STANDARD package

  • Shooting by a professional photographer for 30-40 minutes;
  • Costumes for shooting;
  • 1 look, stylist consultation;
  • Makeup
  • 5 photos with high-quality retouching (it is also possible to get for an additional fee 5 more or more retouched photos) ready for printing + all other best shots from the shooting (about 40-60 photos);

Photo processing time is within 3 weeks.

Price: 7000 rubles

MIDDLE package

  • Shooting by a professional photographer for 60 minutes;
  • Costumes for shooting;
  • 1-2 looks (optional), consultation with a stylist;
  • Makeup
  • 10 photos with high-quality retouching (it is also possible to get for an additional fee 5 more or more retouched photos) ready for printing + all other best shots from the shoot (about 70-90 photos);

Photo processing time is within 2 weeks.

Price: 9000 rubles

VIP package (Both individually and LoveStory)

  • Shooting by a professional photographer for 80-90 minutes;
  • Costumes for shooting;
  • 1-2 looks (optional), consultation with a stylist;
  • Makeup
  • 15 photos with high-quality retouching (it is also possible to getfor an additional fee 5 more or more retouched photos) ready for printing + all other best shots from the shoot (about 100-150 photos);

Photo processing time is within 1 week.

Price: 12,000 rubles

Reservation of a place in our projects is carried out by prepayment.

Why do I need to pay in advance for participation?

An advance payment is made in order to reserve a specific time of arrival for the shooting on the appointed day. Prepaid funds go towards renting a photo studio, costumes, and the work of specialists on the day of the event (photographers, stylists, coordinators). Prepayment for you is a guarantee that the pre-selected convenient time of arrival will be fixed for you. For us, prepayment is a guarantee of your responsibility and arrival at the shooting on time and without delay.

Prepayment is refunded or transferred to another photo project you like in case you are unable to attend the shooting on the appointed day, provided you notify the organizers at least 3 days before the photo project.

Prepayment is NOT refundable or transferable to another photo project you like if you have communicated your intention not to come to the shooting on the appointed day less than 3 days before the photo project.

If the photo project is postponed to another day, the organizers undertake to retain the prepaid funds for all participants in the photo project, make a refund or transfer the prepayment to another photo project they like.

“Don't get us wrong! Many times we have encountered the fact that girls without advance payment simply forget about the photo shoot... Or, for example, they suddenly realize that their father or mother is visiting today, so they urgently need to leave) And we prepare for each project as Lastly, we distribute all the girls by time so that no one disturbs anyone, so that everyone is comfortable, we spend money on renting a studio, the work of specialists, etc. And the model simply sometimes doesn’t even pick up the phone. This is why prepayment is needed. These are our rules of work, excuse me :) If this point does not suit you, then you should look for other photo projects... (just kidding)"

Additional photo processing (retouching, color correction):

  • 1 photo - 250 rubles, 5 photos - 1000 rubles, 10 photos - 1500 rubles.

* Processed photographs are sent electronically to your email within 1 week.

Exclusive photo book:

  • A 20-page book with your photos - 2500 rubles.
  • Delivery of a photo book to your home - 300 rubles.

* Production of a photo book within 3 working days.

Registration of a gift certificate for a photo shoot, Moscow:

  • Certificate for a photo shoot as part of the STANDART package - 7,500 rubles;
  • Certificate for a photo shoot as part of the MIDDLE package - 9,500 rubles;
  • Certificate for a photo shoot as part of the VIP package - 13,500 rubles.

Registration of a gift certificate for a photo shoot, St. Petersburg: *

  • Certificate for a photo shoot as part of the STANDART package - 6,000 rubles;
  • Certificate for a photo shoot as part of the MIDDLE package - 8,000 rubles;
  • Certificate for a photo shoot as part of the VIP package - 12,000 rubles.

Registration of a gift certificate for a photo shoot, Samara:

  • Certificate for a photo shoot as part of the STANDART package - 5,000 rubles;
  • Certificate for a photo shoot as part of the MIDDLE package - 7,000 rubles;
  • Certificate for a photo shoot as part of the VIP package - 11,000 rubles.

* The certificate includes a set of services relevant for each price package for participation in photo projects, professional makeup and hairstyle, as well as the execution of a stylish personal certificate in paper form.

In recent years, the demand for superheroes has been growing, many films and TV series are being made about them, and unique costumes and surroundings are being created. All this has a significant impact on modern fashion and culture. One significant example is the Halloween celebration in 2016, when thousands of girls dressed up in costume. Harley Quinn from the acclaimed 2016 film " Suicide Squad."

