In the pre-New Year bustle, sometimes there is no time for the Christmas tree: crowds in stores and at specialized Christmas tree markets discourage anyone from purchasing a fluffy beauty. However, in order to have a real Christmas tree in your home, you don’t have to buy it. From this article you will learn how to make a Christmas tree with your own hands from scrap materials.

We have collected more than 20 master classes for you with step-by-step photo instructions, so creating a holiday atmosphere in your home will not be difficult, even if there is absolutely no time left. These lessons will also be useful for mothers, because creating miracles with your babies is a pleasure!

By the way, if you already have a real tree (artificial or natural), a DIY Christmas tree will be an excellent themed gift for family and friends! In general, stock up on the New Year's mood and go ahead and create!

Let's start with, perhaps, the simplest option - a Christmas tree made of paper. To make it you will need colored paper, scissors, glue, toothpicks and a hole punch.

#2 Christmas tree made from wrapping paper

To make such a Christmas tree you will need: cardboard or thick paper, wrapping paper of several colors, scissors, glue or double-sided tape.

#3 Origami Christmas tree

To make a Christmas tree you will need: paper, scissors and patience :)

See more paper Christmas trees:

To create you will need: felt, scissors, needle, thread, glue.

You will need: felt, buttons and beads for decoration, needle, thread, cotton wool, scissors.

Find more felt Christmas trees in the article:

#6 Christmas tree from a plastic bottle

You will need thick paper, a plastic bottle preferably green, scissors, and tape.

#7 Christmas tree made from table napkins

You will need: table napkins, a bead, a sewing machine or a needle and thread.

You will need: a plastic bottle or wine glass, pasta, glue, paint.

Need more pasta ideas?

You will need: thick paper, pine cones, glue.

We have more ideas for crafts made from pine cones:

You will need: thick paper, coarse threads, glue, beads.

#11 Wire Christmas tree

You will need: thick paper, wire.

#12 Christmas tree made from dough

You will need: salt dough (cold porcelain or polymer clay), scissors. We form a cone from the modeling mixture, and then “pinch off” the legs using scissors. For greater realism, the legs can be slightly bent upward. Next, we send the Christmas tree to dry. After complete drying, the craft can be further decorated, for example, with paints, sparkles, beads, rhinestones, etc.

You will need: thick paper, colored paper, glue, a lot of patience.

#14 Christmas tree made from cardboard toilet paper cylinders

You will need: toilet paper roll cylinders, crepe paper, scissors, glue, thread.

Are there any bushings left? Make more original New Year's crafts!

#15 Christmas tree made of threads

You will need: paper, thick threads, scissors, glue, beads.

#16 Christmas tree from an old magazine

You will need: a magazine, glue, beads or glitter for decoration.

You will need: cotton wool, a dry twig, threads, ribbons, beads and sparkles for decoration.

#19 Christmas tree made from wine corks

You will need: corks, glue, tapes, paints.

#20 Delicious Christmas tree made from strawberries

You will need: thick paper, strawberries, chocolate.

#21 Christmas tree made of wrapping paper

You will need: wrapping paper, glue, whatman paper, decorations.

#22 Christmas tree made of balls

#23 Christmas tree made from dry branches

You will need: dry branches, rope, lanterns and other decorations.

#24 Christmas tree made of cotton pads

If you want to make a Christmas tree from scrap materials, then it’s time to pay attention to cotton pads. You will need thick paper for the cone, cotton pads, glue and beads for decoration. By the way, you can decorate the Christmas tree with any materials of your choice: sparkles, sequins, watercolors. Or you can just leave it white. As you prefer or as time allows.

Even more crafts for the New Year from cotton pads:

#25 Christmas tree made of ribbons

You can make a cute Christmas tree from ribbons. To do this you will need a foam or foam cone, ribbons and a lot of safety pins. The top of such a Christmas tree can be decorated with a gold paper bow.

We are full of ideas for New Year's crafts made from ribbons

#26 Christmas tree made from a napkin: decorating the New Year’s table

You can make a Christmas tree from table cloth napkins. Both the Christmas tree and the decor of the New Year's table. Try it and you won't be able to stop!

