At the age of 4-5 years, a child develops a creative attitude towards the world. He begins to create various crafts with his own hands. It is very important that adults at this moment tell the child that he can do a lot on his own and praise him for his imagination. This will arouse in the little person a desire to learn more about the world around him. Educators and parents are obliged to take into account all the developmental features of a 4-5 year old child. During this period, new knowledge should be given, but in a form that will be exciting for the child.

Features of development of a child 4-5 years old

Now the baby is able to think, although his experience is small, so there may be errors in his explanations. You cannot laugh at a child’s mistakes, so as not to destroy his interest in understanding the world. An adult should become a source of knowledge for the baby, which will carefully guide the little one to make an independent decision and justify the phenomenon that is happening.

Features of the development of a 4-5 year old child are manifested in an increase in the participation of perception, will, memory and attention.

Active cognition of many properties of objects occurs. The child puts them on top of each other and compares them, and with interest becomes aware of such new categories for him as color, shape, size, time, space, taste, smell, sound.

The baby becomes more attentive, due to which voluntary memorization is formed. He easily manages to learn short poems and counting rhymes. At this age, the baby develops imagination and speech, and improves diction. This needs to be given as much attention as possible and to support the child’s desire for independence and to cultivate a sense of beauty. It is easy for an adult to achieve the desired result, since all the realities of life can be explained to a child during the game in a fun and unobtrusive way. Children live in the world of their fantasies and fairy tales and have a rich imagination. All the above-described features of the development of a 4-5 year old child must be used wisely in order to avoid problems.

Basics of training

What is the best way to start the development of children 4-5 years old? What kind of activities are suitable for a child? These questions concern all parents who decide to educate their son or daughter themselves. Taking into account all the subtleties of the development of a child of middle preschool age, one should promote, and not interfere with, the manifestation of his new positive qualities, which are to be formed and consolidated in the child’s character.

So, the child wants to be independent, so you need to provide him with this opportunity. He dreams of drawing, creating masterpieces from plasticine and clay - you shouldn’t interfere with him. He wants to communicate with his peers. Let him be friends, quarrel and learn to make peace, apologize and forgive. This is the accumulation of life experience, knowledge of the world around us.


Adults need to teach children more complex things. Mathematics for children 4-5 years old can become a fascinating knowledge of the world of things and help open up new horizons. Adults will build their activities based on the basic skills that the child has already acquired earlier. He easily recognizes where right and left, bottom and top are, knows a circle, square, triangle, knows how to write and correctly arrange numbers in ascending and descending order, and compare the number of objects. Knowing what skills your child has, it is easy to outline a number of tasks that will help consolidate previously acquired information and add new ones.

Math games

Children love coloring books very much. You can invite your child not just to study the numbers, but ask him, without lifting his pencil from the paper, to connect all the dots using the written numbers into one drawing. This game makes the child very happy when he sees that using numbers he managed to draw a parrot, crocodile or fox.

If you need to reinforce order when counting, you can invite your child to complete an equally exciting task. The coloring picture shows apples. They need to be circled, colored and counted. All tasks should be offered with gradual complication.

Thus, mathematics for children 4-5 years old can become a favorite and exciting pastime. Subsequently, this interest will play a positive role when studying subjects at school.

Language and speech games

The same games can be used for the development of children 4-5 years old, forming correct speech and developing logical thinking. For example, the game “Guess whose shadow?” will help the child better navigate the world around him. The sheets contain outlines of various objects and animals. The child is asked to say who each shadow belongs to.

To develop speech, it is good to teach your child to pronounce tongue twisters and tongue twisters. It will be more pleasant for the child to do this with some fairy-tale character from the puppet theater. And if you then ask a tongue twister to say it just as quickly in the voice of a bear or a hare from a fairy tale, you will get a mutually exciting activity. Such exercises and games are extremely important for correct speech. For a child to be understood not only by his parents, but also by everyone around him, he must have a thousand words in his vocabulary.

Language learning

According to many experts, children aged 4-5 years can easily master any foreign language. If there is such an opportunity, you should definitely organize similar classes in the form of working with cards. They should depict letters, pictures and words. You can offer a variety of tasks using these cards. The child will remember the words, pronunciation and images of letters.


Being carried away by all kinds of varied activities, we should not forget that 4-5 years is still important and useful. And no one has canceled it yet. Exercises can be done with gymnastic and general physical exercises. This can be a warm-up during each session. There are many options for finger gymnastics. Here's one of them.

A short poem is read:

“Fingers do exercises,

To be less tired.

And then they are in albums

They will draw together.”

While reading, you can stretch your fingers, shake your hands, and join them into a “lock.” Such small pauses will help the baby relax.


