For the New Year 2020, you can make a wonderful craft with your own hands in the form of a beautiful snowman, created from an ordinary light bulb and simple additional materials at hand. Rest assured, your efforts will not go unnoticed, because at the New Year's Eve party, guests and relatives will certainly immediately notice your products displayed on a chic Christmas tree or somewhere else in the room interior.

To do this you will need:

  • Bulb;
  • Acrylic paint;
  • Brush;
  • Textile;
  • Tapes;
  • Scissors.


  1. To make one snowman, you need to take one light bulb and repaint it white.
  2. On its narrow part you need to draw eyes, lips, nose and eyebrows.
  3. The body of a toy made with your own hands for the New Year 2020 should be covered with a different color of paint, and this will be its clothes.
  4. And for the top of the craft you need to cut and sew a hat. By tying it at the top with a simple ribbon, the decoration can be hung on the Christmas tree.

Step-by-step video instructions for making a snowman from a light bulb

New Year's toy

With your own hands you can make a wonderful Christmas tree toy from a light bulb for the New Year 2020, which will look more like a store-bought one. Such a bright and unique craft will add variety to your New Year's decor.

To do this you will need:

  • Bulb;
  • Glue;
  • Sequins;
  • Ribbons.


  1. To get a brilliant DIY light bulb craft for the New Year 2020, you need to take a simple material, which will, in fact, become the basis of our creation. A miniature form of the material, which is usually used for lamps, will look even better.
  2. Its surface needs to be coated with glue and then covered with glitter. Beads, beads or sequins can be used instead.
  3. It is best to decorate the top of the toy with a satin ribbon. When creating a New Year's product, other instructions can be used; in any case, you get a beautiful elegant decoration for the Christmas tree, as in the photo.

Video: master class on making a Christmas tree toy from a light bulb with your own hands

Santa Claus from a light bulb

To make a beautiful Santa Claus for the New Year 2020, use an ordinary light bulb and bright, appropriate colors. It is advisable to use a model in this work in order to create this character with your own hands as best as possible. Having spent your time making this craft, you will receive a reward in the form of warm smiles and positive emotions from your children and relatives when contemplating such a miracle creation.

To do this you will need:

  • Bulb;
  • Paints;
  • Brush;
  • Ribbon;
  • Beads.


  1. The background of the toy can be any, but pink looks better. On its surface you need to draw Santa Claus with a beard and hat. To make the craft more accurate for the New Year 2020, it is advisable to copy it from some sample or as in the photo.
  2. Where the thread on the light bulb is located, it is better to glue beads with your own hands. And a ribbon is tied at the top. A wonderful toy for the Christmas tree is ready! If you create a whole collection of such jewelry, it will be even more beautiful. This activity will be especially interesting for children.

Video: master class on making Santa Claus with your own hands

Christmas trees on a light bulb

To create any craft with your own hands, you need paints. They set the overall background for the product and add color and liveliness. So in our case, we use an ordinary light bulb to form a wonderful Christmas tree toy for the New Year 2020 with a cool print in the form of a coniferous tree. In addition to the Christmas tree, another design can be drawn, the main thing is that it is done carefully.

To do this you will need:

  • Bulb;
  • Paints;
  • Brush;
  • Decorative ribbons.


  1. The pear-shaped material needs to be repainted golden, as it makes the product look much better.
  2. Then on its surface you should draw a Christmas tree with toys and garlands. It will be more beautiful if you do this on both sides or all over the DIY light bulb craft for the New Year 2020.
  3. It is advisable to decorate the place of the carving with decorative ribbons with sparkles.
  4. You need to attach the same ribbon to the top and the toy with a Christmas tree is ready!

Video: master class on making Christmas tree decorations

New Year's wreath

From old unnecessary light bulbs collected in your home, you will get a beautiful unusual wreath for the New Year 2020 if you brightly decorate them with your own hands. Any New Year's materials are suitable for this craft.

