Among the countless number of facial care products, masks occupy an important place. They have a variety of properties: cleansing, nutrition, rejuvenation and many others. You can buy ready-to-use masks in stores or pharmacies, but it’s easy to make an effective mask yourself at home from products and medications that are always on hand.

One of the most effective and efficient is a mask made of charcoal and gelatin. It should be noted right away that this film mask requires activated carbon from a pharmacy, and not stone or wood.

The benefits of a mask made of activated carbon and gelatin

This film-mask will be a suitable cleanser for oily, normal, combination skin types, as well as problem skin. Its regular use allows you to even out your complexion, clear your face of blackheads, and improve skin tone.

The overall effect of the mask is skin cleansing and rejuvenation.

In addition to the fact that the gelatin film mask with charcoal effectively removes impurities from the skin no worse than ready-made store products, it is completely natural and, most importantly, budget-friendly. All components cost pennies, but the result and quality exceed all expectations.

The main component of almost all film masks made at home is food gelatin. It forms a thin film and does not block oxygen access to the skin during the active influence of other components on skin cells.

Active components of the mask

The film mask contains: activated carbon, gelatin and milk. Each component has a beneficial effect on the skin, which together gives such an amazing result.


  • Gelatin contains a large amount of collagen, which is necessary to maintain skin elasticity;
  • Protein is required for normal metabolic processes in the skin. Gelatin is 80% protein;
  • helps smooth the skin epidermis;
  • exfoliates and removes dead cells;
  • improves overall skin tone and gives it a fresh look.

Activated carbon

  • removes excess moisture from skin cells;
  • tightens pores;
  • “pulls out” dirt from the pores, which creates the so-called “blackheads”;
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect, which helps reduce the number of various rashes and irritations;
  • smoothes the skin surface;
  • Penetrating deeply into the pores, it actively cleanses the skin.


  • evens out the complexion, has a slight whitening effect, removes various redness and makes pigmentation less noticeable;
  • has a rejuvenating effect. It’s not without reason that women have been using milk to take care of their beauty for hundreds of years;
  • softens the active effect of the remaining components of the mask;
  • softens the skin.

There are situations when it is impossible to add milk (allergy or simply not in the refrigerator), you can pour plain clean water instead.


To enhance the effect of the mask used with charcoal, gelatin and milk, it is recommended to follow the recipe exactly and take the ingredients in certain proportions.

  • food gelatin - 1 teaspoon;
  • coal - 1 tablet;
  • milk - 2 teaspoons.

It is better to use natural cow's milk, which has not been processed. If such milk is not available, then regular store-bought milk with a high level of fat or a pasteurized product will work fine. Because thanks to minimal heat treatment, they retain their beneficial properties. For oily or combination skin, you should take milk with a low fat content.

Preparing a film mask

  1. Crush the coal tablet into powder and combine with gelatin;
  2. Add milk to the resulting mixture and mix everything thoroughly until smooth. This paste can be left for a couple of minutes so that the gelatin swells slightly;
  3. Place the bowl with the mixture in a water bath or microwave. For a microwave oven, the preparation time for a mask is no more than 20 seconds. If the mask is made in a water bath, the time will increase to about 3 minutes. The gelatin should just dissolve. Don't boil!
  4. Allow the mask to cool slightly. This must be done to avoid thermal burns on the delicate skin of the face;
  5. Apply the mask with your fingers or with a brush. The thickness of the mask may vary. It depends on the quality of the gelatin. If the resulting mask mixture has a thick consistency, then it is better to apply it with your fingers and act very quickly. Since there is a risk that you will not have time to completely apply the mask to your face - the gelatin will quickly harden. If it is liquid, then it will be more convenient to apply the mask with a brush.

You need to apply the mask with soft patting movements of your fingers, as if driving it into the skin. With this method of application, the components of the film mask will penetrate deeper into the pores, which will become a slight massage for the facial skin.

For the best result, before the procedure, you should remove all makeup from the skin and steam your face so that the mask can better “capture” impurities in the enlarged pores.

You should keep the mask against blackheads made of gelatin and activated carbon on your face until it becomes completely dry. On average this time is about 20 minutes. You can check whether the mask is dry or not with your fingers. If the entire mask has become hard, then it can be removed. If it is wet and “springs” under your fingers, then either the layer was applied too thick, or not enough time has passed and you should wait a little longer.

A dried mask should tighten the skin a little and may even crack with facial movements.

Charcoal mask options

For deep cleansing

  • coal - 1 tablet;
  • gelatin - 1 tsp;
  • milk - 1 tbsp. l;
  • cosmetic clay - 1 tsp.

How to cook:

Combine powdered coal with clay, milk and gelatin. Warm up the mixture a little. When the mask reaches a comfortable temperature, apply it to your face. Wait until it dries and remove.

For skin prone to irritation

  • coal - 1 tablet;
  • rose water - 2 tsp;
  • essential oil - 2-3 drops.

How to cook:

Add rose water and essential oil to the powdered charcoal. Leave on face for 10-15 minutes and rinse with clean water.

You can take an essential oil that suits your skin type and according to your taste. But for problematic and sensitive skin, the best option is to use tea tree oil.

For gentle cleansing of facial skin

  • coal - 1 tablet;
  • natural yogurt without flavoring additives - 2 tbsp. l;
  • lemon juice - 1 tsp.

How to cook:

Combine powdered charcoal with natural yogurt and lemon juice. Apply evenly to face, wait 10-15 minutes. Rinse off with clean water.

To remove pimples

  • coal - 2 tablets;
  • fresh aloe juice - 1 tsp;
  • clean water - 1 tbsp. l;
  • sea ​​salt - a pinch;
  • essential oil - 2 drops.

