A good selection of congratulations to veterans. Here you will find heartfelt congratulations on Victory Day in verse and prose, poems for May 9.

We were born when everything was in the past
Our victory is more than a dozen years old,
But how close to us is what is already in the past.

And every year the soul hurts, weeps,
When our memory gives us words.
The holiday spirit is in the air,
And there is a veil over the eyes of sadness.
Thank you that we did not know war,
That we do not hear the noise of terrible years,
That you gave us life with your life!
May God grant you, veterans, many years to come!
Let everyone remember the feat of your life,
Let people remember your names.
And let the wars that exist in the world be silent
On the day when the bird cherry blossomed.
Yes, this is a holiday of your gray hair,
You have been through a lot of troubles.
The lowest bow, to the very ground,
May God grant you, veterans, many years to come!

The last battle has already died down,
And the bugler played the all-clear for the war,
But all the people remember this sacredly,
And we owe this silence to you!
No, we must not forget, dear veterans,
Your feat of arms on a tormented land,
Even though we fought while looking at the screens
We listened with pride to the stories of the war!
How have you fought all these years?
We stood in the water for days under bullets,
In the harsh winter they froze on the field,
Under the sun they died on earth.
Under a barrage of continuous fire
You ran into the attack, gritting your teeth,
And they cried, mother of a fascist,
When they were retreating at the beginning!
The captives held on with dignity,
And they survived, keeping their courage.
And they helped each other as best they could,
Although unforgiven, but loving the Motherland!
In America, in Europe everyone learned
Our people know how to win.
How half-dead lips whispered:
"For the Motherland! For Stalin! Forward!"
How our people know how to hate,
How much someone can love their homeland!
And let them not try to forget,
How we helped the whole of Europe to survive!
There are big changes in the country now.
Sometimes it's hard to understand the logic
What did you call treason before?
Now you can reward for this.
Resentment suddenly an uninvited tear
From the wise eyes will flow involuntarily,
And our hero is sad today,
My soul hurts and I can’t sleep at night.
And the wounds probably hurt more and more
Those who are still in service.
And my heart aches when I hear Levitan,
Everyone, in my native land!
We ask you, dear ones, to forgive us,
That we are not always attentive,
And don’t harbor grudges in your heart,
Sometimes we forget to call.
We congratulate you on the victorious May,
The whole country wishes you health!
We promise to save the Fatherland,
It’s not for nothing that we bear your names!
And the former power will be restored,
And Russia should become prosperous,
When such glorious heroes
We were able to defend our native land!

Don't believe anyone who says this:
“They walked because there was an order” -
We stood two steps away from death
By the will of the heart, and - more than once!
They didn’t wait for God or the Messiah,
And they took guns and bayonets
And you defended Russia -
Our dear old people!
On a joyful, bright day -
On your Victory Day -
Let them leave this life
Diseases and troubles!

That spring, the troubles seemed to go away,
And there will be no wounds in the world...
Our veterans! Happy Victory Day!
Happy Victory Day, young veteran!
Gray and hunched over, maybe you. But still,
May you have a long journey through life,
Many young people are younger
A fighting soldier's soul!
Therefore, our wise, strong, dear,
Congratulations on the wonderful May Day,
What strength do you draw from youth?
Veteran, you are always in it!!!

War, that's what it is - war...
And to those who are scorched by the fierce breath,
That bitter cup that has been drunk to the bottom,
Not even sweeter... with fireworks.
War, that's what it is - war...
To this day, the old wounds ache.
And yet – put on your medals!
And happy Victory Day, veterans!

You, veterans, are now grandfathers -
Your finest hour passed in battle...
Congratulations on Holy Victory Day
Allow me, dear ones!
The enemy tore you apart with a shell,
The enemy spared no lead on you...
Thank you for still being there -
Defender of the Motherland, fighter -
Man. Grandfather. Father.
You are not young - you are already gray,
But still slim, youthful...
My dear grandfathers
The property of the entire country!
There are so many troubles on your shoulders.
Heads of camps and executions,
But you also carry a hundred victories
You are in a blaze of gilded glory.
Like on a march, hearts are beating,
Crutches and doctors - for show...
You will be replaced by shelves of grandchildren
And the country will not be offended!

Like wounds on the soul, on the body
A lot - in our poor life...
But don't forget: you're a veteran
The war - the one with Hitler, victorious.
Strong and young, once alive;
Drink your moonshine again with lard...
You're on the front line again
So be our commissioner!

