There's a holiday, birthday or other celebration coming up, but you don't know what to give to a key person? Of course, if you know a person only briefly, then you don’t have to torment yourself with a choice at all, but get away with money or get by with something symbolic. But in this article I want to tell you about those simple, inexpensive and at the same time very practical gifts for an athlete that will be remembered for many months and years. I’ll say right away that I compose my top list according to a variety of criteria, and I will also try to indicate the approximate prices of gifts, their significance and similar nuances.

After all, you must admit that sometimes you want to please a person and buy exactly what he needs as a gift to an athlete. But if you yourself do not understand sports accessories, then you are unlikely to be able to make the right choice yourself. Which means it’s time to turn to this cheat sheet article.

The best gift options for an athlete

  • Gift #1. The simplest thing you can give to any athlete is wristbands. Their price varies from 100 to 200 rubles and this gift is optimal for minor holidays or when you just want to make a loved one feel good. But if a person works out with iron, then it is better to purchase wrist bandages or knee bandages. Their price usually does not exceed 400-500 rubles, but they are worth it.
  • Gift #2. Another simple gift is expander. They can be simple rubber ones, in the shape of a donut of varying density, and you can buy them for 100-200 rubles. Or it’s worth paying 400 rubles and buying special adjustable “slingshots” or a finger expander, which is suitable for arm wrestlers, those involved in mountain sports and just guitarists.
  • Gift #3. Sports glasses This is a great, beautiful and useful gift for an athlete in any sport. Since they can be used both during training and at home, over time they become an invariable part of the equipment. Their cost in specialized stores usually ranges from 1000 rubles, but I’ll tell you one secret: you can buy sports glasses on ebay or avito for even 100-200 rubles, and for 500-600 you can order a whole gift set with replaceable lenses.
  • Gift #4. Waterproof sports watches, which can also be of various types. For example, they can be shock-resistant or have increased pressure resistance. A great gift for swimmers, divers, and indeed for any athlete leading an active lifestyle. Such a gift will cost you 2-4 thousand rubles, but considering that it will last for many years, its price is quite justified, and believe me, any athlete will appreciate a waterproof sports watch.
  • Gift #5. Now almost every athlete uses sports nutrition, which means that another wonderful gift could be regular shaker. For those who don’t know what it is, a shaker is a flask in which it is convenient to shake and carry protein and other protein drinks with you. Its price can vary from 500 to 2 thousand rubles.
  • Gift #6. Weights for arms and legs have been extremely popular lately, because using them you can train wherever you are. These are ordinary soft containers with sand that are attached to the shin or wrist, so you can even make them with your own hands. Well, the price of such beauty will be about 400-700 rubles per pair.
  • Gift #7. Sports backpack It will be an ideal gift for those who are fond of tourism or those leading an active lifestyle. Well, from the same category, a gift for an athlete who has devoted himself to iron is a sports bag in which it is convenient to carry all the accessories, uniform, shaker and other equipment for training in the gym. A good backpack will cost you 3-4 thousand, but a sports bag usually costs no more than 2 thousand, but if you want, you can find one for 500 rubles.
  • Gift #8. Electronic balance will also be an excellent gift for an athlete, especially if it is a scale capable of measuring even small weights. After all, all professional athletes, one way or another, monitor what they eat and in what quantities. So believe me, ordinary electronic scales for 2 thousand rubles will become a constant companion for an athlete for many years.
  • Gift #9. Any sports equipment at home for an athlete is an honor, but buying a whole barbell or dumbbells is expensive and impractical. But there is a very good idea for training - this sandbag. In other words, a special bag into which 2-3 bags of sand are loaded. The weight of such a bag usually ranges from 20 to 30 kilograms and it is very convenient to train with it, so it is unlikely that anyone will refuse such a gift. Well, a sandbag usually costs about 2 thousand rubles.
  • Gift #10. – this is motivation for any athlete, no matter what he does. This means a simple sports player-clothes-clip and vacuum headphones, this is an ideal and simple gift. The entire set can be assembled for about 400-500 rubles if you buy headphones at a radio store and look for the player at specialized music stores. Well, branded trinkets will cost you about 3-4 thousand, so decide for yourself, and good luck in choosing a gift!


