Many parents often wonder: what to do with their child in the evening? What can you play? And it seems that there are not so many games or that they have all already been played. In fact, there is always something to do. The main thing is to use your imagination and have fun.

Children love active games, so I suggest them to top the list:

  • Hide and seek . Children love to play this game. But it is better to play it if you have a large house or apartment. Although, if you wish, you can do it in a small one. Children often hide in plain sight; your task is to look for them as long as possible, preferably with comments. Everyone will laugh: both children and parents. It's always very funny what happens.
  • Balloon game . Place a chair at the end of the room (if there are many children, then two chairs). The child should hold a medium-sized balloon between his knees, walk to the chair, walk around it and return to the starting position. If there are several children, then you can arrange a competition to see who can complete the task faster. At a children's party, divide the children into teams and let them compete. If adults take part in such a game, children will simply be delighted.
  • Save your friends . Your favorite toys are suitable for this game. My boys have a set of Paw Patrol puppies and robocars Paulie, Amber, Roy and Helly. I hide them in different places, and the children’s task is to find and save them. Dolls, robots, cars are also suitable. In general, anything, the main thing is to hide it as much as possible. If there are several children, you can arrange a competition: whoever finds the most wins.
  • Piggy toy (turtle, lion cub, dog, etc.). We take any soft toy, turn on funny music and throw the toy to each other. Then we suddenly turn off the music, and whoever has the toy in his hands must reproduce the natural sound of this animal. This game is good to play with a large group of children, especially on birthdays. You can also include adults - it will be doubly interesting for children.
  • Home bowling . If you don't have a bowling kit, you can easily make one yourself. To do this, you will need plastic bottles, preferably of the same capacity and a medium-sized ball. I think there will definitely be a ball in a house where there are children. The game is active and interesting, and also helps develop accuracy.
  • Fashion show . Not only girls, but also boys love to play this game. Organize a day of “high fashion” without leaving home. You can invite friends or neighbors with children to visit so that there are more people and “models”, it will be much more fun.
  • Obstacle course . Create an obstacle course using available materials. For example, you can cut out “swamp hummocks” or “narrow bridge” from paper or cardboard. Stretch the rope, and the children must walk along it without tripping. Pile up pillows for them to climb over. In general, be smart and use items available around the house, but do not forget about safety.
  • “The sea is agitated once...” A fun game from my childhood. There should be a lot of children playing this game. The presenter says the following phrase: “The sea is worried once, the sea is worried twice, the sea is worried three times, a sea figure (sports, fairy tale, construction, any, etc.) figure, freeze in place.” Children must freeze in a certain position, depicting some kind of profession. The presenter must guess who is in front of him. If someone depicts an incorrect figure or a non-existent profession, then this child becomes the leader, and the leader takes his place.
  • guess who . Everyone sits on chairs or on the sofa, and one child goes to the center of the room and begins to imitate someone with gestures. Children must guess who is in front of them. Whoever guessed correctly goes to the center of the room and asks for the next task. For preschool children, you can write in advance on a sheet of paper who to show, so that it is easier for them, and they can show characters known to their age. Older children can easily cope on their own.
  • Pirate treasure . This game will require a little preparation. You need to draw a map on a piece of paper, marking the location of the treasure on it (leave candy or fruit for the children at the treasure location), cut it into several parts and hide it around the apartment. Then, using riddles or competitions (preferably both), children must assemble the entire map from the pieces and find the treasure. My six year old boys are ready to play this every day.
  • Hike . You can play camping without leaving your home. Pitch a tent in the center of the room, climb into the tent with your children and tell interesting stories. You can turn off the lights in the room and use a flashlight. Don't forget to bring food with you: fruit, cookies, drink or tea in a thermos. Children will simply be delighted with this trip.
  • Edible - not edible . For this game you only need a ball. Take turns throwing the ball to the children and calling out something edible or not. And the child must catch the edibles, and not fight off the edibles or simply not catch them.
  • Tasting . Arrange for children to taste drinks or foods. Pour different liquids into four or five glasses: tea, kefir, juice, milk, compote, just water. Blindfold your child and let him guess what he drank. Or cut the fruit into small pieces, stick it on skewers and let the child (blindfolded) try it, and he must name what it is.
  • Cooking . You can cook dinner with your children. For example, stick dumplings or dumplings. The main thing is that children take an active part in modeling. My kids (all of them!) love helping me in the kitchen, especially making dough. Together we make not only dumplings and dumplings, but also pies, pizza, even cakes.
  • Disco . If you don’t want to invent anything or don’t have enough time to organize something interesting, offer the children a disco. My children love to dance and we often have dances. But not just dancing, but, for example, with balloons or soap bubbles. Believe me, you will have an unforgettable evening by organizing a children's disco, and recharge yourself with positive energy for the next few days.