We wish the veterans well,
And of course, sincerely, health,
And in the soul - spring warmth,
To live joyfully, with love.
And let there be a little of you left -
Your glory will be unforgettable,
You will always remain for us -
The best, most worthy people!

I understand what Victory means
For veterans who have known all the troubles
A terrible war, survivors with hope,
That Victory Day will come inevitably.
We only read about the war in books.
We watched films and then froze
In horror, anger and heartache.
You are not in a movie, but in battle to the end.
They fought to the death to save their
Homeland, your city, home and family.
Everything that is dear to you, beloved and sacred,
What was in the heart of every soldier.
We could thank you tirelessly.
Will the wounds of the past heal?
Veterans are not waiting for laudatory speeches,
And so that the memory is constant.
Remember and appreciate. For us you are like stars,
Peace on Earth was created by your feat.
We are ready to congratulate you on Victory Day
On holidays, weekdays, all over again!

And again May pleases us with warmth,
And again I will buy a bouquet of lilacs,
And I will give it in the May rain
Savior of future generations.
Let every veteran today
Celebrates its holiday, Victory Day,
Today people from different countries
Of course, we congratulate you with all our hearts!

Today everyone is a veteran
I want to congratulate you with all my heart,
In honor of such an important holiday,
After all, it’s a great day, a big day -
It's called lunch during the day,
So may good luck come to you,
Only the best happens
In everything, of course, you are lucky!

The war has passed many years ago,
But veterans understand every moment,
Today the guns thunder in your honor,
And everyone talks about victory.
I hasten to congratulate you today,
I want good luck to come to you
And I will only wish for the best -
Thank you for your good deeds!

Congratulations on Victory Day in prose

Dear veterans of the Great Patriotic War!
I cordially congratulate you on the holiday of the Great Holy Victory! Every year that memorable day of the victorious spring of 1945 gets further and further in time, and every year it gets closer to our hearts. And the significance and historical weight of the heroic deed of the liberating warrior is becoming ever more majestic.
We bow low and pay deep filial tribute to those who heroically walked long, thorny battle roads, and then revived their native land from the ashes after the Great Victory. There are no words that could fully convey all the gratitude for your, dear veterans, immortal feat in the most brutal war that humanity has ever known.
We understand that May 9 is the most precious and tragic date for you. How you got this Victory cannot be described in words, but your hearts hold all the sorrow of those long war days. And we, although we were born in peacetime, have had the most tender and reverent feelings for this May holiday since childhood. We respect you and bow to your great feat!
We will do everything to be worthy of the feat of the veterans of the Great Patriotic War, in order to fully fulfill our sacred duty to you.
Let there be harmony and prosperity in every home, because the eternal desire of the people for peace, freedom, and a better life is invincible.
From the bottom of my heart I wish everyone prosperity, health and happy longevity.
Happy Victory Day!

Dear Veterans, our beloved grandparents!
I sincerely congratulate you on Victory Day!
This holiday has entered our hearts as a symbol of heroism and unparalleled courage of the people who defended peace on earth.
There is no family that has not been touched by the war. We sacredly honor the memory of our fellow countrymen who did not return from the battlefields. We remember the feat of the great workers who forged Victory in the rear. We are grateful to the defenders of all generations who dedicated themselves to serving the Fatherland.
It is worthy to continue the traditions of our fathers and grandfathers, to increase the wealth of our native land - the sacred duty of the younger generation. Memory lives in good deeds aimed at well-being and prosperity.
Happy Great Victory Day, dear Veterans!
I wish you goodness, prosperity and peaceful skies!

Dear home front workers, dear veterans!
Let me congratulate you on May 9, the Great Victory Day!
The further the victorious year of 1945 goes into history, the more we realize the greatness of the unparalleled feat of our victorious people, which centuries later will be a vivid symbol of unbending courage and perseverance. On this sacred day, we bow our heads low to the blessed memory of those who died, who defended the freedom and independence of the Motherland in fierce battles! Their names are forever inscribed in golden letters in the heroic chronicle of the grandiose battle with the enemy. Home front workers deserve sincere gratitude and appreciation. In plants and factories, on collective farm fields, they did everything to bring the moment of the long-awaited Victory closer.
And in the post-war years, a heavy burden fell on your shoulders - to raise the country from ruins, to restore the economy destroyed by the enemy. Thanks to the selfless work of the older generation, our Motherland has become one of the leading powers in the world.
Good health, happiness and peace to you!

