When we were children, our mothers braided our hair, and now we do it for our daughters, sisters, and nieces, but few of us know that a braid can consist not of three strands, as we used to think, but of two or even seven strands. What kind of braids are these and how to weave them? This is exactly what we will talk about in our article - from it you will learn about braiding braids from 4 strands, 5, 6, and other types.

Braiding with 2 strands

Weaving a braid from 2 strands can be very diverse - this is the well-known “braid”, the “fishtail”, and the little-known “waterfall” braid. Each of these hairstyles looks great and is not difficult to perform. Especially if before this you watch a video tutorial on braiding a braid from 2 strands. Here, for example, braiding a fishtail braid:

and here is a braid made from 2 strands in a “harness”:

We suggest you see how to weave a braid from 2 “waterfalls”:

Braiding with 3 strands

Weaving a braid from 3 strands is not only the usual braids that we are used to seeing among schoolgirls, but also other very interesting options, both for every day and for holidays. What can you weave so unusual out of three strands? You will learn about this from the following videos:

Braiding with 4 strands

Weaving a braid of 4 strands allows you to create a huge variety of different hairstyles, and the braids themselves of 4 strands can be very diverse. In some cases, you can do 4-strand braiding yourself by watching 4-strand braiding video tutorials:

But besides the usual options, weaving a braid of 4 strands can sometimes be quite complicated, and it is quite difficult to do, and it is better to ask a friend to weave such a braid or go to the hairdresser. Especially if you want to do this hairstyle for a holiday:

Quite often, ribbons are added to a 4-strand braid, this helps to further decorate your hairstyle:

Braiding with 5 strands video

Weaving a five-strand braid is a more complex type of weaving, and it will not be easy for beginners to cope with it. It is better to do such hairstyles in pairs with someone so that they can help you. But the best option would be to contact a specialist. In the case when you still want to master braiding with 5 strands yourself, you will need to practice a lot and it will be useful to watch the video of braiding with 5 strands:

Ribbons can also be used to weave a braid of 5 strands, sometimes they replace just one strand, in other cases they are simply part of the strands:

Braiding 6-strand braids video tutorials

Weaving a braid of 6 strands is also considered a complex hairstyle that requires dexterity and skill. But, having mastered such weaving, you can create real masterpieces from the hair of yourself and your loved ones. In order for you to do this, study weaving techniques using examples of video lessons:

Weaving a braid of 7 strands step by step instructions

Often, braiding with 7 strands or more is called openwork, since the resulting braids really look like openwork weaving. You can see this in the following video:

Today you got acquainted with different types of braiding, but of course these are not all possible options, there are many more of them, there are braids of 8, 10, or more strands. But in fact, it’s enough just to learn the basic principles of weaving, and then you can experiment and braid different options. In addition, any of the braids seen today can be easily decorated by adding multi-colored ribbons, decorative pins and barrettes, and turn your everyday hairstyle into an evening one.

Braiding is one of the most popular options for creating hairstyles. The simplest is the usual three-strand one. But fashion trends do not stand still, each time expanding possibilities and providing new ideas. Today it is fashionable to braid a braid using 4 strands. Of course, you will need skills, but patience and practical dexterity will help you achieve good results.

Weaving with more strands allows you to add volume to your hairstyle. Those with not only long, but also medium hair will love this. After all, a braid is always elegant. Lush and beautiful - it is suitable for all occasions and has no age restrictions. There are many benefits. This is a great opportunity to make your appearance more expressive and attractive.

Step-by-step execution scheme

The four-strand weaving method is very popular. It is based on crossing the central ponytails, and the side ponytails are applied alternately, one from below, the other from above.

Option 1

  1. Comb and divide your hair into four equal parts.
  2. Number from left to right 1, 2, 3, 4.
  3. Place the first one under the second one.
  4. Throw the fourth onto the third.
  5. Cross the middle ones: number 1 to number 4.
  6. Repeat the above steps. It turns out like this: number 2 under 4, 3 on top 1, 2 and 3 are crossed.
  7. Continue until the end.
  8. Secure the end with an elastic band.

This is the simplest and most basic four-strand braid.

