You can build such a Christmas tree with your child in just 30 minutes. Any child can easily assemble accordion blanks for the Christmas tree, and parents will help fasten and string them onto a stick.

It is worth saying the following about the process of assembling the Christmas tree. The kebab stick is placed in a glass or pot. It is fixed in various ways. Plaster, polyurethane foam, pebbles, cereals, sand, paper. Specifically, in this master class, a glass candlestick was used. It is completely filled with wax and therefore there were no problems with securing the spruce trunk.

The floors were held on a stick without glue, since the corrugated paper blanks were well fastened together in a circle. And they are strung very tightly onto a kebab stick. If you are afraid for the structure of the spruce, you can drop a drop of glue and use it to fix the position of the floors.

1. We will need:

Corrugated paper.
Kebab stick.
A glass.

2. Cut the corrugated paper into 2 rectangles. Each size is 25 by 20 cm.

3. We begin to bend the paper alternately in different directions, then outward and inward.

4. It turns out like this accordion. Its width is almost 2 cm.

5. Cut off the corners like this.

6. Bend in half.

7. Fasten with a stapler.

8. It turns out like this circle.

9. Prepare the second rectangle in the same way.

10. We connect both blanks with a stapler.

11. We strengthen the middle of the two blanks with double thread. Just tie a knot on the reverse side.

12. We prepare 8 such blank floors. The diameter of the bottom blank is 25 cm, and the top one is 5 cm. The width of the accordion for the lower floor was 2 cm, the width of the accordion for the upper floor is only 0.5 cm. Reductions can be made by eye, without exact calculations. A couple of millimeters here, a couple here, it won’t affect the overall appearance of the tree.

Forest beauty made of crepe paper. Master class with step-by-step photos.

Alena Bastrykina, 11 years old, student of the “Handicraft” association at the Lesnovsky Children’s Art House.
Supervisor: teacher of additional education Novichkova Tamara Aleksandrovna MBU DO Lesnovsky House of Children's Creativity.
Description of work: The master class is intended for school-age children, preschool teachers, technology teachers, educators, and for those who like to create unusual, creative crafts with their own hands. A green beauty made with your own hands will bring a lot of pleasure and great joy. The Christmas tree will be a wonderful holiday gift and will decorate the room.
Purpose: for an exhibition of crafts for the New Year, interior decoration.
Target: making a Christmas tree with cones from crepe paper.
- to interest and involve in the work of making a Christmas tree with your own hands;
- consolidate previously acquired skills in working with crepe paper;
- develop individual creative abilities and artistic taste;
- develop fine motor skills during work;
- cultivate a sense of beauty and harmony, independence in making crafts, accuracy in work;
- cultivate a caring attitude towards nature;
- create a festive mood.
Materials and tools:
- green and brown crepe paper;
- Titan glue, glue pencil;
- plastic stick for the barrel;
- wire, scissors;
- artificial snow - spray;

- stand for Christmas tree;
- Styrofoam;

I live in a village called Lesnoy. This is because it is surrounded by forest. This is mainly a mixed forest. But there are large areas of coniferous trees. And beautiful spruce trees grow on the territory of the village. They were planted by the first residents of the village near administrative buildings, a school, a House of Culture, a hospital, a kindergarten, and in Victory Park. Many years have passed, the Christmas trees have grown, and all year round the green beauties delight with their attire. And on the eve of the New Year's holiday, the Christmas trees light up with multi-colored lights. It's so cool! The live Christmas tree became a decoration of the village. I love looking at spruce. And before my eyes there appears a tall tree, its arrow-top reaching into the sky. At the very top of the head you see many, many cones, and below, powerful and at the same time graceful branches spread out to the sides. It smells of pine needles, and a wonderful aroma fills everything around. Spruce looks elegant and solemn at all times of the year. Since ancient times, it has become a custom to put up a Christmas tree on New Year's Eve. But we have to think that the tree is paying for this temporary pleasure with its life. Many years pass before an adult spruce tree grows from a tiny seed. The rains water it, strong winds bend the branches to the ground, the sun burns the delicate green needles. And the Christmas tree is trying to survive, to survive. Every person should know the law on environmental protection and try to save spruce trees from cutting down.
Not a leaf, not a blade of grass!
Our garden became quiet.
And birches and aspens
The boring ones stand.
Only one Christmas tree
Cheerful and green.
Apparently she is not afraid of the cold.
Apparently she is brave.

To make you feel the approaching New Year's holiday, I suggest making a Christmas tree with cones from crepe paper.

Step-by-step execution of a Christmas tree.
First stage. Making cones.
Take brown paper and cut pieces 4cm wide from the roll. We cut strips 15-20 cm long according to the number of cones. (The length of the strip depends on the size of the cone)

We begin to roll the paper. Place a corner, pressing it tightly with the fingers of your right hand. Once again we lay the paper with the corner facing us.

We hold the corner with our left hand, and with our right hand we turn the paper away from us. Again, a corner towards and away from you. It turns out to be a “figure eight” or a kind of zigzag.

The result is a twisted strip like this. I want to say that not everyone can do such a twist right away. But if you practice, you will definitely learn and get great satisfaction. This method of rolling paper makes it possible to make beautiful flowers.

