• Doesn't sleep well
  • Daytime nap
  • Hysterics
  • Kindergarten is a very important stage in a child’s life. When to send their child to kindergarten, parents decide, depending on the well-being of the family, the employment of mom and dad at work, and the presence of grandparents. But the question has long ceased to be whether this should be done at all. Undoubtedly, kindergarten is useful for the child. It teaches the child to adapt, make contacts, communicate, and live in society. Without these skills, it will be difficult for a child to go to first grade and move on with life.

    However, in connection with visiting kindergarten, mothers and fathers have many questions, which primarily concern the baby’s health. Authoritative children's doctor Evgeniy Komarovsky tells how to prepare a child for an important period in his life, how to overcome the difficulties of the first time and preserve children's health.

    At what age is it better to give up a child?

    This issue needs to be resolved only within the family. Usually children are brought to kindergarten at the age of 1 to 3 years, less often - at an older age. Many kindergartens have recently introduced an unspoken restriction - they do not accept children under one and a half years old. If you have doubts whether it’s time for your child to go to kindergarten, it is better to consult with teachers, educators, and a child psychologist. They will tell you whether the baby is ready for life in a large group.

    Doctors are interested in something else - what the mother will do when she takes her child to kindergarten. If she decided to go to work on the same day, this is not the best decision, Komarovsky believes. Firstly, the child will get sick more often, and this is natural, which means that the mother will often have to take sick leave. And, secondly, the adaptation will be gentler if the mother tries to “dose” kindergarten visits for her child at first.

    Pediatricians, including Komarovsky, consider the optimal option to be a situation where the mother remains at home on maternity leave for a few more months in order to be able to leave the child at home at any time without clarifying relations with the authorities if he has the first manifestations of the disease - a runny nose, cough . This is good for the baby himself, since he will tolerate the disease more easily, and for other children, whom he will not infect.

    Dr. Komarovsky will talk about what a “good kindergarten” is and how to approach choosing a kindergarten in the next issue.


    This is the most difficult thing in the entire history of starting to attend kindergarten. Evgeny Komarovsky emphasizes that there are no children who do not go through a difficult adaptation process. A lot of things happen to a child at once: he experiences, emotionally and psychologically, a lot is also “rebuilt” in his body. In kindergarten there is a daily routine, and therefore the child will have to adapt to it, willy-nilly, new food, the child’s immunity “gets acquainted” with new viruses circulating in the children's group, and hence - frequent incidence of illness, especially at first, while there are no specific ones in the body antibodies.

    How long the adaptation will take depends only on the child himself. For some it is 2-3 months, for others it is a year or even more.

    If parents cannot influence the incidence of illness in any way, then they are quite capable of making adaptation easier. To do this, you need to choose the right time of year when the baby starts going to kindergarten. During seasons of high incidence (from late October to April), it is better not to do this, says Komarovsky. But in late spring and summer - please.

    Possible problems

    Such a significant change in a child’s life as kindergarten can lead to a number of problems, both psychological and medical. However, Komarovsky advises preparing for them in advance. Best of all, from birth.

    Dr. Komarovsky will talk about the concept of “non-kindergarten child” and whether such a concept exists at all in the issue below.

    The trouble is, says Komarovsky, that in most kindergartens they do not maintain the correct temperature regime and do not monitor air humidity. Teachers are horrified at the thought of opening a window and ventilating the group in the dead of winter. As a result, a child who breathes dry air in an overheated kindergarten in a kindergarten gets sick more often. And this is mistakenly considered a contraindication to attending kindergarten. It is about such children that they say that they are not kindergarten children.

    Modern society places fairly high demands on parents in terms of raising and educating children. If previously a child received his first knowledge at school, now a prepared student comes to the first grade, able not only to put syllables into words, but also to read quite fluently. All this is now taught in kindergarten. So parents are worried about what age to send their child to kindergarten, so that he does not fall behind his peers, but at the same time does not receive psychological trauma from parting with his mother too early.

    From one and a half to two years

    Preschool institutions accept children for the most part from the age of 1.5 years, but there are also those (mostly private) that are ready to accept children almost from birth. There are increased demands placed on nursery groups. For example, a smaller number of children compared to other age groups allows teachers to pay attention to everyone.

    And yet, psychologists agree that it is too early to send such children to kindergarten. The fact is that at this age the child’s attachment to his mother is too strong, he needs increased attention, guardianship and care. You can notice how children of this age are afraid not only of being left without their mother for several hours, but even of simply losing sight of her. This period lasts up to 2.5-3 years.

    Some parents strive to send their child to kindergarten earlier, justifying this by the fact that there, communicating with peers, he develops faster. Indeed, the program of preschool educational institutions is aimed at early development, but we should not forget that until the age of 2.5, children do not strive for group games. As teachers and psychologists put it, they do not play together, but side by side.

    The source of communication, which is more than enough for a one and a half year old child, is his family. It is from them that he receives information and acquires the skills necessary for his age. Therefore, if possible, it is better not to send your child to kindergarten too early.

    Video: Why does a child need kindergarten: mothers’ opinions

    Two year olds

    You can try to take your child to kindergarten for the first time at 2 years old, if necessary. It should be taken into account that he will get used to the team not only psychologically, but also physiologically. Staying in an unfamiliar environment, separation from your mother, communicating with many strangers is serious stress that can lead to frequent illnesses, exacerbation of existing ones, and in more severe cases, the appearance of new ones.

    This is the so-called adaptation, and it goes differently for everyone. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare for visiting a preschool institution not only psychologically (introduce the teacher and the territory of the kindergarten, the future group), but also physically (harden up, walk more, start taking vitamins 1-2 months in advance).

