The lack of root volume is explained by a number of reasons: frequent stress, polluted environment and genetic predisposition.

Hair can be oily and lie flat to the scalp, or it can be straight, not thick enough, or long and lose its fullness under its own weight. At the same time, it is not recommended to use styling products liberally, since unlimited application of mousses or foams will weigh down the curls even more.

Fatty, fried foods and a lack of vitamins B, A and E have a bad effect on the condition of your hair. You can replenish their supply by eating eggs, beef, liver, various cereals, rye bread and greens.

Hair can also lose volume and look weak and lifeless if you don't sleep well, smoke a lot and are nervous. Therefore, it is necessary to solve the problem of curls without volume in a comprehensive manner, taking into account external and internal factors.

How to add volume at the roots to hair of different lengths

There are many different ways to create volume at the roots. They depend, first of all, on the length and thickness of your hair. Let's consider options for adding volume to curls of different lengths.

Volume at the roots on long hair

First of all, you need to follow the rules for washing long hair. They will help make your future attempts to create a beautiful hairstyle easier. To tone the scalp, add a little lemon juice or apple cider vinegar to cool water. This is a good remedy to neutralize the alkali that forms on the hair after shampooing. When the curls dry, they will gain volume and look beautiful and organic.

Use a shampoo that suits your hair type. You should not choose one that contains silicone or many nutritional components. They straighten the strands and add weight to long hair, which already has a lot of weight. Accordingly, the hair becomes less voluminous.

Don't neglect masks. Use them once a week to saturate your curls with nutrients and add some volume to your hair. The same goes for salt peels. They help exfoliate the dead layer of the epidermis, improve blood microcirculation and allow the scalp to breathe.

At the end of washing, pat your hair dry with a towel, and then use your fingers to lift the curls upward. If possible, try to shake your head more often so that the strands fall apart and fluff. Continue this until your hair is dry. This process is lengthy, but the result is clearly visible.

When you change the parting line, the curls will begin to show “resistance”, and thus they will look more voluminous and “alive”.

If you don't want to put too much effort into creating volume in your hair, braiding your hair at night will help you. Braid slightly damp curls into thin braids, the more, the more “lush” the result. In the morning, unravel them - and you will be content with curly, voluminous strands. If you want to make them straighter, then go through them with a comb several times. Your hair will become thick and natural.

When handling hair dryers and other hot styling devices, you must be aware of the risks your hair is exposed to. This can dry them out and lead to a deplorable appearance. Therefore, you should sometimes turn to the natural drying of your hair.

The most effective and optimal way to create volume is a properly selected haircut. This is achieved by cutting the curls in layers, making the top strands shorter than the bottom ones. For long hair, such shortening is often created using a razor, as it softens the hair structure and makes the transition smoother.

Adding volume at the roots to medium hair

To give more volume to medium hair, after washing your hair, let the curls dry a little on their own, pat them dry with a warm terry towel. Movements should not be sudden; under no circumstances should you squeeze the strands, because in this way you will damage their structure and squeeze out the internal moisture.

Then tilt your head and start blow-drying against the direction of the hair growth. Mousses or foams can help in this process. The principle of their action is that they create a thin film around the hair and thus fix it in a raised position.

Almost no manipulations related to adding volume to hair can be done without varnish, which is used to secure the effect at the end. However, you should not apply it all over your hair, as your hair should not lose its lightness. The level of fixation of the varnish is determined by the installation option.

One of the quick ways to add volume to medium-length hair is to style it with a crimp. These are special wavy attachments that are put on a curling iron. They are used like this: take a small strand at a distance of 5-10 cm from the roots and hold it with an iron, but for no more than 6 seconds. We carry out this procedure with all curls. Hair will gain waviness and volume.

Alternatively, you can try creating a voluminous style on medium hair using backcombing. It is better to do this the next day after washing your hair, then the volume will last longer. Use a flat comb. The distance between the teeth is selected depending on the length and type of hair. It is desirable that the main material be wood. Then your root area will not suffer from mechanical stress. First you should make a random parting, then separate a small strand and put a comb on it, as if at a distance of 12-15 centimeters from the roots. Then start moving it slowly from the ends of your hair to the roots, five movements are enough. Do this with other curls. Secure the result with varnish.

Curlers will help create volume at the roots. These are devices that are in the form of a cylinder (made from various materials) with small protrusions. Using curlers on medium hair is optimal, since short ones can end up sticking out and look sloppy, while long curls fall apart under their own heavy weight.

Curlers do not have such a detrimental effect on hair as hot air. The shorter the haircut, the smaller the diameter of the curler needed. First, comb your damp, clean hair, then it will not be too frizzy at the roots. Then take a strand, pull it perpendicular to your head and start winding it with curlers. The movement should be carried out from the bangs, then to the crown, back of the head and temples (in this part the curling goes in the direction of the growth of the curls). Remove the curlers in the reverse order after the hair is completely dry. You can comb only after 2 minutes, and use varnish to consolidate the effect.

The most popular for medium-length hair are torn haircuts, which at the same time have a clear geometry of the lines. Also for medium-length curls, stepped haircuts such as cascade and ladder are suitable.

Increasing volume at the roots on short hair

Proper drying with a hairdryer will help add volume to short hair. Its power should be strong enough so that the curls do not dry out and become brittle. It is necessary to have two temperature modes - warm and cold. The latter is used to secure the styling.