How to cook:

Combine powdered charcoal with aloe juice and sea salt. Add essential oil of your choice (a few drops). Dilute the resulting mixture with water. Apply to face for 10-15 minutes and rinse.

To tighten pores

  • coal - 1 tablet;
  • aspirin - 1 tablet;
  • gelatin - 1 tsp;
  • clean water - 2 tbsp. l.

How to cook:

Pour 1 tbsp into gelatin powder. l. warm water for 15 minutes. Coal and aspirin, crushed into powder, are also mixed with 1 tbsp. l. warm water. Combine ingredients and steam. When the temperature of the mask becomes comfortable, apply it to your face and wait until it dries.


  • coal - 1 tablet;
  • egg white - 1 piece;
  • lemon juice - 1 tsp;
  • almond oil - 2-3 drops.

How to cook:

Beat the egg white. Add charcoal powder, lemon juice and almond oil to it. Warm the mixture slightly and apply to the face. Rinse off with clean water.


  • coal - 1 tablet;
  • gelatin - 1 tsp;
  • chamomile decoction - a little less than 1 tsp;
  • green tea - a little less than 1 tsp;
  • fresh cucumber.

How to cook:

Grate the cucumber on a fine grater and squeeze out the juice. Green tea and chamomile infusion are added to the pulp. Add gelatin to the resulting pulp. The mixture must be heated so that the gelatin dissolves. The last stage of preparing the mask is adding charcoal powder. Mix the mixture and apply a film mask to your face. Wait for the film mask to dry and remove.


Like other cosmetology products, a mask made of activated carbon with gelatin has its limitations for use. It is not recommended for the following problems:

  • inflammation of the skin, wounds, scratches or injuries;
  • dry skin type or skin with hypersensitivity;
  • rosacea, manifested in the form of a network of small vessels or red stars;
  • intolerance to individual components.

  1. Before using the mask for the first time, you should try it on your wrist. Although the composition contains slightly allergenic substances, it is worth being on the safe side. To check, you need to apply a little mask on your wrist and wait until it dries. Normally, there should be no reactions such as itching or redness.
  2. To prepare the mask, you should use the freshest possible ingredients. If you have a pack of activated carbon lying around in your first aid kit that has already expired, there is only one place left for it - the trash can. It is definitely not suitable for cosmetic procedures.
  3. The mask should never be applied around the eyes. The skin of the eyelids is very thin and delicate and can be damaged when removing the mask.
  4. When applying the mask, you should try not to get on areas of the skin with hair. For example, the hairline or eyebrows. Hairs caught in the mask dry out and when removing the mask, very painful sensations occur.
  5. Apply and remove the gelatin mask with charcoal starting from the bottom and working your way up.
  6. Apply a charcoal mask with gelatin in a thin layer. Otherwise, it will take a very long time to dry and will tear when removed. A correctly applied mask should come off like a film.
  7. After applying the mask, it is better to just lie down and think about something pleasant so that the facial muscles are relaxed. There is no need to squint or make faces, no matter how funny the reflection in the mirror is.
  8. In order to close the pores cleaned by the mask, you can use ice cubes with activated carbon. They are prepared as follows: 1 tablet of activated carbon is crushed into powder and add 100 ml of clean water. Stir thoroughly and pour into ice cube trays. It is recommended to use such cubes after each procedure.
  9. If there are no ice cubes, then after removing the mask it is recommended to apply a light nourishing cream.
  10. For normal skin type, the mask can be done no more than once a week. For oily and problem skin, the procedure is carried out no more than 2 times a week. Carrying out the procedure frequently will only cause harm.
  11. The course of removing blackheads from the skin is approximately 1.5-2 months.
  12. You can begin the next course of cleansing after a break of 2 months.

According to experienced cosmetologists, the properties of the ingredients of the composition (charcoal and gelatin) make it possible to get rid of acne and blackheads, the mask removes sebaceous plugs from the pores on the skin, making it elastic and fresh in just a few uses.

A mask made from activated carbon and gelatin has a positive effect.

Gelatin creates a film, and activated carbon begins to work underneath it, cleansing pores and drawing dirt out.

How does it help against blackheads?

Tightly clogged pores are most often referred to by people as “blackheads” on the face. Dermatologists call them comedones. They appear in people with oily skin. The skin produces excess secretion, which clogs the pores. These plugs are black in color due to dust and dirt that sticks to the skin.

Such a homemade cosmetic product, which is very cheap, can reduce the production of subcutaneous sebum, cleanse pores well of impurities, remove blackheads and prevent their reappearance.

How does it help with acne

A simple film mask eliminates oily shine and relieves inflammation.

This in turn prevents the appearance of acne.

What to prepare additionally, besides charcoal and gelatin

You will need a small number of components: in addition to activated carbon and gelatin, you can add ingredients that have emollient or antiseptic properties.

However, cosmetologists warn that it is useless to add to it:

  • vitamins;
  • fruit mixtures;
  • sour cream.

Charcoal absorbs all the beneficial substances, which is why the skin is better nourished after this cleanser is removed.

Maskprepared from a mixture of coal and gelatin based on water, however, it can be replaced with milk. This way it will be supplemented with useful qualities. Avicena also said that milk can remove terrible spots from the face and make its color healthy. The product will benefit any type of skin.

Milk helps:

  • moisturize and whiten the skin;
  • tighten it and reduce wrinkles;
  • remove acne and inflammation;
  • improve complexion and rejuvenate skin;
  • soften the aggressive substances that the mask of charcoal and gelatin contains;
  • make the skin soft and silky.

