Do you want to become a blonde, but don't know where to start? Of course, from the choice of lightening product. The main task of the lightener is to eliminate the natural pigment (melanin). For this purpose, beauty salon professionals use compositions with the addition of hydrogen peroxide and ammonia. Such clarifiers are highly aggressive, so special knowledge of the procedure is extremely important.

Important! The lightening process has a stable algorithm of actions: the bleaching agent must be applied evenly to dry and unwashed hair, left for some time, depending on the desired effect and the manufacturer’s recommendations, and rinsed off first with plain water, then with the addition of shampoo. Please note that you cannot keep the bleach on hair with aggressive chemical components for more than 50 minutes, otherwise it will turn from silky, soft curls into “straw.”

For lovers of independent “creativity,” cosmetic companies have created gentle lightening compounds: ammonia-free paints, special lightening shampoos, creams, masks. With them there is little chance of burning your hair, but it will also not be possible to radically change the color of your hair.

Note that it can take a lot of time to lighten strands, especially for those with dark hair. For brunettes and brown-haired women, we recommend that you first familiarize yourself with the intricacies of the procedure: What dye to lighten dark hair: secrets of choosing a lightening dye.

We have selected for you the best products for home and professional lightening:

Radical means

Strong ammonia paints, pastes and powders. Such products guarantee a pronounced effect (3-8 levels of lightening) after the first use, because they affect the structure of curls through particles of hydrogen peroxide and ammonia. Aggressive components cause significant damage to strands if the dyeing technique is violated, therefore, to a greater extent, such products are intended for professional use. You will find more information here:

Gentle compositions

Lightening masks, creams, ammonia-free paints, sprays. They have a softer, safer effect. They do not contain aggressive components and are filled with plant extracts and oils. The result of the procedure is insignificant, only 1–2 levels. Products like these are ideal for home makeovers. By following the manufacturer's recommendations, you will undoubtedly achieve success. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with gentle clarifiers in our articles:

Toning after lightening

Toning is an integral part of lightening curls, so it will be very useful for future blondes to become familiar with the procedure. After bleaching, the hair shaft consists of voids and molecules of destroyed melanin, it is fragile, weakened by external factors (ultraviolet, cold). Outwardly, it looks no less sad: the bleached strands acquire a warm shade from light yellow to red (this depends on the original color of the hair). Toning agents will help fill the resulting voids and give the curls the desired shade. They do not affect the structure of the hair, they only envelop, strengthen it from the outside, are inexpensive and have a large assortment of shades. Read more information about the importance of tinting and reviews of the procedure here.

The decision to become a blonde is often spontaneous. A woman simply goes to the store and buys the white paint she likes. At home, she mixes something in a tube with something in a bottle, applies it to her hair and waits. It is not surprising that the result differs from expectations.

Creating blonde always occurs in two stages.

  1. Lightening (bleaching). This is a process by which natural or artificial hair pigment is destroyed.
  2. Toning. Giving hair the desired shade.

Lightening is done with a special powder or cream and an oxidizing agent of a certain percentage. For example, to make dark hair lighter by 4-5 tones, you need an oxide of at least 6%. If the hair is light, a 1.5–3 percent oxidizing agent is usually used. But everything is very individual. Sometimes, to achieve the desired result, 6–9 percent oxide is used to lighten blondes.

The result of lightening is always a warm shade. You will find out why this happens a little later. For now, remember: you cannot put an equal sign between the concepts of “lightening” and “blond dyeing”. After all, you can lighten your hair to create nuclear orange or acid green hair.

Lightening is just the first step towards blonde. It specifies the substrate on which the color must lie.

The coloring result depends on many factors: the condition of the hair, the original tone and shade and, of course, the coloring composition and method of application.

Vika Glu, hairdresser

Mistake 2. Not taking into account the background lightening and tone level

In everyday life, people are divided into blondes, brown-haired, red-haired and brunettes. For professional hairdressers and colorists, everything is more complicated.

Human hair consists of a nourishing rod (medula), which gives strength and elasticity to the cortex and protective cuticle (many dense scales on the surface).

The cortex contains melanin, which is responsible for hair color. Melanin consists of two pigments, eumelanin and pheomelanin. The first has a dark shade (from brown to blue-black) and the shape of elongated granules. The second is round molecules of yellow and red colors.

