Interesting hair decorations are now at the peak of popularity. Many girls prefer original accessories made from pieces of satin ribbons using the kanzashi technique.

You can create such stylish hoops, headbands, wreaths, headbands with flowers on your head with your own hands. Having learned how to make petals from ribbons, you will be able to make not only jewelry and accessories, but also delightfully decorate the interior for a wedding or any other celebration. To do this, all you need to do is choose a suitable master class (MK) or lessons with photo and video explanations for beginners and follow step by step the experienced needlewomen. Such as, .

These luxurious products are usually decorated with delightful flowers: roses and daisies. It would also be interesting to see, for example, a snowflake on the headband. And the delightful wreaths in the Ukrainian style will not leave anyone indifferent. In this lesson, we will look at several options that will help you create headbands, headbands, wreaths, with your own hands.

To make headbands like kanzashi from satin ribbons, first of all, prepare the following set of materials and tools:

Next, based on the described scheme of actions, we create another layer of satin ribbons, which will be located on the top. For these purposes, use a tape whose width is four centimeters. Thus, we get blanks with two colors for the kanzashi hoop.

We continue the master class for beginners and take a prepared plastic base from which you need to cut a small circle. This circle is trimmed with satin ribbon. Glue is applied to the base and this element is fixed on the large flower. Use Moment glue in your work. This will give you the opportunity to distribute the petals with your own hands as the glue dries.

After gluing the base, apply glue and fix the layer at the top. We get the following detail, as in the photo. After this, you need to straighten the petals again.

At the next stage, the master class moves on to creating the core for the hoop. For these purposes, we take a tape 3.5 centimeters wide and prepare squares from it. In total, you need to cut eight squares of 3.5 X 3.5 centimeters and make sharp-shaped petals out of them. After this, they are collected on a thread. Now, we fix the base in the form of a circle of satin ribbon, and glue a decorative button on top. This master class uses a ladybug figurine for these purposes. This children's detail is perfect for our chamomile. In the photo you can see what a daisy for a hoop looks like, made using the kanzashi technique.

We take the prepared weaving of satin ribbons and fix it on the rim with glue. How to braid a headband with a bandage of ribbons can be seen in the video.

The master class (MK) is approaching its final stage. We take yellow and green ribbons, as well as organza, and make pieces of them 11 X 2 centimeters. The ribbon with organza is connected as shown in the photo, folded in half and cut at an angle using a soldering iron. As a result, you should get a double leaf with a sharp shape. In total we make eight similar elements and attach them to each other in pairs. All that remains is to glue or solder them to the hoop.

As a result, we get a wonderful, delicate headband using the kanzashi technique, made from satin ribbons. You can also decorate the hoops with lush roses, cornflowers, poppies or other interesting flowers. A snowflake made of ribbons or a string of roses will beautifully decorate the headband. Fantasize, look for new ideas and bring your skills to life and your headbands with flowers will delight you and your loved ones with their beauty.

We weave a bandage

A simple option for creating jewelry from satin ribbons is to weave a headband. A children's headband will decorate the head of your little princess. This option is just right for beginners. It is not difficult to braid such a product. Subsequently, it can be used as an independent accessory or complemented with roses or other favorite flowers. A similar headband can also be decorated with a white snowflake.

This children's satin headband is made from ribbons. Weaving this element can be done very quickly, especially if you are familiar with the technique of creating baubles. Video tutorials show this process in more detail.

To weave a headband, take two satin ribbons of a contrasting color and bend them ten centimeters apart. Next, you need to wrap one tape with another. Follow the step-by-step photos, so it will be easier for you to navigate the process. Next, a ribbon of a darker shade is pulled into the formed loop. The light ribbon is tied into a knot. At the same time, the dark one is retained.

Now, you need to bend the loop on the light material and thread it into the loop of the dark one. Carefully tighten and straighten the resulting element with your own hands. In the same way, you need to pull the dark loop through the light one. And so on, we weave to the length of the bandage you need.

Having finished weaving, one of the ribbons is not folded into a loop, but is threaded through the loop of the next one. We tighten and straighten the bandage. We make two knots at the ends. We cut off the remaining parts. Leave about ten centimeters for the ties. Be sure to melt the ends of the years with a lighter to prevent them from unraveling.

All that remains is to stretch the elastic through the inside of the product, pushing it through the loops in the bandage. The ends are connected to each other using an elastic band. A similar bandage can be used to braid hairbands or hoops. An additional detail on such a headband can be a delicate snowflake or a series of roses.