    A good solution would be to attend a short-term group (2-3 hours a day) or developmental classes that are held 2-3 times a week. In such classes, as a rule, the mother is present with the baby and even completes some tasks with him. The baby gradually gets used to the fact that he can be interested even without his parents, in the circle of his peers. When visiting kindergarten he will feel more comfortable.

    If, despite all the preparation measures, the child has difficulty adapting, constantly cries, nervous disorders, exacerbation of diseases and other unpleasant manifestations are observed, then it is better to leave him at home for another year. Excessive psychological stress threatens serious problems in the future.

    Video: Advice from a psychologist about the age at which a child should be sent to kindergarten

    Children from 3 to 4 years old

    According to psychologists, this is the optimal age when you need to send your child to kindergarten. There are a number of reasons for this:

    1. Age crises (2 and 3 years) are behind us, the next crisis (7 years) is still far away, which means the child is psychologically more stable and not subject to mood swings. It is easier to find a common language with a three- or four-year-old child than, for example, with a two-year-old who, at all costs, strives to insist on his own.
    2. The child is already socially adapted, knows how to follow the rules, understands what adults require of him, and carries out instructions.
    3. The child’s speech is well developed, understandable and logical, and those around him can easily understand him.
    4. At the age of 3 years, a child needs communication with peers; the environment of his parents becomes insufficient for him. He is able to play for a long time with his peers, learning while playing.
    5. Social and everyday skills are developed: he eats independently, cleans up after himself, washes his hands, washes himself, knows how to dress and undress, and neatly fold things.
    6. Children after 3 years of age are able to control their physiological needs even in their sleep, waking up if they want to go to the toilet.

    Of course, all these skills should be instilled by parents. Some children at 2-3 years old can do all of the above, others even at 5 years old have difficulty dressing themselves. In fact, this not only makes the work of educators easier, but also makes the child’s stay in a preschool institution comfortable. He is already self-sufficient, he can do a lot on his own, so he does not experience psychological discomfort.

    In fact, the age at which a mother should send her child to kindergarten is not as important as the presence of certain skills, indicators of the child’s readiness to be left without parents for a long time. First of all, attention is paid to how he builds communication with others, how he perceives the absence of his mother, and how developed his social and everyday skills are.

    Many mothers would happily raise their children at home until they are five or seven years old - but financial opportunity rarely allows this. In addition, many toddlers themselves, from the age of two, are in dire need of communication with peers and education, which parents cannot provide at home. At what age do psychologists advise sending a child to kindergarten, is it worth seeking a place in a nursery group, and why should you not be separated from your baby for the whole day while he is still very young?

    Age characteristics

    At each age, babies have their own characteristics, which are important to consider before placing them under the care of a stranger for the whole day.

      In year the child is attached to the mother as much as possible. Many babies at this age are breastfed not only at night, but also during the day.

    The little one is showing the first signs of independence - he tries to eat with a spoon, dress himself, help his mother sweep the floor - while often being unsteady on his feet and constantly falling on his butt.

    At this age, the main thing is not to get irritated, not to yell at the child, and to devote as much time as possible to communicating with him - helping to assemble a pyramid, teaching him to wash his hands, comb his hair, and name words in books.

  • From two to three years the child becomes completely independent. Most children are ready to be left without their mother for several hours, under the supervision of a familiar adult. Some children already need to communicate with peers - at three years old this need manifests itself in almost all children. You need to constantly work with your child - he is active and productive.
  • At four years old No matter how hard the parents try to keep the baby busy on their own, he begins to get bored at home. In kindergartens, four-year-old children adapt as quickly as possible - usually within a day or two, children get used to the group and teachers and happily run to the kindergarten in the morning.
  • At what age are children admitted to kindergarten?

    The rules on the admission of children to preschool educational institutions and the work of preschool organizations are considered in the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”. According to the law, a child must be provided with a place in the kindergarten free of charge. Priority for enrollment in a preschool educational institution is given to children registered near the kindergarten, but the lack of local registration cannot become an obstacle to enrolling a child in a kindergarten (Article No. 8 of the Federal Law-273, dated December 26, 2012).

    According to the law, a mother can send her baby to kindergarten at any age.- for example, in a nursery for a child at least six months old - the law does not prohibit this. But basically, the nursery group accepts babies who can already walk well on their own, without support - that is, from about 11-12 months. The main age of children in nursery groups is 1.5 – 2.5 years.

    When is it better to send a child to a preschool educational institution?

    Most child psychologists and specialists working with children under 7 years old are sure that children need kindergarten no less than school (why should a child go to kindergarten and what advantages will we get from it?).

    There is no clear answer to the question of when to send a particular child to kindergarten.

    It depends on the character and temperament of the toddler, and how strongly he is psychologically attached to his mother.

    Others, even at three years old, go to group every morning with hysterics, cannot tear themselves away from their mother and eat poorly in kindergarten, do not play with their peers and take months to get used to the teacher.

    By carefully observing your baby, you can understand whether he is ready for kindergarten. You can send your child to kindergarten if he:

    • easily communicates with peers on the playground, happily joins in joint games;
    • not afraid of adults, ready to stay with grandma/neighbor/uncle for several hours without hysterics;
    • eats and dresses himself;
    • calmly plays alone for up to 30-40 minutes in a row;
    • adheres to a daily routine - sleeps during the day at a specific time, eats according to a schedule.

    All this suggests that the baby is ready for kindergarten and will easily survive the adaptation.

    1. The first, most acute age-related crises of two and three years have passed, the baby’s psyche is stable, he is capable of dialogue and listens to the opinion of an adult.
    2. As a rule, the child already adequately perceives prohibitions and fulfills the adult’s requests.
    3. The baby’s speech is developed enough for him to understand those around him, and they understand him.
    4. At three years old, almost all children are happy to communicate with their peers.
    5. The baby has developed self-care skills.