Natural hair color depends on the ratio of melanin pigments. The more eumelanin, the darker the hair, and vice versa: pheomelanin predominates in blondes.

The level of tone (or, as they also say, the level of tone depth) depends on the amount of eumelanin.

Tone level (UT or UGT) is a gradation of natural hair color by lightness.

Vika Glu, hairdresser

There are 10 UT, where one is black, and everything above seven is considered blonde.

When lightening, the level of tone depth increases and the lightening background appears. This is the color that is obtained after partial destruction of natural or artificial, if the hair has been dyed, pigment.

Imagine a flask with red and yellow balls inside. The initial tone level is 6. We lighten it to 9. Only yellow balls remain in the flask. The next step is tinting, and you need to figure out how much blue and red to add so that the colors mix and the flask looks beige from a distance.

Before going blonde, you need to determine the tone level, the predominant pigment and the desired result. It depends on what to lighten with (powder or cream), what percentage of oxidizing agent to use, where to start applying the composition and other nuances. Hairdressers create special formulas to calculate how many grams to squeeze out of which tube to tint specific hair.

Vika Glu, hairdresser

Mistake 3: Not following instructions

It is important to take into account not only the tone level and background lightening, but also to understand what type of composition it is and how to use it correctly. Lightening and dyeing hair are chemical reactions, the course of which depends on the dye used.

All dyes can be divided into direct and indirect.

Straight hair does not mix with the oxidizing agent and does not penetrate the hair. Their molecules settle on the cuticle. Direct dyes are produced mainly in the form of tinted shampoos, balms and mousses. Colored crayons are also classified as direct dyes. They are easy to use at home (no need to mix anything) to maintain or refresh color.

Indirect dyes open the cuticle, penetrate the hair and destroy the natural pigment to make room for the artificial one. Such dyes are always mixed with an oxidizing agent - hydrogen peroxide with various additives. They are usually produced in the form of creams. Working with them is more difficult (exact proportions are needed).

Indirect dyes also include dyes that do not contain ammonia, but contain its derivatives. They do not have such a pungent odor, but the principle of action is the same as that of ammonia dyes.

When working with indirect dyes, it is very important to choose the right percentage of oxidizing agent. It depends on how much you can increase the level of tone depth and how long you can keep the composition on your hair.

Many people mistakenly think that the longer they keep the dye on their hair, the better the effect will be. In fact, manufacturers conduct more than one clinical study to calculate how much time a particular composition needs to lighten, develop and fix the artificial pigment. If the package says “Keep for 30 minutes,” keep for half an hour. By overexposing the dye, you only dry out your hair.

Mistake 4. Not taking care of your hair

To become a luxurious blonde, it is not enough to lighten your hair. Blonde requires constant careful care. Otherwise, the hair that has gone through the lightening reaction will hang like a lifeless tow.

Hair has no strength and energy because it is a keratinized appendage of the skin. Some conditioning cosmetics regenerate disulfide bonds and proteins, but most conditioners simply seal the cuticle scales tightly so they reflect light. As a result, the hair looks good and is pleasant to touch.

There are a lot of folk recipes for lightening hair on the Internet. You need to understand that lemon juice, chamomile decoction or kefir will never turn you into a platinum blonde. The maximum will make brown hair half a tone lighter.

But natural ingredients can be used to improve the condition of colored hair. Here are some good masks.

  1. Honey. Mix honey, aloe juice and castor oil in equal proportions. Leave on hair for 30 minutes. Rinse off with plenty of warm water.
  2. Banana. Mix in a blender until completely smooth one medium banana, one egg, one teaspoon of honey, a tablespoon and two tablespoons of full-fat yogurt without additives. Keep it on for about an hour, then rinse and wash your hair with shampoo.
  3. Egg. Pour two tablespoons of gelatin with warm water and leave for 10–15 minutes for the gelatin to swell. Then melt it in a water bath, add the yolk of one egg and a tablespoon of your hair balm. Apply the resulting mixture to your hair, put on a plastic cap and wrap your head with a towel. Keep for 40–60 minutes. After the procedure, rinse your hair with warm water.

Be careful with folk remedies. They can ruin even the most beautiful cold blonde. “Food” on your hair will never give the same effect as professional cosmetics. Among the things that are unlikely to make things worse are vinegar (the acidic environment will smooth out the scales), coconut oil (but it is difficult to wash off).