The ideal option would be to use real, unprocessed cow's or goat's milk. However, if it is not possible to buy it, then it is better to take milk with a high fat content or pasteurized, because after processing it retains more beneficial properties.

If your facial skin is of the oily or combination type, then low-fat milk is suitable.

In addition to milk, you can add butter, cucumber, yeast, salt and other products (except hot ones) to the cleansing mixture in order to experiment with the ingredients to create a product that can cope with skin problems of any type.

How to prepare a mixture for a mask. Recipe

The mixture for the mask is prepared from:

  • 1 tablet of activated carbon;
  • 1 tsp. gelatin;
  • 1 tbsp. l. water.

The classic recipe is very simple: charcoal is crushed, mixed with gelatin, poured with water and stirred until a homogeneous mass is obtained. The required consistency is obtained by heating the mixture in a microwave oven or in a water bath. When applying it should not be allowed to be hot, however, it is not effective when applied cold.

How to prepare your facial skin for a mask

The mixture is not gentle and gentle, so it is better to avoid using it when:

  • there are fresh wounds or sunburns on the skin;
  • skin is too sensitive;
  • presence of spider veins on the face;
  • there is acne or single pimples.

It is better to use this cleanser before going to bed, so the epidermis will not be subjected to unnecessary stress.

Before the procedure, the face must be clean and steamed, otherwise there will be no cleansing effect. The skin must be prepared for application of the cleansing composition as follows:

How to apply a mask to your face, how long to leave it on

The mixture is most conveniently applied using any brush (preferably a wide one).

Rules for applying a mask:

  1. The mask should be distributed evenly in 1 thin layer. If it is used for the first time, it is better to apply it to the forehead and nose (T-zone). If you cover the area above the upper lip, you can get the effect of a wax strip that removes unwanted hair.
  2. Since the composition dries quickly, you need to immediately apply several more layers, so it will dry more slowly and be easier to remove. It should be applied to the most problematic areas of the skin using patting movements.
  3. When using for the first time, the product should be kept on the face for 5 to 7 minutes. In the future, you can leave the mixture on your face for 10-15 minutes. You cannot wait until it dries completely, as pain will be felt when removing it. The resulting film needs to be lifted and removed, starting on the sides of the face.

How to remove mask, wash and face cream

Until the mask made of charcoal and gelatin loses its elasticity, it must be removed in one layer.

However, if it remains on the skin for too long and it is difficult and painful to remove, you can wet a napkin and apply it to your face for a few seconds. This will make it elastic again and easy to remove.

There is no point in trying to wash it off with water, since its lower layer should pull along the dirt that clogs the pores. And when washed off, the pores will not be cleaned.

When, after removing the mixture, small black scales remain on the skin, you can moisten the sponge with tonic and remove them.

Next, you should wash your face with not very cold water to help the pores close. A massage with an ice cube (made from chamomile decoction or infusion with tea tree oil) is suitable for this. This way the skin will be toned.

After the skin has rested, a nourishing vitamin cream can be applied to it to provide nutrition to the epidermis.

When can you repeat the procedure?

The procedure should be carried out once a week so as not to dry out the dermis. The general course should last about 1.5 months. After which you need to interrupt it for 1.5 months and repeat the home process of cleansing the skin.

What can you add to the recipe?

A simple and cheap mask made from natural ingredients (charcoal and gelatin) can be supplemented with other beneficial substances.

Milk mask recipe

Suitable for the fair sex with delicate, sensitive skin. Milk will be able to restore the protective function, rejuvenate, tighten, even out the tone, and give the skin radiance.

The recipe is very simple: you need to take gelatin and activated carbon in the same volume as for a classic cleanser, and instead of 1 tbsp. l. water use the same amount of milk. This mixture should be prepared and applied in the same way as a product prepared with water.

Recipe with cosmetic clay

Blue clay is suitable for lightening age spots and removing swelling. Yellow clay will help remove inflammation and heal wounds. And green clay will make the sebaceous glands work normally.

A mask made of charcoal and gelatin with the addition of clay takes on a more grayish tint.

If the skin is oily and blackheads often form on it, then black clay will be the best solution, as it will have a drying and rejuvenating effect, and will also even out the skin tone.

First you need to prepare a classic mask, and then add 1 tsp to it. clay. This product is applied to the epidermis by hand or with a special spatula. Leave on face for 10-20 minutes and rinse with warm water. The pores are closed by wiping with ice.

Recipe with aspirin

Aspirin soothes the epidermis and relieves inflammation, so it is added to the mask to combat blackheads and pimples. It can be used by those who have aging, problematic or oily skin.

Add 1 aspirin tablet to a classic cleanser.

Recipe with honey

To a ready-to-use mixture of water, gelatin and charcoal, just add 1/3 tsp. honey

This will help achieve a softening effect, healing and giving the skin a radiant appearance.

Recipe with PVA glue

PVA glue, which will be used to complement the cleansing cosmetic product, must be non-toxic.

For the mask you will need: activated carbon (3 tablets) and white PVA glue (amount sufficient to obtain a paste).

These components must be mixed and applied to the epidermis. When the mixture hardens, it must be removed carefully.

Masks from professional manufacturers:

Each manufacturer is happy to offer beautiful ladies a line of cosmetic products that can help problematic skin. You can purchase them in cosmetics stores.

Almost every manufacturing company has its own mask, which is made from coal, as well as additional ingredients, including gelatin. It's convenient to use. On the packaging of each such product there are instructions for use.

Arabia activated carbon mask

This mask can deeply cleanse the skin, increase its firmness and elasticity.

This product has a detoxifying effect, it makes pores narrower, helps improve the shape of the face, and smoothes out wrinkles.

