“Happy people don’t watch the clock” is a well-known saying. What if happiness lies in just observing them? A tattoo with the image of a clock has become an integral part of the popular body designs of the present. Originality, style, irony - with this drawing, any person will instantly distinguish himself from his surroundings.

Clock tattoos are the choice of original people. Not only can you stamp them with the time and date you want, but you can also leave them on when you shower. Speaking of dates: many people write the birth time of their relatives and children on their watches. It is not uncommon for a person to depict his date of birth here. In addition, it is impossible to lose such a watch.

Now seriously, what does a clock tattoo mean?

Meaning of owl tattoo with clock

The wise bird, depicted with a clock, characterizes a leisurely person who knows how to value time. Such people feel every minute of their life and know how to enjoy it.

Meaning of Hourglass Tattoo

The image shows how fleeting and irreversible time is. Owners of such tattoos are in a hurry to do everything, so they are usually active people.

Clock tattoo with rose

Suitable for girls, because they are the ones who love images of flowers on their bodies. The tattoo means eternal spiritual youth and beauty. Unfortunately, women's youth is not eternal, but it always remains in the soul.

There are 24 time zones on Earth. China is in 4 of them. However, the time is the same throughout the country. The government of the Celestial Empire issued a decree for its residents to set their clocks according to Pikin.

This is an example of how ambiguous time is and how differently it can be interpreted. There are also varied views on the “Clock” - a symbol of time. Let's try to understand the meanings of the paintings on the theme of the main resource in life.

The meaning of the "Clock" tattoo

Memory - the first interpretation "Clock" tattoo. Meaning tattoos are associated with certain events. The hands on the dial count down the minutes and days that have passed since a moment of happiness, an important meeting or a bitter loss.

In addition to memories of the past, the clock can also indicate events of the future. In this case, the picture serves as a guideline that prevents you from straying from the right path.

Reminds me of the phrase “like sand through my fingers” Hourglass tattoo. The device was invented in Ancient Greece, in particular, Athens. Even then, the clock with sand was proclaimed as a sign of inexorability and inevitability.

Time slips away, slips through our fingers, and the reason for this, from the point of view of the inhabitants of Antiquity, is the Gods. The hourglass was associated with Zeus, Themis and Helios, the patron saint of the Sun.

Tattoo sketches “Clock” at the same time they indicate the inevitability of death and the fact that a person still has time. There are minutes for important accomplishments. A tattoo helps you gather yourself, take everything from life, and not “waste” it in vain.

That is, drawings with clocks are motivators. They are often compared to those dedicated to sakura. Japanese cherry blossoms fall within a couple of days after opening. The ode to time is just as fleeting. You need to have time to enjoy it.

What does a clock tattoo mean? depends on the nuances of the image. For example, a dial without hands is an emblem of a life lived in vain, a worthless existence. Models with a cuckoo are a tribute to ancestors, a craving for antiquity and stability.

Bik Ben is a symbol of England, and therefore of primness and aristocracy. The sundial personifies the connection with the sky and space. Hourglass tattoo - sketches, speaking not only about the “flowability” of time, but also the possibility of turning it over, at least changing your sense of minutes and days.

Popular “Clock” tattoo designs

Hourglass tattoo, meaning which is discussed above, is not popular. Apparently, the spirit of Antiquity is alien to modern people. They often request standard models with hands and a dial. But the numbers on them are from Antiquity.

In 70% of cases, salon clients request Roman designations. Images of the clock from the back are also in demand. The internal mechanism of the accessory is drawn. This is a symbol of the fact that time has a certain structure. The main thing is to understand this device, to comprehend it.

Watch on hand - tattoo, most often used. The dials are also depicted between the shoulder blades, near the heart, or next to the collarbones.

If a broken watch is drawn, it is a symbol of unfulfilled hopes, missed days. Models in the style of Salvador Dali are also held in high esteem by fans. The shape of the clock indicates the fluidity of time. It’s not for nothing that they say about it: “This is a river.”

Sketches based on Lewis Carroll's fairy tale “Alice in Wonderland” are often used. One of the heroes of the work is a rabbit. He does not part with his pocket watch and is always in a hurry to get somewhere. Therefore, drawings with a fairy-tale rabbit and a dial are a symbol of constant haste, a lack of minutes, hours, days.