The image of a charming villain with a kind heart and unique manners is complemented by a non-trivial costume - a red and blue set of a bomber jacket and shorts, high-top sneakers, black fishnet tights and a printed T-shirt. In general, clothing contains three main colors - red, blue, white. The heroine’s makeup also repeats them. We’ll look at how to do this kind of makeup at home step by step in this article, and after studying it, it won’t be difficult for you to repeat it.

Necessary products and shades

In general, makeup in the style of the movie Harley Quinn does not imply the use of specific products, so you can easily find everything you need in the nearest cosmetics stores or even in your own cosmetic bag:

  • foundation very light tone or white theatrical makeup (as an option - face painting);
  • makeup kit for eyebrows;
  • corrector if you need to hide skin imperfections;
  • black mascara with large volume or false eyelashes;
  • black/dark brown eyeliner or eyeliner;
  • red and blue shadows;
  • bright red lipstick and a matching lip pencil.

The basis of the image

  • First of all, you need to cleanse your skin with a special product. from your cosmetic arsenal. Then, if necessary, use a corrector to eliminate visible skin imperfections. This is very important, since the image assumes the heroine’s perfect skin. A light foundation is suitable for the light version of Harley Quinn, but if you want to achieve the effect of a theatrical villain, white makeup is best. This is especially true if the makeup is intended for a themed party in honor of Halloween or some other holiday. Face painting can also be used in this capacity, which has a number of advantages over theatrical makeup - first of all, it is easier to purchase, and the price-quality ratio is much more advantageous. You can also apply it to your neck (this is highly desirable) and hands, but choose a high-quality product for this that will not quickly wear off and require touch-up during the holiday.
  • After the face has acquired the required tone, you need to emphasize your eyebrows. If necessary, you can also correct their shape using a special pencil, bringing them as close as possible to the original. At this point, the image is nothing special, but keep in mind that they should be well painted - without gaps between the hairs and with clear contours, which are especially visible on white skin.

Eye makeup

  • Next, blue shadows are applied to the left eyelid., and on the right - cyclomene or dark pink. You can use a sponge or directly with your fingers to apply them under the eyes, towards the cheekbones. In this case, the stains can be small, or they can reach the very cheek - this is at your discretion. It is best to choose shadows with a dense texture for these purposes - for example, in the form of a pencil. This way they won’t crumble all over your face and will apply better. In this case, you should choose matte, bright and saturated shades. You can also experiment by using light pinks and blues and combining them with darker shades. Very light pink shadows can be applied in a thin layer with shading on the upper part of both eyelids - as was done for the makeup of actress Margot Robbie for the film and promotional photo shoot.
  • After this, you need to apply a light contour around the eyes with an emphasis on the outer corners and apply eyelashes on the upper and lower eyelids. For the top, as an alternative, you can use medium-length false eyelashes. But if in the case of red and blue shadows you are not limited and can apply them as much as you like, then here you should limit yourself to a minimal effect, otherwise you can spoil the impression of the entire image as a whole.


Use a lip pencil to outline your lips. Here, as in the case of eyebrows, it is possible to adjust the shape in accordance with Harley Quinn’s appearance. The pencil will not only help you apply lipstick carefully, but will also add durability to your makeup.

The original version uses a matte lipstick tone, but you can use glitter to add extra volume. In any case, pay special attention to how smooth the contour is. Against the background of bleached skin, red lips will look especially bright and every flaw will be visible on them. According to the look, you can also smear a little lipstick on your chin. This will make the image more daring and informal. This will look especially canonical on the right side of the face.

Among the long-lasting lipsticks that suit the tone especially well are: “Nouba Millebaci long lasting lip cream” No. 9. This is one of the most successful and popular models of the brand, and it suits the image of Harley Quinn like no other.

However, keep in mind that classic red lipstick has its own nuances. For example, having a cold undertone, it can emphasize the excessive yellowness of the teeth.

Finishing touches

One of the most noticeable and important parts of Harley Quinn's image is black. heart on the right cheekbone. You can draw it by hand with a pencil or black eyeliner, or use special temporary tattoo stickers. As a one-time option, you can take a suitable heart from manicure accessories.

Additionally, you can use blue lenses, which go well with the color scheme of your makeup. In addition, it will add even more authenticity to your appearance.

Other image options

Movie "Suicide Squad"- just one of the appearances of the Joker's crazy girlfriend on television. Series " Arrow" and "Birds of Prey", cartoons "Batman" and "Justice League", as well as several comic book series - everywhere Harley Quinn appears in a new, albeit clearly recognizable, guise. Both costume and makeup in all cases have their own characteristics, which can also be relied upon when recreating the image of this heroine. In the end, you may completely prefer an option different from the image in the film "Suicide Squad".