Charcoal mask with activated carbon

This cosmetic product perfectly removes impurities from the skin of the face.

A mask made of charcoal and gelatin is produced in portions in special packaging.

Performs deep cleansing, nourishes and moisturizes the epidermis well. Gives the skin a feeling of freshness and cleanliness.

Mask film with activated carbon Vitex

The basis for this mask is black bamboo charcoal.

The component completely removes impurities from shallow pores and also narrows the pores so much that they become almost invisible.

Skinlite face mask with activated carbon

This product has exfoliating properties on the skin, removing dead cells. It cleanses deeply and also has a detoxifying effect.

Deep Detox mask with activated carbon

The property of activated carbon to absorb harmful substances became the basis of this mask.

It is charcoal that increases the effectiveness of this cosmetic product, helps remove toxins and slow down the aging process of the epidermis.

Beauty formula mask with activated carbon

This cosmetic product contains not only activated carbon, but also kaolin clay. These components are able to penetrate into the deep layers of the skin and remove toxins. The skin loses its oily shine and redness, and the pores become narrower. The face gets an even color and the skin looks fresh.

If you use this remedy regularly, the aging process will slow down. It is perfect for women with oily or combination skin types. It can be used for wedding makeup.

Mary Kay activated carbon mask

This product is universal, that is, suitable for any skin type. Its basis is coal, and the mask also includes extracts from plants, mineral clay, kaolin and bentonin. Therefore, it cleanses pores well, removes excess sebum and removes oily shine.

This product has a delicate, creamy formula. It is easy to apply. It makes the skin of the face clean and fresh, providing detox.

What reviews about the mask prevail online?

After conducting a skin cleansing course, a large number of people noted:

  • excellent results in getting rid of comedones;
  • small costs of funds;
  • good skin cleansing and whitening;
  • completely natural ingredients.

However, many point out one significant drawback - removing the dried product from the skin causes pain. However, users have figured out how to reduce the pain:

  • do not allow the product to come into contact with the eyebrows and hair located on the temples;
  • use all components in double volume to ensure a thicker layer when applied to the skin of the face to make it easier to remove;
  • The mask should be applied to those areas of the skin where deep cleansing is required (for example, the forehead and nose, because pimples and blackheads most often form there).

Charcoal and gelatin mask: video recipes

The first video provides visual instructions for preparing and using a mask made from charcoal and gelatin:

The second video demonstrates the effect of using a ready-made mask made of charcoal and gelatin:

A mask made of charcoal and gelatin, actively used by women at home, in some cases has conflicting recommendations for use. Some advise applying it in a thin layer, while others are confident that only a thick layer will provide the best cleansing and painless removal.

You should choose a suitable (simple and effective) recipe for yourself, apply the composition regularly and enjoy clean skin all the time.

A mask made of gelatin and activated carbon is the choice of women who are forced to constantly fight blackheads and rashes. Made from simple, affordable and wholesome ingredients, these great cleansers are ideal for cleansing and do not cause allergic reactions (except in extremely rare cases). Additional components make it easy to add other wonderful properties to face masks for blackheads. Choose the options that suit you best and create your own beauty!

This face mask is available to everyone

A mask made of charcoal and gelatin has a number of advantages over salon procedures and ready-made products that are widely available in stores. First is the accessibility mentioned above. Both gelatin and activated carbon cost literally pennies; there is no need to even look for these products - just visit any grocery store and the nearest pharmacy. We will tell you a little later what the basic simplest recipe for preparing a mask with charcoal and gelatin is, but now we note that you won’t need anything else.

Products with gelatin for blackheads are an analogue of the well-known strips for cleaning nasal pores. After application to the skin, a film should form on it. Exactly the same products can be found in stores, but the price will be equal to a large supply of components necessary for a home mask.

Gelatin face mask against blackheads, prepared in your own kitchen, consists exclusively of natural ingredients. Not a single purchased product can boast of this. Even if this very naturalness is declared on it in large letters, the composition will still contain components that allow it to be stored for a long time, not to cake, etc. And this is not the worst thing that can be discovered by carefully studying the information on the packaging. Activated carbon and gelatin are completely natural. Since the cleansing face mask will be used immediately, there is no need to add any preservatives or other things that are completely unnecessary for our skin.

Activated carbon and gelatin are completely natural

Basic option

A film mask made from gelatin and activated carbon is extremely simple to prepare. Even a small child could do it if he needed it. However, teenagers may well adopt the recipe, because they are very concerned about the cleanliness of their skin.

So, as mentioned above, we only need ordinary food gelatin and no less ordinary activated carbon. Please note that to prepare the mask, just one tablet or a tablespoon of these components is enough. You will also need some water, but everyone has it.

How to make a mask? Very simple. It is necessary to crush the tablet into powder, then add all the ingredients and mix. In order for everything to dissolve completely, the mixture must be heated a little, stirring constantly. It is best to use a water bath for this.

It must be remembered that it is applied with gelatin only after it has cooled to a comfortable temperature. There is no need to tolerate hot temperatures; on the contrary, it is harmful and leads to burns.

Magic properties of components

What's the secret? Why are products with activated carbon and gelatin so good? Naturally, the amazing effect is based on the properties of the individual components. Let's start with activated carbon:

  • It is its task to absorb impurities from the pores, tighten them, significantly reducing their size. Deep cleansing is the effect of any charcoal face mask;
  • At the same time, it dries the skin and relieves inflammation of acne that appears on it;
  • smoothes the surface of the skin.

