Good afternoon. Today I'm posting a selection of ideas according to WINTER NAIL DESIGN. We will paint on our nails a variety of manifestations of winter - crushed ice, frost, frosty patterns, curls of cold on the nails, hoarfrost, icicles, fluffy snow, snowflakes, grainy ice. Here you will find manicures with blue and blue rhinestones, nails with a pattern in the style of a knitted sweater. I won't just give you photos - I'll try tell you exactly how each winter style manicure technique is performed. You can do it yourself choose and do your nail design and paint your winter on your fingertips.

Let's begin…

CURL of frosty patterns on winter manicure.

Such thin curls are obtained by painting on the nail with a thin brush. It is best to place this pattern ALONG THE SIDE OF THE NAIL - this will visually lengthen the nail plate and add elegance to the entire winter style design.

You don’t have to limit yourself to chaotic curls and build ORGANIZED PATTERN with closed lines .

  • FIRST place the arches in a row on one line...
  • THEN add a chain of arcs above them (you’ll get a wave)…
  • THEN draw slanted lines of triangles above the waves...
  • AND FINALLY cover each triangle with arcs... draw dots above these upper arcs (with a toothpick)...
  • And that's ALL, all that remains is to glue the rhinestones onto the tops of the triangles. And we get a manicure as in the photo below.

Similar you can also draw a pattern similar to figured scales . We start drawing scales from the root zone of the nail and slowly move upward, towards the edge of the nail.

For nails with a WINTER design, it is good to choose COLD PAIRED SHADES - purple and silver-gray, sparkling turquoise and white, blue and matte silver.

Frosty patterns on nails also look beautiful when blue sparkles were chosen for the background color and applied on top white matte pattern with a thin brush. The result is a delicate coloring of nails in winter style.

The dark blue + white pair looks beautiful. The nail design in the photo below shows the opportunity to design each nail in a special way, creating YOUR OWN INDIVIDUAL winter manicure design on each finger.

You can choose THREE COLORS of polish to create frosty patterns on your nails. For example DARK BLUE + LIGHT TURQUOISE + SILVER.

And the nail can be ZONED using tape. First, paint your nails with a light turquoise polish, then apply a swirl pattern with silver polish. Dry and seal the patterned part of the nail with tape EXACTLY in a straight line (or diagonally) - paint the open part dark blue, remove the tape and dry. Secure everything with colorless gloss varnish.


Here’s a beautiful and, most importantly, quick-to-implement idea on how to make a winter-style nail design with your own hands at home. We are making a LACE pattern on the lunar manicure zone (that is, at the root).

First, cover the selected nail white.. Then we cover the nail hole with turquoise color and draw a semicircular zone. Then we step back a little (so that a white stripe remains) and draw a second turquoise zone in the form of a wide stripe. Let's dry it. And with white varnish we paint large white dots on this wide strip.

And then we take silver varnish– and we complete the elements – a silver stripe in an arc above the lunar part of the nail. And there is a silver stripe above a wide turquoise stripe. On this silver strip we draw large silver dots. And we draw small dots below under the strip.

Let's take the turquoise varnish again and draw small dots in the middle of the large silver dots. And above these silver dots we draw turquoise peaks.

Is it possible to do lace pattern in winter style EASIER on nails. Just arches and stripes. As in the photo of nails below.

As you know, the simplest lace consists of BIG and SMALL dots (left photo below).

You can also PRINT lace using a stamp(using stamping technique). This is when we buy a stencil with a lace pattern (a metal disk with extruded pits of the pattern)… we apply varnish to it… we scrape off the excess varnish from the stencil with a scraper… we press a rubber signet to the stencil… and the varnish clings to it… we transfer the signet to the nail and roll the signet roller for nail plastic. And our lace was PRINTED onto the nail. We dry and glue the rhinestones wherever we want.

And here is another simple winter pattern in the style of stripes and dots. Here, wide stripes of silver-blue polish were first painted on turquoise nails. And then we added dots of different diameters. In larger dots, smaller dots were drawn, alternating colors - turquoise, black and metallic blue. It turned out beautiful winter nail design.

Winter flower design on nails.

And also winter patterns on manicure can be in the form of flowers, petals, stems– where the flowers are made in winter nail polish colors (shades of blue, teal, turquoise and silver).

Frozen roses look good on winter nail designs. Roses on nails in winter style can be painted using blue and silver shades of varnish.

And roses can also be red - but in the snow. Or a rose against the background of frozen window glass, like in the song snow, frost, winter, roses.

Blizzard and ICE on winter design.

You can do it on your nails in winter style patterns of flowing frozen streams. You can make irregularly shaped ice from acrylic or gel nails. Decorate your nails with chaotic patterns of irregular thin lines where they merge into single patterned streams(like streams), and decorated with sparkling sparkles like pieces of ice in winter.

