1 year old - I want to think through everything so that the holiday is a success!

I was running out of time to organize the holiday; in principle, I did the main thing a day before the birthday. so for those who are planning to celebrate this holiday, don’t worry, you still have time to prepare. I don’t pretend to be original ideas, everything is from the Internet. I’m just sharing my experience of preparing for my daughter’s first birthday.

Apartment decoration

1. You need a lot of balls (I bought 20 pieces). if possible, then at least 1 gel ball. All children love balloons)

2. I bought whatman paper in A1 format (costs only 9 rubles). On it with a pink marker she wrote: Vitalinka is 1 year old and on whatman paper she made slits for photos, like in old photo albums. I selected several funny photos from a year of my life and placed them on whatman paper. Moreover, the birthday girl herself was most delighted with the photo; even now we did not take it off the wall, since every time my daughter loves to look at her photos)

3. I made it in Word on A4 sign "Who does Vitalina look like?" and printed it out.
Title: Who does Vitalina look like? and three columns: On mom, parts of the face, on dad.
In the second column were typed the words: hair, eyebrows, eyes, nose, cheeks, lips, smile.
And guests were asked to tick the appropriate column. At the end of the evening there was a counting of votes).

I told the guests this: many ask: “Who does your daughter look like?” I propose today to determine this by your independent vote - if, for example, the eyes look like both mom and dad, then we put a tick in both mom and dad. Throughout the evening, guests ticked boxes.

And above this sign I took an A4 size photo (25 rubles) “Mom + Dad = Me”. I did. I inserted the corresponding photos into this photo frame:

photo www.kinderyata.ru

Myself holiday. Guests at the entrance were given “Happy Birthday” caps with a picture of a clown (1 cap = 9 rubles). Of course, if time allows, then. And for table setting I bought the same napkins with clowns.

While the guests were getting ready and the table setting was finishing, the guests played with the birthday girl, looked at the poster and checked the box "Who does she look like?"


We need to think about it: if there are children, then there will be children’s competitions for them too. It turned out that only adults and the birthday girl.

At the table after the first toasts

competition "Chamomile"

At the bottom of the petals write questions about the child:

  • What weight was Vitalina born with?
  • How tall?
  • What color are her eyes?
  • What time did your first tooth come out?
  • When did she crawl?
  • When did you go?
  • How many teeth are there now?
  • Favorite bath toy?
  • What is the height now?
  • What is the weight at one year old?
  • What is your zodiac sign?
  • What year was the girl born?
  • What time were you born?
  • On what day of the week were you born?
  • What name options were there?
  • In what city were you born?
  • What color is her winter hat?
  • What is the birthday girl's apartment number?
  • Which maternity hospital did Vitalina appear in?
  • What are the godparents' names?
  • Favorite game?
  • First word
  • What date were you baptized?
  • Our birthday boy's favorite song?
  • Our birthday boy's favorite cartoon?
  • Favorite fairy tale?
  • and so on.

And with words “Now let’s check how well you know the birthday girl. Here’s a daisy with questions on its petals. Take turns picking them off and answering them!” We pass the daisy around in a circle, everyone takes it off, reads the question and answers if they know, and if they don’t know, then we help together. For example, when guessing the weight, I said, “More” or “less.” Everyone liked it)


Now let's check what future awaits our baby. With words “Vitalina, I suggest you determine for yourself what fate awaits you...” and on a tray or on the lid of a shoe box I offer it to her:

  • a ball of wool (symbolizes long life)
  • book (knowledge, mind)
  • brush (art ability)
  • wallet (prosperity)
  • garlic or lemon (health)
  • keys (welfare)
  • chocolate (sweet life)
  • ring (successful marriage)

Place things at your own discretion, you can ask your child to choose twice.


For this game, I prepared in advance a couple of A4 sheets, lined into the appropriate number of columns in the form of a table. Vertically in the first column it says “Who predicts”, in the second - “10 years”, then - “18 years”, “45 years”, “70 years”. And explain that during the evening, each guest, as well as close relatives, write in a few phrases how they imagine the life of the birthday boy at the ages indicated in the table: 10 years old - what kind of child, what clubs does he go to, 18 years old - where will he go to study, will he be running to discos, 45 years old - what will you achieve in life, will there be a family, 70 years old - how are things going with your grandchildren.

We wrote everything with humor, it’s very nice to read it to my daughter when she grows up. After the holiday, paste it into a large card as a keepsake for your daughter.

In the middle of the evening arrange

game "Telegram"

With words: I haven’t had time to compose a complete congratulations for my daughter, let’s all put it together. I ask you to name any adjectives, preferably with humor, for example, glamorous, etc. and three adverbs as well.

The guests call, and I filled in these adjectives in the spaces; in three places funny adverbs were needed, for example, cool, cool...

And then only after I had entered it I read the whole thing - everyone laughed heartily)

Here is the text of the telegram itself on A4 sheet:

Congratulatory telegram to Vitalina!!!

And ___________________ Vitalinka!
Congratulations on your first ______________________ Birthday!
Over this year, from ____________________ and ____________________ baby, you have turned into ____________________ and _____________________ girl!
We wish you to remain the most ______________________________ daughter for
your _______________________ mom and your _______________________ dad.

And let your _________________________ godmother Olya and your _________________________ godfather Sasha love you like their own daughter.

And all your _______________________ relatives and _______________________ friends pamper you with their attention and care.

