The topic of producing sounds in five-year-old children, which worries many parents and is far from the simplest in itself, requires careful consideration. Very little attention is often paid to speech therapy classes for children, and completely in vain. Adults brush it off, saying that it will go away on its own with age, but it may not go away. Often, the “clumsy” speech of an adult takes its origins from these children’s “dropouts.”

Incorrect unclean speech creates, first for the child, and then for the adult, a lot of complexes. He becomes withdrawn and uncommunicative. Hurry to correct the shortcomings now to help your baby avoid similar problems in the future. This can be done at home too. The home environment liberates the child, and it is easier for him to study freely. We bring to your attention a number of useful and interesting games that you can organize yourself.

Development of speech in a child should begin from preschool age

Types of defects

Let us first turn to the main types of speech disorders. There are a huge number of them, but each one ultimately becomes unique, as it belongs to a specific child:

  • Stuttering (we recommend reading:). This phenomenon occurs most often. You can notice it closer to the age of three, when the child begins to form his first large sentences. To correct the defect, it is better to immediately contact a specialist. It is also important to monitor your progress and not give up playing exercises, because there are cases when the “disease” has returned again.
  • Dislalia (we recommend reading:). This tricky word means nothing more than confusion in the pronunciation of individual consonant sounds. Most often this phenomenon covers the sounds “r”, “l” and “sh”.
  • Nasality. This phenomenon also occurs among defects, but most likely the problem lies precisely in the incorrect structure of the speech apparatus, then mom and dad have a direct path to an ENT specialist, who will try to solve it and correct it as much as possible.
  • General underdevelopment of speech or. Often this phenomenon is deeply connected with the wrong approach in communicating with the child. In a family with a baby, they often babbled and distorted words and endings. All this created enormous confusion in the child’s head and now he himself constantly confuses prepositions, endings, etc. Hurry up to fix it, because school is just around the corner!
  • Congenital diseases of neurological origin. In this case, consultation and treatment with a neurologist is strictly necessary.
  • Delayed speech development or SRD. This disease can manifest itself closer to the age of three. The average child usually speaks a lot and incessantly at this age, but if there is a clear paucity of speech, it is worth visiting a specialist for consultation.

Stay alert at all times. No flaws should escape your close attention. If you notice something is wrong, do not delay treatment, but contact experienced doctors as soon as possible.

If the poverty of a preschooler’s speech is noticeable, you need to consult with an experienced speech therapist - it is possible that certain deviations will be identified

Help from a speech therapist: when is it time?

We must sadly admit that modern means of communication, such as television and computers, have abruptly and thoroughly replaced communication from life. Reading books has been reduced to a minimum, but watching TV shows and cartoons takes almost half a day. Children communicate too little both with their parents and with each other. TV offers a wide range of everything interesting and exciting, which means there is no point in looking for other ways to obtain information.

This is where problems with sound pronunciation arise. They occur more and more often, and the problem sometimes gets worse quickly. Behind the TV and monitor, a parent may not notice that the child needs help, but it should be provided the sooner, the better. Any problem, in particular speech therapy, cannot be delayed, then the opportunity to correct what is wrong and deliver correct speech increases significantly.

Home speech therapy classes

Most often, speech therapy specialists are visited by parents with children after the age of four. This is the age when children can already master the pronunciation of complex consonant sounds, and also know how to construct logically complete sentences. At the age of six, a child can easily construct a story - for example, from a picture. Is this task too much for your child? This is a reason to worry and ask for help from a specialist.

Getting a diagnosis from a speech therapist or other specialist will involve attending classes, usually several times a week. It is imperative to follow the schedule, otherwise achieving sustainable results will be quite difficult.

Perseverance and perseverance will certainly bear their worthy and pleasant fruits in the form of pure speech. It is advisable to play games at home in a good mood and not force the baby to practice against his will. We will bring to your attention interesting and useful exercises that can be done at home, starting from the existing problem.

Parents can also study with their child at home, using educational materials.

For pronunciation of sounds

Most often, the sounds L, R and Sh fall into the field of activity of a speech therapist. They are the most insidious. The baby may at first simply miss them in words and not say them. This is a variant of the norm; over time, the baby will master these sounds, but the situation becomes more complicated when the child chooses easier sounds to replace them and replaces them with those that are difficult to pronounce.

Sound R

It is important to stretch the entire articulatory apparatus before games. Everything should work for children - the tongue, the lips, and the palate. Let's start with the sound R. The following exercises will be good helpers:

  • You should open your mouth wide and smile in this position. The lower jaw remains motionless. The tip of the tongue makes stroking movements along the upper palate back and forth. Practice yourself so that you can later explain this to your child more clearly and understandably.
  • The tip of the tongue makes cleaning movements on the inside of the teeth. The mouth is open wide. A correct explanation will help any 5-year-old to cope with this exercise.
  • A good exercise would be this developmental option. A small ball with a hole should be placed on a stick. We ask the little one to open his mouth and say: “DDRR”. At this moment, you need to move the ball under the tongue. Movements must be fast.
  • The child is given the task to say the word “yes”. The tip of the tongue rests against the upper teeth. Then the sound “Dy”, now the tongue rests on the upper palate.

The training video that you will see below will help you to correctly place the articulation to pronounce the sound “r”. Let's move on to the next difficult sound.

Sound L

We pronounce the sound “L”:

  • The mouth is wide open and the tongue rests on the lower lip. Helping yourself with your hand, supporting your chin, pronounce the syllables “la”, “lo”, “li”, “lu”.
  • Make coloring movements with your tongue across the surface of the palate.
  • Invite your baby to reach the tip of his nose with his tongue.
  • We lick our lips as if there was jam left there.

