When applying to the Pension Fund with a request to receive a lump sum payment formed from the funded part of the pension, a citizen must submit a personal application.

Let's look at what the application form looks like, and also determine how to fill it out correctly so that there are no problems when accepting documents.

There is an approved form No. 12, which was approved by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation

You can obtain an application form from your city or county pension fund office, or print it out yourself and fill it out at home.

The application form for payment of the funded part of the pension looks like this:

Follow these rules when writing a document:

  1. Enter all personal data in full: full name, date of birth, place of birth, information from your identity document.
  2. In the columns where you indicate the address of your place of residence, actual residence, enter accurate information. If you live in the territory of another state, then this should also be indicated and not hidden.
  3. For information you don’t know, it’s best to ask a specialist.
  4. Be sure to include your phone number where a Pension Fund employee can call you and clarify your details or ask any questions.
  5. Please indicate what pension you receive.
  6. The request that you wish to receive a lump sum payment of pension savings has already been indicated. All you have to do is tick the box indicating how you want to receive funds, through which organization.
  7. Further lines are filled in if the legal representative of the applicant applies to the Pension Fund. He also needs to provide all his personal data, as well as information about the power of attorney.
  8. At the end of the document you should include the date you submitted your application and your signature. If a representative applies, his signature is required.
  9. In order to record the submission of your application, the fund specialist must issue you a notification receipt. At the end of the application you must put a date and signature that you have received a receipt.
  10. You can draw up a document with a black or blue pen, or by typing all the data on a PC; with the second option, it will no longer be possible to change anything.
  11. Try to write in legible handwriting, avoiding mistakes.
  12. Marks or corrections in the application are prohibited. You may be forced to rewrite it.

The Big Non-State Pension Fund is today on the lips of every potential pensioner who seeks to improve their financial situation upon entering their well-deserved retirement.

About company

NPF Bolshoi was opened in 1995, as a result of which, over two decades, it established its strong position in the general ranking of popular and reliable companies engaged in similar activities.

Today, employees of more than 450 enterprises are clients of the organization and speak only positively about their work.

Some pensioners are already successfully receiving their savings in installments in accordance with the terms of a previously signed agreement. NPF Bolshoi is among the top 15 of all Non-State Pension Funds in Russia.


Back in 2013, the Bolshoi fund was assigned an A++ rating, which means a high degree of reliability and a certain stability under the influence of economic and legislative changes taking place in the country.

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As of 2017, the position of the non-state pension fund has not changed - this indicates the stability of work activities and cooperation with clients.


From 2006 to 2009, the profitability of the Bolshoi Non-State Pension Fund underwent significant ups and downs, which is why its clientele practically did not increase.

The worst times were in 2008 and 2011, as measured by returns of 0% and 2.82%, respectively. But since 2012, a certain stability can be observed, which is confirmed by the following graph.

In 2016, the return on savings in the Bolshoi Non-State Pension Fund was 10.70%, and already in 2017 it was 9.04%. The presented data makes it possible to conclude that cooperation and participation in the co-financing program in the non-state pension fund in question is completely safe and profitable.

What programs exist

The Bolshoi Non-State Pension Fund offers its clients 3 packages of programs under which the funded part of the pension is formed and subsequent payments are made.

Among the software packages are:

  • Private;
  • Family;
  • Investment.

The Personal package, which is characterized by the payment of a pension for existing pensioners or citizens of pre-retirement age, includes the following types of programs:

Economical the program involves mandatory contributions determined by 6% of wages, which follows from the legislation and contributions made by the employer
Managed allows you to change the conditions and amounts for contributions throughout the entire period of cooperation between the client and the company, which occurs only in accordance with the wishes of the potential pensioner himself
2 pensions at once can only be used by pensioners who will receive 2 pensions at once
Big pension involves the accumulation of funds, the amount of which will include deductions from wages in accordance with the law, as well as additional contributions from the client. The presented program is valid only subject to cooperation for 1-7 or more years