This day is a symbol of pride for those who defended the freedom and independence of our country, a symbol of determination, the will of the Russian people, a symbol of the dignity of Russia.
With a feeling of deep gratitude, we thank you for the accomplished Feat, we wish you health, happiness and prosperity!

Dear veterans. On this day, memorable both for all of you and for us, your children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, I would like to once again express my deep gratitude and low bow to you for the fact that you, without sparing your life and your health, defended our homeland and they gave her to be torn to pieces by the Nazis. Your merit will be in the memory of everyone who lives on this earth. We wish you great health for many years to come.

Dear fellow countrymen. It's your day. This is your holiday. But this is also our holiday. Because only in our memory, in our hearts, your feat that you accomplished in the distant 40s burns and will burn for a long time. To survive and defeat the fascists is your merit, which we will carry through the centuries to come and will not allow a revision of history and a repetition of the events that tore you from your families in 1941. With all my heart, happiness and health to you.

Dear veterans, we congratulate you on the Great Victory Day.

I would like to wish you health, happiness and long life with all my heart. We will never forget those terrible battles in which you had to defend and defend our Motherland.

Every year, together with you, we empathize and grieve in our hearts for those who did not return from the battlefield and those who did not live to this day. We will always remember the terrible bloody years when our multinational valiant army fought for the liberation of the Motherland. When the most ordinary ordinary people from our country performed feats shoulder to shoulder, fighting to the last drop of blood without thinking about their own lives, but thinking only that our great country with its many inhabitants stood behind them. Our soldiers performed feats every day and every hour, defending our Motherland from enemy forces that could destroy us all at any moment.

Together with our valiant veterans, every year we celebrate such a wonderful holiday, the Great Victory Day. This holiday brings joy and tears to our eyes for all the valiant veterans who so steadfastly and courageously defended our Motherland and gave us all the great honor of living.

It is our duty to veterans to never forget those terrible war years and remember those who fell in this war.

Happy Victory Day! Low bow to you,
Our dear veterans.
With gratitude we keep in memory
Feats and all merits are yours.

Good health, vigor and strength,
Many years, great respect.
Let there be peace over the country,
Let life continue.

Let the sun shine brightly in the sky,
Let the children laugh loudly.
Glory to the victorious people!
To veterans three times “Hurray!”

Victory!... no matter how painful it was,
Victory!...no matter how scary it was.
Bow to the ground, veterans,
Happy well-deserved holiday!

Thank you for standing with your chest,
Defending my native country,
Thank you for peace, veterans,
Hold your safe hands!

May your hopes come true
Children and grandchildren are taken care of,
Live, dear ones, live,
Calm, safe and peaceful!

Victory! Sacred word.
It is doubly sacred for you,
You are the basis of life and spirit,
After all, you are the ones who were in the war.

I want to congratulate you on Victory Day
People who went through the whole war.
And you, veterans, to glorify
For the feat, for life, for spring!

For my calm and peaceful sleep,
For living and breathing
Thank you from the bottom of my heart,
My dears, I'm in a hurry!

How much have you been through?
How many horrors of war have you seen!
We have not forgotten this grief,
We know the price of peaceful silence.

We wish you a restful sleep
The nightmares of the terrible days did not disturb.
Be surrounded by attention
People close to you and devoted to you.

Earning one victory for all,
You were thinking about the future then.
We went to victory, losing friends in battles,
So that the sky becomes peaceful forever.

We wish you good health,
Attention, respect, kindness.
Low bow to you from all of us, dear ones.
You gave us life, faith and dreams.

Many years have passed
We live under a peaceful sky.
We say thank you again
We are in May for our grandfathers.

For courage, patriotism,
Great fortitude.
Your feat will last forever
Science to all great grandchildren.

Good health to you and be in good health,
Just don’t dare to be mopey.
You are the strength of the nation, our treasure,
The children are proud of you.

You gave us Victory,
So that we are not afraid of war.
Believe me, all the people are devoted to you.
We wish you many years to come!

Live happily, calmly,
Do not know sorrows and troubles.
We remember your feat, we honor it with dignity -
This is our duty, this is the answer.

For your great feat
I bow to you to the ground.
For leading you to Victory
They walked without knowing fear.

