How to make a hedgehog costume in a hurry. Make a hedgehog costume at home. Complex carnival outfit options

Hedgehog image- respectable, thorough, solid. It would be good if the boy for this costume was not skinny.

Top. The shirt is plain (blue, white, yellow). The vest is colored, with a pattern (you can sew stripes of patterned, even glittery, braid onto a plain vest). For “solidity,” you can tie a small pad or something thick under your shirt.

Bottom. Trousers - plain or striped, which should be in harmony with the vest and the rest of the suit.

On foot. Elegant “respectable” low shoes.

On the head. The hood-cape is sewn from fabric such as a flannel or gray cloth (Fig. 1). If possible, it is better to sew this part on a lining (colors - black, gray, and possibly red or white, if it is in harmony with the rest of the costume details).

Needles- from black plastic bags. Cut and fold the pounds (Fig. 2), glue them with universal glue (Moment, etc.) and sew the wide flattened end onto the fabric of the finished hood-cape. The hood is fastened with 2 buttons under the chin. You can attach a butterfly bow to one of the buttons (after making a loop on it). You can simply attach the butterfly with an elastic band. The color of the butterfly should be contrasting with the shirt and hood.

Mask- from cardboard (see manufacturing technology in the chapter “Making masks”), but you can do without it. It is covered on top with the same fabric from which the hood is sewn. The nose is a piece of foam rubber, covered with black jersey (a piece of old black tights) and sewn to the mask. You can make a mustache at the very end of the nose. To do this, you need to thread pieces of thick fishing line through the nose. Secure them in the holes so that they do not pull out with glue (from the wrong side). You can make an outline around the holes for the eyes: stick a narrow black tape or simply outline the holes with gouache with the addition of PVA glue or black ink (Fig. 3).

The mask is attached with an elastic band, and the hood must be put on the mask so that there are no gaps.

At any costume party, New Year's or dedicated to the Autumn Festival, you can meet kids in a hedgehog costume. This look is equally suitable for boys and girls. We will tell you how you can make a hedgehog costume with your own hands quickly and easily.

Making a hedgehog costume

There are many sewing options. We will tell you about those that require minimal time, material and physical costs.

The gray hedgehog is very happy:
He dressed up in a jacket.
All in needles ahead,
All covered in needles behind.
Running in the forest on the grass,
Collects on pins
Apples, mushrooms, leaves
And nuts and flowers...

Here are the main features - gray, prickly, economical. The most important thing is, of course, a fur coat with thorns. The color scheme, in addition to gray, includes black and shades of brown.
Let's take a closer look at how to make a do-it-yourself hedgehog costume for a child.
The basis of the masquerade outfit will be a vest-cape with a hood, imitating the character’s fur coat.

You will need:

  • A piece of fabric of the appropriate color, one meter is enough;
  • Braid, approximately 50-70 cm or button;
  • Fleece in three colors, foam rubber (1cm thick) or Christmas tree tinsel to imitate thorns (choose one);
  • Threads, needle;
  • Glue gun;
  • Multi-colored felt for making gifts of the forest or pictures.

First of all, you need to decide what you want to make the hero’s needles from. If your choice falls on Christmas tree tinsel, you may not be too strict in choosing the fabric, since the tinsel will completely cover the lining and the material will be practically invisible.

So let's get started:

  1. Cut out the base of the fur coat. It could be a cape-vest or just a cape. Please use the attached diagrams:

Connect the parts along the indicated lines.

  • The hedgehog costume pattern N1 involves assembling the model using braid. Cut holes and thread the string through them. It is also necessary to prepare holes for the hands.
  • Pattern N2 consists of two parts, they will need to be sewn together. Make a clasp under the hood.
  1. After assembling the vest, you can work on the spines.
  • The simplest thing is to use matte Christmas tree tinsel with a white coating. Hand sew it tightly all over the fabric. It should look something like this:

Or like this:

Our hero, it turns out, may also be red-haired!

  • If you decide to make needles from foam rubber, first paint the material on both sides. The color of the outer side should contrast with the inner layer.
    Acrylic paints are perfect for painting; after drying, they do not crumble. Dilute them with water 1:1 for ease of application and savings.
    If you don’t have acrylic on hand, prepare the following composition: a jar of gouache + 5 tablespoons of PVA glue + one glass of water. Apply it to the surface, being careful not to overdo it so that the inside of the foam does not stain. This coating will also not crumble or crumble after drying.
    When the paints have dried, the sheet must be cut into small pieces in the shape of straws or elongated triangles.