Before you create a hairstyle, you need to practice. So, if you don’t succeed the first time, don’t be upset. The creation scheme takes time to get used to.

There are many variations of this design:

  • classical;
  • openwork;
  • inside out;
  • French four-strand;
  • with tape;
  • diagonally.

You can braid two, later combining them into one, etc. You can start weaving from the back of the head, the crown, or the temples. Instead of the fourth thread, ribbons, braided braids, decorative ropes, etc. are used. Finding and mastering the option that suits you will not be difficult.

Having mastered the classic technique, you will learn how to create incredible hairstyles. A simple idea is an openwork braid. The principle is simple. During weaving, the curls that are involved need to be pulled out a little, loosening the tension. Fixation in this case is mandatory.

There is a slightly different braiding option, which is also often used as a basis. The technique is performed according to the principle of alternating from bottom to top.

Option 2

  1. Separate the four parts. For convenience, number from right to left 1, 2, 3, 4.
  2. The far right one, numbered 1, extends above 2, then under 3 and over 4.
  3. Next, number 4 is carried out on top of 3 and under 2.
  4. Continues until the end.

This technique differs in its final appearance. A special feature is the strands in the middle, which are located parallel to each other.

You can make further modifications using both option 1 and option 2. It all depends on your wishes and imagination. The second method looks more original and is used as an addition to basic hairstyles.

For example, the famous “malvinka”. Braid the side sections into a braid according to option 2. Carefully straightening each individual curl to achieve an even and beautiful braid.

The same styling with the addition of braids of option 1 will look stunning if you do a backcomb on the top of your head. Braid the sides and hide them under the bouffant with bobby pins.

You can create a unique hairstyle with a thin braid.

  • comb your hair thoroughly, form a ponytail at the back of your head;
  • Disconnect a thin strand and braid a regular three-strand braid - it will act as a ribbon;
  • select four zones (the fourth is a braid-ribbon);
  • perform classic weaving using the first method discussed above;
  • When finished, loosen the curls, pulling them out a little;
  • secure the end with an elastic band or wrap it with a braided ribbon, tying it in a knot and securing it with bobby pins.

The base of the ponytail can be decorated with voluminous flowers or hairpins with rhinestones. This idea looks very original and feminine.

French four-strand braid

French style weaving has always been popular. With its help masterpieces of hairdressing art are created. A four-strand French jacket is a luxurious model for rendezvous or special events.

  1. Select four zones on the top of your head.
  2. Number from left to right 1, 2, 3, 4. The third strand can be made a little thicker; you will not add hair to it.
  3. Place number 1 under 2, then over 3 and under 4.
  4. Place the fourth under the third and over the second.
  5. Start weaving in loose curls.
  6. To do this, take an additional strand on the left, connect it to the far left and repeat the alternation under, over, under.
  7. Do the same steps on the right side.
  8. Weave in all the side strands one by one. Pull them out slightly to make the result more voluminous.
  9. Secure the end with an elastic band. You can also tuck the tip in and hide it in your hair.

To make styling more accurate, apply styling product to your hair before starting.

This performance looks very original. You can modify it by braiding it diagonally, starting at the temple. Having reached the opposite ear, braid the remaining curls into the main braid and wrap it in a knot. Secure with a decorative pin and comb the ends. A unique image is guaranteed.

This technique can also be done with tape. The ribbon is tied to one of the middle strands at the very beginning. She very effectively dilutes the image, adding femininity and charm. It is not necessary to weave to the end. You can secure the tail at the back of the head by tying it with a ribbon to create a bow.

4-strand waterfall braid

Divide part of the hair at the temple into four ponytails. Braid according to the principle of the upper ponytail - UNDER, OVER, the lower - OVER, UNDER to the end (not taking into account the hooks and waterfall jets). To the far right, pick up a loose curl, braiding it under and over. Leave it to fall, pick up a loose strand from under the base, and weave it into the base.

Perform all actions until completion at the opposite ear. At the end, secure with an elastic band and hide the tip with bobby pins. If this is a variation of two braids, then you can tie it in the center with an elastic band and decorate it with a hairpin. The strands can be pulled out, creating an openwork effect.