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Autumn is the time when many begin to think about the most long-awaited holiday of the year. We are talking about New Year's preparations, which are associated with loved ones and friends, a cheerful feast, gifts and, of course, holiday decorations. Most people strive to decorate their home with New Year's decor, which encourages celebration and creates a special atmosphere.

Today you can buy any decoration in the store, but there is nothing nicer than handmade crafts. Hurry to please yourself with preparations for the most magical holiday, without which it is difficult to imagine the winter season.

How to make a Christmas tree at home?

Today, there are many materials from which you can create a magnificent Christmas tree that will fit perfectly into your interior.

There are a huge number of various master classes with which you can learn how to make a Christmas tree with your own hands.

Christmas tree made of pine cones

A Christmas tree made from pine cones will be a stunning decorative element; it can decorate a New Year's table or even serve as an excellent gift. In order to make such a decoration, you need to prepare the following materials:

  • identical cones;
  • strong cardboard paper;
  • pencil;
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • glitter and gold paint.

First you need to take cardboard and roll it into a cone shape, seal the joint with glue. We use scissors to separate the scales from the Christmas tree cones, since you will need quite a lot of them. After this, the cardboard cone is carefully covered with scales, starting from the very bottom.

If you like the original look, you don’t have to use paint and other decorative elements, but with their help you can add shine and charm to the tree.

The paint is applied with a brush; when it dries, the craft can be decorated with glitter, tinsel, ribbons and other decorative elements.

Christmas tree made from single-layer napkins

To create this decoration you will need napkins, thick cardboard and beads. Initially, we build a cone from cardboard paper, which will serve as a solid base. It is necessary to ensure that the cone has smooth edges and does not fall on its side.

Then we take the napkins and cut them along the folds, fold them in three and make cuts again. We fold them again and cut them, in the end you should get a small square equal to 1/9 of this napkin.

We use a stapler to fasten it in the central part. Then we cut out a circle from the square, and gradually bending its layers, we create a rose.

If the resulting flower is slightly uneven, you can always correct it with scissors. The number of roses depends on the size of the cone. When they are ready, use glue and begin gluing the flowers from the very top of the head.

You can take napkins of several colors, then the Christmas tree will turn out brighter and more original. After all the roses are glued, take the beads and also glue them in some places.

You can decorate this craft with anything, it is easy to make and does not require any special expenses.

Christmas tree made from paper and cardboard

This craft is very easy to make, and it looks elegant and original. Using corrugated paper, the Christmas tree will turn out quite fluffy. To create it you will need:

  • glue;
  • green corrugated paper;
  • scissors;
  • cardboard;
  • various decor to taste.

Make a cone-shaped base from cardboard, the size depends on your wishes. To make it visible, it is recommended to cover the cone with green paper.

The needles are made from corrugated needles, finely chopped into small strips. Then these stripes are cut even smaller; they should resemble a fringe. We use toothpicks to wrap paper around them and get small flowers, there should be at least a hundred of them.

After this, they are glued to the cardboard base so that there are no gaps. The decor of the Christmas tree can be anything: ribbons, bows, beads, tinsel and much more.

Interesting ideas for making Christmas trees

A Christmas tree can also be made from pasta. To do this, you need to make a cardboard cone, which is pasted over with pasta of various shapes. After this, the decoration is painted in any color. Instead of pasta, you can use coffee beans, which can be decorated with golden sparkles and bows.

If you are familiar with the art of kanzashi, then making a forest beauty will not be difficult. To do this, you need to use satin ribbons of green and red colors. A photo of a DIY Christmas tree will serve as a pleasant reminder of the wonderful New Year holidays.

A unique decoration for your home will be a knowledge tree made from stacks of books. It can be decorated with tinsel, ribbons and bows, but it is highly not recommended to hang it with an electric garland.

Vytynanka is a type of Slavic art where jewelry is made from paper. They can often be seen on window panes, and making protrusions is quite simple. To do this, you need to use paper with a pattern drawn on it. The pattern is then cut out with a sharp utility knife.

An interesting idea would be to create a Christmas tree out of cupcake tins. To do this, you need to cut off the bottom of the molds and string them onto a cone made of durable cardboard paper.