You will have more opportunities to create volume if the set includes a special attachment - a diffuser. It is most suitable for drying short hair, since the effect is little noticeable on long, heavy curls. After washing, you should let your head dry naturally for 2-3 minutes. Then we take a hair dryer with a nozzle, position it to the hair at an angle of 90 degrees and try to curl the curls onto the “fingers” of the diffuser. Streams of hot air are evenly distributed and curl the strands. Then, when the hair is almost dry, it is recommended to turn off the hair dryer, apply styling products, and then resume the procedure with the diffuser.

Reduce the period of drying short strands with a towel, as it makes the curls less pliable for further manipulation. Not only do you reduce the volume of hair at the roots by pressing it, but you also take away moisture from it, drying it out from the inside. You just need to blot it several times with a waffle towel and let your hair dry on its own.

After washing, it is recommended to comb your hair with a wooden brush. This should be done until you notice that they have dried visually, but are still slightly damp when touched. After this, you need to take a round brush - its large diameter will allow you to curl beautiful curls. Depending on your hair type, choose the type of stubble. It can be natural, plastic or a combination. Comb the strands in any direction using twisting movements, like paper being rolled into a tube. As a result, you will get voluminous curls.

Asymmetrical torn bangs will visually increase the overall mass of short hair. It is advisable that there be at least 5 steps of strands, this way you will get fluffy hair. For fine hair, a pixie cut is recommended. It suits any face type and creates a beautiful texture on the strands.

How to create volume at the roots of your hair

Those wishing to create impressive root hair volume have a wide range of possibilities and means for this. Hair dyeing, homemade masks and rinses, and salon procedures will help women achieve results.

How to create volume at the roots of your hair using coloring

To create voluminous hair using dyeing, you should contact a qualified specialist in the salon, because this is a rather complex process that is difficult to cope with on your own.

There are several techniques for coloring hair to give it additional volume. Let's look at them:

  • American highlighting is done by applying foil to individual curls. They are painted in different, but well-combined shades. Usually 4-5 colors are used, their transitions are smooth and create natural volume. This type of highlighting is more suitable for dark hair of any length.
  • For light brown hair, mazhimesh is used. This is a gentle method that does not have a harmful effect on the hair structure. The paint is made on a cream base, does not contain perhydrol and contains wax. You won't get a radically new color, but you will visually increase the volume at the roots of your hair.
  • The ombre hair coloring technique has also become widespread. The bottom line is that the ends of the curls are painted in a lighter shade. This effect is called “burnt hair”. Visually the volume of hair increases due to the transition from dark to light.

Volume hair at the roots at home using masks

You can create voluminous curls by using homemade masks. They are often made from available ingredients and are easy to apply. In addition to visually increasing the volume of hair, the hair receives a full range of nutrients.

There are these types of masks to add volume:

  1. Kefir mask. You will need to slightly warm low-fat kefir, add (at your discretion) a few drops of your favorite essential oil and apply the finished mixture to your hair, avoiding getting it on the root part. It is recommended to keep it for half an hour.
  2. Cognac-honey mask. Mix a glass of rock salt with a glass of heated honey, then pour in 50 grams of cognac and stir thoroughly. If desired, you can add essential oils. Pour the resulting mixture into a glass jar, close the lid and place in a cool place (not in the refrigerator). After two weeks, you will have a tincture that you can apply to your hair. It is recommended to keep it for an hour.
  3. Pine nut mask. Take 100 grams of pine nuts, chop them, add warm water to get the consistency of sour cream. Then pour this liquid into a clay pot and put it in the oven for 20 minutes at 160 degrees. It is recommended to apply the resulting mixture to your hair, keep it for 30-40 minutes and rinse thoroughly with cool water. As a result, you will have not only voluminous, but also healthy hair.
  4. Gelatin mask. Add one spoon of gelatin to the container and fill it with 100 milliliters of water at room temperature. In another plate, mix the egg yolk with a teaspoon of mustard. Then we combine the two resulting mixtures. Apply the mask to your hair for no more than half an hour and rinse with cool water.

How to add volume to hair at the roots using folk remedies

The principle of action of traditional medicine is to strengthen the internal hair structure. So the hair becomes thicker and more voluminous.

Rinsing curls with herbal decoctions is popular. The method of preparation is the same, only the ingredients differ. You will need to brew two tablespoons of a particular herb in a liter of water and let the liquid steep for at least an hour. Strain the broth and rinse your hair with it after washing.

Each herb has its own characteristics, choose the best option for yourself:

  • Nettle, thyme and hops strengthen hair follicles and give them shine.
  • Plantain and sage help fight split ends.
  • Burdock root prevents hair loss.
  • Onion peels and tea make curls wavy and are recommended for girls with dark hair.
  • Calendula and chamomile are suitable for fair-haired people.
  • Henna will significantly increase the volume, the effect lasts until the next wash.
In addition to herbs, you can prepare a bread tincture. Cut the black bread into small cubes, let it dry for several days, and then fill it with water. When the pieces soften, mix the tincture thoroughly and strain it to get rid of crumbs. This rinse is useful because it contains B vitamins, as well as amino acids. Hair will gain natural strength and elasticity.

Adding volume to hair using a boost-up procedure

Boost-up (translated from English as “boost up” - “increase to”) is a modern procedure that is aimed at creating root volume of hair. Carrying it out at home is extremely difficult, since it requires special means and the help of a specialist, so it is better to visit a beauty salon.

The process involves twisting thin strands onto special pins, then rinsing them with a solution that secures the shape. After this, the hair is washed and dried.

During the procedure, the curls seem to be corrugated, due to which the root volume of the hair appears. The boost-up cannot be straightened by washing, drying or hats. It lasts for a long period of time (from two months to six, depending on the length). After this, the curls take on their previous shape.

