What could be easier - choosing a rattle for a child? But this choice must be approached very responsibly, since it is with a rattle for newborns that the baby’s learning process begins. During the first year of life, rattles help the baby acquire various skills and contribute to his psycho-emotional and physical development.

The baby's learning process begins with rattles

A newborn baby's first acquaintance with toys occurs through visual, acoustic and tactile contact. Types of rattles that parents should focus on when choosing:

  • Rattle pendants. Rattles are hung above the crib and stroller. They can be simple or mobile-based with a music module.
  • Rattle bracelets and rattle socks. Fabric rattles with Velcro tape. They are placed on the baby’s arms and legs and help develop coordination of movements and muscle activity.
  • Ring rattles (oval, diamond, square, triangle). Ordinary rattles for a child's hands.
  • Teether rattles. Rattles intended during teething. They can be made in the form of a ring or any other shape, with or without a cooling gel filler, a simple or textured silicone surface. The surface of the teether in contact with the baby’s gums is soft enough not to injure the gums when pressed, and moderately hard for chewing, gnawing and simply “rubbing” in the mouth (see article on teethers).
  • Rattles-rustles. Soft fabric rattles with various rustling fillings in individual elements.
  • Rattles-slingo toys. Sling mothers often use rattles and sling toys tied to the sling to entertain and distract the baby in a sling. A child of five months or more sitting in a sling is busy at this time not with tugging at his mother’s hair or earrings, but with a bright and pleasant “taste and touch” sling toy.

All types of rattles can use mono materials (only plastic, fabric, silicone) or a mixture of them, which is more interesting and educational for the child. But parents should pay attention not only to which rattle to choose, but also to how to choose the right rattle for the child.

How to choose a rattle?

When purchasing rattles for children's first games, young parents should make the following basic requirements:

  • Environmental friendliness of the material and safety of the product itself. Rattles must be made of child-safe material that does not emit harmful substances. Rattles should not have sharp corners that could injure the baby. They must be strong and can withstand being hit by a child with a rattle on various surfaces or falling on the floor.
  • Bright colors, various shapes and surface textures. The brighter and more varied the appearance of rattles, the more interesting they are to a child who is just beginning to explore the world in a playful way.
  • Various fillers that cause different sounds - crackling, ringing, crunching, rustling, etc. The acoustic effect produced by rattles with beads of various sizes or crunchy filling is of great importance here.
  • Possibility of cleaning, boiling or washing. The child often puts rattles in his mouth and throws them on the floor. Because of this, the rattle must withstand almost daily washing or handling.


You can and should give your baby rattles almost from birth.

A newborn baby is capable of concentrating attention and following a bright and rattling object in his mother’s hands with his eyes from the age of two weeks.

Due to the developed grasping reflex, a baby of this age can also hold (but nothing more) in his fist a small rattle of a certain shape - usually a ring or an oval with small objects suspended on it that make a sound when they hit each other.

In the first month of life, the child begins to hold the rattle, still unconsciously and reflexively.

When does a child begin to hold a rattle consciously?

One of the first rattles for newborn babies are rattle pendants for a crib or stroller.

Hanging rattles for a crib or stroller

They can be either simple or mobile-based with or without a music module. Hanging rattle toys are usually removable and made of fabric or plastic. Such rattles teach a newborn baby to focus his gaze on static and moving objects, and develop his visual and auditory skills.

For a two-month-old baby, the rattle pendants need to be hung lower. Waving his arms and touching the rattles, the child will sooner begin to try to reach and grab them. The development of coordination and fine motor skills of the hands begins through tactile sensations.

From about three months of age, the baby begins to consciously hold the ring rattle in his hand, pull it into his mouth and “taste” it.

different types of rattles

The child begins to pay attention to literally everything - color, different sounds of rattle fillers or hanging bells. The child begins to develop his own preferences for this or that rattle, which promotes mental and emotional development, helps the development of coordination of movements and muscle activity.

From the age of four months (the age depends on the beginning of the eruption of the first milk teeth), the child begins to hold a teething rattle, chew it and chew it in his mouth.

A five-month-old baby is very attracted to the rustling and crunching sounds extracted from the rustling rattle upon contact with the palm - this is the beginning of the development of cause-and-effect relationships.

And a child of five months or older sitting in a sling is busy playing with an interesting and pleasant to the taste and touch rattle-sling toy.

Starting from the age of six months, the child holds, waves, rattles, rings, rustles, crunches any rattles independently.

Do you know at what month a baby starts holding a rattle? This toy is quite safe for the baby, even despite its loud sound. They say that there is nothing easier than giving a baby a rattle to calm him down from crying for a long time. But if you hand this thing to a one-month-old baby, he will not understand what they want from him. Maybe there are special age limits when exactly the baby will begin to accept rattles?

When does a child begin to hold a toy in his hand?

The toddler's first acquaintance with an unusual sound occurs after 1.5 months. Already at such an early age, the child begins to hold toys and understands that they can be twirled and simply held. The main thing here is to choose the right thing so that it is as comfortable as possible for tactile perception and does not create discomfort.

How many months does a baby hold a rattle? At two months of age, the child begins to hold a rattle in his hand. There is an acquaintance with sensations, with the fact that you can not only observe toys, but also touch them.

During this period, the baby does not show his curiosity; he does not yet know how to do this. But in fact, internally the child is very interested in the toy that he holds tightly in his hands. For him this is something new and unknown.