You can try to depict it on your nails curls of the snowstorm. Whirlwinds and currents of frosty wind.

It is especially easy to make such patterns of northern winds using WATER MANICURE techniques. It is done simply - in a bowl of cold water We alternately drip varnish of different colors. Each drop spreads on the water like a colored pancake. Then, using a toothpick, we break the even rows of the pattern and press our nail against this varnish film. Use a toothpick to remove excess varnish from your finger.– take the nail out of the water and clean the cuticle from the stuck pattern.

Crushed ice on nails.

You can buy a jar python varnish white or blue. When applied to the nail, python varnish instantly breaks into cracks - and we get the effect of broken ice on a river. First you need to paint the nail in a contrasting base color - one that will show through the resulting cracks.


(instructions-lesson for beginners)

The essence of this winter manicure is that on painted nails glue the plug strips... then we cover the nail with the second color of varnish.... And IMMEDIATELY remove the stripes... and where they were, the old varnish color remains.

In the photo below on the nail metallic blue was applied first- dried - glued the strips with a DIAGONAL CROSS, and also added two short strips, folding them in the form of CORNERS (on four sides of the diagonal cross). And they painted the nail RIGHT OVER THE STRIPES in silver... immediately, while the varnish was still liquid, they removed the flat stickers, and where they were, a blue striped color remained.

Here's an option when the pattern of crushed ice is also achieved using the GLUE STRIPS technique on the nails. On white nails, glue strips of tape in different directions - paint the nail blue. Remove the strips before the varnish dries. And then we glue some blue triangles on them mirror films for nails, also cut out in the shape of a triangle and fix it all on top with a layer of transparent varnish.

You can use this strip technique by placing them in a CELL and using varnishes of inexpressive colors.. metallic and with sparkles - then the pattern will turn out blurry, like foggy glass - we see an example in the photo below.

You can use stickers cut from regular tape - for example, triangular shapes to create a CORNER-shaped pattern.
Or you can cut out smooth shapes from tape and create wide, smooth lines.

Winter tree branches on nails

You can draw on a manicure the real winter– in the literal sense of the word. And above all, these are winter trees. Their graceful branches, bare against the background of a gray or turquoise cold sky.

This could be entire winter groves - the photo below shows how easy it is to create such a pattern. First we make black rough lines of the trunk and branches. Let's dry it. After thin white brush on these trunks we make uneven whitish lines - as if we were staining the trunks with snow and putting snow stripes on the twigs and branches.

Also, winter may look like snow-covered Christmas trees or barely visible in a snowstorm.

WINTER DESIGN of gradient nails.

The shimmer of dark autumn twilight... with a smooth transition of cold blue and light blue shades on the manicure.

How to paint your nails yourself in such a color transition (using a sponge and three shades of varnish), I explained in the article Gradient manicure – 90 photos of ombre nails.

Left photo below- this is an ordinary imprint of a sponge, onto which you applied a steel color on one side and a metallic blue on the other side - pressed onto the nail and repeated the same procedure several times until the color became saturated. Then we dry it and apply gloss varnish to make the color deep and rich.

Right photo below- this is the same principle of applying a manicure with a sponge, but first we paint the nail blue, and then (when it dries) we stick thin tape stickers on it. And on top of the tapes we apply gradient layers of varnish with a sponge... and after applying the last layer, we remove the tape (before the varnish has time to dry).

On such a blue-blue manicure, a pattern obtained by transferring a sticker onto a nail, or applying a pattern using a stamp, looks good. A stasis in the center will give the manicure completeness.

Beautiful manicure in the color of the NORTHERN LIGHTS can be done using 2 techniques at once - the SPONGE-SPONGE manicure technique + the technique of SEALING PART OF THE NAIL WITH duct tape. Moreover, here we cut the tape in the form of a WAVE (that is, one side of the sticker should have a wavy shape). Now I will tell you step by step how to do such a manicure.

First we paint our nails white(or light silver).

Then apply a little on the edge of the sponge silver blue varnish and make an imprint on the MOON PART of the nail (at the root of the nail plate). And dry it.

Then on this root zone of the nail stick a wave-shaped sticker. And to the open part of the nail (next to the wavy edge of the sticker) we apply a sponge coated with blue metallic varnish. We make enough prints so that the color is more or less bright. Before the varnish dries, remove the sticker. And we dry this area.

Then, when everything was dry - reapply the wavy sticker already closer to the tip of the nail. And again we apply a blue imprint with a sponge along the open part of the nail near the wavy edge of the sticker. Remove the sticker. Let's dry it. Cover with glitter varnish.

