There is an unshakable stereotype in the minds of many that gifts are made with their own hands either by children or by those who do not have the finances to purchase something truly worthwhile. But this is absolutely not true. No matter how many “store-bought” gift options have been invented, only those made with your own hands carry warmth, attention and care. After all, the giver puts his soul into them, devotes time and creates an exclusive that is unlikely to be available to anyone else. To understand that this is not the last century, we offer you an interesting selection of gifts that you can create on your own.

DIY birthday gift

There are many options for birthday gifts that you can make yourself. And the choice of a specific one depends on the age of the birthday person, his preferences and tastes. A selection of various options that will be appropriate both as gifts and as gifts for a wide age category.

Let's start with the fact that gifts can be not only pleasant, but also useful! For lovers of everything practical, we suggest making a wall-mounted key holder like this. It’s as easy as shelling pears to make, and the costs are minimal, and such creativity takes very little time. But in the end it turns out to be a very useful thing. The frame itself can be decorated at your discretion, but it is best to choose a style and color scheme that will be in harmony with the room where this beauty will subsequently hang.

Continuing the theme of frames, there is another option to use it as an interesting idea. This “board” can serve in a variety of ways. It can be either a photo holder or act as a stand for “reminders”. No matter how the birthday boy decides to use it, in any case, the gift is not only original, but also very useful in everyday life, and it is simple and very quick to make.

Why are simple piggy banks inconvenient? Because you never know how much money is there. But this can be corrected if you give the birthday boy such a piggy bank. Firstly, such a piggy bank lifts your spirits by being on the wall and showing how full it is of money, and secondly, the filler itself can use a marker to count directly on the glass, recording the accumulated amount. By the way, the gift itself can be given not empty, but with financial filling.

Candles are an attribute of warmth and comfort, and they are also romantic. A beautiful candle is a universal gift that will be appropriate both as a main gift, such as a set of candles, and as a present. Making such candles is quick and not at all difficult. For decoration, you can use either purchased lace or crocheted with your own hands. Simply brush the glue onto the glass and wrap it in lace. Once everything is dry, place a candle in the glass and you're done!

Another option for candlesticks. You will need to spend more time on it than the previous one, but it looks gorgeous. It will be necessary to impose motifs of different diameters, but at the same time you need to ensure that they can fit together harmoniously. After this, you need to inflate the ball, use PVA glue to attach the motifs to the ball and hang the latter to let the glue dry. After complete drying, carefully burst the ball and place a candle inside.

An unusual gift from all sides. It will decorate any room with its presence, and the recipient is unlikely to guess the materials from which all this beauty was created. But these are nothing more than ordinary toilet paper rolls! Cheap and very beautiful. How to make such a picture can be seen in the step-by-step image. Again, nothing complicated, just a little patience.

This work of art is made according to the same scheme as described above, only in a slightly different improvisation.

The same useful toilet paper rolls can also decorate a mirror, making it a bright spot on the wall.

DIY wedding gift

What is usually customary to wish newlyweds on their wedding day? Love, happiness and... financial well-being. Words, words, but you can present a truly symbolic gift. They can act as an umbrella of financial security. It’s simpler to make, but it looks original.

Another option to hint to the newlyweds about the importance of the financial side of life is to give an initial family budget. The main thing is to think about the label; you can copy what is written in the image below, or you can use your imagination and come up with something of your own.

And a young family can take away such a beautiful money vase to their new home. This is both symbolic and very beautiful at the same time. Making such a gift is not difficult, but the result is amazing and such a gift looks very expensive.

And, of course, how can you do without a wedding album?! Stores offer formulaic and boring options, so the most skilled needlewomen can try their hand at it. Yes, it may seem very difficult at first, especially for beginners. It would be hard to call the activity simple, but if you try, you can create such a thing even for those who hear the word “scrapbooking” for the first time. There are a lot of detailed video tutorials on the Internet, where craftswomen show everything step by step, all you have to do is repeat it. But such work will definitely be appreciated by the newlyweds, especially the bride.

Another idea for a wedding present is this tree. An interesting design of a gift in the form of a painting will look appropriate on the wall in the apartment and will remind you of a memorable date. You can use it as you please. For example, each of the guests will write a wish to the newlyweds on a separate heart, or give a gift to the pure ones and let the newlyweds themselves write warm words of love for each other. As a last resort, you can leave everything as it is, just as a keepsake.

DIY gift for mom

Mom is the closest person. She will always understand, listen and support, she will be on your side even if you are wrong. Therefore, a gift for the most beloved person should be selected especially carefully and responsibly. There are a lot of options for such gifts, we offer only a few that can be realized with your own hands.

Cosmetic bottles can be decorated very beautifully and originally. The design style can be very different, from the kanzashi technique to crocheting. Or you can combine several types in one. Such a gift will decorate your dressing table and will constantly remind you of the giver.

