The beautiful tradition of giving Christmas gifts to loved ones and friends is supported by all Christians. But the custom itself acquired a more secular character. And due to some historical events, in some places a Christmas gift became simply a congratulation on the winter holidays or a Happy New Year, and in other places it simply became a present from mythical fairy-tale heroes.

When choosing a gift for Christmas, many are guided by their own personal criteria. For some, its cost is important, for others, utility or symbolism is a priority. But few people know what gifts should be for Christmas. We will look into what criteria a Christmas gift must meet. To do this, you will have to make a short historical excursion and ask the clergy for their opinion.

The Magi, following the guiding star of Bethlehem, traveled a long way to greet the Divine Infant and present him with their gifts.

They brought gold as a gift to the little Christ, as the personification of power, incense, as a gift to the son of God, and myrrh, as a recognition that Jesus was mortal.

The prophets, choosing gifts for the baby long before his birth, predicted the miraculous birth of the Son of God. It was the gifts of the Magi that formed the basis of the tradition of exchanging gifts at Christmas.

According to another version, Christmas gifts are in no way connected with the gifts of the Magi. The tradition of giving small gifts to children is considered to be the gift of St. Nicholas.

When the image of the saint acquired the face of a fairy-tale Santa Claus, gifts began to be given not on St. Nicholas Day, but on Christmas.

And at first only for children, and later for adults. You can get acquainted with the traditions of Catholic Christmas and gifts in the article “”.

Reference! Santa Claus is a fictional character, the hero of a Coca-Cola advertising campaign, who was first depicted by artist Haddon Sundble in 1930.

The prototype of Santa Claus was the artist's neighbor Lou Prentice.

But this is a tradition in Catholic countries, where Christmas gifts are brought by a fairy-tale character through the fireplace and hidden in Christmas stockings.

What did people in Rus' give for Christmas to children and loved ones?

To figure out what gifts are given at Christmas in Russia, where Santa Claus could not supplant centuries-old traditions, let's go on an excursion a couple of centuries ago.

What did our ancestors give to their dearest people for Christmas? There were no specific general rules regarding Christmas gifts. Only individual families had their own traditions.

It is known for certain that in the royal family, daughters were given jewelry for Christmas, or more precisely, a diamond or a pearl.

By the way, the same tradition existed when choosing gifts for name days and Easter.

By the time she came of age, the girl had collected enough pearls or diamonds to make a beautiful necklace from the stones.

By the end of the 19th century, the tradition of giving cards appeared in Rus'. The first postcards were issued for Easter back in 1897. Greeting cards quickly found their admirers. And very soon Christmas and New Year cards appeared.

Russian-language greeting cards were the most numerous and varied in Europe.

Beautiful landscapes, decorated Christmas trees, Russian churches, fir branches, and scenes from life were printed on winter postcards. The following inscriptions decorated the cards: “Happy New Year!”, “Merry Christmas!”, “Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!”.

They also gave various sweets in the form of figured gingerbread cookies, gilded nuts, and candies. Such treats were hung on the Christmas tree. Therefore, the children themselves chose their favorite treat on the Christmas tree.

Also, sweets in original packaging could be found under the Christmas tree. Gifts could be packed in hand-painted tin boxes or carved caskets. Wooden sleighs or porcelain mugs filled with sweets looked original.

And the coolest ones were the fairy-tale miniature houses. Such packages were filled with chocolate, candies, caramel, and gingerbread.

It was for Christmas, or rather for the winter holidays, that the first factory packaging was released. These were colorful tin or cardboard boxes.

Candy manufacturers also contributed. They began to produce entertainment candies, on the wrappers of which you could find a riddle or rebus. What do you think of the names: chocolate “Rebuses” or caramel “Fortune-telling”.

On multi-colored cards one could find parts of patterns for masquerade costumes, masks, and soft toys.

They were not just collected to redraw the diagram, but also collected. There were even special albums in which such collections could be stored.