To do this you will need:

  • Light bulbs;
  • Styrofoam;
  • Glue;
  • Paints;
  • Brush;
  • Tinsel.


  1. All light bulbs need to be decorated and attached to a foam base, which is first cut out with your own hands in the form of a circle.
  2. To decorate the wreath created for the New Year 2020, tinsel, rain, etc. are used. The finished elegant craft can be used to decorate any corner in your home, including doors and windows.

Hedgehog from a light bulb on a Christmas tree

A hedgehog made with your own hands from a light bulb for the New Year 2020 will, of course, be a pretty excellent toy for a Christmas tree or just for home decor. It is advisable to do such a craft with your children, because this kind of fairy-tale character will delight them and, for sure, encourage them to make their own creative works.

For production you will need:

  • bulb;
  • acrylic paints brown, white, black;
  • black or gray polymer clay;
  • hot glue;
  • brush;
  • rope;

Manufacturing process:

  1. We take our base - a light bulb and repaint it brown using acrylic paints.
  2. When the product dries, we will draw a hedgehog’s face on the top of the material. To do this, we need to take white acrylic paints and, using a convenient brush, apply small circles, placing them opposite each other, and put black dots in the middle of them. These will be the eyes of a fairy-tale character.
  3. As in the photo, draw a nose and mouth.
  4. As for the paws, we need to make them from black or gray polymer clay, and then use hot glue to attach them to the hedgehog’s body.
  5. To make our craft look like a real fairy-tale character with a spiny back, we will need to form it from a small piece of fur, which we need to attach to glue.
  6. If you want, you can complement the product with a bag that the hedgehog holds in his hands. Don't forget to also have a string to hang the figurine as decoration. This is how simple and beautiful you can create an amazing Christmas tree toy from a light bulb that will delight everyone for the New Year 2020.

Video: master class on making a baby penguin


Our article has now come to its end, which told you about how you can make handmade crafts from light bulbs for the New Year 2020 for your home collection of New Year’s decorations. You are probably already convinced that this creative process is a rather exciting and useful activity, as a result of which your home will be filled with new, unusually attractive decorative items that radiate positivity, beauty and magic. Making a celebration lively and filled with bright colors is so easy and simple if you show desire and awaken your personal imagination. Happy holiday, dear friends! All the best to you!

Creative crafts and New Year's decorations are very entertaining, because you can make a beautiful and unique toy out of any unnecessary and old thing. For example, using an ordinary burnt-out incandescent lamp, you can create an original decoration in the form of Santa Claus, a penguin, a snowman, an angel and even a deer. Having made several of these blanks, you can forget about spending money on buying New Year's decorations. Today you will learn how to make a Santa Claus toy from a light bulb with your own hands, the master class with photos below will tell you in detail about this.

In order to make a Santa Claus decoration from a light bulb with your own hands, you will need the following materials:

- incandescent lamp;
- acrylic paints;
- bead;
- brush;
- pencil;
- silicone gun;
- other decorative decorations upon request.

How to make Santa Claus from a light bulb with your own hands

1. The process of creating such a toy is quite simple. First, you should paint the lamp with white acrylic paint, barely diluting the paint with water, so that the “insides” of the light bulb do not show through the glass. Allow to dry completely.

By the way, if you have accumulated several unnecessary llamas, we suggest you make another one that will make your Christmas tree bright and unique.

2. After the paint has dried, use a pencil to mark the contours of the face of the future Santa Claus.

3. Paint the body (everything except the beard and face) of Santa Claus from the light bulb with red paint. Using ocher paint we highlight the area of ​​the cheeks and mouth.

4. Using silicone glue, attach the bead - the nose of the toy. Apply white paint to the eyebrows so that it hangs slightly.

5. Draw the eyes and also apply a large amount of white paint to the beard area. By the way, you can make your beard more natural by gluing a piece of cotton wool.

6. From a piece of fabric we make a hat for the Santa Claus toy from a light bulb for the Christmas tree. You can also put an old bell on your head. Before putting on the hat, we wrap the base of the light bulb with wire or thread so that you can hang the toy on the Christmas tree.