A homemade photo frame looks simply amazing. To make such beauty you need to purchase the simplest frame-base. Such blanks are cheap and can be found in any Hand Made store, and you can add decorative elements to them. It can be anything: stones, rhinestones, beads, seed beads, etc. The decorations are fixed to the frame either using instant glue or hot glue.

The next gift is made according to a completely similar principle. Only instead of a frame, any shape that can be made from wood and other dense materials will serve as a blank.

For lovers of practical gifts, the option of a homemade mug is suitable. You can decorate it however you like, just rely on your taste and create beauty for your loved one.

An original gift that will look very beautiful on the refrigerator or magnetic board. Homemade magnets are very easy to make, and the whole process can be followed in step-by-step images. Select the best family photos, scan them into your computer, and print them out in smaller sizes. Next, cut them out in the shape of the stones and glue the photo to the stones, and then the magnet.

DIY gift for dad

Unlike moms, dads are never sentimental, or they are very good at hiding it. Therefore, for dads, the gift should be practical and necessary. As a rule, it is precisely this criterion that interferes with the flight of creativity and sharply limits the options for possible gifts. Nevertheless, you can combine business with pleasure and make such a gift with your own hands.

A good option is a watch. A very necessary thing and you can make it in an original way by decorating the frame with decorative elements. For example, coffee beans. These elements are fixed with instant glue or hot glue.

Another option for a homemade and much needed gift is a calendar. You will have to work hard to create such a present, but it is worth it. If time is short, you can make the process easier by creating a wall calendar.

What could be more useful in everyday affairs than a diary or notebook? How wonderful it is to create such a useful accessory with your own hands. There are a lot of options for diaries that can be Hand Made; there are variations for both beginners and professionals. And in order not to translate expensive material, you can practice on drafts in advance. The whole process from start to finish can be watched in video MKs, of which there are a lot on the Internet.

DIY gift for sister

A sister is your best friend, so a gift for her should be special. You can please your sister with a homemade gift, the main thing is to know what is closest to her heart. An option for a universal gift could be a selection of joint photographs, beautifully framed in one single frame. Decorating with a garland will give the gift special warmth and comfort. This amazing gift will make your sister feel once again how dear she is to you.

A pleasant soft, warm and cozy rug that will give you a sea of ​​emotions from touching it. By the way, using this principle you can make not only rugs, but also entire bedspreads, and what’s even better - make a whole set. It will take longer, but such a gift will look gorgeous.

Original candlesticks on which photographs of you and your sister will appear will be both useful and original. Photos are transferred to glasses, or glass jars and other similar things using glue and water. First, the surface must be degreased and dried. Next, you need to apply PVA glue to the glass with a brush and attach the photo, pressing it harder. As soon as everything dries, you need to moisten the surface with a cloth and begin to carefully remove the photograph paper. Do it carefully and then the image from the photo will remain on the glass. After this, you need to place a candle inside and that’s it, the gift is ready!

DIY gift for grandma

Grandmother - how much warmth there is in this word! You can make a very beautiful knitted lampshade for your beloved granny. It’s not that difficult to do; we’ve already written about the technique earlier.

Using a similar principle, you can beautifully decorate jars that will definitely come in handy around the house. Or, they can be used as candlesticks. Whatever their purpose, in any case they will decorate the room with their presence and make it more comfortable.

Another useful gift option for grandma is a glasses case. It is very simple to make and looks original. Such a cover can be made from a variety of materials, but a felt cover looks “warm”. The cover itself can be decorated with figures of animals, flowers, or it can be embroidered with a nice inscription.

DIY gift for a man

The process is not simple. Typically, shaving foam and socks come to mind. And despite the fact that all this sounds banal and simple, they can be presented in a rather original way. For example, a gift box in which pairs of socks will be beautifully folded, and in addition there will be a bottle of expensive alcohol and candy. You can compose such a set at your own discretion and add to it whatever your heart desires.

They say that men have become smaller now, so it can be presented with a hint. Remind a man of his main life goals by presenting a complete set for a “real man” as a gift. This set includes everything you need and nothing you don't: a pacifier, an acorn and a hammer. And all because the main tasks of the stronger sex are to raise a son, plant a tree and build a house.

For needlewomen, the gift option may look like a decorative pillow for interior decoration. Making it is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. To make it you will need a simple small pillow, a shirt and a tie/bow tie. Basically, you need to sew something like a pillowcase out of a shirt, put the pillow inside and close the seam. Such a gentleman's gift will certainly be appreciated by the recipient.

DIY gift for husband

A gift to a beloved husband should fully reflect the feelings of a loving wife. Such gifts can be very sentimental, but if not this is how you can show love in a material way.