We begin to form cones. Apply a little glue to the edge of the paper, place a piece of thin wire and twist the strip from top to bottom.

It turned out to be such a small bump. To prevent the paper from unwinding, glue the tip.

We make many cones of different sizes. We put them aside and move on to the next stage.

Second phase. Making branches for the Christmas tree.
Cut the roll into pieces 5cm wide.

We straighten the paper and cut strips 10cm, 15cm, 20cm long.

We fold each piece like an accordion and cut it from one edge into narrow strips 0.5 cm wide, not reaching the other 1 cm. It turns out fringe.

We twist each strip with our fingers, turning it into a thin “needle”.

We make a lot of these preparations. Everything will depend on how tall your Christmas tree will be and how patient you are.

From the resulting blanks we twist the branches, winding them spirally on the wire. We get branches with “needles”. We make branches shorter for the upper part of the tree and longer for the lower part of the tree.

We collect small twigs into branches, twisting them with wire

Let's prepare the branches with cones. We take the blank with the “needles” and wrap the pine cone. Don’t forget to glue the paper at the end of the branch and twist it with your fingers.

We collect twigs with cones into large branches.

We make a lot of branches with and without cones for the lower tier of the tree.

Third stage. Assembling the Christmas tree.
We form the crown. We take a long piece and wrap three small branches with small cones to it. We wrap the wire with a strip of green paper, forming a trunk.

We attach the branches of the second and third tiers and again wrap the trunk with green paper. Leave 5 - 6cm between tiers.

To make the tree thick, in the next rows we screw four branches to the trunk

Our Christmas tree is getting higher and higher.

Let's extend the trunk by tightly wrapping another piece of thick wire and decorating it with green paper. Let's add two more tiers.

We attach the largest branches. This is the tenth tier. You can admire the Christmas tree in all its glory. We put it in a stand. The height of the tree was 60cm. This technology allows you to create Christmas trees of any size. The main thing is to stock up on paper, wire and of course patience.

Let's look at it closer and from all sides.

Fourth stage. Let's install a Christmas tree.
We cut out the foam circles to size, make a hole in them and insert the Christmas tree into the prepared stand.

We install the Christmas tree. We straighten the branches, straighten the “needles”.

Sprinkle with snow. Spray the branches with snow - spray.

Grandfather Frost did not have to wait long. He brought a big bag of gifts.

We looked at our Christmas tree and realized that we had not chosen the right stand for it. A bit tall. We spent a long time trying on pots and jars. We chose this option.

The New Year is coming very soon and this, of course, becomes a worthy occasion to test the child’s creative potential. If you wish, you can learn how to make a Christmas tree from corrugated paper with your own hands and then enjoy the craft in the future.

Christmas tree on a cone

A master class on making a Christmas tree is one of the most interesting options for holding creative events at home. The first toy can be supplemented with a small loop, thanks to which it will certainly take its rightful place on the Christmas tree and immediately bring the right shades of mood into the interior of the house.

Required materials:

  1. cardboard;
  2. green corrugated paper;
  3. special glue (two jars are required for different gluing technologies);
  4. bow for decorating the Christmas tree;
  5. garland in the form of beads;
  6. red and yellow beads.

How to create an interesting New Year's craft:

1. The first task is to make a paper cone as a base. To do this, cut out a cardboard circle of the optimal size.

3. Now carefully cut out corrugated strips 50 cm long. The optimal thickness is about centimeters.

4. The next stage is to fold the cut strip along the length by half a centimeter. The folded end is gently stretched with your finger. To successfully complete the task, the paper is pulled with both hands in different directions. If you forget about accuracy, corrugated paper can tear.

5. Lubricate the elongated strip with a glue stick.

6. Corrugated paper is glued to the cone of the Christmas tree.

7. Each next row will be placed higher. The task is to create a beautiful spiral.

8. The top is decorated with a bow. To do this, use a glue gun.

9. Another idea is a beaded garland. It is placed in a spiral and secured with a glue gun.

10. Large yellow and red beads are carefully glued to the Christmas tree. To do this, use tweezers and a glue gun.

So, the New Year's beauty is ready! Every parent and their child have the right to successfully prepare for the New Year holidays. Various master classes contribute to the realization of creative potential.

Knowing how to make a Christmas tree from corrugated paper and understanding the basic scheme for completing the task, you can choose the appropriate option for successful implementation in practice.

Flat Christmas tree with star

When planning to make a Christmas tree with your own hands from corrugated paper, it is recommended to pay attention to the flat variation. In this case, it becomes possible to use the created craft to decorate a holiday card.

Necessary materials:

  1. green corrugated paper measuring 10 by 15 cm;
  2. thick running paper or cardboard in A4 format;
  3. red cardboard measuring 5 by 5 centimeters;
  4. foil (10 by 10 cm);
  5. glue (PVA brand is recommended);
  6. scissors.


1. First, green paper is cut into thin strips. The optimal thickness of each strip is 1.5 centimeters. A white sheet of paper or cardboard is folded in half to form a book.