Unfortunately, it’s hard to surprise modern children with sweets or entice them with colorful pictures. But many traditions are being revived.

And perhaps very soon the desired Christmas gift for us will not be modern electronics or a branded handbag, but simple sincere gifts: sweets and funny cards telling about the main winter holiday.

Priests' opinions on Christmas gifts

What do the clergy themselves think about Christmas gifts? What to give a priest for Christmas so that the gift is appropriate.

What do many people mean by the word gift itself: material or spiritual? The purpose of any gift is to remember the giver. This is a sign of attention for which personal time is allocated.

If you want to give a symbolic gift, choose sweets.

If you are choosing what to give to your priest for Christmas or to a believer, you can also present items of a religious nature.

After all, Christmas gifts, first of all, help create that atmosphere of joy, reminding us that Christmas is a reality, that Jesus came into our world.

A gift on such a day makes it possible to feel that we are not alone. Indeed, in the hustle and bustle of life, many people, surrounded by multiple relatives and acquaintances, simply do not have time to just communicate.

And the custom of coming to visit without warning just for a cup of tea has become a thing of the past. But even an unexpected guest is welcomed by many; there is time and opportunity to accept him. And it’s so nice to feel that someone needs you.

The main purpose of a Christmas gift is to show a person that he is dear to God and needed by you.

You can give calendars, sets of sweets, and crafts. But along with the gift, you need to give joy, bring into the house an atmosphere of unity and need.

Agree, anyone can just go to the store to buy candy to eat it. But it’s a completely different thing to pick up a box, carefully packed, and think that it was given to you personally. Other sublime sensations immediately appear.

Give each person individual gifts, exactly what will please him. Give joy at Christmas. And if you know for sure that the girl will be delighted with the earrings, don’t hesitate to give them for Christmas.

As for gifts for priests, remember that they are the same people and also enjoy good gifts.

It is not necessary to associate gifts with churchliness on church holidays. Most believers and clergy have enough books and icons.

But if you don’t know what personal gift would be appropriate in this case or you’re thinking about what to give a nun for Christmas, give crosses, icons, or souvenirs brought from a pilgrimage.

You can choose or make a beautiful card or give a book. But the best gift for Christmas will always be prayer together.

And don't forget about charity. After all, you need to give joy not only to dear people, but also to those who feel especially lonely.

Every year, the Orthodox service “Mercy” holds the “Give Joy at Christmas” campaign on the eve of Christmas. The event takes place in early January in 12 cities of Russia, during which everyone can bring a gift for seriously ill children and adults, orphans and disabled people, lonely old people, large families, and the homeless.

During the “Give Joy for Christmas” campaign, the charity foundation “Mercy” helps hundreds of thousands of people in need.

List of anti-gifts for Christmas

It won't hurt to learn about those gifts that are inappropriate to give at Christmas.

Avoid boring gifts. Towels and oven mitts, spice jars and alarm clocks. There will be another reason for such gifts.

Don't buy banal souvenirs. Is it possible that what is sold in every souvenir shop and supermarket will please your loved ones?

Matching Christmas gifts won't do either. Of course, it’s convenient to give all your colleagues a cup or hand cream, but what about individuality?

Think about it, who needs useless gifts? Sloppy calendars, souvenirs with the image of the symbol of the year, the 100500th cup with a photo - cross them off the list.

Too expensive or too cheap gifts. Penny trinkets irritate many, but expensive gifts oblige.

Inappropriate gifts are also bad. Imagine how a teetotaler would react to a bottle of cognac, and a diabetic to a box of chocolates. An atheist will not be pleased with a miniature icon, or a believer with a provocative T-shirt.

Don't give fake gifts. If you think that a stuffed dog can replace a live puppy, and a fake branded desirable item, then you are deeply mistaken. Such a move will not be understood.

But you also need to be able to give living gifts. Without the consent of the recipient or the child’s parents, do not try to present live fish, hamsters, parrots and other cute butterflies, rabbits, and snakes. Even a puppy or kitten is not a gift if it is unwanted.

