Technological map of OD for the senior group

Educational area:"Artistic and aesthetic development."

Section: Application.

Subject: "Birchhouse on a birch tree."

Target: Teach children to independently choose an application option, place a birdhouse on a tree, taking into account its shape and size. Strengthen cutting techniques along the fold.

Continue to learn how to decorate the image yourself, with small details, observing symmetry. Develop cognitive interest. Cultivate neatness.


Reinforce with the children the time of year - spring, introduce them to a birdhouse - a birdhouse, reinforce the concept of “one” and “many”, geometric shapes - circle, square, triangle, rectangle. Develop the ability to carefully use glue, first lay out (in a certain sequence) the details of the application on a sheet of paper, compose the image specified by the teacher, and stick them on.

Preliminary work:

1. Reading poetry (“Spring Forest” by V. Stepanov; “Admire, Spring is Coming” by I. Nikitin; “Spring” by E. Karganova).
2. Reading stories about spring (“Spring is red” by I. Sokolov-Mikitov; “The Four Seasons” by K. Ushinsky).
3. Examination of illustrations.
4. Conversations about birds.
5. Observation in nature.
6. Introduction to geometric shapes and colors.



Activities of a teacher

Children's activities



The teacher greets the children:

« Hello, golden sun!
Hello, blue sky!
Hello, free breeze!
Hello little friend!
We live in the same region -
I greet you all!”

The teacher reads E. Karganova’s poem “Spring”.
Educator: Guys, name the signs of spring.

Dynamic pause: “Birds.”

"The birds began to descend,

Everyone sits down in the clearing.

They have a long way to go

The birds need to rest.

And it's time to hit the road again,

They have a lot to fly.

Here is the house. Hooray! Hooray!

It's time for them to land.


“The palace weighs on a pole,

Lives in the palace..."

Do you think birdhouses are built only for starlings?

Why do birds need such houses?

Children greet the teacher and their friends.

Listen to a poem.

Answer questions.

Perform movements according to the text.

They suggest different options, speak out, and decide that other birds can live in birdhouses.

Organizational and search

Invites you to a creative workshop.

Introduces the sample application “Starling on a birch tree”.

Specifies the birdhouse shape, size, color

Please note that a birch tree can be drawn with a pencil and paints, and a birdhouse can be decorated with small details and correctly positioned on the tree, reinforcing drawing techniques and applying strokes.

Shows the technique of cutting paper along the fold, cutting off corners.

Offers to choose practical material and begin independent work.

Provides the necessary assistance.

Examine the sample and note its features.

Reinforce drawing and appliqué techniques.

They make a choice of material and explain it.

Ask for help.

Reflexive – corrective

Draws attention to the uniqueness of the work and notes the most successful ones.

Includes audio recording of the song"Migratory birds are flying birds" performed by I. Kobzon.

Find out what the children liked most today.

They tell you why they did the application this way.

They perceive the song emotionally.

Share their impressions.

Expected result:

Know: practical ways of working with colored paper, pencils, paints, scissors;

Have: how can you place a birdhouse on a tree, taking into account its shape and size;

Be able to: Decorate the image yourself with small details.

Organizational educational activities in the junior group.

Topic: "Easter eggs"

Integration of educational areas (artistic and aesthetic, cognitive, physical, speech, social and communicative development).

Target: introducing children to the traditions of celebrating Easter.



Teach children to arrange objects in a broken applique.


Develop fine motor skills of fingers and imagination.


Cultivate accuracy and independence.

Targets: shows initiative and independence in various activities. Has a positive attitude towards the world.

Means of implementation:


Looking at illustrations on the theme “Easter”


Audio of church bells ringing.


Making riddles.

Equipment and materials: oilcloths, colored cardboard with images, colored paper, glue, glue socket, shield brushes, brush stands.

Vocabulary work: Holy Easter, ritual, dyes, Easter eggs.


    The introductory part is the motivational and incentive stage of the activity.

A teacher enters the group dressed in Russian folk costume.

Hello my dear guests!

The gospel is buzzing everywhere

From all the churches the people are pouring out

The dawn is already looking from the sky,

Christ is Risen, Christ is Risen!

The earth is waking up

And the fields are dressed,

Spring is coming, full of miracles!

Christ is Risen, Christ is Risen!

    The main part is the organizational and search stage of activity.

Today we will talk to you about how the great Russian people support the traditions and customs of their ancestors. Since ancient times, the Russian people have been famous for their hard work, but they also do not forget to maintain traditions.

Guys, what holidays do you know?

Children's answer.

Today we will talk to you about the great spring holiday - Easter.

What is this holiday dedicated to?

Children's answers.

The word Easter means “exodus”, “liberation”, “deliverance”.