Educational and intellectual games

Active games are good, but you need to develop not only physically.

And the best way to do this is in the form of a game:

  1. We sculpt figures from plasticine or special modeling dough . By the way, you can make it yourself: half a glass of salt, half a glass of water and flour. You need to knead until the resulting mass does not stick. The dough figures can be left until completely dry, and then painted the next evening.
  2. We draw with paints, pencils, felt-tip pens . You can invite your child to draw a specific something, for example, a forest or a river. My children make their own cards. From white or colored cardboard, they first fold and cut out the shape of a postcard, and then paint it as you like.
  3. Offer children coloring books . Many children love to draw. You can participate in this by discussing with your child what to paint and what color.
  4. A game of shadows . Take a flashlight and turn off the light, using your hands to draw different shapes. Ask your child to repeat something you showed. If that doesn’t work, let him try to impersonate someone himself.
  5. Puzzles . Great game for the whole family. The larger the puzzle, the more interesting it is. We recently bought a 1500-piece puzzle and spent the whole evening putting it together with the whole family. Then the children had already gone to bed, and my husband and I could not calm down until we had completely assembled it.
  6. Children's crosswords.
  7. Find differences . A game of attentiveness. Buy a difference book that is appropriate for your child's age and have fun playing with it.
  8. Mosaics, constructors, wooden cubes – everything is suitable for realizing your fantasy. You can use a constructor to build a city or a farm, and customize many different buildings. If you don't have enough construction sets, cubes and other construction toys will help.
  9. Twenty sticks . Place 20 pencils or markers on the table. Two players take turns taking one, two or three sticks. The one who has to take the last pencil or felt-tip pen loses.
  10. This game is suitable for school age children : choose a long phrase, any one. For example, “building structure” or “sports competition”. Children should form short words from these words. The bigger, the better. Then the words are read out one by one. If any words match, they are crossed out and no points are awarded. For each non-repeating word - 2 points. The one who earns the most points wins.
  11. Field of Dreams . There are several options for the game: you can play according to the gallows principle, that is, we think of a word and write dashes or squares instead of it, and the children guess. The winner will receive a prize (candy, apple, etc.). You can make an improvised drum, like in “Field of Miracles”. But for this you will need: a spinning top, cardboard, paper, scissors, in general, a lot of things. You can’t play a game like this without prior preparation. Using the same principle, you can play the game “What? Where? When?”, having prepared questions in advance.
  12. Shop or library . Lay out books or toys, write “prices” on pieces of paper and let the child sell or buy the goods. If he sells it, then let him tell you what the book is about and count the money. If he buys it, then you tell the child what the book is about. Perhaps after such a game the child will want to read. If you play library, then let the child “advise” what you should take to read in the library and why, why this particular book is interesting. It would be nice if the child also names the author (for older children).
  13. Play hospital, kindergarten, school . Let the child be a teacher or a doctor, and you a student or a patient. In this game you will show your child an example of how to be a diligent student and an obedient patient who is not afraid of the doctor. Of course, it’s good if there are several children, but it’s also possible for two. Or involve your dad, grandma, and grandpa in the game.
  14. Great if you know the art of origami . If not, then you can simply cut out different figures from paper (let the child cut it out, and you just help), and make appliqués.
  15. Board games . We have a great board game that we play as a family. It's called "Erudite". 120 questions on various topics. For each correct answer (answers are attached) the player receives a letter. The first one to collect the word “Erudition” wins.

In addition to all of the above, there are also a huge number of different games: tic-tac-toe, sea battle, cities, children's dominoes and others. Any children's store has a lot of board games for every taste. There are really a lot of them. I offered you the most popular ones in our family. I hope they will help you spend more interesting time with your children. You can invent games yourself, just use your imagination and involve your children in inventing them . They are great inventors!

"Rain again! You can’t go for a walk!” – the mother of a three-year-old boy exclaims with sadness in her voice, looking out the window.