The original Santa Claus toy made from a light bulb for a Christmas tree, the master class for which you have just studied, turns out to be unusually beautiful and will delight the residents for many years. And if you involve your child in creating the souvenir, you will gain double benefit from making the craft: you will make a beautiful Christmas tree decoration and have fun communicating with your child.

And they will also be wonderful New Year's souvenirs.

Natalya Grishina

The pre-holiday chores associated with preparing everyone’s favorite holiday, the New Year, amaze with their imagination and creativity. I would like to present to your attention my creations. New Year's toys made from light bulbs which we made with our daughter for an exhibition in kindergarten. Master-There are a lot of classes on this type on the Internet, but we made our own funny snowmen. I am laying out the stages of work that we have completed.

This snowman was the first to be made and decorates the Christmas tree in kindergarten.

this toy made by my six-year-old daughter Nastenka

For production requires an ordinary light bulb, acrylic paints for glass and ceramics, pieces of fabric, threads in color, scissors, titanium glue, sponge, brush, cotton swab, toothpick, beads and of course your imagination and mood.

Prime white paint light bulb. (let dry, then repeat again).

The light bulb was poorly painted, so I took a piece of sponge and worked with it.

After the paint has dried, glue the braid with titanium glue in the form of a loop, for which toy can be hung on the Christmas tree.

Sew a cap from a suitable fabric and turn it right side out.

Using glue, glue the cap onto the base light bulbs.

Using decorative scissors, I cut out a ribbon and tied it on the cap.

I glued the same ribbon to the body

I drew handles and cut out mittens and glued buttons

This is such a funny snowman. I wish you creative success and congratulate everyone on the upcoming New Year!

I once saw on the Internet New Year’s toys made with my own hands from light bulbs) I really liked this idea (because I was already quite tired of plastic New Year’s toys) and now, when there is still time to start making such toys, I am selecting all the necessary materials. I suggest you, who are interested in this idea, to join. Moreover, such creations will appeal exclusively to all children, and therefore, for some time, computer games will be able to fade into the background.

The closer the New Year holidays come, the more you want to create! And the most rewarding time for making your own New Year’s decorations is now. You can create them from anything, for example, you can make Christmas tree decorations from light bulbs.

Ideally, to do this, take the accumulated burnt out lamps, but if the soul is boiling with inspiration, and the hands demand to create, then you can use new ones that have been waiting for their bright hour in the pantry for many months. So what kind of Christmas tree decorations can be made from this ordinary and already useless things in everyday life?

Cute and good-natured snowmen made from light bulbs.

Having been inspired to make toys from light bulbs with your own hands, the first thought or idea that comes to mind is snowmen. It’s easy to draw a funny face on a primed light bulb painted white, a carrot nose can be easily made from salt dough, and for true hand-made craftswomen there is the opportunity to make noses for snowmen from fimo or cold porcelain. The lamp base is perfectly decorated with a cute fabric cap. Well, you can also add stick hands by gluing them on a universal glue gel or with a glue gun. There is a huge field for imagination here.

That's all - wonderful snowmen in such funny New Year's caps will happily decorate your New Year's tree! And they will also be paired with fairy-tale grandfathers, penguins and other New Year’s characters. Cute little animals and characters from your favorite fairy tales

Since drawing faces on light bulbs is so much fun, why not add more characters to your Christmas tree branches? Wonderful and very cute New Year's toys made from light bulbs - these are all kinds of little animals! Such an adorable pair of bunnies will look very cute! You can also provide the bunnies with New Year's caps, such as in this photo.

But besides bunnies, there are many other animals that we strongly associate with the New Year holidays. Which of them can come to mind? For example, a deer. Yes, yes, if you want, you can make funny deer out of a burnt out light bulb! And New Year is a cold, snowy holiday, which means curious penguins on the Christmas tree will be very welcome!