Now guys, let’s each make a pattern on our own Easter egg. The teacher reminds the rules on how to use glue and spread it on the part.


One, two, three, four, five - we stomp our feet,

One, two, three, four, five - clap our hands,

One, two, three, four, five - let's do it again,

And blueberries grow in the forest,

Strawberries, blueberries.

To pick a berry,

You need to squat deeper.

I took a walk in the forest

I'm carrying a basket of berries.


Why is there joy and gladness throughout the whole earth?

Because we celebrate Christ (resurrection)

The sun is playing and the birds are chirping,

Table decoration - red (testicles)

The housewives baked it in the oven for the holiday,

Lush, rosy miracle (Easter cakes)

    The final part is the reflexive-corrective stage of activity.


Well done guys! You have done some wonderful work.


Let's play a game, you see sheets of grey, orange, blue and circles of yellow, green and red, if you liked the activity, move the green circles to the blue sheet, if something was not clear, move the yellow circle to the gray one, and who doesn’t I liked the red circle on the orange leaf.

Used Books:

Main sources:

Pogodina S.V.

Theoretical and methodological foundations for organizing productive activities of preschool children: a textbook for students. prof. Education / S. V. Pogodina. – M.: Publishing center “Academy”, 2015. – 272 p., 4 p. ill.

Kozlova S. A.

Preschool pedagogy: a textbook for students. Institutions environment. prof. Education / S. A. Kozlova, T. A. Kulikova. — 12th ed., erased. - M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2011. - 416 p.

Smirnova E. O.

Organization of gaming activities: textbook. Manual / E. O. Smirnova, E. A. Abdulaeva. — Rostov n/a: Phoenix, 2016. — 223 p. — (Secondary vocational education).

. .

Technological map of the technology lesson “Fabric applique”

- summarize students’ knowledge about the origin of fabric;
- teach how to organize a workplace when working with fabric and glue
- promote the formation of skills in safe work with scissors, the ability to maintain order in the workplace; ability to mark fabric;
- create conditions for the manifestation of creativity during practical work.
Subject: Fabric applique.
Purpose of the topic: teach children to work with fabric, see beauty, and also teach mutual assistance
Planned result
Develop motor skills of small muscles, eye, aesthetic taste; cultivate respect for one’s own and other people’s work; teach frugality, patience, thrift.
Basic Concepts
Fabric, fibers, flax cultivation
Interdisciplinary connections
The world around us, fine arts
- basic
- additional
Technology: textbook for 1st grade/T. M. Ragozina, A. A. Grineva - M.: ACADEMIC BOOK/TEXT BOOK, 2010.
Organization of space
Frontal, individual, group.
Training and developmental tasks at each stage.

I. Organizational moment
A hardworking bee came to our lesson Monitors our work Evaluates strictly

II. Updating knowledge (Preparatory work)
Demonstration of the video fragment “Cintz Street” Before watching, ask the question: What is the unknown fabric made from? View slides "Growing Cotton". Teacher explaining what cotton and cotton fabric are.

III. Vocabulary work
Fabric is a product made on a loom.
Regulatory UUD (goal setting)

IV. Practical work Fabric applique
Preparation for practical work - planning the upcoming work. Monitoring compliance with safety precautions when working with scissors and glue. Help with work. Work in groups.
Regulatory management control: work planning, execution of actions according to plan, control, correction of actions

V. Control task
Test “Which fibers are natural fibers of plant origin” Choose the correct answer, justify your choice, check on the interactive board
Cognitive UUD: observation, comparison, analysis, generalization

VI. Lesson summary
We summarize the lesson, organize an exhibition of works, analyze the work of each group. Each group comes to the board and presents their work. He tells you what goals you set for yourself and how you achieved these goals. What happened in the end
Regulatory control measures: self-assessment

VII. Reflection
Game “Continue the sentence” Children share their impressions of the work in the lesson
- I know
I remembered
- smog
- Well done! Thank you for the lesson.
Personal UUD (meaning formation)

Download Technological map of the technology lesson “Fabric applique”

BBOҚ technology maps



Bolimi . Chapter. Application.

Takyrybys . Subject:"Balls"

Maksaty. Target: Form for the implementation of applications, creation images of objects. Introduce children to the geometric figure - circle. Reinforce the concept - yellow color.

Zhabyktaluy . Equipment: Doll, ball, yellow circles.

Vocabulary work: Yellow color, circle.

Kyzmettin kezenderi

Stages of activity

Tarbieshinin is-areketi

Balalardyn is-areketi

Children's activities


He brings in a crying Tanya doll.

Reads a poem:

Our Tanya is crying loudly,

She dropped a ball into the river.

Hush, Tanya, don't cry.