A VERY SIMILAR TECHNIQUE is used to create these STRIPED nails (with thin sticker tapes).

The trick here is that... First, we cover the nails with a sponge (sponge) in a white-blue gradient SO THAT WHITE is near the root of the nail, AND BLUE is closer to the edge of the nail. Let's dry it.

Apply stickers (two or three thin strips). And on top we also apply a sponge, also a white-blue gradient, BUT SO THAT THE BLUE is near the root of the nail, AND THE WHITE is closer to the edge of the nail. We make several prints to make it more saturated. And while the varnish has not set, remove the tapes. Let's dry it. Cover with glitter varnish.

Here's how to do this SNOW-NORTHERN tape-and-sponge manicure.. Paint the nail white. Dry thoroughly. And we cover the lower part of the nail with a piece of adhesive tape in a fancy shape (with rounded tails - as in the photo below). Cover the rest of the exposed part of the nail with a light turquoise shade... apply on sponge blots of turquoise, blue and white flowers– and press this sponge onto the open part of the nail.

We get a blurry blot on the place where the nail is not covered with tape. We apply this print on the nail several times until it becomes bright enough. And immediately, carefully pick up the tape by the edge that lies on the skin of the finger and remove it from the nail. As a result we get this northern snow manicure as in the photo below.

Nail design WINTER - with sparkles and rhinestones.

And how pieces of transparent ice floes look on a winter manicure cold rhinestones and shimmering mirror sparkles.

You can simply lay sparkles and rhinestones in even rows (like even icicles in winter). Or you can make a winding line out of rhinestones, imitating the curl of drifting snow swirling through the snow.

You can make everything much easier by purchasing jar of confetti polish with large hexagonal sequins in transparent blue. They resemble pieces of broken ice on your nails.

Can be used FOAM technique for applying beautiful foam stains on nails. This is also a water manicure technique. When a few drops of blue varnish are dripped into a bowl of water (the varnish spreads like a film on the surface of the water) and we sprinkle hairspray on top (and tears and holes appear on the film) - and we press our nail, previously painted in blue varnish and dried. And then decorate such a manicure with beautiful rhinestones - grouping them in a heap on any nail - we get a winter-style manicure design as in the photo below.

Can be used in winter manicure rhinestones of different colors(cold colors - from purple to blue). And combine rhinestones with other techniques for creating colored shimmer on nails or with the pattern-stamp technique.

Beautiful patterns can be made on your nails in winter using rhinestone in the shape of a DROP. They can be used to fold a snowflake or a triangular Christmas tree.

You can use rhinestones of different sizes and lay out entire compositions on your nails - for example, from a large half-bead, small metal balls and medium mirror rhinestones, lay out a SNOWFLAKE-BROOCH - like in the photo below.

Or choose rhinestones of three colors (blue, colorless, lilac) and lay them alternating in color along the long nail plate - and decorate the remaining nails with a gradient with glitter polish in the same shade range.

CHARACTERS on winter nails.

Winter characters are penguins, bear cubs, owls, snowmen and other living creatures present in winter cartoons.

Snowmen can be drawn in different ways - you can simply draw a face, eyes and a carrot. Or you can draw him entirely on skis in a beanie hat.

You can decorate the snowman with a bright scarf. Or you can make a copy of their favorite cartoon snowman on your nails.

Naturally, next to these cute little animals, we paint snowflakes on our nails. They can be drawn in different ways. Let's see exactly how.

Snowflakes on nails

- several ways to draw.

Firstly, the stamping technique(I already said it above). When, using a metal stencil-template and a rubber seal, we apply a pattern imprint on the nails. In the photo below we see an example of such a metal stencil.

Silver snowflakes look beautiful on a white background. To make such a pale gray manicure look brighter, add to it the shimmer of sparkles and rhinestones - also cool water colors.

You can paint snowflakes yourself with a thin brush. Here is a master class on how to create a snowflake design on your nails step by step. The snowflake does not have to be placed in the center of the nail. You can place its rays in the corner of the nail or closer to the hole - that is, make the snowflake look like ONE SIDE on the nail.

But the example below shows that the image of a snowflake is created SCHEMATICALLY - with neat traces of a brush in the shape of an EXTENDED DROP. And with the help of rhinestones.

But we see that snowflakes do not have to have six rays - you can depict four or five rays. And you don’t have to make a lot of branches either - some branches can be replaced with round dots at the ends of the rays of the snowflake.

And here is an example of how you can create a BEAUTIFUL SNOWFLAKE with silver varnish and rhinestones.


Winter is not only about snowy landscapes. Winter also means cozy woolen sweaters and blankets. And their knitted patterns can be transferred to our nails. Draw knitted stripes, patterns, flowers, deer on the manicure.