Sound Sh

Let's move on to the complex sound "SH":

  • Place the very tip of the tongue under the upper lip. Now a sharp jerk downward, you should get a loud click.
  • Pull the sponges forward with a tube and freeze in this position for about 7 seconds.
  • Place a small piece of cotton wool on the baby's nose and offer to blow it off. The baby's task is to lift the fleece up. This exercise is very fun and your baby will surely enjoy it.

These were exercises on articulation and correct production of sounds. Below we will look at interesting exercise options for daily developmental activities.

Activities for clear speech

Five-year-old children are already very smart and are excellent at repeating after adults and reproducing even very complex actions. Indeed, articulation tasks can sometimes be quite difficult. We have excluded all the most difficult ones and left only those exercises that are easy to perform and at the same time very effective. They will be an excellent workout for children with special needs.

Articulation gymnastics

  • Smile widely, showing everyone your teeth. Then we pull the sponges forward with a tube.
  • Tighten your lip muscles as much as possible, then smoothly relax.
  • Lightly bite the lower and upper lips alternately.
  • We use our tongue to depict the clatter of hooves. All kids love to do this.

Warm-up time will take no more than 15 minutes. All exercises will be useful not only for children, but also for adults who have some problems with diction.

We will also offer fun and effective speech games for children 5-6 years old for correct sound pronunciation:

  • Play the baby's cry: "Wa-wa!"
  • We squeak like mice: “Peep-pee-pee.”
  • We scream as if we were lost in the forest: “Ay! Aw!”
  • We hum like the wind in the mountains: “Uuuuu!”
  • We combine vowels and consonants. We scream like animals: “Meow”, “Woof”, “Kwa-kwa”, “Ga-ha-ga”.
  • We growl like bears: “Rrrrr!”
  • We sing a song: “La-la-la, la-la-la.”

By the way, singing is very useful for learning correct speech. Any favorite song will come in handy. Many children really love songs like “There was a birch tree in the field” or “Two cheerful geese lived with grandma.” They will be excellent helpers, because there is a smooth stretching of sounds, and this is a great thing for correcting pronunciation. It is not for nothing that in kindergartens the educational program necessarily includes music classes, although they do not exclude the activities of a speech therapist, who is also present there.

Singing, even amateur, helps a child quickly develop correct speech skills

Kindergarten classes

In kindergartens, as a rule, speech therapy games are held, which are divided into 2 main types:

  • Individual. When a certain child has a problem that needs to be solved.
  • Group. Classes are held simultaneously with several children who have similar speech defects.

Such classes are necessary in every preschool institution, but the truth is that they are not available everywhere. Closer to school age, speech therapy classes become mandatory, because preparation for school is underway. Chanting will be a great workout. They seem to be songs, but not simple ones. Sound pronunciation occurs along with the performance of certain actions.

Good game "Flying Plane". The kids imitate the sound of a flying airplane in unison: “Uuuuuu!” At the same time, to be convincing, you should spread your wings. We command:

  • The plane flies closer (the hum becomes louder), the plane flies away (the sound becomes quieter).
  • Breaking! Simultaneously with the humming, babies hit themselves on the chest with their palms.
  • We're about to land! Continuing to hum: “Uuuuu!” airplanes land and sit on their seats.

Practice with a microphone. Try showing your children how the volume of sound changes when we move the microphone closer or further away.

Remember that most problems can be solved. The main thing is not to neglect or leave everything to chance, but to study and develop, then even diagnoses like mental retardation or mental retardation will not seem so scary.

Working with a microphone allows you to develop a child’s artistry, and gives him the opportunity to hear his speech from the outside

When the doctor diagnosed “ZPR”

In addition to parents who are ready to independently find a lot of shortcomings in their little one, there are also those who, on the contrary, do not notice the obvious. At five years old, a child should be able to express his thoughts freely and coherently. Confusing syllables in words at this age is unacceptable.

Here are a number of diagnoses, the formulation of which often frightens parents:

  • ZRR. With this diagnosis, only the pronunciation side lags behind in its development. Mental functions are not impaired. Early diagnosis will prevent RRD from developing into ZPRD.
  • ZPRD - delayed psycho-speech development (we recommend reading:). In this case, not only speech suffers, but also the psyche, and with it mental abilities.
  • Mental retardation – mental retardation. An extensive diagnosis that, among other areas, also affects the child’s pronunciation skills.

When making one of the diagnoses, you should seek help from specialists as soon as possible, because the sooner the treatment process begins, the faster and more effective the rehabilitation will be. Neglect can occur in any type of disease, so do not delay starting therapy.

Loving parents should first of all create a positive and calm external environment for the child, and also start looking for smart doctors. Here, most likely, you will need a speech therapist and a neurologist. Below we provide a small list of didactic literature that can be very useful during corrective exercises with a child.


When someone in the family has speech defects, didactic thematic books must be at hand and on the shelves. Competent authors offer sets of lessons for speech therapy games that will be very useful.

  • “Speech therapy homework for children 5-7 years old with OHP”, author Teremkova N.E. This is the first of four albums. Each album is dedicated to specific lexical topics.
  • “Speech therapy group: play sessions with children 5-7 years old,” author Derbina A.I. The best way to teach a child something is through play. A playful form of presenting material would be appropriate for preschool children. This book is suitable for parents of children with complex speech defects.
  • “Speech therapist lessons. Games for speech development”, author Kosinova E.M. This book also offers a playful form of presenting the material, and another big plus is that it can be used with children of completely different ages: from 6 months to 6 years! The book contains tasks for finger and articulatory gymnastics (we recommend reading:).
  • “Encrypted tongue twisters. Sweetie”, author Kodolbenko E.A. Many interesting proverbs like “There is grass in the yard, there is firewood on the grass” will definitely be appreciated by your child.
  • “Fun Logorhythmics”, author Zheleznova E. The audio guide is aimed at developing the child’s correct sound pronunciation, as well as fine and gross motor skills, in a playful way.