Custom sketches of the “Clock” tattoo

Clock tattoo - photo, which often surprise with their unusualness. Instead of quartz particles, sand models may contain blood. This becomes a sign that time is life itself. The tattoo can be understood in another way: - existence is bloody and frightening.

Tattoo "24 hours" complemented by an open eye in the middle of the dial. This creates the impression that time is not just a physical substance, but someone. This someone, perhaps God, is watching how we live our days and what we spend them on.

Tattoo "Half an Hour", like a full-fledged image of the mechanism, is presented in the form of a key. He unlocks and closes the door of life. The dial is located on the handle of the key. If you paint it gold, the value of time becomes clear.

It must be appreciated, because one day the seconds will “pull the trigger.” With this in mind, some craftsmen suggest depicting a watch in the form of a pistol.

A screen with numbers is located under the trigger mechanism. Weapons can be displayed in a section. This will give you a better look at the internal structure of the pistol and what it represents.

Always depicted on the body. But, there are sketches that create the effect of cutting through, peeking out from under the skin. Artists draw the contours of the wound, cuts of flesh, as if revealing the insides of a person.

A watch peeking out of a gaping hole in the chest is a sign of a dramatic perception of life. If the mechanism is made in the shape of a heart, it is also a symbol of the fact that time is at the heart of any person, it is time that “drives” the blood through the veins.

Once ordinary watches can also be non-standard. In Ancient China, for example, they served as tourniquets with knots tied. They were placed at the same distance from each other. Afterwards, the rope was set on fire, counting the number of burnt knots.

This is how time was measured. With its passage, many traditions have sunk into oblivion. Thus, contemporaries understand the word “moment” to mean one or a couple of seconds.

Meanwhile, the concept is English. A couple of centuries ago, a moment in Great Britain was called an interval of one and a half minutes. Here is another evidence of the relativity of time and its understanding by humanity.

Tattoo on calf, photo from: https://www.instagram.com/p/BuIi9wVAtGk/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link

In people's understanding, time is fleeting, like sand in a clock. The symbolism of the tattoo is clear without additional explanations. However, the sign is not as simple as it might seem. Centuries of the formation of symbolism have left their mark on the history of the hourglass tattoo.

General Meaning of an Hourglass Tattoo

Seeing an hourglass tattoo on the body, the viewer associates it with counting time. However, the symbol contains much more than a simple account of the past, present and future. The drawing combines elegant design with aesthetics and life. And in exactly that order. And although the aspect of time dominates the interpretation of symbolism, these are not all the meanings of the picture.

Hourglass Tattoo Meaning:

  • contemplative nature;
  • the desire for eternal beauty;
  • protectionism;
  • wisdom in decision making;
  • elevated feelings for something or someone;
  • dream castles in the air;
  • inspired creator;
  • a calculating sculptor of life;
  • architect of his own mind.

The nature of the tattoo has a philosophical meaning. For the wearer, time does not just pass; every grain of sand is a priceless second. He realizes the greatness of death, and therefore is sincerely in love with life. Tattoo owners do not waste time; they savor every second of their existence.

Wearing a tattoo means that a person has soulfully built his character and habits. He worked tirelessly to build a personality with which the viewer can now communicate. From an early age, understanding his ideal, such a person strived and tried various ways to achieve his goal.

The appearance of a tattoo on the body indicates that he has already erected most of the “cathedral of the soul.” After spending hours with the sand, he pinpointed the point at which he realized how much work remained to be done.

Tattoo owners spend their entire lives practicing self-improvement. They make wonderful mentors, sensitive educators and fair leaders. Most often, owners are engaged in activities related to the aesthetic side of life: tattoo artists, architects, artists. This is the type of person who does not strive for power but always receives it.

Meaning for men

For hourglass tattoos, the meaning transforms depending on the gender of the owner. For example, male signs speak about the importance of each moment in particular, and the passage of time in general. Men see the sign as a more pragmatic application of the sign and its symbolism.

Tattoo on the forearm, photo from: https://www.instagram.com/p/BvJ27zFlhFt/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link

Deciphering a male tattoo:

  • wise leadership;
  • a life full of creation;
  • love of creation;
  • adherence to beliefs;
  • clarity of processes;
  • philosophical mindset;
  • architect of souls;
  • a man of code and honor.

The bearer has his own beliefs by which he lives and builds the world around him. He is easy to deal with because he is a talented listener. If he sees any errors, he tries to unobtrusively correct them.