These are the ideas for a winter style manicure that I have selected for you today. I hope this article has breathed winter sparks of creativity into your vases - I hope your eyes sparkled with the cold shine of frosty patterns and you mentally saw your new manicure worthy of the Snow Queen.

Let it harden on the tips of your nails the cold grace of ice and snow. Let your winter nail design give you joyful days and bring beauty into your life that is cold at the fingertips but warm at the heart.

Olga Klishevskaya, especially for the site

You will find all manicure ideas on our website about manicure, pedicure, the nail art industry and much more on the topic of female beauty. A woman has always been and remains the standard of beauty, and throughout her life she strives for perfection. What should be beautiful about a woman is not only her figure and face, but also her nails. Since ancient times, representatives of the fair sex have sought to make their nails beautiful and attractive to men's eyes. Nowadays, fashionable ladies have all the conditions to create the perfect manicure.

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When else to draw a snowflake on your nails, if not in winter? What about a cheerful reindeer and Santa Claus? But winter is not only white snowflakes and the New Year, it is the same usual everyday chores, worries and work moments. You can decorate your nails according to the latest trend in different ways, and you can come up with a winter design in any style and color scheme.

Color combination and shade palette

All women have different ideas about winter manicure. Some people imagine it in frosty shades, while others try to “place” a piece of warmth and comfort on their nails.

Various color combinations are possible in a winter theme. It all depends on what exactly the master wants to depict:

  • winter landscapes, snow-covered trees, blizzards, frosty patterns - in shades of blue, green, white;
  • New Year's theme - red, white, green colors;
  • imitation of a knitted sweater - pastel shades, rich red, wine, purple, brown, etc. colors.

But violations of generally accepted rules are also possible, when bold colors are combined, and the usual elements from the winter theme (snowflakes, Christmas trees, etc.) take on a completely different color.

The play of light on snow-white snow can produce various shades of blue and cyan. Such effects can be transferred to marigolds. You can use blue/blue nail polish for backgrounds, painting, and will also be an excellent “partner” for dark shades of blue to create a gradient manicure.

Dark and light shades of blue or light blue with a matte finish look impressive, and these colors also go well with the decor. For decoration can be used:

  • silver sparkles, rhinestones, stones, in dark shades - golden;
  • liquid stones in any color;
  • foil, manicure threads, rubbing in silver, golden, holographic reflections.

Shades of blue, like blue, go well with white, as well as black, yellow, green, etc. You should be careful when trying to combine it with red and orange shades.

Shades of red and frosty patterns

If you are going to make frosty patterns on a red background, then only with white. In the winter season, such combinations look relevant if the New Year holidays are ahead. In addition to white, other colors can be used: blue or blue, green, purple, as well as shiny elements: silver varnish, glitter.

Frosty patterns in white look contrasting and clear against a red background. You can create similar effects with a brush or dots.

White nail art

A strict, but at the same time winter color like white will be an excellent basis for subsequent design. Against such a background, you can depict anything, or you can leave the nail monochromatic, only slightly embellishing it with rhinestones.

To prevent the manicure from seeming boring and uninteresting, it can be done using one of the following techniques: velvet design, white knitted design, adding gloss to matte varnish, moon manicure, etc.

There are many options for covering nails with white varnish. This can be either a regular coating or gel polish. It is worth considering that the white color of any coating is very capricious, so it is necessary to use only high-quality materials to avoid streaks and gaps.

Green spruce

From highly artistic images of spruce to variegated New Year's beauty can be found on nails decorated with winter motifs. In addition to the herringbone pattern, you can paint the entire nail green. This shade is very fashionable in winter manicure; green “cat’s eye” manicure is trending.

A plain green manicure can be decorated with a bright pattern, and contrasting tones will make it stand out against the spruce color background.

You can find associations with silver or gold in winter nature in the works of Russian writers for a long time. Indeed, silver looks like frost sparkling in the sun, and when the sun rays at sunset, the snow acquires golden hues. All these wonders of nature simply need to be repeated on your nails in a winter manicure.

Both silver and gold go well with any color. Glitter, rubbing, shiny varnish, foil - these are just some of the possible materials for decorating nails. It is important not to combine silver and gold on the same nail, otherwise you risk getting a tasteless manicure.

Bright colors

To prevent winter from dictating its gloomy mood, bright tones of manicure will come in handy. Bright blue, orange or yellow nails are not the limit for a winter manicure. You can mix them with each other, use different techniques, and coming up with a colorful winter design is not difficult for any nail length.

The brightness of the design can include various decorative elements that will help achieve the intended effect. Bold and bright colors can be successfully emphasized with painting, photo design, and airbrushing in a winter theme.