This woman is not at all a fan of jogging in the fresh air; she is simply now faced with the task of keeping her child occupied at home. Of course, you can put on rubber boots and go to visit or the library, but there are circumstances that do not allow you to go outside - for example, the period of recovery. In this case, parents need to look at the day at home not as a boring confinement within four walls, but as an opportunity to have fun spending time together and try something new.

How to keep your baby busy and free up your time

When choosing entertainment and useful activities, you cannot go overboard and turn into an animator under pressure. The child always feels his mother’s mood. It is best to follow these principles:

  1. Half an hour of “quality” time spent together will free up two hours for mom to do housework. The baby vitally needs these minutes, which his mother devotes only to him, he feels that his mother loves him, gets new ideas for play, and then for some time he is ready to occupy himself on his own, only occasionally running up and sharing his successes.
  2. Each type of activity that parents introduce to the child should include independent play.
  3. Parents should not dictate clear rules for the game; it is better to offer some new materials or ideas for its development, and then disappear for a while on business (for example, if a dad gave his child a soft PVC pipe, there is no need to insist that this should be a pipe for the home , maybe the child will make a water pipe out of it).
  4. The goal of parents is not to entertain their son or daughter, but to show them all the variety of activities.

Children's outdoor games for home

If the child is completely healthy and needs to release pent-up energy, and the mother wants not all the things in the apartment to be thrown into disarray, then you can try the following proven entertainment for home leisure.

Obstacle course

Even in the smallest apartment there is an opportunity to create an obstacle course with your child using available materials:

  • a board placed on two books is a bridge;
  • sponges for washing dishes - bumps;
  • thick rope - winding road;
  • pillow - island.

Walking along the route, the child not only has fun, but also practices various skills - balancing, jumping on one or two legs; Plus, it will also be a foot massage track.

When choosing what to do with your children at home, set up a fairy-tale world, and then leave the children to play in it on their own. It’s enough for mom to come up occasionally and offer different complications for the course, but, most likely, all this won’t be needed, the baby himself will continue to improve the obstacle course.

Ready or not, here I come!

Try playing hide and seek, the game has hundreds of interpretations, the difficulty depends on the age of your son or daughter. You don't have to hide yourself. You can offer the baby to hide a few toys, and the mother will look for them, then the roles change; players help each other with the words “Hot - Cold”.

When thinking about how to keep older children occupied, it is good to organize a “Treasure Hunt” with a simple map or clues, for example, “The treasure is hidden in the wild jungle under the tallest palm tree” (i.e. on the windowsill under the largest flower).

Hide and seek can become educational if you send your child to look for three objects starting with the letter R, or give the child a magic box (paint the egg carton compartments in different colors) and give the task to collect small objects around the apartment by color, and then compose a funny story with all the treasures a fairy tale or tell the story of each thing.

My funny soft ball

You shouldn’t completely give up playing with a ball if you want to keep your apartment in order; just make a soft ball (loosely stuff a sock or stocking) or take a small light pillow. With such equipment you can safely play “Edible-Inedible”, “Letters” and other games that require throwing a ball.

Balloons for all occasions

Parents should always have balloons ready; they will amuse and occupy the young restless child in any situation: at home, in the country, on vacation. Children will enjoy fighting with balls (long balls), volleyball or tennis with balloons. After playing one of the active games, you can leave the baby to paint the balls with a felt-tip pen; it’s very exciting to turn a pink ball into a funny piggy, and a long blue ball into an air train and run around the apartment with it.

Get ready to exercise!

Try to arrange a fun exercise with equipment and musical instruments, choosing positive music, preferably melodies of different tempos:

  • to the first song the car will drive around the room: the baby runs and turns the steering wheel;
  • under the second - the butterflies flew: the baby waves his hands with two scarves;
  • under the third - the cat went out for a walk: she walks on all fours, rolls a ball, etc.

You need to do the exercises together several times, select what you really like. Then it will be enough to turn on the music and leave the equipment, and the child will have fun himself.

Now there are many ready-made systems of this type, for example, Ekaterina Zheleznova’s “Music with Mom” complex, but no one forbids you to choose songs and movements yourself. Simple “dancing with a tambourine” and other musical instruments will also bring pleasure.

Little master of a big house

Building your own hut from pillows, blankets, and chairs will never lose its popularity. Find time to light the interior with a flashlight and invite all the toys to visit. The mother can start the game together with the baby, and then only “enter the light” and offer new material for construction.