Hand sew them around the entire cape. You can arm yourself with a glue gun; using it will get the job done much faster. The result should be something like this hedgehog coat:

  • Another way to make something like thorns is to make them out of fabric. Use fleece for this, it is thick enough, its edges do not fray during processing. Cut the material into triangles, then sew them around the cape along the back and hood.

You can also prepare strips of fabric of three different shades: dark, medium and light tones, approximately 10 cm wide. Cut them along the entire length and lay the resulting multi-colored fringe on top of each other, as shown in the picture below. Sew stripes onto the main outfit along the back and hood. The result might look something like this:

We complement the suit with accessories

Our hero is very economical. He doesn’t just walk through the forest, but collects on his thorns -pins various forest gifts: fruits, mushrooms, leaves. These will become accessories that will add color to the costume.
You can make them in different ways:

  • The simplest thing is juicy pictures on thick paper. Sew or glue them on.
  • Felt semi-volume appliqués are a little more difficult to sew, but also not difficult. If you sew pins on the back side, such parts can be simply fastened.

Use these photo instructions to create them:

A large bright butterfly can become an additional accessory and will organically decorate the handsome forest animal.

We complete the character's image - apply makeup

Your baby will look more like a cute animal if combined with an interesting fancy dress.

  • You can limit yourself to a round nose with a mustache drawn with a hypoallergenic cosmetic pencil.
  • Or you can draw an animal face on your face.

If you chose the second option, then first of all tint the child’s face, making a transition from light to dark, and then draw the needles with face painting. Highlight the eyelids in black and draw white highlights.

That's basically it - your DIY hedgehog costume is ready! You can wear any clothes under it: trousers and a shirt with a bow tie, pants with a turtleneck, shorts with a T-shirt or a jacket with a skirt - for a girl. Just try to choose clothes in calm tones so that they serve as the backdrop for an interesting fancy dress.

If a child is participating in a theatrical production and urgently needs a hedgehog costume, parents have only three ways out of this situation. You can rent suitable carnival clothes. You can purchase a ready-made kit at a specialized store. Or you can sew a hedgehog with your own hands.

Choosing an image and preparing for work

If you have decided to make a hedgehog costume yourself, first you need to think through the overall design and sensibly assess your capabilities. If you have a purchased kit, but don't like it or don't fit it, you can modify it a little. The costume may consist of a ready-made jumpsuit, decorated with soft or cardboard needles, a hat and additional paraphernalia, such as apples, baskets, autumn leaves. More experienced seamstresses can prepare clothes for a hedgehog from scratch, carefully cutting out a jacket, pants and a shirt.

We suggest considering several options for creating such a kit. The first method is suitable even for those who do not know how to sew at all. To create a designer look, you will need a sewing machine, skills in similar work and some additional materials.

Preparing for work

Before you start making an outfit, you need to consider a few points:

  • kids are very mobile, so you should avoid heavy and bulky costumes;
  • if you have a jumpsuit or pajamas of a suitable color, you should use ready-made clothes, making only accessories and a “fur coat”;
  • It is easiest to sew from soft, non-flowing fabrics, such as thin fleece or plush;
  • In addition to fabric, a basket, apples and mushrooms, to create the image you will need special makeup that is safe for children.

If a girl needs a costume, then instead of pants and overalls, you can sew a simple “peasant” dress with an apron. Then the fur coat of the future hedgehog is secured to a cape and complemented with a prickly cap.

Making a headdress and needles

You should start making a hedgehog costume by making a special hat. To do this, you need to take an old but suitable child’s cap or panama hat. If you have chosen a baseball cap, you need to cut off the visor from it; if it is a hat, you need to separate the brim. It is necessary to prepare a piece of fabric with an area of ​​about 50 cm2. The color is selected in accordance with the intended shade of the suit. It can be gray, black, brown or terracotta, cut into rectangles three to five centimeters wide. Each such blank must be cut crosswise, not reaching the edge by about 0.5 cm. The resulting parts are folded into a triangle and fixed with an iron - these will be future needles. The spines are sewn in a circle, starting from the very bottom of the cap, while the thread should pass through the “uncut” 0.5 cm in the middle of the rectangles. At the top of the headdress, several more needles are lashed, one at a time per element.

Hedgehog face

A cone is cut out of a lighter fabric and stuffed with padding polyester or regular cotton wool. Any fabric scraps and knitting threads cut into small pieces will also work. The nose is sewn to the finished cone, the mouth is embroidered and the eyes are attached. If the hedgehog costume is a carnival costume, you can add a little sparkle or rain. The finished muzzle needs to be basted to the hat with needles (on the front side).

