Speaking is a skill whose importance is difficult to overestimate. People communicate with each other automatically and do not even think about what speech mechanisms are involved in the process. There are a lot of sounds we pronounce, but pronouncing some of them causes certain difficulties.

Usually, by the age of 4-5 years, a child can already pronounce almost all sounds. Unfortunately, some letters are much more difficult to master than others. Problems often arise with the pronunciation of the sound L. Kids stammer, distort words and “lisp.” And if in kindergarten this causes affection, then at school the inability to pronounce all sounds correctly can become a serious problem. How to teach a child to say the letter L? It turns out that there are a number of effective techniques that can eliminate such a speech defect at home.

Before moving on to exercises with the letter L, adults need to learn a number of simple rules that will make classes easy and spending time with your child enjoyable:

  • Speak as equals. Don't try to make things easier by babying, you'll only make things worse. Pronounce all words correctly - this is an extremely important condition.
  • Answer questions. If your child doesn’t understand something, stop and explain in more detail. This way your baby will feel strong support, and you will gain his full trust.
  • Turn activities into games. Children learn information well through play. It is important that the exercises evoke a positive emotional response in the baby. Make up fairy tales and arrange unusual adventures. Under such conditions, the child will begin to pronounce the sound L reflexively.
  • Exercise shouldn't be a punishment. In this way, you will discourage your child from wanting not only to study, but also to communicate with adults.
  • Maintain regularity. Conduct classes systematically, at a time that is comfortable for you and your child. The ideal option is exercise for 5-10 minutes 3-4 times a day.

Speech gymnastics

Articulation gymnastics is a set of exercises aimed at developing the organs of speech and hearing. Regular training of this kind will help you learn to pronounce any sounds correctly and clearly, including “L”:

  • "Active dating" Introduce your baby to all the organs that are involved in conversation: lips, tongue, cheeks, palate. Ask your child to sit in front of the mirror and carefully look at what is where and how it can move. During the process, the baby will quietly warm up the oral organs, warm them up and prepare them for classes.
  • Correct breathing. Most of the letters are pronounced while exhaling. And in order for the pronunciation to be clear and clear, it is necessary to control the amount of air. A child's favorite breathing exercises may include blowing soap bubbles or balloons, floating paper boats, or blowing out candles.
  • Smile. It is important to remember that the L sound must be pronounced with a wide smile. Invite your child to smile with his mouth closed from ear to ear and hold the grimace for 10 seconds.

A number of scientific studies have proven that fine motor skills of the hands directly affect the formation of children's speech. If you want your child to speak sounds beautifully and to deliver his speech correctly, buy him small toys and plasticine.

Before starting exercises for pronouncing the sound “L”, you should show your baby the correct position of the articulatory organs:

  • The tip of the tongue is located at the base of the upper teeth or alveoli, and it can also rest against the space between the jaws.
  • The exhaled air should pass along the sides of the tongue.
  • The sides of the tongue do not touch the cheeks and chewing teeth.
  • The root of the tongue is in an elevated position, the vocal cords are tense and vibrate.
  • The soft palate covers access to the nasal cavity.

Usually, a child does not have any particular difficulties mastering the mechanism of pronouncing the sound L, so a visible result is observed after just a few lessons.

Exercises for the sound L at home

Classic exercises:

  • Horse on the street. We depict a wide smile, show our teeth, opening our mouth. We reproduce the sound of hooves with our tongue. You need to start slowly and gradually increase the pace over time.
  • The horse is a spy. A more complicated version of the first exercise. The actions are the same, but you cannot make the characteristic clicking noise. Important! The movable jaw must be fixed, only the tongue works.
  • Feather. Prepare a light feather before starting classes. Ask your baby to smile, open his mouth slightly, and gently bite the tip of his tongue. Now he needs to exhale so that two air flows are formed. Check the strength and direction of breathing with a pen.
  • Sweets. The baby should open his mouth slightly, smile and show his teeth. The flat tip of the tongue should be placed on the lower lip and left in this state for 10 seconds. While your child is doing the first task, take his favorite candy and spread it on his upper lip. Ask your baby to lick the treat with his wide tongue using an up-and-down motion (not side to side). There is no need to use sweets next time.
  • Steamboat. Your child should imitate the sound of a steamboat at home. To do this, you need to pronounce the letter “Y” with slightly parted lips. For the exercise to be effective, watch the position of the tongue: the tip is lowered, the root rises to the palate.
  • Comb. It’s very easy to make the L sound using this exercise. Ask your baby to loosely close his teeth and try to push his tongue between them, as if combing it.
  • Swing. The child needs to swing his tongue from side to side, resting it on his cheeks.