    There is no need to worry that your baby’s physiological skills are not fully developed.– that is, from time to time he still needs a diaper. In the kindergarten, children quickly get used to the potty and at three and a half years old they already wake up to go to the toilet - both day and night.

    Why shouldn't you start kindergarten earlier?

    Separation from mom, moving to a group where there are many kids of different temperaments, the need to eat, play and sleep for hours for many children, especially very young ones, is extremely stressful.

    Against the background of neurosis in the baby:

    • diseases may worsen;
    • sudden loss of appetite;
    • the quality of sleep will deteriorate;
    • Fears may appear that will lead to psychological problems.

    Preparedness for the garden should be primarily psychological. A child will be taught to eat with a spoon, put on his own shoes and go to the potty in a nursery - and very quickly, especially if there are older children in the group who already know how to do this.

    No one, even the most wonderful teacher, can replace a mother - if the baby is not categorically ready for this temporary replacement.

    How to understand that the baby is not ready yet?

    It will also be difficult for children who:

    1. are not ready to communicate with peers, do not know how and do not want to play and study together;
    2. they literally follow their mother all day long, afraid to even lose sight of her;
    3. do not have any self-care skills - eat on their own, dress themselves, wash their hands, put on their shoes, clean up their toys;
    4. require special nutrition according to a special regime different from the garden schedule;
    5. They are afraid of any adult, except for the closest ones, whom they see every day.

    A lot depends on the specific preschool educational institution and on the teacher who will act as a substitute mother for the child while the child is in kindergarten (how to choose a good kindergarten?). The character and temperament of the child also play a serious role in adaptation. If the baby is inquisitive, cheerful, sociable, and the teacher in the kindergarten inspires real trust, you can send the little one to a nursery even at one and a half years old. If not, you should wait and postpone the first socialization for three years or even a little later.

    When is the best time to send your child to kindergarten?

    Very often parents ask me questions like these:

    – At what age will it be easier for a child to start going to kindergarten - at 2 or 3 years old? At what age should a child be given away? I am leaning towards 3 years, but I often hear that in kindergarten children develop faster and need to be sent earlier.

    But most of all I want to decide for myself whether we need a kindergarten, because I am increasingly inclined to think that I would not want to send my child there. Husband for kindergarten. What is your opinion on this matter?

    – Our child is still 1.6 years old, but they have already started taking him to kindergarten. I am against kindergarten, my husband is for it, his mother is a kindergarten teacher. In my opinion, now you can do without a kindergarten, because many children’s clubs have been opened, where children are in the same children’s group, communicate and work together. All you need is the desire of the parents to work with their child and teach him. I would like to know your opinion on this matter, as a psychologist!

    So, at what age is it better to send a child to kindergarten?

    Should I send my child to kindergarten until the age of 3?

    From the point of view of child psychology, the main need of a child under 3 years old is close, emotionally rich communication with his mother. With the very first and most important person in a child’s life. A person who always understands, supports and, of course, loves. This is ideal.

    How the child’s communication with his mother develops, the extent to which his need for this close and deep contact is satisfied, will determine whether he will develop basic trust or distrust in the world and other people.

    At the age of 2.5-3 years, a child does not yet have a pronounced desire to play with other children, he does not yet know how to do this, and, as a rule, such a need does not arise at this age.

    The whole world for him is his mother. The source of joy is mother, the source of communication and love is mother.

    Therefore, if a child is sent to kindergarten before the age of 2.5 years - this will always be, one way or another, contrary to the nature of the child and contrary to his basic psychological needs - well, he still does not have the need to play for hours with other children and is without his mother for a long time.

    Developmental activities and clubs are something else. You come here with your mother for 1-2 hours, your mother is nearby, she is always ready to help, support, show what and how to do. She is always available. And such activities are good if the child likes them and enjoys going.

    The desire to slowly psychologically separate from his mother begins in a child at about the age of 3, provided that before that the child received “enough” of his mother and was not frightened by a long separation from his mother, and did not experience the fear of suddenly losing his mother.

    What is kindergarten for a child?

    In general, to be honest, kindergartens are not a very natural place for a child to stay. Nature didn't come up with this. Nature did not invent a child to spend 7-8 hours in a group of children who are not his brothers and sisters. And she didn’t come up with a way for him to listen and obey strangers who are not his mom or dad.

    This is a relatively recent, so to speak, invention.

    Previously, there were no kindergartens; children grew up constantly next to their parents, raised by relatives, older brothers and sisters, nannies, and governesses.

    But in the modern world, many parents find it difficult to cope without a kindergarten. And if the child goes there already sufficiently prepared to be separated from his mother for a long time and he already has experience in self-care, the need to communicate with other children, the need to actively explore the world around him, interest in activities - then, of course, this can even be useful for the child .

    Of course, if you are lucky with teachers. And the attitude of teachers towards a child largely depends on their attitude towards you. I will write about this in the next article.

    Should I send my child to kindergarten?

    If you have the opportunity, it is better to send your child to kindergarten when he or she is closer to 3 years old. This will be less traumatic for the child and more or less meet his needs.

    And if you don’t have such an opportunity and you need to send your child to kindergarten earlier, then you need to do everything possible to prepare him for kindergarten as much as possible and minimize the emotional stress on his psyche.

    P.S. If you liked this article, please share it with your friends by clicking on the social media buttons on the left.

    And, as always, I will be glad to see your comments and questions.

    Law: at what age do people enter kindergarten? At what age are people admitted to kindergarten in Moscow?

    Due to the fact that in the 90s the country experienced a decline in the birth rate, most preschool educational institutions were closed. Since 2000, the birth rate of children began to increase and led to the problem of lack of places.

    Parents, going on maternity leave, cannot accurately plan their return to work, and children grow up without an appropriate level of education, which leads to problems in learning at the primary level at school.