May your birthday be the most _______________________ holiday of the year for you!
In general, grow, Vitalina, ____________________ and ____________________! _____________________ kiss and hug.
Your _________________________________ guests.

We also blew soap bubbles.

Competition "Rabbits"

Prepare a couple of blank A4 sheets and a couple of markers, and some books to make drawing more convenient.

Without telling the essence of the competition, I asked: "Who is the bravest?" . Call 2 lucky people. Books on their laps, a blank sheet on top and a marker in their hands. And with the words: “Now it’s the year of the rabbit, I propose to draw a rabbit with your eyes closed, and see who makes it more interesting). We can, of course, blindfold our eyes with a scarf, but we trust you, so you honestly close your eyes and start drawing.”

When they draw, everyone else who wants to can also try themselves as an artist. You can draw anything you like, a camel, for example, a giraffe, a hippopotamus...

I also made a wish

joke riddles

I printed them out on A4 paper in advance and made them during breaks in the feast. For example,

  • Grandma Dasha has a grandson Pasha, a cat Fluff, and a dog Druzhok. How many grandchildren does grandma have? (One)
  • The thermometer shows plus 15 degrees. How many degrees will two of these thermometers show? (15 degrees)
  • Sasha spends 10 minutes on the way to school. How much time will he spend if he goes with a friend? (10 minutes)
  • My father's child is not my brother. Who is this? (My sister)
  • There are 8 benches in the park. Three were painted. How many benches are there in the park? (8 benches)
  • Why does a duck swim? (From the shore)
  • My name is Yura. My sister only has one brother. What is the name of my sister's brother? (Yura)
  • The loaf was cut into three parts. How many cuts were made? (Two cuts)
  • What is lighter - 1 kg of cotton wool or 1 kg of iron? (Equal)

Magic chest

I also took a lot of photos in advance in fun photo frames for all the guests. I chose all the photos in which guests were photographed with my child during the year, and that’s what I inserted into photo frames. She put them in a beautiful chest, brought them to the guests, and took them out one by one. The guests were pleasantly surprised)

If there are children at the table, then you need to think over a children's menu - sandwiches, fruit canapés.
an option for a small children's birthday cake: take an adult square wafer, take it apart into layers, you will get several plates without cream, grease them with store-bought children's cottage cheese and put a candle.

We also placed a large candle with the number 1 on the adult cake.

The holiday was a success!)

Children grow up very quickly, before you know it, it’s time for parents to choose a scenario for their 1st birthday. But how to plan it so that it is interesting for both adults and children? After all, this is often very difficult, especially since the baby can get very tired from the noise and large number of guests that day. That is why we decided to collect the best ideas for celebrating a first birthday, give useful planning tips, and write a list of the most exciting and funniest competitions that are interesting to any generation.


The best place to celebrate your child's first birthday is at home. A cafe or a children's room is not yet interesting at this age. In addition, this is not entirely convenient for parents; the child may want to sleep, eat, or simply be capricious. However, even at home, you can create a festive, fairy-tale atmosphere for a birthday, think through a scenario, and decorate the room.

So, what are some fun ideas for celebrating your first birthday?

  1. Balloons. 1-year-old babies really love colorful balloons, so you should definitely use them for decorations. For example, you can make unusual airy flowers. To do this you will need 4 large balloons (petals) and 1 small one (middle). Simply tie them together with ribbon and carefully tape or pin them to the wall. You can make other figures, for example, fairy-tale characters, a unit symbolizing a child’s 1st year, a pacifier made of balloons, or the sun.
  2. Big one. The huge number 1 looks very impressive at a party and makes for great family photos. You can make it from anything - balls, napkins, fabric, children's photographs, mirror paper, etc. As a rule, the selected elements are attached to a base frame (wire, cardboard), and the bottom of the unit is made heavier so that the kids during the celebration of the day birth it was not accidentally knocked over.
  3. Garlands, flags, caps and whistles. Such decorations can be bought ready-made or made yourself. For example, a garland can be made from photographs of a child. Such a thing can be used from year to year, each time replenished with new photographs. Well, where would we be without the “Happy Birthday” inscription, funny caps and whistles? They will decorate any scenario, creating a festive atmosphere throughout the day.
  4. Wall newspaper. Usually, until the child is one year old, parents take photographs of the child very often. These pictures can be designed in an interesting way by drawing a wall newspaper (or printing them out in any printing house or photo salon). Drawings in the form of a calendar with 12 months of a baby’s life, a carriage in which the little birthday girl is riding, an old film with frames, a clock dial look interesting. For a boy, you can use a rocket in space or a train with 12 carriages. And somewhere on the side you can place a palm tree with the dynamics of the baby’s height and weight.
  5. Presentation. A slide show accompanied by children's songs will not leave any of the guests indifferent. Presentations look especially interesting together with photographs of close relatives (when they were only one year old). Or you can simply make a clip from the best photos and videos of the baby, arranging them from birth to one year as they grow.
  6. Musical selection. Cheerful children's music, songs, and cartoon clips will help bring any scenario to life. They will help adults plunge into the world of childhood, and kids will be able to move and dance funny.

Party plan

Regardless of the number of guests and the size of the party, it is better to plan the first birthday celebration in advance. If everything happens in turmoil, then there will be neither time nor energy left for the script. It is very important to decide in what sequence the meal, congratulations, presentation of gifts, holding competitions, etc. will take place. It should also be taken into account that at one year old the baby will not be able to stay awake and have fun throughout the day, so the time for the party should be chosen immediately after his birthday. sleep.