Today, many parents who care about the comprehensive development of their child know that the formation of competent writing and reading skills is facilitated by the normal speech development of the child. Before starting classes, it is necessary to conduct an examination of the baby’s speech, to find any shortcomings in pronunciation.

Here are the characteristics of a child of this age:

  1. By the age of 5, the baby should be able to master all speech sounds, with the exception of hissing sounds and “R”, sometimes the sound “L”, which the child may still have trouble pronouncing.
  2. The child’s vocabulary must have a sufficient vocabulary so that he can compose a sentence of 5-7 words.
  3. The child must be able to use words in the singular and plural.
  4. The child must be able to describe an object, pointing out its qualities.
  5. The ability to conduct a dialogue is another of the norms characteristic of children of this age. When communicating with an adult, his speech should be understandable, not only to parents, but also to strangers.
  6. The child must quickly say his first name, last name, age, names of parents, names of animals that live nearby.

If a child cannot do any of the above, he will benefit from attending speech therapy classes. They will be aimed at developing fine motor skills, enriching vocabulary, developing air flow and, of course, correcting impaired sound pronunciation.

In private speech therapy centers, consultations and classes are conducted by a speech therapist. However, his work is not cheap. But parents who have the opportunity to study at home with their baby will be able to spend this time profitably. Moreover, in a relaxed home environment, the child feels more comfortable: there is no unnecessary stress from communicating with a stranger.

Speech therapy classes at home

Various literature comes to the aid of mothers.

One of the manuals that you can use at home is “Speech therapy homework for children with special needs for 5-7 years” by N.E. Teremkova. These tasks can be offered to children under 5 years of age.

We suggest using the manuals of two more authors - Bardysheva T.Yu. and Monosova E.N. They offer educators and parents a large number of benefits designed for the development of children from the early years.

In order for homework to be successful, you need to follow some rules:

  • All classes must be conducted in a playful way so that the child is captivated by everything that is happening, and also does not understand the true meaning of the exercises being carried out.
  • Classes should be limited in time. To begin with, it is 3-5 minutes, then increase to 15-20.
  • The number of gaming sessions per day is approximately 2-3, so the material will be absorbed faster.
  • Praise your child for every success and support him with kind words. Do not use the word “wrong” - the child may withdraw and no longer make contact.
  • It is better to conduct classes at hours when the child is not tired. The best time for this is after breakfast and after an afternoon nap.
  • When talking to a child, turn to face him and pronounce all sounds clearly. Remember, you are a role model.
  • If, while completing a task, you get acquainted with certain natural phenomena, you need to do this at a time for which these phenomena are characteristic (in winter - studying winter phenomena, in summer - summer ones).

Stages of homework

Let's clarify the procedure for conducting classes at home:

  • Finger gymnastics.
  • Gymnastics for articulation organs.
  • Games for onomatopoeia, hearing development, logorhythmics.
  • Speech development, vocabulary replenishment.

Let's look at each stage of home exercises in order.

Gymnastics for fingers

It is known that there is a strong relationship between the human hand and the brain. Therefore, by performing small movements with our hands, we thereby train areas of the cerebral cortex. Well, if these movements are combined with speech, then the benefits from such exercises will be much greater.

Parents, when doing finger gymnastics with their baby, should not just ask them to perform any actions, but learn and repeat short poems, sayings, and songs with the child.

There are a huge variety of exercise options for fingers. In bookstores you can find a large amount of literature with entire sets of exercises for the development of motor skills. Any mother can use these publications.

In general, a number of movements can be identified that contribute to the development of fine motor skills:

  • stroking one palm with the other;
  • massage the fingers of one hand with the other hand;
  • alignment of the thumb with other fingers;
  • Aligning the fingers of two pens with each other.

Playing with the “magic bag” into which mother pours cereal is of great benefit. Each bag can contain either the same type of cereal or a different one. Usually buckwheat, peas, beans, and rice are used.

The child is asked to touch small and large inclusions with his fingers. Another option for using cereals: simply mix different types in a plate and ask your baby to sort them out.

Basic exercises are shown in this video:

Articulation gymnastics

These exercises are aimed at strengthening the muscles of the articulatory apparatus and developing the range of movements. Any subsequent production of sounds is preceded by articulation exercises.

Exercises are divided into dynamic and static. When performing first, the tongue and lips perform some exercises, that is, they constantly move. When performing the second, the organs of articulation must “take” a certain position and hold it for several seconds. Such exercises are more difficult for a child, it is important to teach the child to do this.

There are different exercises that can be done at all times for all children. They simply contribute to the development of movements of all muscles of the apparatus.

There are exercises that “prepare” those muscles necessary when pronouncing a sound that a child cannot pronounce well.

Among the exercises are the following:

  • to develop and strengthen the muscles of the tongue;
  • on the development and strengthening of the lip muscles;
  • for the development and strengthening of the cheek muscles;

Here are some of these exercises:

"Smile." Stretch your lips strongly in a smile, but your teeth should not be visible. Hold a smile for 30 seconds.

"Fence". Smile hard so that your teeth are visible, hold the smile.

“Let’s punish the naughty tongue.” Open your mouth slightly, place your tongue on your lower lip and, slapping it with your lips, pronounce “five-five-five...”.

"Tube". Open your mouth, stick out your tongue and try to bend its side edges upward in the form of a tube, hold it in this position for 30 seconds.

“Let’s lick the jam.” Slowly, without lifting the tongue, first lick the upper lip from corner to corner, then repeat the procedure with the lower lip.

“The clock is tick-tock.” Make a smile, open your mouth slightly, then use the tip of your tongue to touch the corners of your mouth one by one.

“Brushing our teeth.” Smile, open your mouth slightly, then with the tip of your tongue, pressing it hard enough, brush the inside of the teeth of the lower row (7-10 times). Repeat the same exercise with the teeth of the upper row (7-10 times).

"Swing". Smile and open your mouth wide. Then lower the tip of the tongue behind the bottom row of teeth by “one”, and lift it by the top row by “two”. Repeat – 4-5 times.

