According to the scheme. It is thanks to the patterns that you can create real masterpieces: bracelets with names and many other interesting things. But how to work with them? How to read? And how not to get confused in the notations?

What needs to be taken into account when training?

The main thing you should pay attention to is the choice of material with which you subsequently plan to work. For example, it can be beads, floss threads, twine, satin ribbons, colored rubber bands, etc. Accordingly, each type of material has its own subtleties and weaving features, as well as patterns. Therefore, before you start learning this or that, choose the material.

What do you need to know when weaving baubles from threads?

Let's say you chose What Next? And how to weave baubles from colored threads correctly? Next, you need to study what kind of knots there are in weaving, since the creation is based precisely on them.

Main knots in floss: knot No. 1

Node No. 1 looks like a cross with an arrow and a downward pointer in the diagram. It stands for this: you have two working threads of different colors (for example, yellow and orange); you take the thread that is located to your left and bend it towards the other, holding the resulting triangle with your finger; insert the end of the bent thread under the straight thread and tie a knot. Then repeat the same procedure a second time.

If you know the decoding of symbols and actions associated with them, you will easily figure out how to weave baubles according to the pattern.

We weave the main knot No. 2 from threads

Node No. 2 can be schematically depicted as a cross, inside of which there is a circle with an arrow indicating the direction - down to the left. This designation is deciphered as follows: in front of you are again two colored working threads; this time you take the one that is on the right side, put it on the other; thread the end into a makeshift ring and tie a knot. The second node is performed using a similar system.

Let's understand the diagrams: main node No. 3

Node No. 3 in the diagrams is depicted as a cross with a circle, inside of which there is an arrow (it shows the direction to the right and down). Before weaving baubles with such a knot correctly, pay attention to the position of the arrow in the center of the circle. Look where she points.

This knot works according to the following principle: you take the thread that lies on the right and pass it under the other; tie a knot; repeat all the same steps again.

How to weave baubles according to the pattern: knot No. 4

The fourth node is usually schematically depicted in the form of a cross and a circle with an arrow pointing to the left and down. This pattern is deciphered as follows: the working thread to your left is laid on top of the other remaining one; the end of the thread is pulled into a ring and a knot is tied. The second time you put the same working thread under the other one and tie it into a knot in the same way.

weaving baubles?

Before weaving baubles step by step and according to the pattern, you need to know one interesting nuance. As it turned out, bracelets can be made either in a full or incomplete cycle. So, if the diagram assumes an image of a complete cycle, then all the colors of such a bauble are arranged sequentially on both sides of the product.

If the pattern provides for an incomplete weaving cycle, then in the photo you will see a complete mismatch in the color of the threads on the left and right.

Weaving with paired and unpaired thread counts

Do you want to learn how to weave beautiful bracelets? Don’t know how to weave baubles according to the pattern? Read our useful tips - and everything will become clear to you right away. So, in the diagrams you can often see that when weaving, paired and unpaired numbers of threads or ribbons are used. For example, you may have 5 gray and 5 black threads or ribbons, 4 white and 4 red. This weaving will be in pairs. In an unpaired thread, the number of working threads may not coincide. For example, you might have 5 red and 7 white threads.

How to weave bracelets with inscriptions correctly?

Many craftswomen and craftsmen try to make jewelry with a name or inscription as one of their first works. Is it difficult to do? In general, no. However, the creation of such bracelets involves working with a large number of threads, which are easy for beginners to get tangled in.

Before weaving baubles with inscriptions, it is worth finding a suitable pattern and counting the exact number of threads needed to create the product. To do this, you need to count the number of cells in the first vertical column in the diagram. For example, there were 8 of them. This means that for weaving you will need exactly 8 threads.

In addition, it is worth considering the fact that the design or inscription on the bracelet involves the use of two types of threads or ribbons: one of them is used to create the base-background, and the second is used for the inscription or design. In this case, the length of the secondary thread or ribbon should not be large (50 cm is enough), and the length of the background thread should be 2-3 times greater than the expected length of the product. Please note that to create the background you will need a large number of threads. Therefore, it is better to take a whole skein. The result should be one leading thread and 6-8 background threads. What else do you need to know before weaving baubles with inscriptions?

What else needs to be done before weaving baubles with an inscription?

Before you begin the work itself, you need to make some simple mathematical calculations. This must be done not only so that the bracelet ultimately fits on your hand, but also in order to correctly place the inscription on the product.

To make your task easier, you should write your intended name or inscription on a sheet of squared paper. Next, pay attention to how many cells it occupies. For example, you got 30 cells, which equates to 30 rows. The approximate weaving density of your product will be 5 rows per 1 cm of bracelet. Therefore, 30 rows have a density of 6 cm (30/5).

