Meeting the groom near the entrance or near the gate of the house.
(This role is better suited to the toastmaster)

What's that noise? What's all the fuss? Who came to us?
Boys, what do you want? Marmalade? Chocolate?
Suit, white collar (looking at the groom)
You are probably the groom?

Come on (Groom's name) the way to his chosen one
put it in banknotes, new and clean.

Do you want to become related to us? So let's take the exam!

On the tray are “tickets” with questions like this:
- Answer a simple question - how tall is the bride?
- Answer, since it’s not a secret, how old is your future mother-in-law?
- Well, surprise us with your answer, what color is your father-in-law's eyes?
- We are very interested to find out what size the bride’s feet are!
- Now tell us exactly how many classes the bride has completed!
- Give an answer to a tricky question: Do they put beets in an omelet?

Right in front of the door.

Three envelopes are glued to the door, and in one of them there is a key to the door.
The groom chooses, makes a mistake - pays a fine.

Door to any room.

In front of the door, the groom reads poetry or sings a song so that the bride can come out.

Well, hello darling. Do you want to see the bride? Give grandma an increase in her pension.

The groom is given a scarf and there are a lot of kisses on it. He must guess
which one belongs to the bride. If you make a mistake, there is a fine.

The groom enters the room.
Sitting next to the bride on both sides are brothers or sisters, nephews...
One person on each side.

Well, hello guests!
- Welcome!
- You have overcome the path to the bride. Do you want the groom to take a seat next to the bride?
- We are waiting for a reward from you. So that (Names of those sitting next to the bride) would be happy to give up their place to you.

A funny bride price scenario in verse

Bride ransom in the verses of "Lost and Found"

- What kind of guy came to us?
Lost something or found something?
What are you looking for in this place?
Answer us (TO THE BRIDE)

Oh, bride, let's see,
I remember that there were, yes.
So you need to go to the warehouse.
Can we find something else?

Maybe a key, keychain, umbrella
Maybe a notepad?

No, oh well. Let's see.
Hey assistant, come here.

(uncle comes out)

- What's happened? They removed it from the place.


Look where our brides are.

Bride ransom in 15 minutes

When arranging the bride ransom, do not delay it, 10-15 minutes will be enough. When selecting competitions, think about whether your chosen one will cope with this or that task (do not go too far, so as not to ruin his mood). There are competitions offered here, among which there will be some that both the groom and you will like.

1. You can write various letters on the steps; the groom, going up the steps, will compliment the bride starting with these letters.

Bride ransom in pioneer style

The ransom process at a wedding is no less important an event than the ceremony itself. After all, it is he who sets the mood for the celebration, brings people together and, finally, allows the groom to take possession of the bride on almost legal grounds.

This ransom is written in pioneer style. Characters: a couple of bridesmaids and a young man.

The entrance is plastered with posters: “Life has become better, life has become more fun,” “Give us youth,” “Give us exceeding the demographic plan.”

Bride ransom scenario "6 tests"

At the door of the entrance (at the gate of the house) where the bride lives, the host greets the groom with his friends and guests with whom he arrived.

Leading: Hello Hello! Are you passing through or visiting us? Why did you come?

The groom answers , who has come for his beloved, begins to negotiate to get to the bride without tests, but of course they don’t let him through.

Original bride price

This scenario is suitable for ransoming a bride living in a private house.

Almost before reaching home, the groom is met by his girlfriends

Hello ladies and gentlemen! Where are you from and where to???
And what do you want anyway? Come on, pass by!
The groom is coming to us now! We are really looking forward to seeing him here!
He will pay us a lot of money, we will go to the registry office together!

Oh! So are you the groom?
Why is it so quiet then???

Where is your zealous horse then? Where is the mustache and dashing look?
Come on in since you’ve arrived, there’s no way to go back!

The wedding date is approaching, preparations are in full swing? A wedding dress for the bride, wedding accessories have already been purchased or at least chosen, a restaurant has been chosen, and many minor issues regarding the wedding have been resolved. It is important not to ignore the bride price, which should certainly be at your wedding.

Bride ransom is a Russian tradition, without which almost no wedding is complete. Usually, the witness is involved in drawing up or selecting the ransom script, but the bride herself can help the witness. Moreover, no one knows her groom better than the bride: what questions will stump him, what tasks will captivate the guests and the groom himself.

