Everyone loves white shoes, but because they get very dirty, they try not to buy them.

Knowing simple ways to clean white shoes at home, you can safely put them on without fear of getting them dirty.

Natural remedies

You can tidy up your sneakers yourself. You don't have to use dry cleaning services for this. In addition, you can save money on this. After all, natural products quickly remove dirt and are inexpensive.


You can clean white shoes at home with lemon juice. This citrus contains natural acid that can destroy.

How to wash sneakers and their soles:

  1. If traces of grass appear on your favorite sports item, do not despair. Take baking soda and mix with lemon juice in such proportions as to make a thick paste. Apply the mixture to green stains, leave for 20 minutes and wash the sneakers with powder. It is better to use a gel product so that there are no streaks left.
  2. Homemade bleach will help remove serious stains. It is prepared from soda, vinegar and lemon juice. The ratio of ingredients is 3:2:1. The mixture is applied to the entire sneaker or only heavily soiled areas. You can leave it on for 15 minutes, or you can wash it off immediately. If the material of the product allows, then rub it with a toothbrush to strengthen it.
  3. If you don't have time to prepare a home remedy, cut a slice of lemon and rub it all over your shoes. Pay special attention to the soles and stains. The product is left for 15 minutes so that the juice penetrates into the deeper layers and brings out all the dirt. Wash under running water and dry according to label instructions.
  4. You can mix 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice and lime. The product is wiped with the resulting composition.

Lemon will not damage the fabric because it is a natural remedy. It can be used to process rubber boots, leather and fabric products.

Lemon juice or a slice can only whiten light-colored shoes. It is not suitable for black things.

Baking soda

Baking soda is used to clean white shoes. This product should always be in the house as it effectively removes any kind of dirt.

How to clean:

  1. Pour baking soda into a plastic container, then pour in a little vinegar. The mixture should foam, don't be alarmed, but quickly apply it to your white sneakers. Apply the mixture using an old brush. After half an hour, the shoes are washed under running water.
  2. Rubber boots can be washed in this way: first they are moistened with water, then sprinkled with soda and rubbed with a regular dish sponge. Then rinse again under running water, removing any remaining product.
  3. For suede sneakers or boots, use the following method: dry soda is poured onto the contaminated area and left for a while. After about 20–30 minutes, it is removed with a rubber brush, and at the same time the pile is raised.
  4. Another good method for cleaning shoes is baking soda with hydrogen peroxide. Mix ½ tbsp. l. water with ½ tbsp. l. hydrogen peroxide, add 1 tbsp. l. soda. The composition is applied to the surface of the sneakers; no need to rub in. You just need to distribute the mixture evenly. The boots are left in this form for 4 hours in the sun. When the mixture dries, simply brush off the soda with a soft brush. Can be used for rubber and fabric products.

After, don’t forget to dry it and check for moisture inside. If water gets inside, fill the product with white paper, but not newspaper, and change it periodically.

Vinegar solution is an excellent cleaning agent for removing various contaminants from clothes and shoes.

Using this method of removing dirt, you must wear a respirator and rubber gloves.

The vinegar solution can be used to clean nubuck and velor items, patent leather, as well as suede and canvas sneakers.

How to clean:

  1. Nubuck and velor. It is necessary to prepare the following solution: 1 tbsp. l. 9% vinegar is diluted in 500 ml of water. Contaminated areas are treated with a cotton pad. This material does not like excess moisture, so there is no need to rinse nubuck and velor, just blot it with clean water and take it to fresh air to ventilate and dry. Only proper care can save an item from the trash can.
  2. Patent leather. Vinegar is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10. The skin is wiped with the prepared solution and the residue is immediately removed with clean water. After this, patent leather shoes must be wiped dry.
  3. Suede leather. takes more time, since this material is very finicky and should be looked after accordingly. First, the product is treated with 1 tbsp. l. baking soda dissolved in 200 ml of milk. Then wipe against the lint and apply the following solution: 1 tsp. vinegar mixed with 1 liter of water. The product is left to dry, no need to wash.
  4. Rag sneakers are less demanding to care for, so you can use a more aggressive product. In a plastic container, mix vinegar with tooth powder and baking soda in equal quantities. The stain is treated with the mixture and washed off with water after 10 minutes.