You proudly didn't break
Before the onslaught of the enemy.
And your Victory for us
Thus the road.

So that the sky is peaceful,
In azure blue.
This is what you paid for
At a high price.

We are proud, we remember, we appreciate,
You shed blood for us.
We will never forget
Our fatherland is in pain.

Please accept congratulations on your Victory.
We want to say thank you for everything.
Because you went through all the troubles of the war
And they gave us a chance to live, love, dream!

We express our gratitude to you for the clear sky
And we will repeat it many times:
Your contribution is invaluable and unforgettable.
We congratulate you with all our hearts!

We live under a peaceful sky -
For this, I bow to you!
Thank you for covering your shoulder,
You saved our common home!

We always remember your feat,
The war is left behind
We thank you for this!
We will honor the memory of the dead.

Victory Day May 9 –
A holiday of peace in the country and spring.
On this day we remember the soldiers,
Those who did not return to their families from the war.

On this holiday we honor our grandfathers,
Defending their native country,
To those who gave Victory to the peoples
And who returned peace and spring to us!
(N. Tomilina)

2. May. Russia

Spring is blooming.
The war died down long ago.
And today at the mass graves
Let us remember those who saved our lives.

3. What kind of holiday?

There are festive fireworks in the sky,
Fireworks here and there.
The whole country congratulates
Glorious veterans.
And the blooming spring
Gives them tulips
Gives white lilac.
What a glorious day in May?
(N. Ivanova)

4. May holiday

May holiday -
Victory Day
The whole country celebrates.
Our grandfathers put on
Military orders.

The road calls them in the morning
To the ceremonial parade.
And thoughtfully from the threshold
The grandmothers look after them.
(T. Belozerov)

5. Obelisks

There are obelisks in Russia,
They have the names of soldiers...
My boys the same age
They lie under the obelisks.
And to them, silent in sadness,
Flowers come from the field
The girls who were waiting for them so much
Now they are completely gray.
(A. Ternovsky)

6. Old photo

Photograph on the wall -
There are memories of the war in the house.
Dimkin's grandfather
On this photo:
With a machine gun near the pillbox,
Hand bandaged
Smiles slightly...

Here for just ten years
Older than Dimka
Dimkin's grandfather.
(S. Pivovarov)

7. At the obelisk

The spruce froze on guard,
The blue of the peaceful sky is clear.
Years go by. In an alarming hum
The war is far away.

But here, at the edges of the obelisk,
Bowing my head in silence,
We hear the roar of tanks close
And a soul-tearing explosion of bombs.

We see them - Russian soldiers,
That in that distant terrible hour
They paid with their lives
For bright happiness for us...

8. On the radio

Letter I tried
Write without blots:
"Please do
A gift for grandfather..."

Been on the road for a long time
Musical hello.

But here he comes
And my grandfather hugged me -
Came to see him on holiday
9th May
His favorite song
(S. Pivovarov)

9. What is Victory Day

What is Victory Day?
This is the morning parade:
Tanks and missiles are coming,
A line of soldiers is marching.

What is Victory Day?
This is a festive fireworks display:
Fireworks fly into the sky
Scattering here and there.

What is Victory Day?
These are songs at the table,
These are speeches and conversations,
This is my grandfather's album.

These are fruits and sweets,
These are the smells of spring...
What is Victory Day -
This means no war.
(A. Usachev)

10. Let children not know war

I haven't seen the war, but I know
How difficult it was for the people
And hunger, and cold, and horror -
They got to experience everything.

Let them live peacefully on the planet,
Let children not know war,
Let the bright sun shine!
We should be a friendly family!

11. Medals

A veteran is a seasoned fighter,
I've seen a lot in my life.
He is brave in battle
Defended his country!

On Victory Day they sparkled
There are medals on his chest.
There are medals on his chest!
My sister and I counted them.

12. Dead and alive

To the dead -
Be constantly on duty
They live in street names and epics.
Their exploits are holy beauty
Artists will display it in paintings.
Alive –
To honor heroes, not to forget,
Keep their names in immortal lists,
Remind everyone of their courage
And lay flowers at the foot of the obelisks!

13. Grandfather's friends

May... The birds are chirping with might and main,
And the parade is going on in the capital.
Grandfathers wear orders.
Happy Victory Day!

Friends come to grandpa
They come on Victory Day.
I like to listen for a long time
Their songs and conversations.