The main advantage of such a suit is its mobility: such an outfit is very easy to take off and put on. There will be no need to dress your baby in bulky elements of the outfit for a long time, for fear of tearing off any detail before the matinee. By the way, this is how you can make faces for any animals: foxes, wolves and bunnies.

Hedgehog costume - trim

If desired, the outfit is decorated with autumn leaves, artificial apples, pears and mushrooms. The simplest version of this decoration is fruits and vegetables drawn on cardboard and glued, or better yet, sewn to the hedgehog’s fur coat. You can give your baby a basket with plastic apples or mushrooms made from papier-mâché. To create fairly light fruits, polystyrene foam is used - this is a very dense foam that is used to strengthen walls. All elements are cut out using a regular penknife or stationery knife, and then simply painted with acrylic or gouache paints. To make it more believable, you can glue real apple tails. Next, the fruits are secured to the fur coats and caps on the needles using

Complex carnival outfit options

If you have free time, experience in cutting and sewing, and at least a small budget allocated for the holiday, you can sew a hedgehog from scratch. To do this, you will need suitable fabric for the overalls and cape-hood. The pattern is created based on the child’s ready-made clothing, suitable in size and style. Fastenings are made at the front using a plastic zipper or standard buttons. So that the seams on the shelf are not visible, a “belly” of the hedgehog is cut out of beige or gray fleece, which is attached using ordinary Velcro. The hood is trimmed with needles made according to the same pattern as the spines for the cap. Rounded ears are also made from belly tissue. They are sewn to the hood or machine-stitched. For the especially lazy, needles can be made from ordinary foam rubber, which is painted in a suitable color with gouache.

Now young parents know how to make a hedgehog costume. The main rule is not to limit your own imagination. Needles can be made from foam rubber, which is used to insulate windows, by simply cutting it into suitable pieces and painting it with gouache. The cape can be cut based on the finished hood from the jacket. Instead of overalls, you can wear regular checkered trousers and a white shirt that is larger in size. In such a case, a special synthetic padding pillow is attached to the stomach. The preparation time for such a costume depends on the skill of the mother and the chosen image, but with careful work and the availability of all the necessary materials, such an outfit can be made in one or two evenings.

If your child goes to kindergarten, then from time to time there is a need for a carnival costume. Nowadays you can buy a ready-made suit in a store, but buying one excludes originality and it’s not a fact that you won’t see the same suit as your child on someone else. So, let’s do it DIY hedgehog costume. Several options are possible.

The first one is the simplest. We select trousers and shirts that match the color scheme (red-brown with gray, black). Take trousers, a checkered vest in matching colors and a plain shirt in yellow, light green or cream. We will create the image of the hedgehog using a headdress. To make it, take a panama hat or cap. The headdress should be light and suitable in size. We cut off the visor from the cap, and the brim from the panama hat. Now we need to decorate it with needles, which we will make from black, brown or gray fabric, cutting it into triangles and sewing them into cones. You can fill the sewn cone with cotton wool or padding polyester to give it a shape. The cones must be sewn manually to the headdress in a circle, starting from the bottom. Determine the number of needles yourself, depending on the size of the cap. Take a light, dense fabric, sew a cone out of it, and stuff it with cotton wool. Sew on the eyes, nose and mouth - this will be the face of a hedgehog. Attach it to the front of the hat. You can decorate the hat by sewing leaves or apples cut out of paper to the needles on top.

In the end, we will succeed DIY children's carnival hedgehog costume for a boy. You can also make a different version of the costume.

The second type of costume requires a little more time and materials to make. It consists of a jumpsuit with a hood, sewn according to a pattern of the appropriate size from corduroy, velor or other suitable fabric. Fasten the front with a zipper or buttons. Cut an oval out of light fabric (fleece) that imitates the belly of a hedgehog. Attach it to the overalls using Velcro. Sew ears onto the hood by sewing them from two pieces of fabric - the main one and the fleece used for the belly. Sew the spines of the head directly to the fabric of the hood. They can be made using the method described in the first version of the costume or, for example, by cutting needles out of foam rubber and painting them with brown gouache. It is also possible to make needles by cutting out triangles from dark polyethylene, gluing the cones and filling them with cotton wool. The spines can be sewn directly onto the back of the overalls or onto another fabric cut to the shape of the back and then attached to the back of the overalls using Velcro. Additionally, you can decorate the costume with artificial apples and leaves.