One of the options for pleasant gifts for your loved one is a set of tea, but not just any tea, but with love! You will have to work hard to create such a gift, but how cute it will turn out in the end. You need to carefully remove all the labels from the tea bags, and in their place place miniature envelopes, in each of them you must first put a love message or a wish for the whole day. Now every time your loved one sits down to drink tea, a radiant smile will shine on his face.

Another option for a cute and pleasant gift is creating a photo collage like this. It will not be difficult for even the most inept hands to make, and it will take very little time.

A necessary and very warm gift is to knit a cover for a mug and place pleasant words on it. Such a gift will constantly remind you of you, and will also play a useful function, because with such a case you can drink even the hottest tea without burning your hands.

Original do-it-yourself gifts

Very simple to make and at the same time quite original and very necessary - a rug made of pebbles. The most difficult thing in the creation process is to select the ideal stones that would match in size and harmoniously fit on the selected surface. And then everything is simple - take a carpet, stones and glue. It is desirable that the glue be moisture-resistant, because this rug will be washed, and so that it does not fall apart after a couple of cleanings, you need to do everything properly. First, without glue, lay the stones on the rug the way they will lie in the finished version, and then, lifting each one, apply glue to the stone and place it in place, pressing each element for the prescribed time. Such a rug turns out to be very heavy, but it will not crawl on the floor, but will remain in one place.

Other things can be done using a similar principle. For example, coasters for hot dishes or plates made from pebbles look very beautiful and original. Here's where your imagination lies.

A homemade pendant is a huge space for imagination, because it can contain everything you want. From important symbols to photographs of loved ones. Making such a pendant is quite simple, but the recipient of the gift will definitely not remain indifferent to such creativity. By the way, blanks for pendants can be easily found in specialized online stores or in Hand Made departments.

A simply stunningly beautiful candlestick can be created from the simplest materials at hand. The image shows an example of how the lampshade for a glass is made; the main thing is to make sure that it goes exactly along the neck.

An original bowl for sweets or something else light is made from the bare minimum - sequins, glue and a balloon. To make the bowl as strong as possible, you need to apply several layers, waiting for each one to dry. After the last layer has dried, you need to remove the ball. The bowl itself can be trimmed by cutting off all the excess on top, or left as is, which will also look unusual.

Only the most courageous are not afraid of vaccinations and injections, but it is unlikely that anyone will agree to voluntary vaccination. What if you plan to inject vitamin “₽”? No one will definitely refuse this. Giving money in this way is a very interesting idea that will certainly be appreciated. Buy syringes, place banknotes in them, and print humorous instructions on the computer indicating the dosage and side effects.

DIY gift for a friend

What girl doesn't love jewelry? There are few of these, so a homemade headband will be very useful. Moreover, knowing such a technique, you can create real masterpieces. It is likely that the first time it will not turn out as expected, but constant practice will certainly bear fruit. The detailed implementation stage is clearly visible in the step-by-step photos, so there should be no problems.

A mug with a delicate design for sure. This beauty is very easy to make. To do this, you will need the simplest nail polishes, a plain mug and imagination. Drip varnishes of matching color into the water one by one, and then use a toothpick to create an intricate pattern. After this, simply carefully lower the mug into the water so that the design completely “sits” on the surface of the cup, and lift it up. Let the drawing dry and that's it. To prevent the design from peeling off, it is advisable to additionally apply a suitable glossy coating on top.

Another original gift option for a friend is a decorative candle with a photo of you together. We have already talked about how to transfer a drawing from a photo to another surface, and this is clearly visible in the photo.

Knowing what kind of phone your friend has, you can give her an original smartphone cover as a gift. You can make it any way you want and with anything. The most common option is decoration with rhinestones. To work, you will need the simplest plain cover, decorative elements and glue. First, the working surface needs to be degreased, and then, using a marker or pencil, apply the future location of the rhinestones. The rhinestones themselves can be fixed using high-quality glue. A case with an individual design will surely please your friend.

Despite the fact that each of the gifts in our selection is divided into a specific category of recipients, you can give them to anyone, at any time, the main thing is that the gift is in the theme and likes the hero of the occasion. And remember, gifts that you made with your own hands are not only no worse than those you can buy in a store, sometimes they can even surpass them in all respects.

Female friendship is a warm and tender feeling that binds two people with real family ties. This loved one faithfully keeps your secrets and little women’s secrets that are inaccessible to anyone else around you.

By using your imagination, you can, as if by magic, create an incredible surprise for your best friend on her birthday. A non-standard congratulation and a memorable gift simply cannot leave her indifferent. The donated sweets will be eaten, the money will be spent, but your unique gift will be remembered for a long time.

SMS congratulations

Ordering a luxurious limousine under the windows of the birthday girl is a luxurious option, but not everyone has the means or opportunity to organize something like that. Fortunately, there are a lot of gifts and congratulations - they are easy to organize yourself, but they will surprise and delight no less than the most expensive gifts.

