Crochet beads are very often used by needlewomen when making jewelry. We will learn how to knit such beads right now.

Summer has already left us with less than 20% of its time at our disposal. This means that you need to have time to fully enjoy and absorb its warmth, colors, mood and the opportunities that it brings with it. So warm and sunny greetings to everyone! And let's all go to the beach. Have you already been to the sea this summer? Personally, I don't. Well, maybe then not at sea, but on a river or lake? On the pond, after all!

In general, if you haven’t been anywhere yet, but really want to, then urgently, we’ll finish it right now, no, we’ll drop everything we’re doing (you’ll never redo them anyway) and run with your family somewhere to the water and water-sun baths. I'm already on my way. And you? Are you not? It's a pity. Well then, while I’m swimming, here’s a new master class for you. Crochet beads. Knit a few pieces, and then I will come, check and decide what to do with them next.

So, our task for today is to learn how to crochet beads, and a little further (in one of the next master classes) we will create beautiful beauty from these beads. I won’t tell you which one yet - it’s a secret (in fact, I just haven’t thought of it yet).

Today I will also share with you how you can dye yarn in the color you want at home. And in conclusion, I’ll tell you a little about what this summer brought to me and my family. Most likely not even for me personally, but for my husband. But it doesn’t matter - we are family. So we have everything in common. And that means this concerns me too. But more on that below. Now let's discuss how to tie beads.

Crochet beads. Description and video

In order to crochet beads, we will need:

  • beads
  • hook
  • yarn

So, we have prepared everything we need. Let's get to work. Today I will knit from yarn of a beautiful milky blue color with the addition of bright turquoise Lurex thread, since the product to which this decoration is knitted has a deep blue color. A little later I will add some contrasting or intermediate color to it for greater expressiveness. But this is not today.

First, let's decide on the choice of hook number. The two ways this can be done were discussed in detail in this article about knitting rules. Since my yarn is quite thick (compared to a sundress), I took a two and was not mistaken. In this case, the size really matters, since you will have to knit quite tightly and the knitting should envelop our bead very tightly, without unnecessary holes. So that in the end the binding on it looks neat and even.

The first thing we do is secure the free end of the thread in the palm of our hand with our thumb, throw the working end over the index and middle fingers twice and remove the resulting ring. The result is a loop like this, with which we will begin work.

Holding the ring at the intersection of the working thread and its free end with the index and thumb of the left hand, we pierce our ring with a hook in the right hand and change its position. Those. insert the hook and, with the index finger of your right hand, press from above the place where the free end of the thread and the working thread itself intersect.

Now all the most important and necessary for further operation of crocheting beads is in our strong and confident right hand. And we release our left hand. Let him rest.

I'm kidding, of course. It's too early to rest. With our left hand we pick up the working thread, throwing it over the index finger and actually now we have everything as usual when crocheting - in the right hand the hook and knitting, in the left - the working thread.

We begin to knit the beginning of the bead. To do this, grab the working thread with a hook and bring it through the ring. We grab the working thread again and bring it through the resulting loop on the hook. Our first loop is knitted. We knit three more exactly the same, each time inserting the hook into the large initial loop under two threads.

Having knitted 4 single crochets in this way, we pull the free end of the thread all the way and thus tighten our large ring into a small circle consisting of the first four single crochets. Congratulations! Our first, most tricky row is finished!
The next row we knit two single crochets into each of the loops of the previous row.

Small but very useful advice. For convenience, we will make a mark with a thread of a contrasting color so that you can see where each of the rows of the circle begins and ends. We simply thread a small piece of bobbin thread through the edge of the knitted circle and that’s it. The tag is ready.

We perform the next row in this way. In the first loop of the previous row we knit one single crochet. And in the second we knit two single crochets. And alternate in this way until the end of the row. The second row is ready.

Depending on the diameter of the beads you chose, you may need to knit 1 or 2 more similar rows for expansion, only according to the following pattern: 2 (3) single crochets in the first 2 (3) loops of the previous row and 2 single crochets yarn over into the 3rd (4th) loop of the previous row.