Then we measure the volume of the wrist. Let's say it corresponds to 15 cm. This means that with a length of 15 cm for a bauble with a text length of 6 cm (15 - 6 = 9), it is necessary to make the main background 9 cm. If we divide this number by two, we get 4.5 cm on each side. Next, multiply the resulting value by 5 and get the number of rows for the background (4.5 x 5 = 22.5 cm). And only if these conditions are met, the inscription will appear in the middle of the decoration. We will talk further about how to weave simple baubles.

How to make simple baubles?

It is always better to start with simple products, which in the future will allow you to master more complex weaving techniques much faster. So, if you want to make a simple bracelet, then your best bet is to take an even number of threads or ribbons and divide them in pairs by color. For example, in the middle there will be two blue threads or ribbons, followed by two orange ones (one on one side, the other on the other side), the next two green ones, then two purple ones, two orange ones and two red ones.

Take the first and second strands and using the knot technique, tie both strands. Repeat the same movement again with the same threads, and then with the last two (this time the movement with the knots will be in a mirror image). After this, repeat the same procedure with the remaining threads or ribbons. If you work with the diagram correctly, you should end up with a herringbone pattern.

How can you make round baubles?

If you don’t yet know how to weave round baubles, we will tell you. Straight and round weaving is considered the most difficult, requiring some experience. For example, to make a product using rope weaving (round), you need to select a pattern and prepare the threads (their length should be three times longer than that allocated for the bauble itself).

Moreover, the simplest version of this weaving is based on working with four threads; for example, it could be two red and two white or multi-colored. This weaving is done strictly according to the pattern: unfold the threads to the sides and tie the two outer ones; then we put the first one on the second one and tie it; the second to the third, the next to the fourth and then repeat in a circle.

In a word, understanding the schemes is not so difficult. The main thing is to know general concepts and notations!

How to weave baubles with oblique weaving and how to understand patterns.

Baubles made from floss are also called friendship bracelets; they are given to friends and girlfriends. After you give a few baubles to your girlfriends, those who want such a gift will line up.

In order to weave baubles from floss, you will need floss threads of different colors, scissors, a ruler and adhesive tape, with its help the threads are attached, for example, to a table. Since weaving a bauble is a long process, you should make yourself comfortable in a well-lit place.

Well, let's start analyzing the methods of weaving baubles. There will be a lot of them, and we will try to describe everything as detailed and illustrated as possible.

So first, let's look at the diagrams. They can be with a full weaving cycle, or not. This is a full cycle scheme. This can be understood by the placement of threads at the beginning and end of the pattern. Here, and there, and there the sequence of colors is the same - black, purple, black, purple, purple, black, purple, black. This means that after we have woven the part shown in the diagram, we begin to weave it again and all the threads match in color.

And this scheme is with an incomplete cycle. Here at the top and bottom the sequence of threads is different. At the top - pink, yellow, blue, green, white, orange, red, purple. And below - blue, pink, white, yellow, red, green, purple, orange. In such patterns, you need to look at the weaving sequence. Here we weave knots in the same way in a cycle, only our threads will not match in color. This is sometimes given if the principle of weaving is clear from a short part.

The full cycle of this scheme can be seen below.

There are also patterns with a paired number of threads and an unpaired one. We will weave a bauble according to this pattern. It has a double number of threads - four black and four purple.

This means that we can take 2 black, 2 purple threads and fold them in half. The length needs to be doubled. As for choosing the length of the threads, this is a constant question. Here you need to look at the diagram itself and how many knots need to be made with a specific thread. This comes with experience. In most cases, one and a half meters of thread is enough.

After we have folded the threads, we tie them, leaving a loop. We fasten the bauble so that it is convenient to weave it. We used a paper clip; you can secure the bauble with a pin to the sofa or pillow.

You need to weave the bauble in rows. The numbers on the sides of the diagram show the row numbers. You can weave from left to right, or vice versa. There is no difference, the main thing is that you do not get confused. We will weave constantly from left to right. Let's start weaving the baubles with this knot

The arrow shows which knot needs to be woven. The base of the arrow shows which thread we use to make the knots (the circle is painted in the same color), the tip of the arrow shows where this thread will move after the knot. Each node consists of two nodes. We start the first knot like this, bend the black thread over the blue one (we took blue instead of purple) in the shape of a four. Next, we pass the black thread inside and tighten the knot by pulling it firmly up. We've done half of the first knot.