For an original SMS congratulations, you need to agree in advance with the people who will participate in the surprise. On the day of the holiday, they must send her an SMS with the appropriate text. It can be a classic congratulation or a comic and original one, in a certain style.

There should be a lot of such SMS, so you should ask everyone you know to help you in advance. There are many communities on the Internet dedicated to holiday flash mobs, where people will happily respond to your cry for help. The main thing is that all SMS are sent in the same time range - just imagine the look on the girl’s face when she is inundated with such wonderful “spam”.

Surprise box

As a gift for a sentimental young lady, you can use a real magic box created with your own hands! All you need is a small cardboard box and a little imagination.

You can decorate the box in any way you like, but it is advisable to select the decor based on the preferences and interests of the hero of the occasion. If they love sports, wrap the box in bright paper and decorate it with stickers with images of bicycles, balls, tennis rackets, etc. If the birthday girl considers herself an ardent Star Wars fan, paper with a print depicting the characters from the film will bring her to the present delight!

Inside, put all sorts of cute little things related to your common memories. Photos together, a keychain brought from a common trip, a dried flower, a bottle with her favorite scent, several nail polishes, etc. Let this small box become a container of pleasant impressions and good mood. Additionally, you can put the birthday girl’s favorite candies, small lollipops or chocolates in it.

Hello from the star

How can you surprise your friend more on her holiday, if not with a sudden video greeting from her idol? Find out the name of her favorite singer or actor, and find some video with a famous person on which you can add a congratulatory text.

Ask your mutual friend to record the text on a voice recorder, and in a special video editing program you can easily combine the audio track and image. It’s good if the pauses in the video coincide with the voice: this way you can create the effect of professional voice acting.

A shocked girlfriend will forever remember such an original gift. You can also collect a whole collection of similar congratulations from various famous personalities, and each of your friends will give you a disc with their own version.

Friendly certificate

It’s easy to make a unique certificate of wishes with your own hands, which the donor is obliged to fulfill at the request of the birthday girl. It can be made humorous, with funny wishes, for example, “The right to be the most beautiful at the party,” or more practical, say, “Certificate for choosing a movie at the cinema.”

It is best to arrange such a gift in the form of a checkbook. To make it you will need a notepad, bright markers and colored stickers. On each page you must write one wish, and if necessary, the page can be easily torn out. You can supplement the sheets with bright illustrations and stickers.

Adventure quest

For a fan of adventure films and a lover of all sorts of adventures, you should arrange a real treasure hunting quest. Such a quest can be thematic, based on the plot of a film or comic book. In this case, all the details of the adventure must correspond to the atmosphere and scenery of the film. For example, you could design paper clues to look like parts of an old treasure map from the Pirates of the Caribbean movie.

All clues must be carefully hidden, disguised or buried in the quest area. Each of them should lead to the next. For convenience, make a map and write down all the places with hints: if something happens, you need to help the birthday girl find them.

The very first clue must be given or placed in a visible place so that it can catch your eye. At the end of the quest, the girl will have to find a gift, securely hidden where other people cannot find it. Such a surprise will be remembered for a long time.

Sudden Journey

If you have the means and have been saving money for a long time in order to arrange a truly luxurious holiday, organize a truly grandiose congratulation.

You should choose the weekend closest to the holiday and order two passes to a spa complex or a holiday resort outside the city. Massages, spa treatments, a swimming pool and a bar will lift your spirits and help you relax after a busy day.

To make such a present unexpected, you need to keep silent about the destination and ask your girlfriend to go with you under the pretext of helping at the dacha. Do not name the exact location, rent a car or ask a friend to give you a lift, but the driver is also obliged to strictly keep the secret.

Just a few hours' drive and luxury apartments, helpful staff and two wonderful days of relaxation await you! There you will be surrounded with care and attention, and such an unusual weekend will give you both a well-deserved rest and a lot of new emotions.

For a real fashionista

For a friend who dreams of becoming a style icon and conquering Paris Fashion Week, gift shopping with a real stylist and image maker is ideal. It is advisable to prepare a gift certificate for her favorite store, where the master class will be held.

Invite the birthday girl to go shopping with you on the eve of her birthday under the pretext of picking out dresses for the celebration. Once you reach your destination, you should be met by a stylist with a gift certificate.

Trying on and buying new clothes and shoes will cheer up any girl. By choosing a festive outfit together with a professional, she will receive not only new emotions and impressions, but also a luxurious look for the upcoming event.

Portrait likeness

An almost win-win option for congratulations is a portrait of the hero of the occasion from a professional artist. Let the artist draw her as a character from a movie or book that she likes. A specific background and an authentic outfit in the style of the film will make the image recognizable.

Find a portrait photo of the girl in good quality, not necessarily full-length, because the artist will independently think through the details of clothing according to the theme of the image. It is important that the face in the photo is at the appropriate angle, and the quality of the photo allows the master to see all the features and nuances of the appearance in order to transfer them to the canvas with maximum accuracy.