Since the diameter of my beads is only 9-10 mm, what we have already knitted is quite enough for me. Therefore, I knit the next row (in my case, the 3rd row) in this way: one stitch at a time without Yarn over each of the loops of the previous row.

We try on our binding on a bead and see that in addition you can knit another exactly the same row. We knit the 4th row: one single crochet in each loop of the previous row.

Now the size of the binding is sufficient and we pull it onto the bead. All we have left is to knit the rows in descending order and the knitted bead will be ready.

In descending order, the bead is tied as follows: in the first loop we knit one single crochet. From the next two we knit one single crochet. Those. insert the hook into one (second) loop and grab the working thread. Without knitting it, insert the hook into the next (third) loop and grab the working thread again. And now we grab the working thread again and knit all three loops located on our hook. In this way we knit the entire 5th row.

For the 6th row we knit one single crochet in every two loops of the previous row. And we are left with a very small area of ​​3-4 loops, which we close by pulling a knot with a cut working thread through it.

That's all. We have just crocheted a bead for you. All that remains is to hide the cut tail from the working thread. We simply thread it through the bead using a hook and cut off the excess. Ready!

As a result, after you repeat all the steps described above 10-15 times again, you will get wonderful multi-colored (or single-color, as you prefer) crocheted beads. And next time we will make something beautiful and unusual from them. What it will be I don’t know yet. Perhaps something for our kids. Some kind of jewelry - or beads or a bracelet, or maybe something else... We'll see.

In the meantime, the promised few words about how you can change the color of yarn at home. We will, of course, be talking about initially white yarn. In this photo above, the pink beads are made from just such yarn. To color it, I used a small amount of liquid handmade soap pigment. Just not food ones, but pigments. They were already divorced for me (I don’t know what exactly, I won’t tell you here)

I unwinded the required amount of yarn, dripped a certain amount of red pigment into it, squeezed it a little in my hands, thus distributing it along the entire length of the yarn, rinsed it and... voila! The yarn I got was a soft pink color. Here is such a simple, but very effective and most importantly accessible method.

By the way, if you still have any questions or it’s simply more convenient for you when everything is shown clearly and live, you can watch this video. I specially recorded it for this post and for the members of my VKontakte group.

Fine. We’ll probably finish dyeing yarn and crocheting beads for today, and in conclusion, I’ll tell you a little about what’s so interesting happened to me this summer. Well, first of all, this is my new hairstyle and my new look. I already wrote about this in my last article, when I told you about how and under what circumstances I got into a handicraft magazine with one of my master classes. If you haven't read it, read it - it's interesting.

Then there was a long and painstaking work in preparation for my husband’s personal photo exhibition. He is my photographer. In addition to preparing the premises and the photographs themselves, it was also necessary to find and warm up the target audience and come up with something interesting for them.

Literally half a month before the exhibition, I finally finished the super-duper brooch that I had been dreaming about since last winter. She turned out gorgeous. All passers-by look at her with all their eyes, and she is also so big! It seems far away. I'll show it to you a little later.

Well, of course, I continue to twist and twirl bouquets of candies, which I really, really like, and just a couple of days ago I finished working on a very large order. I have never made such large compositions for anyone before! In size it was 70x70 cm, can you imagine? I’ll also show you photographs of this giant miracle later. Well, we have a long-awaited trip to the sea ahead. Because summer is coming to an end, and we haven’t swam or sunbathed anywhere except on the nearest lake (and that’s an artificial one). We need to fix this!

I’ll probably even write a separate article in the style of “How I spent this summer” and there I’ll tell you in all the details and with pictures how it was. Because you can’t describe everything in just a few words, but I want to tell you a lot. Therefore, those who have not yet done so, subscribe to updates and wait for my new article by email.

Share the material with your friends on social networks, add it to your pages or bookmarks, subscribe to my newsletter with new master classes, patterns, patterns, announcements about competitions and other equally interesting handicraft projects and always be positive and creatively purposeful!