It is better to do exercises not just on demand. Get your baby interested. Invite him to take a trip to a magical land, where the main character is a tongue. Imagine together, and these activities will bring a lot of benefits to your child.

Don’t forget, all exercises to develop articulation organs must be performed in front of a mirror. The child must not only feel where the tongue is and what the sponges are doing, but also see all this.

Basic exercises are shown in the following videos.

Development of phonemic hearing

Since a child does not master speech on his own, but by perceiving sounds from those around him, it is necessary that the people living nearby speak correctly.

In addition, the people around him at the stage of development of a child’s speech can play a huge role in its formation. Many ear development activities are based on onomatopoeia.

Let's look at what exercises you can do with your baby at home:

  • Guess which object is ringing. The adult invites the child to look at objects that can make sound. Shows how they ring. Then he hides an object that makes a sound behind his back (drum, spoon, glass) and asks the child to guess what is ringing.
  • Guess where the sound is. The adult moves around the room behind the child and rings the bell in different places. The child should show with his hand the place where he hears the ringing.
  • Imitating the sounds that animals make. To complete this exercise, it is advisable to use plot and subject pictures. You can look at the animal and discuss how and where it lives. And say the sound it makes. (Frog, bee, cat, etc.)
  • Imitation of everyday sounds. The exercise is based on repeating sounds that we hear from different objects. (water dripping: DROP-DROP, train is moving: TU-TU, etc.)

Logorhythmic exercises play an important role in the development of hearing and sense of rhythm. These are exercises that combine movement, speech and music. The child really likes this type of activity. An adult shows the child movements and pronounces words, all this is done to the accompaniment of well-chosen music. The main thing about this is to prepare in advance. After all, how will a lesson be interesting if an adult constantly makes mistakes in words?..

Speech development

Work on the development of a child’s speech includes two areas:

  1. Vocabulary work, where the child clarifies his idea of ​​the surrounding world of objects and phenomena, relationships between people.
  2. Development of the grammatical structure of the language - the child learns to use words in the correct form and correctly compose sentences.

Vocabulary work solves the following problems:

  • clarifying the understanding of the words in the child’s vocabulary;
  • enriching the vocabulary with new words;
  • developing skills in using new words in independent speech.

The child masters the world around him, and in order for this work to be interesting and useful for him, it is necessary to use construction kits, toys, children's books, subject and subject pictures.

I would like to recommend the demonstration material developed by the authors Olga Gromova and Galina Solomatina for use in home speech development classes. It is presented in pictures with clear and bright illustrations that will be understandable and interesting to children.

Don’t forget, when working with a picture, it is necessary to pose the question correctly so that the child can find words to indicate the quality of the object.

It is important to understand that this word may not be used in speech. To this end, new words need to be repeated in combination with other familiar words. For example, when reading Surikov’s poem “Winter,” the child is asked to think about what else can be called the word “fluffy”: a kitten, a towel. By repeating it in combination with familiar words, the child begins to use it in independent speech.

The material you work with must be appropriate for the child’s age. For a 4-year-old there may be fairy tales “Ryaba Hen”, “Kolobok” and others. A fairy tale encourages sympathy for everything good; it is necessary both for the development of speech and for moral education.

Reading fairy tales should be accompanied by the display of bright illustrations. It’s good to reinforce what you read with a beautiful cartoon. This will deepen the impression of the fairy tale.

At the age of five, a child can be asked to compare the characteristics of objects, generalize (vegetables, fruits), and make sentences using reference words (girl, forest, basket). Reinforcement of the material occurs in didactic games; proverbs and tongue twisters provide great assistance in this.

Here is a sample list of topics that are offered to the child:“Parts of the human body”, “Clothing”, “Seasons”, “Vegetables, fruits and berries”, “House and its parts”, “Furniture”, “Animals”, “Transport” and others.

The development of the grammatical structure of speech occurs with the enrichment and activation of the vocabulary, the formation of coherent speech. Most often, children encounter errors in changing nouns by case and number (no boots, pencils, kittens, goslings). It is these difficulties that you need to pay attention to when conducting individual lessons with your child.

Here are some types of exercises that are carried out with the child:“One is many” (hands and hands), “What will I show you?” (Flowers, lamp) “To whom - what? (a bone for a dog), “Who eats what?” (cow - grass), “Call it affectionately” (cat - cat, ring - ring), “Divide the word into two” (plane - flies itself), “Who is it and which one?” (round, sweet apple), “Whose part is this?” (the fox has a fox tail), “Yesterday - Now” (yesterday I went to the park, now I’m playing with a doll) and others.

Today on store shelves you can find a large amount of literature that details exercises and activities for the development of a child’s coherent speech, which can be used at home.

Don’t forget, the child is growing and will soon go to first grade. And the success of his studies at school depends on how well his speech is formed. The period from 4 to 7 years is the most favorable for the development and correction of speech.

Spend as much time as possible with your baby at this stage of development and you will thereby lay a strong foundation for the child’s future success.

You can see an example of a speech therapy session in the following video.

When a child of 2-3 years old still does not speak, parents panic. It seems to them that if the neighbor's children speak very well, then theirs, however, this is not so. Speech therapists say that every child is individual. You can practice at home. In this article you can familiarize yourself with exercises, tips and tricks that will help interest your child. You will learn why speech therapy classes for children are needed. 2-3 years is the age of interest in everything and curiosity. Therefore, you will not have any problems.

Speech therapy classes at home

Each child is individual. One starts talking early, the other starts talking late. Of course, all parents worry when their 2-year-old toddler does not want to speak at all, but only points his finger. To prevent such incidents from happening, it is necessary to regularly conduct speech therapy sessions with children.

First of all, your child needs regular communication. In order for him to be interested in spending time with adults, he needs to interest the baby. Then 2-3 years will be useful - the age when a child should be able to speak at least some words. If this does not happen, then pay maximum attention to the exercises.