Inside out braid

A masterpiece of hairdressing art - a variation of the four-strand inside out. A very unusual option that will help bring freshness and sophistication to your look.

Gathering your hair into a bun, separate four equal zones. Start weaving from the side that is most convenient for you. Taking the outermost zone, stretch it under the two adjacent ones and over the last one. The outer one on the other side is stretched in exactly the same way: it is passed under the two adjacent ones and over the last one. According to this principle, it trudges until the end. It looks very lush.

You can also weave a French spikelet inside out. Starting from the crown, adding side curls into an inside out braid.
The execution of this technique on the base of the tail looks gorgeous. Braid a high ponytail and use the loose curls to create one of the variations of a four-strand braid to suit your taste. Secure the bottom with a decorative elastic band. Before braiding, you can wrap the base of the ponytail with a strand of hair, covering the elastic.

Accessories will help you decorate your hair. Although this braid looks great on its own, you can use additional jewelry to create the desired effect. It can be:

  • bandages;
  • headbands;
  • clamps;
  • flowers;
  • automatic hairpins, crab hairpins, etc.

Give free rein to your imagination.

All sorts of intricacies and complex structures can cause hair to thin. Therefore, proper care will not hurt. Use the right shampoo. Use a minimum amount of fixatives. Use them only when really necessary. Braided hair already looks stunning and natural. And a slight disheveled look sometimes adds zest to the look.

A four-strand braid and its variations provide great opportunities for creating a beautiful hairstyle. At first glance, the technique is complex. But, if you have the skills and understanding of technology, the creation of a masterpiece will not take long. Any girl who wants to look new will be able to do a few workouts and a variety of hairstyles.

A 4-strand braid, the weaving pattern will be discussed below, is a very interesting hairstyle option. Today, girls constantly think about their appearance and pay great attention to their appearance; they must always look appropriate. A braid is simply a universal hairstyle for all occasions. You can simply walk around the house with this style, or you can transform it for some special event. Ordinary braids have long looked no longer original, but weaving braids with 4 strands will help you create many cute images on your head. This styling will not only look beautiful, but will also surprise those around you with your weaving talent.
Topics with braids are especially relevant for girls who have long and thick hair that they constantly want to tidy up so that it doesn’t get in the way. But putting your hair in a ponytail is somehow too standard, so the option with a braid, and even more so with a four-strand one, is very relevant.

Braiding four strands is a very beautiful and versatile option. This hairstyle does not require any special appearance. It will suit girls with different face shapes.
Also, the owner of such a braid can be of any age; it can be worn by an adult lady to work, a young girl to college, or a girl to school.

Braiding 4 strands with ribbon

A ribbon is a very beautiful and feminine element; it will make a four-strand braid more colorful and elegant.

1) In this option, the hair needs to be distributed into 3 even strands and the last and second separated with a ribbon of the material and color you wish. The tape will sort of play the role of the fourth strand.
2) Next, the first strand goes under the second strand, and then the same first strand covers the ribbon.
3) The third curl must be placed on top of the first, and it must be pushed under the ribbon.
4) Now the second one goes under the third strand, after which it goes on top of the tape.
5) Now the second step changes in the opposite direction, since you need to put the first strand on top of the second and again pass it under the ribbon.
6) You can continue again as long as necessary.

A video tutorial for beginners on how to weave a four-strand braid with a ribbon will reveal all its secrets.

Four-strand braid in Greek style

The Greek image will add grace and tenderness to the girl. But it is worth remembering that this hairstyle opens the neck and makes the face more round, so if there are any shortcomings with the shape of the face or neck, then it is better to think about another option.
Here the braid is woven exactly the same way as in the previous diagrams, only it needs to be woven around the head. You need to start weaving from the upper left edge and move to the right. You can also decorate your hair with ribbon, flowers or pins.

See many beautiful Greek hairstyles.