From three months, the newborn begins to hold the rattle more confidently. There is an interest in where this strange rumbling sound is coming from. Subsequently, the baby will definitely find out that it’s all about the filler of the rattle. In the meantime, let him twist, twirl and throw on the floor - the kids love it.

How to teach a child to hold a toy?

In order for the little one to pay attention to the rattle, you need to show it, it is best to do this several times. Then, the baby will understand that the thing can be picked up, touched, twirled and played with.

Algorithm for developing the skill of holding a toy in your hand:

  • try to put your finger in a newborn’s hand, he will immediately squeeze it. The same thing happens if the baby starts holding toys and a rattle. As soon as you see that the baby is actively looking at the thing, is interested in it, studying it, this means that the baby has begun to develop;
  • the child should hold the toy, let him get used to the fact that he can feel it consciously, without anyone’s help. To do this, show your little one the same rattle more often so that he remembers it. After a couple of months, the baby himself will reach for that toy that was often in front of his eyes;
  • Another good way to teach holding a rattle is to place everything around the baby. Let him take the one he likes best.

What to do if a 4-month-old child does not hold a toy well. The first thing to do is stop panicking. Not all children develop quickly, some do it more slowly. But this does not mean at all that the baby is growing up with disabilities.

Types of rattles for babies photo:

What to do if a 5-month-old child has difficulty holding a toy. Maybe he doesn't like the shape or color of the rattle? This happens, children refuse to even pick up something that repels them. For example, it is unlikely that a baby will touch something that is black and unpleasant to the touch; it may frighten him.

The child begins to hold the rattle confidently and firmly from four to five months. So, don’t be upset, all you have to do is wait until the baby decides to pick up the toy himself.

A child should be able to hold a toy in his hands by 5 months - this is the same motor skill that is important for every baby. Try purchasing several types of rattles at the store to find out which one your baby will definitely like. Sooner or later he will still begin to hold it well.

The age of four to five months is the most optimal when children begin to hold a rattle in their little hands. Of course, you can’t do this without the help of a parent; the baby needs help. So, time after time, the little one will understand that toys are interesting things that can not only be observed with the eyes, but also held close to oneself.

Toys are an important part of a dowry for a newborn. Arriving at the store, new parents are sometimes confused by the colorful variety of the offered assortment. It’s easy to get confused here, so it’s important to decide in advance what you need to buy in order to avoid useless extra costs. So, the main toys in the first months of a baby’s life should be rattles for newborns.

A simple and even sometimes primitive rattle has an impact on the mental, physical and emotional development of the baby, so it is important to take the choice seriously.

How to choose a rattle?

When purchasing, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • material, from which the rattle is made. It can be wood, plastic or fabric - a matter of taste, the main thing is that the toy is made of high quality, does not have sharp corners and seams, or foreign odors;
  • color. It is better to choose rattles in bright, contrasting colors; pastel colors will not attract the baby’s attention. The paint must be of high quality and not peel off the product;
  • sound, which the toy makes. It should not be sharp, but sufficiently intelligible and loud. Choose several rattles with different sounds - hollow ones with balls inside, melodic ones with bells, musical rattles with sounds of nature;
  • safety. A good toy should be durable, smooth, and not have small parts that can easily come off or fall off. In order to be sure of quality, you should buy rattles from a trusted manufacturer in reliable retail outlets. Then you can be confident that quality standards are met;
  • presence of additional functions and elements on developmental rattles. A grown-up baby will appreciate the rustling, shiny, rotating parts, and he will be able to gnaw on soft teethers during the period of active teeth growth.

At what age should rattles be given?

In the first months of life, the baby, of course, will not be able to play independently, so it is advisable to purchase rattles for the crib and stroller. They should be hung at a distance of 40-60 cm from the child’s face so that he can focus his gaze on them. In addition, in the first month of life, you can begin to master simple games together with your baby - move a rattle in front of your face, again at a distance of 40-60 cm, so as not to provoke strabismus, for several minutes. Then you can diversify the movements - speed up, slow down, encourage the child to follow her with his eyes and turn his head. As your child grows, you can put a rattle on his hand so that he can try to manipulate it on his own.

For a baby aged 6 months or older, you should choose heavier ones, for example, wooden rattles in order to strengthen the fingers and promote the development of motor skills. Rattles in the form of garlands, consisting of balls of different sizes, which the baby can touch while controlling his movements with his eyes, will be interesting.

When does a baby start holding a rattle?

Many parents wonder how to teach their child to hold a rattle. This skill will develop by about 4-5 months, when the baby begins to show active interest in the subject of the game and pull his hands. Help him grab the rattle correctly. If something doesn't work out, try repeating the exercise. Later, the game can be made more difficult by giving the child a rattle that is less easy to grasp, thereby stimulating muscle development.

You should not fall asleep with a variety of rattles. 4-5 are quite enough, but it is better to use them for games in turns so that the child does not lose interest.

Date of publication: 08/05/2017

It would seem that choosing a rattle for a baby is the easiest thing to do. But today there are so many types of these toys that the choice becomes more and more difficult. And it is worth approaching it with maximum responsibility, because it is with the first sound of the toy that the process of learning and development of the baby begins. During the first months of life, they help the child acquire various skills that affect the child’s psycho-emotional background. So, how should you choose a rattle for your baby?

Rattles for a newborn baby

In fact, in the first three weeks of life, a newborn baby does not pay any attention to toys and sounds. His vision and hearing have not yet been formed and are not adapted to environmental conditions. Therefore, the most important thing these days is to be close to the baby, rejoice at his appearance, and let him know that his parents are with him. During this period, it is this factor that is the reason for the further successful development of the baby.