It is recommended to use calm and cozy pastel colors for the background of a winter manicure, and use other, brighter colors to complete the design. At the same time, you should decorate your nails carefully so as not to upset the balance: an excessive amount of sparkles, rhinestones and other shiny elements are not relevant.

Pastel shades look very stylish if you cover your nails in their matte color options. It is permissible to use several shades in a manicure, but the general style and idea must be present.

Application techniques in winter motifs

New Year's motifs on nails or winter beauties can be closely intertwined with basic manicure techniques. You don’t have to paint anything on your nails at all; you can create a spectacular winter manicure without it.

Knitted manicure

A beautiful favorite winter sweater can be captured on your nails without any problems. This effect can be achieved in the three most popular ways:

  • paint with acrylic paint;
  • make a relief design with gel polish;
  • use sticker.

In any case, the effect of knitting is obtained. This design is suitable for daily wear for short and long nails. It is harmonious to use light colors to create such a design, then the result will be more natural.

Winter drawings and patterns

Every fashionista can feel like a true Santa Claus and paint not the window glass, but her own nails. To do this, you need to arm yourself with acrylic paint and a brush and try to draw simple patterns first. If you have no desire to draw, then you can entrust the job to a professional. Nail art masters use not only brush painting, but also airbrushing and photo design.

Among the popular winter characters: Teddy bear, deer, Santa Claus, mistletoe, socks, etc. In addition to window patterns, sweater-like patterns, diamond patterns, lace, etc. are used.

Among winter patterns, it is also important to use monograms that imitate a blizzard, draw snowflakes, and place curls on the nails. You can complement the patterns with shiny elements and a gradient background.


Decorating with a large number of snowflakes or several is an individual decision, but without a doubt, such a manicure definitely claims to be a “winter” manicure. The easiest way to depict a snowflake is to paint a nail with varnish or acrylic. But there are options to make shiny applications, stamps, and stickers. Snowflakes go well with nail decorations that imitate them: glitter, rhinestones.

Snowflakes on nails

New Year lunar design

The moon manicure technique is relevant in any case. It is used for almost all thematic designs. New Year's nail design will also look interesting if you make a lunar design and then apply themed designs.

You can choose different shapes of the hole, it all depends on the idea and shape of the nail. In the New Year's version of the lunar manicure, the hole can be left unpainted and simply coated with clear varnish. But it’s more effective to fill it with decor - glitter, rhinestones.

Classic French

The French technique can be customized for any occasion, using it as a basis for a themed design or a simple winter design. The tip of the nail is made triangular or semicircular, and painted in any color you like.

You can decorate your nails in a French style for a festive manicure, but an everyday winter design looks neat and impressive. Pastel colors are preferable.

Winter landscapes on nails

Even without knowing how to draw, you can depict a beautiful winter landscape on your nails, all thanks to affordable and easy-to-use stickers. With special drawing skills, landscapes can be painted on nails without any problems using acrylic-based paints or varnishes.

It has long been out of fashion to place landscapes on each nail, so it is recommended to dilute such rich designs with a single-color coating on some nails.

Matte finish

An already established fashion trend is the matte finish of the nail plate. For winter manicure, matte varnish is especially relevant: it looks calm, somewhat reminiscent of frost on the nails. Looks good in the French manicure technique, lunar design, and also as a background for subsequent painting.

Powder and velvet manicure

Marigolds dusted with snow... How can this be? If you use special materials, it can. To obtain a light dusting of nails, nail art masters use special acrylic powder. To make your nails velvety, they use a similar material - also powder, but its particles are slightly larger.

The application technique is not difficult if you do everything step by step. If the main layer is ordinary varnish, then after the last coating powder is sprinkled on the nail, after which the nail is dried, and the excess material is brushed off the nail with a brush. When sprinkling on gel polish, there is a slightly different procedure:

  • cover your nails with gel polish according to the standard scheme (degreaser, primer, gel polish);
  • apply finish;
  • sprinkle the nail with the selected acrylic powder;
  • dry in a lamp;
  • brush off excess powder with a brush or brush.

Such manicure effects look cozy in winter, but at the same time fashionable and stylish.

Geometric patterns

Nail painting in the style of geometric shapes has been at the peak of popularity for several seasons now. The contours of the figures are used, as well as “filling”, combinations of lines and dots. You can complement the geometric design with decorations and “broken glass” effects.

It is also important to create combinations of geometry with other designs: lunar, French, velvet, etc.

Sequins and rhinestones

What winter design would be complete without brilliant helpers - rhinestones and sparkles. They can successfully highlight a unique painting, add solemnity, and fascinate with tints and reflections.