4-strand French braid

The French braiding style can be applied to a four-strand braid.
This style of weaving is more complex, since you need to move in the opposite direction, but nevertheless the result is striking in its beauty. The hairstyle is transformed, it becomes more voluminous and fluffy.
Consider a pattern for weaving a French braid of 4 strands:
1) You need to comb your hair and carefully take about a third of the hair and lift it to the top of your head.
2) The hair that is selected from the top of the head must be combed and divided into four strands.
3) In this case, we will do the numbering not from left to right, but from right to left. Take the first strand and place it over the second, then under the third, and then over 4.
4) Next, you need to place the fourth curl of envy under the third and move it over the second. Don't forget to catch extra hair.
5) It is necessary to repeat steps 3 and 4.
6) Continue braiding until the desired length of the braid.

At the end of the braiding, the curls can be stretched a little so that the braid is not tight, it will look very attractive. Or you can leave the remaining part in the form of a tail, and weave it diagonally. A step-by-step photo of this hairstyle can be seen below.

The braid has been adorning the heads of beauties from all over the world since ancient times. And in our time, it has acquired many varieties and designs and has become popular in all styles and directions.
Diversify and update your look with a 4-strand braid. It is quite simple to perform if you understand the basic principles of its weaving.

The braid has been adorning the heads of beauties from all over the world since ancient times.

And in our time, it has acquired many varieties and designs and has become popular in all styles and directions.

Diversify and update your look with a 4-strand braid. It is quite simple to perform if you understand the basic principles of its weaving.

It is suitable for those with long and thick hair, but those who are unlucky with thick hair can also use it by resorting to a few tricks.

This braiding option is most suitable for hairstyles using ribbons, beads, chains and other braid decoration elements.

How to braid a 4-strand braid?

Before you start braiding a 4-strand braid, you need to: comb thoroughly.

Secret: When the hair is clean and fluffy, it is worth moistening it a little so that it fits smoothly into the braid and does not get tangled.

After this, we comb all the hair to the back of the head or to the side if you are braiding your own hair and divide it into 4 equal parts. The easiest way is to divide them first in half, and then into two equal parts.

Weaving pattern for a 4-strand braid is flat (classic version)

Photo number 1 is a braided braid of 4 strands, 2 is with stretched outer strands, 3 is the other side of the braid.

To quickly learn how to weave such a braid, mentally number the strands from left to right:

We repeat this until we finish weaving.

Secret: repeat on each side: under over, over and under.

By following the descriptions and using the diagram, you will effortlessly master weaving such an unusual and original braid, and it will decorate your hair in everyday life. But, if you want to look beautiful and festive, braid this braid with decoration. This will give it solemnity and you cannot avoid admiring glances in your direction.

Video tutorial on how to braid a 4-strand braid

The second option for braiding a braid on yourself using four strands

  1. Dividing the hair into 4 strands, leaving 1 strand from the face. We make 3 reverse braids. We weave using 2, 3 and 4 strands. We start with 2 strands, it is closest to the face.
  2. 2 strands below, 3 above.
  3. 4 under 3.
  4. 2 under 3, in the left hand 2 strands.
  5. Add 1 (4 strands) to the weave. Grab 2 strands with the fingers of your left hand, and press the 2nd strand to your ear with your thumb, the index finger will intercept the 1st strand. It turns out 1 by 2 under 3.
  6. 4 strands under 3 and over 2. Pattern: 2 times strands below, 2 times above.
  7. 1 strand for 2, 3 for 2.
  8. 4 under 3, 3 over 2
  9. Next, we repeat the weaving starting from 1 strand.
  10. Having reached the ends, we pin it with a hairpin or tie it with an elastic band. If desired, stretch the outer strands slightly.

How to weave a flat braid of 4 strands on a model?

Pay close attention to the placement of your hands and grip of the strands. For novice hairdressers, correct hand placement is the key to a feeling of relaxation and no overload on the hands.

This video will help you figure out how to weave a four-strand braid on a model.

Step-by-step instructions for weaving a thermodimensional braid

We prepare the hair for braiding by carefully combing it and laying it on its side for ease of braiding. We number the strands from 4 to 1, as in the photo.

Scheme for weaving a three-dimensional braid of 4 strands

  1. Place 4 strands under 2 and 3, and on 2.
  2. 1 under 2 and 3, and on 3.
  3. 4 under 2 and 3 (two adjacent) and change direction, placing it on the nearest one.
  4. On the other hand, under the 2 adjacent ones, we change the direction and lay the first of the nearby strands.
  5. We braid this way to the end of the hair, then tie it with an elastic band or pin it with a hairpin.