    Key Aspects

    Regulations on preschool educational institutions dated September 12, 2008 No. 666 answers the question: “At what age are people admitted to kindergarten?” as follows: if there are nursery groups, you can send the child when he reaches one year. Some institutions accept children from the age of two months. But such preschool students are rare.

    I would like to note that if parents have the opportunity not to send their children to kindergarten at such an early age, then they should definitely take advantage of it, since the child’s weak immune system will be subject to severe tests.

    The new law on preschool educational institutions of 2015 to the question: “At what age should people be admitted to kindergarten?” - gives a different answer. Children aged between three and seven years must be provided with places in kindergartens. And parents have the right to send their child to a preschool educational institution at any time if the child meets the listed criteria.

    Kindergartens in Moscow

    Many parents living in the Russian Federation have the impression that they are the only ones who cannot enroll their child in a preschool institution. And very often you can hear the following question: “At what age do people enter kindergarten in Moscow?”

    Therefore, the Moscow authorities are developing a bill according to which preschool institutions will have to accept all children whose age has reached 2 years. It can be hoped that significant changes will occur in the law on preschool educational institutions in the near future. And to the question: “At what age do people go to kindergarten?” - you can safely answer - from 2 years old.

    Why three years?

    So, according to the law of the Russian Federation, children must be provided with places in preschool educational institutions upon reaching the age of 3.

    • the child’s immune system is not strengthened;
    • lack of preventive vaccinations;
    • unstable psycho-emotional state of the baby;
    • the impossibility of creating groups with a large number of children (since children do not have basic self-care skills);
    • the possibility of one of the parents being on maternity leave for up to 3 years (this fact is provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation);
    • Only from the age of 3 does a child begin to need communication in order to acquire new knowledge and skills.

    What do you need to know?

    Before you figure out at what age they are admitted to kindergarten, it is worth getting answers to the following questions:

    1. At what age does a child need to write an application for admission to a preschool educational institution?
    2. Is there a waiting list for kindergartens and how long is it?
    3. What documents are needed to get in line?
    4. Do the parents have a status that gives them the right to priority?

    Psychologists on age criteria for kindergarten

    Experts, answering the question: “At what age should a child be taken to kindergarten?” - share a common opinion. Still, unless there are compelling reasons, children under 3 years of age should be surrounded and cared for by their mother. Children do not yet need to communicate with peers, as they are just beginning to acquire verbal communication skills. And long separations from a loved one very often, especially at first, deal a severe blow to the child’s psyche.

    What should a child be able to do when entering a preschool educational institution?

    All questions related to preschool education are answered by law. At what age do people enter kindergarten? From 3 years old! The thing is that, according to the regulations of preschool educational institutions, a child entering kindergarten must have a number of skills that are mastered in the age range from 2 to 3 years. These include:

    • ability to independently consume food using a spoon;
    • ability to wash, dry face and hands with a towel;
    • the ability to ask to go to the potty;
    • the opportunity to play with toys independently for 15 minutes.

    Of course, when sending a child to kindergarten at an earlier age, parents should understand that he does not have all these skills. This leads to additional dislike of children for kindergarten, since teachers begin to demand that these actions be performed.

    Private kindergarten

    In the modern world, for parents whose children did not get into a state preschool educational institution, an alternative has emerged to send their child to a private kindergarten. However, only children whose mothers and fathers earn enough will be able to get into such an institution.

    Private kindergartens are usually small - 2 or 3 groups. They are an alternative option and in no way affect the queue for registering a child in a state kindergarten. In this case, the Education Department does not provide vouchers to attend a private kindergarten: this is a voluntary decision of the parents.

    What is different about a private preschool?

    First of all, parents should understand that they will have to pay a monthly fee for their child to stay in the kindergarten. Not every family with an average income can afford such a pleasure. The most expensive are kindergartens in Moscow. For a month of stay in some of them you have to pay 30 thousand rubles.


    You shouldn’t ask the question: “At what age do people go to kindergarten?” - until the baby turns 1 year old. We need to pay more attention to the child’s health and all-round development.

    It’s worth devoting all your free time to your baby, because that’s what maternity leave is for. It is from the moment of birth until the age of 3 that the child needs constant monitoring and care from the mother.

    What if there are financial problems in the family? In any difficult situation you can find the right solution. It makes sense for spouses to look for a job with a 2*2 schedule. Thus, the child will be with both mom and dad.

    At what age do people enter kindergarten? If this is a private institution, the baby can be accepted as early as 12 months. However, we should not forget that close contact with parents at an early age will affect the child’s entire future life. There's no need to rush.

    At what age is it better to send a child to kindergarten?

    If you have the opportunity to stay at home, it is better to send them to kindergarten after 3 years.

    The kindergarten is better than the state one.

    Personally, my daughter was ready at 2.6-2.8 somewhere!

    If it is possible to sit with a child, then this is better than any kindergarten. The age and type of kindergarten depends on the mother’s circumstances. There is a possibility - private, there is no public money.

    if you give it away, then not earlier than 3 years, before that it’s very early

    If there is no urgent need, then I think it is better at least 3 years. We are also 2.4 years old, I would love to go to work, but it’s a shame to send him to a private kindergarten. And from the experience of my friends, I have some doubts about a private kindergarten, no one is responsible for anything, they just take money. There is much more order in the state.

    For me, 3.5 is ideal. I gave my eldest away for the first time around 2.2, and I realized that it was too early, she didn’t recognize me at all after kindergarten, didn’t react to anything, as if she woke up after I shook her by the shoulders, I’ll say several times that it’s my mother, wake up already! We went to the garden for a week. Then I gave it up at 3.5 years old, then I ran to the kindergarten, and on Saturdays I cried because my mother didn’t let me into kindergarten))))

    At what age should a child be sent to kindergarten? Opinion of a child psychologist

    According to the point of view of child psychology, the main need of a child under three years of age is emotional communication with his mother. So, of course, in the best case. And it's not just like that! How the mother and father communicate with the baby at such a tender age determines his future attitude and trust in the whole world. Will it form correctly? Or the child will be closed from the outside world or, on the contrary, trust everyone too much on their way. And the kindergarten plays an important role in this matter.