Intense decorations will not lead to a stylish result, especially when combining a large number of sparkles with rhinestones in one design.

Winter on short nails

You can come up with many design options if you use short marigolds as a canvas. Various textures, materials, and techniques can turn even short-length nails into miracles of manicure art.

Design of long nails

Coming up with a variety of designs on long nails is much easier. But long nails require special attention in choosing the shape and color. Too long and bright nails can be perceived as bad taste and a hint of vulgarity, so you need to choose the design wisely.

Winter manicure on medium-length nails

Nails of this length look both feminine and provocative. The chosen design and color schemes of the manicure play a role here. A winter design on nails of this length can contain all the planned elements, as well as effectively demonstrate the chosen technique, for example, a moon manicure.

Manicure in shades of red is a bright and universal solution. This color is noble, catchy and attractive, thanks to which it will never lose its relevance.

If you previously avoided red manicure, then winter is a great time for such an experiment. Besides, this is a trend for the coming winter. The shades of red are so versatile that they will allow you to create almost any look: from seductive to fatal. Red polish looks best on neat, short nails.

Today there is a huge variety of red shades of varnish presented to your attention. Which one is right for you depends on the occasion, your taste, skin color and clothing. Over the past few seasons, red winter manicure has been very popular and is on the trend list. Feel free to use any options, including wine, scarlet, coral and cherry.

Features of red manicure

Red polishes do not tolerate negligence and require perfectly manicured nails. This color is dominant and not easy to combine with other colors. It is recommended to give preference to the classics: red with white, red with black and red with gold.

A few important rules for using shades of red:

  • You should not apply scarlet polish to long nails, it looks too vulgar - it is better to choose a cherry or burgundy shade;
  • shades of red look advantageous on a neatly processed narrow nail plate;
  • shades of burgundy look good for girls with short fingers;
  • if you have a cool skin tone, use cherry, raspberry, and wine shades; for girls with a warm skin tone, coral, scarlet, terracotta and strawberry suit well.

Matte red manicure

A matte finish makes nails more discreet and stylish for everyday use. Varnishes without shine and gloss are now very popular. Not every shade can be found in a matte version, but this problem is easy to solve - just purchase a special coating that will turn any varnish into a matte one. On a matte base you can draw a variety of glossy patterns - it looks very beautiful.

The most luxurious and at the same time classic version of matte manicure is a combination of red matte and black glossy varnish. This design, despite its dark color, will certainly attract attention. It can be used as a great complement to a matte dress with shiny black sequins. Of course, this technique also looks good with other shades of varnish.

On a discreet matte finish, a glitter design will look even more advantageous and brighter. A fashionable novelty of this season is the decoration with shiny sprinkles on the side of the nail with a hole in it. A suitable glitter can be chosen to match the color of the base coat or a contrasting combination can be achieved. The red matte background with alternating two colors of sparkles looks original.

Red moon manicure

Red nails look bright and juicy, decorated with a modest white crescent at the base. This manicure does not require much effort, but looks amazing both at a special event and in the office. A more festive option is a solid red coating and gold color on the edge of the nail (about a third of the length of the nail is covered with gold). It looks very extravagant and bold.

Black and red manicure

The combination of black and red is a recognized classic, but this does not make such a manicure any less daring and mysterious. Paint half the nail red and half black, but make an “overlap” in the middle that extends beyond the middle. This way you will create a characteristic thickening that gives your nails an original look. Using a sponge, you can achieve a smooth, gradient transition, and decorate it with black stamping on top.

Apply red polish to all nails and let dry. Take a small sponge or sponge and apply red and black polish to it. Use frequent dabbing motions to transfer the polish onto your nails. Top with a clear finish.


There is nothing difficult in creating a beautiful and neat red jacket. To do this, take adhesive tape or paper tape and seal the nail, leaving only the strip at the end open. Paint the tip of your nail with red polish and then remove the tape. If you want to achieve a rounded edge, first give the strip of adhesive tape the desired shape.

The red and white version of the French manicure looks very fresh. Cover your entire nails with red polish, dry it well, cover your nails with a stencil and paint the edges of your nails with white polish. This French jacket is very original and does not require any special additions, but you can diversify it with a ribbon for design. A red-beige French manicure is performed in the same way.

A bolder version of the French manicure is with a triangular edge. Creating it is also very simple, using a stencil of the appropriate shape.

Red manicure with rhinestones

A red manicure with a rhinestone design is amazing for a bright look. You can decorate the entire nail or just part of it with rhinestones. Dark red nails look very expensive and chic when combined with stones or metal studs. Short red nails can be combined with shining rhinestones.

Fashionable red and white manicure

Red is good for its versatility, but it goes best with black and white. These combinations are recognized classics of world fashion.