We do the second half like this. We bend the black thread in the shape of a four in a mirror image, thread the black thread inside and tighten it. We have completed the first node. After it, the black thread will be on the left, and the blue thread on the right - this can be seen from the diagram. Now you know how to weave a knot in the shape of such a curved arrow.

Let's move on to the second node. This is a node with an arrow from left to right. Like the previous one, like all subsequent ones, it consists of two nodes.

Since the base of the arrow is at the black thread, we will braid it with it. If the arrow is from left to right, then we put the black thread in the shape of a regular four. We thread and tighten.

We also make the second knot of this knot in the form of a regular four and tighten it. Now we have completed the second node.

Let's move on to the third node, this is an arrow from right to left.

The base of the arrow is located at the black thread, we begin to braid it. The arrow from right to left is two knots with a mirrored four. Making the first knot.

And the second knot is the same. The third node has been completed.

Let's move on to the fourth knot of the bauble. This is a curved arrow from right to left and right. If you haven’t understood the trend yet, then let’s pay attention to how to weave baubles without peeking at the master class. We mentally divide the arrow that we are weaving into two parts. Each part is one knot. If the part is directed from left to right, then we braid it with a regular four, if from right to left, we braid it with a mirror four. This is true for both straight arrows and curved ones.

So this knot is the first part in the form of a mirror four.

The second part is in the form of a regular four. Remember this, and you won’t have to look at the cheat sheet :-).

Now we have finished the first row, and in addition we have sorted out all the nodes that can be found in any bauble patterns. We begin to weave the second row of baubles. In this row, the outer black threads are not used; we put them aside. We need to tie three knots.

The first knot from left to right on blue threads.

Second from left to right on black threads.

And the third from right to left on blue threads.

Now the second row is ready. As you can see, the nodes are the same and everything is simple. The third row uses all the threads. We braid black threads with blue threads. See the nodes by the arrows.

We wove the third row, put the outer blue threads on the sides. In the fourth row, as we see, they are not used.

The fourth row is ready

The fifth row is woven, we put the outer black threads to the sides; in the sixth row they are not used

The sixth row is ready

The seventh row is ready. We put the outer black threads to the sides - they are not used in the eighth row.

After we finish the eighth row, we weave the first row again and further in a circle. We continue until we reach the desired length, check on your wrist

We finished the bauble with two braids, according to this pattern, which we took in the article How to weave baubles. You will need other braids and a different number of threads - look there

At the end of the braids we tie regular knots. Now the bauble can be tied using the loop that we made at the beginning of the bauble. Fenechka is ready!

The following knots may be found in bauble patterns.

There are a huge number of hobbies that bring joy to the lives of creative people. Weaving baubles from floss threads is one of them. There are a lot of different patterns with beautiful patterns and designs. Bracelets made on their basis look very unusual and reflect the individuality of the person who wove them.

Schemes of baubles with oblique weaving - getting started

So you found a beautiful diagram, but you don’t know how to make a bracelet using it. Don't be afraid, there is nothing complicated about it. To prove this to you, the weaving method will be discussed in a specific diagram. As you can see, it has only two colors - turquoise (2 threads) and red (4 threads). Each thread should be about a meter in length. Of course, there will be quite a lot of unused material left, but it is always better to measure out in reserve. So, cut 6 threads and fold them together, end to end. Then, stepping back 10 cm from one edge, tie a regular knot from them. This way you will get the initial preparation of the future fennec. You can glue it to the edge of the table so that it does not move - it will be more convenient.

Patterns of baubles with oblique weaving - dealing with knots

The basis of all the basics in fennel weaving are knots. Having learned to do them carefully and evenly, you can be sure that you will be able to complete a scheme of any complexity. The photograph given in the article clearly shows exactly how all the knots are tied. One thread should be taut, and the other should seem to slide along it, tightening the loop. Two knots should be made on each thread. These are the main knots of baubles. They are used in both oblique and straight weaving.

Schemes of baubles with oblique weaving - understanding the notations

So, let's return to our diagram. The threads are indicated by letters. Schematically, they are presented here in the form of colored stripes, and the knots - in the form of circles with arrows inside. The figure shows that the first two threads are turquoise and red. They should be taken in hand. We will work with them. It is shown schematically that they need to be tied into a knot. However, why is it red and not turquoise? And why is the arrow symbol shown here? It's simple. Red is the color of the future knot. You will only get a red knot if you braid the turquoise thread with red. The arrow kind of tells you in which direction this thread needs to be thrown. Namely - from right to left. Thus, you need to pull the turquoise thread, and tie a knot around it (twice) with a red thread. Soon you won’t even need arrows to understand the patterns of oblique weave baubles. But speed and skill come only with experience.