Ukrainian kanzashi wreath

To all kanzashi lovers. You should definitely try to make a wreath in Ukrainian style with your own hands. This stunning accessory is sure to attract admiring glances.

To create such a wreath, take a thick double sheet of several layers and cut out a piece that will become the base for the wreath, as in the photo.

We take green ribbons and, based on the prepared template, begin to burn out the leaves. We make another type of leaves for a wreath from several types of ribbons (satin and brocade). The tape is folded in half. It is pressed with a ruler and cut with a soldering iron. Next, using a glue gun, you need to fix the leaves, as in the photo. The leaves made from the template are given a special shape using a candle and tweezers.

We make the spikelets for the wreath from satin and brocade ribbon. These elements are formed on the basis of the double sharp petals of kanzashi. Having made all the blanks, you need to glue the leaves together. Use a glue gun for this. Glue the leaves to the underside of the spikelets.

Next we make poppies from red ribbon. First, we cut the tape into squares, and then cut out a drop-shaped part from them. The edges of the petals must be singed. After this, we proceed to stitching together the layers of petals. The layers are formed sequentially by superimposing one on top of the other, as in the photo. The creation of layers begins with wide petals, gradually adding smaller details. The poppy core is sewn on using a needle-forward seam and slightly tightened.

The stamens are made from nylon threads, the ends of which are coated with glue and dipped in semolina.

To create the core, take padding polyester and square elements made of green satin ribbon. We make circles out of them. Next, you need to singe the edges and sew the circle with a “forward needle” seam. The padding polyester is inserted inside this element and the thread is tightened. You should get a green ball, like in the photo. Using thread, all that remains is to make the center characteristic of a poppy.

Jewelry with flowers always remains in fashion and does not lose its popularity. To create a romantic spring or summer look, a headband with a flower made of satin ribbons, made using the kanzashi technique, is suitable.

Such hair decorations turn out to be very beautiful and delicate. Even the most ordinary hairstyle becomes unusual and looks quite interesting.

By strictly following the instructions, after just a few hours, in the hands of even an inexperienced craftswoman, ordinary satin ribbons turn into flowers with which you can decorate anything. Without wasting any time, let's start making a cute women's accessory.

Material for work:

glue gun;
satin ribbons 5 cm wide in soft blue, blue and violet colors;
hair band;
base for the flower (piece of foam rubber, felt, cardboard);
marker or pen;
bead, button, pebble to decorate the center of the flower.

Stages of work execution

1. Cut eight 5x5 squares from the purple and blue ribbon, and seven 5x4 pieces from the blue. Burn the edges of all the ribbons to prevent the edges from fraying.

2. First we will work with the blue and purple squares.

3. Take two squares of different colors. We fold each one diagonally. Now we take both triangles by the acute angle.

4. We wrap two side corners to the bottom corner.

5. Unfold the petal, folding the two formed corners together at the back.

6. Using a candle or lighter, glue the petal together so that it does not fall apart.

7. The excess corner on the petal should be carefully cut off.

8. If you follow all the steps correctly step by step, you should end up with a petal like this.

9. You need to make 8 such blanks.

10. Now we will make sharp petals from the soft blue segments.

11. Fold one piece in half diagonally.

12. Now cut in half again. Since the piece was not square, there was excess fabric left over.

13. Fold opposite corners to each other and get a petal. We cut off the excess fabric. To prevent the petal from falling apart, we treat it with fire.

14. You need to make 7 of these sharp, pale blue blanks.

16. Cut out a round base for the flower with a diameter of 3-4 cm.

17. Glue purple-blue petals in a circle.

18. Glue a blank of sharp petals under the main flower.

19. We decorate the middle of the flower with a bead (pebble, button).

20. All that remains is to attach the finished composition to the hoop.

The headband with a flower made of satin ribbons is ready!

If you continue to fantasize, you can decorate such a hair decoration with rhinestones or stones. The headband in this case will look even more elegant. Also, before gluing the flower to the hoop, you can wrap it with a satin ribbon to match the petals.
In any case, no matter how much skill and perseverance you put into making a headband with a flower from satin hair ribbons, such a decoration will always be the most beautiful and original, because it was made with pleasure and with your own hands.

Don’t rush to throw away your old headband if it has become worn or the decorations have fallen off. You can always give things a second life using a little imagination and the materials you have on hand. Let's see this for ourselves by making an elegant and delicate headband with flowers with our own hands.

Take the old headband and clean it of any remaining jewelry and fabric.