Starting from the fourth week, the baby is just beginning to see some shapes and listen to sounds. His reflexes still work poorly and he is simply not able to hold a toy on his own. Therefore, an adult will have to play with the rattle and demonstrate it to your child. Any bright rattle with a pleasant sound, preferably red, is suitable for this. The parent should interest the child and force him to smoothly follow its movement with his eyes, focus on the toy if possible, and try to hear the sounds. The process of such a game will gradually force the child to show his first smile and please his mother, as well as establish a very close contact with the person who shows him this rattle.

Closer to the second month, the baby can already be given a rattle in his hand for independent exploration in order to develop his grasping skill. You need to keep in mind that the child will bring the toy to his face, gradually take it into his mouth, and lick it with his tongue. After a while, he will reach for the toy, holding out his palm and unclenching his fingers when an adult shows it to him.

By three months, the baby will already take the toy from the parent’s hands and hold it tightly. He will try to hold it in his fist, so the toy should not be much larger than the size of his palm. He will look at it carefully, so it should combine several bright colors.

The best options for the first three months of life will be ringing toys-pendants above the bed. They should be of any shape and color. The most important thing is that their shades do not irritate the eyes. Among them there must be toys that are yellow, bright in color, and round in shape. In this way, the baby will quickly learn to focus on an object and distinguish his first colors. It will be a plus if the playpen or pendant is also musical, in order to develop the child’s hearing and teach him to follow the sound.

Another rattle for very young children are latex rattles with natural flavors. Their goal is to develop not only the child’s tactile sense of objects, but also his sense of smell. The only thing worth paying attention to is whether the child is allergic to a particular smell.

Soft rattles made from natural materials will best stimulate the sense of touch in small children. Both a holder made of a solid base and a holder filled with grain or fabric will do. The second option will be favorable for the accelerated development of the child’s sensitivity. But it is important to ensure that the baby does not bite through the fabric and does not sprinkle or swallow the contents.

If your child’s grasping reflex is not working well, you can try letting him play with a mace rattle. They have two holders and the baby forms a grip with both hands.

For a baby over a month old, a toy in the form of a large ring is also perfect. It may contain various moving balls or figures. It is best if such a toy is made of thick fabric rather than plastic. Such rattles help develop the sense of touch, independent manipulation, and develop finger movements.

For a 4-5 month old child, a toy with geometric details is suitable. She will teach the child to get used to mixed sounds and finger objects. Often these toys are used for chewing during teething. They are made using special technology from special material.

Rattles from six months and older

Starting from the sixth month, the child can already take a toy from hand to hand, he examines it carefully and can manipulate several toys at once, or independently change them. In addition to the sounds of the rattle, he begins to look for additional sounds and knocks the toy on the table, throws it and examines it. So he does a lot of research work for him. A little later, between the seventh and eighth months, he already performs all the same actions while sitting and can already try to imitate the movements of adults’ hands with a toy in his hand.

From the eleventh month, the child develops an interest in more complex rattles, which represent some kind of game. He is interested in doing several actions at once and enthusiastically setting the system in motion.

Round large rattle on a round holder. It not only makes melodious sounds, but also rumbles when shaken. On the most advanced toys, there is also light support so that the child is more enthusiastically occupied with the process.

Regular bells for baby's hearing development

In addition to rattles, a child needs toys with a pleasant melodic ringing that will not irritate either the child’s hearing or the parents’ hearing. The best option in this case would be the most ordinary bells. Moreover, they can be used everywhere. This could be a hat with jingling pompoms, or strings on a sweater.

These can simply be delicate bells of varying sizes and sounds. When they ring, either from the right or from the left, the baby’s attention is attracted, and he learns to concentrate and turn his head in the direction of the sound, and also to distinguish by hearing the ringing of a bell from the sound of a rattle and other signals.

Each of us had a favorite toy as a child. Remember which one? A plush hare, a bear, a dog in a child's embrace before bed? In fact, the first and most important toy in life is a rattle. It is with the rattle that newborns begin the process of learning and development.

All young parents ask the question: at what age do newborns need such toys? It is not for nothing that there is an old tradition of giving a rattle for the birth of a child. In the first months of life, the baby will not be able to play with her independently, so it is worth buying rattles that hang on the crib or stroller. They should be hung at a distance of 40-60 cm from the child’s face so that they can focus their gaze on them. At this age, you can already play simple games with the help of a rattle - move it in front of the baby’s face, encouraging him to follow it with his eyes and turn his head.

In the first year of life, connections are actively formed in the child’s brain, so even a tiny baby needs a wide variety of impressions provided by a bright and loud rattle.


Rattles of various shapes, colors, and sizes help the baby to develop harmoniously and gain an understanding of the different properties of things around him. They need to be changed from time to time.

The modern market more than provides the little ones with a variety of toys, and therefore impressions. Next, we’ll talk about what types of rattles there are and what their purpose is. You will see a photo.

Rattle pendants

They can be attached to a crib, stroller, or playpen using a special bracket. They are made from a variety of materials. They can be hard or soft, large or small, plain or patterned. The main feature is the bright (but not acidic) color. With the help of such a toy, a newborn baby learns to focus his gaze on a bright spot, developing his vision.

Musical carousel (mobile)

Is a suitable option for babies. Develops the baby's ability to follow objects moving in a circle and listen to a quiet melody. Mobile elements can be removed and used separately.