Vinegar has, try to use it less often on fabric shoes. Or after cleaning, wash it with water and laundry detergent or fabric softener to remove the stink.


Olive oil treatment is suitable for leather products. It perfectly removes dirt without damaging the material.

TO How to clean light-colored shoes:

  1. Pour a couple of tablespoons of olive oil into a small container.
  2. Take a piece of cotton cloth and apply some on your shoes.
  3. Rub into the surface in a circular motion.
  4. Then polish with a clean cotton cloth.

There is no need to rinse off olive oil with water. It can protect leather products from scratches and other damage due to the fact that it creates an invisible film.

You can also use the following home remedy for natural and patent leather:

  1. Olive oil and vinegar are mixed in equal quantities. For knee-length boots you will need 2 tbsp. l. everyone.
  2. The mixture is applied with a dry cloth to the shoes and left for 12 hours.
  3. The remaining solution is removed with water. Oil is difficult to remove, wash it with dishwashing detergent.
  4. Then polish the leather item.

This method will also help protect your favorite boots or shoes from scratches. But the first method of using olive oil works longer and better.

Other methods

You can return your shoes to their former whiteness in other ways. To do this, use household chemicals, which include special cleaning products or others used, for example, for cleaning teeth and tires.

Tire cleaner

Tire conditioner is an ideal solution for removing dirt from leather shoes. This is an unusual use of such a remedy, but as practice shows, it is very effective.

Tire cleaner is applied to the white leather with a brush or rag. You should not leave the product on the surface for a long time. Immediately after wiping the skin, remove any residue with a dry cloth.

If you don’t want to buy a cleaner, contact a tire repair service center. Perhaps they will process your shoes there, of course for a fee.


Toothpaste perfectly removes yellow stains from white shoes. You will need a soft brush and a product without dyes or abrasive particles.

Toothpaste is applied to the contaminated areas, rubbed and left for a while.

Remains of the product are removed with a soft cloth. The skin can be rinsed under running water.

Toothpaste cannot be used on suede, nubuck and velor. After all, this is chemistry, and it is harmful for such delicate materials.


Dirty shoes can be easily removed from stains if you use Vaseline. After this procedure, you will be able to show off perfectly white sneakers.

Using a clean piece of cloth, apply Vaseline to the surface of the shoe in a circular motion. You need to let the shoes rest for 4 hours. During this time, the Vaseline will have time to be absorbed. Remains of the product are removed with a clean napkin.

This protects leather boots and sneakers from further damage. It also prevents water from being absorbed into the material.

Washing machine

White fabric sneakers and sneakers can be washed in this unit. Before this, you need to tie both pairs together and put them in a fabric bag. This will prevent the sneakers from hitting the drum too much.

You cannot put more than two pairs of shoes in the washing machine.

Washing mode - delicate. Temperature no more than 30 degrees. After the procedure in the most natural conditions.

Light-colored shoes look very impressive, especially in the summer. But it has a big drawback - it gets dirty quickly.

Clean these shoes every evening after putting them on, and do not allow them to become heavily soiled. This is the only way to preserve the appearance of the product.

Are you looking for homemade ways to clean white shoes and get rid of yellow stains? This article will answer your question and allow you to keep it longer and in better condition. White shoes have always been a key element in fashion, they are in demand and loved by many. But the problem of protection against pollution is an important one and one of the discussed topics on the Internet. Find out how you can clean white shoes and remove yellowness from their surface at home.

Over time, even expensive white shoes lose their original luster. Agree, you will hesitate to go out in such shoes. But now you will know the secrets of updating them.

1. Universal method

Buy a special cleaner for white shoes (for example, Cleanser Plus) or liquid soap and use a damp toothbrush to treat the stains. Then wipe these areas with a clean cloth. Repeat the procedure if necessary. It gives good results.