Frog in the pond

This is an incomplete list of activities that parents can use when puzzling over what to do with their child at home or in the country. Of course, as a last resort, if the mother is sick and very busy, then she will have to turn on some good cartoon or get a tablet with an educational game, but this should not become part of the routine.

If parents entertain their child in this way too often, they deprive themselves of a lifesaver that could save them in critical situations. For example, with cartoons and a tablet it is easier to do inhalation or measure the temperature if the child is not spoiled by them.

If there is a schoolchild growing up in the family, read about it. Don't let your children get bored!

Soap bubbles can be blown almost endlessly. At least until the solution runs out. To prevent this from happening soon, make a large supply: 3.5 liters of water, a glass of dishwashing liquid, a tablespoon of glycerin. The barrel of solution is ready!

22. Drawing without stains

If you pour a little shower gel mixed with dyes into a durable, hermetically sealed bag, your child will be able to draw futuristic pictures with their fingers without getting dirty!

23. DIY car wash

Kids can play for hours in the bathroom with a real car wash, which can be made from a five-liter plastic jerry can, scouring pads and moisture-resistant adhesive tape.

From the canister you need to cut out the body of the sink with entry and exit. Cut dish sponges into thin long sticks and glue them vertically to the ceiling of the sink. Use permanent markers to color the design. Place shaving foam in empty yogurt containers, take old toothbrushes and toy cars. The imagination will do the rest.

24. Science experiment with balloons

Show your child a chemical experiment in the kitchen. Pour a spoonful of baking soda into a balloon and pour vinegar into an empty plastic bottle. Place the ball onto the neck of the bottle and secure tightly. Gradually pour the baking soda from the balloon into the bottle. The neutralization reaction will release large amounts of carbon dioxide, which will inflate the balloon.

25. Frozen Dinosaur Egg

If your child loves dinosaurs, show him how ancient lizards hatched from eggs. Place a dinosaur figurine in a balloon and fill it with colored water, then put the balloon in the freezer. When the water freezes, call the young paleontologists. Remove the “shell” of the ball from the eggs and look at the dinosaur in the ice. You can remove the toy using a small hammer (you just need to do this with swimming goggles so that small pieces of ice do not damage your eyes).

26. Banana ice cream

You can make popsicles with just one ingredient. Take bananas (preferably slightly overripe), peel and cut into thin pieces. Place in the freezer. After a couple of hours, remove the frozen bananas and blend in a blender until the mixture resembles thick sour cream. The ice cream can be eaten immediately or put into molds and re-frozen. Older children can handle the cooking themselves!

In the period from 5 to 7 years, the child develops initiative. He tries to do everything himself and gets upset when he doesn’t succeed. Therefore, when coming up with activities for a child of this age, it is necessary to take into account that insufficient development of initiative will lead to difficulties. A person will only do what he is asked to do. The motto for a 7-year-old child is “I want to do this.” This is the period when the child learns to determine for himself what he wants and why he wants it. Parents need to help him express his desires and set goals.

A child's activities at home at 7 years old can be divided into several types. They can be used in combination with each other, taking into account the fact that children of this age are able to maintain attention and concentration on one type of activity for 10-15 minutes.

Reading books and children's magazines


All children love to draw. Drawing classes can be different:

  1. Encryption. Encrypt the picture with numbers or icons. Take a coloring book and label the colors with specific symbols. Write the explanation of the symbols at the bottom of the page under the picture. Icons are numbers, letters or faces.
  2. Sketching. Ask your child to redraw a picture from a magazine or draw on a given topic. For example, “Draw your New Year’s gift.”
  3. Finishing drawing. Draw a dog without a nose, tail or ears and ask your child to fill in the missing details and color the dog.
  4. Symmetry. This is a game with colors. Take a landscape sheet and fold it in half. On a palette, mix a little paint with soapy water and apply it onto one side of the sheet with a brush. Fold the paper in half and press. Open it up and look at the symmetrical abstract picture. Complete the missing elements and let the drawing dry. You may end up with a butterfly or a flower. You can make drawings using thread in the same way. Dip the thread into the paint and apply it to half of the sheet, cover with the other half and press.
  5. Impressions. Take a rectangular piece of peeled potato and use a knife to cut a convex shape on the cut. Dip the cut in paint and make an imprint on paper. The shapes can be different: elements of grass, rectangles, circles, flowers or hearts.
  6. Abstraction. Draw lines in a chaotic manner throughout the entire sheet to create different geometric shapes. Color each shape so that the same colors do not touch each other.