In addition, we will need:

  • small beads or finished decoration;
  • glue (necessarily transparent so that yellow smudges are not visible);
  • lace 1 cm wide, 1.5 m long;
  • guipure ribbon 0.5 cm wide, 4 m long;
  • stationery clip (for ease of use);
  • scissors and needle and thread.

You need to jump ahead a little and think about how to make the ends of the headband look neat. The answer suggests itself. Glue small pieces of lace to the ends. Don't despair if the base of the rim turns out to be black. It can be very advantageously played up using lace. You will get an interesting contrasting pattern.

Secure the end of the lace ribbon with a clamp and wrap the lace around the headband in a circle.

We cut off the ends, leaving about a centimeter on both sides, and glue them on the inside.

A bright accent in this hairband will be the ribbon, from which you need to weave a patterned strip - a braid.

To do this, fold a 3-meter long ribbon in half and tie a small bow.

Pressing the knot tightly, pull the right end of the ribbon, thus unraveling one side of the bow. This will give us the initial loop we need.

We make a loop from the right half of the ribbon and insert it into the initial loop, tightening the end that we hold in our hand.

Thus, we weave a braid equal in length to our headband.

We will also need the same smaller braid, woven from the remaining meter of ribbon. We want to make a headband with flowers, so from this small braid we will assemble a flower.

Gather the braid along one edge and tighten the thread.

The result will be a flower. Trim the protruding ends of the ribbon and decorate the flower with a bead.

If desired, you can make completely different flowers from satin ribbons and decorate the headband with them.

For reliability, you can fasten with clamps and wait a few minutes until the glue sets well.

Let's continue decorating the floral headband with our own hands by adding a thread of beads. Glue it exactly in the center of the rim.

If you have beads separately, you must first put them on monofilament or fishing line. But it is much more convenient to work with ready-made beads, the so-called pearl thread.

The final touch is to sew or firmly glue the previously made flower from ribbons to the lace.

This is how you can easily repurpose an old item and end up with a beautiful and fashionable piece of jewelry!

Check out a few more Krestik master classes on decorating hairbands:


Girls - they are such girls! They love everything beautiful, new, original and so that only she has one. And this applies to everything: prom dresses, shoes, handbags, accessories, jewelry. Well, do you want something exclusive? Then make this very decoration with your own hands. For example, we suggest that you soon create a headband from satin ribbons with your own hands. It turns out simply amazing, and most importantly - it is one hundred percent exclusive.

Satin braid

The simplest, but no less original option for decorating a headband is to weave a braid from two satin ribbons. We offer a master class on this decoration. What we need:

  • two satin stripes, half a centimeter wide and 150 cm long - for a child’s head, and about 3-4 meters for an adult’s;
  • scissors;
  • glue gun or any other glue that is suitable for our materials;
  • headband

Let's start weaving. At the end of each ribbon you need to make a loop the size of the strip, so that it can be pulled through the loop. Or, more precisely, you need to thread the loop of another ribbon into the loop. See what it looks like in the photo:

Now you need to do a similar action with the other ribbon - thread the loop into the loop in the same way. Gradually, by doing such manipulations, you will end up with a very beautiful braid. The ends of the strips will need to be cut and burned a little so that they do not crumble.

Now you need to attach the ribbon to our hoop, and you will get a very beautiful and elegant decoration for a girl or girl. The satin can be multi-colored, plain or colored, but transparent, it’s up to your taste and wishes.

Hair decoration with kanzashi flowers

You can do the most incredible manipulations with the ribbon, which as a result turn into very original and almost real flowers - flowers using the kanzashi technique. We will decorate the headband with them. It can be one flower, but large, or several small ones. Let's create an unrivaled dahlia, we need:

  • satin ribbon, up to 3 cm wide;
  • glue gun;
  • scissors;
  • flower core;
  • base made of felt or cardboard, or a piece of fabric;
  • candle or lighter.

For the preparation we must create the petals of the future flower. Why cut the satin strip into squares of about 5-6 cm. We will need a lot of these squares, or, more precisely, even rectangles, about 35-37 pieces. If you want the flower to be lush, make more petals. The splendor directly depends on how many blanks you create.

Now take each piece, fold it in half lengthwise, wrong side inward. We cut off a corner of the workpiece and use a candle to process the edge. After this procedure, unfold the petal, carefully bend the lower corners and seal it with fire again, only this time the base of the petal, as shown in the photo:

The following manipulations must be done with all workpieces. Now, onto the circle that will serve as the base, you need to glue the petals one by one in a row. There may be a small distance between them, but then the next row of petals will have to cover the gaps. Each subsequent row will consist of fewer and fewer blanks.