The Family package, designed to provide for the pensioner himself, his children and parents, contains the following programs:

Golden Key provides for minimum payments, limited to a mandatory 6% of wages, which will be collected in favor of children and their future. When you retire, money can be spent on children’s education in a lump sum, which includes payments for 12 months
thanks to parents money can be paid to parents upon their retirement. Thus, it turns out that even before reaching retirement age, the client already receives partial savings going to the parents’ account
Family capital The advantage for clients is the ability to transfer the right to receive pension payments to a spouse upon his or her retirement
Close people is the possibility of transferring the right to receive an additional pension to any loved one. The only condition is that he must reach retirement age.

The investment package so far contains one program, which is an excellent alternative to a bank deposit. There is a Rentier program here, which is simply designed to deposit amounts for accumulation and subsequent investment.

Thanks to the consent given by the client, his funds will be constantly used to invest assets, which will have a positive effect on premiums.

Additionally, the Bolshoi Non-State Pension Fund offers deposit insurance, which ensures full renewal of funds in the event of a financial cataclysm.

This requires a certain fee, but clients actively use the service out of a desire to save their own savings.


The cooperation agreement is drawn up in the following sequence:

  1. First, you should find out whether there is a branch of NPF Bolshoi in your city or town. If there is, then they contact the department personally; if not, you can contact the employees using a single number provided on the bigpension ru website, or send a request by email. In the letter, indicate your desire to join the fund.
  2. As you contact the employees of NPF Bolshoi, an agreement is concluded with the choice of the program you like.
  3. The signed agreement should be transferred to the Pension Fund of Russia, so that from the next time you receive your salary, the due payments will be made to the Bolshoi Non-State Pension Fund.

When executing an agreement via the Internet, the client must send his copy of the document by mail or use an electronic signature prepared in advance.

What documents are needed

To complete the contract, the following documents will be required:

  • application for membership in NPF Bolshoi;
  • passport of a Russian citizen;
  • SNILS;
  • documents of citizens whom the client wishes to help in old age.

Depending on the program and the client’s wishes, additional documents may be required.

Application for payment

To receive your savings upon reaching retirement age, you must write a corresponding application to the Bolshoi Non-State Pension Fund. According to current legislation, every citizen has the right to receive a funded portion upon retirement in a single amount.

To do this, it should be no more than 5% of the entire insurance pension, which is calculated by the Russian Pension Fund. Payments to NPF Bolshoi are possible only if this is permitted by the agreement signed with the company.

Application form for a funded pension. Find a sample application for a lump sum payment.

How to terminate a contract with the Non-State Pension Fund Bolshoi

Termination of the contract with NPF Bolshoy occurs in the standard sequence and without any restrictions. So, if you want to transfer your savings to another company, you must do the following:

  • You should contact the branch with your passport and the agreement concluded between NPF Bolshoi and the client;
  • already at the department, submit an application for termination of the contract with a request to transfer savings to a new fund, with which the applicant will cooperate in the future;

  • in order not to visit the branch of the NPF Bolshoi twice, it is recommended to bring a signed document confirming the conclusion of cooperation with another Non-State Pension Fund and its details;
  • Next, you need to notify the Russian Pension Fund about the transfer to another NPF;
  • After checking all the data, savings from the Bolshoi will be sent to a new NPF for cooperation in accordance with the specified details.

Depending on the situation, additional actions may be required on the part of the client or company employees.

Advantages and disadvantages

NPF Bolshoi has significant advantages in carrying out work activities, which is represented by the following factors:

  • over 20 years of operation, the company has remained afloat, having withstood all the past economic disasters. This indicates reliable financial protection and well-executed policies;
  • NPF attracts entire companies and enterprises to cooperate, whose employers agree to transfer the funded portion of employees to the account of the specified organization. Depending on the financial situation, company managers can reward their employees not only with bonuses, but also with contributions to the fund, which makes their amount increase;
  • Big is constantly developing new programs that are successfully accepted by clients;
  • Company employees provide fast service and timely information to customers about ongoing promotions and innovations in programs;
  • has a high level of reliability, which is confirmed by several corporations that audit the financial component of Non-State Pension Funds and other similar companies.