Burning gold in the sun
Military awards,
And they enter the house
To our peaceful home,
Front roads.

I sit silently next to you,
But sometimes it seems
Why am I looking through the sights?
That I'm preparing for a fight.

Friends come to grandpa
Celebrate the Victory.
There are fewer and fewer of them
But I believe:
They will come again.

14. Grandfather's story

Yesterday Grandfather Zhenya told me:
The partisan detachment was surrounded.
They have eighteen grenades left,
One pistol and one machine gun.

There are more and more dead soldiers in the squad,
The fascists are squeezing the ring ever tighter, -
They are behind the bushes, they are behind the stones.
And my grandfather shouted: “The Motherland is with us!”

And everyone ran towards the enemy,
And they started throwing grenades as they ran.
Everyone fought bravely, forgetting about death, -
And so, they managed to make a breakthrough.

They went through the forest through the swamp:
And then my grandfather was awarded a medal.
(A. Paroshin)

15. Holiday morning

9th May!
Delight and pain!
Congratulate you
Happy Victory Day, please!
Lilac, cherry, apple trees
Sprayed color.
To everyone who fought,
Thankful for that.

Happy morning -
A wonderful gift!
They reflected
There are blows at the front.
From land, from sea, from sky
We drove away the enemy.
Everyone remembers their ancestors
Light, road.

Let it be for a minute
All speech will be silent...
And in memory of them
Candles are lit.

16. Victory Day

On the glorious holiday - Victory Day,
I hasten to congratulate my grandfather.
He is a brave warrior,
Defended his country!

At 20 years old - a seasoned soldier,
He saw a lot of grief.
He fought his way from the Volga.
The path was difficult, scary, long.

Stalingrad, Moscow, Warsaw...
For courage - Order of Glory.
So many titles and medals
Believe me, you haven't met!

Grandfather told a little
About the war and about the bombing.
How they ate porridge in the trenches,
And they turned gray before their time.

He was wounded and had a cold,
He went on the attack and was shell-shocked.
And in the traveling medical battalion
Met Baba Katya.

Both she and her grandfather were lucky:
We celebrated Victory together.
And now in blooming May
We celebrate the holiday together.

Let there be peace on the planet!
Happiness to adults
Happiness to the children!
(T. Lavrova)

17. Veteran

It gives me back pain,
That's how my heart is acting up.
Hold on! You are a grandfather with gray hair,
And he's a boy at heart.

The last battle has long cooled down
In the ruins of the Reichstag,
And the honor of a fighter is always with you,
Your oath is with you.

Live, soldier, while you're alive,
Don't get cold on the march.
Salute to you, our private!
Hurray for you, our marshal!

18. Congratulations to grandfather on May 9

Congratulations grandpa
Happy Victory Day.
It's even good
That he wasn't there.

Was then as I am now,
Vertically challenged.
Although he did not see the enemy -
I just hated it!

He worked like a big man
For a handful of bread,
The day of Victory was approaching,
Even though he was not a fighter.

Steadfastly endured all hardships,
Paying with childhood
To live and grow in peace
His grandson is wonderful.

So that in abundance and love
Enjoyed life
So that I don't see the war,
My grandfather saved the Fatherland.

19. Grandfather's portrait

Grandmother put on the medals
And now she’s so beautiful!
She celebrates Victory Day
Remembering the great war.
Grandma's face is sad.
There is a soldier's triangle on the table.
Grandfather's letter from the front
Even now it is very painful for her to read.
We look at grandfather's portrait
And we shake hands with my brother:
- Well, what kind of grandfather is this?
He's still just a boy!
(V. Turov)

20. Military orders

The dawns sparkle in the order's rays,
No you can not,
So that in desks
The Light of Victory was locked for a year.
The country is not for your personal glory
She gave out awards without sparing:
Take out the cup of the order,
The world becomes brighter from them.
(L. Sorokin)

21. Monument in Berlin

It was in May, at dawn,
The battle intensified near the walls of the Reichstag.
I noticed a German girl
Our soldier on the dusty pavement.

She stood at the post, trembling,
There was fear in his blue eyes.
And pieces of whistling metal
Death and torment were sown all around.

Then he remembered how, saying goodbye in the summer,
He kissed his daughter
Maybe this girl's father
His own daughter was shot...

But now, in Berlin, under fire,
The fighter crawled and, shielding him with his body,
A girl in a short white dress
He carefully took it out of the fire.

