are hung in the corners of the room, under the ceiling, so that there is a need to turn your head in one direction or the other. The presenter asks to observe the following conditions: “Stand straight. Turning only your head, look for toys in the room that could be used to decorate the Christmas tree, and name them.” The pace of the exercise is arbitrary. Duration - 1 minute.

"Catch the Bunny" . Children sit on the carpet. The presenter turns on the flashlight and lets the “sunny bunny” go for a walk. Children, having “caught” the “bunny” with their eyes, follow him without turning their heads. The game lasts 45 seconds.

Based on materials from the book by E. I. Shapiro “How to awaken a child’s interest in learning”

Preparing to become a mother for the first time, throughout the nine months of pregnancy I dreamed of how I would be involved in the development of my child from the very first days. “My son will learn to read and write before anyone else, preferably in two languages ​​at once,” I dreamed. I bought a bunch of useful and useless literature on early development in stores and dreamed, dreamed, dreamed...

When the baby was finally born, at first I simply didn’t have the strength to even open a book on early development, let alone glue some pictures and hang them over the crib. When I came to my senses, my son was already two years old. To be honest, I was seriously scared that I was late with my early development. And with double tenacity she began to make up for lost time.

"Drama club, photo club, and also want to sing..."

Every parent wants their child to be the very best: the smartest, the most athletic and the most developed in all areas - a kind of little genius. Particularly zealous parents are afraid of being late and enroll their child in all existing clubs and sections. But because of such workload, the child faces enormous loads, or rather overloads, much greater than at school. And, of course, it’s impossible to get proper rest with this regime. Instead of playing and walking with peers in the fresh air, the child spends a certain number of hours in noisy and stuffy rooms. And as a result, parents’ vanity is gratified by the thought that it was their child who, before others, learned to read, count, write, play the piano, pole vault and cross-stitch. And the fact that all these activities, to put it mildly, do not bring any pleasure to the child, the parents do not notice, or carefully pretend not to notice. “It’s okay,” the parents console themselves. Let him suffer now, but later he will say thank you.” This is one of the most common parental misconceptions.

The fact is that physiologists call lack of time one of the most important reasons for mental disorders in children. And as a result, from 20 to 40% of primary school students suffer from neuroses to one degree or another. In high school, 60-70% of children become neurotic. As a result, by the end of the day, the number of children with chronic and complex diseases increases by 3 times; with visual impairment - 5 times; with gastrointestinal diseases - more than 7 times. Psychiatrists claim that this is due, first of all, to improperly organized recreation, and not to the complexity of the school curriculum. In addition, exceeding the permissible load level, lack of proper rest, and sufficient physical activity lead to exhaustion of the nervous system, overwork and weakening of the body, and a decrease in its resistance to infections.

I don’t know how my passion for early development would have ended if, as part of my job, I had not had to interview a psychiatrist specializing in the treatment of childhood mental disorders. The kids I saw at the clinic were really smart beyond their years. They knew a lot of things that I was only vaguely aware of. But what was the price of this knowledge! To be honest, I was more struck not by the terrible diagnosis in their medical history, but by the sad eyes of these little geniuses. Five- to eight-year-old children had the look of wise old people, tired of life. They did not react to new toys, new faces, and did not play with each other. They showed no interest in anything at all and, like poorly programmed robots, did what the adults said. Moreover, they heard the adults’ request only after several repetitions, thought about it for a long time, and then mechanically fulfilled it. It all looked like slow motion footage from a sad movie. “These are all the consequences of being overworked,” the doctor told me.

After this interview, I couldn’t sleep for a long time. What happens: not working with a child at all is bad, but working a lot is also bad. How to find that golden mean so that a child grows up smart, healthy and cheerful?

Everything is good in moderation

But here a completely logical question arises: “How to determine this measure?” It is impossible to give a definite answer. It all depends on the character, temperament and most importantly the desires of the child. Therefore, try to soberly assess your child’s abilities and do not demand the impossible from him. After all, the price for comprehensive development may be too high.