I wish you creative success and a great mood!


Accessories play a very important role in our life. Only with the help of various accessories can you create a complete look. Every detail in the image is important. It often happens that the incorrect geometric shape of an accessory or its inaccurate color spoil the whole picture.

Beads - as the most important accessory

You need to be careful when choosing beads, earrings or ties. All these things should not only be fashionable, not only fit with the rest of the clothes, but also should fit the figure and fit the person’s lifestyle.

It is important to understand that some accessories can only be worn in the evening, and some are appropriate only for special events such as the opening of exhibitions of fashion artists.

Almost every woman has had problems choosing accessories. At first glance, it seems that the choice is huge, but finding something truly worthwhile can be very difficult: sometimes the color doesn’t match, sometimes the size, sometimes the shape. In this case, it will be better to make the item yourself.

Recently, an accessory such as knitted beads has been gaining popularity. Making this model is quite simple with your own hands. To do this you need the ability to knit beads and a few free evenings. Tying beads is just the activity where you can show all your imagination.

What you need

To knit and make beads with beads we will need: a hook, good quality balls and thread. It is best to purchase an imported hook. You can check it when purchasing: bend it slightly in half. If it returns to a flat horizontal position, then it is a good hook. Try to buy balls in craft stores - they are of decent quality. Good beads come from the Czech Republic and Poland. Recently, decent specimens from China have begun to appear. It is important that this is “factory” China. Beads for knitting with your own hands should be even, smooth, all beads should be the same size.

It’s worth mentioning separately about the thread. To knit with beads, you need to select a thread that will not have any excess sticking out on the surface. It is important to pay attention to the thickness: the thread should fit into the hole in the bead. The composition of the threads is cotton.

Stages of working on DIY knitted beads

  1. Choosing a model for making beaded beads.
  2. Making the base - tubes.
  3. Knitting with beads.

The beauty of making beaded beads is that even a beginner can handle this task.

Choosing a model for making beaded beads

You should start with a simple knitting option. Our model does not require knitting complex patterns or designs. It is enough to know how to crochet in a simple way, to be able to yarn over and add loops, and to know how to tie a bead. This model is warm and bright like spring. She definitely won't go unnoticed. Knitted beads of this type are an original accessory for any occasion.

Making the base - tubes

In order for the knitted beads to be evenly distributed on the neck, you need to make a tube - the base - with your own hands. To do this, you need to crochet 4 air loops and make a ring out of them. Then knit a row of 6 single crochets. Make 12 stitches in the next row. In this way, you need to knit with your own hands until the tube reaches the desired length. Our model will require two such tubes.

Knitting with beads

Now we’ll learn how to tie a bead with your own hands. We take a hook and a thread that comes from the tube. We string a bead of a suitable size onto it. We knit 3 air loops, then a loop with a bead, then again three loops and one with a ball. Thus, you need to do the work 24 times. If you need to make larger knitted beads, then this strip must be made longer: 30 or 40 times 4 loops, one of which has a bead. Knit a row into the second tube.

You can make as many of these threads with small balls as you like. The more, the more magnificent our decoration will look. Knitted beads with beads can be made from different colors with your own hands.

This product will look great with a button closure. To do this, you should choose a small button to match the product. Sew it to one of the tubes. Attach a loop that fits the size to the opposite end.

Finishing knitting

We can say that our knitted beaded beads are ready.

The beauty of hand-knitted jewelry is that they are all original. Products made from threads with beads will be an excellent accessory in any woman’s wardrobe. You can make several identical models in different colors for each suit or dress. When crocheted beads go out of fashion, you can unravel them and make something else with or without the same beads.

Knitted necklaces with beads are perfect for gifts to loved ones, friends or colleagues. After all, it’s always nice to receive as a gift something that you made with your own hands with love.

Our dear readers. We offer you a detailed description knitting the most beautiful crochet beads, which can be worn not only as a stylish and fashionable accessory, but also usefully used by mothers who have small children.