The ball will not drown in the river.

Asks to help Tanya

Pay attention to the crying doll.

They calm her down, listen to the poem, pronounce the words.

They agree to help Tanya.


Organizational and search

Creates a situation - they took a ball from the river.

Explains that the ball is round.

Asks to pronounce the word - circle.

He offers to give Tanya a lot of balls so that she doesn’t cry and can play with them.

Informs that yellow balls will be placed on a white sheet of paper.

Introduces the color yellow.

Explains techniques for placing parts on a sheet of paper.

They participate, get the ball from the river.

Listen and remember that the ball is round.

They say the word - circle.

They willingly agree to give Tanya the balls.

They agree to put the details of the balls on a sheet of paper.

Get acquainted with the color yellow.

Start working independently.

Reflexive-correction ears


Offers to give the balls to Tanya.

Together with Tanya they play the game “Catch the Ball”.

Tanya thanks the children for the balls and says goodbye to the children.

They give Tanya balls.

They play the game “Catch the Ball”.

They say goodbye to Tanya.

Kutiletin below . Expected Result:

Play: The geometric figure is called a circle, yellow color.

Understand: How to place balls on a white sheet of paper.

Apply: They make a plot out of details.

BBOҚ technology maps


Age: 2-3 years.

Takyrybys . Subject:"Funny Ball"

I'll take the salas. Educational field. Health.

Bolimi . Chapter. Physical training.

Maksaty. Target: Exercise children in walking in a circle, holding hands. Practice crawling on all fours, stepping over obstacles, rolling a ball, learn to walk on tiptoes, and teach them to follow a certain direction.

Preliminary work and preparation for the lesson : Carrying out the game “My funny ringing ball”, preparing equipment: Dwarf toy, balls, ropes.

Kyzmettin kezenderi

Stages of activity

Tarbieshinin is-areketi

Managerial actions of the teacher

Balalardyn is-areketi

Children's activities


Motivational - incentive

Introducing children to a toy - a gnome.

The message is that the gnome is bored sitting in the cave, he wants to play with the ball.

They look at the toy and are happy with it.

They offer the gnome to play ball with them.


Organizational and search

Walking on your toes and running in circles.

Please stop and take

hold hands and make a circle.

Distributing balls.

1. “Knock the ball on the floor”

2. “Look at the ball”

3. "Jumping"

Main types of movements.

Rolling balls. An offer to sit on the mat opposite each other at a distance and roll the ball to each other.

Suggestion about walking on all fours over obstacles (ropes)

Walk on tiptoes and run in circles.

They hold hands and make a circle.

They take the balls in their hands.

Perform outdoor switchgear.

1.Ip. standing, ball in both hands, hands down. Sit down, lightly hit the ball on the floor, etc. (4-6 times).

2.I.p. sitting, feet together, ball in both hands, hands down. Raise your hands up, look at the balls, lower your hands (4-6 times).

3.I.p. The teacher hits the ball on the floor, drawing the children's attention to how easily the ball jumps, and invites everyone to jump just as easily. (15-20 sec).

They sit on the mat opposite each other and roll the ball to each other.

Get on all fours and step over obstacles.

Reflexive-correction ears


Together with the gnome they play the game “Catch the Ball”.

The gnome's gratitude to the children for their hospitality and farewell to the children.

They play the game “Catch the Ball”.

Say goodbye to the gnome.

Kutiletin below . Expected result:

Play: Rules of the game.

Understand: How to walk on your toes and roll a ball correctly.

Apply: Stepping over an obstacle, rolling a ball to each other.

BBOҚ technology maps


I'll take the salas. Educational field. Cognition.

Bolimi . Chapter. Fundamentals of ecology.

Takyrybys . Subject: Didactic game "Errands".

Maksaty. Target: To develop children's orientation in the surrounding space. Continue to familiarize children with the location of objects in the group room and their purpose. Teaches how to carry out instructions at the request of an adult.

Zhabyktaluy . Equipment: Big and small bear, tumbler, matryoshka, red and blue cup, large and small cube, cubes.

Vocabulary work: Big, small, up, down.

Kyzmettin kezenderi

Stages of activity

Tarbieshinin is-areketi

Managerial actions of the teacher

Balalardyn is-areketi

Children's activities


Motivational - incentive

Arranges toys - a big and a small bear, a tumbler, a nesting doll, a red and blue cup, a large and a small cube.

Draws children's attention to toys.

Offers to play a game.

Included in the process of cognition.

They look at the toys lying on the table.

They accept the offer to play the game.


Organizational and search

Conducts the game “Errands”.

Pointing to the toys, he asks to name what color and size they are.

Calls the children to him one by one.