If you have empty thread spools, they are also ideal for crafts. The bottom row of coils is glued to a round solid base, with another row on top, the shape should resemble a cone. This decoration can be decorated with ribbons and sparkles.

A huge variety of Christmas trees that can be made at home will appeal to any needlewoman. Don't forget about materials like candy, feathers, felt, beads and more. From all this you can create a bright, elegant and stylish decoration that will be admired. Choose the Christmas tree option and don’t forget to make it with love!

DIY Christmas tree photo

DIY Christmas tree. Master class with step-by-step photos

Craft from waste material “New Year tree”

Author of the work: Olga Anatolyevna Statsenko, teacher of MBDOU No. 1 “Topolyok”, Samarskoe village, Azov district, Rostov region
Purpose: interior design.
Target: creating a festive atmosphere.

Tasks:- learn to create expressive images of a New Year tree from bottles and waste material, teach decorative design.
The New Year is approaching, and it’s time to decorate your home with Christmas trees...

I suggest making such a Christmas tree with your own hands.

To make a Christmas tree we will need the following materials: glass bottle of any shape and size, universal glue, fringed braid, pompom for the crown, decorations, beads, snowflakes, etc.

A glass bottle will serve as the base of our Christmas tree; first we need to cover the bottle with braid in a circle.

Apply any universal glue in a thin strip to the half of the braid where there is no fringe. We apply glue to the braid in several stages as it is glued.

Pasting the bottle should start from the bottom up, when everything is pasted over, give a little time for the glue to dry.

The next stage of work will be decorating with beads on top of the braid. The beads must be glued to the bottom of the bottle. To do this, apply glue to one end of the beads and to the tape along the bottom of the bottle, wait a little, then glue the beads with the tape along the bottom without touching the fringe.

Wrap the rest of the beads tightly around the glued part of the braid, without gluing or going into the fringe. Apply glue to the other end of the beads and the braid around the neck and glue.

Decorate the top of the neck of the bottle with a pompom that fits the size.

Decorate the Christmas tree with snowflakes of appropriate size, which also need to be glued.

Our Christmas tree is ready!

There is another game for you:
I'll start the poem now.
I'll start, and you finish,
Answer in unison!
It's snowing outside,
The holiday is coming... (- New Year!)
The needles glow softly,
The coniferous spirit comes... (- From the Christmas tree!)
The branches rustle faintly,
The beads are bright... (- Shiny!)
And the toys swing -
Flags, stars... (- Firecrackers!)
Threads of colorful tinsel,
Bells... (- Balloons!)
Fragile fish figures,
Birds, skiers... (- Snow Maidens!)
Whitebeard and Rednose
Under the branches of Santa... (- Frost!)
And, decorating the top,
It shines there, as always,
Very bright, big,
Five-winged... (- Star!)
What a Christmas tree, it’s simply marvelous!
How elegant, how... (- Beautiful!)
Here the lights are lit on her,
Hundreds of tiny... (- Lights!)
The doors are wide open, just like in a fairy tale,
The round dance rushes in... (- Dance!)
And over this round dance
Talk, songs, loud laughter...
Happy New Year!)
In new happiness at once... (Everyone!)
Elena Blagina

DIY polyfrex Christmas tree. Master Class

DIY Christmas tree

Master Class. Christmas tree for interior decoration

Ivanova Tatyana Vladimirovna, teacher of additional education, MBOU DOD "House of Children's Creativity of the Rudnichny District of Kemerovo"

This master class is designed for students in grades 1-2.
Purpose of the master class: making interior decorations.
Target: teach children to make three-dimensional crafts.
- teach children to work with waste material;
- develop three-dimensional – spatial thinking;
- cultivate aesthetic taste.

Introductory talk:
An indispensable attribute of the New Year and Christmas celebration is the New Year tree. Today there are many options for Christmas trees. But the classic New Year tree is a living tree, from which the smell of the holiday comes into the house - the smell of resin, white snow and a New Year's fairy tale.
New Year's customs were brought to Russia by Peter I. According to his decree, it was ordered: “On noble and thoroughfares, at the gates and houses, make some decorations from trees and branches of pine, spruce and juniper, fire from small cannons and rifles, launch rockets and light fires.” . And for poor people, everyone should at least put a tree or a branch on their gate. And in 1949, January 1 became a non-working day!
But if the holiday is still far away, you can put a small Christmas tree on the table that will remind you of the upcoming holiday. But if you make it yourself, it will also be exclusive.