Vika Glu, hairdresser

In addition, it is necessary to constantly maintain color with tinted shampoos and other products, which also often contain care components.

Not only brunettes and brown-haired women lighten their hair; blondes themselves do not stand aside. Often girls are overwhelmed by the desire to make the natural pigment of their curls even lighter or give them a warm or cold tone. However, frequent use of lightening agents, even during salon care, is fraught with negative changes in the structure of the hair. They become loose, dull, brittle, and begin to split. Modern dyeing techniques make the blonde process more gentle.

Modern technologies for gentle hair lightening

At the moment, there are several options for gently lightening natural hair pigment. They are mainly suitable for girls with light brown hair and not too dark brown-haired women.

– Silk dyeing can be used both for slight lightening of hair by 1-2 tones, and for enhanced blondness with lightening up to 8 tones. This technique is more gentle due to the fact that the products used do not use ammonia, which injures the curls. However, it cannot be said that this method is completely safe. As with any coloring, the structure of the hair is affected, as a result of which it becomes thinner and drier. To neutralize the destructive effect of the drug, before applying it, the curls are treated with a health-improving composition, and then softened with a conditioner containing silk. As a result, even initially damaged hair begins to look smoother and healthier. Silk dyeing also helps to cope with gray hair, and can also return a more youthful and elastic appearance to aged curls. In addition, this technique uses hypoallergenic products and can be recommended even for women with sensitive skin.

– Another option for gentle lightening is French highlighting. It makes hair lighter by only 3-4 tones, so it is only suitable for fair-haired girls. On brunettes and dark brown-haired women, this type of highlighting will be almost invisible. To lighten curls using this method, a gentle dye is used, which is applied to natural curls without prior bleaching. The result is the effect of barely noticeable burnt hair. The components that form the basis of the drug gently color the curls and do not destroy their structure, as a result of which the hair remains healthy and well-groomed.

Lightening hair at home

Lightening with home remedies is considered the most harmless way. These procedures will not give your locks a trendy color, but they will keep your hair healthy and looking great. You can lighten your hair using masks based on honey and lemon. The honey composition is applied to the hair for 8 hours, the head is wrapped in a towel to preserve heat. Wash off the mask with water mixed with lemon juice. By the way, rinsing your hair in water with the addition of lemon juice or ginger broth also helps lighten the natural pigment.

Using any of these methods, you can make your hair lighter. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages. Silk dyeing is the most effective, but also more expensive procedure. French highlighting does not completely change the hair color, but only gives it beautiful light highlights. Lightening curls at home does not pose any harm to health, but the result is the least pronounced.

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Hair lightening is a fairly complex procedure, but if done correctly, it will result in lighter hair. It’s complicated, because initially the hair can be either natural or previously dyed, dark or light, what result is needed, how much lighter. First, let's figure out what lightening and bleaching are, what kind of hair you need to choose. Then how to choose techniques, dyes and whether traditional lightening methods work.

What is the difference between lightening and bleaching?

  1. Hair is lightened with dye and bleached with powder.
  2. Lightening and bleaching have different mechanisms of action.

Lightening is a procedure in which the natural pigment of the hair, melanin, is lightened, and it is performed with dye on natural, undyed hair. A lightening dye cannot do anything with the artificial pigment molecules of previously colored hair. And hair bleaching is the removal (removal) of natural and artificial pigment from the hair using bleaching powder. This procedure can be done on both natural and colored hair. The pigment is located inside the hair in its protein layer, so when bleaching, the structure of the hair is very damaged, it becomes “empty”.

Therefore, lightening is a more gentle procedure than bleaching, but also traumatic.

What to choose to become lighter?

Which one to choose depends on:

When lightening, the dye lightens the natural pigment of the hair and simultaneously introduces artificial pigment, so there is no need to tint it afterwards. But it happens that the result is too yellow or red, then in order to muffle these shades you can tint your hair (see “Tinting” below).

Lightening dyes can lighten hair color by 3-5 tones. To achieve blonde, light brown and brown hair are ideal (levels 5, 6 and 7 tone depth).

For maximum lightening, you need to take super-lightening series of dyes, they are also called “superblond” or “special blond”. Oxidizing agents for them are 9% and 12%. Standard table for holding time and oxide selection:

The mixing ratio is 1:2 or 1:1.5 depending on the brand of dye. The dye should be applied to dry hair. Moisture from wet hair will change the pH of the mixture and the bleaching may be worse.