Gelatin is good for removing acne

Why is gelatin for blackheads so popular? In fact, gelatin is a real godsend for the face:

  • we need to start with the fact that this is natural collagen. And collagen, as you know, is a component of the epidermis and is responsible for the elasticity and youth of the skin;
  • Protein is equally important. It is an important participant in metabolic processes occurring in the skin;
  • gelatin perfectly cleanses the skin, makes it even and smooth;
  • An additional effect is a healthy and fresh complexion.

As you can see, remedies for blackheads with gelatin and activated carbon can actually work wonders. And in order to use them, we need to put a minimum of effort into preparation and application.

Important points

Before using activated carbon gelatin, you need to make sure it is safe for you specifically. Despite its almost complete safety, the gelatin mask against blackheads has a number of contraindications:

  • it cannot be used by people with very dry skin, since they do not need additional “drying” at all;
  • if you suffer from rosacea or are experiencing its primary symptoms;
  • if there are open wounds on the face, including acne;
  • allergy to the main components (since, of course, it is impossible to remove one of them).

Charcoal mask is one of the most popular remedies

If you don’t have any of this, you still need to follow the rules, so to speak, of handling that the activated carbon mask requires:

  • Acne mask with activated carbon is used once a week. Otherwise, it will dry out the skin very much, which will lead to other problems;
  • procedures cannot be repeated endlessly. It is necessary to do them in courses. A face mask with charcoal is used for two months, then a break is taken (two to three months), after which the procedures can be repeated.

Activated carbon for blackheads gives excellent results if used correctly. If any unpleasant manifestations occur, you must stop the procedure immediately.

The basic recipe for an activated carbon mask can be supplemented and modified with other useful components. The simplest solution is to use gelatin and milk instead of water. A mask of charcoal gelatin and milk is created in exactly the same way as a regular one. It is very important not to overheat the milk and use only fresh product. For oily skin, it is better to take milk with reduced fat content; for drier skin, the best option would be 3.6%.

You can add additional ingredients to the mask

A mask with gelatin and milk softens the skin and energizes it. A milk mask can be used more often than a water mask.

A face mask with activated carbon can be complemented with any cosmetic clay. Most often they choose the option with a black product, but blue or gray will do. Black clay is especially good against acne and inflammation. It can not only make the skin tone uniform, radiant, and get rid of many imperfections.

It is done very simply. You need to take the basic recipe as a basis and add a spoon to it. You will need twice as much water. Gelatin with these components will get rid of spots much more effectively.

An anti-blackhead mask with activated charcoal acts as a scrub if you add fine charcoal to it. In this case, you first need to make light massage movements for a minute so that the keratinized skin peels off. Then the activated carbon mask remains on the face for another 20 minutes.

Any acne mask with gelatin will be more active if you add literally two to three drops to it

Polluted air, increased sebum production and improper skin care are the main reasons for clogged pores on the face. To eliminate this problem, many people turn to a beauty salon for professional cleaning. But a similar procedure can be carried out at home using a mask against blackheads made of activated carbon and gelatin.

The unique combination of all ingredients of the product has several positive effects: cleanses, rejuvenates and tones the skin. Gelatin is a natural collagen that quickly penetrates the skin, making it elastic and firm. The main component of the mask contains protein, which helps exfoliate dead cells and improve local metabolic processes. It removes toxins, regulates the functions of the sebaceous glands, and has a slight whitening and softening effect.

To prepare the product you need to use high-quality gelatin. A yellow product with a glue smell is low grade.

The second component of the gelatin mask is activated carbon. This is wood ash, which has a number of positive effects:

  • drying and narrowing of pores;
  • splitting of sebaceous plugs;
  • relieving inflammation;
  • cleansing and mattifying the skin;
  • reduction of acne;
  • improvement of complexion tone and complexion;
  • prevention of skin aging;
  • activation of the protective functions of the integument.

Milk is the third ingredient in a cleansing face mask. It softens the skin and neutralizes the aggressive effects of gelatin and activated carbon. Milk accelerates regeneration, evens out the color and tone of the face, making the epidermis light and velvety.


In order for a cosmetic procedure using gelatin, charcoal and milk to bring the desired result and not cause harm, you need to know the nuances of its use. It is very important to steam your face well before applying. Therefore, it is recommended to take a facial bath or take a warm shower.

After application, a film is formed, which must dry completely. It is carefully removed, starting from the sides. Particles of dirt, grease and black plugs will be visible on the inside.

How often can I use a gelatin mask? Cosmetologists advise doing a similar procedure once a week. The duration of the full course is up to 6 weeks. Upon completion, a break is taken for 60 days.

If the rules for using a mask are not followed, the condition of the facial skin may worsen, resulting in allergic reactions, irritation, dryness and inflammation.

Popular recipes

There are many ways to prepare gelatin products, but people’s comments made it possible to highlight the most effective and simple recipes. Most women recommend first trying a popular deep cleansing product based on charcoal and natural collagen.

The best gelatin mask recipe with activated carbon

To prepare the cleansing composition, you will need 3 ingredients - water (1 tbsp), activated carbon tablets (10 g of powder) and gelatin (10 g). All components are mixed and heated in a microwave or in a water bath until the required consistency is obtained. The mask is applied to steamed skin until it hardens completely.

Before applying the mixture to your face, you need to check its temperature. The product should be warm, but not cold.

A simple way to prepare a mask with milk, charcoal and gelatin

To make a cleaning film according to this recipe, you will need the same ingredients as in the previous case, only the water is replaced with milk. One sorbent tablet is crushed and mixed with 20 ml of low-fat milk. Then add gelatin (2 tbsp) to the mixture and place in a water bath for a minute.

When the mask has cooled down a little, it should be applied to the face. The most convenient way to do this is using a special brush. After 10-15 minutes, the film is carefully removed.