If the birthday girl is a creative person and understands fine arts, order a portrait in the style of her favorite artist. A modern “Mona Lisa” in the style of Leonardo da Vinci or “Girl in front of a mirror” by Pablo Picasso will decorate any interior.

Special issue of the magazine

An exclusive issue of a popular youth magazine with a photo of the hero of the occasion, released especially for the birthday girl, can be an original gift. Such a magazine can be stored on a shelf with books or in a frame under glass.

If you don't have the budget for professional printing, do it yourself.

Such a magazine can be ordered from a printing house or photo workshop. For the cover and spreads, you should choose the most successful and high-quality photographs. In modern programs, you can easily correct minor makeup defects and create a unique image that matches the theme of the magazine.

Let the content of the pages consist of articles dedicated to the birthday girl, her birthday and your memories together. Come up with interesting texts, remember funny stories and fill the journal with them. For inspiration, you can look through interviews with famous people and use them to create an interview on a fun topic, such as “How do you always be such a great friend.”

Planning a party for your best friend is both simple and incredibly difficult. You know everything about her, you can literally read her thoughts. A surprise for your best friend should be prepared in advance and several options should be considered at once.

DIY surprise for a friend

It is very easy to prepare an original surprise for your friend, especially if you have known her all your life and have experienced many funny moments. For example, you can find the best photo in your album, where you and her are together, and print it on a plate or cup; photos are often printed on T-shirts.

You can make a surprise for your friend's birthday using a computer program. Surely on your PC there are many photos that are associated with interesting events. Just edit the movie and add good music that will remind you of the good events in your friend's life.

Surprise for a friend's 20th birthday

It’s not difficult for a young and energetic girl to come up with a surprise. If she likes to take care of herself, treat her to a day at the beauty salon. And for the determined adventurer, give her a certificate for a parachute jump for two. She will never forget such a birthday. If jumping is too extravagant an option, you can get by with horseback riding or go-karting.

A surprise for your best friend can be prepared in the classic form. Order a cafe and decorate it thematically according to the birthday girl’s preferences. Invite all your friends and buy a huge cake. And so that the party does not turn into an ordinary feast, prepare competitions and a quiz for all guests. Pre-invite your friend for a quiet evening and get-togethers together, and ask your friends to say they are busy and thereby ensure the birthday girl’s guaranteed attendance for the evening.

Prepare a surprise for your friend’s anniversary and order her a photo shoot from a good photographer. Every woman dreams of being on the cover at least once, so why not please her friend with such an opportunity? Beautiful makeup, many outfits and all the attention to her alone will delight her friend. Moreover, such a gift will equally please both a young girl and an older woman. For a young and energetic girl, you can order a themed photo shoot with props and special makeup. Maybe a friend has always wanted to have some beautiful nude photos. But for a more mature woman, a walking photo shoot in a park or square is suitable.

Surely you know her hobbies and hobbies well. In this case, the question of what surprise to give your friend will not arise at all. For a lover of floriculture, you can choose a grandiose flower pot that fits well into the interior of the apartment. Perhaps a friend has often told you about a treasured ottoman for the bedroom or a beautiful vase, which are too expensive to buy for no reason. You can please her and present her with such a desired item.

You can also take the simplest route and buy her a ticket for an interesting pastime. It could be a day at a spa, a dolphinarium or a gift certificate from a good perfume store, or you could spend a day with a manicurist and get a great nail design. You will definitely like such gifts.

In the workshop you can order a portrait of a friend, it will be a good surprise for her birthday. If she dreams of interesting home decor, it can also be made to order. It is an exclusive gift that will emphasize your special attitude towards your friend and the value of your friendship. By the way, under the balcony you can write declarations of love not only for your beloved boyfriend, but also for your girlfriend.

A close friend’s birthday is a real puzzle: you don’t know how to surprise your friend on her birthday while giving her a gift that she has long dreamed of. Even an inexpensive present will be remembered for a long time if emotions and impressions are attached to it.

Method number 1 – create intrigue

You can surprise your friend not with a gift, but with the process of presentation. An alternative is not to give the main gift right away, but to arrange an adventure game. First, give your friend a gift box with a mini-surprise and the first puzzle, after solving which she will get to the second mini-surprise with another clue, and so on until she gets to the main gift. And in each mini-surprise, in addition to hints, put some pleasant little things: a chocolate bar, a flower, a soft toy or a souvenir.

You can be intrigued if the gift is packaged in a small box, which is placed in a larger box, and so on. During the process of unpacking the gift, the birthday girl will go over the possible options in her head.

Method number 2 - make an original gift

A win-win option is to surprise your friend with a gift made for her. A T-shirt, mug, phone case with a name or photo will not get dusty on a shelf or in a closet. The girl will like the painting with her portrait.