When parents begin to pay more attention to their child and know all the developmental features of a 4-5 year old child, they will achieve maximum positive results in his upbringing and development. Therefore, the most important thing here is attention.

5 years: height and body weight increase, weight reaches almost 20 kilograms. During this period, it is important to monitor the feasibility of the loads that are given to children during work assignments. This is explained by the fact that the spine of a five- to six-year-old child and skeletal muscles are still developing. During this age period, the development of the child’s intellectual abilities, his morality and will, and the emotional spheres of his personality are observed. Therefore, it is especially important to support him in all good endeavors, and also to correctly restrain him from negative manifestations of lies and boasting.

At the age of 5-6 years, it is especially important to establish the correct moral attitude towards oneself and others, to consolidate kindness, honesty and decency. As the saying goes: “What goes around comes around!” Raise your children correctly - this is the key to your happy old age!

Every parent wants their child to be developed and inquisitive from childhood. What is not done to achieve this goal: countless books are bought, workbooks for the little ones, toys and coloring books. Now it is very easy to find tasks for a 4-5 year old child, and our article contains only the best exercises aimed at improving speech and general developmental tasks.

Logic tasks are some of the most important for children

Helps the child throughout his life. It is thanks to well-developed logic that the child does not get into childish “scrapes” and does not commit actions for which he can later be punished. Logic exercises are the first thing to start with in the development of a 4-5 year old child.

The tasks can be different, the most popular were and still are riddles. For example:

1. Gray furry beast,

Runs on four legs

He loves milk, believe me,

And he does everything on the sly.

2. They don’t like this little animal,

They are always afraid, squealing and catching.

Nobody will buy it in the store,

It's called kitten lunch.

Who do you think it is?

3. Little bird

In a gray jacket

Not a bullfinch, not a titmouse,

The cats chase him, and he collects the crumbs.

It is very important to communicate with the child while completing tasks, to give hints, to ask questions: “Do you know who this is? What are your thoughts?” Developmental ones don't have to be very complex. At the initial stages, you can show pictures with the answer after reading the riddle.

The second type of logical tasks is finding a pair, for example, cat - kitten, cow - ? (calf, decided according to the principle: mother and child); shirt - tie, trousers - ? (a belt is decided according to the principle: something with which the thing is tied from above); chicken - egg, bee - ? (honey is decided according to the principle: what an animal gives to a person). This series can continue endlessly; even the parent himself can create similar tasks for the baby.

Tasks for a 4-5 year old child such as puzzles are another effective and interesting way to help a child master logic.

Developing speech

Tasks for a 4-5 year old child should also include a complex. However, first you should find out which sounds the pronunciation is impaired, and only then select tasks.

The most effective way to practice missing or unpronounceable sounds is to pronounce words after the parent. For each sound there are 3 words (the problematic letter should be at the beginning, middle, end).

[C] - bag, paddle, kvass;

[Z] - hare, goat, cart;

[Ш] - step, pedestrian, reed;

[F] - giraffe, fire, crew;

[Ш] - goldfinch, lizard, ivy;

[L] - fox, scarf, crocodile;

[P] - crayfish, muzzle, ball.

By finding sounds in both strong and weak positions, the baby will understand that a word is not always pronounced as it is written. You can also practice each sound separately, starting with voiceless sounds and ending with voiced, complex sounds, such as [P].

Parents can create speech therapy assignments themselves. For children 4-5 years old, animal and cartoon themes are perfect. We must not forget that the exercise is not a boring lesson in which the child will fall asleep, but a fun activity that will help him improve his speech.

General development

At the age of 4-5 years, the child should already know the main animals: wolf, fox, bear, hare, squirrel, cat, dog, etc. Even the baby has difficulty, but still should know the months. First, you can show him association cards, for example, in December there is a Christmas tree, New Year, in March the snow melts, snowdrops bloom, in June the sun shines, schoolchildren are on vacation, and in September students, on the contrary, go to school. Such simple tasks for a 4-5 year old child will seem difficult at first, but he is just learning, getting to know the world, so if he fails, you should not scold him or punish him - after several lessons he will learn everything himself.

Small children do not always know how to tie their shoelaces, do not distinguish between right and left, do not know the days of the week, etc.

Here again, visual pictures showing a particular process will help. These cards can be printed or drawn with your child. The days of the week, for example, should be depicted as a tree with branches representing days; in order to learn to distinguish between right and left, draw little people who look either to the right or to the left (you can come up with active search games, for example, turn right, go straight, turn left, and at the end there should be a surprise waiting for the baby).