Video with step-by-step explanations of how to weave a 4-strand braid on yourself in three dimensions.

3 options for weaving 4-strand braids with ribbon

Before you start weaving, prepare everything you need:

  • ribbon - it should be at least twice the length of your hair. The color depends on the clothes with which this hairstyle is done and on the color of the hair. On dark hair, it is better to use light ribbons, but for those with light hair, any color will suit you. The width of the tape depends on the thickness of the hair. The thicker the hair, the wider the tape;
  • 2 bobby pins - we will attach a ribbon to them;
  • elastic band - for fixing the braid.

Why do we get different weaves?
Since we change the location of the ribbons relative to the strands, this is where we get different braid options. Experiment with all 3 options once you have mastered the classic weave.

Let's start weaving:

  1. We comb our hair and separate part of the hair on the part of the head where the beginning of the braid will be (temporal area or crown of the head).
  2. We lift the separated strand of hair and attach a lena under it, attached to the bobby pins crosswise. We attach the tape in the center. The ribbon will be the central strand.
  3. We divide the hair into 3 equal parts.
  4. We braid like a regular braid of 3 strands. We throw the right outer strand onto the tape, and also place the left strand on the tape.
  5. We draw the leftmost strand under the ribbon and throw it over the next one. We pass this strand under the right outer strand.
  6. And then we weave according to this pattern until the end.
  7. We tie the resulting braid with an elastic band and the hairstyle is ready.

Or use a small elastic band instead of bobby pins.

  • tie a small amount of hair with an elastic band;
  • pass the ribbon through the edge of the elastic band;
  • bring it to the middle, so that the ends are the same;
  • When weaving, use a ribbon from two parts as one whole.

The video tutorial will help you learn how to weave a four-strand braid with a hairstyle on you.

Training video on weaving with ribbon on a model.

Secrets of weaving a four-strand braid for yourself

Of course, braiding a braid for someone else is much more convenient than for yourself. But if you understand the principle of braiding and practice several times, you will certainly be able to braid your own hair. The main thing is not to give up if your first hairstyles don’t look as impressive as you want.

  1. To start weaving, you, of course, need a mirror. To weave braids at the back of the head, you need to use a three-piece mirror. Start with the simplest braids and gradually move on to more complex hairstyles.
  2. Comb your hair to one side, part it and use a mirror to braid it. If the hair does not fit well in the strands and is knocked out, tie a ponytail and braid it.
  3. Waxing or slightly moisturizing your hair will help greatly.

Ponytail braid with ribbon

A visual video on how to braid a braid using 4 strands with a ribbon from a ponytail without tiebacks.

Hairstyle options with 4-strand braids

Once you have mastered the traditional four-strand braid, you can complicate it and thereby diversify it.

Weaving a braid in which one strand is a three-strand braid

The main advantage of this braid is the fixed central strand. To add extravagance and originality, we braid this strand into a separate three-strand braid along the entire length of the hair. And we use it as a decoration for a four-strand braid.

How to weave a braid of 4 curls with tiebacks?

Training video of weaving with tiebacks

Fine Jewelry

As decorations they use: ribbons of various colors and sizes, beads, chains, thin scarves and their own hair. It all depends on your means and imagination.
This braid can also be woven with the hair picked up on one side or on both sides.

Four strand braid bun

If you finish weaving such a braid by tying the braid into a bun, it will immediately take on an evening look. The bundle is voluminous and does not require additional volume.

  1. We braid a four-strand braid. In the center of the head, diagonally, on the side, around the head or simply from a pre-tied tail. As your soul desires.
  2. Secure the end of the braid with an elastic band.
  3. We lay out the braid in a beautiful bun, wrapping it around the base without tightening the braid. This will give it volume and lightness.
  4. We secure the bun with hairpins.

Video teaches how to create a braided bun

Watch how to create the second version of the bun in the video tutorial when weaving makes the hairstyle more interesting.