This bio-perm is as gentle as possible, especially since only part of the curls are affected during the procedure. It is especially good for those with oily hair types, because the strands dry out slightly.

How to add root volume to hair using extensions

Strand extensions are a hairdressing procedure aimed at increasing the thickness and volume of natural hair. There are two varieties of it, differing in the fixation of the strands: cold and hot.

During hot extensions, donor hair is soldered to the curls using keratin and a special curling iron. A small capsule appears at the junction, which is almost invisible and does not interfere with combing. This procedure is designed for 3-4 months, after which correction is required, as natural hair grows back and the transition becomes visible.

When cold building, high temperatures are not used. There are several types of it:

  1. Hair tape soldering. The procedure lasts no more than an hour. For this, they take a tape onto which other people’s curls are evenly glued, and fasten it to the bulbs of your strands. The transition is imperceptible.
  2. Spanish gluing technology. It is used on blond hair, as a capsule is formed at the seam, and on brunettes it is easy to see.
  3. Fastening with metal beads. This procedure is performed without chemicals; the hair is attached using small metal balls, the color of which is matched to the curls.
As for the harmfulness of the extension procedure, there is definitely a risk if an unqualified master takes on the job and low-quality materials are used. In addition, it is important to treat your hair with special care in the following months and follow the advice of your hairdresser.

How to make root volume of hair - watch the video:

To create the effect of voluminous hair, you should use a complex effect on the curls. The styling process begins with proper hair washing. Remember, do not get carried away with using hair dryers and curling irons, they have a negative effect on the hair structure. Also try to eat right and take care of your curls using traditional medicine.

Voluminous hair helps the fair sex solve a number of problems. Firstly: visually reduce the oval of the face. Secondly: present rare and thin hair from an advantageous angle. And thirdly: create a beautiful, stylish hairstyle for any occasion. Corrugations for root volume, long-term curls and ordinary everyday styling - there are many ways to create a voluminous hairstyle. We will tell you how the most popular ones are made in this article.

Why is volume needed?

Volume from the roots allows you to make your hair more impressive. In addition, it is simply necessary when it comes to situations such as:

  • the presence of thin/hard/sparse strands, as a result of which the hairstyle is difficult to style and does not retain its shape without root volume;
  • when you want to make your facial features a little softer;
  • owners of oily hair will be able to maintain the visual freshness of their hairstyle longer;
  • when voluminous curls are fashionable.

What you need to know

  1. Volumetric hair styling is created only after the head is thoroughly washed. The ideal solution would be to use shampoo for volume at the roots. Such products contain substances that envelop the hair and lift it.
  2. Before you make your hair voluminous, Apply special styling products to damp curls: foam (great for volume), mousse (fixes styling, has a drying effect, not suitable for heavy and long hair) or gel (holds its shape well, suitable for all types of hair). Carefully distribute the styling at the roots.
  3. For additional fixation of the finished hairstyle, use hairspray. Spray it at a distance of about 20 cm from the head. If the curls do not hold their shape well, then use the product while creating volume at the roots.
  4. Special volume sprays will also help achieve the desired effect. Available for strands with different textures. Their advantage is that they perfectly fix the hairstyle for a long time. You can use it both during the styling stages and during the day when you need to touch up your hair.

Advice. For volume at the roots, get the right haircut. Depending on the structure of your hair, the stylist will choose the best option for you.

Dependence on hair length

  1. Short haircuts. Volume styling for short hair is not a complicated procedure. It is good to use a hair dryer, curlers, corrugation, combing for such purposes.
  2. Styling long and medium length curls. The longer the strand, the more it is pulled down and the volume may disappear. Therefore, voluminous styling for long hair requires special care. The longer the curl, the better the fixation should be. Be sure to use styling products for this.

How to create root volume

Using curlers

When choosing curlers to lift your roots, remember that It is better to create root volume for short hair with small-diameter stylers.

But it is preferable to do volume for long hair using large bobbins. Most often, Velcro or hot rollers are used for such purposes.

How to lay:

  1. Apply the styler to clean hair.
  2. If you use Velcro curlers for root volume, then the curls should be slightly damp, and if thermal stylers, dry and treated with thermal protection. Make a curl by dividing your hair into zones: temporal and central. It is better to wind the curlers in the direction from the forehead to the back of the head. Fix the stylers well so that they do not dangle, otherwise you will not be able to lift the roots. Using Velcro curlers, secure them with clips at the bottom.
  3. Wait until the hair on your head is completely dry (you can use a hairdryer). If using hot rollers, make sure they cool thoroughly before removing.
  4. Remove the stylers and fluff your hair with your hands.
  5. If necessary, spray with varnish.

Using a corrugated iron

Root volume using corrugation has clear advantages over other types - the effect lasts a long time. And for hair that lends itself well to styling, it is not even necessary to use styling products. To lift your hair using this method, you need to know which corrugation is most suitable for these purposes.

Attention! For thin and fragile curls, take a small corrugation, but if you have thick or coarse hair, it is better to choose a medium one.

How to use a corrugated curling iron to create root volume:

  1. Apply heat protectant to clean, dry hair.
  2. Lift the top layer of hair and secure it with clips. You will use it to cover the corrugated areas so that they are not visible.
  3. Create a root corrugation. To do this, grab part of the curls under the clamps and place it between the plates of the heated iron. Please note that it should not be thick, otherwise the desired bends will not be obtained.
  4. Warm up the hair for 5-15 seconds. The time depends on the condition of the hair - hold thin, weak curls for up to 5 seconds, thick and hard curls for up to 15 seconds.
  5. If your hair is long, heat the same strand a little lower; for medium and short lengths, it is enough to create a mini corrugation once on each strand being processed.
  6. Add volume to your hair using a flat iron and on other curls under the clips.
  7. Cover the corrugated areas with a top layer of hair.
  8. Comb your curls and, if necessary, fix with hairspray.