Most often based on imitation. Kids try to copy those around them. These are actions, words, gestures, facial expressions, etc. A 2-3 year old child is restless and does not know how to concentrate, so it is best to work with him when he wants it. First of all, parents need to achieve emotional contact with the child. When this happens, you can safely engage with your baby, play or just communicate.

Warm-up: finger games

Few people believe that they are developing speech. However, this is scientifically proven. Therefore, try to pay attention. Here are some examples:

  1. Place your thumb and index finger together. Let the rest be raised and spread out. Show the children this cockerel, saying: “Our Petya the Cockerel, the golden comb, went to the market and bought one boot.”
  2. Close your thumb and index fingers and tap them on the table. At this time, say: “The chicken came and found a grain, did not eat it herself, but took it to the children.”
  3. Close the thumb with the two middle fingers, and simply bend the little finger and index finger slightly, saying: “The mouse is gnawing on the dryers, the cat has come, the mouse has crawled into a hole.”
  4. Bend your phalanges in different directions, saying: “Our fingers are very friendly, everyone needs them. We need to count the brothers, there are five of them on one hand. There are no less of them on the second, they are all good, because my fingers.”

Finger gymnastics is a warm-up that every child needs to get him interested in a further lesson. After all, speech therapy classes for children require perseverance. 2-3 years is the age of fidgets. Therefore, we first interest the baby, and then we begin the exercise.

Articulation gymnastics

Before conducting speech therapy classes for children 2-3 years old at home, it is necessary to develop the muscles of the tongue. This is why it is needed. It is advisable to spend it together with the baby in front of the mirror:

  • Let the child imagine that the tongue is a brush. His mouth should be slightly open. The tongue should be drawn across the palate towards the throat and back to the teeth.
  • Exercise “Tongue on a swing”. At the same time, open your mouth wide. At this time, the tongue lies under the lower teeth. Then lift its tip under the upper teeth. This exercise must be done at least four times.
  • "Delicious jam." You need to lick your upper lips first with your tongue, then move on to the lower lips. Do the exercise 5 times.
  • Brush your teeth with your tongue. Open your mouth wide. Run the tongue first over the lower teeth, then over the upper teeth. Do this exercise 4-5 times.

This is how speech therapy classes for children (2-3 years old) are held at home. However, the child will have fun and interest only when you engage with the baby in the game, and not force him.

Onomatopoeia: who sounds? What's knocking?

When you have successfully completed finger and articulation gymnastics, you can begin to study sounds or syllables. To do this, you need to imitate the sounds of animals or objects with your child. Say the following phrases to your baby:

  1. “Our frog is the head of the swamp, sits on the sand and says: “Kva-kva.”
  2. “The cockerel was afraid to fall into the river and kept shouting: “Ku-ka-re-ku.”
  3. “My bell rings ding-ding all day long.”
  4. “The bunny gnaws the carrot appetizingly and creates a little noise: “Chrum-crunch.”
  5. “The rain says: “Drip, drip.” You need to take an umbrella with you.”
  6. “The horse runs merrily and clatters its hooves. This is not a boot, but the sound of a knocking “clack-clack-clack.”
  7. “The pig says: “Oink-oink, I’ll give you some candy.”
  8. “The clock gives us a sign of time and it sounds “tick-tock”.”
  9. “A steam locomotive travels around the world and repeats: “Too-too, I’m going.”
  10. “Anechka got lost in the forest and called her friends: “Ay-ay.”

Speech therapy classes for children (2-3 years old) at home are very useful and exciting. In a playful way, you and your baby can achieve great success.


Such activities help children not only master speech, but also expand their vocabulary. Speech therapy rhythms develop a child’s motor skills, speech, thinking, memory, and attention. Exercises are given to children from two years old. When your child speaks poorly, let him repeat only what he remembers. If he does not speak at all, then the adult sings, and at this time the child’s hearing develops and his speech reserve is replenished.

Speech therapy classes for children 2-3 years old are interesting and exciting. When you start singing and doing the exercise, the child will become interested, and he will involuntarily begin to repeat after you. There are several exciting games:

  • "For a walk". You need to read aloud a verse to which the baby repeats certain movements:

Our legs(reaches palms to feet)

walking along the path(slaps his hands on his knees).

Over bumps, over bumps(moves in slow steps)

all the flowers step over(raises his legs high).

  • Game "Weather". The child sits on a high chair and listens to slow music. When you say: “It’s raining,” he pats his knees with his palms in rhythm. Hearing the words: “Lightning has appeared,” the baby rings the bell. When you said: “Thunder is thundering,” the child stomps his feet loudly. When the word “silence” is said, the baby becomes silent and sits motionless for a minute.
  • Do exercises, saying: “First, we raise our handles “one-two-three”, then we lower our handles. We'll stomp our feet, clap our hands, jump, run, and we'll finish our exercises. And we will begin to walk quietly again.”

These are interesting speech therapy classes for children 2-3 years old. Exercises should be carried out only with musical accompaniment. Then the child will really like such activities, and he will please you with his successes.

Games for hearing development

These activities are necessary for the child to develop hearing. Children must identify sounds. This could be the sound of rain, thunder, a dog barking or a cat purring, etc. Speech therapy classes with non-speaking children 2-3 years old should be carried out as usual. Remember, this is not a pathology, but most likely laziness, which needs to be overcome with the help of exciting exercises.

Let your baby listen to 2 sounds, for example, a baby crying and a vacuum cleaner running. Let the little one determine who or what is making the sound. When tasks are already easy for him, you can complicate the exercise. Let your baby listen to 3 different sounds, and then 4. If he is in no hurry to speak, then help him and do not scold the baby.

Poems for speech development

Speech therapist classes for children 2-3 years old can be carried out by parents at home. If you practice with your baby every day, then he will start talking faster than you expect.