For some reason, everyone claims that the best gift is one made with your own hands. Are you sure that your creativity will go home and will be appreciated by those who are destined for a handmade sweater or another homemade photo stand.

And in conclusion, I would like to dwell on comic gifts.

Christmas is a holiday of joy and not all jokes will be appropriate here. And considering that all people have a different sense of humor, it’s better not to take risks with jokes for such a holiday. Be generous and sincere, please the people dear to you, without thinking about what the return gift will be.

Remember, we create miracles with our own hands, and the more people you please at Christmas, the greater the likelihood that miracles and joy will come into your life.

Video: traditions of celebrating Christmas in Rus'

You can get acquainted with the traditions of celebrating Christmas and the gifts that were customary to give to guests and relatives in detail in the video:

The new year has come! I would like to once again congratulate everyone and wish you happiness, good luck and fulfillment of desires! And Christmas is ahead of us - a bright and kind holiday. We will gather again at the festive table in a cozy company, which means we have another great reason to please our family and friends with gifts! Be original - make your own Christmas gifts!!!

Yes, there is not enough time left, but we will come up with something) What is customary to give for Christmas? As a rule, these are Christmas cards, decorative candles, candlesticks, angels or some other cute souvenirs. You know your family well enough, so making a choice will not be difficult.

Handmade Christmas gifts retain a piece of your warmth, so they will be received with gratitude!

Christmas cards

Traditional colors are red, blue, gold and white.

The blank for such a postcard can be cut out of white cardboard, and the image of an angel can be cut out from a magazine or an old postcard. You can find a beautiful picture on the Internet, print it and use it for a postcard.
If the background paper is white, tint it with watercolors using a sponge (for example, for washing dishes). To sew a sewing line along the edge, first make holes (use a thimble!), and then sew. As you can see, here the line goes only in places and this gives the card lightness and romance)

Snow specks can be made using a toothbrush and toothpaste; we all know this method from childhood!

If you are fond of scrapbooking and have a figured hole punch in your supplies, then making small snowflakes will not be difficult. And if not, don’t worry, the card will look cute enough without them! In addition, you can use a narrow ribbon and tie a beautiful golden bow, and then glue it to the card.

Using this principle, you can make 2 or 3 postcards, replacing only the central pictures and background color!

Candles are generally a win-win option! Designers often use candles in interior decor, so this Christmas gift is a great choice!

You can easily make original candles with your own hands! All you need is regular wax candles, wax molds (use green pea tins!), wax crayons and ice! The candles turn out very beautiful!

If you don’t want to make candles yourself, decorate ready-made ones and add some zest! Decoupage napkins will help you create original gift candles!

Want an even faster way? Please! Buy some decorative ribbon and decorate your candles! What could be simpler!? But it's beautiful, isn't it?

If you want your Christmas gift to be remembered for a long time, make a Christmas composition from candles, fresh flowers and sweets! Yes, you will have to work hard, but there will be no limit to the delight of those gifted!!!

A few more songs for inspiration!

DIY candlesticks

Another great Christmas gift is a candle holder!

To create such a candlestick you will need a small jar, matte varnish, acrylic paint, and a stencil.

First coat the jar with matte varnish. Pre-degrease the glass with alcohol.

Then, attaching a stencil to the jar, cover the image with silver acrylic paint.

To make the design more visible, use a brightly colored candle, such as red. You can choose decorative ribbon and other decorations to match the color of the candle.

You can always use decorative braid as decoration! She looks very impressive!

Christmas angels

Angels are a wonderful gift for Christmas, because many people associate them with Christmas, with the birth of Jesus Christ. Make an angel with your own hands and you definitely won’t go wrong!

A sheet of golden cardboard, some wire and a stencil is all you need! Such an angel will serve as an original decoration for the Christmas tree.