When the training begins to bring the first results, you need to start practicing the pronunciation of the hard and soft sound L in the child. To do this, pronounce words with the desired letter together with him:

  • at the beginning of the word: lava, ladushki, lamp, boat, skis;
  • in the middle of the word: head, gold, ceiling, boulder, smile;
  • in a combination of consonants: cloud, eyes, globe, puzzles, strawberry;
  • at the end of the word: football, channel, falcon, ashes, metal.

Do you think how else can you teach a child to say L? Sing with him often extraordinary songs in “la-lo-lu” and read poems in which the required letter is often found (for example, “Lyulyu-bai” from the collection of poems “From As to Yaz” by T. Marshalova). Another interesting option is developmental simulators from BrainApps. Games for thinking, attention and memory will allow the child to gain new knowledge and increase their level of intelligence in a playful way. By combining speech gymnastics, home exercises and simulators from BrainApps, the child will begin to pronounce the sound L correctly very quickly.

When to contact a speech therapist?

By the age of 4, the sound L is easy for the child, he begins to correctly pronounce words with this letter. However, for a number of reasons, kids can distort words:

  • forget, skip or not hear “L” (instead of “spoon” says “ozhka”);
  • change “L” to “U” or “V” (“lamp” - “uampa”, “Larissa” - “Varisa”);
  • instead of “L” say “Y” (“kolobok” - “koyobok”);
  • confuse soft and hard “L”.

These errors usually resolve on their own or after a few practice sessions at home. In cases where a child’s speech defect is accompanied by malocclusion or a neurological disease, you should consult a specialist. An experienced speech therapist will prescribe an effective training program and help the child pronounce words correctly.

What to do, if a child of 5-6 years old does not pronounce sizzling - W and F. About, how to teach a child to pronounce the letters Ш and Ж correctly, we read in one of the issues of “Family and School”:

The sounds “sh” and “zh” are complex in their articulation, so children master them relatively late and often pronounce them incorrectly or unclearly even by the end of preschool age. There are many options for incorrect pronunciation of these sounds: they are either omitted altogether, or pronounced unclearly, or replaced by others (most often “s” and “z”). Without dwelling on the reasons for these distortions, we will briefly talk about how to teach a child to pronounce “sh” and “zh” correctly.

How to teach a child to pronounce the sound Ш

The normal position of the speech organs when pronouncing “sh” is as follows: the mouth is open, the lips are slightly rounded and protruded, pushed forward (forming a “mouthpiece”). The teeth are somewhat closer together (the distance between them is 1-2 millimeters). The wide tip of the tongue is raised to the front of the palate, but does not touch it; in this case, a narrow gap is formed into which a strong exhaled stream of air is directed. The lateral edges of the tongue are raised, tightly pressed to the upper molars. The back of the tongue is lowered (the position of the tongue as a whole can be compared to a shovel, cup, ladle).

Unlike the voiceless “sh,” the vocal cords are involved when pronouncing the voiced “zh.” The exhaled stream and the tension of the tongue with this sound are weaker than with “sh”. The tip of the tongue trembles and vibrates a little under the influence of the air stream. Before starting classes, you need to check whether the baby’s phonemic hearing is sufficiently developed, that is, whether he can distinguish hissing sounds from other, similar sounds (it is the lack of this skill that often turns out to be the cause of various speech defects). To test and train phonemic awareness, it is useful to invite the child to come up with words with the sounds in question, select pictures whose names contain these sounds, and work out with the child the meaning of words that differ in one sound (for example: Mishka - bowl, Mashka - mask, roof - rat, eat - bite, etc.). Such exercises will prepare the correct pronunciation of sounds.

If the child’s tongue is not mobile enough or is sluggish, then specially selected preparatory exercises are necessary. Here are some of them:

  • stick out a widely spread tongue with a curved tip and raised lateral edges,
  • raise and lower the shovel-shaped tongue to the upper and lower teeth, to the upper and lower lips, etc.