Meaning for women

The meaning of an hourglass tattoo on a woman’s body relates to the emotional sphere. They contain the secret of eternal youth for girls. They print a sketch onto the skin with the goal of starting an eternal chronograph of youth. The main concept of the sign is rebirth and preservation of the ardent fire of youth.

Interpretation of the symbolism of the hourglass:

  • carefree youth and conscious growing up;
  • vivid emotional experiences;
  • “time has no power!”;
  • the charm of changing periods of life;
  • in love with life;
  • appreciate and enjoy every second;
  • sublime understanding of the finitude of existence;
  • the infinity of rebirth of the spirit;
  • eternal youth, etc.

Women with this sign on their body have a highly developed sense of beauty. Their perception is sharpened by repeated observations of the world around them. There is no superficiality in them, yet they behave carefree throughout their lives.

Where to apply?

Hourglass tattoos are worn by:

  • On the hand;
  • clavicle area;
  • in the area of ​​the elbow bend;
  • between the shoulder blades;
  • on the shoulder blade;
  • on the ankle.

The process of applying an hourglass tattoo requires the artist to follow certain rules so that the picture looks three-dimensional. That is why the design is not printed on all parts of the body, since high detail is required.

Tattoo options, styles, compositions

The hourglass tattoo is performed in realism, new school, graphics and geometry. Old school and trash polka tattoos with a restrained color scheme look especially meaningful. In Chicano or black and white techniques, the design can be complemented by a hawk's head, ribbon and flowers. Using hyperrealism techniques, the emphasis is on sand and the transparency of glass.

The tattoo sketch is made according to the canons of the chosen style. The semantic load is important for composition and drawing. If the drawing is supposed to emphasize tragedy and fate, it is done in dark colors. The joy of contemplating the passage of time is expressed in transparent watercolors.

Even trash polka can look peaceful if you balance the scale. Pay attention to the place for tattoo design so that it corresponds to the desired dimensions of the sketch. Otherwise, the wizard will suggest possible techniques for correcting your idea.

Video – hourglass tattoo, photo gallery

Time is a very valuable resource for everyone. It's no wonder that clock tattoos on the arm have become so popular. If you want to imprint a symbol of time on your body, you only need to choose a design suitable for a tattoo.

1. Pocket watch on a chain

Laconic and stylish tattoo for guys.


2. Clock with Roman numerals in roses

A tattoo with a clock and roses is suitable for both a guy and a girl.


3. Clock falling apart

A philosophical tattoo will always remind you of the transience of time.


4. Black and white skull with clock

A gloomy skull tattoo for men will emphasize a stern character.


5. Pocket watch surrounded by feathers

Indian aesthetics will make this tattoo an ideal choice for freedom-loving guys.


6. Blue eye and flowers with a clock in the background

The abundance of symbolism allows you to put into the tattoo the meaning that you want.


7. Steampunk clocks and gears

Fans of steampunk will appreciate a monochrome tattoo with an abundance of gears.


8. A clock in the shape of the head of an old man with a beard

This tattoo makes you think about the transience of time and is perfect for real philosophers thinking about the meaning of life.


9. Eye and dial

The popular eye motif in the center of the dial is successfully played out using Roman numerals on the dial.


10. Floor clock entwined with flowers

An original idea for a girl’s tattoo is a grandfather clock framed by flowers.


11. A man hugs a child

A tattoo will always remind you of pleasant family moments and will look good on the hand of a father or son.


12. Wing, rose and clock

A beautiful tattoo with a clock will suit both boys and girls.


13. Sleeve tattoo of a spiral clock, eyes and ancient gods

The sleeve is a choice for guys who are brave and not afraid to experiment and choose serious motifs for tattoos.


14. Clock in a triangle with a compass rose

A laconic and modest tattoo is suitable even for those who are hesitant to apply large and bright designs.


15. Mysterious woman and clock

Time is a real mystery, as the mysterious stranger hiding her face with a clock will remind you of this.


16. Colored clock tattoo with zodiac symbols

An unusual and attractive tattoo will attract attention and decorate the body of any guy.


17. Spiral clock with Roman numerals

The spiral shape will make the tattoo unique, giving it creativity and style.