As one of the sages said, “A child is not a vessel that needs to be filled, but a fire that needs to be lit.” The task of parents is not to fill the child with knowledge to the maximum, but to awaken his interest in this very knowledge. And for this there should not be too much knowledge. This does not mean at all that it is harmful to engage in the early and comprehensive development of a child. Glen Doman has a very correct remark about this: “You need to remember that children love learning more than anything, even more than eating candy. But learning is a game that needs to be stopped before the child gets tired of it. The main thing is that the child was underfed and got up from the table of knowledge with a feeling of constant hunger, so that he always wanted more knowledge."

The easiest way to determine what is better for your child - an extra hour of sleep or running to the next training session - is to take a closer look at him. At the same time, taking a closer look does not mean that you need to go along with all your children’s desires without exception. Of course not. It’s just that a little person’s body is able to regulate what is best for him. It is very important how the child feels about extracurricular activities. It is necessary and possible to study only as long as the child is interested. As soon as you feel that the baby has difficulty sitting still, yawns, closes his eyes and cannot concentrate on new information, this means that the lesson has taken too long. In preschool children, due to the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the body, fatigue develops faster, often even without particularly vigorous activity. We are talking about additional classes, and not about the compulsory school curriculum.

Signs of fatigue in children

First of all, you need to understand what overwork is. In the scientific medical literature you can find the following definition: Overfatigue is a physiological state of the body that occurs as a result of excessive activity and is manifested by a temporary decrease in performance. Parents often wonder why their child could be overtired. After all, he only sat and looked at the pictures, and did not carry bricks. Do not confuse overwork with physical fatigue. Fatigue, as a rule, appears during prolonged stress, whether physical or mental. Mental fatigue is characterized by a decrease in the productivity of intellectual work, weakening of attention (difficulty concentrating), slowed thinking, etc. Physical fatigue is expressed in impaired muscle function: a decrease in strength, speed, accuracy, consistency and rhythm of movements. In addition, there is mental (mental) fatigue. In children of preschool age and younger schoolchildren with a certain type of nervous system, intense mental work can lead to the development of neuroses, which occur more often when mental fatigue is combined with constant mental stress, a great sense of responsibility, physical exhaustion, etc. In older children, signs of mental overwork is observed with excessive “mental” worries and various kinds of responsibilities.

Diagnosing overwork in a child is much more difficult than in an adult. As a rule, parents notice that their child’s health has deteriorated only when the help of doctors is urgently needed. But the first signs of overwork appear long before serious problems arise. Here are a few factors that indicate that you are overloading your child.

Sleep disturbance. If a child often goes to bed earlier than expected, but cannot fall asleep for a long time, if he wakes up in the middle of the night, suddenly begins to talk in his sleep, or goes to bed during the day (although he has long been weaned from daytime sleep) - this indicates that the child’s nervous system is so overloaded that even in sleep the baby cannot relax.

Appetite disturbance. Appetite can deviate from the norm in one or the other direction. Some children lose their appetite when overtired. And others, on the contrary, begin to eat for two - both of these should alert you. At the same time, a change in appetite may not affect weight for a long time. Only with chronic overfatigue does the child suddenly lose weight or, on the contrary, rapidly gain excess weight.

Frequent illnesses. The child often has a headache and blood pressure may rise. Girls especially suffer from pressure surges from overloads. With a normal upper level of 80-100 mmHg. Art. In younger schoolchildren, pressure can rise to 110-120 due to excessive load. If a child constantly catches a cold, this is also a “bell”. Isn't it time for you to reconsider your life priorities - to put in first place not a good education, but good health?

Bad habits. The child begins to bite his nails, pick his nose, etc., although he has never done anything like this before.

Memory impairment. If a child is constantly looking for something (either a pencil that is lying on the table, or a pen that he is holding in his hands, or a notebook that he has just put in his briefcase), this is evidence that the child is too overloaded. An overloaded child finds it difficult to perform manipulations that previously did not cause difficulties. Preschoolers and younger schoolchildren may experience speech hesitations.