After you have made two knots from the first two threads, just forget about them and pick up the next ones - the third and fourth. They also need to be connected. And after them - the fifth and sixth. This will complete the first row. Next, it is important not to make a mistake. In the second row you will need to weave the 2nd and 3rd threads, and then the 4th and 5th. 1st and 6th will remain free. Already in the third row, you will need to again make knots from threads 1 and 2, then 3 and 4, and then 5 and 6. This way you get a kind of network. However, there should be no empty spaces between the knots. When the pattern ends, simply return to the beginning and weave again. In such baubles, the pattern is repeated 10 - 15 times (depending on the girth of your hand).

What do the corner arrows mean?

Everything is simple here too. Look at the top of it. Does the segment go from left to right? Tie the first knot like this. At the bottom of the arrow, the segment goes from right to left, so the thread also needs to be tied in this direction.

How to tie baubles

At the end of the work, simply tie a strong knot from all the loose threads. Cut them so that the tip is 10 - 12 cm long. Then weave braids from both free ends. That's it, the fenka is ready, you can wear it or give it to a friend!

Lesson from the series “baubles for dummies” =)for those who don’t want to understand how to read diagrams.We will weave according to this pattern. It is light and has all 4 knots used in weaving baubles. Pictures A and B show the same diagram. This is done simply so that you get used to both types, because schemes are found in both forms.

So. Let's look at the picture

As you can see from the picture, we need 6 threads of white and 2 threads of red.

We cut the threads (for this fennie you will need white threads 90 cm each and red threads 130 cm each)

We fasten them, as it is convenient for anyone, in the order in which they are indicated in the diagram, leaving 10 cm ends for future ties.

We tie the threads in a pin (to the side that opens)

So, let’s look at the diagram and what we have attached to the pin. 3 white, 2 red, 3 white. Everything is correct.

N We start weaving from the left edge in the direction shown by the arrow.

We make the first node as shown in the figuretry to tighten the knots more tightly so that holes do not form on the fringe.

We make the second node as shown in the figure.

You have mastered two main nodes. Moving further along the diagram, we make two more nodes in the same way.

You have mastered two main nodes. Moving further along the diagram, we make two more nodes in the same way.

Let's start weaving the second row. Now we are moving in the opposite direction, from right to left.

We make the first node as shown in the figure.

We make the second node in the same way as we did before.

We make the next node as shown in the figure.

Congratulations! You have completed the second row and mastered all 4 knots that are used when weaving baubles

When you reach the end of the diagram, start again. Weave until the fringe is the length you need. Then remove the fringe from the pin, make braids on both ends of the fringe, and secure the ends of the braids with knots. Fenka is ready!

It’s customary to give your first successful fenya as a gift =)

Help Wanted! Please comment after the article.

How to make a wide bauble from threads? Maybe I'm just taking the wrong threads....sheI still get it very narrow

Baubles are the friendliest decoration

Hand made jewelry is a constant trend that has been decorating the collections of famous designers for several seasons now. Handmade rings, earrings, and bracelets are always exclusive; they contain the warmth of the master’s hands, a piece of his soul. Agree, this is a powerful motivation to start crafting immediately. Baubles are the friendliest decoration; such accessories are original, distinctive and enchantingly beautiful. To learn how to weave designer accessories, you need to master the ABCs of making and learn to read the patterns of baubles with oblique weaving. As you know, there are only two methods for making baubles: straight and oblique. Beginner fenkoweavers are advised to master the art by starting with the oblique method.

There are many ways to decorate an image. Designer accessories will help reveal individuality, translate ideas into elegant reality, attract attention, emphasizing excellent taste. Creating obliquely weaved baubles is the easiest way to realize your creative plans.

Stylish bauble with oblique weave

Looking at multi-colored bracelets, many find it difficult to believe in themselves. The pattern has been found, the threads have been purchased, where to start? A few practical tips will help you understand how to weave baubles with oblique weaving:

  1. Let's prepare the material. Standard oblique weaving of baubles is considered the easiest way to make a fashion accessory. The thread should be strong, of sufficient length, evenly colored in one tone.

It is very important to choose high-quality materials for weaving


When measuring threads for a bracelet, you need to follow the 1:4 algorithm; the length of the components should be 4 times longer than the finished product.

  1. Learning to tie knots. The aesthetics of the finished decoration depends on the ability to correctly tie this or that element. The knots should be the same, tightly tied, weaving into a beautiful combination, which is illustrated by the chosen pattern of the bauble.
  2. Learning to read a drawing. For weaving baubles, patterns are an aid not only for beginners, but also for experienced craftsmen. At first, a ready-made bauble pattern can be used, but over time, any master will have a desire to create his own unique designs.