It is useful that the child not only perform certain movements with the tongue, but also that he maintain certain articulatory positions for some time. The child should do all exercises in front of a mirror so that he can control the position of his tongue, teeth, and lips.

After these preparatory exercises, you can proceed to the main ones:

  • First of all, you can try to develop the correct pronunciation of “w” and “z” in your child by imitation. You clearly pronounce words with these sounds several times, emphasizing the sound of “sh” and “zh” with your voice, and invite the baby to repeat it right away. Sometimes this is enough for the child to begin to pronounce correctly.
  • If that doesn’t work, you can use special techniques for making the “sh” sound. The child should stick out his tongue, put it in “position”, and then slowly retract it. When such articulation is combined with a strong exhalation, the sound “sh” sounds.
  • You can get the correct "sh" sound from the "s" sound. To do this, at the moment of pronouncing the sound “s”, the tip of the tongue gradually rises and moves slightly back. To lift the tongue, spatulas, the end of a spoon, and the handle of a toothbrush are used (of course, everything must be clean). With such mechanical assistance, the sound “s” turns into “sh”. Simultaneously with lifting and moving back the tongue, it is necessary to move the lips slightly forward - this is done by lightly pressing the fingers on the cheeks. It goes without saying that if a child has any deficiencies in the pronunciation of whistling sounds (s, z, z), then they should be eliminated before working on hissing sounds (sh, zh, ch, sch).
  • Correcting the sound “zh” after eliminating the shortcoming of pronouncing “sh” is not difficult: the voice is included in the correct pronunciation of the voiceless “sh”, and with mechanical help the sound “zh” is obtained from “z”.
  • The correct sound is fixed in syllables, words, phrases. The child learns poems, songs, nursery rhymes, tongue twisters rich in the sounds “sh” and “zh”. Consolidation of sounds goes faster if it happens in the game.

Violation of the sounds “sh” and “zh” is in most cases correctable, and often the defect is eliminated relatively easily. But an indispensable condition is always the regularity, systematicity of the exercises and the desire of the child himself to correct his speech and begin to pronounce Sh and Z correctly. Both the child and the parents must be patient and persistent. If the results of independent studies are not great, then you need to contact a speech therapist.

Quite often, parents complain that children encounter problems pronouncing sounds that are difficult for them. As a rule, the greatest difficulty for them is hissing sounds; in particular, parents’ questions are related to how to teach a child to correctly pronounce the letters “s”, “k” and others. You need to pay attention to developing this skill in childhood.

The sound C is problematic in pronunciation

Despite the fact that most parents seek speech therapy help most often when the child is already 5 years old, most pediatricians agree that work on sound pronunciation should begin much earlier.

This will prevent the incorrect pronunciation of the sound from taking hold. To carry out such activities it is not at all necessary to have special skills - it is enough to learn only a few simple techniques.

Tips for pronouncing the C sound

How to properly conduct speech therapy sessions with a child? Tips and tricks for parents

How to teach a child to say hissing sounds, including the letter s? Any parent can provide simple speech therapy assistance to a child. However, the success of the events will largely depend on how correctly they are carried out.

If the child does not have complex speech disorders and can pronounce most sounds, home correctional classes with a parent will be quite enough to bring sound pronunciation back to normal. In this case, correct sound production will be achieved through automation of pronunciation.

Speech therapy classes should be started sooner

Exercises to develop sound pronunciation skills are useful not only for children who have certain speech problems, but also for completely healthy ones, due to the fact that they perfectly develop the articulatory apparatus, making it more mobile and flexible.

If a child has more serious problems with sound pronunciation, and in speech he makes a large number of grammatical errors, solving the problem on his own is still quite risky. And the sooner parents turn to a speech therapist for help in solving a problem, the more benefits it will bring to the child. And the easier it will be to teach him how to pronounce sounds and speak correctly.

How is work on sound pronunciation organized?

  • First, you need to find out which speech organs are involved in the pronunciation of sounds that cause problems in the child. You will need to work on them first of all with the help of articulatory gymnastics for one or another letter.
  • Stage of direct sound production.
  • The stage of sound amplification and its learning in special speech therapy poems, texts, songs, etc.