The only downside is the lack of ability to track your own funds - the client cannot influence the ongoing investment of any shares. This affects the profitability of its savings part.

NPF Bolshoi welcomes its clients with a positive profile, financial position and high reliability. This should be reflected in subsequent cooperation with those who joined.

Currently, males born between 1953 and 1966 and females born between 1957 and 1966 can return their existing savings by writing an application to the Pension Fund.

The funded part of their pension was formed in the period from 2002 to 2004. The savings during this time were small, so you can get them immediately and without problems.

If this component is formed not only through employer contributions, but also with the help of additional sources of financing, you can return:

  • independent contributions;
  • dividends received from investment;
  • funds accrued under the state co-financing program.

There is a mechanism for returning the accumulated amount through urgent payments, spread over 10 years. In this case, the amount of the funded part must be more than 5%, calculated from the amount of the general old-age pension, consisting of a funded and insurance component.

To find out the accumulated amount, you must contact the branch of the Pension Fund located at your place of residence. Another option: by registering through SNILS and creating a “personal account”, go to the government services portal.

The basis for the issuance of pension savings will be an application submitted by the pensioner to the management fund.

Return of the funded part of the pension to legal successors

Any citizen is given the right to pre-determine the persons who will inherit accumulated pension funds. It is allowed to divide funds between several legal successors with the allocation of shares due to each.

To indicate the persons who, in the event of death, will inherit this accumulated money, you need to contact the managing pension fund by writing a statement in which to register all legal successors and determine the shares of savings due to each.

In the absence of a statement indicating the persons inheriting the finances, relatives will act as legal successors in the following order determined by law:

  • firstly, the children of the deceased pensioner, both natural and adopted, as well as the widow (widower) and parents of the testator;
  • secondly, siblings, grandparents, and grandchildren.

These funds are paid to relatives in the same queue in equal shares. Applicants of the second priority can apply for this money only in the absence of relatives belonging to the first priority.

The funds that have accumulated in the Pension Fund are transferred to persons entitled to them in the following cases:

  • upon the death of a pensioner before the moment when payment of funds accumulated over the entire period would be established for him, or until the moment of its recalculation, in which additional pension savings would be taken into account, except for the funds of maternity capital, which were sent to the account of a future pension;
  • if a citizen died after he was assigned an urgent pension payment. This entitles you to receive the unpaid balance of your retirement account;
  • if death occurred after the citizen was assigned a lump sum payment of savings, but he did not have time to receive it. This money, within 4 months from the date of death, will be available to the relatives of the deceased if they lived together with him, as well as dependents with disabilities, and their place of residence in this case does not play any role. In the absence of these persons, the entire lump sum payment will be included in the inheritance and transferred to the heirs in accordance with the general rules.

If a citizen is provided with an indefinite payment of the funded part of the pension, upon his death, the pension savings are not returned to his legal successors.

How to receive the funded part of the pension for legal successors

You can receive the finances of a deceased citizen accumulated in a pension fund by contacting the management fund in person, through a proxy, or by mail within six months from the date of the pensioner’s death. If the six-month period is missed, its restoration is possible only through the court.

To receive funds, you must present a package of documents confirming legal succession. All documents necessary for this are specified in the Rules for the Payment of Pension Savings.

Here is their list:

  • an identity document, as well as the place of residence of the pension applicant or his authorized representative;
  • a notarized power of attorney for the right to represent the interests of a candidate to receive money;
  • death certificate of the pensioner;
  • documents confirming family ties;
  • permission from the guardianship authorities to refuse funds that are due to the legal successor;
  • other documents.

It is decided to pay or refuse to pay relatives after six months have passed since the death of the pensioner. The successor receives information about this in writing no later than 5 working days from the date of the decision.

Funds are transferred to legal successors by the 20th day of the month, which occurs immediately after the month of the decision.