Bracelets or socks

A very good option for newborns who do not yet know how to consciously hold objects in their hands or control their body, but who can learn this by listening to the sounds made by such toys attached to their arms and legs with Velcro.


They consist of figures of different shapes moving freely around the ring. When shaken, the figures create a noise that little children really like. Such rattles develop the baby’s ability to move stringed objects with his hands. With their help and with the help of a rattle with beads on a cord The child learns to purposefully make movements with his hands under gaze control. Such toys are suitable from the second half of the first year of life.

Rattle with suction cup

Attached to the table, it is convenient to use while feeding older children. The toddler will not be able to throw it onto the floor, but he will be able to play with it and be happy. Without being capricious, the baby will eat better.

Other types of rattles

  • Handleless rattles come in all shapes and sizes. They are given to the child's hands and contribute to the development of fine motor skills.
  • During the teething period, special teething rattles are very useful. . They come in different shapes, with or without cooling gel, with a smooth or textured surface. The production material of the teethers is soft enough and will not hurt the baby’s gums, but at the same time it is hard enough: the baby can gnaw and chew the toy.
  • For older toddlers, rattles with buttons are suitable. In addition to noise, rattles squeak when shaken or produce a melody when a button is pressed. They come with backlight.
  • It is interesting for a grown-up baby to play with soft rattle toys made from different materials that are pleasant to the touch. A capsule with rattling balls is sewn inside. The toy can be filled with loose elements of different sizes. They not only rustle pleasantly, but also help develop tactile sensitivity when a child squeezes a toy.
  • Scented rattles can help develop newborns' sense of smell. Latex ones are produced with different scents (strawberry, vanilla), and wooden ones - with the aroma of pine needles. However, if you notice an allergy in your baby, it is better not to use them.

Rattle made by mom

Of course, the best thing parents give their baby is love and care. But as a gift reminiscent of childhood and the warmth of mother’s hands, a rattle made by yourself would be an excellent option.

Giving free rein to your imagination, use completely different objects and materials for making. Knit from wool, sew from pleasant fabric; fill with beads, various cereals and seeds. An interesting option is to paint a small doll blank and use it as a rattle.

It has been scientifically proven that the mother’s face is the first thing that the child begins to see with his own eyes, so you can sew a rattle for the baby in the shape of a cheerful face that can delight and calm the baby.

Making the right choice

The entire environment of newborns from the first days of life has a huge impact on their further development. As you can see, there are a huge number of varieties of rattles. All have different properties that are beneficial to children. Parents are concerned about the question: how to choose the right rattle?

A newborn baby is completely defenseless in front of the big world around him, therefore, when buying any product for a child, first of all, parents need to pay attention to its safety.

When making a purchase, pay attention to the following:

  • a good rattle is durable and does not have small, easily torn parts;
  • its surface is smooth, without seams or sharp corners;
  • high-quality paint - does not peel off the toy and leaves no marks;
  • The toy does not have any foreign unpleasant odor.

Do not save money, buy only in trusted stores and ask the seller for a quality certificate for this product. By following these recommendations, you will be sure that the first toy will bring only joy to your baby.

To ensure that a newborn rattle promotes the development of various skills, pay attention to:

  • toy design– it is important for the baby to feel comfortable holding it in his hand and not be overly heavy;
  • The sound is not sharp, but loud enough. Be sure to choose several rattles with different sounds: bells, balls, melody, sounds of nature;
  • It is better to choose a bright color for the toy; pastel colors simply will not attract the baby’s attention. Kids really like the transparent ones with different rolling figures placed inside.

As the baby grows, interest changes

A rattle is a useful thing for newborns. One question remains: at what age and which version of this entertainment is suitable for a child?

  • A newborn is capable of carefully following a bright object with his eyes and holding a small object in his fist due to a developed grasping reflex from the age of two weeks.
  • A three-month-old baby consciously holds the rattle in her hand, begins to wave it, and pulls it into her mouth. Begins to understand the shape and color of the toy, responds well to sound. Some toys become favorites.
  • At about four months, your baby will need teething rattles.
  • When carrying a child in a sling, from five months he can be given soft toys. A busy baby does not distract his mother.
  • The six-month-old toddler consciously and happily plays with all the rattles.

So, let's summarize. A rattle is not just a toy, but the first object that opens up opportunities for a baby to explore the bright, diverse world around him, filled with sounds, smells, and sensations. Please and develop your child with different games, enjoy his new skills together.

You need to buy the first toys for children carefully and carefully. First of all, you should navigate the huge range of all kinds of gaming accessories for newborn babies. The basic rule is that there should not be too many toys!

In the first weeks, the baby has no time for entertainment, since he does not see very well due to the imperfection of the visual organs. Everything that is located closer or further than 25 - 30 centimeters is perceived by the newborn as a cloudy spot.

Still, toys can be useful for sensory stimulation, especially if age-appropriate. For example, a traditional rattle is ideal for a newborn. Read about how to choose it and what types of rattles exist in our material.

Rattles for newborns

The number 1 toy for a newborn baby is undoubtedly a rattle.

The first such products were made from natural materials at hand - birch bark, wood, willow vine, and animal bones.

Such objects were called trinkets, rustling things or rattles. In addition to its actual entertainment purpose, the first rattle also served as a kind of amulet against evil spirits and evil witchcraft.