Poems are an integral part of speech development. It is important that there is a simple rhyme, then it will be more interesting for the child to practice:

  1. “There was a small fight in the river. Something was not shared between the two cancers.”
  2. “Our dear turtle always hides in her shell out of fear.”
  3. “Topotushki, topotushki, a bunny is jumping at the edge of the forest. He was tired and sat down and ate a carrot.”

Poems for children 2-3 years old are offered very small so that the child can easily remember them. When you see that the baby begins to recite small rhymes in full, then you can complicate the task.

Pure talk

They are also necessary for the development of the baby’s speech. Pure sayings, like poems, should be short and easy to remember:

  • "Oh-oh-oh - our cat isn't so bad."
  • “Uh-uh-uh - our rooster crowed.”
  • "Ah-ah-ah - we are standing on our feet."
  • “Sha-sha-sha - mom’s noodles turned out delicious.”
  • “Shu-shu-shu - I’ll ask daddy.”
  • “Shi-shi-shi - how the reeds rustled.”

You can come up with such pure sayings yourself. It all depends on which letters the baby cannot pronounce.

Nowadays, it is very common to find non-speaking children aged 2-3 years. This does not mean that the child has speech problems. Speech therapists say that there is no need to worry until the age of three. However, speech therapy classes for children still wouldn’t hurt. 2-3 years is an inquisitive age, so kids will be happy to exercise if they are interested.

The first few lessons should last no more than 3 minutes. Then you can gradually increase the time. It is important that the baby likes it. If you see that the child is tired and doesn’t want to study, don’t force him. Postpone exercises until your baby is in the mood for exercise.

It's better to exercise a little every day. Then the baby develops skills, habits and memory. Don't scold him for incorrect movements and pronunciation. Remember, your baby is just learning. Don't discourage him from studying. After all, if you scold and punish, then nothing good will come of it.


In the article we got acquainted with several types of games. They are excellent for speech development. From this we can conclude that the exercises are not difficult. Therefore, speech therapist classes with children 2-3 years old can be carried out by the mother at home. The main thing is to follow the recommendations of experts.

Thanks to the above games, you will well replenish your child’s vocabulary, help you think logically, imagine and fantasize. Children's memory improves, they become more diligent and begin to speak faster: first some sounds, then syllables. Many kids, with the help of such games, immediately spoke not in words, but in sentences. So don’t worry about your baby’s speech. Daily activities will help you and your baby achieve great success.


Correct and beautiful speech is the key to success in any endeavor. Listen to your child's conversation and think about whether your speech can become an example for others to follow. If you notice deviations from the norm, you need to contact a speech therapist or try to correct the abnormal sounds yourself. For successful training, many effective methods and universal techniques have been developed that help you quickly achieve the desired result.

  1. 1. Start lessons with simple sounds, move on to complex ones gradually (“k”, “g”, “x”, “th”, “l”, “r”).
  2. 2. Before starting work, do a speech therapy warm-up for your lips and tongue.
  3. 3. Organize activities so that the child enjoys them.
  4. 4. Take exercises for making sounds from a speech therapy manual.

Perseverance and patience plus consistent implementation of methodological recommendations will allow you to achieve success in the shortest possible time.

For speech development

Articulation gymnastics - speech therapy warm-up - speech exercises - a set of exercises that improve the mobility of the articulatory apparatus. Gymnastics helps make speech clear; the child should not feel forced.

Repeat the exercises at every opportunity, while training your breathing. Organize breathing exercises in a playful style. Several popular exercises will appeal to your baby and will be extremely useful.

  1. 1. “Blow a soap bubble.” You can play in the bathroom, blowing soap bubbles between your palms, or on the street. For this lesson, prepare a soapy solution of shampoo and water.
  2. 2. “Blow off the dandelion” (if the dandelion season has not yet arrived, you can blow off fluff or cotton wool from a notebook sheet).
  3. 3. “Whose boat will sail further?” Make boats out of paper and put them in a bowl of water. Blow on the boats, competing to see whose can float away the farthest. Do the exercise for no more than 7 seconds to prevent your child from getting dizzy.
  4. 4. "Cheerful monkey." Puff out your cheeks and pull your ears, show and hide your tongue, grimace in front of the mirror. Make a serious face and then show the monkey again.
  5. 5. “Inflating balloons.” Inflate colorful balloons with your child and place them on the table, then blow them off the table.
  6. 6. “Like a snake hisses.” Invite your child to show how a small snake hisses (quietly). How a large snake hisses (medium strength) and a huge one (very strong hiss).

Working on the sound "r"

After warming up, start making sounds. The most problematic sound is the “r” sound; it is trained with special exercises.

  1. 1. “Whose teeth shine better”:
  • open your mouth and move the tip of your tongue over your teeth from the inside, like brushing;
  • show clean teeth in a smile.

Important! There is a smile on the lips, the teeth are visible, the jaw is motionless.

  1. 2. “We will paint the house”:
  • stretch your lips in a wide smile, open your mouth and lick the palate with the thin tip of your tongue;
  • move your tongue back and forth, like a painter’s brush painting a house.

Important! The lips are motionless, the tongue touches the outside of the teeth.

  1. 3. “Who will throw the ball further”:
  • stretch your lips in a smile;
  • stick out your tongue and place its wide front edge on your lower lip. At the same time, pronounce the sound “f” for so long that you can blow the cotton wool onto the opposite edge of the table.

Important! Do not puff out your cheeks, make sure that the child pronounces the sound “f”.

  1. 4. “Delicious jam.”

Open your mouth a little and move your tongue across your lips, as if you were licking jam. You can drop a drop of honey or jam on the child’s lips.

Important! Hold the lower jaw with your finger, if it tries to help the tongue, the tongue does not touch the corners of the mouth.