Gelatin mask with PVA glue

Many people think that cleaning your skin with an adhesive is dangerous. But PVA is harmless and its use does not end with gluing paper products. On its basis, products are made for gluing false nails and eyelashes. Glue is even added to cosmetics for professional makeup.

To prepare the mask you will need:

  • charcoal (3 tablets);

A powder is made from the sorbent and mixed with glue until it becomes mushy. Apply the product to the skin, wait until it dries and carefully remove. The face is wiped with a herbal decoction and a nourishing cream is applied to it.

Gelatin masks with the addition of additional components

Let's look at the most popular ones.


The mask is used to eliminate blackheads, acne, moisturize and saturate the skin with beneficial elements. Two crushed charcoal tablets are mixed with one egg. The mixture is applied to the face and left for 20 minutes. Then the mask is removed, and the remains are removed with a cotton swab dipped in a herbal decoction.

Please note: those with dry skin should only add egg white to the mask.


Three tablets of black wood powder are kneaded and mixed with green, white or blue clay and gelatin. The mass is applied to pre-steamed skin for 15 minutes. When washing off the mask, the skin is gently cleansed of dead particles, sebaceous plugs and impurities. After just a few procedures, the pores become clean, narrowed, and the surface of the face becomes matte.


The recipe is suitable for those who are over 30 years old but have oily skin. Required ingredients:

  • mashed grapes (2 tsp);
  • gelatin (10 g);
  • cane sugar powder (1 tsp);
  • black tea (10 ml).
  • decoction of rose petals.

All components are mixed until a creamy consistency is obtained. Apply the mixture to the neck, face and décolleté for 20 minutes. The mask is washed off with cool water and a moisturizer is applied to the skin.

Using sugar, you can prepare an effective scrub that cleanses pores. The product is prepared as follows: crushed coal, water, honey and sugar (1 tsp each) are mixed. The mixture is applied to the skin with massaging movements for 5 minutes and washed off.


Sweet bee product is often added to cleansers to obtain additional effects - anti-acne, tonic, regenerating, antiseptic. To prepare a gelatin film mask with honey, mix 1 part yellow granules with 5 parts water. When the gelatin swells, it is heated in a water bath until dissolved. Add 1 spoon of May honey to the mixture and apply it to the skin for 20 minutes.

There is another option for preparing a honey mask without gelatin. Two tablets of crushed coal are mixed with sweet nectar and milk (2 tsp each). Apply the product to the skin and leave for 20 minutes.


For severe acne and the presence of many inflammatory elements on the skin, Aspirin is included in facial cleansing recipes. 20 grams of activated carbon and 1 tablet of acetylsalicylic acid are crushed and mixed with yogurt. The paste is applied to the face for 10-20 minutes.

The aspirin mask has a strong drying and healing effect, so it can be done once every seven days.


Those who want to whiten their skin, remove acne marks and make age spots less noticeable should definitely include lemon in their face masks. Recipe for preparing a medicinal mixture: low-fat cream (15 g) is combined with 3-5 drops of lemon juice. The product is applied to problem areas for 10 minutes and washed off with herbal decoction.


Seaweed is an excellent additional ingredient for a gelatin mask, which saturates the skin with beneficial substances, improves cellular metabolism and complexion. The cleanser is prepared as follows:

  • 4 spirulina tablets are dissolved in 300 ml of warm water.
  • Gelatin is poured into 1.5 cups of water, left for 40 minutes and heated in the microwave until the granules dissolve.
  • Seaweed and gelatinous water are combined with lemon juice (a few drops).
  • The mixture is applied to the skin for 20 minutes.
  • The mask is washed off with water.
  • Moisturizer is applied to the face.


The green vegetable is a universal component included in mask recipes for all skin types. The product is prepared as follows: peel the skin of one cucumber and grind it on a grater. The juice is squeezed out of the pulp, mixed with a spoonful of gelatin and herbal decoction. Place the mixture on the fire and wait until it thickens. The mass is applied to the skin for 20 minutes.

Correct application of the mask

In order for the pores to clear, acne to become less noticeable, and the skin to look healthy, it is important to follow the instructions for applying the film mask. The mixture must be applied in several layers. The first layer is applied using driving movements, which allows the active substances to penetrate into the pores.

First, the mask is applied to the nose and chin, then to other oily areas of the skin, where acne is most often localized. Subsequent layers are applied according to a similar pattern, due to which the product will gradually harden and will not flow.

After 20 minutes, the mask will cool and harden. It is removed from the face in a single layer, which can cause slight discomfort. But thanks to this property, blackheads and dirt particles stick to the film, and the face becomes clean and smooth.

Do not allow the gelatin mask to get on your hair. Then the substance will be difficult to remove or wash. Therefore, before applying the product to your head, you need to put on a scarf or bandage.


Sometimes complications and adverse reactions occur after a gelatin mask. There are several contraindications to the cleansing procedure that everyone should know:

  1. Inflammatory elements on the skin.
  2. The presence of wounds, cuts, and unhealed scars on the face. After applying the mixture, irritation may occur.
  3. Dry skin. Gelatin and activated carbon tighten the skin and lead to flaking.
  4. Allergy. One of the components may provoke an undesirable reaction in the form of redness and inflammation.
  5. The area near the eyes. These areas have thin skin and no fat glands, so after using a film mask, wrinkles often form and a feeling of tightness occurs.

The article about the gelatin mask dispels the myths that complete cleansing of pores from blackheads is possible only in a cosmetology office. If the procedure is carried out correctly and regularly, you can get a visible result - clean, smooth skin without acne and clogged pores. But you should always remember about contraindications, and before the first application of the product or adding new components to it, it is recommended to conduct an allergy test.