To prevent creases from being noticeable, use the iron only on the sides and back of your hair. Leave the area around your face uncurled.

If you crimp only one layer with a styler, you will get a low volume, and if you want to make your hairstyle especially voluminous, you can also crimp the lower sections of your hair.

Those with coarse strands should treat them with hairspray before curling. In other cases, the corrugation will hold up well without additional styling products.

Using a curling iron

Using a curling iron, you can also lift your hair at the roots. For this:

  1. Apply heat protectant to clean hair.
  2. Warm up the curling iron and press it onto the first strand at the roots. Moreover, place it close enough to the skin to get the desired volume and not get burned. Hold the styler with the strand for about 5 seconds.
  3. Do the same with the rest of your hair.

Blow dry

Perhaps, the most popular and fastest way to get root volume at home.

How to create root volume using a hairdryer at home:

  1. Apply thermal protection to washed curls.
  2. Take a round brush (the longer the curls, the wider the diameter of the comb) and pick up a strand of hair with it.
  3. Start drying the selected bunch of hair directly on the comb, constantly turning it and twisting the curls. Dry the area at the roots especially well with a hairdryer, lifting them with brushing.
  4. Work your way through your entire hair and then comb it, making twisting movements at the ends of your hair.
  5. When the hairstyle is formed, try to sit quietly for a couple of minutes until the curls cool. This will fix them in the desired position.

To speed up blow drying, At the very beginning of the procedure, you can tilt your head down and in this position dry your hair at the roots. Once the selected area is well dried, lift your head and start brushing the ends. It is especially effective to create such root hair volume for short hair.


The method, tested for decades, does not lose its relevance today. With the help of backcombing you can get the most diverse hairstyles. Moreover, it is often combined with other methods of obtaining volume.

How to do:

  1. Take a thin strand of hair and a fine-toothed comb.
  2. Move the comb up and down to create the desired bouffant. Work the area only at the roots, do not touch the ends. For additional hold, spray the finished comb with varnish.
  3. Do the same with other strands.
  4. To finish styling, run a wide-tooth comb through the top of your hair, smoothing out any flyaways. Fix the finished hairstyle with hairspray.

If you need to do a voluminous styling for long hair, then it is better to comb only the back and side areas at the very top of the hair.

For short strands, backcombing must be done all over the head to maintain the shape of the haircut.

Important! Don't get carried away with this method of achieving volume too often. The bouffant injures the curls.

Salon treatments


Boost-up is a perm designed to provide long-term volume at the roots.

The essence of the procedure is to curl part of the hair - the top layer is not touched, it covers the curled strands on special hairpins in the root area.

The treated area is about 10 mm from the scalp. Afterwards, the curled area is treated with a special composition that preserves curls for a long time - up to 6 months.

To prevent the procedure from becoming a sad experiment, it is worth choosing a qualified specialist and a high-quality composition. The most gentle are cysteamine-based products. And don’t neglect special care for your hair after curling. Otherwise, the hair will become brittle, begin to fall out, and so on.


As in the previous case, this procedure allows you to obtain root volume for a long time using a special composition. Most of these products are gentle and cause minimal harm to the hair.

This root biowave is done using a backcomb, which is treated with a compound, and a plastic cap is put on top for a while. After this, the bouffant is carefully combed, and the hair turns out voluminous.


Ecovolum (aka Ecovolium, EcoVolume) - this is a root biowave, which consists of the following steps: special stylers in the form of corrugated clips are put on the hair in the root area, a backcomb is done below so that it does not slide down.

Areas with clamps are treated with the compound and left for some time. The effect of lush hair lasts up to 4 months.

Root volume is so in demand that modern stylists have come up with many ways to achieve it. Which one to choose is up to you. Any method has its advantages and disadvantages.

If you want the most gentle method, use curlers, but you need the fastest - a hairdryer or backcomb. Well, if you don’t want to bother with styling every day, then use salon procedures. In this case, make sure that the work uses a high-quality composition. And be prepared for the fact that it is not cheap.

Try, draw conclusions and be irresistible, creating high-quality root volume for any occasion.

Useful videos

Secrets of root volume.

How to make voluminous hair.

How to make hair voluminous? At the ends it’s quite simple - just wrap it with curlers or a curling iron. But the root volume is much more difficult to create. There are a lot of methods, from simple combing to salon procedures, but they are not universal, and they should be selected based on the type and condition of the hair, as well as the time and money you are willing to spend on it.

I have coarse and porous hair, which has only one advantage - volume. And when I try to smooth them out and “tame” them (for example, with the help of ), they acquire shine and silkiness, but the volume goes away. It is especially lacking at the roots, where the hair simply “sticks” to the head. With a flat back of the head, this looks especially unsightly, so I tried many ways to create root volume in this area.

Method 1 – regular backcombing

This is the simplest and oldest method for root volume, which our grandmothers used. All you need is hairspray and a comb. You can use a regular comb or this special brush for backcombing:

How to backcomb the back of the head:

  1. We separate the strands of the occipital zone, which we will comb, and pin them on the top of the head.
  2. Starting from the bottom, separate a layer of hair with a horizontal parting, spray it a little with hairspray and comb it.
  3. Having combed the entire area in layers, we leave the top layer without combing and cover the previous ones with it. We spray the entire “structure” with varnish.