A professional artist will draw such a portrait from a photograph, and to make it even more interesting, ask the master to depict the birthday girl in the image of a favorite book or film character, against the backdrop of the sea, landscape, mountains or medieval castles. You can draw a picture in different painting styles: from romanticism to post-impressionism.

Method number 3 - create the mood

A surprise for a friend on her birthday can be done even before the main gift is presented, creating the mood. The birthday girl will be delighted if she wakes up in a room decorated with balloons, fresh flowers or butterflies. Don't torment her with waiting for the first congratulations over the phone. She will not be offended by a night call with a request to look out the window if she sees a wish in it, laid out with candles.

It is unexpected and joyful to receive congratulations from strangers. To do this, let a dozen people she doesn’t know send SMS with congratulations at the same time. An incredible number of letters from unknown numbers will cause a lot of emotions in your friend. In order not to congratulate her with banal phrases, prepare: record a comic song, create a slide show or make a video in which you tell her warm and sincere words.

Method number 4 - make an original gift with your own hands

A proven method of original congratulations is a do-it-yourself surprise for a friend. For those with a sweet tooth, it’s more pleasant to receive goodies not in a bag or box, but in the form of a bouquet, in which sweets are wrapped instead of flower buds.

An alternative option is to bake homemade cookies, but not with fruit or cream filling, but with wishes. Another original way to congratulate is to make a cake out of cardboard. Let it consist of boxes in the form of pieces of delicacy, inside of which there will be pleasant little things: a magnet with a joint photo, lip gloss, a bottle of your favorite perfume. If you plan to give money as a gift, then it is better to present it in an unusual and original way, for example, in a bag tied to a balloon, or in a photo frame.

Method number 5 – give emotions and impressions

Impressions and a good time will surprise your friend on her birthday. So that the name day celebration does not turn into banal gatherings at home, and the hero of the occasion feels like a queen, and not a dishwasher and cook, book a table for her in a restaurant. Spending holidays at the table is a stereotype; it’s better to celebrate your birthday in a water park, on the beach, in a bowling alley or a paintball club. At the end of the evening, give a final surprise - give a limousine ride around the city at night.

For calm natures, a good gift would be a certificate for treatments at a spa or beauty salon, which will give you the opportunity to pamper yourself and relax. A certificate for a professional photo shoot is the best surprise for a friend who loves being photographed.

What can you give to a girl?.. Oh, for this occasion I have prepared for you more than 150 options for what to give to your friend! I give you a huge list with examples! It is not only for a friend, but also for a colleague, sister, mother, mother-in-law, beloved - for any woman. Just look through gift ideas for your friend and choose what suits you best)

Difficulty in choosing gifts familiar to everyone. Ideas for gifts may appear throughout the year, but when the holiday is just around the corner, they seem to disappear somewhere...

Of course, it is much more difficult for us girls to choose a gift for a man, but when choosing a gift for a friend, it can be oh so difficult. Especially if you have been friends for a long time, a long time ago, and it seems that everything has already been given. And the question arises: “What can I give to my best friend?”

It’s even more difficult to figure out what to give to a young man’s mother, a female colleague, a boss, or just an acquaintance - that’s also a challenge.

Therefore, along with I also made a list of what exactly can you give a girl? . There are tons of gift ideas here, so just choose what suits you)

I worked hard on this article, so if it is useful to you, please write a comment about it or share the article on social networks - this will help me continue to write useful things and look for new gift ideas for you. Thank you)

What gift should I give my friend? Gift ideas


An emotion gift (also known as a gift-impression) is a certificate that gives you the opportunity to spend an unforgettable and unusual time by choosing interesting entertainment. It is presented in a beautiful themed box.

If you have already given everything away and don’t know what else to come up with, choose for a friend gift-emotion . Such a gift is unique, it’s hard to go wrong with the choice, plus it will give her a great feeling, great photos and pleasant memories)

I often buy emotional gifts for both girlfriends and friends in a cool store of impressions P.S.Box(this is the leader in the gift certificate market). This is an excellent gift design, everything is fast and well organized.

If we talk specifically about gifts for girls, the following options are perfect:

  • Spa experience- happiness for any girl
  • Hobby certificate- interesting pastime to choose from
  • Emotions for gourmets- for those who love to cook and know a lot about food
  • Extreme gift- for active ladies)

Horseback riding, photo sessions, tea ceremonies, various master classes, romantic dates, spa programs, quests, extreme entertainment and much more - Here You will definitely find a gift for your friend!

I recommend emotional gifts for those who seem to have everything. It’s easy to make a mistake with a thing, but it’s very difficult to make a mistake with a great emotion! Plus it's unusual and it creates stronger emotional bonds between you.