Using any method, you can sew a great carnival DIY hedgehog costume, which is sure to please your child.

How to make your own costumes: hedgehog, squirrel, bunny for a boy and a girl? (photo)

Where can I get a carnival costume for my beloved child? On the eve of the New Year, more than one mother often asks herself this question.

In principle, the issue can be resolved in three ways: buy a ready-made suit in a store, rent it, or create it yourself (you can do it together with your child).

After all, it only seems that the process of making a costume for a fairy-tale character is a very labor-intensive task and takes a lot of time, but, firstly, it will be exciting creativity, and secondly, the result of the work will be a completely extraordinary thing, the like of which will not be found anywhere else. other kids.

  1. Any type of clothing is suitable (shirt with tie, bow tie and trousers);
  2. We make needles on the head using gel or mousse, they will look like in the top photo.

Your modern adult hedgehog is ready, add a little makeup and let's go to the party. We'll talk about makeup below.

This option is also suitable for those who could not come up with a beautiful headdress.

  • overalls or shirt (shorts) with trousers;
  • light shirt or white turtleneck;
  • for needles we use a vest;
  • tie and bow tie for boys;
  • hedgehog mittens;
  • hedgehog slippers;
  • makeup;
  • hedgehog scarf

For this costume you will need overalls, a checkered shirt or a plain gray sweater.

If the hedgehog costume is made for a girl, then instead of overalls and a shirt, you can choose a plain, dim dress from your daughter’s wardrobe and sew a small apron to it. There is very little left to do: a hat, a cape with needles and accessories in the form of bright autumn leaves, mushrooms and rosy apples in a basket.

  • organza dress or skirt;
  • black blouse or turtleneck;
  • vest;
  • cap;
  • decor from apples, pears, mushrooms and leaves.

In these costumes the needles are: fur, grass threads, foam needles.

The hat is made on the basis of an old panama hat or cap. Needles are attached to it, which are simply made from foam rubber strips for insulating windows.

This strip is cut into pieces of the required length.

Sew the needles to the headdress starting from the top of the head in a spiral, and then tint the tips of the spines with acrylic and leave until dry.

In a similar way, needles are attached to a cape - a rectangular piece of fabric with a drawstring at the collar into which a ribbon is inserted.

Bright leaves are cut out of colored cardboard and glued to the cape. It will be difficult for a child to carry a basket with real apples, so you will have to make light fruits from polystyrene foam, which is used for wall insulation.

Apples or mushrooms are cut out with a regular stationery knife and painted with acrylic paints. Several of these apples can be glued to the needles with silicone glue.

One of the most popular carnival costumes for kids is the runaway bunny. It is very easy to make such an outfit at home.

  • white shirt;
  • shorts;
  • long ears with an elastic band and a small fluffy tail.

For a boy's costume, the following are suitable:

  • overalls;
  • white T-shirt with shorts;
  • shirt with shorts or pants.
  • white sweater;
  • plain skirt;
  • ears on a hairband and a ponytail.

The following options are also suitable:

  • with a dress, for example, white or pink;
  • white T-shirt with a tutu skirt and a vest or jacket;
  • white or light-colored dress trimmed with fur.

How to make a tulle skirt is described in detail with photographs in this article.

If you have the opportunity, make a small white faux fur vest, but your bunny may feel hot during outdoor games near the Christmas tree, and this is completely unnecessary.

Video on how to create a bunny costume with your own hands without a sewing machine

Don't forget about overalls, they are suitable for very little ones who also want to be bunnies.

  1. The base for the ear is cut out of thick cardboard and covered with white fabric or faux fur.
  • A small piece of fur is left for the tail.
  • The inside of each ear is made of colored fabric: blue is suitable for a boy, and pink is suitable for a girl.
  • The finished ears can be sewn to an elastic band that is tied under the chin, but it is much more convenient to attach them to a plastic hairband.
  • Video on how to make ears from a headband?

    Bunny costume for girls for school

    Not only kids dream of a New Year's fairy tale. The bunny costume is deservedly popular among older girls. To create the perfect playful or romantic look, you will need a minidress with white fur trim along the collar and hem of the dress.

    If everything is in order with the dress, then now you should make the ears on the head, cuffs and tail.

    In a bunny costume, it is not at all necessary for the ears to be on top of the head. They can be omitted, then you can do without cardboard inserts.