Hair is bleached with bleaching powder. Its other names: supra, powder, blonde. Typically a light or blue powder. This is a highly alkaline product that brightens everything: both natural and dyed hair.

It must be diluted with the oxide in a ratio of 1:2 (or 1:1.5). Selection of oxide percentage:

  • 6% is the standard percentage for natural and colored hair
  • 3% - for thin, damaged or previously bleached hair
  • 9% and 12% - only for open techniques. These percentages of oxide with powder (with paint can) cannot be used on the scalp and in foil.


  • Lightening of regrown roots. The dye must be applied only to regrown hair roots, wait for the exposure time and rinse.
  • Completely (from roots to ends).
  • Strands, giving a gradient, highlights on the hair or lightening only the ends of the hair.

Lightening your entire hair mass for the first time

For a uniform hair color along the entire length, it is necessary to color the length, then the roots of the hair, because... they lighten up much better. Stages:

  1. Dilute the dye to length, taking the oxide 1 level higher than for the roots. Step back 1.5-2 cm from the hair roots and apply dye to the length.
  2. Wait 25-30 minutes. Apply the new mixture to the roots with oxide 1 level lower than the length. And withstand the full coloring time. Usually you need 30-40 grams of dye for the roots.

For example, when lightening with paint, use a lightening dye and 12% oxide for the length, and 9% for the roots. Then the result will not be “exposed roots”, but a uniform color along the length. When bleaching with powder, 6% oxide is used for the length, 3% for the roots.

Lightening ends or strands

At home, it is very difficult to apply the dye correctly and get a beautiful result. The basic rule in application is to apply more to the ends and less to the roots, and also blend the dye towards the roots so that the line is smooth. The application pattern may vary.

Lightening strands

Https:// To lighten strands, you will need foil or film to separate the colored strands from the rest of the hair. When creating highlights on the hair, the ombre effect looks beautiful and natural, when the strands near the face are lightened more, I eat the rest.

  1. Select the strands diagonally or in a zigzag.
  2. Apply the dye with shading.
  3. We cover it with foil or film so that the dye does not create light spots on the rest of the hair.

Tips to tails

  1. We tie 4 tails. It is advisable to tie them higher on the face.
  2. We color the tails, shading the border.
  3. Keep the exposure time and wash off.

On the backcomb

  1. Instead of tying ponytails, comb strands or braid hair. This will create an uneven border and the transition will be more uniform.
  2. We color the ends with a lightening agent.

Is it possible to paint after bleaching?

  1. When lightening with paint. Since lightening dyes lighten and add artificial pigment, there is no need to tint the strands afterwards. But it happens that the color turns out to be too yellow or red. In this case, it is not recommended to re-lighten immediately, because The quality of the hair will suffer greatly. It is better to tint your hair with a small oxide (1.5-1.9%) dye, but not with a lightening dye, but with an ammonia-free dye.
  2. When lightening with supra (powder). After bleaching with powder, tinting is necessary, because... the pigment is knocked out of the hair, and it is necessary to fill it with an artificial tinting pigment.

Toning after lightening

Depending on the color after bleaching (red, yellow-orange or yellow), it is necessary to correctly select the level of dye (the first digit in the number on the package) and the direction that or.

  • To paint over the red hair after lightening it is necessary to use a dye at level 7 with an ash-violet direction. Ash and purple contains blue, which will neutralize the orange pigment, and some of the red pigment from the purple will prevent any possible green from appearing.
  • If the hair after bleaching is bright orange, i.e. contain a red-orange pigment, it must be removed with dye at level 6 with. Ash contains both blue, which neutralizes orange, and green, which neutralizes red.
  • A dye with a violet direction will help get rid of yellow hair after bleaching. In various brands of dyes it can be designated as mother-of-pearl or pearl. Depending on the brightness of the yellow hue, you need to select a tone depth level from 8 (for bright yellow) to 10 (light yellow). A drawing and table will help you with this.
Color after lighteningTone depth levelDye selection
Red-orange6 Dark blonde ash or ash purple. For example, 6/16 WELLA ILLUMINA
Orange7 Blonde ash purple. For example, 7/16 Estel De Luxe
Yellow8 Light blonde purple or pearl. For example, 8/81 London
Light yellow9 Light blond pearly (pearl, pearly-ash). For example, 9/1 Constant Delight
Light yellow10 Ash blond violet (pearl, mother-of-pearl). For example, 10/6 Wella Color Touch

Mixing ratio 1:2 or 1:1.5. Exposure time 15-20 minutes. If only the roots turn out to be too yellow or red, then the tint should be applied only to them. Before washing off the dye, you can comb the tint to length.