Invites everyone to complete one of the tasks:

Give the big bear some tea from a red cup.

Place the matryoshka doll on a small cube.

Give the little bear a big cube.

Take a small bear and put it on the carpet.

Take the big bear to the carpet and sit him next to the little one.

Take a tumbler and dance with it.

Builds a ladder from cubes.

The nesting doll walks along it up-up-up, down-down-down.

Invites children to perform up and down movements with their hands in the air.

Show interest in the game.

Name the toys that the teacher points to.

They approach the teacher.

Complete tasks.

They give water to a big bear from a red cup.

They put the matryoshka doll on a small cube.

They give the bear a large cube.

They put the bear on the carpet.

They put a big bear next to a small one.

Dancing with a tumbler.

Watch how the teacher builds a staircase.

They watch the matryoshka doll walk on it.

Perform movements in the air.

Reflexive-correction ears


Offers to say goodbye to the toys and put them in their place.

They say goodbye to the toys and put the x in its place.

Kutiletin below . Expected Result:

Play: Toys are called their main qualities.

Understand: Group room location.

Apply: They orient themselves in the surrounding space and carry out the instructions of the teacher.

BBOҚ technology maps


I'll take the salas. Educational field. Communication.

Bolimi . Chapter. Speech development.

Takyrybys . Subject:"Merry Yard"

Maksaty. Target: Expand children's knowledge about pets, strengthen children's speech. Strengthen the pronunciation of sounds (loud-quiet), develop the ability to listen and understand the speech of an adult, addressed to the whole group and to each child separately.

Zhabyktaluy . Equipment: Pictures of animals, horse.

Vocabulary work: Fur, I comb it, smooth it, with a comb.

Kyzmettin kezenderi

Stages of activity

Tarbieshinin is-areketi

Managerial actions of the teacher

Balalardyn is-areketi

Children's activities


Motivational - incentive

Brings a toy horse into the group.

She reports that her friends love to play and hid from her.

Offers to find and guess who the horse's friends are.

They rejoice at the appearance of the horse.

Listen carefully to the teacher's story.

They agree to help the horse find its friends.


Organizational and search

Reads a poem and shows the images in the picture.

Ku-ka-re-ku! I'm guarding the chickens!

Where, whack, whack! She got carried away in the bushes!

Murr-murr-murr! I'm scaring the chickens!

Quack-quack-quack! It will rain tomorrow morning!

Moo-moo-moo! Milk for anyone?

Asking questions:

How does a duck quack?

How does a cat meow?

How does a chicken cluck?

Invites you to come to the mat and show how a cat sneaks.

Reads a poem about a horse.

Imitates the movement in a poem. Emphasizes the words - fur, comb, smooth, comb.

I love my horse

I'll comb her fur smoothly.

I'll comb my tail

And I’ll go on horseback to visit.

Repeated reading of the poem.

Listen to poems and look at pictures.


They show how a cat sneaks.

Listen to a poem about a horse.

Imitate movements according to the lines of the poem.

They pronounce the words together with the teacher.

Listen to a poem.

Reflexive-correction ears


Offers to play with the horse and its friends.

The horse and her friends say goodbye to the children.

They play with the horse and its friends.

They say goodbye to the horse and its friends.

Kutiletin below . Expected Result:

Play: Pets are called: cat, rooster, chicken, duck, cow.

Apply: Listen and understand the speech of an adult.

BBOҚ technology maps


I'll take the salas. Educational field. Communication.

Bolimi . Chapter. Getting to know your surroundings.

Takyrybys . Subject:"Who lives in the house"

Maksaty. Target: Learn to recognize familiar animals in pictures, name them, distinguish between characteristic features and distinctive features.

Zhabyktaluy . Equipment: Cow, goat, horse masks. Pictures with the image of a cow, goat, horse.

Vocabulary work: Cow, goat, horse, beard, horns, hooves, mane, tail.

Kyzmettin kezenderi

Stages of activity

Tarbieshinin is-areketi

Managerial actions of the teacher

Balalardyn is-areketi

Children's activities


Motivational - incentive

Tells about animals that live next to humans.

Invites children to wear animal masks.


How does a cow moo?

How does a goat mark?

How does a horse neigh?

Wear animal masks.

They look at them and name the animals.

Pronounce sounds that animals make.


Organizational and search

Shows a picture of a cow.

He asks to name and show the horns, the tail of the hoof.

Reads a poem:

Oh how I love the cow

How can I give her nettles?

Eat to your heart's content, my little cow,

Eat your fill, my brownie.

Shows a picture of a goat.

He asks to name and show the horns, beard, hooves.

Reads a nursery rhyme:

Little goat, jump up and down the hill,

The horns are sharp and long.