Large physical efforts with low efficiency. A tired child acts less accurately, making first small and then serious mistakes. For example, if before overwork a child played the piano only with finger movements, then when the body’s reserves are depleted, his entire hand gradually becomes involved in the movement, and then he also begins to move his body.

Whims, increased mobility and (or) aggressiveness. In children, the main symptom of deteriorating physical and mental health is whims, to which adults often do not pay due attention. Children of primary school age, when overtired, become overly mobile and restless. And among high school students, mental and mental overload usually manifests itself in excessive aggressive behavior. Child's mobility - protection from overloads. And rudeness in adolescence is a sign of emotional discomfort. It is quite possible that your child snaps all the time simply because he is unable to get anything done due to the abundance of responsibilities.

Tired look. Disruption of the nervous system is reflected on the face. Although in children this relationship manifests itself much later than in adults. Therefore, a tired appearance is not the first (as many believe) sign of overwork. The appearance of bruises under the eyes and changes in complexion indicate that overwork is gradually becoming chronic.

Many parents do not pay attention to the first signs of overwork. Believing that the benefits of additional activities will more than cover all the side effects. This is the most common misconception. Insufficient rest or excessive workload for a long time often leads to chronic fatigue. And this is already a rather serious diagnosis.

Individuality is most important

To avoid the problems listed above, it is necessary to properly plan additional classes. Don't feel like you have to make the most of every moment you have with your baby. If you constantly think that you need to do something with your child, then your relationship with him will inevitably become unhealthy. Understand that moments of silence or relaxation are no less favorable for communication than moments of intense attention and concentration.

The child must have free time. Many adults misunderstand the definition of "free". So, this time is free from everything: from sleep, from doing homework, from training, sports clubs, all kinds of developmental activities, going to the circus or theater, and even from eating. At least one hour a day (and according to pediatricians and neurologists, no less than 3 hours), you must give your child the opportunity to simply do nothing. For him, such idleness is the best rest. In addition, after such rest it increases, reaching an even higher level than in the period preceding work. Untargeted rest restores performance faster.

While busy with the accelerated development of intelligence, adults forget that the child has not only a brain that needs to be trained, but also a heart and soul, for which there is simply no time left in the pursuit of knowledge. Remember - every child is individual. He is the only one, even identical twins are very different from each other, not to mention children born from different parents in different conditions. This means that each child requires an individual approach. All kinds of early development methods and advice from friends should be taken only as recommendations, and not as rules that should be followed with precision. Don't look at others. There will always be parents who will do more or less than you. None of this matters. Constantly looking back at what others will say and do is far from the best method of development. The main thing is that you and your child enjoy the extra activities. Then the knowledge gained will be of one benefit and no harm to health.

Even if at four years old my son spoke and read only in his native Russian language, even if he doesn’t know a lot, even if somewhere there are more developed children... But I know for sure that I managed not to discourage my child’s thirst for knowledge and not pay the price children's health for very dubious successes.


In early childhood, my mother also hammered knowledge into me with a belt. But I cried and did not want to deal with all this. Now I myself take the initiative in everything, although I cannot remember childhood memories without shuddering... I was just little, and it was hard for me.

04/29/2005 17:10:22, Anna

10 points for the article!!! It is not only about early development, but in general about teaching children of any age. I myself have seen enough of overworked children who, in addition to school loads, have a lot of extra activities. Just last week I heard three times about dystonia due to overload in girls of different ages: a terrible thing - high blood pressure, fainting, monstrous headaches. As a result, doctors require the removal of ALL loads. Is this what parents were aiming for by overloading their children?
The author of the article very clearly and convincingly explains why this should not be done.
Thanks to him for this!

The author very accurately noted that all children are different and there is no point in drawing analogies. Let a child not remember at 3 years old the alphabet that he learned at one and a half years old, but when the time comes to learn it, he will remember it much faster than if he had learned it all over again.
Nobody forcibly taught me anything, my mother’s favorite story is how she took me for an examination at the clinic one year ago and the doctor routinely asked whether the child spoke, and if so, how many words, etc. Mom shrugged her shoulders - she said, but she didn’t count how many words, the doctor looked at mom with disbelief and mockery - they say they all raise geniuses from their children, but mom calmly turned to me and said, “Lyalechka, tell your aunt how old you are.” that Lyalechka put out one finger and said, “Odiin.” The doctor was in despair.