A red manicure decorated with black and white patterns will help to luxuriously complement any look. It doesn’t matter what you wear today – a business suit or a bright dress – scarlet nails will in any case make you more attractive and feminine. Let's look at the most winning combinations of juicy red with other colors.

A manicure in red and white tones goes best with a red evening dress. This contrasting combination looks amazing. Bright scarlet nails will not look provocative if you decorate them with paintings of other shades. The best option is white varnish, which will turn the manicure into a more delicate and mysterious one. Red nails with a simple white pattern look interesting and beautiful.

Red ombre manicure

Many people are already bored with the usual monochromatic manicure, so in search of original solutions, many girls come to ombre. This design quickly caught the fancy of fashionistas and gained great popularity. It can be done either by a professional or by yourself at home. It is quite simple and does not require any special equipment or skills, but it looks very attractive and beautiful.

Red manicure with a pattern

Red nails decorated with a pattern always look lively and original. Moreover, there are a huge variety of design options. The trend of the season is patterns and ornaments covered with velvet sand. You can decorate the entire nail or just part of it with this design. White polka dots look simple and beautiful on a red background. Snowflakes and plant motifs remain popular. Geometric patterns are in fashion now, and the most daring girls can decide on leopard print motifs in red. To decorate your manicure, you can use hand painting, special stamps and stickers.

New Year's manicure

All New Year's elements look amazing in red and white colors: Santa Claus, Christmas stars, Christmas tree decorations, deer and much more. If you want to make your manicure more varied, bright and festive, add green, silver and gold colors. Pay attention to the shellac coating, which will allow you to enjoy beautiful nails for a long time.

For many decades, red nail designs have maintained their popularity and attracted the attention of women around the world. We hope you appreciated our red manicure ideas and found useful winter manicure ideas for your beautiful hands.

Modern nail-art technologies allow women to embody any ideas on their nails. There are a lot of stylish winter-themed design options. You can easily choose the appropriate option for everyday life, for a festive corporate party, and for New Year's Eve.

Winter nail design 2018

Fashionable winter manicure 2018 is all about originality and zest. Even if you're a big fan of classic French designs or solid colors, add interesting details. Then you will definitely be in trend. Definitely, sparkles and rhinestones, hand-painted, gradient and stripes are in fashion this winter season. It is advisable to combine no more than 2 decorative elements, then your manicure will look expensive, elegant and stylish.

Winter manicure for short nails

Today, short nail lengths are in fashion and masters offer a lot of options for beautiful manicures. Winter nail design with gel polish is the best solution of all. Because you can enjoy neat nails and beautiful coverage for two to three weeks. In the 2018 fashion season, stylists advise giving preference to the following design options:

  • combination of white and;
  • gold painting;
  • a small amount of rhinestones;
  • acrylic powder;
  • winter themed drawings;
  • matte top combined with painting or glitter.

If you want to make a beautiful winter manicure for every day, then it is better if it is a smooth design, without massive decor. For a festive option, you can give preference to stones, complex patterns, and monograms. But even in this case, it is not recommended to decorate all your fingernails in this way. It is best to combine a voluminous design with a monochromatic coating.

On long nails, winter manicure looks brighter and more elegant, but you should be careful when choosing a design so as not to overdo it. If you prefer gel polish, then listen to the recommendation of a professional - get a manicure at least once every 2 weeks. Overgrown long nails, even with a very beautiful coating, look ugly. In 2018, the winter version of the manicure may contain the following elements:

  • drawings with the addition of rhinestones;
  • combination of bright and pastel colors;
  • stones;
  • complex painting;
  • holes;
  • massive decor.

Winter manicure on long nails looks beautiful and elegant if it combines no more than two types of decor. For example, stones and monograms, holes and stripes, sparkles and matte top. An abundance of decor is permissible only for special occasions, celebrations or New Year celebrations. At the same time, the color scheme of the nails must be in harmony with the outfit and the image as a whole.

Winter manicure ideas

This year, you definitely won’t have enough winter to implement all the interesting ideas on your nails proposed by nail-art masters. Classic design options have been improved - French manicure, lunar, winter painting. New trends have been added - geometry, broken glass, airbrushing, massive decor, etc. And all this in new combinations and colors!

Winter designs on nails

A manicure with a pattern is one of the easiest ways to create a winter design. Thin brushes and stencils allow you to complete the most complex elements. Traditionally, winter manicure with snowflakes remains the main trend. A snowman, a Christmas tree and toys have not gone out of fashion either. But there are more interesting options:

  • Scandinavian patterns;
  • frost effect on windows;
  • image of an antique clock;
  • pine needle branch;
  • bullfinches.