When planning a birthday scenario, you don’t need to schedule everything down to the minute. Don't forget to leave room for unexpected moments and surprises, they are sometimes the ones that leave the best memories


It’s best to start the entertainment part with a presentation; this will put the guests in the right mood. Next, you can move on to the official address to the guests. Thank them for all being here today. Tell us a few funny moments from your child's life. You can find out which famous people were born on the same day as the baby, and it’s interesting to present it. For example, if this is a great composer, you can say: “Sasha probably has excellent hearing and a sense of rhythm...”

Then you can proceed directly to the competitions, but before that, do not forget to take an oath from the guests. It sounds something like this: “I swear on this day to have fun with all my heart, not to refuse, so that they don’t offer me, not to shout “what kind of kindergarten” or “I don’t play like that.” In the name of pacifiers, rattles and delicious porridge!

Fortune-telling competition for the baby's future

It is better if the competition begins the scenario when the child is not yet tired and in a good mood. You need to spread a small blanket on the floor, arrange various objects around its perimeter, and place the baby in the center. The essence of the competition is for the child to choose 1 or 2 things that can be used to predict his future. To make the scenario even more exciting, you can invite each guest to guess what the child will choose (write it down on a piece of paper and then check it).

Item Values:

  • money - will become a millionaire, banker, accountant, economist;
  • comb - hairdresser, stylist, makeup artist;
  • spoon - cook, owner of a restaurant business;
  • tablets – medic, doctor;
  • computer mouse - programmer;
  • brush - famous artist;
  • photograph - photographer;
  • toy tank or pistol - military;
  • matches - fireman;
  • gavel - judge, lawyer, jurist;
  • glasses – scientist, teacher;
  • dog figurine – veterinarian, dog handler;
  • car – driver, car dealership owner;
  • flashlight - policeman;
  • telephone – manager;
  • ring - a good family man;
  • mirror – handsome man (beauty), model;
  • a ball of thread - the baby will live a long time;
  • ball – football player, sports career.

The tradition of cutting a child's hair at age 1 arose so long ago that almost no one remembers why it was done. The fact is that previously a large number of children were born in each family, but many of them died, so the hair (the source of strength) was not cut for the first year. It was believed that until the child was 1 year old, he could decide to leave the family. In one year, the first lock of hair was ceremoniously cut off from the top of his head, leaving the rest of his hair untouched. This was a sign that the child had been accepted into the family and was now under its protection.

Today, as before, the first lock of hair is cut by the baby’s godparents. This must be done quickly and carefully, in the shape of a cross. The hairs are placed in a beautiful envelope and carefully stored along with the baptismal shirt. If desired, after the ceremony the child can be shaved bald.

Attentiveness competition

You should prepare for this competition in advance. You need to cut out large daisy petals from white paper and write a question about the birthday person on each one. In this case, there should be as many questions as there are guests invited (one for each). Then they are attached with double-sided tape to the yellow center.

The questions can be anything, for example:

  1. What weight was the birthday boy born with?
  2. How tall was he?
  3. What does your baby like to eat?
  4. What time did his first tooth come out?
  5. On what day of the week was he born?
  6. When did he take the first step?
  7. At what time was he born?
  8. When was he baptized?
  9. How many months did he start sitting?
  10. What is your baby's favorite toy?
  11. What is his zodiac sign?
  12. What color are your eyes?
  13. What affectionate name do parents call a child?
  14. Who is his first friend?
  15. How many teeth does he have now?
  16. What is the birthday boy's favorite fairy tale?
  17. What does he like more, drawing or dancing?

Fun, funny competitions

Everyone loves to have fun, even grandparents will be delighted with such games. But it is worth considering that 1-year-old children will not be captivated by such a spectacle for long. Therefore, during competitions, you need to come up with an exciting activity for younger guests: get paper and finger paints, plasticine, colored pencils, etc. While the kids are busy, adults can play.

  1. Competition "Guess by Taste". Participants are tightly blindfolded and offered to try baby food. Based on taste, they should determine the contents of 5-6 jars (vegetable, fruit, meat purees). Whoever gives the most correct answers wins.
  2. Competition "Who can drink faster?" Participants are poured adult drinks into baby bottles and asked to drink at speed through a nipple with a large hole.
  3. Competition "Dress the Child". Participants need to quickly, and most importantly, swaddle the doll correctly. Whoever completes the task first must notify everyone with a rattle. The same task can be organized with a diaper, adding socks, a hat and other items of clothing.
  4. Competition "Sliders". For this competition you need to sew large rompers or simply tie the legs of your trousers. Participants must cover the distance from one end of the room to the other. Whoever comes first is the fastest slider.
  5. Competition "Whim of the Day". Participants are given pacifiers, which they must spit out as far as possible. The winner must be given a prize (otherwise he will be upset and capricious).
  6. Soap Bubbles Competition. Not only children, but also adults love to blow bubbles. You can compete a little and find out who can blow the biggest bubble, and who releases a huge number of them at a time.

End of the entertainment program

Any script must have a spectacular ending. Therefore, pay special attention to the final part. You can record a congratulatory clip for your child’s birthday. To do this, all guests are given a small candle, the light is slightly dimmed. Then the child’s mother or father lights each person’s candle in turn, after which the guest says a wish to the baby. Touching children's or classical music can play quietly in the background. At the final stage, when all the candles are lit and the guests have spoken, everyone will once again say “Happy birthday to you!” It will be a pleasure to watch such a video with your family year after year.