At the age of 2-3 I was already an excellent reader and did it with pleasure, but with an older brother who was irritated by my exercises, I also very quickly had to learn to read not only aloud, but also to myself, that is, more fluently. I can’t say that I’m some kind of genius, but I think that early development is still important. But not violent. And I think every parent will find out for himself how to interest his child.

A kind and sobering article. All our efforts in raising our children are connected with some of our unrealized dreams: we want our children to be smarter, more educated, etc. us. Of course, you can’t get on children’s nerves, but you also don’t need to think that showing letters at 2 years old is too early. All the knowledge that has ever been stored will emerge when it is necessary - nothing will disappear without a trace. I wish you all the best in raising our future!

05/26/2004 09:59:19, July

Good article. It is very different from the “abusive” articles, which talk about the absolute harm of “early development”, without considering development without overloads. The child must be developed “reasonably”, without rushing from one extreme (“he will be the coolest, he will do everything earlier at any cost!”) to the other (such as “I am against early development!”). And always take into account the individual characteristics of the child.

And I saw on the website of Pavel Viktorovich Tyulenev a unique technique that allows you to develop a child in a playful way
from 0 to 18 years

05/23/2004 17:30:00, Alexey

Yes! The article is wonderful! Intuitively, I feel that I need to let my little son develop in the way that is best for him - he is 14 months old and ahead of many of his peers. And we are learning slowly - today we discovered what interesting trees are - they have bark, branches, and leaves... And my parents are proud - that at the age of 3.5 I knew by heart “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish” - I just remember with a shudder! How forcefully she was “pushed” into my head, with tears and a belt. And what, has this made me more successful in life? No.

Wonderful article. I know from myself what it means to “meet expectations.” I have an excellent relationship with my mother, but still, when I remember my mother’s words that my sister and I should be “smarter, more well-mannered, more attentive, etc., etc. ", I feel a little uneasy.
Arousing interest is one thing, but building classes on vanity is quite another. When my own kinder began to grow up, I fell under the influence of fashion and friends on the playground - everyone there learned the alphabet and numbers every year. The initiator of this was the healthy child’s office in the district clinic - there children were regularly tested for development and given an assignment - what the child should know by the age of 1, 2, etc.
Then we moved to another clinic - there the healthy child’s office was not mandatory - there you could simply feed the child and sit for a short time after vaccinations (to make sure that there was no allergic reaction). And the doctor from the office played a little with each child and gave recommendations on what to pay attention to. And I slowed down with my early development. From time to time I tried to repeat with my child what I had already learned, but my daughter happily forgot all of it, as unnecessary for her at this stage of development.
I recently met my friends and asked if your children at 3 years old remember what we trained them to do at 1.5 years old? They said: "Nope!"

05/20/2004 11:17:26, starka

Very often, a child sleeps poorly because parents do not know what is normal for this age. The inability to see a child's tiredness is one of the typical problems with children's sleep.

If your child is not sleeping well, you may not know when to put him to bed.

Why is it necessary to recognize signs of fatigue in a child?

Small children get tired very quickly.

Overtiredness increases the level of cortisol (stress hormone), which in turn affects the baby's sleep. Depending on the degree of overfatigue, the child may resist sleep, not sleep at all, wake up frequently, or sleep in short naps. Signs of fatigue vary from child to child and age to age. But, nevertheless, if this is your first child, you can first try to see the typical behavior of tired children. There is a concept of the so-called “window” - a period of time when the baby is tired enough to fall asleep, but not yet too tired. If we miss the window, we enter the overwork zone. Young children may only be awake for very short periods of time, making it very easy to miss a window.