Despite the constantly changing design, shape and complexity of functions, the very principle of operation of the rattle remains unchanged for several centuries. When shaking a hollow container filled with balls and other small objects, the child hears a quiet sound.

Benefits of rattles

What are the benefits of rattle toys for newborns? These items are for comprehensive development of the baby:

  • by the end of the fourth week, the child begins to determine the direction of sound, simultaneously improving auditory skills;
  • the visual apparatus also improves: the child begins to peer at the toy, trying to catch its movement with his eyes;
  • By placing a rattle in children's hands, parents develop fine motor skills of their fingers and teach them to hold the toy in their palms.

In children's stores you can buy rattles for every taste and size, but it would be correct to take into account the age of the baby, as well as the quality of the products chosen.

Many mothers advise stocking up on 2-3 rattles for the first time. For a newborn baby, who spends most of his time sleeping, such a number of toys is already a huge abundance.

Manufacturers today offer several types of noisy products. All of them are intended for babies, but not all of them are suitable for a newborn baby.

Let's take a closer look at the types of rattles:

  • pendants(from 0 months). They are mounted above the bed, in a stroller or in a car restraint system. Some toys are additionally equipped with a music block. At first, the child simply watches and listens, and then, at 3 months, he begins to grasp elements.

    To develop the emotional sphere, a baby of one and a half months can be hung with rattles with the image of a smiling character. It is important that the mouth and eyes are clearly visible;

  • bracelets(from 0 months). Bracelets worn on the leg or arm contribute to the development of motor skills. The child will begin to move his limbs more actively, wanting to hear the characteristic noise. You need to make sure that the rattle does not pinch the limb;
  • soft(from 3 to 5 months). These rattles are made from fabrics of different textures, which contributes to the development of tactile sensations. Also, kids are attracted by the unusual, “russling” sound that the toy makes;
  • rings(from 3 to 5 months). The product looks like a keychain with keys, which are small objects. When they collide, they make a noise that attracts the child’s attention;
  • socks(from 3 to 5 months). These products are put on children's feet, just like regular socks. The only difference is that in the “muzzles” of the animals, which are attached to the socks, there are rattles that entertain the baby;
  • teethers(from 6 months). Such rattles are a combination of a toy and a teether - a device with a cooling gel that relieves pain in the gums;
  • maces(from 4 months). On both edges of the holder there are bright balls or funny figures. Such products are ideal for developing the skill of grasping objects and holding them;
  • on a suction cup(from 7 months). These toys are attached to the dining table so that the child can clap and touch them, but they cannot be thrown down.

The traditional version of rattles is a figurine on a holder. Both the handle and the toy itself can be made of various materials. The main thing is expressiveness and pleasant sensations.

Types of materials

In order for a child to be able to play with rattles without risks to his health, it is necessary to choose a gaming accessory made from the right material. Most often, “noisy” toys are made of wood, plastic, fabric and silicone.

What is best for a newborn?

  • plastic. Modern manufacturers prefer this particular material for making baby rattles. High-quality plastic toys are safe and come in a variety of colors and shapes. They are very easy to care for - just wash and dry;
  • tree. Ecological and natural material with a pleasant texture. They are distinguished by clean and pleasant sound and ease of use. Natural wood is safe if a child puts the toy in his mouth, and caring for it only involves wiping it with a clean damp cloth. The only negative is that it is quite heavy, and besides, a child may inadvertently hit himself on the head with a wooden rattle;
  • textile. Most often, textile rattles are made of cotton with velor inserts. The filler can be anything. A huge plus is the ease and inability to injure yourself. However, such products get dirty quickly and will have to be washed constantly;
  • silicone. This material is used in the production of teething rattles. Typically, the filler in silicone toys is liquid, so it is important to monitor the integrity of the coating of the gaming accessory.

In the first months of life, it is best to give your baby silicone or fabric rattles. The baby is still learning to control his movements, so he may accidentally hit himself on the forehead with his favorite toy.

As we grow older, the range of materials for rattles expands significantly. By six months, a baby can already play with toys with a variety of textures. This promotes faster development of tactile sensations.

What toys does a tiny newborn need? First of all, they are safe.

And in order to choose a really useful rattle, you must follow A few rules when visiting a store:

  1. Purchasing rattles on the market, from a tray, is completely excluded. Make purchases only in specialized children's stores or pharmacy chains. It is important to make sure that the product is certified and meets Russian and international standards.
  2. You must smell the toy before purchasing. A pronounced chemical “aroma” indicates the low quality of the materials or dyes used. Naturally, you cannot buy such rattles.
  3. Inspect the product carefully. It is necessary to make sure that the toy does not have chips, burrs, sharp corners and other defects that could injure the delicate skin of the child.
  4. The color of the toy purchased should be natural, not “poisonous”. Excessive variegation and brightness are a possible sign of a low-quality product. In addition, natural shades are suitable for improving the visual apparatus.
  5. Check the toy for the volume of noise it makes. The sound should be pleasant and not harsh, otherwise the children will get scared and cry. By the way, the most pleasant sound is made by wooden rattles.
  6. You can also check the weight of the purchased product. Infants will not be able to hold in their hand an object whose weight exceeds the 100-gram mark.
  7. If you want to buy a teething rattle, make sure that the toy is intact, since the liquid filler may leak if the “container” is damaged.

Toys for newborns and older children should be solid, without small elements that can fly off and clog the baby’s airways.

A rattle can be given to a three-week-old baby, but he will only take it because of his developed grasping reflex. Of course, in this case there is no need to talk about any independent game.