For example, the famous red and black harlequin image implies the same red lipstick and a small black mask over the eyes. You can imitate this mask using thick eyeliner lines or dark gray and black shadows. Dead pallor remains an important part of makeup.

In one of the comics you can find an option where the right eyelid is painted with blue shadows, and the left eyelid is painted with pink. At the same time, there are no streaks, the eyelashes are longer and more voluminous, and the hair on her head is half red, half black, which makes Harley no longer an eccentric girl, but an elegant lady with a unique taste.

The Joker's crazy girlfriend Harley Quinn has been known since comic books. But the sensational film “Suicide Squad” brought real popularity to this character. Harley's image turned out to be bright and memorable, so it is not surprising that many girls will want to bring it to life, for example, on Halloween. Despite its apparent simplicity, the main thing in Quinn’s makeup is not to make it look like a clown. Harley is a charming crazy woman and it's your job to maintain that charm.

What you need to create Harley Quinn's Halloween makeup

It is not at all necessary to have the skills of a professional make-up artist to embody the image of the Joker's girlfriend, Harley Quinn, for Halloween.

You can create Harley Quinn makeup at home using the following products:

  • makeup base;
  • white paint used by clowns;
  • concealers in two shades: suitable for your skin and white;
  • powder in two shades: light and brown;
  • a palette of shadows, which includes light brown, black colors and all shades of pink and blue;
  • black eyeliner (preferably soft);
  • cherry lipstick;
  • lip gloss;
  • set of cosmetic brushes;
  • two colored hairsprays: pink and blue.

Video: how to do Harley Quinn makeup

Step-by-step DIY Harley Quinn makeup for Halloween at home

Every girl can create the image of Harley Quinn using the listed cosmetics, using a creative approach.

Step-by-step Harley Quinn makeup for Halloween at home:

  1. Her skin looks perfect, so she applies it to her face makeup base.
  2. Creating makeup in the style of Harley Quinn involves using white makeup to give the face a very pale shade. Distribute it evenly over the entire surface with your fingers - this way the color will lie more evenly. Take a beige concealer and cover your hairline. Cover the area of ​​the forehead, nose, cheeks and chin with white concealer. This will add relief to the face so that it does not look like a solid white canvas. Having carefully shaded all the borders, fix the achieved result with the lightest powder. And don’t forget about the neck area so that its shade does not differ from the shade of the skin on your face.
  3. Now get started face sculpting. Distribute dark-colored powder over the cheekbones in the direction from the earlobe to the wing of the nose. Apply powder of the same shade along the hairline.
  4. The next painstaking step is this is nose makeup. Using light brown shadows, make lines on both sides of the nose, starting from the bridge of the nose and ending with the wings of the nose. Also apply and sweep these shadows over the nostril area. Blend the lines you have made without touching the bridge of the nose - it should remain pale in color.
  5. Brighten up eyebrows with black shadows. Control their thickness: they should not be too wide.
  6. The main highlight of makeup in the style of Harley Quinn is eye makeup. Apply light pink eyeshadow to the entire right eyelid. They need to be shaded so that a thin strip of skin remains between them and the eyebrow. Apply pink shadows of a darker shade over the moving right eyelid. Distribute the same shadows over the lower eyelid and draw a line up to the cheekbones to create a noticeable smudge. Harley Quinn's makeup is done in a casual manner, so blend the shadows, including the line you made.
  7. Paint your left eye blue. Apply the lightest shade of blue eyeshadow to the entire eyelid using a technique similar to that described above. Take a bright blue, go over the lower eyelid, and make the same smudge and blend.
  8. Now you need to arrange black accents in bright and colorful makeup. Make eyeliner with black shadow, lifting the tip at the outer corner of the eye upward. To make your eyes more expressive, you can shade the contour applied to the moving eyelid. If your shadows suddenly fall off while working, cover them with a light concealer.
  9. Draw with a black pencil lip contour, draw the corners of the lips especially well. Apply rich cherry lipstick and gloss to your lips.
  10. To make the image of the eccentric Quinn spectacular, draw on the cheek there is a small black heart. Gather your hair into two high ponytails and spray the ends of your hair like a heroine with colored hairspray.

Video: how to do Harley Quinn's makeup for Halloween

To make your look similar to the style of the heroine of the film, wear ultra-short shorts, torn stockings or tights, a T-shirt with an inscription, and a red and blue jacket. The main thing is that you feel confident and free in this image, because Harley Quinn is a liberated person. Her outfit and makeup are quite provocative, so you should be prepared for increased attention from others during the Halloween celebration.