The note: This article is more suitable for those who are a little familiar with crochet techniques. If you haven’t learned how to knit yet, but really want to, then you can see a detailed and understandable description of the basic crocheting techniques.

are beads made from safe and environmentally friendly materials: wooden balls tied with cotton threads. A child can play with them during feeding, fiddling with them on the chest of a nursing mother, gnawing and playing with them during the teething period, fingering them in his hands, developing fine motor skills. Such bright beads can keep your child occupied during a long trip and become an interesting and useful toy while exploring the world with the help of their hands.

And so we need:

  • Pelican cotton threads in white and pink colors;
  • hook No. 1.25;
  • oval wooden unpainted beads with a diameter of 18-20mm for tying. You can buy beads here

We tie the beads with white and pink flowers

1. To do this, we collect a chain of 5 air loops (hereinafter referred to as vp) and close them into a ring.

2. We tie it in a circle with single crochets (hereinafter referred to as sc).

3. In the first row we make additions - we knit 2 sc into each column of the previous row. Next we knit without any additions. When the binding approaches the end of the bead, we make decreases - we knit together every second and third stitch and so on until the end. We hide the threads inside the binding and cut them off.

Knitting a flower

We dial a chain of 69 v. P..

1st row: In the fifth loop of the chain we knit a double crochet (hereinafter referred to as Dc). Then through one loop into the next one. p. chains we knit 2 dc, separated by 1 st. p.. We knit in this way until the end of the row.

2nd row: knit 3 in. lifting loops, turn the work. In the first arch we knit 1 dc, 3 ins. p. and 2 SSN. Next, to the end of the row, we knit 2 DC 3 in each arch. p., 2 SSN.

3rd row: in each arch of the previous row we knit 9 dcs. We start the first petal from v. loops We roll the rose into a circle and sew it together.

All the parts are ready, now they need to be combined. To do this, we need to connect 2 chains of v.p. length 65cm.

Collecting beads

We string alternately white and pink beads onto the chains. Instead of one pink one, we hang a flower and continue further. All tied beads need to be separated into oval ones.

Crochet beads ready!

Description and photo Oksana Klyomina especially for the HobbyTerra website.

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Accessories play a very important role in our life. Only with the help of various accessories can you create a complete look. Every detail in the image is important. It often happens that the incorrect geometric shape of an accessory or its inaccurate color spoil the whole picture.

Beads - as the most important accessory

You need to be careful when choosing beads, earrings or ties. All these things should not only be fashionable, not only fit with the rest of the clothes, but also should fit the figure and fit the person’s lifestyle.

It is important to understand that some accessories can only be worn in the evening, and some are appropriate only for special events such as the opening of exhibitions of fashion artists.

Almost every woman has had problems choosing accessories. At first glance, it seems that the choice is huge, but finding something truly worthwhile can be very difficult: sometimes the color doesn’t match, sometimes the size, sometimes the shape. In this case, it will be better to make the item yourself.

Recently, an accessory such as knitted beads has been gaining popularity. Making this model is quite simple with your own hands. To do this you need the ability to knit beads and a few free evenings. Tying beads is just the activity where you can show all your imagination.

What you need

To knit and make beads with beads we will need: a hook, good quality balls and thread. It is best to purchase an imported hook. You can check it when purchasing: bend it slightly in half. If it returns to a flat horizontal position, then it is a good hook. Try to buy balls in craft stores - they are of decent quality. Good beads come from the Czech Republic and Poland. Recently, decent specimens from China have begun to appear. It is important that this is “factory” China. Beads for knitting with your own hands should be even, smooth, all beads should be the same size.

It’s worth mentioning separately about the thread. To knit with beads, you need to select a thread that will not have any excess sticking out on the surface. It is important to pay attention to the thickness: the thread should fit into the hole in the bead. The composition of the threads is cotton.

Stages of working on DIY knitted beads

  1. Choosing a model for making beaded beads.
  2. Making the base - tubes.
  3. Knitting with beads.

The beauty of making beaded beads is that even a beginner can handle this task.