The center of a dahlia can be made from anything. For example, from a suitable button, you can prepare the stamens in advance, or you can simply cover everything with petals. All that remains is to attach the finished dahlia to the blank, but don’t forget one more important point - to cover the rim itself. When you braid it with ribbon and secure it well, you can attach the flower itself. Instead of a headband, you can take a wide elastic band for the head or the same satin strip.

Braided headband

How to braid a headband? Yes, very simple and fast! The set of materials is the most common:

satin ribbons, preferably narrow and contrasting in color;

  • glue gun;
  • scissors;
  • several clothespins;
  • lighter or matches.

You need to glue two pieces of tape about 2 cm each to the edges of the rim.

Now we glue another tape to it, glue it to the outside of the workpiece, leaving about 3-4 cm on one side for wrapping the edge.

Then you need to bend the long end over the rim and glue it a little. The second strip needs to be glued obliquely, but from the inside of the rim and directly along the other strip. See what it looks like in the photo:

The short edge of the white stripe needs to be secured on top of two layers of tapes. Then, obliquely, gluing the surface of the rim, you need to braid it with ribbons. The drawing on both sides turns out equally beautiful.

When you start braiding, your hands will tell you with what density and how exactly you need to weave the ribbons. It's actually quite simple, the main thing is to start doing it. Your design will come out in the form of multi-colored triangles, but exactly what they will be depends on the angle at which you lay the fabric.

The other edge of the headband also needs to be secured so that it looks neat and complete.

Headbands made of satin ribbons always look very gentle and feminine. This decoration can also be decorated with beads or small plain flowers. It can be one bright flower and delicate pearl beads, emphasizing the romance of the image.

You can decorate a wide velvet headband with beads and ribbons; it will take even less time and will look very original. And using a wide satin, you can drape a headband in the form of an impromptu crown on your head. How to make such beauty is in the next master class.

Ribbons and beads on the head

We will need one wide ribbon, one thin one. It is desirable that they be of different but compatible colors, large beads, glue, thread and needle, and a thin bezel.

You can make this decoration in a matter of minutes. Place a thin ribbon on a thick one, take a needle and thread and begin to assemble them like an accordion, and insert a bead between each fold. If you remember, this is also how they create bracelets a la mandala.

Flowers made in kanzashi style from satin ribbons look delicate and beautiful. Looking at them, you immediately want to attach them somewhere in order to decorate your accessories with them. In Japan, the kanzashi technique is successfully used to decorate various hairstyles. In our country, this popular handicraft is also used to decorate headbands, wreaths and headbands, which can be woven by hand so that later they can be used to decorate the heads of little princesses. Headbands with flowers or hoops take first place as a wonderful decoration for girls that you can make with your own hands.

A kanzashi headband or hoop, with two magnificent and large flowers or a snowflake, will make an ordinary hairstyle the best and stand out among others. Children's joy will be the most pleasant gift for you, in gratitude for the headbands with flowers. Let's look at the very first master class (mk), in which we will try to create headbands with flowers in the kanzashi style. A snowflake would also look great. We will create all this with our own hands for beginners. The video is on our portal.

Before you start creating your first master class (mk), you need to purchase suitable accessories, namely:

  • green and red satin ribbon;
  • flame of a candle or lighter;
  • scissors;
  • ruler with tweezers;
  • textile glue;
  • tight thread;
  • needle;
  • thin stamens that are very easy to make with your own hands.

Take a scarlet ribbon and, using scissors, cut it into squares, eight centimeters each, as in the photo.

Using tweezers, take one piece, turn it inside out towards you and fold it in the center.

Fold it again to create a sharp corner, as shown in the photo.

Burn one end of the tape with fire, thereby gluing it, as shown in the photo.

Thus, we make the remaining petals for our flower, which will decorate the hairbands.

Next, we begin to assemble all the blanks into a single whole, stitching them with a needle and thread.

With your two hands, pull the future flower together in the form of an accordion and secure the end of the thread.

Using glue, attach the petals to the stamens.

See what new ideas you can make in the kanzashi style. What a wonderful flower we got.

We continue the kanzashi lessons and make green blanks, cutting the main material into squares, each 14 cm long.

Fold one square with the front side inward, and pour the other end with fire.

Cut it into two halves as shown in the photo.

Turn the resulting leaves over to the other side.