The importance of activities with your baby

Various tasks for a 4-5 year old child are extremely important, because it is at this age that he gets to know the world, discovers new things and learns things that will be useful to him throughout his life. The task of parents is to help their child achieve results in development and instill in him a love of knowledge.

As a rule, at a fairly young age, the child begins to express his desire to express the impressions that he receives in the process of growing up. He does this in different ways: voice, movements, actions. At a certain point, it is necessary to provide the child with the opportunity to express himself in a more varied way: give him pencils and paper, plasticine or construction sets, and teach him how to use them. The result of a child’s creative activity is an excellent means of monitoring and enriching his inner world. It is necessary to encourage children's creativity in every possible way in the form in which it is most acceptable for the child.

Fun game "Barbershop"

Purpose of the game: it doesn’t matter whether your child is learning to cut or is already a master of scissors, in any case, offer him a similar game: for beginners, learning by playing is more fun, and for the “advanced”, this is a new fun experiment!

You will need:

  • - sheets of A4 paper
  • - colored paper
  • - glue stick

How to make:

Fold the A4 sheet in half (if done in one layer, the paper will bend strongly due to the weight of the hair). Draw a man's face and cut it out. Cut out hair, mustaches, and beards from colored paper and glue them to the templates. Glue both halves of the paper together (the ends of the hair will remain inside) and you can get down to business.

This activity can be made more complicated, for example, you can make templates together with the child, or the child can make the templates themselves with the support and prompting of an adult.

The game "Barbershop" develops fine motor skills, attention, perseverance, and imagination.

Be sure to try this funny cutout too!

Modeling from plasticine

All parents try to spend their leisure time with their children usefully. No one will argue how useful modeling is for children. The very first material that children work with is, of course, plasticine. Small animals and insects from plasticine are the first things children learn to sculpt.

Modeling classes with children develop fine motor skills, develop imagination, help to master shapes, remember colors, develop imaginative thinking, cultivate neatness, accuracy and independence.

When talking about modeling for little ones, you need to think through all the details and look at the process through the eyes of your children. And let's start, perhaps, with the simplest.

Drawing lessons

Pencil drawing lessons step by step are activities that will help you master drawing techniques, regardless of ability or age. Drawing is really easy!

Just think how happy your baby will be when you tell her that from today we are learning to draw with a pencil! Why pencil? You need to start with something simple. And the easiest way to start is with light pencil drawings. Gradually you will master more and more complex skills. And, as a result, you can move on to working with paints. Drawing for children will become a favorite pastime and will gradually introduce kids to the wonderful world of bright images and favorite characters.

When a child turns 4-5 years old, many parents begin to seriously think about preschool preparation for their child. After all, first grade is just around the corner, and by this time the baby should learn to read, be good with a pencil and pen, and master the basics of mathematics. Of course, it is better to start preparing in advance; this will allow the child to gain the necessary knowledge and not lose interest in learning in the future.

By the way, regarding interest: when conducting educational activities for children 4-5 years old, we must not forget that at this age toddlers continue to explore the world through the same faithful companion of childhood - games. Also, the learning process should involve changing the type of activity and identifying talent.

We will talk in more detail about how to competently organize developmental activities for children 4-5 years old at home, how to set priorities, unlock potential and awaken interest in learning in this article.

Developmental activities for preschoolers 4-5 years old

Yes, your baby has grown noticeably and matured, he is trying to show independence in everything and thereby earn the praise of his parents. But do not forget that he is still a child and needs a proper daily routine and proper daytime rest. Therefore, any developmental activities, especially those with an emphasis on developing logic, training attention and memory, are best done in the morning. Also in the first half of the day it is better to study letters, reading and exact sciences, that is, mathematics. All classes should be conducted in a playful, friendly and relaxed atmosphere. Therefore, adults need to prepare special didactic materials in advance, draw up an action plan and be patient.

A speech development activity can be done while walking. For example, while taking a leisurely stroll to the store, you can learn some simple rhymes, or together come up with words starting with a given letter.

Creativity should be given due attention in the learning process. Modeling, drawing, putting together compositions from small objects develop fine motor skills, imagination and imagination of the child. In addition, such activities help to reveal talent and stabilize the child’s emotional state.

Parents should continue to prioritize the child’s physical development: under no circumstances should walks in the fresh air and active games be ignored. Many children at this age develop their own hobbies. It will be great if the baby starts attending sports. So girls may be interested in dancing and gymnastics, and boys will like swimming and tennis. Starting from the age of 5, young defenders can begin to learn the basics of martial arts techniques.

Examples of educational activities and games for children 4-5 years old at home?