You can also make a family tree together with your relatives. You need to print out small photographs of your loved ones in advance, and also prepare a mock-up tree. You should start from the very bottom, with a photograph of the birthday boy, then there are photographs of the parents, even higher – of the grandparents, etc.

In order for everyone to be happy and remember your 1st birthday party scenario for a long time, you need to take into account several important points.

  1. Food should not only be tasty and satisfying, but also beautiful. Don't forget about the kids, they will probably get hungry and also want to eat. You can even make a special cake for them. To do this, fruit is cut into pieces in the middle of the plate, and children's cookies are laid out along the edges in a fence; when finished, the cake is tied with a bright ribbon. Other dishes can be served in the form of funny animals - bunnies, pigs, dogs or bear cubs.
  2. Ask guests to place gifts in a specific place. If they give them right away, it will create chaos; numerous new toys will greatly excite the baby. It is better to show them to him a little later, for example, during competitions.
  3. Gifts and souvenirs. The large number of competitions in the scenario suggests that there are many winners waiting for their reward. Therefore, it is worth stocking up on chocolate coins, delicious sweets, and you can make souvenirs for relatives with the image of a child. These could be mugs, calendars, refrigerator magnets, keychains and anything else that comes to mind.
  4. It is worth remembering that a baby’s birthday is a holiday for parents too. Therefore, some responsibilities can be entrusted to relatives. And so that after the birthday you don’t have to spend a long time cleaning up the house, decorations should be given to little guests. It’s useful for you and pleasant for them.

A baby's birthday is a very exciting holiday for parents; you need to prepare for it in advance so as not to miss anything. After all, the first year is remembered stronger and brighter than the rest. Photos taken on this day are viewed many times, so you need to make every effort to ensure that it is filled with happiness, fun and joyful laughter.

We offer you another scenario for celebrating your baby’s very first birthday!

Room decoration

Prepare a poster " My first year", made up of 12 photographs of the baby, one for each month, they can be signed with funny descriptions or poems.

On a separate poster, place photographs of the birthday boy and his mom and dad at the appropriate age, let the guests try to understand who the birthday boy is more like.

Unfold a large colored “Happy Birthday!” garland on the wall. (sold in children's stores), decorate the room with balls, colored flags, shimmering New Year's garlands, attach decorative butterflies to the curtains. The main task is to create a festive, but at the same time cozy and homely atmosphere.

Introduce your child to the transformed home in advance, give him a tour of the apartment, show and tell him everything. Let him touch and play with everything.

As gifts and souvenirs, prepare completed albums about the baby’s first year of life (for grandparents), beautiful framed photos with funny captions, or calendars with photos of the birthday boy.

How to entertain guests at your baby's first birthday? Naturally, the child is still too young to be an active participant in games and competitions, so the entertainment program is largely designed for visiting guests.

You can start your celebration with this fun poem that describes the first year of a little man and his parents.

Ultrasound, tests, doctors,
And nine months of anxiety,
And finally in the heat, in the night
Our paths have converged

And I can’t take my eyes off,
And a feeling of happiness and unity,
I wish I could fully experience it soon
Holy joy of motherhood!

We're home! God, he's screaming!
Well, where are the books and cheat sheets?!
Then he doesn’t eat... now he doesn’t sleep...
My husband helps... from under pressure

On the third day I went to the astral plane,
I don’t notice calls and faces,
But their hands are vigilant, they have a rush -
Weight gain is noted!

What banquet? Why guests?
Are we a month old? Everyone wants to get together?!
Now cook, serve, pour,
Don't forget to smile!

Your first laugh, wow!
Faster videos and photos!
Well, we were late as always -
Already sobbing to the point of hiccups!

Played all night, fighting sleep,
We will urgently note everything in the journal!
We'll sleep sometime later,
As they say - in the next world!

Again we have nothing to wear,
Although the bazaar of things was bought up!
Where are we growing?! Stand! Don't you dare!
And they didn’t take down half of it!

He eats puree! What a success!
Hurry up to brag about your peers!
But it turned out that everyone
They've been eating barbecue and pizza for a long time!

Our peers sat down,
He stood up - they were among the running!
Set aside days off!
At least catch up with those lagging behind!

Friends at the cinema, at the stadium,
We have our own Olympics -
Throw the baby under the table,
A rescued slipper is a reward!

Hooray! All difficulties have passed -
Constipation, colic and enemas,
But back into battle! Now the pots
Bruises, teeth and whims!

The child is one year old?! Can't be!
I didn't have time to enjoy it!
I'll have to give birth again
Let it happen again!


Mom announces that the baby received a congratulatory telegram, but some of the words turned out to be illegible, so each of the guests must name one adjective defining the birthday person, which is immediately written into a pre-prepared form. The text of the congratulatory telegram could be like this:
_______ Semyon! Happy first ______ birthday! During this first year, from _______ and _____ little one, you turned into ______ and ___ boy! Remain the same ____ son for your ____ mom and your ____ dad, and they also ____ love you and _____ raise you. Let your ______ grandfather Sasha and _____ grandfather Vitya pamper you, and _____ grandmother Sveta and _____ grandmother Lena entertain you, shower you with gifts and ______ goodies. May your birthday be the most ______ holiday of the year for you. Grow, Styopka, _________ and ___________. We love and hug you, your _________ guests.