Phonetic exercises for the sound C

Let's take a closer look at how to teach a child to pronounce the letter s easily and fluently.

Articulation gymnastics and its features

As a rule, difficulties in pronouncing the sound “s” are associated with insufficient mobility of the organs of the articulatory apparatus. This must be done with the help of specially organized gymnastics. What is the best way to conduct classes?

Articulation exercise in front of a mirror
  1. A strict sequence of exercises and regularity are the main principles that ensure the effectiveness of exercises for the speech organs. It is best to use ready-made sets of exercises that teach you to pronounce certain sounds. They are selected taking into account the age and other characteristics of the child.
  2. In order for the child to participate more willingly in the lesson, it is best to teach him to speak in a playful way, supplementing him with interesting riddles for the desired letter, songs, nursery rhymes and jokes
  3. Do not overload your child with exercises. It is better to do no more than 2-3 in one lesson, but with multiple repetitions - this makes it easier to teach the child new things.
  4. New exercises starting with the letter “c” can be introduced only after the child has already thoroughly mastered all the previous ones and copes with them without much effort.
  5. In order for the child to have the opportunity to see and correctly understand the technique of the exercises proposed to him and pronounce sounds, it is best to use a mirror for practice.
  6. When performing exercises, it is important to monitor the symmetry of the child’s face, the accuracy and smoothness of movements, and the correct pace. Without this, the effectiveness of the exercises will be minimized.

Lessons on pronunciation of the sound C

Helpful advice: Before you begin articulatory gymnastics, you need to do several exercises in order to “warm up” the speech organs: a simple smile, stretching the lips in a tube or ring, lifting the tongue will prepare them well for the exercises and will improve the results of your student.

After this, you can begin the articulatory gymnastics itself (in this case, we will consider the complex of Fomicheva M.V.). Such exercises should teach a child correct sound pronunciation.

List of exercises for whistling sounds

"Put the ball into the goal"

The exercise teaches the child to direct a stream of air and pronounce hissing sounds. An improvised “gate” made of cubes is installed on the table. The child’s task is to push a cotton ball (“ball”) into them, stretching his lips forward and directing a stream of air towards it. It is important that the child does not puff out his cheeks, and that the action is performed in one step.

The exercise allows you to relax your tongue and also form a directed air flow. The child puts his tongue on his lower lip and, keeping his mouth slightly open, says “five-five-five.” It is important that the lip on which the tongue rests does not tuck, and that the air stream flows as smoothly as possible, without interruptions.

Naughty Tongue - game description

Wide tongue

The wide edge of the tongue is placed on the lower lip and held in this position for up to 5-10 seconds. The organs of the articulatory apparatus should be as relaxed as possible, and the smile should be free of tension.

Advice for parents: Be patient and try to treat these activities as a fun game.

Remember that your baby is improving, this is something new for him, something he is doing for the first time in his life. Try to understand that for him this involves serious effort, and the more interesting this activity is for him, the greater your chances of a quick result.

Poems and riddles starting with the letter C for repetition

Articulatory gymnastics exercises that teach how to pronounce sounds are quite complex and unusual for a child. That is why you should not expect him to complete them the first time and completely without errors. In order to teach a child to speak correctly, you need to think through a lesson-game plan. And in case of failure, you should not scold him - it is better to support him and offer to try again. Over time, the child will learn both the letter and its corresponding sound.

Not all children pronounce some letters correctly right away. Difficulties arise for various reasons: a short frenulum of the tongue, rare activities with the baby, inattention of parents to speech development. Sometimes children copy the incorrect pronunciation of people who are an authority for them.

Many preschoolers have trouble with the letter “r”: kids replace it with “l” or say “herring” instead of “fish”. Parents have been struggling for a long time with the pronunciation of the “capricious” letter due to the wrong approach to classes. Listen to the recommendations of speech therapists, find out how to make learning interesting, and still teach children to pronounce the letter “r”.

What to do

The first stage is visiting a doctor. Sessions with a speech therapist will help correct the situation. If for certain reasons you do not have time for regular visits to the doctor, conduct training at home.

Attend at least one or two classes and talk to your doctor. The specialist will get to know the preschooler, examine the oral cavity, identify the problem, and suggest solutions.