Who doesn't eat porridge or drink milk?

I'll spoil you!!!

Shows a picture of a horse.

He asks to name and show the mane and long tail.

Reads a nursery rhyme:

I'll feed the horse fresh grass,

I will water the horse with clean water,

You go, little horse, higher, higher than your legs,\

You and I will go straight along the path.

Look at the picture and say what it shows.

Show and name the distinctive features of a cow (horns, tail, hooves).

Listen to a poem.

They name and show where the goat has horns, hooves, and a beard.

Listen to a nursery rhyme.

Look at the picture and say what it shows.

Name and show where the horse's mane and long tail are

Listening to a nursery rhyme

Reflexive-correction ears


Offers to play with animals: “Turn around, spin around and turn into horses, goats, cows.”

Kutiletin below . Expected Result:

Play: Name of pets.


Apply: They recognize animals from pictures and name their distinctive features.

BBOҚ technology map s


Age: 2-3 years.

Takyrybys . Subject:“The sun is looking through the window”

I'll take the salas. Educational field. Creation.

Bolimi . Chapter. Modeling.

Maksaty. Target: Teach children to roll out and flatten lumps of plasticine and use it carefully. Reinforce knowledge about the color yellow. Arouse interest in the result of the work.

Preliminary work and preparation and preparation for the lesson: playing the game “What color?”, “What shape?”, preliminary work with plasticine.

Zhabyktaluy .Equipment: fox, hare, plasticine, modeling boards, napkins. Vocabulary work: Yellow.

Kyzmettin kezenderi

Stages of activity

Tarbieshinin is-areketi

Managerial actions of the teacher

Balalardyn is-areketi

Children's activities


Motivational - incentive

Poem reading:

The sun is shining through the window,

Warms our room

We'll clap our hands

We are very happy about the sun.

Listen to a poem.


Organizational and search

Asking a question:

Did you find out what it is?

That's right, it's the sun. It wakes up before everyone else, rises high into the sky to do good deeds.

What good deeds does the sun do?

A knock is heard on the door. Opening the door. A hare and a fox enter, greet each other, and ask the children for help.

What's happened?

There has been no sun in the forest for several days now. Without him we are cold, lonely and sad.

Asking a question:

What color is it?

What shape?

Showing sculpting techniques and explaining the sequence of actions.

Proposal to start work.

They answer the question.

This is the sun.

Listen to the teacher's story.

Warms the children.

They listen and wonder who is there. They say hello.

Listen carefully to animals.

They empathize.

They agree to help.

Answer the teacher's questions.

Name the shape and color of the sun.

Carefully observe the actions of the teacher.

Start individual work.

Reflexive-correction ears


Suggestion to play the game “Sunshine and Rain”.

Gratitude from animals to children and saying goodbye to them.

They play a game.

Say goodbye to animals.

Kutiletin below . Expected result:

Play: Modeling sequence.

Understand: Shape and color of the sun.

Apply: Roll out and flatten lumps of plasticine.

BBOҚ technology maps


Age: 2-3 years.

Takyrybys . Subject:"Beautiful flags"

I'll take the salas. Educational field. Health..

Bolimi . Chapter. Physical training

Maksaty. Target: Teach children to long jump from a standing position, strengthen long-range throwing from behind the head, and promote the development of a sense of balance and coordination of movements.: teaching children to stand long jump and throw a ball at a distance, preparing Pinocchio toys, balls, flags, rope.

Kyzmettin kezenderi

Stages of activity

Tarbieshinin is-areketi

Managerial actions of the teacher

Balalardyn is-areketi

Children's activities


Motivational - incentive

Introducing the toy Pinocchio.

A message that Pinocchio brought them a gift.

Pinocchio has flags in his hands.

Distributing flags to children.

They look at the Pinocchio toy.

They are happy about the gift.

They notice that Pinocchio has flags in his hands.

Disassemble the checkboxes.


Organizational and search

Suggestion to play with flags.

"Let's go to the forest"

1 “Show and hide checkbox”

2. “Raise the flags”

3. “Stretch”

4. “Put the checkbox”

Demonstration of throwing a ball

from behind the head with both hands at a distance.

Standing long jump over a rope.

Walking and running in circles.

Standing, arms with flags at length.

Raise them, arms forward, show the flag and hide it behind their back (3-4 times).

Lie on your back, arms along your body. Raise your arms and legs up, touch the flag to your feet and lower them to the floor (4-6 times).

They sit, their legs rest freely on the floor, their hands on their knees. Raise your arms to the sides, stretch up, lower your arms (4-6 times).

They stand, hands down. Sit down, put the flag on the floor, straighten up (4-6 times).

The throw is performed simultaneously at the teacher’s signal.