Basic knots for weaving baubles

By following basic advice, many questions will disappear by themselves, leaving space for limitless imagination and the creative process of weaving.

A little practice and an incredible stylish accessory is ready.


For any method, schematic images are the basis for weaving a bauble. There are several common symbols that appear in each figure:

  • Letters. The order of the threads is indicated by Latin characters or Cyrillic, and each element is indicated by its own letter.
  • Numbers. They are located vertically in the figure, indicating the serial number of the row.
  • Mugs. This is how the nodules are designated. The color of the circle corresponds to the thread that is leading in tying the element.
  • Straight arrows. Symbols indicate direction. They will tell you in which direction this thread needs to be thrown.
  • Angular arrows. The upper part will determine the left-right direction. We look at the segment, determine the direction, and then tie a knot in the same way.
Weaving pattern for a bauble bracelet
Using the previous scheme, you can create a real masterpiece
These bracelets will be an excellent addition to your look.

As you can see, reading the diagram is not a matter of incomprehensible complexity. Go for it, because in any business, mastery comes with experience.

A selection of master classes

Mastery in the art of weaving baubles is determined by the ability to work with a large number of components. Experienced craftsmen know how to weave threads into patterns using up to 10 threads at a time.

For beginners, it is better to start with a smaller amount, for example, using 6 threads. Even a beginner can weave a beautiful bauble using the oblique method.

An example of a simpler bauble for beginners
A little imagination and a stylish accessory is ready

For the work you will need beautiful threads; colors are chosen according to the taste of the needlewoman. We start the process by securing the threads on the work surface, it can be a pillow, a tablet, a board with a stationery pin.

We weave a zigzag

This master class will help you create an unusual decoration with a zigzag textured pattern.

ZIGZAG pattern
Wide bauble with a zigzag pattern

Weaving algorithm:

  • We select 5 colored threads. Each length is at least 1 meter. We collect it in a bun, tie it at the end with a knot, and secure it to the work surface.
  • We lay out the individual components and make sure that the order in the first strand strictly corresponds to the order in the second strand.
  • We begin to knit a combination of elements. First we connect the two threads on the right. Then with the next component we make two knots to the right.
  • We are already knitting three knots in the same direction. Let's gradually connect all the components. This results in nine multi-colored stripes.
  • In a similar way, we alternately connect all the threads with knots, but moving in the opposite direction.

We repeat the entire algorithm until the end of weaving, obtaining a bright zigzag pattern.

Classic pattern

The combination of black, white, red in a laconic design is an unchanging classic of style. If desired, you can use any other colors, but the weaving algorithm remains unchanged:

Bauble braid in contrasting colors
A simple version of the bauble braid
  1. Take 6 threads, 2 of each color. The length of the components is at least 1 meter.

The classic braid is the basis of oblique weaving. It is with this that it is recommended to begin your acquaintance with the art of creating baubles from threads.

  1. We tie all the threads into a knot, braiding it. Next, we knit a knot, connecting the outer threads of the same color. We make two knots on each thread.
  2. Without letting go of the outer thread, we tie knots, connecting it and each other component in turn.
  3. Let's take the next thread, but of a different color, doing the same work.
  4. We complete the combination by tying knots with a thread of the third color.

We continue the entire weaving cycle, at the end we tie all the strands again with a classic braid. Once you get the hang of knitting knots one color at a time, you can add a few more colors.

Elegant bracelet

Handmade jewelry is always beautiful, original and exclusive.

We offer a master class on creating an elegant floss bauble for special occasions. The algorithm is as follows:

  • We select 6 threads of three different shades. Each length is at least 2 meters. Fold them in half, tie them at the end and secure. We arrange it in such a way that 4 threads of each color follow each other in order.
  • We alternately tie the outermost thread on the right with the rest from the same color scheme. We repeat the maneuver, but with those components that are located on the left.
  • We will tie the two central parts with a simple double knot, and then we will connect the remaining two with the adjacent ones.
  • Again we tie the two central parts into a knot. And on the right and left we will repeat the maneuver, connecting each other alternately.
  • Separately, we intertwine the two central threads with adjacent strands so as to form an English letter V.

By repeating the combinations until the end of the product, we will end up with an unusually delicate and elegant pattern.

Lace bauble

Once you have mastered the technique of recognizing bias weaving patterns, you can get creative by creating your own beautiful pattern patterns.

A bright bracelet will not go unnoticed

Starting with the simplest examples for beginners, you can create entire original collections as gifts for yourself, family and friends.

Weaving bracelets is a fun activity
Fenichka is always a wonderful gift