You can withdraw money accumulated in the pension fund:

  • at the post office;
  • by transfer to a bank account.

How to write an application to the Pension Fund for the return of the funded part of the pension

When filling out an application, you must adhere to the following requirements:

  • mandatory registration in full, without abbreviations, of all personal data in the form in which they are written in identity documents;
  • there is no need to hide the address of the place of residence and place of actual residence, even if this place is located outside the Russian Federation;
  • it is advisable to draw up such a document under the guidance of an experienced lawyer;
  • it is necessary to indicate a personal telephone number by which a pension fund employee can clarify this or that information;
  • it is necessary to indicate the type of pension received;
  • you must indicate the method of receiving funds and write down the name of the organization through which the money will be received;
  • when the applicant’s authorized representative contacts the Pension Fund, the application also indicates all his personal data and information about the power of attorney issued to him;
  • the document ends with the signature of the applicant or authorized representative and the date of its writing;
  • To record the submission of the application, it is necessary to request a notification receipt from the fund specialist. After this, at the end of the application another signature and date are placed confirming the receipt of the receipt;
  • You can fill out the application form using a black or blue ballpoint pen, or by printing it on a printer;
  • When filling out an application, it is necessary to avoid scratches and corrections, since the document may not be accepted, forcing it to be rewritten.

Within 30 days from the date of acceptance of the application, a written response must be received, which will either confirm the possibility of receiving pension savings, or give a detailed reasoned refusal.

Sample application to the Pension Fund for the return of the funded part of the pension

To withdraw the accumulated money, you must submit an application to the management fund, which manages the funds.

You can download a sample application to the Pension Fund for the return of the funded part of the pension

A citizen has the right to write an application to the pension fund in which his funds are located, indicating his legal successors.

You can download the application for the appointment of legal successors

After death, these legal successors can claim the existing savings from the pension fund within six months.

If no appeal is received, the law provides for the transfer of funds to relatives, who, depending on the degree of relationship, are divided into two stages:

  • spouse, children of the deceased, his parents;
  • grandmothers, grandfathers, brothers, sisters, grandchildren.

In the absence of an application from the now deceased citizen in which he would appoint legal successors, the legal successors have the right to receive this part of the pension. To do this, they are also given 6 months from the date of death of a relative, during which they need to submit an application to the fund managing the accumulation.

You can download a sample application from a legal successor for the payment of pension savings of a deceased relative

The Russian pension system in its modern form has been operating since January 1, 2015. The legislator has provided for a new form of financial assistance - the payment of a one-time cash benefit.

Why do you need an application?

Not everyone has the right to receive such government support. Only recipients who have formed a cumulative share can submit an application and receive a one-time payment:

  • disability pensions,
  • financial assistance for the loss of a breadwinner,
  • social old age pension.

The following persons may also apply for it:

  • those who made pension contributions to a savings account in 2002–2004;
  • who have made contributions and are participating in the state program for co-financing and collecting pension savings;
  • who have secured their pension savings in any other available way.

Important! When accumulating a certain amount of funds in a special pension account, every citizen has the right to withdraw them once every five years by submitting an application to the authorized division of the fund.

How to write an application for payment of a one-time funded part of a pension?

The application is drawn up on a standard form, form which was approved by departmental order of the Ministry of Social Protection.

Write down on the form:

  • information about the organization - without abbreviations;
  • personal data of the applicant (full name, date and place of birth, gender);
  • SNILS;
  • citizenship (“Russian Federation” is written in full);
  • passport data;
  • data on place of residence (registration), stay (temporary registration) and actual residence (if it does not coincide with registration) - with postal codes;
  • contact number.

If the applicant lives outside of Russia, the address in another state is indicated in two languages.

Then the method of paying out the savings is selected. The following calculation options are available to choose from:

  • to a bank account - the details of the credit institution are recorded;
  • by mail - indicate the address for transfer;
  • in cash at the Pension Fund cash desk.