Original and personalized gifts

  • If emotions are not a suitable option, but you still want to give an original and good gift, then go to Valley of Gifts— there are unusual and personalized gifts here.
  • If you live in Moscow or Yekaterinburg - definitely, just be sure to look at the gifts in Fanburg store- This is one of my favorite stores. There are cool gift sets, strawberry bouquets, unusual things and beautifully decorated treats - and everything is very stylish!
  • I also offer a very cool and original personalized birthday or anniversary gift for women over 40 (this is for mother, mother-in-law, grandmother, boss, colleague, older sister): this is an archival copy of a real Soviet newspaper that was published exactly on the day your birthday girl was born ! Information about the birthday girl is added to the newspaper, and the rest of the articles are real events of the day she was born, be sure to check it out!

Let's go look at a bunch of other options:

A few specific ideas for her

What you can give - options:

  • Original video card from
  • unusual bear made of roses
  • fur cape for car seat
  • spa gloves for hand care
  • compact home exercise machine(not as a hint to “it’s time to lose weight,” but if she likes to take care of herself)
  • Pavloposad shawl
  • personalized Christmas glass
  • flash drive with her initials
  • Marshmallow gift set

Ready-made ideas so you don’t have to think for a long time:

  • Gift set cream+mask from Vichy
  • Kit cleansing + toning from Vichy
  • Natural coconut oil
  • Lavender bath foam
  • Kit goat milk soap
  • Hair mask with argan oil
  • Makeup set: sponges, brushes, brush cleaning palette

What she can wear:

  • Penyuarchik
  • Nightie
  • Stockings
  • Good quality tights with a pattern
  • Beautiful or funny lingerie
  • A T-shirt/T-shirt with a print that she likes (with a cute cat, with her favorite band, with a picture from her favorite TV series, game or book)
  • A sundress or a small light dress, if you know its size
  • Soft feminine sweater
  • Shorts or comfortable pants for home or sports activities
  • Soft terry or elegant silk robe
  • Stylish or fun and very cozy pajamas
  • Slippers in the form of animals or soft and warm slippers-socks, slippers in the form of Teddy bears or sexy heeled slippers with furry
  • Scarf: warm winter or light silk
  • Pareo for the beach
  • Beach hat
  • Gloves: leather, leatherette or knitted
  • Chain
  • Suspension
  • Bracelet
  • Beautiful watches: designer, branded or simply stylish
  • Earrings
  • Piercing (if she has something pierced)
  • Sunglasses (keep in mind that real sunglasses (which not only darken the view, but also protect the eyes from the harmful rays of the sun) are quite expensive. You can look at what glasses she wears now and find similar ones in style, but of high quality )
  • Belt

Useful accessories:

  • Beautiful umbrella
  • Wallet
  • A beautiful diary if you keep diaries or like to write down and plan something
  • Signal key fob (which comes with a button that you can press to find your keys - for those who often forget where their keys are)

Cases, covers, bags:

  • Leather cover for passport or car documents
  • Cover for tablet
  • Case for phone
  • Laptop bag
  • Beautiful clutch
  • Cosmetic bag
  • Women's sports bag if she does some kind of sports
  • An ordinary women's handbag, not necessarily expensive, as long as it is of high quality and beautiful
  • Beach bag

Purely feminine:

  • Manicure set or manicure accessories separately
  • Electronic nail care device
  • Set of nail care products
  • Pedicure products
  • Hairpins, elastic bands
  • Professional comb, the same Tangle Teaser
  • Neck, head or foot massager
  • Curling iron
  • Cosmetics (mascaras, lip glosses, lip/eye/eyebrow pencils…)
  • Cosmetics storage box
  • Jewelry storage box
  • Shampoos, shower gels
  • Various creams, lotions, masks, foundations, scrubs and sprays (choose quality ones that are really good)
  • Gift ideas from L'Etoile Here
  • Good milk for removing makeup and cleansing the skin
  • Soft beautiful washcloth
  • Set of face masks
  • Foams, oils, balls And salt For bathroom
  • Certificate for beauty salon
  • Certificate for spa salon
  • Set of expensive nail polishes
  • A set of polishes + products + lamp for making gel polish at home
  • Mirror
  • Special massage comb
  • Certificate for a photo shoot
  • Certificate for a cosmetics store or a soap and bath store
  • Anti-stress toy or pillow toy
  • Bed sheets
  • Anatomical pillow
  • Stylish blankets or pillowcases for comfort
  • Soft beautiful towel
  • Hair removal products or devices (also for close friends)
  • Beautiful candles that will suit the interior, candles for the bathroom (preferably natural, harmless, for example like this)
  • Incense sticks or home fragrances
  • Set of extensions (if you know exactly the color of her hair)

Drink - eat:

  • Good wine, martinis, tequila - what does she like?
  • Good coffee
  • Tasty candy
  • Bouquet of sweets, bouquet of berries
  • Set of chocolates
  • Chocolate figures
  • A specially ordered cake shaped like something or with a special photo or message
  • Set of tea with sweets
  • A selection of collectible candies (not those sold in grocery stores, but designer candies from special boutiques)