Even if the witness or bridesmaids completely take over the development of the ransom scenario, then in any case it is necessary to consult with the bride herself.

We present to your attention the script. Let's try together to make the bride's ransom unforgettable, original and interesting - so that all the guests will admire and remember this day for a long time!

Bride ransom scenario: meeting the groom

The groom and his guests drive up to the bride's house; guests from the bride's side, a witness, and bridesmaids are waiting for them near the entrance, who will conduct the ransom of the bride. Once the groom and witness are out of the car and ready to listen, the witness begins:

And now we will say to the point:
We need to ransom the bride.

What kind of gentlemen came here to us?
For what reasons did fate bring you to us?
What do you guys want? Vodka? Beer? Lemonade?
Or what else do you want? Don't be shy, ask.
Why did you come to us, maybe you forgot something?

(Give time for the groom to answer)

For the bride! These are the times!
Well, do you have money?

(Answer from the groom or witness)

We charge dearly, and we don’t give change:
You came for the bride, but did you bring the ransom?

(Answer from the groom or witness)

In order for us to let you into the house, we need you to pay
In general, our advice is this: fill the tray to the brim
You... (groom's name) don't rush - write your sweetheart's name on the tray with money.

As soon as the groom fills the tray with money and places the bride’s name on the tray, you can invite all the guests to the entrance.

Bride ransom scenario: closer to the goal

The first obstacle has already been passed, the guests entered the entrance and settled down so that everyone could see everything. Before going up the stairs, the groom must put the most expensive thing he brought for the bride into a basin or large cup.

If the groom realizes that the most expensive thing he brought to the bride is himself, then he needs to stand in a basin or cup. Therefore, the basin should be such that the groom can stand with his feet in it.

Bride ransom scenario: questions on the stairs

Now you can climb the stairs, but just climbing is not fun. During the ascent we will ask questions to the groom, there will be one question on each step.

If the bride lives above the fifth floor, then you can ask questions every 3 steps so as not to torture the groom and guests at all. Questions on the steps can be absolutely anything, but we offer an approximate list of questions:

    On what day of the week did you meet your bride?

    The width of your beloved's shoulders?

    How tall is your fiancee?

    What color are the future mother-in-law's eyes?

    What time is it now?

    Bride's leg length?

    When's your birthday?

    On what day of the week was your father-in-law born?

    How old, months, days, minutes is your bride?

    Bride's hip size?

    Has Gagarin returned?

    How many steps have you already walked?

    The bride's favorite dish?

    What school did your fiancee go to?

You can come up with a huge number of questions. The main thing is that the groom answers questions immediately, and if he hesitates or gets confused, he will have to pay off. Questions like “Has Gagarin returned?” They definitely should drive him into a stupor and make the audience laugh.

In the stairwells you can hang posters with prints of the bride's hands, lips or feet. The groom must guess which print belongs to his beloved, otherwise he will have to pay a ransom.

Bride ransom scenario: we approached the apartment

Attached to the door are three hearts with three different keys. To open the apartment, the groom needs to choose a heart with a key.

Here you are standing at the door,
How can I open it faster?
Here are the hearts, they contain the keys,
To get them, pay
Pay and choose
Pick the right key.

Bride ransom scenario: we go into the room

The bride may not be shown to the groom the first time. Everyone approached the room together, we entered (the groom enters first and sees a little girl instead of his bride). A little girl reads a poem:

Hello, dear groom,
I've been waiting for you
You came for the bride
But I was not at a loss!
Look at me
And think quickly
Well, why do you need it?
I'm younger, more beautiful!
If you did not change your mind
And (bride's name) you want to take,
You'll have to pay
Give me a dowry.

The bride, meanwhile, is waiting for the groom in another room, which we approach. The doors of this room are walled up with strings; the groom must cut one string at a time and speak kind words to the bride.

Walled door
What should you do now?
Need to cut the threads
And call (the name of the bride) tenderly.

When all the strings from the door are cut, he says:

That's it, the passage is open,
Come in, honest people,
The bride is sitting by the window,
Only her brother is next to her,
Bargain for a place
So that my brother is happy and happy.

Sitting next to the bride is a brother or cousin, who can only be moved by paying him a bride price. The brother begins to bargain with the groom, first selling the bride's look, the bride's hand, a kiss, etc.