Natalia Govorova

Reading time: 10 minutes


What could be better than a gift that not only brings fun, but also health benefits! Of course, it is worth considering the receiving party, because not all people strive for longevity and preservation of youth.

After all, if you want to rehabilitate an overweight, drinking and smoking boss with a gym membership, your gift will not be understood.

It is also unwise to give gifts to people with obvious problems. directly pointing out their shortcomings . You should not solemnly present a hula hoop or weight loss tea to your losing weight wife. Such things can be given casually, as if not particularly significant for your family.

Sports gifts for the New Year 2017 for a child

Please note that most sports gifts for a child are related to your indispensable presence at the training stage . Spend precious hours of your life providing detailed explanation and help, and you will gain more respect for years to come.

It will be very lucky if you have time record on video or photograph the process of receiving your gift , because both your child and grandchildren will be happy to review such photos in the future.

Gifts for the New Year 2017 for a male athlete

  • High quality towel.
  • A bright set of wristbands.
  • Sports nutrition.
  • Everything related to his hobby. For example: kimono, ball, knee pads, boots, racket, punching bag or gloves.

New Year's gifts for men's health

  • Kettlebells and dumbbells.
  • Fitness club membership.
  • Table tennis set.
  • Badminton set.
  • Soccer ball.
  • Basketball.
  • Volleyball.
  • Swedish wall.
  • Horizontal bar.
  • Expander.
  • Bars.
  • Carpal trainer.
  • Roller Skates.
  • Darts.
  • Sportswear and shoes.
  • Going bowling or billiards.
  • Hippodrome certificate.
  • Bike.
  • Paragliding.
  • Skydiving.
  • A quad bike ride.

List of sports gifts for the New Year 2017 for women

  • Gymnastics hoop.
  • Fitness club membership.
  • Fitball is a gymnastic ball for fitness.
  • Treadmill.
  • Infrared lamp for healing the body.
  • Accessories for bathrooms and saunas.
  • Aromatic oils for self-massage.
  • Steamer for preparing healthy food high in vitamins.
  • Small dumbbells.
  • Convenient pedometer.
  • Beautiful aroma lamp with a set of essential oils.
  • Massage session, yours or a professional massage therapist.
  • Going to the sauna.
  • Pool subscription.
  • Subscription to a dance club.
  • Roller skates in your favorite color.
  • Bike. Read:

List of New Year's sports gifts 2017 for an ardent fan

  • Clothing and accessories with the emblem of your favorite team.
  • Personal disk with recorded matches or performances.
  • An annual subscription to an interesting sports magazine.
  • Souvenirs with your favorite sport.
  • Ticket to the 2014 Olympics in Sochi.

List of gifts for the New Year 2017 for a family of travelers

  • Waterproof tourist tent.
  • Compact binoculars or spotting scope.
  • A beautiful map of the world or your favorite cities.
  • Special clothing, for example - for ski tourism.
  • Comfortable sleeping bag.
  • Original flask.
  • Reliable thermos.
  • A neat set of utensils for picnics and travel.
  • Gift certificate to your favorite sports store.
  • An impressive self-inflating travel mat.
  • Inflatable boat.
  • Portable GPS navigator.
  • Hot air balloon flight from an extreme sports company.

1. Book about an idol
Every sport has its legends - people who have achieved the highest heights. An excellent gift for an athlete would be a book about sports with descriptions of such legendary athletes. The book must be in good binding, with high-quality photographs.

2. Accessories in a sporty style
Athletes often participate in special events - awards, official receptions. For such cases, such sets are useful - a tie clip and cufflinks with sports symbols. For a football player, these could be cufflinks in the shape of a ball, for a hockey player – in the form of skates.