Who is this method suitable for?: Only for those with thick hair. Sparse hair will not block the backcomb, and it will be visible. For oily, thick hair, this method is also not very good, since the root volume will not last long. On dry hair, the bouffant will hold very well, the main thing is not to overdo it with styling products, which can also contribute to drying.

Advantages of backcombing:

  • It's very easy to do, any girl can handle it
  • does not require expensive products, devices or electricity, combing can be done anywhere, even on a hike


  • when combing, the hair gets very tangled, and it is very difficult to comb it later, you can even damage it when combing it
  • if you comb it too much, then this “nest” may be noticeable from under the top layer, especially in windy weather
Method 2 - corrugation

It’s a little more complicated, but also quite doable at home. Due to small zigzag bends, the strands overlap each other with “gaps”, which creates a root volume, or even a full volume if the entire length is corrugated. I have a corrugated cable from Aliexpress, it copes with the task quite well:

This method is similar to the previous one in execution:

  1. I separate the area where I will do root volume and pin it.
  2. Starting from the bottom, I separate thin layers of hair with horizontal partings and crimp them using special curling irons at the roots. In this case, an indent of about 1 cm is made from the roots so as not to damage them and burn the skin. The length of the corrugation itself can be any - from a few centimeters to the entire length. But the more corrugation is made, the more noticeable it will be. For the root volume, 5-7 cm is enough.
  3. I crimp all the layers of the selected area, except the last one, and just like when combing, I put the last layer on top to hide the previous ones.

Who is corrugation suitable for: for everyone who wouldn't like a bouffant. That is, it will look good on sparse hair, even if it is visible. It will dry out oily hair a little and due to heat styling, the root volume will last longer. But those with dry hair should not get carried away with corrugation, so as not to completely ruin it.

Advantages of corrugation:

  • hair does not get tangled, it will be easy to comb
  • does not require hair styling products
  • even if the wind suddenly blows, and crimped hair “looks out” from under the smooth layer of hair, it will look much nicer than a tangled tangle of hair.


  • crimping, like ironing with a curling iron, is harmful to hair due to the high temperature
  • non-moisture resistant effect. Your hair will straighten in the rain

Advice: in order not to spoil your hair, do crimping after washing your hair on thoroughly dried hair, and do not repeat it until the next wash. Even if during this time the root volume decreases slightly, it is better to lift the strands and spray with hairspray at the roots.

Method 3 – hair powder

A styling product that appeared relatively recently. It is a fine white powder and is used very similar to... baby powder!

Powder for root volume is applied to the roots and rubbed into the hair, after which it becomes stiff and literally “stands like a stake.” This product (professional line) is often used in creating holiday and wedding hairstyles. In combination with corrugation and backcombing, this is what happens:

The effect of such powder from the mass market is much less bright and lasting:

A post shared by Olga Lisa(@okosmeo) on Mar 20, 2017 at 2:59am PDT

Who is suitable for root volume powder: for those with fat roots! In effect, it is very similar to dry shampoo, only with the added advantage of fixation.

Advantages of hair powder:

  • ease of use
  • reduction of oily roots
  • long-term fixation (for professional products)


  • cheap powders give the effect of dirty hair
  • good powder for root volume is quite expensive
Method 4 – Bust-Up procedure

This is a salon procedure based on a perm. Its mode of action is the same as with corrugation, only the effect lasts for a long time - until it grows back.

How to do it (I still haven’t decided, so the photo is someone else’s):

A root chemical or bois perm is applied to the selected area using very thin bobbins. The length of the curled section of hair is about 5 cm. The top layer of hair remains without curling, and curls are not visible underneath.

Who is Bust-Up suitable for?: those with oily roots. This procedure will dry them out. In general, hair for Boost-Up, as well as for chemistry, should be healthy, preferably not bleached or over-dried.

Advantages of Bust-Up:

  • long-term effect that will last for 4-5 months. It is recommended to repeat the procedure once every six months.


  • harmful to hair. This is the same perm, especially with a small diameter bobbin, which makes the creases in the curls more fragile. When repeating the procedure, the curl is partially layered on top of the previous one, which can lead to fragility after just a few times.
  • As it grows, the root chemistry doesn’t go away. The curls will remain in the same place, only they will be further and further away from the roots.
  • Not cheap. Like any salon procedure, Boost-Up is quite expensive.
Method 5 – braiding or twisting at the roots

If root volume by combing, crimping or chemicals does not suit you because these methods are unsafe, then you can try this method, which is absolutely harmless to the hair, but will take quite a lot of time.

It's best to do this before bed:

  1. We select the area to create root volume in the same way as in the previous methods.
  2. Divide hair into small strands
  3. We braid each strand at the roots into a short braid (4-5 cm) or twist it onto a thin bobbin.

The same effect is obtained as in the previous methods.

Who is it suitable for: those who have a lot of time and patience. Braiding so many small, even short, braids is a painstaking task, and I personally have never been able to complete it. And sleeping on bobbins is very uncomfortable.

Advantages of weaving or twisting:

  • completely harmless to hair
  • good effect comparable to professional


  • hard to do by yourself
  • takes a lot of time
  • causes discomfort during sleep
  • the effect is not permanent, since there is no thermal curling or chemicals
Method 6 – special inserts: rollers and pins

Now there are a lot of accessories with which you can create root volume at home. In stores they are inexpensive, but on the Internet (for example, on AliExpress) you can buy them for pennies.