No matter how much they call the bride price an old-fashioned tradition and bad taste, to this day most brides prefer to carry out this fun ceremony (of course, with the consent of the groom). The easier and more fun the competitions are, the better the redemption will be. The bridesmaids should be cheerful and the groom's friends brave, then success is guaranteed.

How to meet a groom without ransom

The cheerful act of ransom, which allows the bride to feel like a princess for whose hand a knight is fighting, is not to every knight’s liking. Sometimes both the groom and the bride do not want to carry out the ransom due to the lack of friends who agree to this or simply do not consider it necessary.

In these cases, there are no special requirements for meeting the groom. You can meet at the registry office according to Western custom. The bride and groom arrive at the registry office separately. The groom arrives earlier and, together with the witness, prepares to meet the bride: he buys champagne and a bouquet in advance, and, if desired, sprinkles the floor with petals. The bride arrives with her father or brother, who takes her to the groom and gives her hand to her future husband.

If you still want to preserve some of the traditions, the bride and groom can spend the night before the wedding separately. The next morning the bride gets ready, dresses, decorates the room and waits for the groom. The groom and other guests should be greeted with a buffet and light snacks, so it would be a good idea to set the table in advance. The bride can decorate her home with balloons, flowers, candles and also rose petals. You can make garlands from the petals and hang them in the doorway of the room like a curtain. Then the moment the groom appears will look especially solemn.

Even if you are not planning a ransom, think through in advance all the details of how to beautifully meet the groom without a ransom. If it is difficult for the groom to speak without preparation, then you need to think about what compliments he will give to the bride, what the bride’s parents and guests will say, where the newlyweds will stand and from what angle the photographer will work.

After the future husband has arrived at his beloved's house, you can uncork a bottle of champagne and drink to the health of the newlyweds. Romantic people can be invited to say pre-prepared vows. Then all the guests and newlyweds go to the registry office.

Bride ransom: how to meet the groom

The bride price traditionally begins with the meeting of the groom. This is an exciting moment for both newlyweds.

  • If the groom's meeting and the entire ransom will be filmed, the bridesmaids should take care of the presentation of the entrance and entrance. A painted and dirty entrance will not make for memorable photographs. An abundance of balloons, posters, flowers, petals and other paraphernalia will hide the unpresentable appearance of the entrance.
  • It would be good to discuss in advance with the photographer what angle to shoot the ransom from in order to avoid unpleasant little things in the pictures.
  • Afterwards, the groom is met by his girlfriends at the entrance to the entrance with pre-prepared competitions.
  • Girlfriends should not only prepare competitions and draw various posters, but also think in advance about what words to use to greet the groom at the ransom. It's good if the words are learned by heart.
  • First of all, one of the bride's friends, who begins the ransom (usually), should ask the groom why he came, and the groom answers that he wants to get married. In all foreclosure scenarios, this part is the same: the future spouse must express his desire to get married and express it with feeling.
  • If desired, you can hire a toastmaster or host to conduct the ransom. Then the young people will be calm that everything will go smoothly.
  • Meeting the groom is not always accompanied by competitions. Sometimes a small dialogue between the girlfriend and the groom with his friends is enough, during which the task of the future husband is to praise his beloved self. Everyone around him must believe that he is the most worthy groom.
  • Jokes and jokes sound good if they rhyme, so quite often bridesmaids wonder how to meet the groom at the ransom in verse. You can find a lot of different ransom options on the Internet and memorize ready-made poems, but the most inventive girlfriends can rhyme the introductory word themselves. This will not take much time and will add a personal touch to the ransom, because the poems were written for a specific groom. In addition, you can do without the traditional “good fellows” and “red girls” by replacing such appeals with more modern associations.
  • A ransom in prose is also not bad, considering that the groom will answer in prose and not in poetry. The ransom can be thematic, then the appeal should correspond to the theme. For example, if the ransom is called “Release of the Princess,” then the girlfriends greet the guest with the words: “Hello, brave knight! You have come a long way to get to this enchanted castle where the princess lives. Tell us why you came here?” After this, the groom replies that he wants to get married, and the bridesmaids ask him to tell about his exploits in honor of the beautiful princess.

The ransom precedes the wedding and sets the mood for the whole day, so it is very important to have fun and without misunderstandings. The bride should feel like a beautiful lady whose hand and heart the groom is fighting for, and not isolated from the general fun. Therefore, you can involve the bride in absentia in the ransom using the Internet, telephone and other technologies.