The tradition of giving gifts to relatives and friends at Christmas, and in rich houses, to servants, appeared thanks to biblical stories about the Magi and little Jesus. The wise men did not come to the baby empty-handed. No matter how many centuries have passed, Christmas remains one of the brightest and most anticipated holidays, promising large and small gifts. What to give for Christmas? Surely you have thought about this too.

Orthodox and Catholic Christmas diverge in time, but some celebration traditions overlap. The similarity is especially noticeable in the example of gifts: in both Russia and Europe, the main gifts remain candles, figurines of angels and various foods. But, if in European countries the emphasis is on sweets and alcoholic drinks, then in our country a good gift can be a meat product (smoked meats, sausage), and a traditional Russian pie “Kurnik”, and a fruit basket (exotic in winter), and a basket cranberries

Such an abundance of food gifts is associated with the end of the Nativity Fast in Rus' and the beginning of carols and generosity, when it was customary to tell fortunes, and when, for wishes of goodness and prosperity, the owners presented carolers with gifts from the food set, which was in greatest demand in their house: who had these rolls, and some even had a piece of homemade sausage.

Delicious gifts for Christmas

Chocolate, chocolates and figurines. Such gifts are popular not only among children, but adults (especially women) really like them. When giving a gift to a person of a certain gender and age, it is necessary to select an appropriate gift. Girls love chocolate figurines of animals, snow maidens and angels. For boys - cars and cartoon super heroes made of chocolate (for children, choose milk chocolate). For young ladies and gentlemen, offer dark chocolate candies with various fillings as a gift. Beautiful packaging is a must.

Beverages. In addition to high-quality alcohol (for men - brandy, cognac, strong liqueurs, and for women - wine and mulled wine sets), you can please an honest company with elite varieties of tea or coffee.

Grocery baskets for the whole family. When going on a visit, grab a universal food set that will have a treat for everyone: put a jar of caviar, hard cheese (several varieties are possible), a bottle of wine and cognac, sausages, several types of fruit, sweets and homemade cookies, a jar of jam in the basket homemade. Decorate the basket with tinsel and fir branches.

Cooking sets. Do-it-yourself gifts are becoming increasingly popular. Culinary hand-made work is welcomed by both experienced housewives and beginners. The gift looks like a kit for preparing something (baked goods, an original drink, jam) and consists of ingredients and a recipe. Everything, of course, is beautifully packaged; some sets even contain molds for cooking or a container for storing the finished product.

Spices. A gift of all times and peoples. Spices have always been considered an expensive, sophisticated gift. And if they are also festively packaged and unusual, then such a gift will be appreciated by both the mother of the family, who is accustomed to cooking a lot and tasty, and the inveterate bachelor who is trying to somehow diversify his menu.

What can you give for Christmas: souvenirs

Candles. On this bright holiday, it is customary to present light sources as gifts, of which candles are the most traditional. Twisted, decorated with sparkles and designs, large and small, scented - all of them remain at the top of the most desired Christmas gifts. After all, the belief says: if candles are lit in the house, then the owners are ready to let in the unique spirit of Christmas.

Candlesticks, aroma lamps, lamps. An excellent addition to candles will be candlesticks of a classic or original shape, aroma lamps (they are given complete with various oils) and electric lamps - Christmas (in the form of Christmas trees, bells, a fairground carousel) and universal (in the form of a plant, sphere, or standard with a lampshade).

Figurines. The most popular figurines that everyone strives to give (receive) for Christmas are angels, the Baby in the manger, the Virgin Mary and Joseph, the Magi. Figurines can be of any size and made of any material, with or without lighting.

Crystal bells. An unchanging attribute of Christmas. You can decorate a Christmas tree with bells, use them as a decorative element in the interior or as an element for an original festive table setting.

Entertaining and educational gifts

Christmas tours abroad or to popular domestic resorts (mainly ski resorts).

Tickets for a concert, performance, film premiere.