They are used approximately the same:

  1. Using a horizontal parting from the temples to the back of the head, we separate the top layer of hair and pin it on the top of the head.
  2. Under this layer, at the back of the head, make a small bun and tie it tightly with an elastic band.
  3. We insert a roller or hairpin over the bun so that the teeth fall behind the elastic band.
  4. We unravel the top layer of hair over the roller and tie it again in the form of a “malvinka”

The root volume is obtained due to the insertion.

Who are the inserts suitable for: everyone except those with sparse hair, in which these rollers will be visible. They are also not suitable for those who like loose hair, because they won’t hold up without a hairstyle, or they will become noticeable at the first gust of wind. But a ponytail, braid and any high hairstyle with root volume on a roller will look great


  • quick, simple, easy to do at home
  • harmless to hair


  • not suitable for loose hair, such rollers are worn only under the hairstyle
  • when you let your hair down and remove the roller, not a trace remains of the root volume
Method 7 – shampoos and masks for hair volume

Theoretically, their scheme of action is to envelop each hair with a composition containing silicone, due to which the hair becomes thicker and more voluminous. But I never found a shampoo or mask that would give real, noticeable results. Therefore, I will not recommend it, since I consider this to be another scam of money from us, gullible consumers.

Such means can be used, as they say, to calm the soul. But if you really don’t have enough root volume, then it’s better to look for something else.

The only exception is dry shampoo, which dries and lifts hair at the roots. And although it was not created for root volume, but for emergency hair washing, its effect is often much better than many professional products:

Many girls would dream of learning how to create spectacular hair volume at the roots that would last long enough. After all, Mother Nature has not endowed all representatives of the fair sex with such wealth as thick, luxurious hair. Fortunately, at this point in time there are a lot of ways that will help solve this problem without putting significant effort into it.

Photo: hair volume at the roots

If you want to give your curls volume at the roots, we recommend that you use a unique program that includes proper care, which serves as the main foundation for all other manipulations. Competent care consists of several points that are important to follow impeccably.

If you follow all the recommendations of experts, you will very soon notice an increase in the volume of your curls, they will become stronger, more radiant, and filled with a luxurious mirror shine. So let's get started. You will need to analyze your life and understand whether everything in it contributes to the beauty of your curls.

1. Special care products. Take a look at your bathroom cabinet, what hair care products do you use? It is important to reconsider them in the most radical way, since you have seriously set out to achieve a voluminous and voluminous hairstyle.

First of all, you need to forever forget about ordinary stores, as well as cosmetic boutiques. Only professional cosmetics can help you. Also, if possible, try to use all products from one line from one cosmetic brand. If you want to gain the long-awaited volume at the roots, pay attention to the label, it should indicate “Volume”. And, of course, to increase the effect, we advise you to purchase the entire range of care products at once, that is, shampoo, conditioner and a special styling spray.

Do not think that you can solve your problem solely by using store-bought products. It’s very good if you also include home remedy therapy here. Thus, masks made from familiar products that are present in the refrigerator of every good housewife (kefir, honey, eggs) will have an excellent nutritional effect. Herbal rinses (from sage, mint, hops, rosemary, birch, calendula, oak bark, burdock root and other herbs) also help solve this problem. Cosmetologists advise after each shampooing to perform aromatic combing using essential oils (lavender and mint are considered the most effective). Using an additional arsenal, you can get volume at the roots much faster. And you will not need to worry about possible side effects, because natural cosmetics are completely safe for health.

3. Good nutrition. If you are wondering how to add volume to your hair, it is important to review your diet. Of course, with the help of special masks you can give strength to the roots, but a number of biologically active substances (the same vitamins) are not able to penetrate so deeply as to renew and activate all cellular processes that directly affect the density of curls.

You can achieve a more pronounced effect if you enrich your daily menu with vitamins and valuable microelements. Taken internally, they will be in the right places much faster and will give you the much-desired volume at the roots. Surely everyone knows the basic principles of proper nutrition, but not everyone has the willpower to stick to them.

The most important point is that if you strive for healthy and beautiful hair, you will need to minimize junk food (fast food), fatty, smoked foods and alcoholic drinks. , as well as dairy products, fish and red meat. Try to go on such a “diet” for at least seven days and you will definitely see changes happening to your curls - they will gradually become more voluminous and voluminous.

Photo: Hair treatment with vitamins

4. Treatment. Often, hair can lose volume and vitality as a result of one or another pathology, which gradually undermines the body from the inside. It is important to prevent its development. Every year, undergo a full medical examination, seek advice from doctors, undergo timely treatment and monitor the prevention of diseases to which you are prone. Remember that hair is a litmus test that directly reflects any changes occurring in your body, just like your skin.

Gradually, masks that previously did not give an obvious result will become more effective, because they will be supplemented with proper care. But if the effect of masks is a rather lengthy process, when the same product has to be used regularly, then you can get immediate results from styling. How to add volume to your hair with its help and keep it for a long time - read on.

Correct installation. How to add volume to your hair?

Photo: How to add volume to hair

Its goal will be to create volume at the roots, due to which the entire mass of curls will rise and create the impression that there are much more strands than there actually are. This technique is effective if we consider the final result. But there is one “but” - you cannot resort to this method too often, because this is fraught with negative consequences. During the styling process, special tools are used, such as hair dryers, straightening irons and curling irons.

They do not have the best effect on the condition of the strands, despite giving an external shine. Therefore, you should not do styling very often, giving your hair the opportunity to rest and recover after this manipulation.