Poems about dad and mom:

About dad

I'll tell you about dad -
I won’t open my mouth, I won’t bungle you.
This dad is great
A quick daredevil.
He washes his shit himself.
He cooks the porridge himself from semolina,
All day long the tractor plows,
He waves the iron nimbly.
He doesn't moan or whine.
Necessary? This will clean the floors!
All carpets are vacuumed,
And he won’t ask for a reward.
Will put my son to bed.
And our dad can
Fix my wife's hairpin
Help thread the needle.
Knows how to hold a soldering iron
How to clean a washbasin
What to put in a dry felt-tip pen,
In general - a jack of all trades!
There is beauty in our apartment!!
Hey dad!! The best in the world!!

About mom

To grow properly
We need to get a mom.
Mom is a very useful animal,
You won't find anything better!
If you want to eat,
All you have to do is scream
Mom comes running right away
He will offer boobs.
In the boobs quickly and easily
Milk appears.
You just have to suck it in,
It flows like a river straight into your mouth!
If you have eaten a lot,
But you don't want to sleep yet,
So that mom doesn't get bored,
You can scream again.
Mom will take you in her arms,
Mom will sing a song
Mom will tell you a fairy tale
He will dance and bring the ball.
If you still want to sleep,
It's better to lie next to your mother,
Let him sleep a little too,
You need to take care of mom!
Snuggle up to the warm side,
Stretch sweetly, sweetly
Before going to bed, that mom is nearby,
Be sure to make sure.
If you open your eyes,
And you will see - there is no mother,
You will, of course, make a roar,
You'll go broke.
She will come running
Dripping milk.
Mom is a very domestic animal,
Doesn't go far.
Do you want to be the happiest?
So, listen to my advice:
Get a mom soon -
There is no better beast than a mother.

Grandparents' oath

We accept the oath from the grandparents of the birthday boy, having previously said that it should have been taken a year ago, after arriving from the maternity hospital. Mom reads out the oath, and grandparents say in unison, “I swear!”

I swear to be an exemplary grandparent!
A forced march to the shops for milk, for baby porridge,
I swear to do it without mistakes.
I swear to get up late at night and rock his cradle.
And if necessary, quickly change the diaper at any time.
I swear to him to wash diapers and iron vests.
I swear to read fairy tales and play hide and seek whenever I want.
Do your child's homework so that he gets A's.
I swear to provide money later so that I don’t ask my mom and dad.
I swear then I’ll save up some money for him to buy a car.
In general, from the first day, put him on the neck!
And if I break my oath, I get tired, maybe I get scared, -
Then I won’t drink brandy or eat pineapples forever!
Do not ride in a Lexus car, do not go out in a mink coat.
Don't travel the world and don't have a villa by the sea!
You can't sunbathe in Miami! I swear to fulfill my oath!

Fortune telling

Next, you can conduct a fortune-telling ceremony that will allow you to understand what awaits the birthday person in the future.
Objects are laid out on the table in front of the child, each of which symbolizes his future. Invite him to take any object. "Which life will you choose?":

  • Book - symbolizes knowledge and intelligence
  • Keys to the apartment - welfare
  • A ball of wool symbolizes long life
  • Brush - symbolizes scientific abilities
  • Coin - prosperity
  • Garlic - health
  • Chocolate - sweet, cheerful life
  • Ring - great love

I believe - I don't believe

The “Believe or Don’t Believe” competition consists of the fact that, in turn, each of the guests draws a pre-prepared card, reads it out loud and says whether he or she believes or does not believe what is written:

  • A child's first birthday is not celebrated in Korea because... this can attract evil spirits that will ruin the baby’s whole life. (No, on the contrary, the child’s first birthday is celebrated especially magnificently. The birthday boy is sewn a bright national costume from colored silk, seated next to his parents, and all relatives and guests give him teachings and instructions ).
  • In ancient Greek Sparta, it was not customary to raise girls, because it was believed that one could be a wife and mother without any special skills. (No, girls were involved in gymnastics, running, discus throwing and wrestling on the same basis as boys. They were also taught singing and dancing).
  • In ancient China, a mother was obliged to instill in her daughter the “four virtues”: honesty, marital fidelity, modesty and diligence. (No, the girl’s father was responsible for this, and the mother taught her daughter needlework and the art of beauty)
  • One of the African tribes has a tradition that the first three to five months of a baby’s life are spent in a sitting position, for this they are placed in special holes dug in the ground. (Yes)
  • When a baby is born in Japan, the midwife cuts off a piece of the umbilical cord and places it in a special bag, which is then buried under a cherry tree. (No. It is actually placed in a traditional wooden box, about the size of a matchbox. The mother's name and the child's date of birth are stamped on it in gold letters, thereby symbolizing the bond between mother and baby.)
  • In Africa, babies are fed about four times an hour, and mothers respond to their baby's cries within 10 seconds. In some tribes, it is customary for several women to care for and breastfeed a newborn. (Yes)
  • In Denmark and Holland it is believed that proper rest for a child is more important than the development of intelligence. So, for example, it is considered that a child is fully developed if by the age of two he can independently roll a rolling toy. (Yes)
  • In England, it is not acceptable for an adult to reprimand someone else's child. According to English rules, if a child is naughty or does something bad, then the parents of the naughty child should be told about it, and not reprimanded. (Yes)
  • In Athens, a newborn baby is bathed in water to which olive oil is added. (Yes)


The competition consists of each guest trying to guess the real weight of the birthday boy by picking him up. The guest who comes closest to the truth wins a prize!