18. Tattoo on the arm of a clock with gears and mechanism

The intricacies of the mechanisms in this picture will be a wonderful decoration for a man’s hand or a girl who is not shy about looking strong.


19. Clock and birds in trash polka style

Red and black are a simple and at the same time bright option for lovers of creative tattoos.


20. Clock and arrow tattoo over the years

A small tattoo on the forearm can become an important symbol due to the years depicted on it.


21. Sundial and dial, broken into pieces

The combination of a sundial and a regular clock is an interesting tattoo motif that will appeal to men.


22. Pocket watch in flowers

The combination of colored and black and white parts of the tattoo adds volume and makes the tattoo more interesting and vibrant.


23. Pocket watch, roses and baby feet

A pair of touchingly plump children's legs will make any tattoo touching.


24. Statue and fading clock

The tattoo is ideal for a man’s hand, emphasizing the seriousness and thoroughness of the owner.


25. Temple and clock

An artistic tattoo with a massive clock above the cathedral towers looks attractive and bewitching.


26. A watch with a rose covers a woman’s eyes

Time hides secrets, which this tattoo will hint at, suitable for both a guy and a girl.


27. Stairs leading to the clock

A creative combination of a staircase going up the mountains with a clock blocking it is suitable for stylish young people with good taste.


28. Simple clock and rose tattoo

An exquisite tattoo will be the best choice for a young girl, emphasizing her grace and beauty.


29. Sleeve tattoo of roses surrounding a watch dial

A brutal and at the same time romantic option, the combination of contrasts will be appreciated by any tattoo fan.


30. Tattoo clock with mechanism and compass rose

An elegant combination of a compass rose with a watch mechanism will look neat and stylish on the body.


31. Owl and pocket watch

An incredibly realistic drawing will be an ideal solution for those who appreciate the beauty of a tattoo.


32. Clock with Roman numerals and roses

Detailed drawing turns an ordinary tattoo with roses and a clock into a real work of art.


33. Hand with feather, clock and compass

Thin lines, elegant designs and modest, laconic design will make the photo an excellent choice for a girl.


34. Pocket watch, compass and sea knots

A compass, strong knots of ropes, a travel map in the background - all this perfectly matches the male character.


35. Rose, clock dial and birds

A clock and a flower - the combination of the eternal and the temporary gives this tattoo a special charm.


36. The owl holds a watch in its claws

A wise bird that holds time in its claws, deep symbolism that will be appreciated by those who value time.


37. Arrow breaks the clock

A dynamic and creative tattoo will be the best decoration for a guy.


38. Clock and compass with a map in the background

The tattoo will emphasize the love of travel and adventure.


39. Pocket watch with splashes of paint

Splashes of bright blues and pinks will make the gloomy metal of the watch more positive and play nicely in contrast.


40. Three Cuckoo Clock

A black and white tattoo can also be bright if you choose the right design and execute it skillfully.


41. Eye watch in flames

Red and black tones will appeal to fans of hard rock, motorcycles and other brutal male hobbies.


42. Eye, rose and watch with a transparent dial

The combination of soft haze and clear lines makes the tattoo attractive and mysterious.


43. Spiral clock in the shape of an eye

A clock curling into a spiral, ending its journey in human eyes, is a philosophical motive for a thinking man.


44. Pocket watch in rose and leaves

In this design, the watch will look appropriate even on a brutal macho man.


45. Clock surrounded by lilies

If you don’t want banality, choose lilies instead of roses to frame your watch.


46. ​​King of the Jungle and the clock

One of the many variations of an animal with a watch is a great choice for guys and girls.


47. Lion and pocket watch

The drawing is perfect for a modern and courageous guy.


48. Rose and clock in old school style

For connoisseurs of old school tattoos and old school themes.


49. Clock spiral, eye and rose

You cannot pass by such a tattoo calmly - it attracts the attention of men and women.


50. A clock with a mechanism surrounded by gears

A trendy steampunk theme for guys who appreciate large tattoos.


51. Hourglass with a ship and mountains

The eternity of the mountains and the transience of time in the hourglass is a deep idea for a tattoo.


52. Hourglass in the trees

An hourglass tattoo is a good way to combine several motifs into a tattoo.


53. An ancient clock in the hands of a man

Time is in your hands - both men and women will appreciate the tattoo.


54. Hourglass and raven

A tattoo with a raven and an hourglass on the forearm would be an excellent option for a strong man.