These days, parents' options are virtually unlimited. In specialized stores or on the Internet you can find didactic materials and various games with which you can easily and naturally conduct children's educational activities for children aged 4 years and older.

It is difficult to find parents who are not puzzled by finding suitable games for their child. It’s good when they take into account the peculiarities of the development of the child’s psyche at a certain stage.

Properly selected logic games for children 4-5 years old will help develop exactly those aspects of the intellect that currently most need stimulation.

Game material for the development of logic should be varied. These are not only the obligatory dominoes and lotto, there are a lot of interesting games that will easily captivate your child. And most importantly, such activities will bring not only joy, but also invaluable benefits. What is instilled in a child at an early age will definitely return with success in the future.

At the age of four to five years, increased development of the right hemisphere begins. This hemisphere is responsible for the synthesis of information, the ability to analyze and compare data.

It is at this age that the prerequisites for successful mastery of mathematics, writing, and reading are laid. The stage of understanding and accepting the surrounding reality begins. It is important to provide the child with the most complete sensory development. These are games that involve as many different materials as possible - both for tactile development and for olfactory, gustatory and visual experience.

Features of the development of logic in children 4-5 years old

Logic at this age undergoes rapid development. Thanks to the enhanced perception of the outside world through the senses, the child begins to compare, analyze, compare what he saw, heard, what he touched, felt.

Basic operations accessible to the logic of a child (4-5 years old):

  • comparison - the ability to find similarities and differences in surrounding objects;
  • analysis – allows you to isolate certain parts from an object and combine objects into groups;
  • synthesis - the ability to recreate an object from its parts;
  • classification - the ability to separate objects according to certain characteristics and combine them into groups

Types of games that develop logic for children 4-5 years old

Games that develop logic can be divided into several groups. This:

  • Didactic games. In other words, these are board-print games. They include tasks to find matches, pairs, and group objects according to a common characteristic. This includes puzzles, sets for composing sequences, and graphic games.
  • Educational games. Those games that become more complex over time, that is, after the child has mastered the first levels.
  • Speech games. They influence the development of speech, the logical construction of sentences, stories, stories.

The division into groups of games is very arbitrary, because many properties overlap with each other. Thus, the ability to synthesize information is trained equally well when creating a house from cardboard parts, and when assembling a puzzle.

Graphic games to develop logic

First of all, such games are aimed at developing logic in a child; in addition, most of them prepare the hand for writing. These tasks are attractive because they are completed without unnecessary details and colors; this does not distract from the game.

There are many types of graphic games:

  • labyrinths– the task is to draw a line from point A to point B, from the squirrel to the nuts, from the mole to the mink, etc.;
  • trace the line– you need to draw a pencil along the line, resulting in a picture, a figure;
  • tasks to find differences between objects and pictures;
  • « finish drawing» – where you need to complete the missing parts;
  • other tasks performed in a simple graphic form.

We offer you several graphic games. Print out the games and offer them to your child. Perhaps some of the tasks will seem difficult - then it is better to postpone them. Remember - there is no need to rush the child, everything should go as usual.

Speech games to develop logic

Speech logic games are a kind of riddles. Information is given that the child is already familiar with; based on it, he must draw conclusions and give an answer. Such games help to train in finding solutions, teach to analyze, and isolate important information. Such tasks have a particular impact on speech development.

Composing a speech riddle is not so difficult if you take a book well known to the child as a basis. It could be “Kolobok”, or “Sack of Apples” by V. Suteev or “Confusion” by Chukovsky. The main thing is that the plot is familiar and interesting. All that remains is to use your imagination. It is better if at the very beginning the questions are leading, pushing for an answer. Further, the tasks can be complicated, asking questions for which there is no answer in the work.

Don't forget about games like " Edible-inedible" This game is notable for the fact that it can be played while walking or driving. The parent names some object, and the child must say whether it can be eaten or not.

Ordinary riddles are an excellent trainer for developing logic. You may need a parent's help at first. But once you understand the essence, children begin to click them one after another. But it is still worth remembering that the subject of the game must be familiar.

Board logic games

The game consists of 48 figures, differing in color, shape and size. Games with blocks are an initial preparation for mastering mathematics. In the process, skills such as putting together a whole, comparison, classification and much more are mastered. It trains attentiveness, memory, and imagination. Logic and thinking develop.

It is convenient to use blocks because several albums of varying difficulty levels have been created for them, this helps parents use the game correctly.

Cuisenaire sticks

One of the most versatile board games. This includes counting material, the development of abstract thinking, logic, synthesis, analysis and much more. This kind of material allows you to adapt concepts to make them easier for children to understand.