How many children have their childhood restored?
They gave joy and spring.
Privates of the Soviet Army,
People who won the war!

And in Berlin on a holiday
Was erected to stand for centuries,
Monument to the Soviet soldier
With a girl saved in her arms.

22. Salute

Thundering outside the windows
Firework -
The lights bloom in bouquets.
In my room
Colorful reflections

On the wall -
Grandfather's portrait.
He's comfortable here
Twenty years.
Belt, cap,
Severe look
From grandfather:
It's not over yet
And Victory is far away.
But before her
He didn’t live long -
Near Kursk
Grandfather is smitten...

Thundering outside the windows
Firework -
Lights in bouquets
And illuminates
Bright light
On the wall
Grandfather's portrait.
(V. Orlov)

23. We celebrate Victory Day

We celebrate Victory Day,
He comes with flowers and banners.
We are all heroes today
We call by name.
We know: it’s not at all easy
He came to us - Victory Day.
This day has been conquered
Our dads, our grandfathers.
And that's why today
They put on medals.
We, going to the holiday with them,
They sang a sonorous song.
We dedicate this song
To our dads, our grandfathers.
To our beloved Motherland
Glory, glory on Victory Day!
(Abdulhak Igebaev)

24. Let there be peace

Let the machine guns not fire,
And the menacing guns are silent,
Let there be no smoke in the sky,
May the sky be blue

Let the bombers run over it
They don't fly to anyone
People and cities don't die...
Peace is always needed on earth!

25. Thanks Everyone

Thanks to everyone who gave their lives,
For dear Rus', for freedom,
Who forgot fear and fought,
Serving my beloved people.

Thank you,
Your feat is eternal,
While my country is alive,
You are in our souls,
In our heart
We will never forget the heroes!

26. Glory to our generals

Glory to our generals
And to ordinary soldiers.
Glory to the fallen and the living,
Thank you to them from the bottom of my heart!
Let's not forget those heroes
What lies in the damp ground,
Giving my life on the battlefield
For the people, for you and me!
(S. Mikhalkov)

27. Peace

No, the word "peace" will hardly remain,
When there will be wars people will not know.
After all, what was previously called the world,
Everyone will just call it life.

And only children, experts on the past,
Having fun playing war,
Having run around, they will remember this word,
With whom they died in the old days.

28. Hurry, quickly get dressed!

Hurry, hurry, get dressed!
Call the guys quickly!
In honor of Victory Day
The guns are firing.

Everything was quiet around
And suddenly - fireworks! Firework!
Rockets burst into flames in the sky
Both there and here!

Above the square
Over the rooftops
Above festive Moscow
Soaring higher and higher
The fountain of lights is alive!

To the street, to the street
Everyone is running happily
They shout "Hurray"!
For the holiday

29. Let the days of war drag on for a very long time

Let the days of war drag on for a very long time,
Let the peaceful years rush by quickly.
Victories near Moscow, near Kursk and on the Volga
History will remember forever.
May you now be fathers and grandfathers,
The whiskey was silvered with gray hair.
You will never forget the spring of Victory,
The day the war ended.
Even though many are out of commission today,
We remember everything that was done then
And we promise our homeland
Save for business, peace and labor.
(Alexey Surkov)

30. Imagine for a moment that there is a war outside the window

Imagine for a moment that there is a war outside the window,
That the sky is hidden under a black veil,
The land is dead from tears and blood,
Life was shattered by a grenade fragment.

Imagine all the pain of suffering and loss
On faces doomed by terrible news.
When yesterday it was a clear day,
Songs were sung at graduation parties.

In an instant life turned upside down,
The war has come, damn it!
Imagine what an unthinkable feature
Dividing everything irrevocably into “before” and “after”.

Just imagine for a moment
In the tears of my beloved, the kiss of a soldier,
Under that terrible deadly roar,
And the cry of the soul from damned hopelessness.

Imagine...No way, never!
And even in a nightmare, don’t let it happen.
Bow to all those who defeated the enemy,
Giving us a chance to enjoy a peaceful life!
(sent by Elya Solnechnaya, 2016)

Oh, where is that wonderful, wondrous May,
What did the joy of victory announce to us?
Touch your heartstrings, spring, play!
After all, we still haven’t finished singing so much!
We have something to remember, we have something to tell.
Our memory preserves the stories of those days.
We knew how to love, we knew how to wait,
And all this cannot be erased from the heart.
May there be green gardens on earth
They smell fragrant, exuding sweetness.
And the main thing is that there is no war.
We wish peace to everyone, from edge to edge!