Visiting a fairy tale

Guests are asked to guess which fairy tales the following phrases come from:

  • Well, we’ve eaten, now we can sleep... (“Thumbelina”)
  • I’ll sit on a tree stump and eat a pie... (“Masha and the Bear”)
  • The goat comes back, knocks on the door and sings... (“The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”)
  • Eat my pouring apple - I’ll tell you (“Geese and Swans”)
  • The mouse ran, waved its tail, the egg fell and broke. (“Chicken Ryaba”)
  • I left my grandmother, and I left my grandfather... (“Kolobok”)
  • Grandma, why do you have such big ears? ("Little Red Riding Hood").
  • I'm a little mouse. And who are you? ("Teremok")
  • Don't drink, brother, you'll become a little goat! (“Sister Alyonushka and
    brother Ivanushka")
  • Who sat on my chair and broke it? ("Three Bears")
  • Are you warm, girl, are you warm, beauty? ("Morozko")


Familiar to everyone, in which guests need to guess the name of the fairy tale (usually young dads do this task best):

  • Square (Kolobok)
  • Green Shoe (Little Red Riding Hood)
  • Zharishcha (Morozko)
  • Slender stallion (Humpbacked Horse)
  • The Cowardly Shoemaker (The Brave Little Tailor)
  • Hen - silver paw (Cockerel - golden comb)
  • Dog without a hat (Puss in Boots)
  • As the cod wanted (At the command of the pike)
  • Kilometer (Thumbelina)
  • The Poor Man's Old Shorts (The King's New Dress)
  • Palace (Teremok)
  • A saucepan of cabbage soup (a pot of porridge)
  • Radish (Turnip)
  • Ducks-cranes (Geese-swans)
  • Wooden bird(Goldfish)
  • Sun Slave (Snow Queen)
  • Silver Fox and 2 Giants (Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs)
  • A goat and five little wolves (A wolf and seven little kids)


Finally, swipe. Invite each guest to pull out a daisy petal and answer the question about the birthday person. Questions could be:

  • What was the birthday boy's height/weight at the time of birth?
  • Favorite food?
  • When did the first tooth come out? How many teeth are there now?
  • When did it crawl?
  • When did you sit down?
  • Are you going?
  • On what day of the week were you born?
  • Zodiac sign?
  • Favorite toy?
  • Favorite song?

Well, at the end of the holiday, organize a show of soap bubbles, blowing out candles and ceremonial eating of cake.

The guests become a corridor, fanfare sounds, and the birthday girl and her parents enter the hall. In the middle of the corridor, guests hold a ribbon on which envelopes with the “future” of the birthday girl are attached.

Presenter. And now, ladies and gentlemen, it’s time to take your seats at the festive table!

The guests are seated. The presenter offers to fill the glasses.

The child is one year old
There is noise and commotion in the house
Children's laughter is cheerful, sonorous,
It is distributed here and there.
Show me your sunshine
What a year it has become more beautiful!
Whose eyes are there? Whose mouth is this?
Whose clan is dominant in it?
Your steps are still small,
Only a year ago was it possible to be born!

Presenter. Dear parents, guests! Do you know the meaning of the name of the hero of the occasion?

Anna- meaning "grace". In the owner of the name Anna, patience and openness coexist with the ability for dedication and even sacrifice. She is overly merciful and sometimes suffers from this, forgetting about herself while caring about others. Therefore, close people should remind Anyuta that not only her neighbor is worthy of her love, but also she herself. Also, you, parents and relatives, definitely need to give Anyuta optimism and an easy attitude to life!

Anna– means “grace”
How nice it is to congratulate
The one to give you
He wants more, but doesn’t take it!
On the brightest name day
We would like to give Anya some advice:
Think about yourself more often
And not about someone else's fate!
Of course you can help everyone!
And you will resign your fate!
Take life easier
Marvel at the bright light!
Be happy and loved
Forever guarded by an angel!

The guests are drinking and a song is playing.

Presenter. A birthday is an annual gift given to a person in order to enjoy the love and affection that relatives, friends and colleagues have for him. Our celebration today is dedicated to Anyutka’s first birthday. Accordingly, let it look like a fairy tale. Let's forget about all everyday affairs and worries and surround ourselves with a festive atmosphere! And may magic surround us on this festive evening! A ribbon with envelopes is stretched in front of the beautiful hero of the occasion; the path of life is written in the envelopes. Let's tell our fortunes a little. Let Anyuta choose the envelope she likes. This way we will find out which path our beauty will choose! And when the years pass, we will be able to check whether she was right.

Anyuta’s parents lead her to the ribbon, because the envelopes are bright, she will choose one of them. The presenter reads the text that is written there.

Presenter. All mothers are like flowers, always beautiful,
Each has a different scent...

As long as there are children, there is happiness in the world!
As long as there is mom and dad, there is peace!
Congratulations from the parents of the birthday girl.

Presenter. Everyone knows that thanks to maternal instinct, a mother is able to recognize her baby from thousands of similar babies. And now it’s time to check how instinctive the other guests are.

1. Competition "Maternal Instinct".

Guests are offered a stack of photographs, mixed with photographs of the birthday girl and other children. Guests must select those photographs that depict the birthday girl.
A song is playing.

Presenter. How great it is to have grandmothers in our lives! Dear, kind, the best in the world! Statement “If we knew what a blessing it is to have grandchildren, we would have them before children!” specifically about our grandmothers. And our grandparents ________________________________ love their little bunny Anya, a good girl. And the floor is given to them.

2. Competition “Meeting relatives”.

Presenter. Dear parents, dear guests! And now the moment has come when we will introduce Anyuta to all her relatives.