More than 50 games using Cuisenaire sticks are available. The simplest thing is to arrange the sticks by length and color. As the tasks become more complex, you can invite the child to make a house or a train out of sticks. Invite the child to remember the location of the sticks, then remove one of them and ask which one has disappeared.

How to play with Cuisenaire sticks. Video

Puzzles. Lotto. Domino

Don't forget about all kinds of puzzles that are great for training logic. At the age of 4-5 years, you can safely offer sets of 20 pieces or more, depending on the degree of familiarity of the child with this type of games. Lotto and dominoes are gaining relevance at this age. The choice of topic depends on the child’s preferences.

Puzzle Games

This type of game includes tangram. This is a Chinese toy, created a long time ago, but invariably enjoying popularity from year to year. It consists of only seven parts, from which you can make hundreds of pictures! You can fantasize and come up with an image yourself.

Tangram develops attention, thinking, logic. To complete the task, you will have to launch the mechanisms of analysis, synthesis, and comparison. Such a brain trainer in the form of a logic game can be classified as mandatory.

Books with games for developing logic

“Rebuses, games, puzzles: Tasks for the development of logic. 4-5 years" from the series “Preschooler's Folder”. The book contains a huge number of tasks aimed at developing logic. Among other things, with the help of this book your child will learn to solve puzzles.

"Logics. Labyrinths and schemes" The book, in fact, is a workbook that the child uses together with his parents. Inside there are many different tasks: labyrinths, complete the picture, find the differences, tell what's next and much more.

Ponimatics from Elena Ardashirova. A manual for preparing to master mathematics. The book teaches you to sort objects and group them. Looking for repeating parts of drawings, continuing patterns - these are not all the games that await on the pages of the notebook.

Logic: Tasks for the development of logical thinking. With the book you receive one and a half dozen sheets with tasks placed on them. The tasks include all the necessary options for the harmonious development of the logical component.

Online games to develop logic

The modern world is unthinkable without the presence of computers. You can introduce your child to it with the help of exciting logic games. Such communication will not cause harm, and the baby will satisfy his desire to work on the machine.

Educational game “Whose traces”. The game requires you to determine which animal left the mark. You need to choose from the proposed options.

The engine helps the Hare. Learning colors and shapes. A very colorful game for learning and reinforcing basic colors and shapes.

Extra items. A simple game of classification, identifying an object that differs in properties. An excellent simulator for logical generalization and selection.

Patches. The game asks you to pick up parts of the picture and place them in the empty spaces. The task is complicated by the fact that the “patches” are offered in several versions and are similar to each other.

Collect a picture is a variant of an electronic puzzle. Teaches you to analyze and synthesize.

"Less - more". In the game you need to arrange cards with images from smallest to largest.

Find differences. An online game in which you need to find the differences between pictures. If successfully completed, the program will definitely praise the smart kid.

Computer games for developing logic

To play a game that develops logic on a computer, you do not need to have constant access to the Internet. Some games can be downloaded and installed on your hard drive.

Know-It-All: A Learning System. In addition to the basics of reading and counting, the game offers logical tasks that are so fun to solve together with the Know-It-All Bunny and his friend Sam the Lion. By completing tasks, children learn to learn and play independently.

Masha and the Bear. Developmental tasks for kids. The collection features several dozen mini-games with your favorite characters. Small logic tasks captivate you from the first minute. And the plot is that the restless Masha demands entertainment, and the complacent Mishka tries to please her.

Educational games Volume 5. The collection will not only teach you to think, analyze, and think logically, but will also prepare your child for kindergarten, show you the basics of drawing, and introduce you to the English language. High-quality animation and bright colors will make learning fun.

Games for gadgets (smartphones, tablets)

Online stores where you can download applications for smartphones and tablets based on Android, or Apple, offer a huge selection of games for children. Let's look at some of them.

You can develop logic together with your favorite Peppa Pig. The game is designed for installation on Android and includes a series of exciting tasks. You need to select shadows to match the cartoon characters. Look for missing chickens, collect grains, go through mazes and much more.

First puzzles offers Android Market. The themes are well known to children: farm, aquarium, garden. You need to select the “cut out” pieces of the picture and insert them into their places, compose a picture from the cut pieces.

iPhone owners can make their children happy A collection of puzzles. Children really like bright, high-quality pictures. The game is based on puzzles; to complete the task you will have to use matching.

The modern world offers a huge number of games to develop logic in children 4-5 years old. We have looked at only a few specific examples that will help you understand what to focus on when choosing activities for your child. Children grow so quickly and there is so much to do so that they can grow up smart, intelligent, and able to make quick decisions.

A game for a child is his whole life. It is through play that the basic skills of understanding the world, communication, and thinking are formed. Let's play good games!