Photo gallery of ideas and images of Harley Quinn for Halloween

Harley Quinn is not afraid of experiments, so feel free to use your imagination! You can take the makeup application scheme described above as a basis, just choose other colors that will highlight the advantages of your appearance. And it will add flair to your look and you will be able to show off your sense of style. If you choose to make Harley Quinn look like the movie, you will still stand out among the guests at your Halloween party.

Video: Harvey Quinn makeup step by step

In contact with

    Makeup base High Definition, Warm Ivory, NYX Professional Makeup

    High Definition cream is an ideal product for photo and video shooting: it evens out the appearance, hides pores and fine wrinkles, and also has a caring and protective effect (stimulates collagen production and enhances the skin’s ability to regenerate).

    Apply it with a brush or fingers, and in order to create a dense coating, use and apply several layers at once. For better durability, you can apply a primer from the same line. The skin will feel comfortable throughout the day: the cream contains babassu oil, sunflower seeds and kaolin.

    Mineral transparent powder for fixing makeup Studio Finishing Powder, NYX Professional Makeup

    This finely ground mineral powder is designed to set makeup. Its texture is transparent, mattifying and smoothing the skin (it works on the principle of Instagram filters), and it also has pigments that reliably adhere to the skin and ensure long-lasting makeup.

    To apply and create a light coverage, use a natural fluffy brush, and for a matte effect, properly work out oily areas with a sponge brush. Important: powder can be applied either on its own or on top of foundation.

    Lid Lacquer, NYX Professional Makeup

    A special product for fashionable eyelids was created by NYX Professional Makeup. With its help, you can instantly give your skin a dewy glow - just apply it to clean skin or over shadows (you can complement the product with arrows and smokey eyes). The product has a gel texture that leaves a beautiful glossy effect on the skin.

    Eyeshadow palette Ultimate Shadow, 04, NYX Professional Makeup

    All the brightest shades of shadows are collected in the Ultimate Shadow palette. Firstly, they contain a large number of colored pigments, secondly, they lie on the skin in a dense layer, and thirdly, they provide a rich color. Apply with a flat brush, and for blending, choose a round or angled brush with longer bristles. To make your makeup not only bright, but also long-lasting, use shadows paired with eyelid primer.

    The Colossal Big Shot Mascara, Maybelline New York

    To make eyelashes more voluminous, it is not necessary to apply several layers of mascara. The Colossal Big Shot, thanks to its brush that picks up a large amount of pigment the first time, allows you to paint your eyelashes from root to tip and give them volume without weighing them down or lumps. For maximum effect, apply a little more mascara to your eyelashes than usual, and to make them more expressive, add additional color to both the upper and lower eyelashes in the outer corners of the eyes.

    Brow Precise Fiber Filler Mascara, Maybelline New York

    The new Maybelline New York Brow Mascara allows you to create your brows in just a few swipes. The microfibers in the composition fill in the gaps and add volume to the hairs, a special brush positions them and helps to color them evenly, and thanks to the gel formula, the eyebrows look thicker. Start painting your eyebrow using upward movements, moving from the beginning to the tip. To make your makeup more expressive, choose dark shades.

    Did you manage to replicate your makeup in the style of Harley Quinn? Write a comment.

The image from Suicide Squad has recently become mega-popular among the fair sex. And it’s not surprising, because you can’t think of a better outfit for Halloween. The bright, daring and unstoppable actress Margot Robbie shone in the role of the Joker's crazy girlfriend in Suicide Squad. Today you will learn how to do Harley Quinn's makeup from Suicide Squad in such a way that it will impress others and have a joker-like look.

Tools for creating the image of the Joker's girlfriend

The makeup of Harley Quinn from Suicide Squad is so interesting and bright that sometimes you can’t help but want to try it on yourself. This can be easily done at home, without turning to make-up artists and makeup artists. To do this, prepare the following set of tools:

  • makeup base;
  • white clown makeup;
  • concealer in white and creamy shades;
  • powder of the lightest and brownest shades;
  • shades of light brown, light and dark pink, light and dark blue, black;
  • black pencil;
  • cherry lipstick;
  • lip gloss;
  • set of makeup brushes;
  • hairspray or tonic in blue and pink colors.

Makeup Harley Quinn from Suicide Squad

Photos of Harley Quinn show off the extravagance and devilish attractiveness of the actress. Any fashionista can do makeup in the style of Harley Quinn using a minimal set of cosmetics and a little creativity in her approach to this matter. Let's try on the makeup of Harley Quinn from Suicide Squad step by step:

  • Leather. Apply makeup base evenly and thinly to your face. Try to apply it to all areas, even the eyelid area.