Modeling from plasticine, salt dough and polymer clay

Modeling not only develops fine motor skills of the fingers, but also promotes the development of imagination and spatial imagination. Plasticine differs from polymer clay in that after heat treating the clay, you will receive a souvenir for a friend in the form of a figurine or keychain.

You can make your own polymer clay.

  1. Place 2 tbsp in a deep plate. spoons of starch, 2 tbsp. spoons of PVA glue, 1 teaspoon of glycerin, 0.5 teaspoons of Vaseline, ¼ teaspoon of baby oil and mix well so that there are no lumps.
  2. Grate 0.5 tsp paraffin on a fine grater. and add citric acid. Stir and microwave at full power for 5-7 seconds. Stir again and leave for 6-7 seconds. Repeat the procedure.
  3. Place the mixture on a plastic board and knead with a spatula until the clay reaches the desired consistency. Store clay in cling film or a container in the refrigerator.

You can make an applique painting from plasticine or salt dough.

  1. Take a sheet of paper and draw a picture with a simple pencil. Glue layers of plasticine or dough of the desired color on top of the sheet. You will get a three-dimensional picture.
  2. You can buy the dough at the store, or you can make it yourself. Take 2 cups of flour, mix with a glass of extra salt, 1 tbsp. vegetable oil and ¾ warm water. Knead the dough and divide into portions. Add a little gouache to each serving. Stir until smooth.

You can decorate the finished dried product. Store the dough in the refrigerator tightly wrapped in cling film. To prevent the dough from sticking to your hands, regularly grease them with sunflower oil. The finished dough product should be baked at a temperature below 100C for about 2 hours.

Making a home theater

A 7-year-old child can make scenery and several figures for a home theater, come up with a script and act out a small scene. Of great interest is the production of the main characters of the scene. They can be made from paper, plasticine or using the papier-mâché technique. Use several types of creativity: appliqué, sculpting, drawing and folding.

Papier mache

  1. Take toilet paper or newspaper and tear it into medium pieces into a deep plate.
  2. Add PVA glue, mixing with paper until it reaches the consistency of plasticine.
  3. Place a half-liter plastic bottle on a board covered with polyethylene and cover it with a thin layer of dampened paper. This will be the character's torso.
  4. You can place the head of a rubber toy on the neck of the bottle and cover it with paper. You can sculpt the head yourself using a thick layer of paper.
  5. After drying, paint the figure with gouache or acrylic paints.

Origami or paper crafts

You can use the origami technique to make theater characters. It involves folding paper in a certain way to form a shape. A simple way to make animals or people is to glue the torso and head separately. The body can be a cone, and the head can be an applique or a pattern on an oval. Such figures are stable and easy to make.

For theater decorations, you can use a simple drawing on a sheet or an applique made of colored paper.


Folding construction sets is every child’s favorite activity. If you have many different construction sets, mix them and build an original building or city.

Chemical experiments

It will be interesting for a child to conduct simple chemical experiments himself and get an amazing result.

  1. Inflating a balloon with a bottle. Pour a glass of vinegar into a plastic bottle. Pour 3 tsp into the ball. soda Place a ball on the neck of the bottle and pour baking soda into the vinegar. The balloon will inflate on its own.
  2. Volcano lava. Take a tall beer glass, pour ½ glass of tomato juice and ½ glass of sunflower oil. Add 2 effervescent aspirin tablets. You will see large lava-like bubbles forming from the tomato juice.
  3. Pierce the balloon with orange zest. Peel the orange. Blow up some balloons. Squeeze a few drops of orange zest over the ball. The ball will burst. Limonene, which is in the zest, dissolves rubber.
  4. Secret message. Squeeze a few drops of lemon juice onto a plate. Add the same amount of water and stir. Write something on the sheet with this mixture using a toothpick or cotton swab and let it dry. After this, bring the sheet to the fire of a gas burner or pass the flame of a candle. The letters will turn brown and appear. You will be able to read the message.
  5. Rainbow in a glass. Take several identical glasses. Pour some warm water into each glass. Pour 1 tbsp into the second glass. l. sugar, in the third - 2 tbsp. l. sugar, in the fourth - 3, etc. Add a couple of drops of different colored dye to each glass. Stir the liquid until the sugar dissolves. Pour some sugar-free liquid into a clean glass. Using a large syringe without a needle, draw liquid from a glass containing 1 spoon of sugar and slowly squeeze it onto the sugar-free liquid. Add syrups as sugar increases. As a result, you will get a rainbow in a glass.