    Needs of a child under 3 years old

    In the first years of life, children have no need to play with other babies. In fact, he doesn't even know how to do it. And the maximum that they can do is play with themselves, in their own games, occasionally exchanging toys, and sometimes swearing.

    In this case, kindergarten for a child under 3 years old is an unnatural phenomenon. The baby simply does not yet have the need to play with other children and be away from his mother for so long.

    When the 3-year-old crisis occurs, children have a desire to move away from their mother, provided that before that he received all the necessary unconditional love from mom and dad. Unconditional, which means to love and accept someone for who they are. He will also be ready for this if he has not been “scared” by a long separation from his parents.

    Kindergartens - when is it time?

    The kindergarten was not created for children, oddly enough. It was opened so that mom could go to work. To this day, the kindergarten has the same goal - so that the mother can work or, on the contrary, relax.

    If the baby goes to kindergarten with proper preparation, namely: ready to be separated from mom and dad for long hours, has basic self-care skills and strives to communicate with peers and explore the outside world, then this will only be beneficial.

    If possible, it is better to send your child to kindergarten by the age of four or five years. This will make this moment less traumatic and will also satisfy the child’s needs to some extent.

    But not all mothers have the opportunity to care for a child up to 4-5 years old. In this case, it is worth doing everything possible to reduce stress to a minimum, as well as prepare him for kindergarten.

    Kindergarten is contraindicated for a child if he:

    • no speech;
    • increased anxiety;
    • There are plans for a new addition to the family;
    • moving is planned;
    • parents get divorced;
    • loss of a loved one or significant person.

    If a child, brother or sister is about to be born in a family, then it is better to go to kindergarten 6 months after the birth of the baby. But if the mother is expecting the baby no earlier than in six months, then the child can go to kindergarten.

    Which child can already go to kindergarten?

    Your child needs kindergarten if:

    • the mother urgently needs to go to work, and there is no one to leave the child with except his overprotective grandmother.
    • child without communication. He is completely left to himself: he watches cartoons for days, plays on his tablet, and does not go for a walk.

    Before sending your child to kindergarten, find out for what purpose you want to do this. Most often there are three options:

    When a child finds himself in a group where there is no significant adult for him, then his communication skills are “delayed.” And for him now, socialization means that an adult who is significant to him shows him how to behave in various situations. In a group of children under four years of age, socialization is out of the question. No one here has any communication skills yet.

    Therefore, if the purpose of visiting the garden is socialization, then think about everything again and decide whether this format is suitable for you. In addition, there are groups for short stays.

    There is an opinion that if a child goes to a preschool institution, he will be able to learn to respond adequately to aggression and treat criticism correctly, without taking evil statements to heart. But you have to look at the adults around you who went to kindergarten, and everything will become obvious. Do they all really handle criticism and aggression adequately? What about those who didn’t go to kindergarten? Maybe they were never socialized?

    Some argue that a child who did not attend kindergarten does not adapt well to school. My answer to this: if the child already has his own responsibilities and routine, and there are rules and boundaries in the family, then adaptation will be absolutely normal.

    What is the optimal age of a child for kindergarten?

    The question of when to send a child to kindergarten worries many parents nowadays. However, giving a definite answer to this is not as easy as it might seem. Each child is an individual with his own character traits and temperament. Only parents can truly determine a child’s readiness for kindergarten by assessing their child’s behavior and independence. And the correctness of such a decision will directly determine how the baby will adapt to the new environment. What do experts advise on this matter? Let's find out their opinion and then draw appropriate conclusions.

    When should I send my child to kindergarten?

    According to child psychologists, the most suitable age of a child for kindergarten is three to four years. The ideal option is to slowly, gradually and without presenting strict demands, begin to introduce the baby to kindergarten at three to three and a half years old. To help your child settle in faster, first try to go with him on walks with the kindergarten group, then leave him there for half the day. If it turns out quickly enough that the baby agrees to spend time in a new environment, you can begin a regular visit to the kindergarten. If the child does not express any particular enthusiasm for such events, there is nothing wrong with attending kindergarten for a while on a “gentle” schedule. You don’t need to worry at all that your baby will lag behind his peers in some way. The main thing is that after the age of three he does not remain for a long time in a closed home space, together with his grandmother or mother, but step by step expands the boundaries of the world he knows.

    In general, by the age of three, you can safely send your child to kindergarten, since he already has self-care skills, begins to be interested in communicating with the children around him, and is not afraid to remain without his mother for some time. And by the age of four, a child can truly derive satisfaction from communicating and playing together with peers.

    At what age is it not advisable to send your child to kindergarten?

    Psychologists also tell us what age of a child for kindergarten is not entirely suitable for his full development and adaptation to a new environment. So, of course, a one-year-old baby can get used to the fact that for some reason their parents have been replaced by strangers, not very affectionate people. However, to get used to it simply means to resign yourself and suffer, reacting to stress with a bad mood, frequent colds and other diseases, as well as loss of interest in the world around you. Such passive resistance of a child is far from a trifle; it negatively affects his physical, intellectual and emotional development.

    If we talk about children who are about one and a half years old, then most nurseries today accept children at that age. But this is too early! At this time, the child is still strongly attached to his parents and may react painfully to their absence, and therefore to the appearance of strangers, especially if they try to get too close to him. The baby begins to show interest in other children only at the age of three. So, a nursery at this age can be justified only by the most extreme necessity.