2. Bleach

This method works just fine if done correctly. Put rubber gloves on your hands. Be careful not to stain clothing or surrounding materials (such as carpets). Dilute the bleach with a small amount of warm water and use a toothbrush to scrub the yellow areas or dark spots.

The thought of having to clean white shoes can be a headache for many people! If you are one of them, this article will give you some simple yet effective ways to clean your white shoes.

I don't know about you, but every time I go to the store to buy a new pair of shoes, my eyes catch on everything white because it's a stunning color. I take them, try them on and suddenly realize... that they are WHITE! No matter how much I want to buy white shoes, there are always two thoughts in the back of my head: they will get dirty incredibly quickly, and cleaning white shoes is not an easy task.

Most of the time I leave the white shoes on the shelf and look for another color. But sometimes white shoes are too good to leave on the shelf. And many will agree with me, cleaning white shoes can be very difficult. And while there are things easier than cleaning white shoes, it's not as bad as it seems, you just need... yes, a little patience.

How to clean white shoes? Home Remedies

The cleaning procedure and products you choose will depend on the type of white shoes you have. For example, cleaning white leather shoes from black stripes requires attention and care, as the leather can become seriously damaged if not cleaned carelessly. The modern market offers many cleaning products designed specifically for white shoes and the task of how to clean white shoes is simplified. Most of them are accompanied by detailed instructions for use and warnings. For this reason, in the following paragraphs we will focus on home remedies for cleaning white shoes.

Bleach: This is one of the most effective and also popular means of protecting and cleaning the home. All you have to do is mix one part bleach with four parts water. Most people simply soak their white shoes in this mixture overnight, but I don't recommend you do that. Extended exposure to bleach on shoes can damage the inner material of the shoe. If you stick to this technique, the shoes simply won't last long.

Thus, I would recommend using a brush dipped in a mixture of bleach and water to treat stains on white shoes locally. Rinse with clean water and continue the process until the stain is removed. Make sure you rinse your shoes with clean water, otherwise the bleach may leave visible stains on the fabric of the shoes. Be careful when using bleach on white leather shoes as it can damage the leather if not completely rinsed off!

Liquid soap: Using liquid soap to clean white shoes is the safest way. Considering that soap contains far fewer chemicals, the chances of ruining your shoes are significantly reduced. The easiest way is to mix liquid soap and water, then use a toothbrush (which you don't use) to scrub away dirt and stains. At the same time, you can use a towel to soak the stains. Continue cleaning your shoes until they return to white.

Soda: You need to make a paste by mixing water and baking soda, then you need to apply the paste to the stains using a brush. Wait until the paste dries and then use a dry brush to remove any remaining residue. Alternatively, you can use a mixture of a tablespoon of baking soda mixed with equal amounts of hydrogen peroxide and hot water. Rub the mixture onto the stain using a toothbrush and rinse thoroughly (!!!). This method works great with white canvas shoes.

White toothpaste: This is also one of the most effective and affordable home remedies to help you clean your white shoes. Applying white toothpaste to clean stains with a toothbrush works great when you are in a hurry. Simply let the toothpaste dry, then shake off the remaining residue.

Lemon: Some people use lemon as a natural way to clean white shoes. All you need to do is squeeze lemon juice into a glass of water (room temperature). Soak a sponge in this mixture and wipe the stain, after wringing out the sponge. Repeat until you achieve the desired results. Rinse thoroughly and let the white shoes dry naturally.

When you need to clean shoes that were originally white but have now turned yellow, it is best to use an eraser first and then polish the shoes with white shoe polish. Make sure you clean your shoes regularly with liquid soap to ensure proper care. If you truly love your white shoes, make sure you take proper care of them.

Although white shoes are a fashionable accessory in any young lady’s wardrobe, it is difficult to care for and keep such shoes clean. Suede , nubuck or white patent leather without proper, careful care will quickly lose its original appearance and become gray or yellowish. Any scratch or stain on such shoes or boots is immediately visible, so if you have such a thing in your wardrobe, then you simply need to know how to care for white leather shoes in order to maintain their impeccable appearance for a long time.