3. Table football
After a hard workout, it’s so good to distract yourself and relax by playing table football or hockey! Even if a person does not play this sport, everyone will enjoy the fun game. And such table matches evoke no less emotions than real ones in the stadium!

4. Original puzzle
You need to train not only the body, but also the mind. A magnetic puzzle as a birthday gift will allow the athlete to conduct “brain training.” This puzzle has many solutions and allows you to create various shapes from magnetic balls.

5. Olympic bear
If the hero of the occasion dreams of Olympic competitions, give him an Olympic bear figurine. For the residents of our country, such a bear is much more significant than the classic symbol - the Olympic rings. This souvenir will become a kind of motivation to achieve better results.

Sport is an integral part of the lives of many people. Some people do it professionally, for some it’s just entertainment, and some find time only for a little exercise in the morning, which in modern times is also quite good. Be that as it may, if among your friends there is an athlete and he is planning some kind of celebration, it’s time to choose a suitable gift for this person. You are invited to familiarize yourself with a selection of interesting, creative and useful gifts that will appeal to every sports fan and active lifestyle in general.

Figurine from photo

An excellent gift for an athlete and, in general, any person with a good sense of humor. Craftsmen from specialized companies will make a figurine with an appearance that is as similar as possible to your friend, and will dress the figure to match his hobbies. The photo shows an example of a football player figurine. The gift is original, memorable and very funny - your athlete friend will definitely like it.

Sports training set

With this set, your athlete friend will have the opportunity to train wherever he wants: at home, in the office during lunch break, or outdoors. The set is proudly called “To new victories!” and includes everything you need to stay in good shape: hand expanders, weight bands, elastic bandage and jump rope with jump counter. All this is packed in a small bag, allowing you to compactly store and conveniently transport the accessories from the set. The gift is perfect for both novice sports fans and professional athletes.

Sports flask

An original and very useful gift for any athlete, especially with a good sense of humor. The container is stylized to resemble an electric battery - it’s both creative and inspiring to achieve new heights like the rabbit from the advertisement of famous batteries. The flask is convenient for hand carrying and transportation in a bag. It can also be attached to a bicycle. The gift is suitable for both athletes and simply lovers of an active lifestyle.

Piggy bank in the shape of a ball

A useful and original gift for a sports lover. With such a gift, it will be more pleasant and interesting for your friend to save money for the things he needs, be it buying a new uniform, equipment, or going to a training camp. Once the piggy bank is filled, you don’t have to break it - just remove the money through a special hole, and you can continue to use the product at your discretion. And such a souvenir will fit perfectly into the interior of a sports fan’s home.

Musical blanket

And this gift is perfect for those who like to train and relax after sports activities in nature. The blanket has built-in speakers to make your workout more fun, active, and lively. The device can play music from a phone, laptop and other gadgets equipped with a standard 3 mm output.

Toilet paper holder

A gift in the form of a toilet paper holder, stylized as a strong and courageous weightlifter, will really appeal to your athlete friend with a sense of humor. By presenting such a gift, you will not only give the person something they need in their household, but will also allow them to decorate the interior of their toilet, evoke a lot of positive emotions and, of course, pleasantly surprise them.

Massage pillow

If you have trained at least once, you probably know the desires of every athlete after an intense workout: to return home, restore energy and relax thoroughly, thereby helping yourself to tune in for further development. What relaxes you better than a massage? Probably nothing. Of course, it is unlikely to be possible to give a live massage therapist as a gift, but nothing prevents you from buying a good massage pillow with a rich set of functions for your friend. You can be sure that your friend will appreciate both the gift itself and the attention and care on your part.

Award Boot

This option can be regarded both as an excellent addition to any gift, and as a full-fledged independent gift. At the same time, the boot can be given not only to a football player, but also to a fan of any other sport, because almost everyone wears shoes. The souvenir has space for a memorable congratulatory engraving. The presentation is original, thematic and very pleasant.