Anti-blackhead mask with activated carbon: Video

The benefits of activated carbon have long been known and people have long used it in treating stomach problems, as an effective means for losing weight and as a natural filter for water. The beneficial properties of gelatin are also widely known, because it is used not only in cooking. Based on these two available components, you can prepare an effective face mask.

What you need to know about the sensational activated carbon mask for blackheads at home

A gelatin three-layer mask made of activated carbon, like Floresan, instantly spread throughout almost the entire world through YouTube, social networks and won the hearts of millions of women. The advertisement promises that now you can forget about cleansing strips forever, because this product is much more effective, cheaper and is always at hand. A thin film with gelatin removes not only acne and blackheads from the skin, but also other impurities, that is, it deep cleanses the skin - peeling at home. And the addition of starch, hydrogen peroxide, glycerin and other components will allow you to obtain a completely new product that is unique in its properties.

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Black mask with vitamins and grapefruit oil

Of course, for the mask to really help, it is important to mix the ingredients correctly. And if you don’t have time for this, you can always buy a ready-made black mask. It is easy to apply and just as easy to remove. Not with the skin, as many say.

What is a black mask made of gelatin and activated carbon and what are its benefits?

Each component included in the product helps cleanse the skin, making it fresher, younger and healthier. Gelatin contains natural collagen, which perfectly penetrates the skin, making it firmer and more elastic. The protein contained in gelatin participates in metabolic processes, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, promotes the removal of dead cells, and carries out detox.

In addition to gelatin, the composition includes activated carbon, which also has miraculous properties, and unlike aspirin and the dip drug, it is absolutely harmless. In fact, this drug is nothing more than tree ash, and our ancestors knew about its benefits. It dries and tightens pores. It also breaks down sebaceous plugs, reduces the number of pimples, blackheads, acne and comedones, helps cope with inflammatory processes on the skin and provides deep cleansing.

A film mask made of activated carbon with gelatin is a unique home remedy designed to cleanse and rejuvenate facial skin. In addition to the main components, it may contain additional ingredients, for example, fermented milk products, fruits, milk, vegetables.

A properly selected combination of products allows you to create a product that will effectively eliminate the problems of any, even dry, skin. You can safely add oil, enrich it with cucumbers, yeast, salt, you need to approach the preparation of the drug creatively. The burning components will be superfluous, since the result will not be a cleanser, but a real “badya.”

How long should I keep the facial cleansing mask on?

Film mask made of gelatin and activated carbon- a rather unusual, but effective remedy. You can get the maximum benefit from it if used correctly. Before application, it is necessary to prepare the skin, steam it; for this, it is recommended to take a shower or take a steam bath. After application, the film remains on the face for 10-15 minutes. We must wait for it to dry completely and turn into a film. And only after that remove it - carefully pry it up and remove it, starting to do this on the sides. On the reverse side you will be able to see all the dirt that was on the face, for example, tiny bumps - this is all that remains of the blackheads.

Its use gives the feeling as if a thin layer of skin, which consisted of dirt and fat, is being removed from the face, and only purity and lightness remain.

How often can I do it?

You can make such masks no more than once a week. And the course of health procedures is at least 5-6 weeks. After completing one course, you must take a break for at least 2 months.

A mask made of activated carbon and gelatin is effective only if the rules of use are followed. We must not forget the contraindications: the presence of open wounds on the face and intolerance to the components. Every girl should learn how to prepare it, know that there is not just one version of its composition, but several.

What to do after using the mask?

Immediately after using a mask against blackheads, prepared independently or purchased in a professional store, you need to soothe your face. To do this, the first thing you need to do is wipe it with lotion to wash off all the black particles.

And after 5-7 minutes, apply moisturizer. After about half an hour, it’s time to take additional care of cleansed skin. As a rule, various cosmetics aimed at rejuvenation work more effectively after thoroughly cleansing the skin, for example, with an activated carbon mask.

To prepare this miracle potion you only need 3 simple ingredients:

  • 1 tablet of activated carbon,
  • 1 tsp gelatin,
  • 1 tbsp. water.

Grind activated carbon, mix with gelatin and add water, stir until smooth. The desired consistency can be obtained after heating the mixture in a water bath or in the microwave. When applied to the face, it should not be hot, so as not to get burned, but a cold composition cannot be applied to the skin. This is a classic recipe for a popular remedy.

Gelatin, activated carbon and milk instead of water

Milk is another ingredient that will help keep your skin clean, fresh and healthy. This mask will be a good solution for those with delicate, sensitive skin. Milk can soften the effect of the main components, and also helps restore the protective functions of the epidermis, rejuvenate, tighten, even out the tone, whiten the skin and give radiance. And they are simple to the point of disgrace:

  • 1 tsp. gelatin powder;
  • 1 tablet of activated carbon;
  • milk – 1 tbsp. l.

Mix all the ingredients (the coal must first be turned into a fine powder) and put in the microwave. Mix the mixture well, wait until it becomes warm (but not hot) and can be applied to the entire face (avoiding the area around the eyes and not forgetting the chin) using a brush.

Mask made of activated carbon and gelatin to cleanse pores with the addition of PVA glue

What lengths women are willing to go to in order to get rid of blackheads! Even such a rather exotic product for cosmetology as PVA glue (not to be confused with fix!) is used. If milk is a familiar product, then with PVA things are a little different. The question about the dangers of glue will be quite understandable and logical, because it is far from being a food product, not even a table product. It turns out that it is not only harmless, but it is also used to make products for makeup, gluing eyelashes, and artificial nails. True, we are talking about non-toxic glue, with the use of which a mask can be prepared. The proportions of the components are as follows:

  • 3 tablets of activated carbon;
  • PVA glue.