The following section must be completed if the application is being submitted by a legal representative. It reflects information about the authorized person.

The application is signed by the potential recipient of the payment (or his representative) indicating the date.

What to include with your application

Copies of the following are attached to the application:

  • passports,
  • SNILS,
  • certificates of work experience,
  • documents for old age pension.

The law allows the submission of certified copies of materials instead of originals. When sent by mail, copies of documents must also be certified in the prescribed manner.

Where and when to submit?

The collected package of documents is submitted to the territorial division of the Pension Fund at the place where the pension file is stored.

To do this, you can use one of the following methods:

  • immediate attendance at scheduled reception hours (usually Monday to Thursday 9.00–18.00, Friday 9.00–16.45);
  • sending materials by mail;
  • use of multifunctional center services;
  • registration through the Internet portal “State Services”.

If savings are collected in a non-state fund, the appeal should go there.

Deadlines and fees

There is no state fee for filing an application.

Important! After acceptance of the application, the applicant is given a receipt notification of registration. From this moment the calculation of the period begins.

If the application was sent by mail, the period is calculated from the date indicated on the stamp.

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If the package of documents is not submitted by the pensioner himself, but by him legal representative, then in addition he needs to present his passport and a notarized power of attorney giving the right to perform these actions.

Instead of original documents, the legislation of the Russian Federation allows provide copies of them. However, they must be certified by a notary. If the application is sent by mail, only notarized copies are attached.

After accepting the application, in confirmation of this operation, employees of the authorized body are required to hand over to the applicant receipt-notification of registration of the application, which should contain a list of accepted documents, as well as other information (personal data of the citizen, date of acceptance, etc.).

Application for a one-time payment of pension savings to a non-state pension fund

If the funded pension was formed in the state fund, then when registering it with the Pension Fund, you need to submit an application in accordance with Appendix No. 1 of Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation No. 11n dated July 3, 2012.

If funds were formed in non-state fund, then to receive them you need to submit an application to the NPF for a one-time payment of savings funds. The form of this document is also strictly regulated by the Legislation of the Russian Federation, namely Appendix No. 1 of Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation No. 12n dated July 3, 2012.

The application must contain the following information:

  1. NPF name;
  2. information about the applicant (full name, date and place of birth, gender, citizenship, address);
  3. passport details;
  4. pension savings account number (filled in by a fund employee);
  5. contact details (telephone);
  6. information about already established pensions;
  7. desired method of receiving funds and account details;
  8. Date of completion;
  9. applicant's signature.

If the application is submitted legal representative(this can be either an individual or a legal entity), then the document must also reflect information about it (full name or name of organization, address, passport details of the representative, contact telephone number).

How and when are savings paid out?

If the documents are submitted in full and correspond to reality, the pension fund authorities issue positive decision and establish a lump sum payment for the applicant from the date of application for it (however, not earlier than the pensioner has the right to it).

In this case, payment of all pension savings funds at once is carried out only once every two months after the fund has made a positive decision. The pensioner has the right to receive funds indicated in the application:

  • through Russian Post (in person at the branch or at home);
  • at the box office of the delivery organization (or to your home);
  • at the bank (at the cash desk or to a bank account).

You can receive all the pension savings in your account once again, but not earlier than after five years. This is only possible if the insured person continues to form a funded pension by transferring funds to the fund, through voluntary contributions or through an employer (while working).

Is it possible to receive the insurance part of the pension in a lump sum?

Insurance coverage for compulsory pension insurance involves the payment of funds to insured persons upon the occurrence of insured event. The legislation of the Russian Federation provides for three types of such cases, these are:

  • (reaching retirement age);

This provision is formed from insurance contributions to the Pension Fund of Russia and is solidary. In other words, the pensions of current retirees are financed by the contributing working population.

Unlike a funded pension, which is accumulated in the form of cash, future insurance coverage is formed in the accounts of citizens in pension points. In this regard, upon reaching the age of retirement, when applying for an insurance payment, citizens cannot immediately withdraw all paid funds.