A disc with a recording of your favorite artist or music dedicated to Christmas.

Practical Christmas gifts

Among the clothes for Christmas, it is customary to give mittens, hats and scarves. Knitted products made from natural wool with traditional patterns will delight both adults and children.

Beautiful dishes- a gift from the category not only for housewives. Each family member will be happy to receive his own personal set of a cup and two plates.

Textiles (napkins, tablecloths, bed linen), original sofa cushions - such gifts will add mood and emphasize the festive atmosphere in the house.

Toys. In this case, they are also included in the list of practical gifts. If the child is busy learning a new hobby, parents have more time for themselves.

Expensive gifts

Icons. During religious holidays, it remains a good tradition to bring an icon to the house you are visiting. And even if it is not ancient and not decorated with silver, the icon still remains among the most expensive gifts, since it is a gift that is more spiritual than material.

Decorations. For women - necklaces and beads with precious and semi-precious stones, for men - bracelets, rings, cufflinks. Gold is an attribute of Christmas, because according to legend, the Magi presented gold bars as a gift to the infant Christ. Jewelry for children - a gold cross and a chain, for girls - also earrings.

Christmas for children , just look into the origins of this holiday. Having learned about the birth of Christ, the Magi immediately went to Bethlehem with various gifts. According to legend, a bright star lit up above their heads, and an angel descended from the sky. So on this day it is customary to exchange stars, candles, and angels. And it’s even better if these souvenirs are made by yourself.

Christmas atmosphere as a gift for children

To ensure that children get special pleasure from preparing for the holiday, give them an interesting experience. So, having attended a candle making master class, by next Christmas the kids will make gifts to all their relatives. They will be taught how to work with paraffin, wicks and decorate products using natural decor - dried flowers, aromatic spices or coffee beans. You can bake cookies in the shape of stars and angels. Another interesting option is to make them from natural colored wool. Under the influence of hot water or steam, its scales tend to stick together. The result is felt, which is easy to shape. Let's think about what to give our children, wife or husband for Christmas?

An exciting cooking lesson will help you master several unusual recipes. Such dishes will be a great addition to the holiday. After all, it is at Christmas when it is customary to gather around a huge family table and thank the owners for the treats. Children will be especially pleased if someone likes their culinary masterpiece. True sweet tooths can be presented with a “mountain” of chocolate, which they will turn into delicious candies. First, we have to make figures from praline - ground nuts with powdered sugar - and then it’s just a matter of small things. Each lump is dipped in melted white, milk or dark chocolate, sprinkled with colored sugar, chopped nuts, and now you can taste the delicious delicacy. In one lesson you can make about 15 sweets and treat them to your loved ones.

Exciting master classes for children at Christmas

If there is no snow outside the window on Christmas evening, we sigh with regret every time. The only way to enjoy the real winter is to watch “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka.” So it’s better to play it safe and arrange a surprise for your wife, or a holiday fairy tale for the children. Ahead are only the best gifts for children, women and men for Christmas!

Ski simulator

It is thanks to you that kids can conquer their first “snowy peak.” A ski simulator is simply a great way to give your girlfriend or boyfriend this Christmas the joy of skiing or snowboarding for both beginners and experienced riders. It is a treadmill with a special coating that guarantees a realistic feeling of descent. If necessary, the instructor will teach you how to properly maintain balance during the descent, how to brake correctly, and even how to fall. And then you can go straight to Protasov Yar, where there is always artificial snow. This is a great gift for both men and women for the Christmas holidays.

An equally “winter” atmosphere can be felt at the skating rink. An experienced instructor will meet your child, help him choose the right size skates, tighten his laces tightly, and take him out onto the ice arena. Beginners will have to learn the basics of figure skating, and those who are already confident in skating will have to master several simple figures. Perhaps the child will be so carried away by the new activity that he will soon have to take him to a popular talent show. This is also a very good gift for a couple: just imagine how happy your boyfriend or husband will be when you present ice skating to your loved one for Christmas.