55. Hourglass Face

An elegant and attractive unisex tattoo that everyone will appreciate.


56. Hourglass with mountains and a tree inside

An hourglass with the whole world inside - a tattoo will show you as a thinking and deep person.


57. Hourglass with dial inside

The elegance of the lines framed by the bones is not immediately noticeable, but it makes you think.


58. Three-dimensional tattoo with a clock, gears and date

A simple and elegant tattoo with a clock and date is a choice for those who want to immortalize a specific event on their body.


59. Hourglass strokes

Sharp strokes and jagged lines give the tattoo a special charm.


60. Hourglass, birds and roses tattoo

Birds, roses and hourglasses - even such common symbols for tattoos can look stylish and elegant.


61. Hourglass and wings

A black and white tattoo with an hourglass will decorate the hand of a person who thinks about exploits.


62. Hourglass with symbols

The special design makes the tattoo attractive and creative.


63. Hourglass with hare and fox

Not a single girl will pass by tattoos with adorable animals.


64. Tree and family inside an hourglass

Such a tattoo will always remind you of family and warm relationships.


65. Hourglass with water inside

The attractive and stylish design looks bright even in black and white.


A clock tattoo on the hand gives a reason to think about philosophical questions of life and death, about how quickly the time allotted to us passes. The design looks beautiful not only on a brutal and strong male hand, but the female sex is also not averse to getting a tattoo with a deep meaning, as proven by thousands of photographs of girls on social networks.

A tattoo with the image of a clock is the choice of bright personalities for whom the meaning in everything is important. Such tattoos are chosen equally by romantic girls and rational, strong men. Time is one of the main values ​​in this world; it cannot be bought. People strive to cheat time, stay young longer, turn life back in order to correct the mistakes of the past or bring something back.

The meaning of watches in the world and in history.

  • Clock towers as a symbol of power and wealth. In the UK it is Big Ben, printed on every postcard and souvenir from England. In Russia, this is the Kremlin and the Kremlin clock, as a symbol of the greatness of the country.
  • Ancient Greece - with a clock they depicted the thunderer Zeus, the just Themis and the solar Helios.
  • A wristwatch determines status and demonstrates strength, power and wealth to others. Attribute of a successful person.
  • Christianity - Saints Ambrose and Mary Magdalene are depicted with a clock.
  • Shaivism and Indian mythology - the hourglass as a cyclic symbol on Dammaru (Shiva's drum).
  • Ancient Rome - the hourglass is a symbol of death, “memento mori”.

Depending on the execution and style, the meaning of the clock tattoo will change. The location on the body opposite has no semantic meaning. The choice of location is determined only by personal preferences and the size of the sketch.

Clock tattoo meaning and design options

  • Sand is a symbol of fatalism and the transience of time. This tattoo is chosen by people who believe in fate and that everything in this world is predetermined.
  • With a dial without hands or numbers - life without much meaning or without bright events. Often used as a symbol of wasted time.
  • With numbers and arrows indicating the exact time - in memory of an important event that divided life into “before” and “after”. Parents make such clock tattoos indicating the time of birth of their children in memory of this happy moment.
  • Pictures of many small details of the mechanism are stuffed by people who want to understand complex and confusing life circumstances.
  • Encrusted with precious stones - a symbol of the search for meaning in life.
  • The exact time on the dial and the crows are a memorable date associated with the death of a loved one.
  • The clock and the skull are a symbol of the proximity of death, that everything in life has an end. Most often, such a tattoo is painted in black and white.
  • A clock and a compass are a symbol of travelers, people looking for direction in life, where time is so fleeting.
  • A watch with roses and butterflies is a frivolous option for romantic and sophisticated girls, because happy hours do not watch.
  • With a broken dial or broken hands - unfulfilled hopes, like a desire to turn the page of failure in the book of life.
  • Paired with an owl - book erudition, erudition and the value of time. As a symbol that it is never too late to learn.
  • Pocket - as a symbol of the soul. The personification of inner strength and beauty and how unimportant external ones are. It's the candy that's important, not the wrapper.

Definitely, a clock tattoo carries meaning and the choice of one or another design can change the direction of life. Superstitious people believe that the image of a clock on the body endows the owner of such a tattoo with wisdom or, on the contrary, dooms it to premature death. Choose what is right for you, you can’t go wrong in this matter.