Legs slightly apart, feet parallel. Perform a rope jump.

Reflexive-correction ears


An offer to play the game “Catch the Ball”.

Pinocchio says goodbye to the children.

They play the game “Catch the Ball”.

Say goodbye to Pinocchio.

Kutiletin below Expected result:

Play: Rules of the game.

Understand: How to properly throw a ball long distance from behind your head.

Apply: Standing long jump.

BBOҚ technology maps


Age: 2-3 years.

Takyrybys . Subject:“Snow all around!”

I'll take the salas. Educational field. Health..

Bolimi . Chapter. Physical training

Maksaty. Target: Practice walking in different directions. Learn to crawl under an arc 35 cm high. Run in different directions, play “Snow whirling.”

Preliminary work and preparation for the lesson: teaching children to walk and run in different directions, game exercise “Climb under an arc,” preparing an arc.

Kyzmettin kezenderi

Stages of activity

Tarbieshinin is-areketi

Managerial actions of the teacher

Balalardyn is-areketi

Children's activities


Motivational incentive

Poem reading:

To be completely healthy.

Everyone needs physical education.

And without any doubt.

There is a good solution

Running is useful and playing

Get busy kids!

Listen carefully to the verse.

They show a desire to engage in physical exercise.


Organizational and search

Walking in different directions.

1. “Big and small trees grow in the forest”

2. “Chopping wood”

3. “The bear cubs are playing”

4. “The bunnies are jumping”

5. "Let's go home"

Basic exercise:

Climb under a 35cm high arc.

They go in different directions.

Standing, hands at the bottom.

Sit down, clasp your knees with your hands, straighten up, raise your arms up.

Standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands clasped together.

Raise your arms up, bend over, placing your hands between your legs.

Lying on your back, arms along your body, raise your bent legs, pull them towards your body, clasp your knees with your hands.

Jump in place on two legs.

Walking one after another.

Reflexive-correction ears


Individual work

Suggestion to play the game “Snow whirling” - running in different directions.

Help in climbing under the arc for Lera, Vika, Alan.

They play the game “Snow Spinning.” They have fun.

They try to crawl under the arc.

Kutiletin below Expected result:

Play: walking and running in different directions.

Understand: walking one after another. ORU.

Apply: game "Snow is spinning".

BBOҚ technology maps


Age: 2-3 years.

Takyrybys . Subject: Didactic game “Whose children?”

I'll take the salas. Educational field. Cognition, Communication, Health.

Bolimi . Chapter. Fundamentals of ecology, Speech development, Physical education.

Maksaty. Target: Introduce animals and their babies, teach them to name them. Activate speech. When onomatopoeia pay attention to differentiation their origin, imitating the voices of animals.

Preliminary work and preparation for the lesson: conversation about animals, looking at illustrations on the topic: “Pets”, looking at pictures of animals and their cubs, conducting didactic games, preparing equipment: the character “Granny Riddle”, figures of pets and their cubs, audio recording “Voices of Pets”, video with illustrations of domestic animals and their babies.

Vocabulary work: pets, cat, dog, cow, pig, horse.

Billing component: cat-mysyk, dog-it, cow-siyr, pig-shoshka, horse-at, pets-y zhanuarlary.

Kyzmettin kezenderi

Stages of activity

Tarbieshinin is-areketi

Managerial actions of the teacher

Balalardyn is-areketi

Children's activities


Motivational incentive

1. Organizational moment.

Invites children to say hello to guests.

2.Surprise moment.

There's a knock on the door.

The appearance of the Riddle Grandmother.

Welcomes children.

Hello children. Do you know who I am? - Grandma-Riddler, I like to come to children, play with them and ask riddles.

He sits her down on the chairs and offers to listen to the story about her granddaughter Mashenka.

My granddaughter came to see me one day and immediately ran to meet the pets. Before she had time to enter the yard, she suddenly saw...

Children enter the group and face the guests.

They play and greet guests.

They look with interest.

Greetings to grandma.

They sit on chairs.

Listen carefully to the story.


Organizational and search

Asks a riddle:

She is slim and beautiful

She has a big mane

She click-clacks her hooves,

Take me for a ride buddy!

Shows the slide.

Asks the children:

Guys, who is the smallest horse?

What is it called?

Praises children.


How does a horse neigh?

How does a foal neigh?

Suddenly my granddaughter hears someone in the barn puffing, snorting and chewing something. Mashenka became interested. She decided to look there too.

Asks a riddle:

There is a patch in front,

Hook on the back

In the middle the back

And it has bristles on it.

Asks a question.

Shows a slide with an animal.


And who is the pig's cub?

How does a big pig grunt?

How does a piglet grunt?