It is best to do the design on one or maximum two nails. An exception for pastel colors and light images without a lot of detail. If you still want to decorate each nail with a bright design, then stylists recommend using such a design exclusively for the New Year and Christmas holidays. And upon completion, immediately replace it with a new one.

Winter French on nails

Classic nail design is very easily played out with a winter theme and ceases to be so strict and official. The following ideas are relevant this season:

  • winter French manicure in blue and light blue tones;
  • winter French manicure with glitter;
  • French with ombre effect;
  • winter French manicure with a pattern;
  • combined jacket with a knitting effect or a Scandinavian pattern.

To create a festive and humorous mood, draw a funny snowman, cartoon characters, funny owls or deer on your nails. If you prefer a business and classic style in everyday life, then you can limit yourself to acrylic powder on one nail, an unobtrusive pattern in pastel colors, light stripes or an ombre effect.

Winter monograms on nails

This technique is difficult to perform, but looks very fashionable and festive. Be sure to find a good craftsman so that the monograms look delicate and elegant. By themselves, these patterns already look wintery, because they resemble frosty patterns on windows and folk ornaments. But this season, stylists advise giving preference to the following combinations:

  • white monograms on a dark surface;
  • monograms made with velvet sand;
  • monograms combined with rhinestones and acrylic powder;
  • monograms that complement French or moonlight manicure;
  • monograms and snowflakes on nails.

This delicate winter manicure will decorate both a young student and an established business woman equally well. But don't use stickers with monograms on them. The whole value of this design is in the fine handmade work. Also, do not allow nails with monograms to grow too long. 2-2.5 weeks is the optimal period for this exquisite design.

Bright winter manicure

Bright colors are still in style this season. They perfectly complement an evening dress at a corporate party and New Year's celebration. Traditionally, bright red and blue shades are popular. New this season are lilac and mother-of-pearl. Trendy ideas for bright manicure:

  • white drawings on red and blue coating;
  • mirror shine;
  • acrylic Powder;
  • pearl rub;
  • beads and volumetric decor.

It is recommended to apply all these elements to one or two nails, and leave the rest with a monochromatic bright coating. If you want maximum shine and brightness, then add more yellow or silver acrylic powder. It looks more advantageous on white and blue coatings and will highlight winter nails. In addition to mirror shine, use broken glass. Just keep in mind that excessive shine does not go well with every outfit. But it can also become a bright accent to your evening look.

Manicure winter fairy tale

A winter fairy tale is relevant for the New Year holidays. Professional masters create masterpieces with acrylic paints on the nails of their clients. As an alternative, you can use special stickers and stamping. Winter patterns on nails look equally good on both girls and accomplished women. But huts, gnomes and animals will not harmonize with a luxurious evening dress or a glass of expensive wine. Take this into account! What ideas can you use:

  • winter landscapes;
  • imitation of frosty patterns on the window;
  • forest inhabitants;
  • New Year's paraphernalia.

The most suitable colors for the design of a winter fairy tale are white, blue, green. Sequins and velvet sand are suitable as decorative elements. But stones and rhinestones in this case will be superfluous. It is very important not to overload your nails with excess, especially if you have short ones. This way they will stand out extremely unfavorably against the background of any festive outfit.

Winter matte manicure

Matte manicure has been at the peak of popularity for the last two years. It complements any look and style well, so professionals use it to create a beautiful winter manicure. A monochromatic coating will look a little boring, so we suggest using the following ideas:

  • matte top for knitted manicure;
  • matte blue and white manicure;
  • matte manicure finish with monograms;
  • matte black and white manicure;
  • bright matte manicure with decor.

As a decor, matte winter manicure is well complemented by stones and rhinestones, as well as gold and silver stripes and deep design. Use stencils of snowflakes and Christmas trees, they also look very good on matte nails. In addition, this design can be combined with gloss and mirror shine; for this, use any pastel colors, black and white.

Winter knitted manicure

This design will complement a cozy look with a warm sweater, knitted mittens, hat and scarf. The color of a knitted manicure can be any; give preference to shades that go well with your wardrobe. For example, a red winter manicure with knitted nails will not go well with a bright blue sweater. Also, pay attention to new interesting techniques:

  • knitted manicure with 3d effect;
  • knitted ombre manicure;
  • combined knitted manicure;
  • velvet sand design;
  • design with matte top.

New Year's winter manicure

Even a simple winter manicure with New Year's decor added creates a festive mood. New Year's manicure differs from any other winter design in the designs of the attributes of this holiday. Christmas decorations, gifts, images of Santa Claus and deer. This season you can safely use all the traditional techniques. And if you want originality, then add shine and gilding to your design. Or use the minimalist technique - in this case, deep design and monochromatic graphics are well suited.