After the light bulbs are primed and you have a palette of colors in front of you, more and more new ideas come to mind. What other toys can you make from light bulbs for the New Year with your own hands? The sophistication of decoupage in creating toys from light bulbs

In addition to quite childish crafts that are distinguished by enviable spontaneity, you might wonder how to make a light bulb toy in a more sophisticated style. A technique like this is amazing for this. Recently, this type of hobby has become very popular, as it allows you to create very beautiful things without any special artistic skills. So prime your light bulbs, pick out some New Year's themed napkins, and create an elegant New Year's masterpiece for your Christmas tree.

The lightness of balloons.

If in the coming year the only thing you really want to get from Santa Claus is a trip to somewhere far away and warmer, or even better - several trips a year, then the Christmas tree will need to be decorated... That's right! Balloons!

You can create an elegant, lace openwork by choosing multi-colored threads for work. Smooth silk threads will create a classic lace design and will make the products more sophisticated.

Simple and tasteful

Well, if you want to get the maximum effect with minimal effort, you can go the simplest route. Having painted the light bulbs in different colors, you can sprinkle them with dry glitter on an adhesive base, or use ready-made glitter for decoration in a tube. You can make the toys either completely shiny or alternate matte and shiny stripes.

These toys made from old unwanted light bulbs will look very impressive! Especially if they are decorated with shiny rhinestones!

For free artists.

Well, for those who confidently hold a brush in their hands, and a supply of paints at home is a must, you can paint light bulbs with wonderful patterns, turning them into real works of art. You can use clear ornaments or a noble floral design, or you can go avant-garde - in any case the result will be impressive.

The options can be very diverse. You can use salt dough, cute caps and hats made of fabric, structural paste to create icicles and three-dimensional relief, coloring and decorating with sparkles and beads, and perhaps tie a beautiful bow on the base of a light bulb. Choose the option that best suits your idea!

For the New Year 2020, you can make a wonderful craft with your own hands in the form of a beautiful snowman, created from an ordinary light bulb and simple additional materials at hand. Rest assured, your efforts will not go unnoticed, because at the New Year's Eve party, guests and relatives will certainly immediately notice your products displayed on a chic Christmas tree or somewhere else in the room interior.

To do this you will need:

  • Bulb;
  • Acrylic paint;
  • Brush;
  • Textile;
  • Tapes;
  • Scissors.


  1. To make one snowman, you need to take one light bulb and repaint it white.
  2. On its narrow part you need to draw eyes, lips, nose and eyebrows.
  3. The body of a toy made with your own hands for the New Year 2020 should be covered with a different color of paint, and this will be its clothes.
  4. And for the top of the craft you need to cut and sew a hat. By tying it at the top with a simple ribbon, the decoration can be hung on the Christmas tree.

Step-by-step video instructions for making a snowman from a light bulb

New Year's toy

With your own hands you can make a wonderful Christmas tree toy from a light bulb for the New Year 2020, which will look more like a store-bought one. Such a bright and unique craft will add variety to your New Year's decor.

To do this you will need:

  • Bulb;
  • Glue;
  • Sequins;
  • Ribbons.


  1. To get a brilliant DIY light bulb craft for the New Year 2020, you need to take a simple material, which will, in fact, become the basis of our creation. A miniature form of the material, which is usually used for lamps, will look even better.
  2. Its surface needs to be coated with glue and then covered with glitter. Beads, beads or sequins can be used instead.
  3. It is best to decorate the top of the toy with a satin ribbon. When creating a New Year's product, other instructions can be used; in any case, you get a beautiful elegant decoration for the Christmas tree, as in the photo.

Video: master class on making a Christmas tree toy from a light bulb with your own hands

Santa Claus from a light bulb

To make a beautiful Santa Claus for the New Year 2020, use an ordinary light bulb and bright, appropriate colors. It is advisable to use a model in this work in order to create this character with your own hands as best as possible. Having spent your time making this craft, you will receive a reward in the form of warm smiles and positive emotions from your children and relatives when contemplating such a miracle creation.