When to start caring for white leather shoes?

The white leather is very soft, as it has not been subjected to additional processing. Any damage, abrasions, black lines left by the soles - your own or someone else's, dirt on it are very noticeable. To properly care for white shoes, you must follow some rules:

  • Immediately when purchasing light-colored shoes, purchase all special care products.
  • After purchasing, immediately treat white shoes with wax (leather shoes) or spray (suede products). This treatment will protect it from moisture, and therefore from discoloration.
  • Don't leave light-colored shoes dirty for too long. Clean immediately after wearing.
  • Do not store shoes made of white leather next to colored, black ones, so that the color does not change.
  • Use your own sponge and brush for elegant shoes:
    • For smooth leather items, use a soft cloth.
    • Clean sanded white leather with a crepe brush - this will preserve the structure of the material. If you don't have such a brush, use an eraser.
    • Clean your suede item.
  • Do not apply the cleaner directly to shoes. Use a cloth or sponge for these purposes, otherwise the color will change or stains will appear.
  • Before washing, remove the laces and any other removable parts: wash and dry them separately.
  • Use a special polishing cloth or a shine brush to keep the color bright and snow-white for as long as possible. To make it easier for you to get the desired result, read the step-by-step instructions.
  • Protect your skin from direct sunlight.

How to clean white shoes?

Before cleaning your white shoes, remove dust and dirt from them with a soft cloth or a special rubber band. Then proceed this way:

  1. Soak a soft brush or foam sponge in a warm solution of washing powder.
  2. Wipe your shoes outside and inside.
  3. Rinse off the solution with warm water.
  4. Dry your shoes.
  5. Fill the shoes with paper and air dry them.

Important! Do not use newspapers or magazines for drying, as printing ink may damage the product.

  1. After the shoes are dry, treat them with colorless cream.
  2. Polish your shoes with a brush or velvet cloth.

Important! In case of severe contamination, use a special substance to remove dirt from the skin - a foamy detergent. Apply it in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions on the packaging: use a soft shoe brush to rub the product into all cracks and seams, then remove the product along with any dirt.

  • If there are water stains on the skin, then spread them with Vaseline and leave for 7-8 hours, then remove excess Vaseline from the surface, treat with cream and rub until shiny.
  • White furniture polish will help keep your shoes in good condition. Before applying polish, clean the shoes from dirt using detergent, then spray the polish onto the surface and rub with a clean cloth.
  • To remove old, stubborn stains, use gasoline: pour a small amount of gasoline into a container and add a little magnesia powder there. Soak a soft cloth in the solution and gently wipe the contaminated surface.

How to care for white skin using folk remedies?

To keep your shoes snow-white for many years, you can use the old “old-fashioned” methods. We offer you some recommendations, using which you will provide high-quality care for your white shoes and not spend a lot of time on it.

Milk and egg

Composition of 0.5 tbsp. milk and one beaten egg white - the most popular means for cleaning white shoes: beat raw chicken white and mix with milk. Use the resulting mixture to clean the surface of the shoes using a soft sponge.


Toothpaste - will help clean white leather shoes: apply a drop of toothpaste to an old toothbrush, rub the product into the surface and remove with a soft cloth soaked in warm water.

Important! It is advisable not to use powder, as it may cause scratches. If you have it on hand, then first mix it with a small amount of water until you obtain a homogeneous paste. In this case, it will be much easier and safer for you to care for your white shoes.


Vaseline is a good product not only for cleaning, but also for protection. Apply the product to the surface with a clean, lint-free cloth and rub in in a circular motion. Let the shoes soak in the Vaseline for a while, then remove any remaining Vaseline with a clean cloth.


Olive oil or any vegetable oil will make your favorite shoes shine: apply a small amount of oil to the surface of the shoes with a soft cloth and polish with a soft cotton cloth.

Important! Before using the oil, test it on an inconspicuous area to ensure that the color does not change.