Average norms of wakefulness by age:

  • Newborn - 20-45 minutes
  • 5-8 weeks -60 minutes
  • 9 - 12 weeks - 1 hour 20 minutes
  • 4-5 months - 1 hour 45 minutes - 2 hours
  • 6-8 months - 2-2.5 hours
  • 8-9 months - 3 hours
  • 10-15 months - 3-4 hours
  • 15 months - 3 years - 5 hours
  • 3-5 years - up to 12 hours (depending on availability of daytime sleep)

Signs of fatigue in newborns and children in the first months of life:

  • Sudden movements of arms and legs
  • Makes strange squealing noises
  • Mood changes: moodiness, crying
  • Searches and demands breasts
  • Pulls his ears
  • Clenches his fists
  • Arches on his arms
  • Sucking fingers
  • Poor focus

Signs of fatigue in children from four months to 1 year:

  • Becomes clumsy, falls out of the blue, cannot coordinate movements
  • Capricious for any reason
  • Requires constant attention
  • Crying
  • Clings to mom, hides face in chest, shoulder
  • Refuses to eat
  • Rubs eyes
  • Loses interest in toys

What should I do if I see signs of fatigue?

For children under one year old, it is very important to be able to recognize signs of fatigue, as this protects good daytime and night sleep. Therefore, as soon as you realize that the child is tired:

  1. Reduce activity levels and sensory stimulation (noise, light).
  2. Start your bedtime routine.

What if I don’t see any indicators of fatigue?

There are children whose fatigue is extremely difficult to recognize. If your child is like this, then focus on the norms of wakefulness by age and start preparing your baby for sleep 20-30 minutes before the end of this interval.

Don't expect your child to "fall asleep on his own if he wants to." Very often, children do not sleep well precisely because they are overtired. Take control of the situation: take care of your baby's sleep from a very early age!

Can behavioral problems be caused by lack of sleep?

In children over two years of age, obvious physical indicators of fatigue disappear. But other behavioral manifestations appear that suggest fatigue. That is, a three-year-old child is unlikely to actively yawn or rub his eyes: this is only in case of extreme fatigue. But he can start to be capricious for any reason, for example.

Some indicators of potential sleep deficiency for ages one and a half years and older are listed.

Read more about the connection between behavior and sleep.

Fatigue, drowsiness, apathy and weakness - many attribute these sensations to overwork and think that regular sleep can solve the problem and restore strength. But in fact, in medicine, overfatigue is considered a rather complex problem - after all, it can even lead to the development of! It is important not only to have some general understanding of the condition in question, but also to know its first signs - this will help you respond to the body’s “signals” in a timely manner and quickly restore strength.

Doctors consider two main types of fatigue - physical and mental, and both of them can occur in both children and adults.

Physical fatigue

This type of overfatigue develops gradually - a person first feels slight fatigue and low-intensity pain in muscle tissue, but usually few people pay attention to these signs. Continuing to carry out active work or engage in sports training without reducing the load, full-fledged physical fatigue occurs. In this case, the following symptoms will be present:

Note:If the condition in question develops in women, then menstrual irregularities may begin.

If the above symptoms occur, you should immediately stop strenuous training or avoid physical labor - it will take time to select a recovery program. Doctors do not recommend completely abandoning your usual physical activities, you just need to reduce their intensity. Can be used as therapeutic measures:

  1. Bath. This is an effective remedy for recovery after hard physical labor, increasing performance and strengthening the immune system. A combination of a bath and massage would be optimal, but even without the latter, visiting a bath 1-2 times a week will help restore the body even after severe physical fatigue.
  1. Baths. They can be different - each of them has a certain impact. The most popular for physical fatigue are:

  1. Shower. It is not enough to take a shower every day as a hygienic procedure - with properly selected shower effects you can help the body cope with physical fatigue. Remember:
  • hot shower with water temperature +45 – has a tonic effect;
  • rain shower – refreshes and soothes, reduces the intensity of pain in muscle tissue;
  • cascade shower (a large amount of cold water falls on a person from a height of 2.5 m) – increases muscle tone;
  • contrast shower – helps maintain the body’s performance during recovery.
  1. Massage. This procedure has a positive effect on the central and peripheral nervous system, the functioning of the digestive/cardiovascular systems, and improves metabolic processes in the body. When experiencing physical fatigue, it is very important to get a qualified massage, so it is advisable to seek help from specialists.