When the weather is bad outside and the child has to stay at home, he begins to get bored and come up with different fun things for himself. For the most part, these are ordinary pranks, after which parents have to clean the entire apartment, save their family who are hiding in fear on the mezzanine, or even repair something.

To prevent such incidents from happening, it is better to come up with a few harmless activities in advance that can captivate your children. This article will help you.

  1. If your child is younger, he will definitely like this method, and you can relax for half an hour or do household chores. Fill a basin with warm water, add some foam or just put some bath toys in there and voila! – the child is enthusiastic, because all children love to squish. As they say, everything ingenious is simple;
  2. This method is suitable for mothers who cannot finish cooking soup because their child asks to play with it. In this case, you can place it at the kitchen table (after removing all sharp objects and other dangerous things), give it a long string and feather-shaped pasta. Encourage your child to string noodles onto a thread, making an unusual necklace for themselves or their mother. This activity will not only help you find a little free time for yourself, but will also teach your child perseverance, concentration and will have a beneficial effect on the development of hand motor skills;
  1. Continuing the kitchen theme, we cannot remain silent about another unusual way to keep a child occupied. This time, cereal will be your assistant - pour a handful of different cereals into one pile and invite the children to put the grains into boxes;
  2. This activity is more suitable for girls, but boys sometimes take part in it too. If your children are old enough to weave knots, purchase several meters of colored ribbons, laces and beads to weave different simple bracelets. Don't know how to do it yourself? But it’s only more interesting this way! You can find a lot of ways and even video lessons on the Internet. Learn a new activity with your child;
  3. Your children love it, but after their creativity you have to wash the whole apartment? There is a simple solution - take a sealed bag, add some shower gel and food coloring of different colors. Now your child can develop his abilities and at the same time remain clean;
  4. There are so few miracles in our world. Who wouldn't want to wield magic? Learn some amazing trick (preferably one that requires dexterity), show it to your fidget, and then tell the secret. The child will certainly want to study it in order to surprise his classmates. You can safely leave your child and not be afraid that he will do some mischief;
  5. To prevent your child from getting bored at home, you can involve him in homework, the main thing is to do it in a playful way. You will be surprised with how enthusiastically children take up making pies, screwing in bolts and other activities that adults usually do not allow them to do. True, you should imagine the consequences of such help: spilled water, dough in your hair, bolts scattered throughout the apartment;
  6. No matter how much parents shout about not letting their child near them, it is worth understanding that we live in an age of technology. Computers and the Internet are the future, and the ability to use the World Wide Web and various programs will soon become mandatory skills when applying for a job and even at school. Therefore, you should not limit your child to sitting at the computer. The main thing is to independently choose games that will have a beneficial effect on his psyche, abilities and skills. In addition, there are a lot of programs on the Internet that will help brighten up children's leisure time - coloring books, drawing programs, panoramas of different cities, countries, the seabed and even space;
  7. Probably the simplest and most favorite activity for children is. Moreover, they begin to move rhythmically to music before they are even one year old. All that is required of you is to turn on the mayhem music and keep the children company;
  8. More than the balloons themselves, children love popping balloons. Inflate a dozen balloons and let the little ones have fun. And to make the game last longer, you can come up with rules. For example, pop the balls only with a certain part of the body or with your eyes closed;

  1. If you have time, make some edible plasticine. To do this you will need cream cheese, cream, powdered sugar and a good mood. You can mold anything, but the best part is that you can eat it later;
  2. Probably everyone in their childhood built castles, tunnels and trains from chairs and blankets. Teach this game to your child. A sea of ​​happy smiles and a lot of free time are guaranteed to you;
  3. The easiest way to relieve a child from boredom is to install a wall bars or hang a swing at home. Believe me, your baby will definitely not be left idle;
  4. On the eve of the holidays, you can invite your child to decorate various decorative items with acrylic paints. For example, before, you can turn plain Christmas tree balls into unique and unique decorations;
  5. Give your child a piece of heaven. Put the soap in the microwave and get a real soap cloud that you can paint or hang over your bed.

Now you can be sure that frosty or rainy weather will not make your kids get bored. Just show your imagination by looking at the things that surround us.

Attention! The use of any medications and dietary supplements, as well as the use of any therapeutic methods, is possible only with the permission of a doctor.