Grind the tablets to a powder, add enough glue to them to make a paste-like substance. Apply the mixture to your face, wait until it dries and carefully remove.

Black mask with gelatin and activated carbon with the addition of additional ingredients: eggs, clay, sugar, honey

The black mask will become even more useful if you supplement it with other components. Ingredients such as cosmetic clay, eggs, honey, aloe, and sugar are widely used.

Probably everyone knows about the benefits of cosmetic clay. It is used to make creams, masks, wrapping solutions, shower gels, and hair products. Each of them has its own properties. For example, white clay is indicated for deep cleansing and whitening. And for aging, oily, problem skin, there is nothing better than blue; black promotes wound healing and slows down aging.

Pink clay provides gentle care, soft smoothing, polishing function and relieves inflammation; gray clay can deeply moisturize, tone the skin and smooth out wrinkles. Blue clay is famous for its rich set of minerals and vitamins. Knowing the properties of this wonderful cosmetic product, you can use it to solve your problems.

The mask can be prepared as follows:

  • take activated carbon (1 tablet) and crush;
  • add clay and water to it;
  • Stir the mixture until it reaches the consistency of thick sour cream.

Apply a thin layer to cleansed facial skin and wait until completely dry. Rinse and wipe your face with a piece of ice.

A mask based on activated carbon and eggs is an effective remedy against blackheads and acne. Cleaning is carried out gently and carefully, in addition, the skin is moisturized and enriched with useful substances. It’s easy to prepare a cosmetic product:

  • 2 pcs. mix crushed activated carbon with 1 egg white (for those with oily skin, it is recommended to do it with the yolk);
  • Beat the mixture thoroughly and apply to the skin;
  • after 15-20 minutes, rinse the composition from your face and wash with a decoction of herbs.

A mask with honey has good healing, tonic properties and gets rid of acne. It is prepared without gelatin, and the sequence of actions is as follows:

  • Crush 2 tablets of coal and add 2 tsp. warm milk and honey;
  • Apply the mixture to the skin, leave for 20 minutes and rinse.

The scrub will not only help get rid of acne, but will also cleanse the skin well. Mix 2 tablets of activated carbon, 1 tsp each. honey, sugar and water. Apply the mixture to the skin with gentle massaging movements. You can enjoy the scrub right away!

Reviews of women about the black mask from around the world

Karina, 24 years old, Gurzuf:
“...I couldn’t get rid of the blackheads. I tried a lot of expensive remedies, even tried to remove it with ascorbic acid, but there was no effect. I saw a mask with gelatin and a well-known adsorbent that could be prepared at home. I read the reviews and decided, and I don’t regret it. Now my skin has become beautiful and clean, and I have forgotten about torture with ascorbic acid forever...”

Victoria, 54 years old, Silistra:
“...My skin at 54 didn’t look quite fresh anymore. I took the risk of making a face mask with pink clay, the recipe for which I saw on YouTube. The result was noticeable after just 1 month of regular procedures. I want to try making a film with the addition of kefir or yogurt...”

Maria, 18 years old, Lugozh:
“...I hope that my feedback will help solve the problem of many young girls. I couldn’t get rid of blackheads and pimples, and I tried drug treatment, adjusted my diet, and bought various pharmacy “trash,” but the problem remained. I accidentally saw a recipe for a mask made from gelatin, an absorbent, and it also contained milk. I tried it, and what I saw simply amazed me: on the back of the film removed from the face, I saw a lot of different garbage. It’s scary to think that I carried all this on myself...”

Agata, 32 years old, Athens:
“...I read reviews on an irrecommendation about a mask with gelatin for acne and blackheads. I didn’t believe that just a few tablets of a regular absorbent would help solve these facial problems. But the reviews were too convincing and I couldn’t resist. In addition, I had milk and an activated carbon tablet on hand, and I went to the nearest supermarket for gelatin. I really liked how this film works - after 20 minutes all the dirt from my face was left on it...”

Elizaveta, 27 years old, Kyiv:
“...I work as a confectioner and am very familiar with gelatin. I never thought that it could be used against acne and blackheads. And when I saw the advertisement, I thought that this was another common myth. A spoonful of milk, a little honey, a charcoal tablet and gelatin - this is the secret to a beautiful face! For the first time, I achieved narrowing of pores so quickly and got smooth, beautiful skin...”

Anastasia, 42 years old, Moscow:
“I heard a lot about the black mask, read reviews, Olga Seymour’s enthusiastic recommendation, and therefore decided that it would help get rid of acne. I liked the recipe where you need 1 spoon of any clay, water and an absorbent. Now I do the procedures regularly and look 10 years younger. And the price list of a beauty salon doesn’t scare me anymore...”

Clara, 23 years old, Budapest:
“...Why do people leave their reviews about certain products? Most likely so that others can benefit from their experience. Thanks to them, I discovered the black mask. Just 1 large spoon of this black substance once a week gave me a clean and beautiful face..."

Angelika, 33 years old, Dresden:
“...Skin care, like dental treatment, cannot be put on the back burner. I always tried to provide her with the necessary care. I have tried many products in different price categories. According to the advice of many doctors, I always keep activated charcoal in my medicine cabinet, so when I read the recipe for an acne film, I made it immediately. It gave not only smoothness, but also cleaned the pores. I even made it for my husband!..”

Photos before and after using a mask with gelatin and activated carbon

The photo shows very clearly what the skin on your face was like before and after using a homemade black mask. On the strip itself you can see everything that was in the clogged pores. Beauty and the struggle for it – that’s what you can see in these photos.