Use lemon juice to remove stains from skin:

  1. Mix lemon juice and potassium bitartrate (tartar) in a 1:1 ratio.
  2. Use a soft cloth to rub the paste into the stain.
  3. If necessary, leave the shoes for several hours and then remove the product with a soft cloth.

Vinegar and oil

  1. Mix vinegar with linseed oil in a 1:2 ratio.
  2. Pour the prepared solution into a jar with a lid.
  3. Shake the product well.
  4. Using a soft cloth, apply the solution to the surface of the skin.
  5. Leave the shoes for 12 hours.
  6. Polish with a cloth. If it gets wet, take another one.

Baby soap and ammonia

You can clean your shoes with warm water and baby soap and a drop of ammonia. After treatment, wipe the surface dry with a swab dipped in glycerin or sunflower oil.

How to care for white sports shoes?

Many people prefer to wear white sneakers, so the question of how to care for shoes made of white genuine leather is of interest to many. Here are some simple tips:

  • To clean white sneakers, use dishwashing detergent, shampoo or liquid soap.
  • Wash the laces by hand or in the washing machine.
  • Dip the sneakers into the prepared solution and rinse inside and out.
  • Use a toothbrush or sponge to clean the surface of your sneakers.
  • Remove the cleaning agent by rinsing.
  • Air dry your shoes by filling your sneakers with paper to maintain their shape.
  • After drying, insert the laces and apply a special cream for white shoes. To choose a truly high-quality product, use ours.

Sneakers can be washed in a washing machine, following these rules:

  1. Use warm, not hot water.
  2. Be sure to remove removable parts and laces.
  3. Use regular detergents and be sure to...
  4. Set to delicate mode or use the special “shoes” function.
  5. After washing, let the sneakers dry naturally.

Important! For drying, do not use heating devices or hair dryers, as the surface of the shoes may crack from the pressure of hot air.

How to clean white suede shoes?

How to use polish for leather shoes?

High-quality leather shoes should be polished at least once a month. Use only white polish or, at most, a colorless mixture.

There are different types of such funds:

  • Wax polishes that do not penetrate the leather, but protect shoes well from the elements.
  • Creams and pastes. Absorbs well into the skin, adding essential moisture. These products are suitable for all types of shiny and smooth skin. Creams and pastes effectively mask scratches and other minor defects.
  • Polishing fluids. Easy to apply, but does not absorb into the skin in the same way as wax.

Important! Determine which type of product you prefer to care for white leather shoes based on the quality of your product and your goal..

Polishes should be used as follows:

  1. Clean your shoes from dirt.
  2. Apply the product to an invisible area of ​​the surface to ensure that the color of the polish is correct.
  3. Apply the product to a soft, lint-free cloth.
  4. Treat the surface of the shoe with the product, moving gently in a circular motion.
  5. After processing, let the product dry.

How to use conditioner for white shoes?

Conditioning softens shoes and protects them from drying out and cracking. Therefore, this procedure is an important step in the process of how you will care for your white shoes. Follow these rules when using the air conditioner:

  • Do not use conditioner and detergent in the same product.
  • Do not use synthetic conditioner as it will not absorb into the material.
  • Choose a conditioner that matches the color of your shoes.
  • If there are scratches or other defects, use a conditioner that is one shade lighter than the shoe.

Use the product as follows:

  1. Rub a small amount of conditioner onto the cleaned shoes with a clean cloth.
  2. Cover the entire surface of the material with conditioner.
  3. Leave the product for a few minutes.
  4. Wipe the product with a clean cloth.

Important! If you often have to deal with an unpleasant odor from shoes and feet, but you definitely don’t have fungus, try using special ones.

How to clean white leather boots?

If you are the happy owner of white boots, then use the above methods, methods and tips to care for the material from which they are made. Use products specifically designed for a specific material:

  • If the shoes are made of white polished leather, then to care for them use a sponge and eraser that are specially designed for this material.
  • To ensure that white shoes always look dignified and fresh, take proper care of them. You will always be elegant, graceful, attractive, thanks to white shoes that will make you stand out from the crowd.