  • If you have already decided how to meet the groom at the bride price, have prepared tricky competitions and funny sayings, remember that the groom must arrive at the registry office without stains on his suit or twisted ankles. It is better to avoid jumping on steps, drinking three-liter cans of juice and eating onions.
  • Frankly, at almost every wedding there is an overly cheerful guest who pulls the blanket over himself. If there is such an opportunity, then it is better to think right away who will participate in the ransom, and explain to the other guests that only the groom and a few of his close friends are buying, and not all the relatives who will be pushing into the entrance. Even if there are some grievances on the part of relatives, then this slightly unpleasant moment is worth it so that the ransom goes smoothly as planned.
  • Guests, the groom, his friends and girlfriends should be warned that they should not drink for courage before the ransom. Anxiety can be calmed down by willpower or a light sedative, but showing up at the ransom in a tipsy state is bad form. This will not look fun at all, as is commonly thought, but will only add awkwardness.
  • The groom, of course, must try with all his might to pass the tests, but there is no point in being excessively greedy. It looks ugly and can offend the bride.
  • It is necessary to exclude all vulgar competitions from the ransom, and also ask all the groom's friends to avoid indecent jokes during the ransom. There are bachelor parties for such things, and since you have come to pick up a bride, you need to behave with proper manners.
  • If there is a competition with drawing out pieces of paper on the topic “for what reason are you getting married,” you don’t need to write on them “out of the blue,” “because I’m out of my mind,” “they forced me.” It’s entirely possible to come up with other funny answers or remove this competition altogether. If you are planning to make your guests laugh, then you don’t need to do it by offending the bride.

Bride ransom script funny modern 2016

Redemption "Creative"

Near the entrance, the groom is met by the witness and bridesmaids.



- Hello, dashing fellow!

Who is it that came with you?

And anyway, why did you come?

Maybe I got lost for an hour?!

The groom answers.

1 competition “Name of the Bride”


- We value the bride,

We won’t just give it away!

So that you can go to the bride,

It is necessary here, in this place,

Write to us in money

What's your bride's name?

Just don’t be sorry for the money,

Make the letters fatter!

AND The groom must put the name of the bride on the asphalt with money.

After each competition, the witness gives the groom 1 puzzle (piece) of the Heart or the groom buys it. At the end of the ransom, when the groom has all the pieces of the Heart, he must collect it and glue it onto a piece of paper with the outline of the heart. The sheet is attached to the door of the room where the bride is.

For a successfully completed task, the groom receives the first Heart puzzle.

It is held on the street at the entrance.


- Prove your love to the whole world,

Shout louder than anyone else in the world: “I love you!!!”

If the bride doesn’t hear, pay the money,

The groom should shout loudly: “I love you!”

For a successfully completed task, the groom receives the 2nd Heart puzzle.

3rd competition “Traces”

Footprints (available in the set) are laid out on the steps of the stairs. On each of them you need to write a number associated with the bride. The groom must guess all the numbers. 8 traces - 8 numbers.


- All traces lead to the bride,

Each footprint has a number on it.

Guess together!

Means that it is!

1 track Bride's shoe size;

2nd trace Bride's wedding ring size;

3 trace Bride's height;

4 trace Date of birth of the bride;

5 trace Bride's house number;

6 trace Bride's apartment number;

7 trace Date the bride and groom met;

8 trace The bride's favorite number.

Not all questions should be difficult for the groom, let him guess somewhere and pay off somewhere.

The groom and his friends must guess what the numbers on the footprints mean.

For correct answers, the groom receives the 3rd Heart puzzle.

4th competition "Password"

It is held on the 1st floor site.


So say the password!

If you don't know him,

Then pay the money!

The groom must come up with and say a password. You can tell him that the password should be about love.

EIf the proposed option does not suit the witness, the groom must offer another password option.

For a beautiful password, the groom receives the 4th Heart puzzle.

5th competition “Poem for the Bride”


-Show all your courage now

All the ingenuity and diligence:

For the beloved bride

Sing the verse with a breath!

The groom must, as he walks up the steps, recite a love verse of his choice.

For a beautiful verse, the groom receives the 5th Heart puzzle.

6th competition “Reason for Marriage”

Conducted on a floor or between floors.


- That's all, groom. Got it!

There's no escape.

Now we find out the reason -

Why are you getting married...