    It is a little easier for a two-year-old child to get used to the nursery. However, the general rule remains the same - early! Although at this age a child can really be quite sociable, and if the kindergarten is good, perhaps your baby will be comfortable there. In any case, if you are already convinced that the baby is not afraid of unfamiliar children, has basic self-care skills (can eat on his own, knows how to use the potty), and tolerates your absence without much suffering, then you can try sending your child to kindergarten. But at the same time, be sure to monitor the mood, behavior of the little one, and his state of health. If you notice that your two-year-old is not adapting well to the nursery, then under no circumstances persist and insist on your intention to immediately accustom him to the “institution”.

    We determine whether a child is ready for kindergarten by his temperament

    Temperament, as well as age, plays an important role in when to send a child to kindergarten. As a rule, there are four types of temperament, both in adults and children:

    Sanguine. If your child has this type of temperament (leader, impulsive, curious), then he is most “suited” for kindergarten. An active and inquisitive baby really needs communication, so even at 1.5 years old, new acquaintances and matinees will be a great joy for him.

    Melancholic. Children with this temperament (withdrawn, indecisive, often capricious, not liking change) feel anxious in kindergarten, so it is advisable to send them as late as possible (no earlier than four years old). They feel great at home and do not need a group of children at all.

    Choleric. If your child has this type of temperament (pampered, demanding attention, easily excitable, fighter), then it is better to send him to kindergarten at the age of 3-4 years, when he is already well acquainted with discipline, norms of behavior, and it will not be difficult for him to learn to be responsible for your actions.

    Phlegmatic person. For a phlegmatic child (reasonable, reserved, curious, plays alone, sleeps well), the adaptation period in kindergarten passes easily at the age of 2.5 years. For some time, the child will avoid communicating with peers, and the kindergarten will be a “foreign home” for him. But after a couple of weeks the baby will get used to the new environment.

    Psychological readiness of the baby for kindergarten

    When deciding when to send your child to kindergarten, we advise you to make sure that in addition to the skills required for your child’s comfortable stay in kindergarten, he is also psychologically ready for a new team. The concept of psychological readiness means the child’s ability to find a common language with other children, that is, to be able to change or share toys. Another important aspect of a child’s readiness for kindergarten is the ability to separate from his mother. It is quite clear that if the baby has to part with his parents for the first time on the first day, then this will not end well. Therefore, your task is to accustom your baby in advance to the fact that you may be absent for some time. It can take a lot of time to get comfortable in a group of children and get used to the absence of a mother, and it will take a lot of time for each child differently. If all of the above skills are well developed by your child, his age for kindergarten is quite suitable.

    Kindergarten is a place where a child acquires self-service and communication skills without parental supervision. Complete independence and the ability to negotiate are improved in preschool institutions, if, of course, the child is ready enough for this, and the teacher supports the child.

    If you are thinking about the question of when your child should go to kindergarten, first, make sure that it is convenient for you and meets the general requirements, this will help to avoid many problems. The most convenient option is considered to be close to home or work. However, before going there, collect information about the kindergarten by visiting the city Internet forum or interviewing friends.

    A preschool institution must inspire confidence, otherwise the preschooler may suffer there. If, based on reviews, the preschool institution suits you, visit it with your child. Check out playrooms and bedrooms. Sometimes kindergartens organize an open day; don’t miss this chance to get to know the teachers and the rules better.

    When to send your child to kindergarten

    What time should I send my child to kindergarten? Parents have different opinions on this matter, and different situations in families. Some give it away immediately after their second birthday out of urgent need, while others give it away at 3 or 4 years old. The most suitable age from the point of view of psychologists is from three to five years, when a preschooler needs constant communication with peers. At the same time, when children are sent to kindergarten, they must master certain skills, otherwise adaptation will take a long and painful time.

    The little person must be emotionally ready, able to establish social connections and solve needs independently. Pay attention to the child’s behavior on the playground - whether he shares (exchanges) toys, how he builds relationships. Is a preschooler able to play enthusiastically for 30 minutes without mother’s attention?

    A child ready for kindergarten has the following skills:

    • goes to the toilet or potty
    • washes hands
    • Uses dishes and cutlery correctly
    • dresses and undresses independently
    • resolves conflicts in a non-aggressive way
    • strives for communication.

    Skills will make you feel confident, and the ability to communicate will help you start new friendships and avoid conflicts, and parents who sent their child to kindergarten will feel calmer.

    What time of year is best to give?

    In what season of the year is it better to send your child to kindergarten, you can look on parent forums and notice a division of opinions. Each time has its own characteristics:

    1. Give in the summer

    Advantages: few peers, fewer viral diseases.

    Flaws: the kindergarten is closed for renovation or does not accept newcomers at this time of year, food poisoning and viral epidemics are possible.

    2. Give in the fall

    Advantages: The preschool opens its doors to everyone, there are many new children, which means it will be easier.

    Flaws: Frequent colds and acute respiratory viral infections are possible; for some children, a large number of preschoolers becomes a source of stress.

    3. Give in winter

    Advantages: Preparing for the New Year holiday reduces stress. There are more peers in kindergarten than on the playground.

    Flaws: frequent acute respiratory viral infections, the need to take immunostimulants.

    4. Give in the spring

    Advantages: The preschooler will be glad to communicate, since it was greatly limited in the winter.

    Flaws: the likelihood of colds, difficulties due to a sharp increase in peers.

    In many cases, autumn is the most suitable option. At this time, new groups are recruited, the kids do not get lost in society, because in the summer there were many children on the playgrounds. The immune system gradually gets used to new conditions.

    How often a child gets sick in kindergarten does not depend on the time of year. There are cases where, during the summer epidemic, children were ill to varying degrees of severity, and one child suffered complications. The frequency of diseases depends on immunity, nutrition and the atmosphere in the family. Adaptation to kindergarten depends on the time of year, the attitude of the parents towards the baby, the general atmosphere within the family and the skills of the preschooler.