An adult demonstrates the first toys for a newborn. He does this in such a way that a helpless child who knows little can notice and become captivated by the rattle.

The toy is brought to the child’s face at a distance of 25 - 30 centimeters and moved smoothly from one side to the other, jingling it a little.

This way the child will be able to focus his eyes and hear an interesting sound.

The duration of the game is no more than 2 minutes.

A two-month-old baby is already more developed than a newborn baby. At the age of two months, the mother can place a rattle in the baby’s hand so that the baby learns to hold toys and manipulate them (for example, bring them to the mouth for study).

A three-month-old baby begins to become more skillful and independent. He is already able to take a toy from his mother’s hands, clasp it in his fist and carefully examine it. Some children try to rattle it, freezing in surprise when they hear the sound.

At what month does a baby begin to hold toys?

As already noted, a superbly developed grasping reflex allows a child to hold small objects literally from the first days. If a parent gives him a plastic ring, the newborn will instantly grab onto it and begin to hold it.

Such actions take place without conscious control. In the same way, the child grasps the mother’s finger or clothing. Moreover, the strength of his grip is so great that sometimes he has to unclench his children’s fingers in order to free the object.

Despite the fact that a child is capable of holding toys from birth, he is not yet able to manipulate them. At this age, babies don’t even understand (and don’t see) what kind of object is in their hands. They act exclusively reflexively.

Rattle pendants can be accidentally touched by hands, after which the child begins to study the unexpected swinging and noisy object. However, again, these actions cannot be called a game. In addition, such moments can frighten the baby, so you should hang toys higher.

Conscious holding and holding of toys begins at three months of age. If you put a rattle in a child's palm, it will immediately end up in the mouth - for the purpose of study and familiarization. A 3-month-old child carefully examines the toy, but shakes it unconsciously, not understanding the principle of its operation.

Six-month-old children are already well versed in the features of the rattle, knocking it on any surface with great pleasure. Including on your forehead. This is why you should not give your kids heavy toys, this way you will avoid bumps and bruises.

When the baby turns four months old, he will begin to take toys on his own, without prompting from adults.

You can note There are several stages in completing this action:

  1. At the age of four months, the child begins to grab objects located at the level of his eyes. He holds the rattle with both hands and purposefully pulls it towards him for widespread study. Babies also knock on pendants and shake rattles to make sound.
  2. When the baby grows a little (after 5 months), he will begin to take objects from the surface of the bed or changing table with both hands. The raised toy is carefully studied, the baby tries to play with it. So far, most manipulations are performed with two handles.
  3. A six-month-old child takes the desired object from any position: lying on his back, tummy or side. The baby takes the rattle with one hand, the second at this moment can hold another toy. A 6-month-old child plays independently with rattles and develops favorite toys.

When the child reaches the age in which his skills allow him to pick up the desired object, it is necessary to begin an “inspection” of potentially dangerous things surrounding the baby.

Not many little ones can resist numerous temptations: after all, they want to explore the taste of their mother’s cream, and take a shiny fork from the table, and taste the tail or paw of a cat passing by. The thirst for knowledge is truly a great thing!

Rattles are the first baby toys that appear at home. Noisy objects are designed to arouse in a newborn baby an initial interest in the environment and in obtaining information.

In order for the baby to develop correctly from the first days, it is necessary to purchase only safe rattles that are suitable for his age. Explore the world around you without any problems!

Newborns are not yet able to use their hands, control movements, or hold objects in their hands. But already in the third week of life they can get carried away by bright things and follow the toy with their eyes. The baby does not yet control his movements, but the grasping reflex is well developed almost from birth.

After two months, the baby begins to wave his arms and legs, and by four months he is already consciously picking up and holding objects in his hands. Let's take a closer look at how many months a child begins to hold toys in their hands on their own.

At what months does a baby begin to hold objects?

Due to the grasping reflex, a child can hold a toy from two to four weeks after birth. He does this involuntarily and cannot control his movements. If you give a baby a small object, he will grab it unconsciously and hold it like a mother’s finger. In this case, it is impossible for a newborn to open his fingers on his own, so an adult will have to do it.

To attract the baby's attention in the first months of life, use bright toys that are held at a distance of 30-50 centimeters from the baby's face so that he notices the objects. Colored rattles are great at this age. But do not choose products that are too noisy and do not use sharp sounds, otherwise the baby may get scared.

In addition, it is not recommended to give heavy rattles and objects to babies under five to six months of age, otherwise, when playing, he may drop the toy and hit himself. After two months, the baby can hold compact things in his hand, explore and put them in his mouth. And when a child begins to hold a rattle or other toy in his hand consciously, we will find out further.

When a child picks up and holds toys himself

After four months, babies begin to consciously grab and take objects that fall into the baby’s field of vision. In addition, the child attracts toys and even tries to shake them. He grabs the product, which is located at eye level. He squeezes the toy and diligently pulls it closer to himself, trying to put it in his mouth. In addition, children can knock on hanging rattles.

After five months, the child will begin to independently pick up an object from the bed or changing table, grasp it with both hands, and gradually switch to using only one hand. After six months, the baby should be able to simultaneously hold different objects in each hand. At the same time, he confidently takes the desired thing with only one hand from a lying position on his stomach, side or back.

After five to six months, babies can independently play with a rattle, hold and shake, choose the toy they like and push away others. In addition, he can remove the sock from his foot himself and interlock the arms with each other. At this age, it is important to ensure maximum safety for the child, because he can grab a passing animal by the tail, bite a tube of cream, and so on.