N and there is a darts game hanging on the wall (included in the set). The target is a poster with reasons to get married. The witness gives the groom 1 dart and invites him to determine the reason for his marriage.

If the reason the dart hit does not suit the witness, she offers the groom a 2nd (3rd) attempt, which the groom buys

For the correct answer, the groom receives the 6th Heart puzzle.

On the steps of the stairs there are pieces of paper on which household chores are encrypted (available in the set).


- There are a lot of household chores,

You should say now

What will you do to your beloved?

Help around the house!

The groom needs to guess all the household chores encrypted by the first letters of their names.

“DR” - to raise children.

“ZP” - bring a salary.

“SB” - wash clothes.

"MV" - take out the trash.

“PM” - to wash the floors.

"GK" - cook and eat.

“VD” - do everything.

“ZhL” - to love your wife

For a successfully completed task, the groom receives the 7th Heart puzzle.

8th competition “Photo of the Bride”


- And now we will find out everything,

Do you know the bride well?

Among many girls

Can you guess your __________?!

There is a poster “Children's photo of the bride” hanging on the wall (available in the set); in the empty windows you need to paste children's photographs of different girls and one photo of the bride.

All photos are in 10×15 format.

The groom must guess which photo shows his beloved.

For correctly guessing the photo of the bride, the groom receives

8th puzzle Hearts.

Carried out between floors.


- So that you can continue on your way,

Give us a little money.

Or sing a love song

About your great love!

The groom must sing a love song for the bride as he walks up the steps.

For a beautiful song, the groom receives the 9th Heart puzzle.

10th competition “Seven Hearts”

Multi-colored hearts are glued to the floor and walls of the entrance at different heights, 7 pieces in total (available in the set).


- Look, all the hearts have scattered.

Here's another task for you.

Show us your dexterity -

Collect hearts without touching the ground with your feet.

The groom, with the help of friends, must collect all the hearts with his hands, without touching the floor with his feet. Friends can hold the groom, but he must collect the hearts himself.

For a successfully completed task, the groom receives the 10th Heart puzzle.

11th competition “The Fate of the Groom”

It is carried out on the site between floors or on the floor. For the competition you will need a chair (stool). On the chair there are 3 glasses with water of different tastes (shot glasses, sugar, salt and citric acid are included in the set.)


- You are probably tired?

We need to slow down...

It's time for you and your friends

Think about it for three!

Here are 3 glasses,

They contain: sour, salty and sweet water.

Choose! And we'll see

What fate awaits you!

The groom, the witness and the groom's friend each choose a glass and take 1 sip from it. The groom's fate is determined by the expression on his face and the faces of his friends, and not by the taste of the water.

For completing the task, the groom receives the 11th Heart puzzle.

12 competition "Dance"

Conducted on site.


-It's up to you to decide

What to do next:

Give us more money

Or dance like a swan!

The groom must perform the “Swan Dance” with his friends.

For performing the dance, the groom receives the 12th Heart puzzle.

13 competition “SMS for the bride”

It can be held on the floor where the bride lives.


- Our dear bride is both beautiful and smart,

10 kind words, the most tender, from the heart,

And write a declaration of love to the bride!

If the bride does not answer, then pay the money,

If you get an answer, then you can move forward!

The groom must write an SMS message to the bride, which will contain an appeal of 10 kind words for the bride. After receiving the answer from the bride, the groom reads it and moves on.

After the bride's answer, the groom receives the 13th Heart puzzle.

There are 3 balloons attached to the wall, individually or in a bunch. Each of them contains a key, one contains the key to the bride’s apartment (balls and 2 keys are included in the set).


- We will not thicken the paint,

The key to the door is in this bunch.

Can you find him?

If you took the wrong one - pay!!!

The groom chooses a balloon, pops it and checks if the key fits. If he makes a mistake, he pays for the 2nd (3rd) attempt.

For finding the key, the groom receives the 14th Heart puzzle.

15 competition “Bride’s Shoe”

It is carried out in the apartment in the hallway.


- You have passed a lot of tests,

But I have to tell you

The bride has lost her shoe!

We need to help our _________ out!

If you can't find the shoe,

You'll take me to the registry office barefoot!

The groom is offered a choice of several closed bags (available in the set) with shoes. Each of them contains one copy of shoes - a house slipper, a man's shoe and a bride's shoe. The groom selects one of the offered packages, opens it and takes out shoes from there. If the chosen shoes do not suit the Witness, the groom pays off and chooses further until he gets the wedding shoe.