Let the days of war drag on for a very long time,
Let the peaceful years rush by quickly.
Victories near Moscow, near Kursk and on the Volga
History will remember forever.
May you now be fathers and grandfathers,
The whiskey was silvered with gray hair.
You will never forget the spring of Victory,
The day the war ended.
Even though many are out of commission today,
We remember everything that was done then
And we promise our homeland
Save for business, peace and labor.

Celebrating in honor of the Victory
On this day, both old and young.
Grandfathers fought for her
Not for gold awards.
It was painful, it was difficult
Sweat and blood flowed like a river,
But for the good of the world it is necessary
It was like standing up like a wall then.
To veterans - honor and glory!
Low sincere bow!
A well-deserved “Bravo” to you!
You are an example for us in everything!

Let spring rage, let the country rejoice,
And the fireworks shoot into the sky.
And confessions of words on this day, as always,
We speak, listening to our souls.
War veterans, and those in the rear
Covered up with work and patience,
We wish well. And may it always be with you
There will be loved ones, God and luck!

Spring has come to earth again,
And all living things are in her power.
And waking up from sleep,
The soul is now captured by passion.
Even though all the battles have died down,
We will hardly forget that time.
After all, for the sake of happiness and love
The soldiers died the death of the brave.
Let's not know troubles,
We will preserve peace throughout the planet.
So that we can play weddings,
And the children laughed joyfully!

May your sky be clear
The star of joy does not go out.
And the roar of tanks and guns
He will die forever.
Over the years, without arguing,
We wish you with all our hearts
Health and health again,
And a good and great life!

You are not young - you are already gray,
But still slim, youthful...
My dear grandfathers -
The property of the entire country!
There are so many troubles on your shoulders.
Heads of camps and executions,
But you also carry a hundred victories
You are in a blaze of gilded glory.
Like on a march, hearts are beating,
Crutches and doctors - just for show...
You will be replaced by shelves of grandchildren
And the country will not be offended!

Victory Day is a holiday for the entire country.
The brass band plays marches.
Victory Day - a holiday of gray hair
Our great-grandfathers, grandfathers and those younger.
Even those who have not seen war -
But everyone was touched by her wing,
We congratulate you on Victory Day!
This day is important for all of Russia.

Not only in war is courage needed,
And in everyday life there is a place
Such words as courage and glory,
Such concepts as perseverance, friendship, honor.
Congratulating you on Victory Day,
We wish you not to lose your fortitude.
And accepting every day with a smile,
To share the warmth of the soul with others!

Spring. Victory. How much in a nutshell
And boundless happiness, and pain.
So let it be in our lives and hearts
There will be no place for hostility or anger.
Let's save this world
We will protect you from death and explosions
And we will protect our future,
Until the Earth cooled down from grief.
Let us stand up for our children in the gap,
So that goodness and happiness surround them,
So that we can raise our sons in peace,
And they didn’t touch the grandchildren for misfortune.
We wish everyone smiles and love,
May May last forever in your families!
May all your days shine with light
And they give you the joy of life endlessly!

Today and the years are already gray
Since the war was over,
But congratulations on Victory Day
The country of grandfathers and great-grandfathers.
Thank you, dear, dear,
Those who protected us then
And those who defended Russia
At the price of military labor.
We congratulate you with love,
And the great-grandchildren will remember the day,
Washed by your pure blood,
When the lilacs were in full bloom.

Fireworks are going off in your honor today.
We congratulate you, veterans, on Victory Day!
It's great that this holiday exists.
Thank you, our grandparents!
You have carried the heavy cross with dignity
And they undoubtedly deserved glorious honors.
We wish you many wonderful years to come,
So that you never grieve about anything!

Let me congratulate you, friends,
Happy May 9, Victory Day!
Let neither evil nor trouble touch you.
Live, the joy in your heart is not hidden.
Share your smile, kindness,
Let your soul not become impoverished with love.
And may fate be a reliable hand
Protects your sleep and peace.

Please accept congratulations in verse
Happy May 9, the day of spring and light!
Let luck accompany you in business,
Let your soul be warmed by the sun.
We wish you brilliant victories,
Roads to successful, correct decisions.
After all, there is no limit to exploits in life,
So be ahead of great achievements!