Bun with a braid

A chic option for weaving a four-strand braid

This braid looks very unusual, braided from below to the top of the head.

  1. Tilt your head forward.
  2. Comb all your hair to the front
  3. Starting from the very bottom of the back of your head, braid your hair up to the top of your head.
  4. Braid the braid to the end of the hair and secure with an elastic band.
  5. You just need to hide the end of the braid, tuck it inside and secure it with hairpins.

Exquisite braid with two ribbons

Training video with detailed explanations.

4-strand braid with bows

How to make bows in all possible variations is described, but see how to make a braid of 4 strands and add small bows in this video.

Openwork braid of 4 strands

Using the knowledge gained, you can easily create a 4-strand hairstyle. And thanks to the variety of hairstyle options using this braid, you can diversify your appearance, both in everyday life and on special occasions. Jewelry will add elegance and femininity to your hairstyle. And enthusiastic glances in your direction will very soon become a common occurrence for you.

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Perhaps all girls know how to weave a traditional three-strand braid. But if you want to create an unusual, beautiful hairstyle, then you will have to learn more complex techniques. Weaving an elegant 4-strand braid is not difficult to master, but very useful. After all, such patterns are often used to create practical everyday and elegant holiday hairstyles.

This braid is a suitable hairstyle for both young girls and adult women. And most importantly, in order to weave it, it is not at all necessary to have thick hair, because skillful weaves are the best way to create additional volume.



Before starting work you should prepare your hair. Hair should be washed clean and combed thoroughly. If you have unruly, frizzy curls, or simply want your weave to last as long as possible, apply mousse or hair gel to the entire length of your hair. This will help create a neater hairstyle and give your curls extra shine.

If you don’t want to use styling products, you can lightly moisten your curls to make them less tangled.

To ensure a neat styling with a voluminous braid, the hair is most often gathered into a regular ponytail using an elastic band before starting work.

For those who do not have too long and thick hair, you can use false strands on hairpins. It is not necessary to select them in color exactly to match your hair. You can choose overhead accessories in two or more colors. Curls of different shades can create an interesting illusion of fashionable highlighting or coloring.

Classic way

Divide the hair into 4 equal parts. Mentally assign each strand a serial number from 1 to 4 from left to right.

  • Throw the second and third parts of hair over each other so that the third is on top.
  • Now draw the one of the two middle strands that is on top, in our case the third, under the first. And place the one that is below, in our case, the second, above the fourth.
  • As a result of the operations performed, you should have 2 and 3 parts at the edges, and 1 and 4 in the middle.
  • Place the fourth strand on top of the third.
  • Repeat the operation with the middle strands. Pass the one on top under the one next to the edge from below, and wrap the one on the bottom around the one on top.
  • Repeat braiding according to this principle until the end of the braid.

In order not to get confused, you must remember that three parts of the hair on the left are braided together like a regular three-strand braid, and the fourth goes underneath each time.

You may find it easier to master this 4-strand braiding process by watching the video.

Weaving with a central strand

This method creates very beautiful, neat braids. It is also remarkable in that instead of a central strand you can use tape.

Section your hair in the same way as in the previous case. The role of the central part will be played by strand number 3. If you weave with a ribbon, then divide the hair into 3 parts, and use a ribbon instead of the fourth.

  • Pass the first part of hair under the second and place it on the third.
  • Place the fourth on top of the first and pass under the third.
  • Pass the second strand under the fourth and place it on the third.
  • Place the first strand on top of the second under the third.

Watch the video to see how to braid with a ribbon and then style a four-strand braid into a beautiful hairstyle.

The easiest way

If you find it difficult to remember the weaving steps in previous patterns, then try the next option.

  • Divide your hair into four equal parts and mentally number them from 1 to 4.
  • Place even-numbered strands on top of adjacent odd-numbered strands. That is, the second lies on top of the first, and the fourth on top of the third.
  • At the next stage, cross the curls in the middle with each other. In our case, these will be hair parts numbered 1 and 4.
  • Using this simple pattern, weave until the end of the braid. First, the neighboring strands are crossed in pairs, and then those that are in the middle.
  • In order not to get confused, you can practice first by taking four ribbons of different colors instead of curls.