For completing the task, the groom receives the 15th Heart puzzle.

16th competition “Collect a Heart”

It takes place in an apartment.


- So you have arrived to the bride,

You're almost together already.

As proof of love,

Symbol - Collect the Heart!

On the door of the bride's room there is a sheet of paper on which the outline of a Heart is drawn. The groom needs to place (glue) puzzles on it in such a way as to create a heart shape.

Witness's closing words:

- Well, groom,

You can do everything, you know everything,

By right you take the bride.

Screamer. Together:

- We wish you on your family journey

Always be a courageous and loving man!

The groom enters the bride's room.

Description of ransom

E That ransom belongs to the type of modern unusual ransoms, but, at the same time, it is simple and original.

This buyout is universal, which allows you to use it either in full or in part by choosing your favorite competitions and creating your own scenario.

The script includes a “chant” for girls, friends of the bride, which is used in case of the groom’s incorrect answer.

“Chant” - say 2 - 3 girls after the words of the witness “Wrong” and stretch out their hands forward and pronounce the highlighted text in one voice.

- Stop, groom, you can’t go,

Pay the money first...

You can “scream” along with the witness. If the groom

pays only the witness as soon as he

paid, the girls say loudly:

- A coin for each

Give us some candy.

If the groom guessed right, after the words of the witness: “Correct”

a “chant” is used (also 2 - 3 girls loudly


- Come on in, dear, don’t stand there!

The word “Correct” is pronounced by the witness in 2 cases: if the groom guessed correctly (answered the question correctly) or after he has paid everyone.

The bridesmaids participating in the “chants” have a “Certificate of the closest friend of the bride”, and when the groom indignantly asks why he should pay them, they answer the groom that they are the closest friends of the bride and show the “Certificate of the closest friend of the bride”.

A “Certificate for the Bride’s Closest Friend” is included in the redemption kit.

It is better to rehearse the “chant” in advance at the bachelorette party; several friends are enough to voice it.

Redemption plan and completeness

1 competition “Name of the Bride”

2nd competition “Declaration of love”

3rd competition “Traces” »

(colored traces, 8 pieces, marker included in the set)

4th competition "Password"

5th competition “Poem for the Bride”

6th competition “Reason for Marriage” »

(“wedding” darts, 3 darts, tape included in the set)

7th competition “Household chores”

(sheets with encrypted responsibilities are included in the set)

8th competition “Photo of the Bride”

(poster “Children’s photo of the bride”, tape included in the set)

9th competition “Song for the Bride”

10th competition “Seven Hearts” »

(multi-colored hearts, 7 pieces, tape included in the set)

11th competition “The Fate of the Groom”

(shot glasses, 3 pieces, sugar, salt and citric acid are included in the set)

12 competition "Dance"

13 competition “SMS for the bride”

14th competition “Key to the Bride’s Door”

(balloons, 3 pieces, tape, 2 keys included in the set)

1 5th competition “Bride’s Shoe”

(shoe bags, 3 pieces, included in the set)

16 competition “Collect a Heart”

(sheet with the outline of a Heart, Heart puzzles, 15 pieces, tape included in the set)

The set also includes:

- Detailed scenario with a description of the ransom;

- Balloons for decoration, 16 pieces;

- Ball pump.

- “Certificate of the bride’s closest friend”

According to tradition, the beginning of the wedding day is the bride price. If it is quite difficult to prepare something large-scale, taking into account the numerous pre-wedding hassles, then it is quite possible to get by with a quick ransom of the bride, the script of which will be designed for 10-15 minutes. Fun and not too complicated competitions are suitable for this. Choose interesting, original tasks with few props.

A quick ransom for the bride is also suitable for a shy, worried groom. After all, not every person is able to sing and dance with ease in the presence of guests, and even on such an important day, and tradition must be observed. Competitions like “answer a question” or “come up with a compliment” will come to the rescue.

The portal will tell you how to write a ransom script for 15 minutes.

Words for bride price

In addition to explaining the competitions, the presenter needs to say a greeting, ask for a ransom, or beautifully praise the groom for completing the task correctly. Of course, you can say everything in your own words, but pre-prepared phrases will make the event more solemn and help the presenter out at the right moment. We have prepared several options for short rhyming phrases that will help in conducting the bride's ransom and add a touch of enthusiasm and positivity.