Lightening paints

Typically, lightening series are marked by manufacturers with special markings, for example, 12 row Special Blond, super lightening series, etc.


The lightening dye in Londa Professional is called Special Blonds. This dye is available in 7 shades, the first number in the designation is 12 (row 12). Lightens up to 5 tones. Proportion 1:2.


Estelle’s professional line includes two types of super-lightening products:

  • ULTRA BLOND (lightening by 3-4 tones).
  • Blond Var Сouture (up to 5 tones). This series contains 2 types of dye: Rich Color (more saturated tones), Light Color (more transparent colors). The usual proportion is 1:2.

Natural base (original color)Mixing ratioExposure time
Haute Couture Blond Bar: Oxidant 12%
Rich ColorLight Color50 minutes
4, 5 1:2 1:3
6 1:3 1:4
7 1:4 1:5


In the game, the lightening series is called Royal Highlifts. Mix with oxide in a ratio of 1 to 2.


At Garnier, Declorant will lighten previously colored hair. It contains a brightening powder that is added to the paint. It can also be used on natural hair. Super lightening series are suitable for natural hair and regrown roots.

Lightening powder

There are bleaching products in every series of professional paints and in some household paints. According to the form of release there are:

  • Classic white or blue powder.

  • Powder for open techniques. After dilution with oxide, it has a more viscous texture, convenient for application in open coloring techniques (shatush, balayage, etc.).

  • Bleaching cream. It differs from powder in its creamy texture and more gentle lightening formula.

Lighting at home

You can do all the stages of lightening at home yourself, but it is much more difficult. A professional will, based on experience, analyze the original color, quality and desired result and choose the most optimal coloring option. But if you decide to do lightening at home, then here are a few rules:

  1. Lightening with dye is only suitable for natural hair. The color rule applies: “paint does not lighten paint.” You can bleach both natural and dyed hair. When leaving a dark color, the situation is different, read about it in this article.
  2. For permanent lightening (for example, roots), do not apply lightening dye to previously colored hair. This traumatizes them greatly.
  3. Before lightening, it is recommended to take a few days or a nourishing mask.
  4. For sensitive scalp, do not wash your hair for 1-2 days before coloring. The sebum released during this time will protect the skin during lightening.
  5. If possible, use professional dyes rather than household dyes. Their formula is more gentle and gentle.
  6. Try to apply the lightening mixture quickly, spending no more than 15 minutes, so that the first applied strands do not stay with the dye for too long and the mixture does not lose its activity.
  7. Do not increase the exposure time more than what is written in the instructions, the hair will no longer be lightened, but will be completely damaged.

Hair lightening with hydrogen peroxide and hydroperite

The home method of lightening with hydrogen peroxide or hydroperite can bring some results. BUT!

  1. The quality of the hair will be ruined. Yes, dyes also contain hydrogen peroxide, but it has a polymer base containing care components.
  2. The result will be worse than when lightening with paint, because... You need an alkaline environment (ammonia), which would open the cuticle so that peroxide can penetrate into the hair. If the hair is porous, then peroxide can do its job without ammonia, but if it is good quality hair, then the lightening effect will not be particularly noticeable. If you use hydroperite diluted in water, it contains urea, which helps open the cuticle, but the quality of the hair will be much worse.
  3. You will only get the background color of the lightening (brown, red, orange, yellow), because there are no artificial pigments that would neutralize it.

Brightening Spray

This product is offered by the John Frieda brand. Her Sheer Blonde Go Blonder spray contains hydrogen peroxide and promises gradual lightening of up to one and a half shades. How does he work:

  • Apply to clean, damp hair
  • Use additional heat from a hair dryer or straightener.

There is logic in this, and there will indeed be a tone and a half lightening, because... The extra heat opens the cuticles, leaving hair clean and free of dirt from blocking the penetration of the peroxide to lighten it.