Sports weights

A great gift for an athlete involved in running, workout and other similar things. Weights are easily attached to the legs or arms and allow you to reach new heights when the capabilities of your own body are already used to the maximum and the need for additional load arises.

Making sports and simply delicious cocktails on your own is a very exciting, interesting and, most importantly for an athlete, useful activity. By presenting your friend with a modern, functional shaker as a gift, you will give him the opportunity to prepare a wide variety of drinks to satisfy his sporting and personal needs. At the same time, there is no need to shake the electric shaker, wasting energy before training: you load the ingredients, press the button, wait a little and get what you need. A very useful and memorable gift.

Motivational ball

Some people, in order to do something, need not just motivation, but some kind of “sign from above.” And even the most devoted sports fans sometimes have a persistent reluctance to go to the next training session, but they are ashamed of themselves, and they want someone to advise them on how to act in the current situation. The motivational ball you donated will be able to give practical advice, without any thought, solely by chance and by the will of fate. He knows a lot of answers in Russian and will help your athlete friend make a decision in a difficult and controversial situation for him.

Anti-stress pear

Sport, among other things, teaches a person self-control, discipline and restraint. But sometimes even the most balanced people lose their nerves, and your athlete friend is unlikely to be an exception. To prevent him from harming anyone or anything in such situations, give him an anti-stress bag in the form of a sports equipment. I got nervous, hit the ball a couple of times, calmed down and everything was fine again - what a gift!

Umbrella hat

A useful, functional and original item. With such a hat, your friend will be able to go out for a street workout, cheer for his favorite sports team, or support his friends even in bad weather. At the same time, your hands will remain free, which is very convenient.

Football alarm clock

For many people, getting up on a schedule in the morning is a real pain. To avoid oversleeping, humanity invented alarm clocks. But they don’t save 100%. Surely you too had to “automatically” turn off the alarm clock, and then get ready in a hurry, being late for an important meeting. However, with such a gift, your friend will be able to avoid such an unpleasant fate. To deactivate the alarm clock, you need to kick the ball into the goal - you won’t oversleep your work, and you’ll be cheered up in the morning. If you wish, you can switch the alarm clock to game mode using the corresponding button and pass the time while waiting for a workout or other event.

Themed barbecue set

Athletes, like all people on the planet in general, love to relax. A popular leisure option among our compatriots is cooking shashlik or barbecue. If among your familiar athletes there is a fan of this type of leisure activity, you can give him an apron stylized as a football field. In addition to the apron itself, the set includes the following items: mitten, spatula, fork, pepper shaker, tongs and salt shaker. The gift is both original, useful and thematic.


What to give to an athlete? After all, they are extraordinary people, and sometimes choosing a gift for a celebration in their honor becomes an impossible task. It should be noted that when choosing a specific gift, it is worth considering that athletes are people with an already established way of life and certain interests.

Such guys (and there are quite a few girls among them) are very active, always one step ahead and always strive to learn something new, to conquer unknown heights. That is why a gift for an athlete should be appropriate for restless natures.

We would like to give you some worthwhile tips to help you choose what to give an athlete for his birthday:

As a rule, athletes are picky about food due to a special diet that does not include cake with cream and bottles of cognac or martini.

Useful tips for choosing a birthday gift for an athlete

Current gifts for an athlete

If we talk about actual gifts for an athlete for the New Year, then a book would be a good option .

This could be special sports literature or the memoirs of a sports idol of the birthday boy.

You should pay attention to the quality of the book: it should be presentable, preferably in hardcover and with high-quality paper.

As a pleasant sports "new thing" you can give a young man sports gloves, knee pads, belts and bandages.

Even if your young man just regularly visits the gym or rocking chair, he will find them useful in any way.