For kitchen:

(caution, only for best friends or older women!) :

  • Glasses for wine, cognac or champagne
  • Beautiful glasses
  • Egg molds
  • Interesting unusual ice molds
  • Any utensils (various frying pans, saucepans, baking dishes, beautiful plates, bowls, fruit bowls, etc., etc.)
  • Sushi set
  • Cookbook
  • Set of towels
  • Beautiful napkins
  • Sandwich maker
  • Pancake maker
  • Waffle iron
  • Mixer
  • Blender
  • Toaster
  • Roaster
  • Microwave
  • Fondue maker
  • Multicooker


  • A figurine that matches the interior (if it is not minimalist)
  • Tablecloth
  • Bathroom set (glass for toothbrushes, soap dishes... - if she doesn’t have her own or they look bad, and you found something very suitable for her interior)
  • Painting (with extreme caution!)
  • A photo frame or photo album (only if she likes to print photos and display them!)

For computer:

(if she is a computer geek) :

  • Webcam
  • Wireless keyboard
  • Cool wireless mouse
  • Card reader
  • Flash drive (not necessarily an ordinary one, you can find it in the form of bears, cats - whatever she likes)
  • Mouse pad

Electronic devices:

(more expensive gifts) :

  • EBook
  • Telephone
  • iPod or other mp3 player
  • Tablet (not necessarily an iPad, now there is a very large selection of different tablets)
  • Laptop (well, this is already in the category of very expensive gifts)


  • Poker set (if she likes poker)
  • Board games (monopoly, mafia cards, puzzles)
  • Darts game
  • Puzzles
  • Collectible chess (silver plated, glass, bronze...)

Other great gifts:

  • A portable battery (portable charger) is a very convenient thing to charge your phone or tablet anywhere (if she travels a lot)
  • Headphones
  • Camera
  • Large capacity memory card if she has a camera
  • A book (if you know she likes to read and the book itself is really good), a collector's edition of books, or books that improve life
  • Something from an erotic goods store (handcuffs are the most harmless =))
  • An older woman will like her portrait painted from a good photograph

If you have a car:

  • DVR
  • Navigator
  • Holder for your mobile phone
  • Girly pink car kit
  • Key fob - car lock defroster
  • Vacuum cleaner for car
  • Massage cover for a car seat (if you spend a lot of time driving)
  • Fur seat covers (relevant in winter for cars that do not have heated seats)

If she is a hiker:

  • Sleeping bag
  • Tent
  • Compass
  • Bowler
  • Thermos
  • Backpack
  • Camping refrigerator

If she is musical:

  • Microphone (wired or wireless)
  • Karaoke
  • Some musical instrument (flute, harmonica, maybe with a self-instruction manual)

Something unusual:

And don’t forget about special gift shops (like the Red Cube). Although they mostly offer something completely crazy or unnecessary, sometimes you can find great gifts!

And also, install the Joom application, go into it and you will immediately see a bunch of interesting ideas for gifts:

  • download Joom for iPhones
  • download Joom for android

Tickets, certificates:

You can give a certificate for two, let them go somewhere with your loved one, or you can arrange a surprise by gathering all your best friends:

  • Tickets to the concert of your favorite band
  • Hot Air Balloon Flight
  • Skydiving
  • Horseback riding
  • Going to the aquarium
  • A trip on a small yacht, boat, catamaran or motor ship (in general, find out what interesting things go along your river)
  • Helicopter/plane/steamplane flight
  • Flight in a wind tunnel
  • Playing paintball or laser tag
  • Flying a fighter jet flight simulator
  • Rent a hummer limousine or vintage car and drive around the city with champagne

Additions to the gift:

A good addition to a gift for her would be:

  • Beautiful bouquet of flowers
  • Air balloons
  • Special Gala Dinner
  • Cake baked by you
  • 100 notes “why I love you” (this is if you are a man)
  • Slideshow of photos of you and your memorable moments

Original ideas for giving a gift:

To avoid giving a boring gift:

  • Arrange for her
  • Buy lots and lots of balloons and hang a gift on them
  • Put a gift in the cake
  • Give a gift after a funny video greeting
  • Order a courier dressed to deliver a gift (policeman, superman, man in black...)
  • Set up a quest to find a gift. Organize an exciting quest adventure for him with a map, a treasure chest and solving riddles!

Choosing a gift without stress

Sometimes choosing a gift for a girl turns into a hassle. To prevent this from happening, you need to:

  1. Think about the gift in advance. I recommend setting a reminder on your phone a couple of weeks before the event - this way you can think about the gift, choose it and, if necessary, order it without running around.
  2. Have a list of gift ideas on hand. Oh, yes, here he is! And it is replenished all the time! Therefore, keep this article bookmarked, it will come in handy)