Continues to tell the story.

And next to the pig stood someone very large, chomping loudly and chewing something.

Asks a riddle:

Hungry moos

The well-fed one chews,

He gives milk to all the children.

Praises the children and shows a slide with a picture of an animal.

Asks a question:

Who is the cow's baby?

How does a cow moo?

How does a calf moo?

Tells a story:

Mashenka ran into the house and saw on the porch.....

Asks you to guess who?

Asks a riddle:



Drinks milk

- “Meow-Meow” sings.

Shows the slide.

Asks a question:

Who is the cat's baby?

How does a cat meow?

And the kitten?

Tells the children that our cat Vasily wants to play with them.

Finger game.

The granddaughter had a walk and ran into the house. But I couldn’t enter the house.

Reads the riddle:

You stroke, caress,

You tease, it bites.


Who didn’t let my granddaughter into the house?

Praises the children and shows the slide.

Asks to answer:

What is a small dog called?

How does a dog bark?

How does a puppy yap?

Praises children.

Listen to riddles

Name of the animal (Horse)

They look at the slide.

They answer (Quietly “I-go-go”)

They listen with interest.

Listen to the riddle.

Answer the question (Pig)

Examine the animal.

Listen and answer (Piglet)

(Loudly “Oink - Oink”)

They answer (Quietly “Oink-Oink”)

Listen to the riddle.

Answer (Cow)

They look at the image.

Answer (Calf)

Pronounce (loudly “Mu-Mu”)

Pronounce (Quietly “Mu-Mu”)

Listen and respond (Cat)

Look at the slide.

Pronounce (Quietly “Meow-Meow”)

Show interest and accompany finger play with actions:

“Like our cat.”

They listen and guess.

Answer (Dog)

Answer (Puppy)

Play (Loud)

" Bow-wow")

They answer (Quietly “Woof-Woof”)

Reflexivti – ear correction


Individual work

He talks about how the cubs started playing and ran away. And mothers are very worried.

He offers to bring the kids who have been on a spree to their mothers.

Conducting a didactic game: “Whose children?”

Praises children.

Says goodbye to the children.

Help Lera, Alan, and David remember the names of pets.

They listen with interest.

They agree to play.

They take baby toys and place them next to the desired mother. They name the animal and the baby (cat-kitten, pig-pig, horse-foal, cow-calf, dog-puppy).

They try to remember and name the pet.

Kutiletin below Expected result:

Play: names of domestic animals and their babies.

Apply: find the cubs their mother.

Appendix No. 1

Hello, palms. Clap-clap-clap.

Hello legs. Top-top-top.

Hello cheeks. Plop-Plop-Plop.

Chubby cheeks. Plop-Plop-Plop.

Hello sponges. Smack-Smack-Smack.

Hello, teeth. Click-click-click.

Hello, nose. Beep-beep-beep.

Hello, guests. Hello!

Appendix No. 2

Finger game “Like our cat”

-Like our cat,

-The fur coat is very good,

-Like a cat's mustache

- Amazingly beautiful

-Bold eyes,

- Teeth are white.

BBOҚ technology maps


Age: 2-3 years.

I'll take the salas. Educational field. Communication.

Bolimi . Chapter. Getting to know your surroundings.

Takyrybys . Subject:“Who has what?”

Maksaty. Target: Identify the most characteristic features (the rooster has a beautiful comb, the hare has long ears, the bear is large, his ears are small and there is no tail; find out how the rooster crows, what sounds a cat or dog makes.

Zhabyktaluy . Equipment:

Billing component:

Vocabulary work:

Kyzmettin kezenderi

Stages of activity

Tarbieshinin is-areketi

Managerial actions of the teacher

Balalardyn is-areketi

Children's activities


Motivational - incentive

Talks about animals.

They listen about animals that live next to humans.

Guess the riddle (rooster).


Organizational and search

Asks a riddle:

Reads the riddle:

Shaggy, mustachioed.

He drinks milk and sings songs.

Reads the riddle:

Doesn't bark, doesn't bite,

But he won’t let me into the house.

He asks to guess who it is.

Reads the riddle:

Guess and answer

Who is this?

Listen to a riddle about a hare.

A ball of fluff, a long ear,

Listen to the riddle.

They answer (cat).

Listen to the riddle and guess

They listen carefully.

They call it (bear).

Guess (hare)


Reflexive-correction ears


Kutiletin below . Expected Result:

Play: name of pets.

Understand: about domestic animals and their signs and characteristics.

Apply: recognize animals from pictures and name their distinctive features.

BBOҚ technology maps


Age: 2-3 years.

I'll take the salas. Educational field. Communication.

Bolimi . Chapter. Getting to know your surroundings.