To do this you will need:

  • Bulb;
  • Paints;
  • Brush;
  • Ribbon;
  • Beads.


  1. The background of the toy can be any, but pink looks better. On its surface you need to draw Santa Claus with a beard and hat. To make the craft more accurate for the New Year 2020, it is advisable to copy it from some sample or as in the photo.
  2. Where the thread on the light bulb is located, it is better to glue beads with your own hands. And a ribbon is tied at the top. A wonderful toy for the Christmas tree is ready! If you create a whole collection of such jewelry, it will be even more beautiful. This activity will be especially interesting for children.

Video: master class on making Santa Claus with your own hands

Christmas trees on a light bulb

To create any craft with your own hands, you need paints. They set the overall background for the product and add color and liveliness. So in our case, we use an ordinary light bulb to form a wonderful Christmas tree toy for the New Year 2020 with a cool print in the form of a coniferous tree. In addition to the Christmas tree, another design can be drawn, the main thing is that it is done carefully.

To do this you will need:

  • Bulb;
  • Paints;
  • Brush;
  • Decorative ribbons.


  1. The pear-shaped material needs to be repainted golden, as it makes the product look much better.
  2. Then on its surface you should draw a Christmas tree with toys and garlands. It will be more beautiful if you do this on both sides or all over the DIY light bulb craft for the New Year 2020.
  3. It is advisable to decorate the place of the carving with decorative ribbons with sparkles.
  4. You need to attach the same ribbon to the top and the toy with a Christmas tree is ready!

Video: master class on making Christmas tree decorations

New Year's wreath

From old unnecessary light bulbs collected in your home, you will get a beautiful unusual wreath for the New Year 2020 if you brightly decorate them with your own hands. Any New Year's materials are suitable for this craft.

To do this you will need:

  • Light bulbs;
  • Styrofoam;
  • Glue;
  • Paints;
  • Brush;
  • Tinsel.


  1. All light bulbs need to be decorated and attached to a foam base, which is first cut out with your own hands in the form of a circle.
  2. To decorate the wreath created for the New Year 2020, tinsel, rain, etc. are used. The finished elegant craft can be used to decorate any corner in your home, including doors and windows.

Hedgehog from a light bulb on a Christmas tree

A hedgehog made with your own hands from a light bulb for the New Year 2020 will, of course, be a pretty excellent toy for a Christmas tree or just for home decor. It is advisable to do such a craft with your children, because this kind of fairy-tale character will delight them and, for sure, encourage them to make their own creative works.

For production you will need:

  • bulb;
  • acrylic paints brown, white, black;
  • black or gray polymer clay;
  • hot glue;
  • brush;
  • rope;

Manufacturing process:

  1. We take our base - a light bulb and repaint it brown using acrylic paints.
  2. When the product dries, we will draw a hedgehog’s face on the top of the material. To do this, we need to take white acrylic paints and, using a convenient brush, apply small circles, placing them opposite each other, and put black dots in the middle of them. These will be the eyes of a fairy-tale character.
  3. As in the photo, draw a nose and mouth.
  4. As for the paws, we need to make them from black or gray polymer clay, and then use hot glue to attach them to the hedgehog’s body.
  5. To make our craft look like a real fairy-tale character with a spiny back, we will need to form it from a small piece of fur, which we need to attach to glue.
  6. If you want, you can complement the product with a bag that the hedgehog holds in his hands. Don't forget to also have a string to hang the figurine as decoration. This is how simple and beautiful you can create an amazing Christmas tree toy from a light bulb that will delight everyone for the New Year 2020.

Video: master class on making a baby penguin


Our article has now come to its end, which told you about how you can make handmade crafts from light bulbs for the New Year 2020 for your home collection of New Year’s decorations. You are probably already convinced that this creative process is a rather exciting and useful activity, as a result of which your home will be filled with new, unusually attractive decorative items that radiate positivity, beauty and magic. Making a celebration lively and filled with bright colors is so easy and simple if you show desire and awaken your personal imagination. Happy holiday, dear friends! All the best to you!