To get spectacular volume at the roots, we advise you to use the following recommendations from beauty experts:

The installation itself proceeds as follows:

  • On damp hair (namely the root area), you need to apply a small amount of special volume mousse.
  • Then they start. Lower your head down, pull the strands away from the roots and direct the air from the hair dryer in this direction. After drying this area, repeat the described manipulation on all hair.
  • If you have very long hair, it is better to use a comb instead of a hairdryer, which can also help you get the volume you need at the roots. The only disadvantage of backcombing is that the hair tends to get tangled after it.
  • Give your hair the desired shape.
  • Apply a thin layer of varnish on top.

Now you know how to add volume to your hair in just a couple of minutes by styling it yourself. Of course, this is by no means the only way to make your hair chic and give it a well-groomed look.

You can get a much more pronounced and, most importantly, long-lasting effect from regularly performing homemade masks that thicken the hair structure and make the curls stronger and stronger.

Chemical methods

Photo: perm

The most radical method with which you can, however, add significant volume to thin hair is perm. But its negative effect often exceeds its positive one, so we will not advise you this method and will put it aside.

There is another long-term installation technique known as carving. Its effect lasts for 4-9 weeks. Carving practically does not disturb the hair structure. After this manipulation, coloring should be postponed for two to three months.

Little tricks

Check out these clever tricks to help you get volume at your roots without much effort.

Photo: Hair therapy using homemade masks

As mentioned earlier, masks using natural ingredients have a very good effect on increasing the volume of curls. They help improve the structure of the hair, make the strands stronger, and increase their elasticity. We inherited all these recipes from previous generations. But despite this, they work great and will not require any financial investment from you.

For volume in your curls, you can use a range of products, essential oils and herbs. Thanks to the completely natural composition, you will protect yourself from various side effects. These products do not contain aggressive components, so you can leave them on your head for about 60 minutes.

It is important to perform masks regularly - on average 1-2 times a week. There are a great many mask recipes; you can choose the most suitable for your hair type, taking into account all its needs.

We bring to your attention the most popular recipes with detailed descriptions:

Photo: Salt for hair mask

Recipe 1.

It is necessary to heat 100 milliliters of any honey in a water bath, add to it the same amount of high-quality cognac and add 100 grams of sea salt. Mix all ingredients thoroughly, pour the resulting mixture into a jar, close tightly and leave to brew for 10 days in a cool, dark place.

Recipe 2.

Beat 30 grams of low-fat mayonnaise with 2 homemade eggs. Heat one tablespoon of olive oil in a water bath and add it to the main mass. Apply the cooled mixture to your hair; you can leave it on for up to two hours.

Recipe 3.

Photo: hair egg

Take a teaspoon of gelatin powder, add 100 milliliters of warm water to it, and leave to stand for 20 minutes. During this time, whisk one teaspoon of mustard powder with a raw chicken egg yolk. Mix the two mixtures, apply to your hair and leave for 30 minutes (do not increase the time of use of this mask, because it contains mustard).

Recipe 4.

Grind 125 grams of dry nettle, add to it 2 teaspoons of colorless henna powder and one raw yolk, previously well beaten. Dilute the mixture with warm water until the consistency of sour cream is formed. Leave the mask on your hair for one to two hours.

Recipe 5.

Take a tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice, mix with the same amount of castor oil, as well as two tablespoons of warm honey and one yolk. Use the mask on your hair for an hour, then rinse with water at room temperature.

Recipe 6.

Bring two tablespoons of castor oil to a warm state, add one tablespoon of vodka to them. Stir the mixture well, apply to hair for 45-50 minutes, rinse with water without using shampoo.

Recipe 7.

Heat 500 milliliters of full-fat kefir, add one home-made egg to it. As in previous versions, the mask is applied to the curls for 45-60 minutes, and after this time is washed off with warm water.

Recipe 8.

Photo: hair oil

Take two tablespoons of castor oil and burdock oil, bring to a warm state in a water bath. Add one tablespoon of chopped aloe pulp and one raw yolk to the mixture. Use the finished mask in the same way as the previous options.

Recipe 9.

A mask that gives volume to curls based on white clay. It is very effective and easy to prepare. You will need to take 2 tablespoons of kaolin (white clay), add warm water until the required consistency is formed. Leave the mask to act on your hair for 15 minutes. When rinsing, a lot of hair will be washed away, but there is no need to panic. White clay removes dead hair follicles that interfere with the growth and development of new, healthy and strong hair.

Recipe 10.

Pour 2 tablespoons of dry yeast with 250 milliliters of warm kefir. In addition to the fact that this mask will give your curls the desired volume and vitality, it will also activate the process of the appearance of new hairs.

Recipe 11.

Photo: pine nuts for hair

Grind 100 grams of peeled pine nuts, dilute them with warm water until the required consistency is formed. Pour the mixture into a ceramic pot and place in the oven for 30 minutes (at 150 degrees). With daily use of this miraculous product, you will give your hair vitality, amazing volume, enviable thickness, and make it stronger.

Recipe 12.

Take one teaspoon each of mint, rosemary, basil, sage, finely chop. Pour 500 ml of apple cider vinegar over the herbs (if you have dry hair, reduce the amount of vinegar by half). Add 3-4 drops each of mint and lavender essential oils. Close the lid tightly and leave in a glass container for several weeks in a dark place. Then dilute two tablespoons of the resulting infusion with 250 milliliters of warm water and rub into the scalp overnight. Wash off this mask only in the morning.

After reading this article, you know for sure how to give your hair the volume it needs, use opsian recommendations in your life and you will significantly improve your appearance, as well as your mood. Be healthy and beautiful always!