An original birthday gift for an athlete friend would be anti-stress alarm clock in the form of a basketball/soccer ball. To turn off such an invigorating gadget, you need to hit it hard against a wall or floor. This alarm clock will definitely not go away!

New technology

A very useful gift for a guy who is an athlete would be wireless headphones. Today there are a huge number of different models of headphones designed specifically for sports. They are often presented in the form of mini inserts or overlays. They are completely protected from sweat and are designed for use with almost any device or gadget.

An equally useful gift for an athlete would be smart bracelet. This is quite a useful thing for an athlete, because it allows you to count steps, calories burned and track sleep duration. A huge plus is the ability to synchronize with gadgets, which is very convenient.

Both an athlete friend and even an athlete’s husband will be endlessly happy to receive table hockey or football. This game can help you relax and have fun in the company of your adoring friends.

If the birthday person is a bodybuilder, runner or CrossFit, then this will be very useful for him pedometer, seconds p or heart rate monitor

Such portable and miniature devices will 100% not gather dust in the closet.

Original and practical gifts

Advice: when choosing a gift for an athlete, be guided primarily by practicality and ease of use.

When choosing a birthday gift for your athlete boyfriend, do not miss such a wonderful gift option as sneakers. For people who regularly exercise, their exercise shoes wear out extremely quickly. However, you should find out in advance the shoe size and preferences of the birthday person. To our great joy, there are now many stores that offer practical, and most importantly, stylish shoes for sports.

Do not forget that not only the body, but also our mind is subject to training. So you can safely give the athlete some kind of birthday cool puzzle. What kind of puzzle or even puzzle it will be is up to you to decide. The athlete will not part with such a gift soon!

The best option for a birthday gift for an athlete would be a large one. sports bag or even backpack. If the birthday boy has such a bag, you can choose a similar, but more stylish and attractive model with awesome, comfortable pockets and a print.

It is also worth noting that many are not averse to trying themselves in many sports at once, so you can give your husband an athlete for his birthday Sports Equipment for the game in which he has not yet tried himself. This could be tennis, badminton, basketball, etc.

An athlete who is scrupulous about his diet and eats exactly at a strictly allotted time can be given a special launch Box.

It can be made up of a set of containers/box + cup + cutlery. There are also models that are made in the form of a portable dense box, inside of which there are cutlery and a couple of compartments for various dishes. Such a gift will solve the problem with numerous containers and thermoses that need to be carried carefully and not overturned.

Athletes are a priori active people. Even during the allocated rest time, they will most likely continue to run somewhere and try to do something. That's why gift-impression in the form of visiting an amusement park, hiking or rock climbing should make him happy! The main thing is to prepare such a gift for the athlete in advance and ask him to allocate time for the planned entertainment.

Would be an equally good gift subscription for a couple of massage treatments. The massage itself is a rather pleasant procedure, and athletes simply need it! A professionally performed massage will allow you to completely relax and increase the productivity of subsequent workouts.

In addition to large sports gifts, you can give universal items, such as weights and expanders.

An extraordinary birthday gift for an athlete would be exclusive dumbbells/weights. They can be made in the form of animals or even mythical creatures. Such a strong gift will become a source of pride for almost every athlete.

If your chosen one is a cyclist, then give him a quality helmet.

Even if he has one, a backup option will never be superfluous.

If you still couldn’t decide on a specific item, then there is always a way out: just buy gift Certificate or a card to a store (not necessarily sports equipment). This way, the recipient himself will be able to choose what he wants and buy what he really needs.

In addition, the gift does not have to be related only with sports.

Athletes are people too, and their hobbies or activities are not limited to sports.

Like any other young guy he will be happy a brand new gadget or accessory for it.

Choosing a birthday gift for an athlete is a very important task. But such people value more not the cost of the gift, but the practicality and care with which the gifts were chosen. And of course, don’t forget about originality. Athletes are also creative people and they like to learn something new.

Good luck choosing a gift!

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