Glue the green foliage to the main flower. As a result, we have a wonderful headband made of satin ribbons for beginners. Master class (mk), is considered completed, and the headband is ready. Little fashionistas will be happy to wear such hoops.

Kanzashi bandage with ribbons

A children's headband made of satin ribbons, made with their own hands, will please even little fashionistas. This children's headband can be intended for both daily wear and special holiday evenings. You will not find more than one repeating bandage, since such an accessory is individual. And every craftswoman strives to make it unique and inimitable.

Our lessons and master class (mk) will be devoted to the invention of a Japanese-style headband.

Here is a list of materials that will be useful to us:

  • satin ribbon, in shades such as burgundy and pink, emerald and white;
  • green and pink brocade ribbon;
  • accessories for decorating the center of the flower, such as stones or beads;
  • thick cardboard;
  • scissors and tweezers;
  • flame of a candle or lighter;
  • simple bandage;
  • textile glue.

We will make our flower from round and sharp petals. You could make this headband out of roses or decorate it with several roses, but let's do something original.
We cut our ribbons into equal squares and make petals from them for a flower in the kanzashi style, approximately in the same way as described above in the text.

To create a headband, we need eighteen pointed petals and ten round ones. The photo shows in detail the number and shape of the petal in the corresponding color.

Let's start making the main part of the flower. Take thick cardboard and cut out a circle with a diameter of four centimeters. This circle needs to be braided with fabric as shown in the photo.

After this, we proceed to gluing the flower petals. Glue the pointed petals in a circle.

At first glance, it may seem that this view is not very aesthetic, but have patience, our lessons are not over yet, the most interesting things lie ahead. Let's form green foliage. Glue the round petals into the pointed blanks, and between them, another, empty piece of paper. This is how the petals should form.

Take them and glue them to opposite sides of the flower.

Distribute the remaining blanks evenly and glue them onto the main part, as in the photo.

We cut out another circle from cardboard, with a diameter of 3.5 cm, it must be braided with pink fabric. Then, glue a row of petals in a circle.

We glue the resulting product on top of the large workpiece.

The third tier will be the smallest. Cut out a circle with a diameter of 1.5 cm and braid it with satin. We attach the remaining blanks in the same way.

Glue the resulting material to the very top of the flower.

Our master class (mk) is almost complete, all that remains is the flower decor. In this matter, a metal part and a bead will help us. Which we spread with glue and attach to the core of the flower.

Take a simple pink bandage, to which you need to attach a kanzashi flower.

Take a satin ribbon and glue a flower onto it. Then, on the side of the bandage where the seam is located, we attach the main material. Look at the photo to see how this is done correctly.

That's all, with our own hands, we were able to make a wonderful and elegant headband. These kanzashi flowers can be used to decorate not only headbands, but also hairbands, hoops and ribbon wreaths. This method is suitable for creating roses. Hairbands and hoops look gorgeous with roses. A snowflake will also look gentle. If you do not understand some points, we recommend watching a video that shows everything in detail.

National wreath

This master class (mk) will teach you how to make wreaths decorated in Ukrainian style. Such headbands with flowers will definitely attract your attention.

In order to make a Ukrainian wreath for beginners with your own hands, you need multi-layer dublerin, from which a blank for the wreath is cut out, as shown in the photo.

We will need emerald-colored ribbon and a piece of paper cut out. Based on it, we make leaves with a soldering iron. For other blanks, a brocade ribbon is required. It needs to be folded in half and pressed with a ruler. Then, trim off the excess edges. Using glue, fix the foliage. In order to give the desired shape to the product, you need to use the flame of a lighter or candle.

We also make weaving spikelets from brocade, but only sand-colored. We create double and pointed kanzashi elements, which we glue into one another. On the inside of the spikelet, glue the green blank.

Red flowers can be made in the form of roses to beautifully decorate your head with roses. Since this is a Ukrainian wreath, we will make poppies with our own hands. Cut red squares from the tape, and cut out the shape of a drop from them. The ends are burned with fire. Now we will sew these parts together. Do everything step by step, as shown in the photo. Start with large elements and move on to small ones. We sew the middle of the flower with a “needle forward” seam and tighten it with an accordion.

To create stamens, we need a nylon thread, which is smeared with glue and dipped into semolina.

We begin weaving the center of the flower. It consists of a piece of padding polyester and green satin, from which we make a circle. Apply heat to the edges and sheathe them, and insert padding polyester into the inside and tighten. You will get a small ball, shown in the photo. Using threads, we make an original core.