Vocal master class as a Christmas gift for children

It is on Christmas night, from January 6 to 7, that carols should sound in every home. They not only tell the story of the joyful news - the birth of the Savior - but also bring a true spirit of celebration. They wish the owner and his family prosperity and health. And although this tradition is rarely seen in big cities, your own children will be able to please you with festive singing.

In a vocal lesson you can learn not only your favorite composition, but also a beautiful carol. The teacher will talk about proper breathing while singing, teach you how to sing and feel confident in front of the audience. All that remains is to make a nativity scene and come up with a suitable image. By the way, not only kids will enjoy the vocal master class. This is also a great idea to wish your loved one a Merry Christmas.

You know firsthand that it is difficult to surprise modern children with toys and fashionable items. So give them the most valuable things - experience, mood and new impressions!

    It is quite appropriate to give handmade items or inexpensive trinkets chosen with soul.

    What to give women for Christmas 2019

    A Christmas gift for a woman doesn't have to be memorable or practical. If it evokes positive emotions, consider that the goal has been achieved.

    To the girl

    Not a wife yet, but already a close person. When choosing what to give your girlfriend for Christmas, think about how well you know her.

  • Chocolate figures. A universal gift if the girl is not allergic to this food product and is not on a strict diet.
  • USB flash drive. Suitable for a practical person who is accustomed to using advances in technology. If you choose the shape of the drive taking into account its taste, you have a chance to please twice as much.
  • Beautiful jewelry. We noticed that the girl often changes her outfits and colors, which means this is a gift for her. Don’t be lazy to go shopping with her - you will have the opportunity to find out about her desires in this direction.


You don't need to be a seer to know which gift will bring a sparkle of happiness in the eyes of your missus:

  • Gold jewelry. “Wander” with your wife into the jewelry store in advance, observe the direction of her interested glances.
  • An original stand for jewelry or an expensive jewelry box. A beautiful and useful gift.
  • Good perfume. If you doubt your choice, give her a certificate to the perfume store.

To a friend

Please your friend this Christmas with a small symbolic gift. Choose a direction:

  • Exclusive tea or coffee in gift packaging. On these days, it is customary to organize family feasts followed by tea, so the gift will come in handy.
  • Set for making sushi. The gift will be appropriate if your friend is a big fan of Japanese cuisine and has long dreamed of learning how to cook exotic dishes on her own.
  • Beautiful figured candles. This is one of the symbols of Christmas; such a gift will emphasize the holiday atmosphere in your friend’s house. Another option is an interesting shaped aroma lamp with a set of aroma oils.

What to give men for Christmas 2019

They are more likely to value the practicality of gifts. But if you make even a man’s small dream come true at Christmas, he will rejoice like a child.


Choose a gift based on his hobbies:

  • Devices for home sports - a horizontal bar for a doorway, dumbbells, an expander. Suitable for a young man who, in principle, loves physical activity, but never has enough time to go to the gym.
  • Computer gadgets – USB hub, wireless mouse, flexible keyboard. Modern guys can’t imagine life without these things - just take a closer look at what exactly he’s missing or it’s time to change.
  • Comfortable fan seat. A good gift if a young man likes to root for his favorite team at the stadium.

To my husband

A husband's desires for a good wife do not remain a secret. For those who are still in doubt, here are a few ideas:

  • Devices and accessories for cars - a heated cape or a massager (or both), an air ionizer, a charm pendant. Relevant exclusively for car enthusiasts.
  • Expensive cufflinks, tie clips and ties themselves are gifts for men who like to look status-conscious or who are obligated to do so by their position.
  • A good men's bag, purse - you can always choose the right option for your beloved man.


If you live nearby and are in a relationship, be sure to buy him a small gift:

  • Warm gloves or scarf. Men are in dire need of care, especially from their relatives.
  • A mug for tea (coffee), decorated with his photo. As an option - a cup with USB heating. It will definitely come in handy if your brother works in an office.
  • Keychain with the symbols of his favorite team. Remind him that you are interested in his hobbies.