A pre-made wall newspaper is brought into the hall amid fanfare and applause from the guests. Photos of all relatives are pasted on it, each photo has a signature. Parents bring the child to the wall newspaper. The presenter calls all relatives by name and reads short comments. Afterwards, the parents and Anyuta take their places at the table.

Presenter. They say that if a daughter takes after her father,
You will definitely be happy!
And smart, like him -
Genetics is the law!
If a daughter takes after her mother,
It will be good too
And flirtatiously - playful
To everyone's joy and wonder!

3. Comic children's horoscope.

A song is playing. Congratulations to relatives.

3. “Fortune telling” competition.

Presenter. Now let's check what future awaits our baby. Anyuta, I suggest you determine for yourself what fate awaits you.
Here's your choice:
– a ball of wool (symbolizes long life),
– book (knowledge, mind),
– brush (ability for art),
– coin (prosperity),
– garlic (health),
– keys (welfare),
– chocolate (sweet life),
– ring (successful marriage).

Congratulations to the guests.

5. Competition "Chamomile".
Presenter. Now let’s check how well you know the birthday girl. Here is a daisy - there are questions on its petals. Let's take turns and answer!
– What weight was Anyuta born with?
- How tall?
-What color are her eyes?
– Favorite food?
– What time did your first tooth come out?
- When did she crawl?
- When did you go?
- How many teeth are there now?
– Favorite bath toy?
– How tall are you now?
– What is your weight at one year old?
– What is your zodiac sign?
– What year was the girl born?
– What time were you born?
– On what day of the week were you born?
– What name options were there?
– In what city were you born?
– What is her dad’s profession?
– State the name and patronymic of the birthday girl’s mother.
– What color is her winter hat?
– Give the birthday girl’s apartment number.
– What are the grandmothers’ first and patronymic names?
- What are the first and patronymic names of your grandfathers?
– The number of the maternity hospital where Anyuta appeared?
– What kind of music did Anya listen to while she was in her mother’s tummy?
– What (whom) does Anya already know how to show?
- Favorite toy?

Further competitions alternate with congratulations to the guests.

6. Competition “Gift with your own hands.”

Guests are given long balloons to model and are invited to use them to make gifts for the birthday girl, as well as to comment on them. Parents choose their three favorite gifts, and their creators receive prizes.

Presenter. You laugh and want,
Sing loud songs!
And it’s already very big -
Everyone is happy that you are growing!
It's been a whole year for Anyuta,
Joy in the home - that's it!
And you boldly stamp your foot -
This is not a trifle at all!!!
Our first victories
And there are so many of them ahead!
Brave, glorious, cheerful
And grow confident!
Dance block.

6. Exit of the life-size puppet - Bull.

Presenter. Dear guests! Look who's coming to us!

The appearance of the life-size puppet Bull to the children's song ____________________________.

Presenter. Our Anyuta was born in the year of the Ox, according to her horoscope she is a Taurus! Turns out the baby is a double bull!!! That is why a cheerful bull came to this holiday to congratulate the birthday girl

The bull is holding balloons in his hands, in which notes with prophecies and congratulations are inserted in advance. Parents choose three balloons, pop them, and read what is written.

The following congratulations to the guests.

Dance block.

7. Competition "Musical Instruments".

Presenter. Dear parents! An orchestra called ______________ has arrived to congratulate your beauty (the guests come up with the name themselves). Let's introduce the artists.

The presenter introduces the artists under creative pseudonyms, which they come up with on the spot. Afterwards, they play children’s musical instruments for themselves and sing the song “Let them run clumsily.” Awarding the competition participants with prizes.

Presenter. Sweet creature -
For everyone to admire!
A year has passed, and then two!
Your joy is forever!
Let 10 fly by
Your joy will not be interrupted!
It will only multiply
If you try really hard.
What do you put in your child?
Even 20 years later
You will have plenty.

Congratulations to the guests. Dance block.

8. Competition “Draw the birthday girl.”

5 participants and 5 assistants are called. Each pair receives whatman paper and a marker. One holds whatman paper, the second draws the birthday girl, but without using his hands. Parents choose the winner. Rewarding.
Congratulations to the guests, Dancing.

9. Exit of life-size puppet – Gnome.

A children's song plays, to which the Gnome appears.

Presenter. Look, look! They learned about our holiday in a fairyland! After all, it was from there that the cheerful Dwarf came to us!!! And he came for a reason, but to check whether you, dear guests, could plunge into the atmosphere of childhood! Can you?

The guests answer: “Yes!”

Presenter. Then let's show the Gnome how we can dance a children's dance called "Dance of the Little Ducklings."

The guests form a circle, with the Dwarf and the Host in the center. Music is playing. Everyone is dancing the dance of the little ducklings.

Presenter. Thank you, Gnome! You can return to your country! And tell everyone there that at Anyuta’s birthday, all the guests plunged into childhood!!!
And those who took the plunge, that is, those who danced the best, receive prizes.
Awarding of distinguished dancers.

The first year is here!
Someone might say: “not enough”
But he actually knows
It’s not enough - just mom!
How much it takes to become that mother!
The most tender and beloved,
The most important, the most!
Become both strong and vulnerable!
Like tired at the crib
To be happy, silently crying,
From what is in the world
The one who matters more than life!
The one who hugs for the first time,
He will smile purely and purely,
Somehow he will say “MOM” in a wonderful way
In the first year of your life!
The first year is here!
There was still quite a bit in it.
Only he knows for sure
Only mom! Only mom!