Take note:

  • do not refuse to visit a speech therapist. A short frenulum of the tongue is a common cause of incorrect pronunciation of many letters and slurred speech;
  • if the defect was not detected by the pediatrician earlier, the speech therapist will recommend cutting the frenulum so that the tongue moves freely in the oral cavity;
  • The operation is simple and takes little time. The only caveat: psychological discomfort. For this reason, doctors advise checking the length of the frenulum at an early age so that the baby quickly forgets the unpleasant moment.

Note! Sometimes a speech therapist identifies malocclusions and refers them to a pediatric orthodontist. Sometimes it is impossible to do without the installation of corrective plates and other orthodontic devices: some defects in the dentition interfere with correct pronunciation.

Be patient: teaching how to pronounce a “capricious” letter is not easy, but with persistence and following recommendations, classes often bring success. If a speech therapist finds a problem with the frenulum, visit a pediatric surgeon and correct the defect. After the wound has healed, you can begin exercising.

Five important rules:

  • Don’t count on quick results, prepare yourself mentally for classes. Choose a time when the child is calm and in a good mood;
  • Work regularly with your preschooler, reinforce everything you learned in the last lesson. Be sure to ensure that speech exercises are performed correctly for maximum effect from the classes;
  • You can’t turn learning into a boring chore. Focus on the playful form, show imagination, use available means to depict certain actions, objects or living beings;
  • read the material on the topic, strictly follow the recommendations, observe the nature and duration of speech exercises;
  • Praise your daughter or son for achievements, even the most insignificant ones. You can prepare a little surprise if you notice that your preschooler is trying. Let him boast to his relatives and friends that he will soon speak “like an adult.”

Some more useful tips:

  • Never mock a child if he can’t form a “stubborn” letter “r”. You cannot compare your daughter or son with other children, especially in an offensive way. Complexes and low self-esteem often develop for this reason;
  • speak correctly yourself, watch your articulation, pronounce sounds clearly. You cannot “lisp” or twist words, otherwise the child will not understand why the mother speaks incorrectly and demands a different pronunciation from him;
  • Many mothers recommend “not hearing” a word pronounced incorrectly. This moment is especially important when you understand that the child will soon say the difficult letter “r”; he almost succeeds in pronouncing it correctly;
  • A “little trick” often helps. Ask, looking at the drawn cancer: “Is this VARNISH?” The child is usually sincerely indignant: “Don’t you know? It’s not LAC, it’s CANCER.” Call the picture with a LYNX a FOX and ask: “What does a FOX do?” The answer is often this: “Mom, this is not a FOX, but a LYNX.” And so on. The main thing is to choose pictures with animals/objects that your son or daughter knows well, so as not to get confused with the names.

Where to start learning


  • preparatory. Articulation gymnastics is designed to develop tongue mobility. During classes, the child learns to correctly position the tongue when pronouncing words with the letter “r”;
  • exercises in a playful way. During classes, children perform certain actions, make faces, pretend to be animals, birds, and pronounce the necessary words and phrases.


  • The duration of each lesson is 15–20 minutes. Learning should be fun. Frequency of classes – 2–3 times a week;
  • some children like unusual exercises so much that they themselves ask their mother to do them more often;
  • The opposite situation is not uncommon: the child reluctantly utters “special” words, is capricious, plays around, or generally remains silent and does not want to repeat anything.

Advice! Find a common language with your preschooler, and learning will be successful. Rudeness and spanking on the butt are unacceptable. With this approach, the baby will hate gymnastics for speech development, will be offended, and will be even more stubborn. Attention, patience, and willingness to listen to each other are an important element of communication and learning.