But the quality of the hair after all the thermal and chemical influences suffers greatly, it becomes dry, weakened, and for some, with intensive use of the spray, the hair begins to fall off. If you decide to try a lightening spray, you should pay special attention to hair care.

Folk remedies

It’s worth saying right away that natural dyes henna, chamomile, honey, cinnamon, kefir, etc. cannot lighten previously colored hair. They can only slightly change the color of natural hair.

Why did the opinion arise that natural remedies can lighten?

  1. Because cold shades are visually perceived as darker than warm shades, then visually it may seem that the hair, which became more yellow after chamomile, has lightened. The blue pigment that gives hair a cold tint is very unstable, both natural and artificial. Even ultraviolet rays from the sun can destroy it. This is the basis for the recipe for lightening with lemon, in which the strands need to be smeared with lemon juice and left in the sun.
  2. Some products, such as lemon juice, kefir, vinegar, have an acidic pH, under the influence of which the cuticle (the upper scaly layer of the hair) begins to adhere more tightly to the shaft. This makes the hair smoother and shinier, reflects light better and therefore visually changes color. The danger is that with frequent exposure to very acidic compounds, the hair becomes brittle and brittle. Balms and conditioners also have an acidic pH, but one at which the cuticle scales are smoothed without being damaged.

Benefits of lightening using natural means:

  • Does not damage hair
  • Make the structure more dense


  • They are not able to radically change the color, only give it direction.
  • They can significantly complicate staining in the future, because can give an unpredictable result in the form of greenery.
  • Very acidic formulations, when used for a long time, make hair weak and brittle.
  • Part of organic substances, for example, from kefir, mayonnaise, eggs, etc. is not washed out of the hair and begins to deteriorate naturally. As a result, in the long term, with constant use of such products, the hair deteriorates.

If you are satisfied with the result of lightening using folk remedies, and the consequences do not frighten you, then here are a few recipes.

Lightening with lemon

It is good to carry out this procedure on vacation in the summer, when you are in the sun a lot.

  1. Squeeze lemon juice
  2. Add ¼ part warm water. If there is 100 ml of juice, then 25 ml of water.
  3. Apply to hair or individual strands. For convenience, you can use a spray bottle.
  4. Go out into the sun for 30-60 minutes. Wash off the composition.

Chamomile infusion for lightening

  1. Pour half a glass of medicinal chamomile flowers with 2 glasses of warm water (70-80 degrees). Leave to infuse for half an hour.
  2. Rinse your hair with this infusion.

White henna

White henna is just the natural name of a synthetic product that contains hydrogen peroxide, ammonium persulfate, etc. A very dubious product in terms of hair color and quality. We do not recommend it for lightening.

What to do after lightening?

After lightening, the following problems may occur:

  • Hair will become dry and damaged, it may become frizzy and break off.
  • Gradually, the color will be washed out to the background, yellowness or reddishness will appear.

Care and recovery

After lightening, hair requires:

  1. Gentle cleansing. It is advisable to use mild sulfate-free shampoos or series for colored hair. Harsh alkaline shampoos will remove color faster and make hair even tougher.

  2. Use a hair mask 2 times a week. It is advisable to do a nourishing restorative mask once, and a moisturizing mask the second. The mask should be applied to damp hair washed with shampoo, under a cap and a warm towel. This way the care will penetrate deep into the hair.

  3. Use conditioner and balm after each wash.
  4. After washing, apply leave-in conditioners or serums to damaged ends or lengths.

  5. Before thermal exposure (blow drying, straightening, curling), be sure to apply a heat protectant.

  6. It is advisable to do Olaplex “Active Protection” treatment after the lightening procedure, or use Olaplex No. 3 at home. This is a protector that will restore some of the disulfite bonds inside the hair that were destroyed by lightening.

Color maintenance

Proper care will help extend the life of a beautiful color, because... The better the quality of the hair, the better the color lasts. Shampoo with purple pigment or a tinting mask-corrector will help remove the yellowness that appears. All corrective shampoos are highly alkaline, because... Without this, they will not be able to open the cuticle to apply the purple neutralizing pigment to the surface. It is better to use them 1-2 times a week, not more often.

A tinting mask can slightly adjust the color and improve the quality of the hair. Apply it to damp hair for 3-10 minutes. The mask from Estelle is available in 2 types: a bottle with a dispenser and a tube.

It is a preparatory process before painting them. A lightener is used to bring the strands to the desired shade. Professional blonde products were created with the sole purpose of bleaching the natural melanin contained in the hair cortex.

Before dyeing your hair, you should lighten it

How to use hair lightener correctly?

A professional colorist will never promise his client to lighten dark brown or black hair to a light platinum or white color.

Because the main pigment may not allow this. Some virtuosos sometimes manage to make dark strands much lighter. But this procedure may require repeated repetition.

Is the product worth using?

Only careful use of lightening compounds can reduce the negative effects and achieve the desired shade. Precisely careful, since in the process the strands are easy to spoil due to a higher dose of chemicals.

Consult a colorist

What substance should I apply to this or that type of hair?

Colorists use professional lighteners in different forms, each of which has its own application. If you lighten your hair with dye, then there is no need to worry about the lightener, since it is included in its formula. But a professional colorist is simply obliged to know which one is best suited for one type or another, what is the best way to lighten hair, and what dye to use.

A stylist will help you choose a lightener

Types of the best and natural compositions: paint and oil

Brighteners used by professionals come in the following forms:

  • oil;
  • cream;
  • paste;
  • powder.
Brightening oil

Oil-based blonde products at an attractive price

Oil brighteners consist of a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and sulfonated oil. They usually contain 6% peroxide (20 vol.) and one or more whitening activators. Most activators contain ammonium persulfate. By interacting with hydrogen peroxide and brightener, it removes excess shades of red, yellow and orange.

The maximum effect is observed within one hour after application, and in some cases the effect can last two hours. Oils provide the most control and are best for lightening dark hair. What dye to bleach hair, what is better to use?

Blonding hair products

Colored and neutral substances for dark curls Syoss and Super Blond

Neutral products remove pigment without adding tones. Used for strands that are difficult to dye or to pre-soften them. Oil lightening of hair simultaneously with the removal of pigment adds color. Typically, lightening hair dyes are certified by the manufacturer and can be used without a preliminary allergy skin test. Bleaching can give different shades:

  • Gold – brightens, adding orange tones.
  • Silver - bleaching giving silvery shades to gray or whitish strands. Also minimizes red and gold tones.
  • Red – brightens and tones red.
  • Ash - discolors with the addition of gray-brown shades. Softens or removes red and gold tones.
Bleaching paint

Lightening cream for black curls: Estelle, L'Oreal, Garnier and Faberlic

Blonding cream is the most popular and best hair lightener. Its action is easy to control, easy to use, does not flow, does not drip or dry out. Contains conditioners, blue and thickener, the benefits of which are as follows:

  1. The conditioner provides gentle hair lightening, protecting against the aggressive action of reagents.
  2. Blue is used to soften unwanted red, orange or gold tones. Blue
  3. Thickeners allow you to control the effect of the drug. A good hair lightener needs to stick to your hair, otherwise the bleaching will be uneven and streaky.

Blonding pastes, powders Lady Blonden and Watercolor against yellowness of strands

Powder or paste lightens strands quickly and effectively. The colorist must first mix the powder or paste with oxidizing and neutral substances. The paste holds perfectly, does not flow, but dries faster than the cream. Conditioners are not included in the composition, so pastes and powders can dry out strands and irritate the scalp.

Making a mask

The most gentle professional products: Supra and Schwarzkopf

Garnier paint is the most popular today. This is a gentle dye for lightening hair. It contains olive oil and jojoba extract, which provide hydration and protection. The supplied balm should be applied immediately after painting. The paint is easy to apply as it is produced in the form of a cream. The result is achieved in 20 minutes. Its disadvantage is insufficient durability.

Garnier paint

Home dyeing product

The best bleaching hair dye of this brand with maximum durability - 100% Color. Provides long lasting shine. The paint guarantees durability and depth of color and contains nutritional elements. Softness and safety are ensured by ammonia-free Color Shine, containing cranberry extract and aragon oil.


Instructions for getting rid of gray hair

L`Oreal hair lightening dye will cope with dark or gray strands and eliminate yellowness. It lasts a long time, and essential oils, collagen, and wheat protein will take care of the strands. Palette (Schwarzkopf) dye for lightening dark hair is also effective, capable of bleaching it by six tones at once. Orange oil will provide gentle care.