Choosing a model for making beaded beads

You should start with a simple knitting option. Our model does not require knitting complex patterns or designs. It is enough to know how to crochet in a simple way, to be able to yarn over and add loops, and to know how to tie a bead. This model is warm and bright like spring. She definitely won't go unnoticed. Knitted beads of this type are an original accessory for any occasion.

Making the base - tubes

In order for the knitted beads to be evenly distributed on the neck, you need to make a tube - the base - with your own hands. To do this, you need to crochet 4 air loops and make a ring out of them. Then knit a row of 6 single crochets. Make 12 stitches in the next row. In this way, you need to knit with your own hands until the tube reaches the desired length. Our model will require two such tubes.

Knitting with beads

Now we’ll learn how to tie a bead with your own hands. We take a hook and a thread that comes from the tube. We string a bead of a suitable size onto it. We knit 3 air loops, then a loop with a bead, then again three loops and one with a ball. Thus, you need to do the work 24 times. If you need to make larger knitted beads, then this strip must be made longer: 30 or 40 times 4 loops, one of which has a bead. Knit a row into the second tube.

You can make as many of these threads with small balls as you like. The more, the more magnificent our decoration will look. Knitted beads with beads can be made from different colors with your own hands.

This product will look great with a button closure. To do this, you should choose a small button to match the product. Sew it to one of the tubes. Attach a loop that fits the size to the opposite end.

Finishing knitting

We can say that our knitted beaded beads are ready.

The beauty of hand-knitted jewelry is that they are all original. Products made from threads with beads will be an excellent accessory in any woman’s wardrobe. You can make several identical models in different colors for each suit or dress. When crocheted beads go out of fashion, you can unravel them and make something else with or without the same beads.

Knitted necklaces with beads are perfect for gifts to loved ones, friends or colleagues. After all, it’s always nice to receive as a gift something that you made with your own hands with love.

Knitted jewelry is distinguished by its uniqueness and originality. In addition, they carry the energy of the person who connected them. After all, each product contains the warmth of the hands and a piece of the master’s soul.
It is interesting to create such products, because in most cases you do not fully know what the result will be. Sometimes it is enough to rearrange the thread differently and the whole creation will sparkle with new colors. It is no less pleasant to receive such decoration in.
To make knitted beads you will need:
1. Cotton yarn.
2. Beads in two sizes.
3. Magnetic clasp.
4. Waxed thread.
5. An old unnecessary jewelry chain.
6. Super glue.
7. Hook 1.5.

First, let's start making a knitted cord. Let's start by casting on 6 chain stitches and knitting them together to make a circle. And we will knit it in the round. The main thing is not to miss a single loop, otherwise the lace will be uneven. We knit it to the required length. It all depends on your idea. You can tie a fairly long cord and then it will be around your neck in several rows.

Next, we will tie large beads. We close the chain of three air loops and knit to the size of a bead, adding two loops in each row. We raise the walls to the desired height, insert the bead inside and complete the ball, gradually decreasing the loops in the opposite direction.
Alternating, we put the beads on the waxed thread. If you don’t have one at hand, a regular thread from the yarn used to tie the beads will do. Pull it through the beads in two rows.

Next, let's consider two options. First, hide the thread in a knitted cord. To do this, we attach a small pin to the edge of the thread and pull it inside the cord. Using a thread and a needle, we imperceptibly sew the edges of the cord to the beads. Option number one is ready.

You can go further and create a second option. For it, the knitted cord will need to be wrapped in a chain. We hide the ends inside and sew them firmly. Three elements need to be connected together. Attach waxed thread to the cord. To do this, place the ends inside the knitting and sew. Attach a magnetic clasp to the ends of the cord. Super glue is suitable for this. It must be dripped inside the fastener and secure the cord. If it is possible to discreetly hem the fastener, this option will be more reliable and the product more durable. You can also place a thin ribbon inside the cord and leave the ends for tying the decoration.

These are two simple beads you can make with your own hands. To the envy of others and to your own delight.