Articulation gymnastics


  • important turkey. Tell your child about poultry, its character, behavioral characteristics, find a picture in a book. Offer to show how the turkey gets angry. Have your preschooler repeat after you: tongue between lips and teeth, forcefully say “bl, bl, bl.” Practice slowly at first, then faster. Repeat up to 15 times;
  • the horse clatters. One of the simplest and most useful exercises. Children happily touch the area of ​​the upper palate with their tongue and actively click their tongue. Repetition frequency – 20 times;
  • woodpecker is looking for worms. Ask your child to tap his tongue on his upper teeth. The mouth needs to be opened wide. If the exercise is performed correctly, you will hear a “d-d-d-d” sound. Draw woodpeckers together: you can suggest how to correct the failure if not everything works out right away;
  • brushing teeth. Open your mouth, smile widely, and run your tongue back and forth several times along the inside of the teeth on your upper jaw. The lower area of ​​the face is motionless. Let the baby repeat everything after you;
  • bite your tongue. Immediately warn your preschooler that there is no need to bite the tongue too hard, otherwise there will be tissue irritation. Smile widely and lightly bite the tip of your tongue. Let the baby repeat the exercise 8-10 times;
  • coachman. Explain to your son or daughter that before there were no cars; horses were used for transportation. Ask them to imagine that the child is a coachman and he needs to quickly stop the horse. Loudly, but rather dully, say: “Whoa, whoa.” There should be good vibration. The child must repeat the sounds. Make reins from any rope or long scarf. Show how the coachman stopped the horses, at the same time reinforce the actions with special sounds “tpr-tprru”.

A couple more useful exercises:

  • drive away the mosquito. A fun but effective exercise that shows how the tongue rattles. With constant practice, children quickly learn to say “r”. Starting position: the tip of the tongue peeks out slightly between the lower and upper lips. Blow air forcefully through the small hole, try to make the tongue tremble under the influence of the air flow;
  • reach for the spout. Another fun exercise that kids can do without being forced. The child’s task is to reach the tip of the nose with his tongue. Many children help with their hands, pressing down on the nose so that it “moves.” Even if it is difficult for the baby to reach, the tongue still develops, the frenulum becomes more elastic. Number of repetitions – 10 times.

Dear Parents! Don’t be shy, together with your child, turn into animals and birds, growl, click your tongue, pronounce tongue twisters with feeling. Don’t be afraid to be funny: your baby will enthusiastically repeat all your phrases and movements; the complex letter “r” will certainly yield to your pressure.

Game exercises

Useful exercises:

  • Offer to pretend to be a tiger, growl loudly, and say “rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr”. Repeat several times, ask the child to pretend to be a small tiger, and you will be the big one;
  • ask how the tractor starts. If the baby doesn’t know well, say “drrrr.” Tighten your lips and tongue to hear the rattling clearly. Start the tractor together;
  • learn tongue twisters with the letter “r”. Say it slowly at first, then faster and faster. For example: In the darkness, crayfish make noise in a fight. Or such a well-known phrase: A Greek was driving across a river, he saw a Greek in the river, a cancer in the river, he put the Greek’s hand in the river, and the cancer grabbed the Greek’s hand. Here’s another short and funny tongue twister: The Lion came out from behind the mountain and, after thinking, said: “RRR-Y”;
  • "Cat" exercise. Most children love this game, which is good for the tongue. Pour milk into a bowl and ask your baby to show how the cat laps the milk. If your son or daughter is shy or laughing, set an example. A simple exercise helps you feel the movement of the tongue;
  • Take turns saying words that contain the letters “d” and “r”. First, pronounce HOUSE, DON, DON - DON, GU - DOC, DO - LO - TO, then move on to more complex words: HOLES - HOLES, FRIEND, DRE - MA, DRA - KON, DRU - ZHOK, DRE - MOTHER.

Regular classes with children who have trouble pronouncing the letter “r” require persistence and a desire to develop together with the preschooler. Successes are not always visible quickly enough; sometimes kids are capricious and refuse to study. It is easier for a mother than for a speech therapist to find the “key” for her daughter or son in order to gently push her to study.

There is no point in giving up articulation gymnastics or other speech therapy exercises: by school the child must pronounce sounds correctly. Unfortunately, children with speech impediments often become targets of ridicule from their classmates. Make every effort to ensure that your son or daughter pronounces all the letters correctly. In case of severe speech defects, send your child to a speech therapy kindergarten on time.

Video - classes with a speech therapist for the correct formation of the letter “r” in preschool children:

Is it possible to deal with the problem of speech development in a baby at home?

It’s rare that a parent doesn’t encounter problems with their child’s speech development. But not every one of them has the opportunity to study with a speech therapist. In this case, you can conduct classes at home.

How to quickly teach a child to speak?