A toast from mom.

Presenter: (name) has another most beloved person who can do EVERYTHING!

Maybe read a book
Can I heat up the soup?
Maybe watch a cartoon
Can he play checkers?
Maybe even wash the cups,
Can draw cars
Can collect pictures
Maybe take me for a ride
Instead of a fast horse.
Can he catch fish?
Fix the faucet in the kitchen.
Always a hero for me -
My best dad!

Toast from dad.

Presenter: I sat down and sat
And I don’t go out for a walk,
I don't turn on the TV
I gave up tea
I don’t want to eat or sleep -
I'll be waiting for grandma!
Why didn't you come?
Maybe urgent matters?
Maybe she's tired
Did you lie down and get sick?
All! I decided: I’ll run,
I’ll help her myself!
Suddenly, I hear: knock-knock-knock!
It's grandma's knock on the door!
Hello my dear,
I'll hug her, love!
Let the whole world know
No one has a grandma like this!

Toast from grandmothers.

Presenter: My grandfathers are with me,
And that means we are the main ones in the house,
I can open cabinets,
Water flowers with kefir,
Play pillow football
And clean the floor with a towel.
Can I eat cake with my hands?
Slam the door on purpose!
This won't work with mom.
I've already checked.

Toast from grandfathers.

Presenter. The very loved ones who baptize the baby,
Promote development and growth slowly.
According to the old custom that has been around for a long time,
They got to cut their goddaughter’s first lock of hair!

Godparents cut their hair in the shape of a cross and perform a fortune-telling ceremony to determine the future of the baby. Required details:

A ball that symbolizes long life.
A book is knowledge and intelligence.
Money is material well-being.
Garlic - health.
Keys are a good solution to the housing problem.
Candy - sweet life.
Brush - creativity.
Ring - great love.

Whatever the baby reaches for first, that will be his fate.

Toast from godmother and godfather.

Presenter. Anyone will confirm, and you will understand everything,
And I'll tell you, without hiding anything,
That there is nowhere in the whole world better than auntie,
What a dear aunt, my dear.

A toast from my aunt.

Presenter: I want to hear you on this day,
I wish you health and happiness.
You won't find an uncle like him anywhere else,
And I'm lucky - I don't have to look.

Uncle's word.

Although my mother's friends rarely come,
We hope that they will be corrected
It's probably just how it works out for them,
We will listen to their instructions.

A word to my mother's friends.



Now let’s check how well you know the birthday girl (birthday boy).

1) What weight was (name) born with?

2) How tall?

3) What color are her eyes?

4) What is the name of the doctor who delivered the child?

6) Favorite food?

7) What time did the first tooth come out?

8) When did she crawl?

9) When did you go?

10) How many teeth are there now?

11) What is your height now?

13) What is your zodiac sign?

14) What year were you born?

15) What time were you born?

16) On what day of the week were you born?

17) What color are the birthday girl’s eyes now?

19) What is the birthday girl’s house number?

20) What is the name and patronymic of your godfather?

21) What is the name and patronymic of the godmother?

22) What can (name) already show?

23) What date were you baptized?

Competition "Spit the pacifier"

Several participants - how many nipples there are. A competition to see who can spit out the pacifier the furthest. It is carried out in 3 attempts, the place where the pacifier falls is marked with a paper circle, and after each spit the participant must sterilize the pacifier in a glass of hot water.

Poem for the winner

Competition "Libra"

Adult men are unlikely to weigh the birthday girl. Whose answer is closest to the real weight wins.

Competition "Bottle"

Two men are given a bottle containing the same amount of champagne or beer. Through a nipple with a wide opening, competitors need to drink their bottle as quickly as possible.


Prepare diapers and dolls. 3-4 participants are needed, who must temporarily put a diaper on the toy, swaddle it and tie a beautiful bow.

Competition "Fat-cheeked lip slap"

This competition is more likely for men or for brave women. For the competition you need candy candies. Each participant takes a piece of candy into his mouth and says the phrase “I am a fat-cheeked lip-slapper,” after which he adds another one to his mouth. The winner will be the person with the most candy in their mouth and the best diction. The competition is very funny, it can be held as long as there are people interested. It will also cause laughter that the most “fat-cheeked lip-slapper” will receive a pack of lollipops as a gift!

Changeling game “Guess the name of the fairy tale”

Square (“Kolobok”).
Green Slipper (“Little Red Riding Hood”).
Zharishche (“Morozko”).
Hundred meters ("Thumbelina").
The Beggar's Old Pants ("The King's New Clothes").
Palace (“Teremok”).
Tin animal (“Goldfish”).
Solar servant (“The Snow Queen”).
Silver fox and 3 giants (“Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs”).
A goat and five little wolves (“The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”).
A saucepan of cabbage soup (“A pot of porridge”).
Radish (“Turnip”).
Slender mare (“The Little Humpbacked Horse”).
The Cowardly Shoemaker (“The Brave Little Tailor”).
The chicken is a silver paw (“The cockerel is a golden comb”).
A Dog Without a Hat (Puss in Boots).
As the cod wanted (“At the command of the pike”).
Ducks-cranes (“Geese-swans”).

Competition “Guess what I ate”

Men try baby food (cauliflower, pumpkin, etc.) with their eyes closed. The one who guesses correctly gets a prize.

Competition "Children's Songs"

Guests sitting at the table should be divided into two teams: one team to the right of the leader, and the other to the left. Teams take turns singing children's songs. The one who sings the most songs wins.