  1. 5. "Bird":
  • open your mouth, place a wide tongue on your upper lip and move it back and forth along the lip;
  • at the same time, without lifting your tongue from your lips, perform stroking movements;
  • do the exercise slowly at first, then increase the pace and pronounce bl-bl-bl like a dove.

Important! The tongue licks the lip well, does not fall forward or go to the side.

  1. 6. "Musicians":
  • open your mouth in a smile, drum the edge of your tongue on the upper alveoli and try to say a sound similar to English D;
  • The exercise resembles a drum roll, increase the speed each time.

Important! The tongue strike is clear, like a drum roll, no extraneous sounds except D are heard. When performing the exercise, a strong air stream is formed, the mouth does not close. When performed correctly, a piece of paper brought to the mouth is rejected.

Setting the sound "ts"

The most effective are 2 methods of working on the pronunciation of the sound “ts”.

  1. 1. Game form:
  • put your finger to your lips and tell the child, “Don't talk so loudly. Quiet!" - t-sss; The cat is sleeping on the roof t-sss. Don't wake him up, otherwise he'll eat the mice shhh. Everything around is quiet shhh. Mice, don't make noise shhh;
  • the train stops shhh. Don't make noise passengers shhh. Don't rush out shhh. Don't talk so loud shhh.
  1. 2. From the delivered sounds.

Bring your child's hand to your lips and pronounce the sound ts. He should feel one touch of the air stream. Now bring his hand to his lips and ask him to make the sound “ts”. He will feel two touches of the air stream. This happens when a sound is pronounced incorrectly. Explain to your child that there should be only one stream of air. Repeat the exercise until the child gets tired.

For the sound "l"

  • "Train whistle." Show your tongue and at the same time say - oooh. The train is going ooooo. Loud, clear ooooh.
  • "Clean tongue." Press your tongue between your teeth as if trying to brush. Perform up and down movements. The exercise is like a painter painting a house.
  • “Let's play with the horse” (the sound of hooves clattering). A cheerful horse runs, and its hooves sing clop-clop-clop. Run around with your child pretending to be a horse.
  • "The tongue is singing." Biting your tongue a little, sing lek-lek-lek. Be silent and lek-lek-lek again. Do two or three approaches.

When stuttering

When working with stuttering, it is important to form smooth speech, develop speech breathing, and perform many exercises in a playful way in conditions that are comfortable for the child.

  1. 1. “Merry carousels”. Walk in a circle and say at every step: “We are a funny carousel opa-opa-opa-pa-pa, tatati-tati-tata.”
  2. 2. "Funny Chickens." Jump on the right and left legs alternately with the words: “Clap-clap-clap! Oof-iv-af! Up-tap-tap! Tap-tip-rap-rap-tip-tap!”
  3. 3. “Let’s play conductor.” Wave your arms rhythmically; the child should chant any words, syllables or vowels.
  4. 4. Clap your hands for each vowel sound. If successful, add foot stomping. If your child is unable to clap and stomp at the same time, practice one at a time, then combine. It is important that the child enjoys the exercise, feels comfortable, is not afraid or embarrassed.
  5. 5. Invite the child to read a short children’s poem accompanied by any calm music, making sure that the rhythm is maintained. If you successfully read a short poem, choose more complex and longer ones. Offer to recite a familiar poem to the beat of music, a classical or modern melody without words.

For adults

Before starting lessons with your child, pay attention to your speech; if you do not pronounce some sounds clearly enough, practice them with tongue twisters. Sequence of classes:

  • read the tongue twister several times;
  • try to pronounce, slowly pronouncing all the sounds;
  • do not speed up the pace until it is clear and precise;
  • Once you achieve positive results, speed up the pace. The main thing is the accurate reproduction of sounds, not speed;
  • Say small tongue twisters in one breath, maintain tempo and rhythm.

For clarity of pronunciation

Say clearly and clearly: grass, firewood, bed, river, cancer, fire, bow, knock, bunch, nail, eagle, goat, came, left, came, karateka, pianist, fascist, foreign tourist, eyebrow, carrot, blizzard, carousel , water, game, reached, sole, regiment, mug, girlfriend, plate, squirrel, bed, stand, write, fly, jump, bird.

These words help identify problematic sounds.

Take any poem or text and read it with intonation, clearly pronouncing the sounds. Watch the position of the lower jaw and lips.

There are no fundamental differences when working with children and adults; the techniques and exercises are the same. Check the correctness of the exercises in the mirror.

After a stroke

Speech therapy exercises will help restore speech after a stroke if performed systematically. Repeat each exercise 15-20 times.

  1. 1. "Horse". Move your tongue in your mouth to imitate the clicking sound of a horse.
  2. 2. "Poisonous snake." Stick your tongue out as far as possible and hiss like a snake.
  3. 3. "Wall". Make a grin so that your front teeth are visible. Performs without sound.
  4. 4. “The Good Wizard.” Smile without showing your teeth.
  5. 5. "Pipe". Show the tip of your tongue, curled into a tube, and blow into it as hard as possible.
  6. 6. "Loudspeaker". Make your lips a tube, place your palm on your lips and blow loudly.
  7. 7. "Bagel" Curl your lips and sing O-O-O-O-O-O-O.
  8. 8. "Pendulum". Stick out your tongue and move it up and down like a pendulum.
  9. 9. “Nice palm.” Kiss the palm, smacking loudly (like an air kiss). When performing the exercise, fold your lips into a tube with tension.
  10. 10. “Elephant trunk.” Stick out your tongue and try to reach first your nose, then your chin, do not help with your lips.

Regular exercise will help a patient after a stroke restore speech and return to full communication.

Speech therapy classes for children and adults train the articulatory apparatus, increase the clarity of pronunciation, and form correct speech. When making sounds, it is important to perform breathing exercises.

Speech therapy exercises for children will help develop correct speech, the most important form of communication. A child learns to speak by listening to adults speak. Articulation is ensured by the folded work of the muscles of the tongue, pharynx, larynx, palate, and respiratory muscles. Hearing abnormalities, even minimal ones, can complicate this process.