How to quickly teach a child to speak?
  1. Expanding our horizons. The child should walk in different places as much as possible. See different environments, people, animals, nature. This is how a stock of knowledge about the environment is formed. Children who see and feel more find it much easier to even express their feelings. The more emotions and experience, the sooner the baby will start babbling.
  2. We constantly talk with the child. If you sit with your child in silence, he will talk much later. The baby should always hear spoken language. We communicate with the child, saying everything out loud, what we see, what we do
  3. We read books. We do this with expression, with explanatory comments. Kids love to listen to the same fairy tales and poems several times. For children this is the easiest method of perception
  4. Singing songs. The kids love to sing. We sing while playing the instrument or just listen and sing, encouraging the baby to support you. This is one of the best options, as children love music very much.
  5. We designate objects of attention. The Russian language is vast. In order for the child to remember at least a few words to begin with, we often concentrate attention on some frequently repeated object. A steam locomotive has driven, a boy is walking, a dog is walking, etc. After this, we be sure to ask the child what the name of this object is.
  6. We speak in a literate, adult language. We don’t babysit and don’t speak in the language of a baby. The words “abaca” instead of dog, etc. We don’t repeat, we speak correctly. Without putting a strong emphasis on it
  7. Let's listen to what the child says! An important condition for mom and dad is the ability to listen carefully and hear everything the baby says. Whenever addressing parents, the child should feel respect and attention. A child feels inattention very clearly. Therefore, we stop all communication if a child comes with any question or request. Even if it is completely unclear what the baby is babbling. Communication itself is important
  8. We instill in the child the ability to listen. To develop a child’s speech in relation to intonation, it is necessary to teach listening. This applies not only to the speech of mom and dad, but also to all extraneous sounds. At this moment it is important to explain each sound
  9. Reciprocal conversation. If it is not clear what the child is talking about, we read various signs that explain the child. If the baby takes off his pants and babbles something in his own language, perhaps he wants to write. We ask him about this. And we draw conclusions based on his further reaction. We just avoid the words “what are you babbling there, I don’t understand anything, leave me alone.” This may discourage mutual dialogue
  10. We don't rush things. Every parent has a desire to hear their baby's conversation faster. But not every mom and dad have patience. There is no need to rush the baby, and there is no need to delay it. Many mothers and fathers say out of impatience: “Well, why are you silent!”, “What kind of nonsense are you talking, where did you pick up these phrases?” The child will feel offended by this. He will lose the desire for the process of learning spoken language.

How to teach a child to speak without a speech therapist?

How to teach a child to speak without a speech therapist? General useful rules when teaching a child at home:

  1. The eyes of the baby and mother should be at the same level. This will make it easier for the baby to observe all the manipulations being performed.
  2. We conduct classes every day, in a playful way. 10 to 15 minutes
  3. We perform facial massage and gymnastics daily. We pronounce sounds and tongue twisters at least 4 times a week

Face massage

As a separate element, massage is not a special factor, but together with articulatory gymnastics and voice-speech training it has a positive effect on correct speech production.

When doing a massage, we pronounce our movements:

  • Gently stroking your eyebrows with your fingers, we say: “This is how we love ourselves, this is how we love ourselves.” Next, stroking along the nose, we say: “Nice little nose, we have such a snub nose.” We massage around the lips, cheeks to ears: “Our smiling mouth, still a talker”

We gently tap the same areas of the face with our fingers. Counter and opposite movements. We constantly communicate with the child: “We are beautiful! We are happy! This is how we caressed ourselves!”

Gymnastics for clear and correct pronunciation

  • On the inflated, balloon-like cheeks, we give a massage
  • We pipe like a train, we pull our lips forward. We twist them first in one direction, then in the other.
  • We smile together with the baby. Then we collect the lips with a bow. We do it several times
  • We kiss the child, tensing our lips with a tube, and then relaxing
    We run our tongue over our lips in one direction and the other.
  • Extend the tongue to the upper lip, then to the lower lip. Also left and right
  • At the end, we do something like washing our face. The child must repeat

Let's move on to the pronunciation of vowels

The child has practically no problems pronouncing these letters. But you still need to work out.

  • Without tension, not long and sharply pronounce - A - a - a
    Evenly, while exhaling, we pronounce for a long time - Aaaaaa - a long sound in one breath, without raising or lowering the intonation. Repeat in the same way with all vowels.

