If you love sushi, then you are probably familiar with the situation when it’s a pity to throw away used utensils, but there’s nowhere to use them... They just sit there, just in case! Today we have put together a selection of several ideas for their use especially for you! Hurry up and see our creative article - crafts made from Chinese chopsticks!

Jewelry stand

If you have enough time, then pay attention to this simple and very simple idea!

In this example, we used Chinese sticks and a hot glue gun. You can easily use regular wood glue or instant glue.

How to quickly transform your interior and put your decorations in order

Don't know where to start? Then take our advice! To begin with, connect three sticks into a triangle, and then connect your soul and imagination! How do you like these crafts made from Chinese chopsticks?

Update the design of a mirror made of Chinese chopsticks

Chinese chopsticks can be used not only for practical purposes, but also for decorative purposes! Using a large number of Chinese sticks, you can make a modern solar mirror with your own hands!

A short guide to decorating a mirror

The most problematic and painstaking work is to find the perfect symmetry. First, place long rays, and later work on small ones. By the way, you can lengthen a Chinese stick using two sticks using glue. After completing the work, paint the finished sun gold.

Original stand for dishes

The main thing is to remember that there must be a gap of 3-5 mm between the sticks.

Knitting needles and hooks

Have you decided to take up a new hobby? Then we advise you to save money on purchasing the necessary equipment! Making knitting needles and hooks is much easier than you think! First, sharpen the tip with a sharpener. And to give a softer tip, grind off the base with sandpaper. We use the same principle to make a hook!

Source: German interior and decor magazine "Deavita"
Author of the translation: Chvanova Maria. Especially for the site

New Year is coming. The mood is festive and joyful. I want to celebrate the New Year with my close and dear friends and give them unusual gifts, and even made with my own hands. I want to tell you how I brought to life a gift for my beloved friend in the form of a photo frame made of Chinese sticks.

You'll need:
1. Chinese chopsticks – 8 pcs.
2. Gun with silicone – 1 pc.
3. Mesh wrap for flowers
4. Beads – 5 pcs.
5. Dried flower decorations
6. Scissors

Manufacturing process:
1. Prepare the place and necessary items.

2. Plug the gun with silicone into a power outlet so that it warms up, after which you can start working. Throughout the entire work we will use hot silicone using a gun. Be careful because it gets very hot.
3. Take 4 sticks and lay them out in a square so that the ends go out a little. We squeeze hot silicone out of the gun into the joints and glue the sticks together, hold for 15 seconds for gluing.

4. Take the mesh, cut out a square the size of our resulting photo frame and glue it to it.

5. We glue our photo to the mesh itself using hot silicone.

6. Now we lay out the sticks, shifting the square to the center and also glue them together. And we do this with all the other sticks.

7. Take dried decorations for flower bouquets. We divide them into small “bouquets” and glue them on both sides and on top above the photo.

8. Now take the mesh and cut out 3 small strips. We will make bows from two strips and glue them at the base of our flowers. And with one we will wrap the top stick above the photo. Take the beads and glue them in the middle of the bows and on the top right.

When we buy ice cream on a stick or visit Chinese restaurants, we throw away the sticks without even thinking that we can make something out of them. Sticks are very easy to work with, so you can make a lot of interesting things from them. In the article we will tell you what you can make from their sticks.

Popsicle sticks

You can make a variety of crafts from popsicle sticks. For example:

  • bookmarks;
  • picture frame;
  • box.


Bookmarks are the easiest thing you can make from popsicle sticks. To do this, you need to cover the stick with paint and draw a picture or write something on it. The top of the stick can be decorated with a decorative element.

An original decoration can be a photo frame made from sticks. To make it you will need:

Frame making:

  1. Place two sticks parallel to each other.
  2. Glue three sticks on top of them perpendicularly so that there are 2 sticks on one side and one on the other.
  3. Turn the frame over and glue one stick at a time along the edges. You only need to glue the edges so that you can insert a photo in the middle.
  4. The frame is ready, all that remains is to apply paint and add decor.


If you want to make a bracelet from sticks, then you need to choose wooden samples, since plastic ones can melt during work.

Required material:


  1. Wash the chopsticks well.
  2. Place them in a saucepan and cook for 15 -20 minutes.
  3. Remove the sticks and place them in the glass, after rolling them up a little.
  4. After the sticks have cooled and taken the desired shape, you can begin decorating. You can wrap such a bracelet with colored threads or apply paint to the bracelet, string several beads on a thread and wrap it around the base of the bracelet.

It is worth remembering that when working with boiling water, children should be under the supervision of their parents.


To make a box from ice cream sticks you need to prepare:

Making a box

  1. First make the bottom. Take 2 sticks, apply glue to one side and place on the table, sticky side up. Then fix 10 sticks perpendicular to the previous sticks.
  2. Make walls. Apply glue to the edges of the sticks and place them perpendicular to each other. The masonry resembles the construction of a wooden house.
  3. The lid is made in exactly the same way as the bottom. To make the lid open, you can glue a small chestnut or acorns on top.
  4. After the box is ready, paint it and apply decorative elements.

Sushi chopsticks

You can also make original crafts from sushi sticks that will decorate your interior.

Jewelry stand

You can make a stand for jewelry with your own hands from sticks.


  • 2 Chinese chopsticks;
  • 10 popsicle sticks;
  • glue;
  • decor


  1. Apply glue to one side of the Chinese chopsticks.
  2. Glue the popsicle sticks in a row on top. Let the glue dry and the stand will be ready. All that remains is to decorate it.

If you have a large number of matches available, then you can make them out of them.