Duration of massage:

  • legs – 10 minutes for each lower limb;
  • back and neck – 10 minutes in total;
  • upper limbs – 10 minutes for each arm;
  • chest and abdomen area – 10 minutes in total.

If you are physically overtired, you can and should take a short vacation, but this does not mean that you need to lie down and lie without activity - this will not allow the body to fully rest. The best options to quickly get rid of physical fatigue without specific procedures:

  1. Take walks in the fresh air every day. Moreover, it is better to do this in parks/squares and during such walks you should not burden your brain with everyday problems - make every effort to ensure that your thoughts are only positive.
  2. Review your diet. Of course, you can’t go on a diet, but adding fruits, vegetables and lean meats to your daily menu would be quite logical.
  3. Be sure to take a course of vitamin therapy. You can consult your doctor about the choice of specific medications, but you can purchase multivitamin complexes on your own.
  4. Don't reduce your physical activity. You just need to change the type of activity - do a general cleaning of the house, work in the garden or vegetable garden.

Mental fatigue

This type of overwork is often perceived as ordinary fatigue and people try to restore their strength by simply sleeping or relaxing in nature. But doctors argue that in some cases such a change in activity will not be enough, it is necessary to undergo full-fledged treatment.

Symptoms of mental fatigue

Early signs of mental fatigue include:

As the problem worsens, the person begins to experience nausea and vomiting, irritability and nervousness, loss of concentration, and memory impairment.

Important:In no case should you independently diagnose “mental fatigue” based on the symptoms described above! For example, increased blood pressure due to a headache may indicate problems with the cardiovascular system. Therefore, consultation with a doctor is necessary.

Stages of development of mental fatigue

The condition in question cannot appear suddenly and suddenly with all the accompanying symptoms - mental fatigue develops in a progressive rhythm.

Stage 1

The mildest stage of mental fatigue, which is characterized exclusively by subjective signs - a person cannot fall asleep even when very tired, after a night's sleep a feeling of fatigue persists, and there is a reluctance to do any work.

Stage 2

During this period, the condition in question negatively affects the general rhythm of life. At stage 2 of the disease, the above symptoms are added:

  • heaviness in the heart area;
  • sense of anxiety;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • slight physical activity provokes trembling of the upper limbs (tremor);
  • heavy sleep, with frequent awakenings and nightmares.

At the second stage of development of mental fatigue, disorders in the functioning of the digestive system appear, a person’s appetite decreases significantly, the skin of the face becomes pale, and the eyes are constantly red.

During the period under review, pathological changes begin to occur in the functioning of the whole organism. Men may experience a decrease in potency and libido, and in women the menstrual cycle is disrupted.

Stage 3

This is the most severe stage of the condition in question, which manifests itself as neurasthenia. A person is too excitable, irritated, there is practically no sleep at night, and during the day, on the contrary, productivity disappears due to the desire to sleep, the work of all organs and systems of the body is disrupted.

Stages 2 and 3 of mental fatigue necessarily require the help of professionals - this condition must be treated.

Treatment of mental fatigue

The basic principle of treating mental fatigue is to reduce stress of all types that led to the development of the condition in question.

At the first stage illness requires complete rest for 1-2 weeks - a person should rest in a sanatorium, take quiet walks in the fresh air, and eat right. If necessary, you can take advantage of relaxing baths and aromatherapy sessions. After this, it will be possible to gradually introduce intellectual and physical activity into a person’s life, and in general, recovery will take at least 2 weeks.

Second stage mental fatigue requires a complete “disconnection” from intellectual activity - it is, of course, impossible to “turn off” the brain, but it is quite possible to stop working on documents, reports, and projects. At this stage, you can engage in auto-training, undergo a relaxing massage course, or relax in a sanatorium or hospital. Full recovery will take at least 4 weeks.