    The ears, cuffs and fluffy little tail are made of white fur. And if you have a black bow tie in stock, believe that success is guaranteed! Makeup will help highlight plump lips and big eyes. And don’t forget about the mustache, which you can draw with an eyeliner pencil. They will give the image of a bunny a special charm.

    A terracotta-colored dress or suit will become the basis for creating an image. In addition to this, you will need ears - triangular pieces of fur, which for a girl are attached directly to the tops of their braids, rolled into snails, and for a boy - on a small knitted hat.

    The main decoration of any squirrel is, of course, a fluffy tail.

    The boy will really like this papier-mâché acorn, reminiscent of the one that the prehistoric squirrel from the funny cartoon “Ice Age” was constantly running around with.

    The squirrel girl will not refuse a basket containing nuts in gilded foil, almost like in “The Tale of Tsar Saltan.”

    All that remains is to warn parents about the makeup. You can draw a nose, mustache or other details that will highlight the image. But for this you need to choose high-quality paints so as not to get a banal allergic reaction instead of the happy feeling of a fairy tale.

    So, if in your dreams a child already sees in his hands the main prize of the New Year's holiday for the best carnival costume, do not let things take their course. Call on your creativity and start creating an exclusive costume for your child with your own hands.

    hedgehog costume - we make it in the evening 🙂 Applique Sewing

    Technique: Applique Sewing

    do it yourself in almost 5 minutes

    My son had a matinee - he needed a hedgehog costume. I got so wrapped up that I completely forgot.

    and in the fall, suits are not sold almost anywhere. I had to get out of it in the evening :)

    To begin with, I made and printed out the attributes - hedgehog needles. print on A4, cut along white lines

    and these are leaves and mushrooms to create an ambience

    I took a collar from a jacket and basted it with stitches until it looked like a hat.

    and this is how it looks from the outside. I sewed a total of 8-9 needles

    I took the fry’s black vest and sewed on needles, and to make it more beautiful and fun I added mushrooms and leaves. this is the front part.

    This is how the vest looks from the back

    I made large stitches so that I could write faster and then it would be easier to rip off

    another plan - as they say - reversal

    and this is a suit on my son))

    If your child goes to kindergarten, then from time to time there is a need for a carnival costume. Nowadays you can buy a ready-made costume in a store, but buying one excludes originality and it’s not a fact that you won’t see the same costume as your child’s on anyone else. So, we’ll make a hedgehog costume with our own hands. Several options are possible.

    How to sew a hedgehog costume with your own hands

    The first one is the simplest. We select trousers and shirts that match the color scheme (red-brown with gray, black). Take trousers, a checkered vest in matching colors and a plain shirt in yellow, light green or cream. We will create the image of the hedgehog using a headdress. To make it, take a panama hat or cap. The headdress should be light and suitable in size. We cut off the visor from the cap, and the brim from the panama hat. Now we need to decorate it with needles, which we will make from black, brown or gray fabric, cutting it into triangles and sewing them into cones. You can fill the sewn cone with cotton wool or padding polyester to give it a shape. The cones must be sewn manually to the headdress in a circle, starting from the bottom. Determine the number of needles yourself, depending on the size of the cap. Take a light, dense fabric, sew a cone out of it, and stuff it with cotton wool. Sew on the eyes, nose and mouth - this will be the face of a hedgehog. Attach it to the front of the hat. You can decorate the hat by sewing leaves or apples cut out of paper to the needles on top.

    As a result, we will get a children's carnival hedgehog costume for a boy with our own hands. You can also make a different version of the costume.

    The second type of costume requires a little more time and materials to make. It consists of a jumpsuit with a hood, sewn according to a pattern of the appropriate size from corduroy, velor or other suitable fabric. Fasten the front with a zipper or buttons. Cut an oval out of light fabric (fleece) that imitates the belly of a hedgehog. Attach it to the overalls using Velcro. Sew ears onto the hood by sewing them from two pieces of fabric - the main one and the fleece used for the belly. Sew the spines of the head directly to the fabric of the hood. They can be made using the method described in the first version of the costume or, for example, by cutting needles out of foam rubber and painting them with brown gouache. It is also possible to make needles by cutting out triangles from dark polyethylene, gluing the cones and filling them with cotton wool. The spines can be sewn directly onto the back of the overalls or onto another fabric cut to the shape of the back and then attached to the back of the overalls using Velcro. Additionally, you can decorate the costume with artificial apples and leaves.

    Using any method, you can sew an excellent carnival hedgehog costume with your own hands, which will definitely delight your child.

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