Watch the video: Hair volume at the roots - 4 ways to create it

Watch the video: The best ways to achieve volume at the roots!

The problem of root hair volume (or rather, the lack thereof) is relevant for many. In the summer, you can still live with this. You do the volume - and this is enough for the evening or, at best, for the day. But in winter the choice is small: either the hat kills the last hints of full hair, or you freeze your ears, but the hairstyle is beautiful. Admit it, who recognized themselves?

Why is this question relevant?

Jokes aside, but creating root volume and ensuring that it lasts for a long time is not an easy task. And this is where beauty salons and beauty bloggers on YouTube come to the rescue. The arsenal of products and tools for the hairstyle of your dreams makes your hair stand on end (but not for long and not in the way we want). What are they offering us?

Basically, these are methods based on the use of a hair dryer, curling irons, corrugation and a sea of ​​hairspray. Those who desperately want a voluminous hairstyle at any cost will agree to such a set, but over time they will switch to nourishing and restorative masks, or radically change their image by cutting off burnt and chemical-filled hair. And who needs it?

How does using a hair dryer too often harm your hair?

If you blow-dry your hair 1-2 times a week at medium power using thermal protection, and do treatment masks a couple of times a week, then using a hair dryer is unlikely to come back to haunt you. But few people bother so much about hair care. They dry mainly according to the principle “the faster, the better”, that is, at maximum power and minimum distance from the hair, which is fraught. Hair dries out, becomes brittle and splits.

Why does improper use cause more harm?

The flow of hot air is harmful in itself, and if handled incorrectly, it is even dangerous: you can burn your scalp, ears, and face. If the air flow is directed at the hair roots, the skin along with the hair follicles overheats, begins to flake (hello, dandruff!), hair nutrition is disrupted, it becomes weak and lifeless, grows poorly and falls out.

Further. Remember about the hair cuticle, or more precisely, the scales that form it? With proper drying, when you direct the air flow from the roots to the ends, the scales are smoothed, excess moisture does not evaporate from the hair, and it is protected from external influences. In the opposite direction, the scales rise, dirt and chemicals get trapped under them, and when combing in this position, you also rip them off with a comb. The hair is damaged, and a restorative mask will no longer help. Take care of your hair - dry it correctly!

For which hair is a hair dryer most dangerous?

The weaker and finer the hair, the more dangerous the hair dryer, curling iron and flat iron are for it. They are also dangerous for strong hair, but they will last a little longer without visible consequences.

How to add volume to your hair at the roots without a hair dryer, curling iron or curlers?

Simple but unpredictable

The easiest way, but not suitable for everyone, is to go to bed with wet hair. You can pre-tie ponytails or braid hair. But be prepared for the fact that the result may be unpredictable.

Raise after washing

A more predictable and manageable process will require you to have freshly washed hair. When washing, it is better to use light shampoo and conditioner, then you can rinse your hair with cool water with the addition of lemon juice - this tones the skin, the hair will rise at the roots and will be easier to style.

We have information on how to dry your hair without a hair dryer. Now your hair is dried and ready for styling. Use a massage brush to thoroughly comb your hair so that there are no knots left and your hair is “breathable.” If your brush cannot cope with these simple tasks, it’s time to find a replacement in our catalog.

Run your hands through your hair, fluff it up and gently lift it at the roots. The volume should already appear. Now lower your head down and spray your hair with hairspray. To maintain volume throughout the day, lift your hair at the roots with your hands.

Using powder

Next method: styling powder. Since the powder can absorb sebum, it is used only on clean and dry hair. The method of application is simple: separate a strand, sprinkle a small amount of powder on the roots and distribute evenly. The powder melts on the hair, invisibly envelops and lifts it at the roots. It is used only in the root zone and in small quantities, otherwise you risk getting the “icicle” effect.

Among the disadvantages of this method, we have the cost of powder (about 300 rubles and more) and the untidy appearance of the hair the next day - and we know that daily washing greatly harms the hair.

Using fleece

Another way is classic combing. Everyone knows about it, but not everyone knows how to do it correctly. I'll explain now. Many people believe that they need to make more movements with the comb along the strand, then the comb will be larger and last longer. But no, you only damage your hair more.

How to do it right?

  1. To keep the surface of the hairstyle smooth, select a few strands with which you will cover the backcomb and pin them with a clip. If you don’t have them, you can choose them from us - for every taste, color and shape.
  2. Select a strand 1-2 cm thick and place it perpendicular to the surface of the head. Insert a thin comb into the strand and guide it to the roots. Perform a couple of light movements on the inside and outside of the strand. Treat your entire head in this manner. If you have heavy hair, coat each strand with a small amount of hairspray.
  3. Finally, cover your combed hair with smooth strands, smooth it with a comb and spray with hairspray.

How to do volume with a hairdryer, but without harm?

Unfortunately, you don’t always have time to dry your hair and create a voluminous hairstyle without a hair dryer, and sometimes you’re just lazy. In such cases, it is important to reduce the harm from using a hair dryer.

How enough power allows you to dry your hair faster without overheating

Moisture is evaporated not so much by the thermal effect as by the air flow itself. The more powerful this flow, the faster the evaporation occurs. The temperature should be average. Therefore, it is best to buy a hair dryer with several power and temperature options.

How ionization helps preserve hair structure

Ionization is provided by a special plate that produces and adds ions to the air flow, breaking the water on the surface of the hair into microscopic droplets. Droplets of this size are actively absorbed by the hair, as a result, the outside of the hair dries faster, and the inside is saturated with moisture. We get healthy, smooth and shiny hair. Unless, of course, they were killed in the first place.