Gymnastics with consonants

We carry out pronouncing paired syllables like a tongue twister. It’s better to alternate: first we pronounce a syllable, then a tongue twister starting with that letter.
P – Pu-po-pa-pe-pi-py V – Vu-vo-va-ve-vi-vy F – Fu-fo-fa-fe-fi-fy G – Gu-go-ga-ge-gi -by K – Ku-ko-ka-ke-ki-by D – Du-do-da-de-di-dy T – Tu-to-ta-te-ti-you Z – Zhu-jo-zha-zhe -zhi-zhy B – Bu-bo-ba-be-bi-by Sh –
Shu-sho-sha-she-shi-shy Z – Zu-zo-za-ze-zi-zy S – Su-so-sa-se-si-sy

The advantage of such classes is that they can be carried out anywhere: in a clinic, on an airplane, walking down the street.

  • Very important for speech development fine motor skills.
  • We massage the child’s palms with our hands and soft brushes
  • We glue applications, collect cereals, string small beads on a thread, sculpt from plasticine, use a variety of nursery rhymes, for example “Magpie-Crow”

How to teach a child to say the letter s?
  • Let the child hold the pen cap between his teeth. Then we ask the child to blow
  • We ask the baby to stretch his mouth in a smile and rest his tongue on his lower teeth. We place a match on the tip of the tongue and ask the child to blow strongly on its base. A clear “s” sound is produced. Later, when you get the result, you can do this exercise without a match.

Video: Sound production p. How to teach a child to pronounce the sound s?

How to teach a child to say the letter z?

  • We pronounce words containing such a difficult letter as often as possible
  • We show the baby the correct position of the lips and tongue
  • We pronounce special rhymes and tongue twisters
  • We pronounce the words drawlingly, imitating the buzzing of a beetle

Video: How to pronounce the letter Z correctly?

How to teach a child to say the letter t?

  • lips are relaxed
  • teeth are not closed
  • the tip of the tongue knocks on the upper teeth
  • the neck doesn't move

Video: Setting the T sound at home

How to teach a child to say the letter g?

  • As the baby pronounces the syllable “yes,” we gradually move the tongue with a teaspoon, pressing on the front of its back. When moving the tongue, the syllable “dia” will appear first, then “cha”, and after it “ha”

How to teach a child to say the hard letter l?
  • You should pay attention to the correct pronunciation of this letter no earlier than 5-6 years
  • We pronounce this letter while smiling. We press the tip of the tongue to the palate. We show the baby this position and at the same time ask him to hum. Over time, we will hear the child pronounce “l”
  • If your baby has a hard time pronouncing the hard sound “l,” we do tongue exercises. We show the baby how to lick his lips, stroke the palate and teeth with his tongue. We are trying to reach our nose with our tongue
  • In order for the child to remember the correct pronunciation of this sound, when singing la-la-la, we ask him to slightly bite his tongue. This way your baby will easily remember the correct position of the tongue.

Video: Sound production l. How to teach a child to pronounce the sound l?

How to teach a child to say the letter w?
  • To correctly pronounce the letter “sh”, we show the baby how to position the tongue by pressing it to the lower lip, while simultaneously raising the tip and sides of the tongue
  • We do exercises, depicting a smile on the lips
  • Imitating chewing movements

Video: Staging sound sh. How to teach a child to pronounce the sound sh?

How to teach a child to say a word?
  1. We focus on articulation. We clearly, clearly and correctly pronounce words that the baby does not pronounce correctly. Please pronounce it correctly
  2. When communicating, we do not replace complex words with simple ones. If we talk about different objects, for example, carrots, tomatoes, cabbage, we do not generalize that these are vegetables. We teach our children different names of objects
  3. We replenish the child's vocabulary with verbs. We speak not in nouns, but in short sentences. For example, a tiger growls (walks, sleeps, plays)
  4. We use signs of objects in colloquial speech: watermelon - sweet, juicy, big
  5. We explain what oppositions are. The floor is hard and the toy is soft. The car is driving and the plane is flying
  6. We replenish the child’s vocabulary, read fairy tales and poems

Using all the methods listed in the article, with regular practice, you can easily solve minor problems in speech development.

With very large speech deviations, you cannot do without the help of a specialist.

Video: How to teach a child to speak?