By the age of 4-5, most children develop fairly correct, clear pronunciation, and a decrease in words is observed less and less often. By the end of the fifth year, the child is most often able to pronounce all the sounds of his language, although sometimes difficulties arise with sibilants and “r”. But some babies have difficulty pronouncing certain sounds. Parents are worried about how to help the baby, and whether everything can go away without intervention. Unfortunately, this usually does not happen; special classes are needed.

Baby development from infancy

To avoid problems with speech, it is important to develop the baby’s fine motor skills from the first months. The parts of the brain that are responsible for these functions are located quite close and closely interconnected. Various have a positive effect on the way the child speaks.

It is useful to massage the fingers and palms and offer objects for study that differ in materials and textures. Joint drawing, including finger paints, or dough, stringing beads, puzzles, mosaics, various lacing, construction sets are good for development. Communication between elders and the baby is also of great importance. It is important to talk to him from the first weeks of life, tell him poems and fairy tales, and pronounce your actions.

Where to start speech therapy exercises?

To correct the speech disorders of a 4-5 year old child, you need to start by determining which sounds the baby cannot pronounce. To do this, you need to show him pictures sequentially so that the child can name the words. The desired sound must be in different parts of the word: at the beginning, middle, end. Once problematic sounds are identified, you can begin to work with them. This should be done with each one separately, from easy to more complex.

In order for a 4-5 year old child to learn to speak correctly, it is first necessary to work on the pronunciation of individual sounds, not words. It is important to correctly explain to the baby how the tongue and lips should be positioned. It will be easier for him to understand and follow instructions if you give them in a playful way. After the baby succeeds, it is necessary to introduce the learned sound into everyday speech. This process is often slow and can take more than one month. At the same time, you should start working on the next sound.

Classes should begin with a special warm-up for the tongue and lips. It is done while sitting, in this position the child’s back is straight and the body is relaxed. It is important that he sees the adult’s face and his own face. This way he can control the correct execution. Therefore, you need to exercise in front of a mirror of sufficient size.

After the correct place has been chosen, the adult, using game techniques, tells what exercise will now need to be done. Then he shows it, and the baby repeats. An adult controls the process and, if necessary, helps with a small spoon, clean finger or other object.

Exercises can be like this:

  • stretch your lips in a smile, while keeping your teeth hidden;
  • extend the lips in the form of a proboscis;
  • with clenched jaws, raise your upper lip;
  • make rotational movements with your lips extended into a tube;
  • stretch your lips, clasp them with your fingers, massaging them;
  • first inflate two cheeks, then each separately, pull in the cheeks;
  • open your mouth, lick your lips in a circular motion;
  • stick out your tongue, stretch it up and down, it should be tense;
  • With your mouth open, press your tongue to the roof of your mouth and pull your lower jaw down.

After the gymnastics are completed, you can move on to making sounds. As a rule, problems arise most often with "r". Many toddlers cannot cope with this on their own even within 5-6 years. Most often, children either skip this sound or replace it with another. Therefore, parents should help them; for this there are special speech therapy techniques.

Although parents can do most of the exercises themselves with their child, consultation with a speech therapist is advisable. Often problems with speech, and especially with this sound, in children 4 and 5 years old arise for physiological reasons. For example, the issue may be an underdeveloped frenulum, due to which the tongue does not reach the roof of the mouth. This can only be determined by a specialist, who will also give recommendations to correct the situation: prescribe massages or surgical intervention.

To check how the baby copes with this difficult sound, you should ask him to growl, then say words in which “r” is present. If it doesn’t produce a single sound, then that’s what you need to play. If the problem arises only with whole words, then work on the syllables. For some exercises, a special spatula is used, which can be purchased in specialized stores. They should act carefully but confidently.

Classes most often consist of a series of exercises.

  • The baby, opening his mouth and pressing his tongue to the place where the upper teeth grow, quickly pronounces “d” several times in a row. Then he does the same, blowing on the tip of his tongue. This way he can remember the vibration that accompanies the “r”.
  • The baby, opening his mouth wide, should pronounce “w.” In this case, the tongue must be slowly raised towards the upper teeth. After this, the adult carefully inserts the spatula under the tongue and moves it in one direction or the other, creating vibration. The baby should blow at this time.
  • The child pronounces the syllable “za”, pulling his tongue as far back as possible. If at this time you insert a spatula and make rhythmic movements with it to the sides, you can hear a clear “r” sound.
  • For a softer “r”, repeat the previous exercise, only the baby pronounces the syllable “for”.

Exercises for sizzling

The hissing ones start betting with “sh”, on the basis of which they later get “zh”. To do this, the child pronounces the syllable “sa”, smoothly raising the tongue to the base of the teeth. When the hissing occurs, an adult uses a mirror to help remember this moment. Then the baby blows and adds “a” to the exhalation, so that the syllable “sha” is obtained.

The child pronounces “sa”, and the adult uses a spatula to set the tongue in the desired position. After several trials, he checks whether the baby himself can place his tongue correctly. After mastering this sound, you can learn “zh”, including the voice during pronunciation.

To put “ych”, you usually use “s”. The child pronounces “si”, holding out the sizzling component, and the adult uses a spatula to move the tongue back, lifting it. The sound “ch” is placed through a “t”; the syllable can be either forward or backward. The baby pronounces it with a noticeable exhalation on the consonant. An adult uses a spatula to push the tip of the tongue back.

Children love to imitate adults, so elders must show how to do the exercises correctly. The baby must see the adult’s face, facial expressions and lip movements. For a 4 or 5 year old child, it is important that the activities are interesting. Parents should diversify activities and supplement them with elements of a fun game. For a baby, speech exercises are a lot of work. And if it brings pleasure and positive emotions, then it will be much easier to achieve success.