    Sooner or later, every mother asks herself the question at what age should she send her child to school. Sometimes it is really very difficult for parents themselves to assess their child’s readiness for school, to understand what basic knowledge a future first-grader should have. Let's try to figure out when you can send your child to school, and when you shouldn't rush.

    What the law says

    The Law of the Russian Federation “On Education in the Russian Federation” clearly explains that children from 6.5 to 8 years old are enrolled in 1st grade*. The school can accept into the ranks of first-graders those who go beyond these age limits, but only upon the application of parents, with the permission of the school administration and after a commission that determines the child’s readiness for learning. In short, it is quite possible that a 6-year-old and an 8-year-old will be sitting at the same desk in first grade. For parents, these 1.5–2 years seem like a whole abyss, because the memories are still alive of how they went for a walk to the playground with their newborn, and his current deskmate was already running and sliding down the slides with all his might.

    The oldest, the youngest - is it scary?

    “What if my child is the oldest or youngest in the class?” - parents are worried. In this case, it is worth paying attention to the child’s readiness for school. And this indicator does not consist of age or, say, gender, but of completely different parameters: health status, adaptive abilities, the ability to find a common language with new friends, and many others. It is believed that children who have reached the age of 6.5 years have a sufficient level of maturity for learning. They are ready for a new stage of life physiologically and intellectually, psychologically mature for learning, and have the necessary initial knowledge and skills. But every child is unique: some reach school maturity a little earlier than their peers, while others are delayed at the start. And all this is a variant of the norm.

    Only 10 percent of 6-year-old first-graders are truly ready to learn.

    With “spring” and “summer” children, everything is simpler: by the time they enter school, they are over 7 years old, and it is this ideal age that parents focus on. By September 1, “autumn” children are also close to the age of a first-grader. But mothers and fathers of “winter” children have a choice: take the child to 1st grade at 6.5 years old or wait another year until 7.5. Both fit into the legal framework, and choosing the appropriate option can be difficult. Earlier or later? You will have to look at the criteria for the child’s own readiness for school.

    How do I know if my child is ready for school?

    Intellectual development

    Should a child have basic knowledge when entering first grade? No, inability to read and write will not be grounds for refusal of admission. There is no need to hire tutors for your preschooler. He may know the alphabet and write in block letters, but this is not necessary. However, there are a number of skills that he must demonstrate. For example, that he knows how to remember and analyze material. Can read a poem according to age, retell a short text. He knows in which country, in which city, at what address he lives, what his mother and father’s names are - his full name, not his home name. It is important that he answers questions not in monosyllables, but in detail, in sentences of 3–5 words, and is able to use generalizing concepts. Describe an object, talk about a pet, name the author of a favorite poem - all this indicates that the child has a good “baggage of knowledge.”

    + Better earlier: the child is developed beyond his years and easily quotes his favorite works - it’s time to go to first grade, regardless of whether he is 7 or not.

    - Better later: is the baby having difficulty communicating, it’s difficult to get even a few words out of him, is he “confused in his readings”? Leave him at home or in preschool for another year, work with him extra. Otherwise, learning problems will accumulate like a snowball.

    Speech development of a first-grader

    Speech development is very closely related to intellectual readiness for school. Good speech largely shapes a child’s school maturity, his readiness or unpreparedness for learning - and suggests that he will learn to read and write easily.

    + Better earlier: the child does not know who a “speech therapist” is, pronounces sounds clearly and correctly, can distinguish them by ear, and find them in words. He has a good vocabulary appropriate for his age and knows the meaning of words. His speech is coherent and expressive.

    - Better later: if the child is unable to make sounds. Vocabulary is poor. He does not know how to select synonyms and antonyms (brave - brave, good - bad), or it takes him longer to answer than other children. Shy and shy children can also experience learning difficulties.

    Psychological readiness for learning

    The psychological maturity of a child is largely an individual factor: some are psychologically ready for school at 5.5 years old, while for others it’s too early at 8. Of course, the chances that a child over 7 years old has psychological readiness that corresponds to the norm are much greater. School maturity is demonstrated by an understanding of how to behave at school, the ability to work according to a model, follow the rules, etc. Such an understanding of the situation (the so-called arbitrariness of behavior) is formed in children just by the age of 6.5–7 years, and even at 7 years old it is still imperfect, therefore, when choosing a school, it would be appropriate to pay attention to the possibility of soft adaptation (which modern textbook systems allow, for example, “Primary school of the XXI century” is one of the main educational systems recommended for use). This will allow children with different levels of psychological readiness to feel comfortable in first grade.

    + Better earlier: the child has mastered social norms, understands instructions, knows how to follow rules, understands cause-and-effect relationships. He has good performance, he is diligent, and has self-control skills. He is not registered with a neurologist or psychiatrist. Calm, does not suffer from insomnia, dizziness, hyperexcitability, etc. He is active, sociable, and knows how to make friends easily.

    - Better later: the baby has a “weak”, exhausted nervous system, and has a neurological disease. He suffers from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Also, if he is anxious, withdrawn, everything falls out of his hands (which means his fine motor skills are also lagging behind), he is taciturn, conflicted, restless and shows poor socialization skills.

    The health status of the future first-grader

    All future first-graders must undergo a full medical examination and receive a doctor’s report on their readiness to study in a secondary school. Yes, compared to kindergarten, studying at school is real work: instead of walking and napping there is sitting at a desk, instead of games there is reading textbooks and the need to peer at the inscriptions on the board. Not every child will like school meals. An unusual environment and strict school rules make you nervous, and stress aggravates chronic diseases.

    + It’s better earlier: if the child is completely healthy, does not suffer from chronic diseases, and only gets colds 4-5 times a year. His physical development corresponds to age standards or is slightly ahead of them.