Greeting options:

  • Greetings, gentlemen! Why did you come here?
  • We are glad to welcome you, groom, but there will be obstacles on your way. Quickly prove how much you value your bride.
  • Hello, dear groom. You are very beautiful today. Answer quickly, without concealing the purpose of your arrival.
  • We are happy to welcome you. We know exactly why he came, but we want to warn you: we won’t just give up the bride.

Please pay the ransom:

  • To remove the obstacle from the path, you, groom, must pay quickly.
  • In order to continue on her way, the leader needs to give her some sweets.
  • To get moving, pay the bride price.
  • To keep the path further, you need to give something stronger.
  • You failed the task, but there will be no punishment. Just pay the ransom, and you can move on.
  • Don’t play around and don’t be naughty, it’s better to pay the fine honestly.

Words of praise:

  • The brave, daring groom completed the task in an instant!
  • The groom is great without a doubt. The ordeal is over.
  • A brave young guy, anyone can cope with the obstacle.

These phrases will be an excellent addition to both the ransom script in verse and prose.

Bride ransom for 15 minutes: competitions


  • Props: paper daisy.

The presenter hands the paper daisy to the groom and says: “Today we will not guess whether he loves or does not love.” After all, your decision with your bride to start a family is a wonderful proof of mutual bright feelings. But why you love each other, you will have to tell. Tear off the petals and take turns naming the reasons why you love the bride and she loves you.” In order for the competition to go quickly, and the mini bride ransom not to drag on, prepare a chamomile with a small number of petals.

Show your talent

Invite the groom to show his talents by choosing: singing a song, dancing or reciting a poem. This competition is perfect for a creative groom.


This is a fairly common and, perhaps, even hackneyed competition, but paying compliments to the woman you love, and even more so to the bride, is always relevant. In addition, this quick task is perfect for a short bride price scenario. There are a huge number of options for holding a competition:

  1. A compliment for every step on a flight of stairs.
  2. A compliment for every letter of the bride's name.
  3. Place footprints or hearts with letters on the groom's path, etc.

Gather the bride

  • Props: a sheet of paper, tape or glue, pictures with parts of the face.

On the eve of the wedding day, the bridesmaid should prepare magazine clippings that show parts of the face. The groom needs to make a portrait of his beloved from these blanks. This simple and quick bride ransom task is very exciting and fun.


A close relative on the bride’s side is involved in the competition: father, brother or uncle. Invite the groom to prove his worth and wrestle with him in his arms. The presenter says: “And now it’s time to show strength and prove that you are truly worthy of the hand of our bride. Fight in your arms with (name), if you win, he will give you the bride, and if not, then you, dear groom, will have to pay the ransom.”

Fire of love

Before entering the room where the bride is hiding, invite the groom to melt an ice cube that contains the key to the treasured room. The presenter addresses the groom: “They say that the power of love knows no limits, its light can dispel the most utter darkness, and its flame can melt icebergs. It's time to prove how much you love the bride. To do this, you need to melt the ice in which the key to the treasured door is hidden, where the beautiful bride is languishing.”

For a short bride price, the script of which is designed for 15 minutes, 5-6 competitions will be enough. Read about how to conduct a bride ransom in the form of a quest on the wedding portal website.

Whether the bride price lasts 15 minutes or half an hour, it should be fun and original, give positive emotions to the groom and guests, as well as the bride, who will later see it on video. To do this, try to choose original and interesting competitions.

The bride price can be carried out according to a short thematic scenario. It can continue the general theme of the celebration or take place as a separate exciting event. The direction should be chosen based on their characters and hobbies of the newlyweds. If you decide to hold a themed ransom, take care of appropriate costumes and props. Try to link competitions to the theme of the ransom.

After a short bride price scenario has been drawn up, you should remind the groom to take with him everything he might need. For example, if you are planning a contest where you need to fill a glass with coins, you need to ask the groom to bring some change with him.

When selecting competitions and tasks, take into account the physical characteristics and character traits of the groom. After all, the tests are, first of all, comic and they should under no circumstances cause him discomfort.

For a short scenario, you should not use overly complex competitions that may drag on. Be prepared for possible changes and hiccups. Consider additional competitions if the buyout goes too quickly or for some reason the competition cannot be held.