Takyrybys . Subject:"What do I have?"

Maksaty. Target: Learn to distinguish and name some parts of the body of animals (head, tail, paws).

Zhabyktaluy . Equipment: Pictures of animals, presentation for the lesson.

Billing component: rooster-koraz, cat-mysyk, dog-it, hare-koyan, bear-ayu.

Vocabulary work: rooster, cat, dog, hare, bear; comb, ears, tail, paws.

Kyzmettin kezenderi

Stages of activity

Tarbieshinin is-areketi

Managerial actions of the teacher

Balalardyn is-areketi

Children's activities


Motivational - incentive

Talks about animals.

Animals that live with humans are called domestic animals. And animals that live in the forest are called wild.

They listen about animals that live next to humans.

Guess the riddle (rooster).


Organizational and search

Asks a riddle:

Who gets up early, sings songs loudly, doesn’t let the children sleep, sings loudly?

Shows a picture of a rooster.

Asks to name and show the distinctive features of the rooster.

Reads the riddle:

Shaggy, mustachioed.

He drinks milk and sings songs.

Shows a picture of a cat.

Asks to name and show the features of the cat.

Reads the riddle:

Doesn't bark, doesn't bite,

But he won’t let me into the house.

Shows a picture of a dog.

He asks to name what the dog has.

He reports that animals from the forest have come to visit us.

He asks to guess who it is.

Reads the riddle:

Clubbed feet, sleeping in a den,

Guess and answer

Who is this?

Asks to name the distinctive features of the bear.

Listen to a riddle about a hare.

A ball of fluff, a long ear,

Jumps deftly and loves carrots.

Asks to reproduce: how does a cockerel sing, how does a dog bark, how does a cat meow?

They look at the picture and say what it shows.

Show and name the distinctive features of a rooster (comb, beautiful tail).

Listen to the riddle.

They answer (cat).

Look at the picture and name the characteristic features of the cat.

(small ears, long tail, scratchy paws, mustache)

Listen to the riddle and guess

They look at the picture, say what it shows, what the dog has (ears, tail, paws).

They listen carefully.

They call it (bear).

They call it (big bear, small ears, no tail).

Guess (hare)

Name the characteristic features of a bunny (long ears, short tail)


Reflexive-correction ears


Offers to play with animals: “Turn around, spin around and turn into dogs, cats, cockerels.”

Kutiletin below . Expected result:

Play: names of animal body parts.

Understand: about domestic animals and their signs and characteristics.

Apply: recognize animals from pictures, distinguish and name some parts of the animal’s body.

Rodionova Vera Anatolevna
Presentation "Technological map of the sequence of application from natural material"

Lesson topic: « Application made from natural material"Mushrooms".

Age: Preparatory group

Materials and equipment: Hard brush, PVA glue, lentils, rice, white sand, dry grass, images of a mushroom on a leaf.

Stage images material:

Children, using a hard brush, apply PVA glue to the images of the mushroom stem.

I make sure that the glue is distributed over the entire surface of the silhouette of the mushroom stem.

White sand is poured onto the applied glue. Shake off any excess sand that does not get on the glue. Let me remind you that the stem of the mushroom is white. I make sure that sand is sprinkled over the entire surface covered with glue.

Using a stiff brush, apply PVA glue to the images of the mushroom cap. Fill the upper part of the mushroom with lentils, the lower part under the cap with rice. Shake off the excess.

I make sure that the glue is distributed over the entire surface of the silhouette of the mushroom cap.

Let me remind you that the top of the mushroom cap is brown. I make sure that the lentils and rice are sprinkled over the entire surface covered with glue.

We decorate the background with dry leaves and dry grass.

I invite the children to decorate the mushroom with leaves of their choice.

Review of finished works.

Publications on the topic:

Summary of educational activities for children of different age groups on applications made from natural materials. Topic: “Autumn Bouquet.”

A good tradition of our family is a trip to the autumn forest, where my children and I always collect beautiful autumn leaves, which we will later use.

Every autumn, our kindergarten traditionally hosts an exhibition of crafts made from natural materials. My daughter and I, of course, take part.

A spreading maple tree grows on the territory of our beloved kindergarten. Stepping out for a walk with a group of young children, their gaze is involuntarily.

Autumn has come into its own. The trees turned yellow, the temperature dropped, and it was cold in the morning. It's raining, the sun rarely peeks out.

Presentation of the exhibition of crafts made from natural materials “Autumn Fantasies” Our kindergarten hosted the annual exhibition of crafts made from natural materials, “Autumn Fantasies.” The craft competition is organized with a purpose.

Abstract of GCD for application. Topic: Hedgehog. Age group: pre-school group. Goal: Development of cognitive interest in children.