Third stage
the disease in question is the person’s hospitalization in a specialized clinic. We are not talking about psychiatric centers - it is advisable to send a person with a severe stage of mental fatigue to a dispensary. For 2 weeks he will only rest and relax, then for 2 weeks the person engages in active recreation and only after that intellectual stress can be introduced into his life. The full course of treatment and recovery at the third stage of the condition in question will be 4 months.

If you feel that the first signs of mental fatigue are appearing, then do not wait for “events to develop.” Take a rest for at least 2-5 days, try to change the type of activity and engage in active recreation, attend auto-training courses, and conduct aromatherapy sessions with rosemary and mint oils every other day.

Important:Under no circumstances should you take any medications if you are mentally fatigued! This can only lead to a worsening of the condition; for this condition, drug treatment is not provided at all.

Overwork in children

It would seem - how overworked can children be? If they run, jump, scream almost around the clock and refuse to sleep even late at night? But it is precisely childhood overwork, according to doctors, that leads to serious health problems. Therefore, parents should carefully monitor the behavior of their children - the first signs of overwork in children may not be expressed.

Symptoms of fatigue in children

Overwork in children is preceded by severe fatigue. It is customary to identify the following external signs of fatigue (classification according to S.L. Kosilov)





Attention Rare distractions Absent-minded, frequent distractions Weakened, no reaction to new stimuli
Interest in new material Lively interest Weak interest, child does not ask questions
Pose Unsteady, stretching legs and straightening torso Frequent changes of postures, turning the head to the sides, supporting the head with hands The desire to put your head on the table, stretch out, lean back in your chair
Movements Accurate Uncertain, slow Fidgety movements of the hands and fingers (deterioration of handwriting)
Interest in new material Lively interest, asking questions Low interest, no questions Complete lack of interest, apathy

Even at the very beginning of the development of the condition in question, parents can pay attention to:

  • capriciousness/tearfulness of a usually cheerful child;
  • restless sleep - the baby may cry out in his sleep, make erratic waves of his arms and legs;
  • impaired concentration on some activity or subject.

In addition, the child may develop symptoms for no apparent reason (there are no signs of colds or inflammation), the child experiences insomnia at night, and suffers from drowsiness during the day.

Children of school age, when overworked, lose interest in school, they lag behind in their studies, and begin to complain of headaches and weakness. Very often, overwork in children manifests itself in psycho-emotional disorders:

  • unpleasant facial expressions;
  • antics in front of adults and the mirror;
  • mocking others.

Adolescent children with this condition begin to be rude, snap, and ignore the comments and requests of adults.

Causes of childhood fatigue

Factors that provoke the development of overwork are considered to be:

  • in infancy - violation of the daily routine (waking time exceeds sleep time), problems with breastfeeding;
  • junior school age - physical and mental stress, constant homework, short sleep at night;
  • senior school age - hormonal changes in the body, high study load.

It is worth considering that overwork in children can be caused by school and kindergarten, a dysfunctional family environment, and tense relationships with peers.

Treatment of overfatigue in children

Many parents consider the child’s behavior described above to be a kind of pampering - “he’ll sleep and everything will pass.” But doctors claim that such ignoring of children's overwork leads to neuroses, persistent insomnia, and fluctuating blood pressure readings.

Treatment of childhood overfatigue is a comprehensive approach to solving the problem. It is necessary to seek help from psychotherapists and pediatricians - they will prescribe auto-training sessions; often children only need to undergo a few massage sessions to fully restore their psycho-emotional background. The following measures also have a lasting effect::

  • nutrition correction– we are talking about replacing fast foods with full-fledged meals consumed at clearly defined hours;
  • physical exercise– this can be physical therapy or just sports;
  • being outdoors– active walks every day for 1-2 hours, regardless of climatic conditions.

If your child is overtired, the doctor may prescribe vitamin supplements or special biological supplements.

Prevention of fatigue in adults and children

To prevent the development of overwork in adults, you just need to know a few rules for conducting normal life activities. This does not mean that you need to transfer to an easier job (this simply does not happen) or radically change your lifestyle - everything is much simpler. Follow these guidelines: