Thanks to modern technology, household chores are greatly simplified. Ironing is a pleasure.

However, even modern electrical appliances deteriorate if not properly maintained. The soleplate of the iron begins to become covered with soot. It needs the same care as a kitchen stove, which is used just as often.

How to clean the ceramic soleplate of an iron? This can be done in various ways: household and folk.

Proper care

When choosing an ironing device, many people prefer models with a ceramic coating. This iron is practical to use and does not damage the fabric.

However, when choosing an electrical appliance, you should also familiarize yourself with its proper operation and cleaning after use. It is especially important to wash it correctly, because the cleanliness of the iron determines how well it will work and how long it will last.

  1. When starting to clean the appliance after ironing, you must first turn off the iron.
  2. Ceramics is a very fragile material. This type of equipment needs to be carefully monitored. Even a small hit to the floor or ironing board can damage the appliance. Cracks and chips form, which not only slow down the ironing procedure, but can also damage things.
  3. The ceramic surface of the iron requires cleaning with special professional products. Traditional methods can also help, but they should be used with caution.
  4. Ironing should always be completed by cleaning the appliance according to the operating instructions. This will not only reduce the likelihood of clothes getting dirty next time, but also increase the operating life of the device.

When purchasing a ceramic electrical appliance, ask the seller to provide instructions. Read it first, and then feel free to use the new technology.


A cleaning pencil will help you clean the ceramic sole. It is sold in hardware stores.

Contamination like scale can be easily removed with its help. The pencil should be based on ammonia. If you have never bought it, ask a sales consultant, he will definitely help you choose this product.

How to clean a ceramic iron - step-by-step instructions for using a cleaning pencil:

  1. The electrical appliance is connected to the network and the highest temperature setting is turned on.
  2. Then they disconnect it from the electricity and place it on any fabric that you don’t mind getting dirty.
  3. Next, it is installed in a vertical position; for the convenience of the procedure, you can tilt it slightly.
  4. While the sole has not cooled down, it is treated with a cleaning pencil. Due to the high temperature, the product will begin to melt and will flow down along with the burnt fabric or scale.

After the ceramic-coated iron has cooled, wipe the soleplate with a dry cloth. After removing the remaining pencil, you can wipe the device with a damp cloth and wipe dry again.


Cleaning a ceramic iron at home is not difficult, but you have to be careful when doing it. Table vinegar also effectively removes dirt from electrical appliances with this coating.

How to clean the sole:

  1. You should set the device to the maximum temperature, wait for it to heat up and disconnect the equipment from the power supply.
  2. While the iron is heating up, prepare a vinegar solution. To do this, pour vinegar and water into a container in a 1:1 ratio. You don’t need a lot of product, so 50 ml of each is enough.
  3. You can remove plaque using a cotton pad soaked in the prepared solution. They gently wipe dirty places.

During cleaning, carefully monitor your actions and do not touch the iron with your hands. You can get seriously injured; burns from such an electrical appliance take a long time to heal.


Cleaning the soleplate of the iron will not take much time if you use an aqueous solution of ammonium hydroxide. Ammonia is not used in its pure form; it is diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio.

How to clean a ceramic coated iron?

The algorithm of action is the same as when using a vinegar solution. You can wipe the ceramic coating with ammonia until all carbon deposits have been removed from the base of the electrical appliance.


Every house has an iron. Today, not a single housewife can do without his help. However, with prolonged use of the device, its sole begins to become dirty, which will lead to damage to any things.

This can be prevented by using anti-tart toothpaste as a cleanser.

How to tidy up your iron at home:

  1. Preheat the device to the minimum temperature and unplug it.
  2. Gently apply toothpaste to the soles of your feet using an old (soft) toothbrush.
  3. Rub the burnt area vigorously.
  4. Then apply the product to the entire ceramic coating and leave for 30 minutes.
  5. After half an hour, clean with a clean cloth and water.

After such manipulation, the Teflon and ceramic iron will shine clean.

Toothpaste must be purchased white, not colored and without multi-colored cleaning particles.

Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide can also clean an iron from burning. To do this you will need a small amount of product and a piece of linen fabric.

Action plan:

  1. It is necessary to connect the electrical appliance to the network and set the temperature mode suitable for ironing linen.
  2. While the sole is heating up, take a cloth and soak it generously in 3% hydrogen peroxide.
  3. Once the maximum temperature for ironing linen has been reached, the fabric is laid out on an ironing board and an iron is passed over it.
  4. When the material dries, it is again dipped in hydrogen peroxide and the procedure is repeated. This manipulation is carried out until the sole begins to shine with cleanliness.

It’s also worth knowing how to clean the steam vents. Peroxide will also help with this. Cotton swabs are moistened in the product and gently wipe the holes.

After cleaning, wipe the electrical appliance dry with a napkin or clean towel.

Toilet soap

You can clean the ceramic surface of your home as usual. It is not necessary to buy a household one, although it is more effective.

How to clean the soleplate of an iron? There is no need to warm up the device. Rub soap over the cold ceramic coating and leave for 40 minutes.

After drying, wipe the sole with a damp cloth. All dirt will come off with soap.


Baking soda is also suitable for glass ceramic products. This product will remove both fresh and old stains.

If the fabric has been burnt for a long time, but there has not been enough time to clean the sole, do not panic. Soda can solve this problem perfectly.

A teaspoon of the product is diluted in half a glass of water. Wipe the ceramic sole with a cotton pad or soft cloth until the dirt is completely removed.

Salt is used in the same way.

If the contamination is severe, then apply soda to a damp cloth and wait until it is slightly saturated with water and becomes softer. Then simply wipe off the ceramic coating.


A slightly unusual and not well-known method for cleaning the soleplate of a ceramic iron is the use of a matchbox. But this method is very effective.

After using it, many housewives were satisfied.

How to clean your iron:

  1. Preheat the iron.
  2. Take a new matchbox and rub the soot stains with the sulfur side.

This is the whole procedure. After all dirt has been removed, the ceramic surface is wiped first with a damp and then with a dry cloth.

Nail polish remover

Nail polish remover will help if a woman goes on a business trip or vacation. Accordingly, in such a situation, salt, soda or other means are not kept in the room.

To clean ceramic soles, you can use a liquid with or without acetone. However, experienced housewives do not recommend using a product with acetone; it can damage the ceramics.

Nail polish remover works great on both fresh and old stains. It is applied to a heated iron with a cotton sponge.

After obtaining the desired result, wipe the sole with a damp cloth and place it in fresh air to remove the unpleasant odor from the nail polish remover.


This industrial product is sold in household chemical stores. They can be used to clean the bathtub, all faucets, as well as ceramic-coated appliances.

Mode of application:

  1. The contents of one ampoule are diluted in 200 ml of water.
  2. The resulting solution is used to treat a ceramic surface preheated to medium temperature.
  3. Then rinse with plain water and wipe dry.

If necessary, the cleansing procedure with Antiscale can be repeated. However, you should not get carried away with such a procedure; after all, this is a chemical agent that, if used frequently, can damage the ceramic coating.

Following these tips, the electrical appliance will last for a long time, will iron perfectly and will not spoil your favorite things.

It is an indispensable assistant for anyone who wants to look neat and pleasant to others. The neatness of your appearance directly depends on the quality of your iron and how often you clean it of dirt. We will tell you how to clean your iron at home.

After reading this article, you will understand that cleaning your iron is not difficult, requiring minimal effort on your part.

From this article you will learn:

  • how to clean the soleplate of an iron at home;
  • how to clean a ceramic coated iron;
  • how to clean a Teflon iron;
  • how to clean an iron from burnt fabric;
  • how to descale an iron at home;
  • how to clean a steam iron from scale.

Everyone will agree that clothes ruined by a dirty iron are an unpleasant surprise at the moment when you need to quickly iron something and quickly run errands. And in general, clothes damaged by an iron are always a nuisance.

How many times have you been upset when a recently purchased iron suddenly began to “chew” the fabric of your favorite item? After all, some shirts and blouses are made of very fancy fabrics, and such troubles with the iron can lead to throwing your favorite item in the trash.

Do you want to forget once and for all about problems with ironing and the long search for products to clean the surface of the iron? Then read the article carefully.

The coatings of irons, that is, their soles, are made of iron, Teflon or ceramics. These materials are very durable and easy to use.

How to clean an iron from burning at home?

Let's consider the first method. In order to clean the soleplate of the iron from carbon deposits using peroxide, you will need ordinary hydrogen peroxide, which can be bought at any pharmacy, and a cotton pad.

Soak a cotton pad in hydrogen peroxide until the cotton pad is completely wet. Wipe the soleplate of the iron. With each movement, the carbon deposits will disappear.

This method is easy to use and does not require large expenses.

You will find the answer to this question by reading the following method for cleaning your iron.

Cleaning the iron with citric acid is also not particularly difficult. In order to descale the iron with citric acid, you need to dilute a 10 g packet of citric acid in a glass of boiled water.

Next, you need to pour the resulting solution into the iron’s reservoir. Activate the steam boost mode by setting the iron to full power.

This cleaning should continue until all the water in the tank is gone. Citric acid will steam off the scale, after which all dirt will disappear.

How to clean a steam iron from scale?

Steam irons made in our time have the property of self-cleaning.

In order to clean the steam iron from scale, you need to turn it on at full power, having first filled the water tank with the maximum amount of liquid.

Next, the iron will begin to heat up until it reaches the maximum heat mark, after which it will turn off. You must wait until the iron turns off for the second time, after which you should unplug the electrical appliance from the outlet, and then press the button located on the iron body.

This button is provided to clean the device.

Prepare a container in advance so that the steam and dirt that will come out of the iron after pressing the clean button do not stain you.

During this cleaning process, the device must be shaken vigorously so that the scale leaves the iron faster. Upon completion of this procedure, it is necessary to wash the soleplate of the iron and rinse the container.

The method of cleaning an iron using salt will help you understand how to clean the soleplate of your iron from carbon deposits quickly and without unnecessary worries.

In order to clean the iron with salt, you need finely ground salt and clean paper (you should not use newspaper, as printing ink may remain on the sole of the iron during the cleaning process).

Pour salt onto clean paper and heat the iron. Run the iron over the salt coating as if you were ironing. Hot salt will clean the soleplate of your iron quickly and efficiently.

Cleaning with soap

If the stain on the soleplate of the iron is still quite fresh, then the fourth method for removing dirt from the iron is suitable for cleaning.

You will need soap (laundry soap is best) and water. Heat the iron, then gently rub the soleplate with soap. You need to wait until the iron cools down, after which the dirt can be easily washed off using a wet cloth.

The cleaned surface of the iron will pleasantly please you.

Cleaning the soleplate of the iron with a chemical pencil is the easiest way to remove burnt stains from the surface of the soleplate of the iron.

Just heat the iron, after which you need to press the cleaning pencil directly to the sole of the iron and anoint the dirty spots on the sole. After you notice that the product has corroded the dirt, you need to wipe the iron on a lint-free cloth.

This cleaning method is suitable when you have time to go to the hardware store to buy this pencil.

How to clean an iron from carbon deposits?

If you don’t have a cleaning product such as a chemical pencil on hand, then you can also clean the iron from carbon deposits using toothpaste, which, of course, everyone has.

It is necessary to apply toothpaste to the soleplate of the iron, after heating the appliance. A few minutes after applying the toothpaste, remove any remaining toothpaste by ironing the unwanted fabric.

Cleansing with vinegar

Clean the iron without heating. Cold cleaning of the iron can be done using vinegar. To do this, moisten a cotton swab with vinegar and wipe the stained areas.

Carbon deposits from the soleplate of the iron can be easily removed in a matter of minutes. The iron must remain turned off!

Using a matchbox

Using the side of the matchbox where the sulfur strip is located, wipe the stained areas on the iron. In this case, the iron must be heated.

The last method, but not at all effective. A reliable method of removing burnt fabric from the surface of the iron sole using a paraffin candle will help you solve your problem.

Wrap a paraffin candle in a cloth (cotton is best), spread the resulting “sausage” on a hot iron in those places where you need to remove dirt.

Melting paraffin will do the job perfectly.

How to clean a ceramic iron?

Everyone knows that ceramics are an expensive material that requires attention, but cleaning a ceramic-coated iron is not as difficult as it seems. There are several ways to clean the ceramic soleplate of your iron at no extra cost.

One of these methods is cleaning with soda. It is necessary to mix soda with water in a ratio of 1:20. Next, wipe the surface of the iron with a soft cloth. A ceramic iron can also be cleaned using citric acid, toilet soap and hydrogen peroxide.

How to clean a Teflon coated iron? The answer is simple. You can clean a Teflon iron using the same methods that are used to clean other types of irons.

In order to remove a burnt piece of synthetic fabric from the surface of the iron, you just need to heat the iron, then scrape the melted fabric off the iron using something not sharp, a scraper will do.

Want to know how to descale your Philips iron? The fact is that the irons of this company have a special container built into them that collects scale. In order to descale your Philips iron, you need to remove the container by pressing the release button located on the back of the iron.

Having taken out the container, rinse it and dry it, wipe off any scale particles with a damp cloth, after which the container will be ready for use again.

The modern Tefal iron is an iron with . In order to clean a Tefal iron, you need to fill the water tank with mineral water, as it removes scale perfectly, then turn on the iron at full power.

After the water has completely evaporated, the procedure must be repeated, only with ordinary water. You can also clean with citric acid, but I usually clean with mineral water.

So, you have become acquainted with the main effective ways to clean the soleplate of an iron from stuck fabric and burning. We learned how to clean the ceramic sole of an iron, how to clean the iron from burnt marks on the sole, and how to clean the inside of this household appliance.

Regular cleaning of the iron will protect your electrical appliance from burning. Now you won't be afraid of holes in your favorite clothes caused by ironing with a dirty iron, since now your iron will always shine clean.

Regular cleaning of the iron is one of the conditions for its long-term operation. It's not just the soleplate of the iron that needs to be cleaned. The scale that forms in the steam chamber must also be periodically removed, since salt deposits clog the channels and prevent the supply of steam.
How can I clean my iron? Cleaning the iron at home is possible using any “folk” means, it is only important that they do not damage the soleplate of the iron. The simplest and most effective means is a pencil for cleaning the soleplate of an iron.
About how to clean the iron from burnt marks and scale. What kind of water can be used for ironing and other recommendations.

1. Cleaning the soleplate of the iron with a pencil

Cleaning the soleplate of the iron should be done periodically, even if there are no noticeable traces of burnt marks or other contaminants on the soleplate, since an invisible coating may appear on the soleplate, which is discovered when ironing light-colored clothes.

Almost every iron uses water to generate steam, the sediments of which form scale, clog the water supply channels and prevent abundant steam formation. Tap water (from the tap) is characterized by the abundant presence of salts and various trace elements. The use of such water without regular cleaning of the steam chamber is strictly not recommended.
Modern models of irons from Tefal, Braun and other manufacturers have a self-cleaning function to clean the steam supply channels. It features a built-in cleaning device in the form of a rod, on the walls of which sediments of salts and microelements accumulate. This makes it easier to clean the iron at home and this product will be quite effective if you regularly descale the rod and use only distilled water.

You can use a cleaning stick to clean any surface, including Teflon, ceramic or stainless steel. You need to clean the heated surface of the iron sole with a pencil, so you must follow all the precautions specified in the instructions for its use.

In addition to periodically cleaning burn marks from the soleplate of the iron and descaling the steam chamber, you must take precautions when using the iron. Electrical voltage and water increase the danger level. Be careful!

2. Precautions when using the iron

Be sure to plug the iron into a grounded outlet. This precaution is not at all superfluous, since the iron is a high-risk device, and moisture increases the risk of electric shock. Grounding ensures safety during ironing, especially since almost all modern electrical appliances are designed to use Euro standard sockets that have thickened plug rods that cannot be inserted into an old-style socket without an adapter.

Pay attention to the condition of the network cable. Sometimes, from prolonged use and constant “twisting”, it can fray and get other damage. A bare wire is extremely dangerous; you should not wrap it with electrical tape; it is better to immediately replace it in a workshop.

2. Distilled water prevents scale formation in the iron

A modern steam iron uses tap water. However, it is not recommended to use such water. Tap water contains a large amount of microimpurities, which, settling on the walls of the steam chamber and water channels of the iron, lead to the formation of brown streaks. As a rule, their abundant release occurs when the heating element is heated and at the moment of intense steam supply using a special button. Using tap water requires constant and frequent descaling of the iron.

Any additives (perfumes, dressings, essences) are unacceptable for the same reason. If you use a water softener, we also recommend cleaning your iron's steam chamber more often. Water softening prevents the sedimentation of microparticles, but does not destroy calcium particles, making them especially unstable, which also leads to the formation of brown streaks.
Use distilled water.
You can also get rid of scale, rust and other impurities with a solution of water with “anti-scale”, which is poured into a heated iron.
To remove scale with this product, the iron filled with the solution must sit for at least 30 minutes. During this time, the scale will leave the walls of the steam chamber and will also clean the channels when washing the iron.

3. Cleaning the soleplate of the iron at home

The iron sole is made of stainless steel or modern ceramic alloy with a high degree of slip. The stainless steel coating makes the iron sole smooth and reliably protects it from scratches and makes it easy to clean. To do this, just run a soft, damp swab over a warm metal surface.
Heavy contamination, both on steel and ceramic surfaces, can be easily and simply removed with a special pencil that resembles a candle. Pass it over the areas where the fabric of the heated iron is burned and immediately wipe with a rag. The pencil gives off a strong ammonia odor, so be careful not to inhale its fumes. The hot sole of the iron will cause the pencil to spread over the surface of the sole, so place an old newspaper or rag under the iron in advance.

To prevent the iron from accidentally melting fabric, especially synthetic fabric, get into the habit of always placing it only on the heel. Do not place the iron flat on a metal stand, this will protect the soleplate from possible scratches.

4. Steam iron self-cleaning system

The design of many modern steam irons and cordless irons includes a self-cleaning system for descaling. It allows you to clean the steam chamber from various types of water impurities accumulated in it, which, when heated, actively settle on the walls of the steam chamber.
Cleaning the iron in this way is necessary 1-2 times a month, but this should not be done with a new iron.

Depending on the iron model, descaling can be done automatically in the “selfclean” mode. To do this, you need to completely fill the chamber with water and wait until the soleplate of the iron heats up to maximum power. The water itself will flow out of the holes in the soleplate of the iron along with steam and impurities. After the soleplate of the iron has cooled, do not forget to wipe it with a damp cloth, removing any remaining scale from the soleplate.

5. Cleaning the anti-acid rod of the iron

Different models of irons pull it out differently; this is indicated in the instructions for your iron. Carefully remove the rod from the iron and place it in a glass of white vinegar or natural lemon juice for 4 hours. Then rinse the rod in running water without touching the rod itself with your fingers.
Attention! The iron cannot work without this rod. In order to correctly insert the rod into the iron, “look” at the instructions, but usually the mode regulator should remain in the “selfclean” position.

Water should not be filled above the maximum level mark.
Add water only when the iron is turned off.
Wipe dry any remaining water from the iron body before plugging it into the outlet.
It is recommended to iron fabrics from low to high temperatures, and not vice versa.
Synthetic fabrics are ironed first, then silk, wool, cotton and linen.
When lowering the ironing temperature, wait a while for the iron to cool down.
When ironing items made from non-uniform fabrics, set the thermostat to iron the fabric at a low temperature.
Before ironing with steam for the first time, it is recommended to hold the iron for some time in a horizontal position away from the laundry. It is possible for rusty water sediments to escape from the holes.
When using starch, it is recommended to spray it onto the fabric and wipe the warm soleplate of the iron as often as possible with a soft, damp swab.
To obtain the optimal amount of steam, wait a while before operating again.
Turn off the iron and empty the water after each use. To do this, open the reservoir valve and turn the iron over the sink.
Always store the iron in an upright position. Cleaning the iron is a mandatory procedure that allows the iron to work flawlessly and for many years.

Technological progress does not stand still. And instead of steam irons in a household appliance store, sales consultants recommend buying ironing systems, an iron with a separate steam generator (steam stations), and ironing presses.

For an ironing board with a wooden tabletop, it is not necessary to sew a new cover. The surface of the board can be tightened using a stapler. The studio technologist offers you two ways to quickly and easily make a cover for your ironing board with your own hands.

When sewing clothes, nothing is more annoying than an unexpected stain or a dark iron mark on a light-colored fabric. So that the iron does not “upset” and an unexpected dirty mark does not spoil the product, monitor the condition of the sole. Periodically clean the steam chamber and remove burnt marks from the soleplate of the iron.

If you often have to iron rough, heavy fabrics, a lot of bed linen, etc., then it is better to buy an iron with a powerful heating element and a good steam chamber. If you iron mainly only light blouse fabrics, then you can buy a weaker and cheaper iron. In this case, it is better to choose an iron that requires almost no cleaning, for example, with a ceramic surface.

The need to clean the iron, especially its soleplate, arises as a result of incorrect choice of temperature conditions. Fabrics melt at high temperatures and leave marks on the soleplate of the iron. Try to use the appropriate temperature setting for ironing different fabrics and avoid using tap water. Under such operating conditions, the iron will rarely be cleaned.

Most often, the reason to clean the iron arises from careless work with adhesive fabrics and materials. And it is traces of glue that are most difficult to remove from the sole of the iron. In some cases, even a cleaning pencil does not help.

Cleaning this industrial iron is a special case. Its sole is made of metal and can not only get dirty, but also rust. The finest sandpaper will allow you to clean the soleplate of your iron quickly and efficiently.

How can you clean the soleplate of your iron from burnt marks and scale inside at home using only simple cleaning products.

You can disassemble a modern steam iron yourself, but repairs to irons should only be performed by qualified specialists.

The question of how to clean the soleplate of an iron has worried housewives at all times, and, despite various improvements in household appliances, the problem remains relevant today. Manufacturers assure that special coatings solve the problem of cleaning irons, but in practice it turns out that the problem is not only not solved, but new inconveniences have also been added. After all, now the housewife needs to look for a way to clean the inside of the iron from scale and how to clean the soleplate of the iron. In addition, you must be careful when choosing cleaning methods, since it is not possible to clean a Teflon iron, steam iron or ceramic sole of the iron without damaging the coating using all the folk methods that have been proven over the years. And with all this, the market offers a rather modest range of products designed for cleaning modern irons, which, of course, only aggravates the problem. Let's take a step-by-step look at the advantages and disadvantages of existing methods.

How to clean an iron with a pencil?

A special pencil for cleaning irons can be purchased at any hardware store. The pencil is applied to the hot surface of the iron and, melting, removes dirt. But using a pencil to clean irons with holes in the sole is quite problematic, since molten mass getting into the holes can lead to internal damage.

How to clean an iron with vinegar or citric acid?

In some cases, to clean the soleplate of the iron, it is enough to wipe the surface with a cloth soaked in a solution of vinegar or citric acid. But you should not use vinegar to clean the inside of steam irons, as acetic acid damages the rubber parts.

How to clean an iron with salt?

This method is only suitable for old style irons with a metal surface, without holes. Sprinkle the salt in an even layer on a sheet of paper, mix it with paraffin shavings, cover it with a napkin, and iron the resulting mixture with a hot iron.

How to clean the soleplate of an iron with soap?

This method is quite simple and safe for various coatings. The heated surface of the iron should be rubbed with a piece of soap, and after the iron has cooled, the dirt along with the layer of soap is removed with a damp cloth, after which the iron is wiped dry. If there are holes, you must ensure that soap does not get into them.

How to clean the inside of a steam iron?

First of all, for steam irons, you should use well-purified soft or distilled water, unless this is prohibited in the instructions. If scale does form, the iron can be cleaned using the self-cleaning function, if available. To do this, fill the water tank completely, turn on the iron at maximum temperature, and after the second automatic shutdown, press the clean button. It is better to do this over a container or over a bathtub, since a lot of steam mixed with scale will come out of the holes. When steam production stops, continue to hold the self-clean button while shaking the iron to remove any remaining water and scale from the reservoir.

If the self-cleaning function is not provided, then you can pour a solution of citric acid into the water tank and use the steaming function to iron the unwanted cotton fabric. This can only be done in well-ventilated areas, as the fumes released are very toxic. After the scale is removed, you should pour clean water into the tank several times and iron the unnecessary fabric using the steam function.

How to properly clean a burnt iron?

A common mistake is to clean the iron with abrasive agents or mechanically, for example, using a knife or hard brushes. Such methods can render even an old-style iron unusable, and, of course, are absolutely unacceptable for modern irons. Therefore, to remove carbon deposits, you should choose a method that excludes mechanical impact. If the above methods turned out to be ineffective, do not despair; there are other means that allow you to gently clean the soleplate of the iron.

How to clean an iron at home

Cleaning your iron from carbon deposits at home is a simple matter. The main thing is to choose a product that is suitable for the material from which the sole of the iron is made. There are some nuances to this matter:

  • For appliances with ceramic coating. To avoid damaging the surface, you can use a special cleaning pencil or chalk.
  • For metal surfaces. It is best to resort to baking soda or toothpaste.
  • For Teflon. You can care for an iron with a Teflon or ceramic sole using vinegar, hydrogen peroxide or soap.

Now let's take a closer look at these cleaning methods.

6 folk recipes

To clean your iron from carbon deposits, it is not at all necessary to resort to expensive substances; you can get by with budget components:

Image Instructions

Method 1. Vinegar

Wondering how to clean the soleplate of a Teflon-coated iron? Use regular table vinegar:

  • Dilute a couple of tablespoons of vinegar in a glass of water.
  • Soak a clean cloth in the resulting solution.
  • Heat the iron (but not to maximum temperature).
  • Wipe the base of the device with a damp cloth. Be careful not to burn your fingers.

During the cleaning process, heated vinegar will release an unpleasant odor. To work without unnecessary discomfort, put on a gauze bandage and open a window indoors.

Method 2. Lemon juice and ammonia

Simply by adding a few drops of ammonia to lemon juice, you will get an effective remedy that will not only rid the sole of soot, but also remove any remaining tissue stuck to the surface.

In addition, alcohol will also disinfect the surface and prevent the formation of fungus on it.

Method 3. Soap

This option is perfect if you are looking for how to clean a Teflon-coated iron from fresh carbon deposits.

Simply rub the sole with a bar of soap, and then remove any remaining carbon deposits with a damp cloth.

Method 4. Nail polish remover

It's very easy to use. Soak a cotton pad in the liquid and wipe the dirty areas with it.

Then all you have to do is treat the surface with a clean, damp cloth.

Method 5. Hydrogen peroxide

To clean the surface of the iron, you will not need the liquid itself, but hydroperite tablets, which contain hydrogen peroxide.

Rub the work surface with them (no need to crush the tablet), and then walk over it with a damp sponge.

Method 6. Toothpaste

Cleaning the soleplate of the iron with toothpaste follows the following procedure:

  • warm up the device a little;
  • apply the paste to the sole;
  • rub it with a medium-hard brush;
  • wash the surface.

To prevent scratches on the iron as a result of such cleaning, use toothpaste without abrasive additives.

Iron pencil

You can also clean the iron using a special pencil (price - from about 75 rubles), which is sold in stores with household chemicals. It's very easy to use.

  • Turn on the device and wait until it warms up.
  • Start running the pencil along the sole until it starts to melt. Do not press the pencil too hard, otherwise it will break and small pieces will fall into the holes on the surface of the device.
  • Remove any remaining dirt with an unnecessary cotton cloth.

This option is good for the question of how to clean a Teflon iron or how to restore the metal or ceramic surface of the device.

How to prevent carbon deposits

To ensure that the problem of carbon deposits no longer bothers you, I recommend following simple but important tips:

  • Maintain temperature conditions. For different types of fabric, you should choose different temperature conditions. For example, 110 degrees is enough for silk, 200 degrees for cotton products, and no more than 140 degrees for wool.

  • Use damp gauze. Some items (especially woolen ones) are best ironed through a damp gauze cloth.
  • Treat the iron. After each use, wipe the soleplate of the device with a soft cloth.


I told you about the most effective ways to clean your iron from carbon deposits with your own hands. Choose a recipe based on the type of sole material, and return the device to its original appearance.