  • The next step is to apply white clown makeup. Makeup in the style of Margot Robbie necessarily includes a deathly pale face. Distribute the makeup evenly over the entire face using your fingertips. Use a creamy concealer to blend your hairline. Paint your forehead, nose, cheeks and chin with a light or white concealer. This will give the treated parts of the face more bulge and visually enliven the white face. Having thoroughly shaded the borders of the colors, fix the result with the lightest tone of powder. Apply the same color to your neck, since the difference in makeup on the face and neck is always striking and produces an unpleasant mask effect. Harley Quinn looks just as pale without makeup as she does with makeup. Therefore, try to apply the powder correctly.

  • . Use dark powder to give your face the desired shape. To do this, apply a dark color to the cheekbones in the direction from the earlobe to the wing of the nose. Rub the line to give the most natural effect. Also draw the hairline with dark powder. In the film, Suicide Squad looks professional, so you need to sculpt your face at home.

  • We select the necessary zones. Harley Quinn's (Margot Robbie) nose was made up especially carefully. To accurately recreate Harley Quinn's makeup from Suicide Squad, you need to take dark beige or light brown eye shadow and draw lines on both sides of the nose from the bridge of the nose to the wings of the nose. Also walk through the nostril area, because the photo of Harley Quinn clearly shows her snub nose. Try to thoroughly shade the resulting lines without affecting the back of the nose itself. She must remain virgin white.

  • Brows. Draw eyebrows with black shadows. There should not be even the slightest white gap among the hairs. Don't go overboard with the thickness. Eyebrows should not be too wide and taper towards the tips.

  • Eyes. A special feature of actress Margot Robbie (Harley Quinn) was eye makeup. Take light pink shadows onto the brush and apply them to the entire moving and fixed eyelid of the right eye. Blend the shadows thoroughly, making sure that there is a thin strip of skin between the color and the eyebrow. Take dark pink eyeshadow and apply it with a brush onto your eyelid. Use them to walk along the lower eyelid and from the corner of the eye, stretch the shadows to the cheekbones in a thick smudge. Harley Quinn's makeup in the movie "Suicide Squad" is quite sloppy, so blend all the shadows and finish shading on the cheekbone itself. The image of Harley Quinn from Suicide Squad is famous because it is full of different bright colors. Therefore, paint your left eye blue. Use light shadows to cover the moving and fixed eyelids. Using a rich blue tone, highlight the moving upper and lower eyelids and also extend the shadows with a brush to the cheekbone in a large smudge. Remember, to create a memorable look for Halloween or a themed party, you should try to recreate the star image as accurately as possible.

  • Black accents. Draw arrows with black shadows. To do this, start applying shadows with clear, even movements from the inner corner of the eye to the outer corner, slightly raising the line. For greater expressiveness, rub the arrows onto the area of ​​the moving eyelids. If the shadows fall off during application, it’s not a problem. Cover these areas with a light concealer.

  • Lip makeup. Move on to the lips. Makeup in the Harley Quinn style is expressive in many ways. This style continues in the expressiveness of the lips. Take a black pencil and outline your lips with it. Pay special attention to the corners so that there are no unpainted areas. Margot Robbie doesn't wear red lipstick in Suicide Squad. If you look closely at the pictures of Harley Quinn, you will notice that for the demonic effect, a rich cherry lip shade was chosen. Using a brush, apply cherry lipstick over the entire surface of your lips. You can fix the effect using any glitter.

  • Bright touches to the portrait. To complete the look of Harley Quinn from Suicide Squad, a small black heart drawn on the right cheek, closer to the eye, will help you. Harley Quinn and, brilliantly played by actors Margot Robbie and Jared Leto, are a reckless couple of crazy heroes. To fully match the chosen look of the Joker's girlfriend, gather your hair in ponytails and sprinkle the ends with colored hairsprays in blue and pink.

Now you know how to make up Harley Quinn from the popular movie “Suicide Squad”. Keep in mind that photos of Harley Quinn not from the film, but from the corresponding comic book, differ significantly from one another. After all, the comic book heroine is much more ordinary from the point of view of negative monsters - an image in black and red tones.

Margot Robbie's makeup in the film Suicide Squad boldly competes with the makeup of the Joker himself. Her makeup is in no way inferior in brightness and grotesqueness. If you've decided to recreate Harley Quinn from Suicide Squad for Halloween, rest assured you've made the right choice.

You can complement the look with a tight corset, short shorts and any torn stockings. The main condition is the absence of any embarrassment and the opportunity to have a blast as the crazy Harley Quinn.

Video: DIY makeup of Harley Quinn, the Joker’s girlfriend from “Suicide Squad”