Progress of the master class:

Tools and materials: polyfrex, satin ribbons, glitter, a piece of mesh, beads, glue, scissors, stapler, pen.

We make markings on the polyfrex for the cone; this will be the base of the Christmas tree.

We cut it off and use a stapler to connect the edges to make a bag-shaped part.

Depending on the size of the tree, draw a circle and divide it into sectors, the inner circle should correspond to the base.

We cut out the part, but only so that there are no traces of the felt-tip pen left.

We connect each sector in the form of a small bag using a stapler.

We make the same blanks, only smaller in size.

From polyfrex with foil we cut out a circle with needles.

We produce the following parts, only in smaller sizes.

We make bows from ribbons.

Alternatingly place parts on the cone in decreasing order

You can cut out any shape for the top of the Christmas tree.

We decorate the Christmas tree with bows, beads, sparkles.

The Christmas tree is ready to decorate any interior and bring a good mood.

DIY Christmas tree made from waste material: manufacturing master class with step-by-step photos.

DIY Christmas tree made from waste material

We have already made Christmas trees from waste materials: from pine shavings, tapestry scraps and others (see previous article). And today we will make an original and beautiful Christmas tree from those waste materials that are in every home!

A master class on making a Christmas tree from waste materials is conducted on the “Native Path” by a reader of the site, a participant in our Internet Workshop of educational games “Through play - to success!” Vera Parfentyeva is a technology teacher, head of a children's creativity group.

Christmas tree made from waste material “Silver Shine”: description

You can make interesting creative Christmas trees based on the cone. To do this, you need to prepare various waste materials. We will take natural material:

- sawdust,

- seeds of melon, watermelon, bell pepper,

- remnants of drunk tea,

- small stems of grass,

- small seeds of flowers such as cosmos, calendula and other plants,

- thread trimmings.

- foam crumbs

- and much more.

Christmas tree made from waste material: materials and tools

To work you need:

— Whatman paper;

- PVA glue;

- waste material;

- silver spray paint.

Christmas tree made from waste material: a master class on making it in step-by-step photos

Step 1

Make cones with a height of 40-50 cm from whatman paper. At the base of the cone there is a circle of 15-20 cm. The circle must be glued using a strip of newspaper, a notebook sheet or ordinary office paper. It’s better to take not new, but scribbled sheets of paper - give them a second life.

Step 2

Option 1

Think about how you want to decorate your Christmas tree. The cone can be divided into sectors. Lubricate each sector separately with a thick layer of thick PVA glue, stick different seeds on each sector. For example, stick melon seeds along the edges of the sector (rays going to the center like garlands). In the center there is drunken tea, and on the sides there is sawdust.

Option 2

Or you can stick it in another way. For example, buckwheat seeds or grape seeds can be glued onto a cone in a spiral. And fill the rest with sawdust or tea.

Option 3

Or you can have all the available “garbage” in chaotic spots: melon or cucumber seeds, bell peppers, grape seeds, finely chopped herb stems, foam granules, tea leaves, remnants of thread and other things that you have prepared since the summer. And even a small onion!

This is what a Christmas tree completely filled with various “garbage” looks like.

Step 3

Paint the Christmas tree with silver spray paint. The main thing is that painting must be done either in an empty room or on the street. And, of course, wear a respirator so as not to inhale odors and aerosol particles.

A closer fragment of the Christmas tree. Beauty appears before our eyes!

Melon seeds look very beautiful. It’s as if garlands of light bulbs are shining from top to bottom!

Creative task:

— Have you prepared bones, plant seeds and fruits for creativity in the summer?

— What kind of plant and fruit seeds do you think would be suitable for making such Christmas trees?

— Think about what other materials can be used to make Christmas trees on a cone?

— Make your own Christmas tree on a cone from waste materials that can be found in winter. The main thing is to carefully look at the “garbage” that is thrown into the bin every day. Give waste material a second life. Protect our planet from the garbage that litters the world's oceans every minute!