Remember that each child has individual development. And if at four months he still cannot hold or grab a toy, there is no need to panic. The necessary skill will be developed a little later. However, you can help master this skill with gentle exercises.

How to teach a child to hold objects in his hands

  • Do activities in the form of games, use conversations,... Be in a good mood, don’t raise your voice, don’t shout or get annoyed if the baby doesn’t succeed;
  • Choose a time for games and activities when the baby is healthy, calm, and well-fed. It is important that nothing distracts or disturbs the baby. At the same time, do not leave the baby alone with the toy, otherwise he may be injured!;
  • Perform the exercises in turn for each hand so that only right-handed or left-handed people do not develop skills;
  • To teach your baby to clasp hands, regularly clasp your baby’s hands together so that he feels the squeeze of his fingers. Wrapping your hands around an object, such as a rattle or feeding bottle, helps;
  • Get your child interested in a bright toy. Move the product in front of your face and rattle it. When the baby notices an interesting thing and begins to follow it with his eyes, put the object in the handle. Place the product across your palm between your thumb and other fingers. Help the baby connect his fingers and grasp the toy. At first he will hold things for a short time, but gradually the period of fixation increases;
  • When the child is already holding the toy firmly and for a long time, vary the exercises. Start pulling the object, trying to take it away. This will improve the baby's reaction and increase muscle tension. As an educational game, use a patchwork rug with large buttons, beads and other similar items firmly sewn on;
  • To develop a grasping movement, hang brightly colored items next to one of the handles. Let the baby show independence and develop movements;
  • Help your baby shake the rattle and squeeze the squeaky toy. He will remember the movements and repeat them on his own. And to develop the skill of transferring an object from one handle to another, bring the free handle to the occupied one, let's touch the thing;
  • Be sure to praise the baby when he was able to complete the task. This will allow the baby to rejoice and realize success, and will also provide incentives for subsequent activities;
  • Keep toys clean, because babies put every object in their mouth, especially during teething. Therefore, you need to regularly wash or wash products, and plastic, rubber and glass items.

What toys to choose for a child

We learned at what age a child should begin to pick up and hold objects in his hands. But to develop skills and safety, you need to choose the right toys. A rattle is a suitable option for the first lessons. Choose products with a long handle of about 15 centimeters. Then gradually move on to smaller things.

Toys should be bright and musical. Choose red, yellow, green, orange colors. Use objects with different shapes and textures. It also develops tactile sensations and fine motor skills, shapes preferences and taste. A rattle will be useful in the first month of a baby’s life, even if he does not yet know how to hold objects. Babies are already responding to sound.

In the first six months, two or three rattles of different colors and sizes, one or two hanging toys that hang in a crib or stroller will be enough for the baby. Additionally, you can use a music mobile, but not every child likes it. If you use musical hanging products for children under two years old, hang mobiles and similar toys no closer than 40-50 centimeters so that the baby does not get scared.

By six months, you can take moving toys and educational products of different textures. But they should not make too loud and sharp sounds, be large, and should not be bulky or heavy, so as not to frighten or injure the baby. In addition, the baby should be able to hold objects easily and comfortably. You can find detailed development of the baby by month at the link.

Many people underestimate the role of rattles, but in fact, the importance of these first “developmental toys” is very great! They are involved in the development of hearing, vision, motor skills, sensory and coordination. Modern models allow you to combine several items in one toy - a rattle, a teether, an educational toy for developing motor skills. How to choose rattles for newborns? Which toys will be more useful and safe? At what age should a baby be given rattles?

Types of rattles

Before you go to the store to buy a toy for your baby, you must first study the types of rattles that manufacturers offer today. There really are a lot of them, and it’s easy to get lost in this diversity. Here are just the main types:

The classic model is very similar to its Soviet counterparts - there is a ball with beads that makes characteristic sounds when shaken, and a handle - the child must hold the toy by it.

This model is not bad and is suitable for a very small child, but with age, as the baby develops, more complex rattles will be needed

Such toys are hung in a stroller or crib so that the baby can catch them with his hands, swing them and hear the sounds of small balls rolling.

3. Rattles for the stroller or crib

A very popular model. You can buy two different toys for the stroller and crib. So the baby will be captivated by this entertaining little thing both at home and on the street.

4. Textile rattle socks, rattle bracelets

They really help the baby learn his limbs and get used to his own body. In addition, the characteristic sound and bright colors will develop the baby’s hearing and vision.

Mom doesn’t have to worry that the child will let go of the toy and cry. This model will always remain in its place

They have a very good effect on the development of sensory and fine motor skills. The toy is filled with a special rustling material, by fingering which the baby can hear an interesting sound and develop his fingers.

If you shake such a toy, it will rattle, and if you crush it with its hands, it will rustle. An excellent “developmental activity” for kids!

Such toys consist of several elements; they move, spin and twirl, rattle, and crackle. A very interesting option for children older than six months who are no longer interested in just shaking a toy

7. Teether rattles

A very good option for rattles that perform two functions at once - an educational toy and a device for relieving pain during teething

8. Slingo rattles

Toys specially designed for mothers and children who actively use a sling or ergo-backpack. Such a toy can be easily attached to a sling and the baby, while in this device, will be able to play and develop fine motor skills.

Previously, this type of rattle could only be found from hand-made craftsmen or made with your own hands. Today such models are sold in children's stores.