    - Better later: the child has any chronic diseases (adenoids, diabetes, etc.), he gets sick 10-12 times a year, he is called “frequently ill”. It’s better to devote an extra year to hardening, improving immunity and general health.

    Motivation to learn and readiness to learn

    When trying to answer the question of when to take a child to first grade, mom and dad often forget to ask the child himself: does he want to study? Curiosity greatly influences at what age a child should be sent to school and whether it will be easy for him there. After all, if learning is interesting, you run to school, but if not, learning is equal to torture. If by the age of 6–7 the child does not show interest in studying, parents and educators should join their efforts in this direction: support the child in his desire to learn, talk with him about how interesting school life is, how many new friends he will have and How exciting it is to learn something new every day. You can play - “rehearse” lessons and breaks, answers at the board, you can go on a tour of the school and see the child’s reaction. And remember that the desire of the child, and not the ambitions of the parents, is the priority in this case.

    What parents of future schoolchildren should not follow:

      the opinion of others - “But grandma thinks it’s time”

      their parental ambitions - “Others went to school, but why is mine worse?,

      the fact that the class is recruited by a good teacher - if the student is not ready, even a good teacher will not meet parental expectations,

      with his ideas about children's friendship - “Oh, well, all his friends have gone to first grade, he will be bored!”,

      reluctance to take care of the child - “They will teach you everything at school, I wish I could give it to you as soon as possible.”

    Child psychologists, defectologists, and speech therapists offer their assistance to parents in matters of their child’s readiness for school. Today, specialists in the field of child developmental psychology have developed many tests that can be used to assess the level of development of a preschool child at different age periods. Invite your child to take the course, and you will find out your child’s level of readiness for school and receive recommendations from experts in preschool and primary general education.

    The most important conclusion

    You should not send your child to school based solely on the opinions of friends, the school’s rating, or scattered recommendations on forums on the Internet. Remember that you are responsible to the child in your choice, trust him to the best, in your opinion, first teacher, choose the “correct” curriculum for the first grader to study. The child should be comfortable and interested in learning. A student’s innate curiosity and cognitive interests require constant and regular support and development, and it is very important for parents to understand this when enrolling their child in first grade. After all, it is in primary school that the future of a child’s educational success is laid.

    *Law of the Russian Federation “On Education in the Russian Federation”, article 19. General education, paragraph 2.

    According to the point of view of child psychology, the main need of a child under three years of age is emotional communication with his mother. So, of course, in the best case. And it's not just like that! How the mother and father communicate with the baby at such a tender age determines his future attitude and trust in the whole world. Will it form correctly? Or the child will be closed from the outside world or, on the contrary, trust everyone too much on their way. And the kindergarten plays an important role in this matter.

    Needs of a child under 3 years old

    In the first years of life, children have no need to play with other babies. In fact, he doesn't even know how to do it. And the maximum that they can do is play with themselves, in their own games, occasionally exchanging toys, and sometimes swearing.

    In this case, kindergarten for a child under 3 years old is an unnatural phenomenon. The baby simply does not yet have the need to play with other children and be away from his mother for so long.

    When the 3-year-old crisis occurs, children have a desire to move away from their mother, provided that before that he received all the necessary unconditional love from mom and dad. Unconditional, which means to love and accept someone for who they are. He will also be ready for this if he has not been “scared” by a long separation from his parents.

    Kindergartens - when is it time?

    The kindergarten was not created for children, oddly enough. It was opened so that mom could go to work. To this day, the kindergarten has the same goal - so that the mother can work or, on the contrary, relax.

    If the baby goes to kindergarten with proper preparation, namely: ready to be separated from mom and dad for long hours, has basic self-care skills and strives to communicate with peers and explore the outside world, then this will only be beneficial.

    If possible, it is better to send your child to kindergarten by the age of four or five years. This will make this moment less traumatic and will also satisfy the child’s needs to some extent.

    But not all mothers have the opportunity to care for a child up to 4-5 years old. In this case, it is worth doing everything possible to reduce stress to a minimum, as well as prepare him for kindergarten.

    Kindergarten is contraindicated for a child if he:

    • no speech;
    • increased anxiety;
    • There are plans for a new addition to the family;
    • moving is planned;
    • parents get divorced;
    • loss of a loved one or significant person.

    If a child, brother or sister is about to be born in a family, then it is better to go to kindergarten 6 months after the birth of the baby. But if the mother is expecting the baby no earlier than in six months, then the child can go to kindergarten.

    Which child can already go to kindergarten?

    Your child needs kindergarten if:

    • the mother urgently needs to go to work, and there is no one to leave the child with except his overprotective grandmother.
    • child without communication. He is completely left to himself: he watches cartoons for days, plays on his tablet, and does not go for a walk.

    Before sending your child to kindergarten, find out for what purpose you want to do this. Most often there are three options:

    • going to work
    • socialization

    When a child finds himself in a group where there is no significant adult for him, then his communication skills are “delayed.” And for him now, socialization means that an adult who is significant to him shows him how to behave in various situations. In a group of children under four years of age, socialization is out of the question. No one here has any communication skills yet.

    Therefore, if the purpose of visiting the garden is socialization, then think about everything again and decide whether this format is suitable for you. In addition, there are groups for short stays.

    There is an opinion that if a child goes to a preschool institution, he will be able to learn to respond adequately to aggression and treat criticism correctly, without taking evil statements to heart. But you have to look at the adults around you who went to kindergarten, and everything will become obvious. Do they all really handle criticism and aggression adequately? What about those who didn’t go to kindergarten? Maybe they were never socialized?

    Some argue that a child who did not attend kindergarten does not adapt well to school. My answer to this: if the child already has his own responsibilities and routine, and there are rules and boundaries in the family, then adaptation will be absolutely normal.