What to give parents for Christmas 2019

Are you going to celebrate Christmas with your parents or your husband's parents? You can bring with you both general gifts (tea set with a Christmas theme or decorative items - paintings, candlesticks) and individual ones:

Mom (mother-in-law)

  • Stole, neckerchief, fashionable bag. Remind your mom that you see her as a woman first.
  • Kitchen utensils - a set of coasters, a set of woven napkins with Christmas motifs, silicone molds for baking cupcakes or making ice, household scales. Emphasize how much you appreciate her culinary accomplishments.
  • Poinsettia flower. A woman who is interested in growing “pets” on the windowsill will certainly like a bright plant called “Christmas star”.

Dad (father-in-law)

  • Thermos or accessories for hunting or fishing (backpack, rubber boots). Of course, if these hobbies are within his range of interests.
  • Board games (chess, backgammon) in souvenir version. Suitable for intellectuals who like to spend time playing games with a neighbor.
  • Good cognac, as an option - in a beautiful flask. A universal gift for men (if he doesn’t drink himself, he’ll treat his friends).

What to give your grandparents for Christmas 2019

If you want to visit your grandparents for Christmas, bake a fragrant cake, grab a bottle of medicinal balm and a jar of honey. On this holiday, give elderly people things that will warm them in winter and remind them of your care:

  • Woolen items - socks, scarf, sweater, mittens or gloves. It will be better if you tie them with your own hands. If you don’t have such skills, buy the product you like in the store.
  • Heated slippers. Make sure that older people enjoy the benefits of civilization.
  • A bright blanket made from natural materials. It will not only warm you up while watching your favorite TV series, but will also lift your spirits.

What to give children for Christmas 2019

You don't have to give your children big, expensive gifts at Christmas. The main criterion is that they must be age appropriate and delight children:

  • Sweets. It's no secret that a box of chocolates can make any child happy.
  • Toys. There are many options - cars, dolls, pyramids, railroads and board games.
  • School supplies - pencil cases, backpacks, sets of pencils complete with album. Useful gifts for Christmas are also welcome.

What do godparents give to godchildren for Christmas and vice versa?

At Christmas, it is customary for Orthodox Christians to give gifts to godparents to children for whose spiritual life they have accepted responsibility. Give your baby or teenager objects that will contribute to his development:

  • Accessories for creativity. Depending on the age, finger paints, wax crayons, coloring books, plasticine, watercolor or gouache, polymer clay, and kits for creating jewelry are suitable.
  • Educational toys - construction sets, sets for young chemists, puzzles.
  • Books. You can always choose an age-appropriate option: a waterproof book - for very little ones, with fairy tales (for example, "Morozko") - for preschoolers, about adventures - for those who can read independently.

The godson himself can present the gift to the godparents. A do-it-yourself (with the help of parents) New Year and Christmas theme would be appropriate:

  • Figured cookies. Mom will help you knead the simplest shortbread dough, and your baby will use molds from a standard set to cut out Christmas trees and stars from it. Next, you will again need the help of adults near the oven. Together with your child, wrap the cookies beautifully.
  • Holiday card. Cardboard, colored paper, glue, glitter, decorative snowflakes and bright ribbons will come in handy. Well, and, of course, at least the beginnings of creative inclinations. Images of angels, candles, and New Year's decorations are welcome on the postcard.
  • Basket with fruits and sweets. Even if you have already grown up, don’t forget that you can and should give your godmother a delicious and vitamin-rich gift for Christmas.

What to give to colleagues for Christmas 2019

If you want the Christmas mood to reign in your team, give your colleagues small cute gifts that will correspond to the spirit of the holiday:

  • desktop calendars on relevant topics (if you work in an office);
  • Christmas baked goods - gingerbread or cookies;
  • angel figurines - porcelain, chocolate or other materials.