How to choose the right rattle

First you need to decide where exactly the toy is being purchased. You will need one model for a stroller and a crib, and another for regular play with your child. In addition to choosing a model, it is worth remembering some other selection rules:

  • Eco-friendly safe materials. You should not buy toys made from toxic plastic. This is dangerous for the baby's life. If there is any doubt, it is better to put the item aside and stick to proven textile or wooden models.
  • Certificates. High-quality products for children are always certified. A good store will provide the buyer with documentation upon request. It is better to buy toys at such retail outlets, avoiding purchasing them from hand or at market stalls.
  • Smell. A high-quality safe toy should not emit any odors. If there is a characteristic unpleasant smell of plastic or something else, then this option is not worth taking.
  • Bright colors. Bright toys are more useful for the visual and aesthetic development of the baby. Therefore, there is no need to buy faded toys; it is better to opt for colorful options.
  • Filler. The filler must be very well closed, that is, there should be no doubt that it can accidentally spill out and get into the baby’s mouth. If the model provides liquid filler, then you need to make sure that it does not leak out. It is good to buy toys with different fillings that make different sounds. This will develop the baby's hearing much better.
  • Possibility to wash or wash the toy. A very important point! The rattle quickly becomes dirty with active use. You will have to wash it every day. It must be possible to treat the toy with antiseptics, wash or launder it. Low-quality materials will quickly lose their appearance with such care, so the quality of the toy should come first.
  • No sharp corners or traumatic elements. For kids, it is better to choose toys that are streamlined in shape with a smooth surface, without “burrs.” This will reduce the number of injuries.
  • Weight. For a newborn baby, you should choose the lightest toys so that he can easily hold them in his hand. As your baby grows up, you can choose a model that is heavier and has more elements.
  • Firm. Today you can find rattles from various companies, both domestic and foreign. Recognized leaders in the production of high-quality and safe toys are Tiny Love, Canpol Babies, and Tolo Toys. Toys from these manufacturers can be found in any online children's store.

At what age can you give a rattle to a child?

A rattle is a universal toy that can be used from the second or third week of life up to a year and older, if the baby is still interested in it. However, you need to choose the right model for kids of different ages:

  • From 0 to 3 months, the classic model, stretchers in the stroller and crib, and sling-rattles are suitable.
  • From 3 months you can complicate the design of rattles, buy models in the form of pendants, bracelets and socks, as well as textile “rustles”.
  • From 4-6 months you will need teething rattles and puzzles.

Tip: From the age of two months, stretch rattles should be hung so that the child can reach them with his hands.

How to play with a baby using a rattle

At the age of 2-3 weeks, the baby cannot yet play with a rattle on his own. The mother should take the toy and move it in front of the child's eyes. Gradually, you need to ensure that the child follows the object with his eyes and turns his head towards the sound of the rattle.

From 2 months you can already try to place an object in the baby’s palm. Gradually he will hold the toy, try to bring it to his face, and examine it. If it doesn’t work out right away, don’t despair, you need to try again and again. Soon everything will work out for the baby!

From 3-4 months, the child can already independently pick up a toy that lies nearby or from his mother’s hands. He is already shaking her with enthusiasm, listening to the sounds she makes, tasting her, examining her. At this age, it is necessary to expand the range of toys and offer the baby new rattles to make his development more interesting and active.

Starting from six months, the baby becomes more independent and can play alone, but the mother can also take part in the game by purchasing a new, more complex rattle and showing the baby what can be done with it.

How to make a rattle for a newborn with your own hands

Handicraft mothers can not just buy a ready-made toy for their baby, but try to make it with their own hands. In fact, there is nothing complicated.

Simple rattles

Even those mothers and fathers who are far from creativity and needlework can make this version of the rattle.

1. Option

When making this type of rattle, you don’t need to put a lot of filler inside, otherwise the sound will be dull. The lid should be well wrapped; you can even strengthen the adhesion of the neck and the cork with glue, so that the child definitely cannot unscrew the cork and choke on the bead.

To make such a rattle, you will need any empty plastic container and filler in the form of beads, small balls or cereals

Option 2

When making such a toy, you need to ensure that the glue securely adheres the capsules. It is also better to seal the capsules themselves when closing so that the filler does not spill out.

To make it you will need 5 chocolate egg capsules, small beads and glue

Rattles made from fabric

This will require a little more effort and skill, but the work will not take much time, and the result will be excellent.

Rattle pendant “Butterfly”

To work you will need:

  • Several colorful scraps.
  • A piece of foil.
  • Ribbons.
  • Needle and thread.
  • Chocolate egg capsule.

These bright and fashionable rattles can be made in 20-30 minutes of work

You need to cut out the semblance of butterfly wings from the flap.

You will need 2 identical parts

The foil is needed so that the butterfly rustles when the baby touches it. It develops motor skills and hearing

Now you need to make the head and body of the butterfly. To do this, you need to cut out two identical circles and two ovals and sew the ovals to the circles.

The chocolate egg container must be filled with cereal or beads so that the butterfly rattles

Now you need to sew together the details of the head, filling it with cotton wool, shreds or a piece of padding polyester.

Now you can attach the plastic ring to attach it to the stroller.

If there is no suitable plastic ring, you can make the fastening strap longer and tie it on the stroller

Rattles are a child's first toys. You should choose them meticulously and carefully. If mommy has time, then it’s a good idea to make a toy for the baby with your own hands. You can involve older children in this, and then it will be a fun entertainment and educational game for the whole family.