2. Each strip of corrugated paper is cut into 4 rectangles. Their size should be the same. Blanks are used to form “petals”. One piece is twisted along the central part, after which it is bent in half.

3. The blanks are glued to the front of the holiday card. The size of the tree determines the number of elements.

5. Blanks in the form of foil and red cardboard are glued to the corrugated Christmas tree.

Now the flat Christmas tree made of corrugated paper is ready. If desired, it can be pasted onto a holiday card, which will be further decorated.

Christmas corrugated tree with blue decor

First, take corrugated green paper and cut it into 1.5 centimeters. The number of strips depends on the size of the craft. Then the cut strips are rolled up very thinly. The main task is to create coniferous branches. Carefully wrap the cut and folded green strips around thick wire.

At this stage, hot glue is used for gluing. According to this scheme, the optimal number of branches is created. Uniform lubrication of thick wire (including the gaps where the main adhesive layer ends) ensures that fluctuations are prevented. According to the above scheme, it is recommended to create not only branches, but also the top.

To make the top more splendid, glue a larger number of branches (their number can reach five). The lower branches are leveled. They should not be too lush, otherwise the tree will not look natural. After you manage to make a Christmas tree from corrugated paper with your own hands, you can decorate it with blue decor, which adds elegance. It is advisable to use small Christmas balls and lush bows.

Magical, kind and cheerful New Year's days are approaching, where wonderful gifts are given. The most expensive ones are those that are made independently. Making a Christmas tree out of corrugated paper with your own hands and giving it to your loved one is not happiness.

Fluffy beauty

What you will need to make a fluffy beauty:

  • corrugated paper;
  • office glue;
  • Whatman paper;
  • scissors;
  • small Christmas balls.

How to make a Christmas tree from corrugated paper with your own hands step by step:

1. We start making the fluffy beauty with a cone base. To do this, take whatman paper, draw a circle with a compass, and cut it out. Then we take the circle and cut out a quarter with scissors and glue it together.

2. Take a roll of corrugated paper, measure 5 cm and cut it.

3. Next we make cuts on it, a little more than half. We unfold each thin strip and twist it. To do it carefully, you need to squeeze the piece between two fingers and scroll. Don't be afraid that the paper will tear.

4. Take a conical base, apply glue at the base and glue our blanks in a spiral to the very top. We make sure there are no gaps.

5. Making a Christmas tree from corrugated paper with your own hands is not difficult. All that remains is to dress it up with New Year's toys.

For decoration we use balls, which we attach to the tree with pins. You can add other toys, bows, snowflakes.

The final result of the work is a charming fluffy beauty.

On a wire

What you will need to make a Christmas tree:

  • stationery glue;
  • pencil;
  • soft wire is better;
  • scissors;
  • corrugated paper;
  • compass.

Stages of making a forest princess:

1. Draw the depicted template on colored paper.

3. Bend the corners of the blanks to form a cone and glue them together. We perform this operation in a circle.

4. This is how we get the bottom row of the Christmas tree, which we put on the wire.

5. Then we make a few more blanks, while gradually reducing the size of the circle. We put it on the wire.

6. To prevent the wire from sticking out at the tops, we make a cone. Close the wire and the craft is ready.

We make a Christmas tree with our own hands from corrugated paper together with the children. This process will bring only good emotions to all participants.

Unusual Christmas tree

What you will need:

  1. corrugated paper of different colors;
  2. wooden ice cream sticks;
  3. universal glue.


You can even make a Christmas tree out of corrugated paper using three wooden ice cream sticks. To do this, lay out a triangle out of them and carefully glue them at the corners.

Merry Christmas tree

To make this version of the Christmas tree you will need: several different paper cupcake molds, multi-colored corrugated paper and universal glue.

The first step is to prepare the preparations. We take the molds and wrap them in corrugated paper, give them the desired shape and glue them together. The result will be a beautiful and bright New Year's craft.

From popsicle sticks and rhinestones

To make these Christmas trees you will need: wooden ice cream sticks, cardboard, glue, paper of different colors, corrugated paper, pebbles, and beads.

We begin our execution process by building a Christmas tree. To do this, take a wooden stick and place pre-cut cardboard strips perpendicularly on it. The bottom stripes are the longest, then the size decreases. We wrap each strip with corrugated paper and glue it to a piece of wood. We tie a rope to the top of the tree. All that remains is to decorate. Here everyone can be a designer and bring their crazy ideas to life.

Thus, using corrugated paper we get the chance to make many different types and styles of Christmas trees. Everything you have in the house will be used: cardboard, paper cupcake molds, ice cream cups, sticks, twigs. All this material is enough to be wrapped in corrugated paper and you can begin your creative process. Work will bring even greater joy if the whole family gets involved in it.

The first frosts arrived and people began to think about the New Year. This family holiday is loved by adults and children. Parents remember that they were once little. Children these days live in anticipation of gifts from Santa Claus. During the holidays, in order to decorate your home in an original way or make a gift for a loved one, you need to find time to make a gift together with your child. This will be a three-dimensional Christmas tree made of corrugated paper.

Master class “Snowy forest beauty”

What you will need to make a New Year's snow tree:

  1. three-color corrugated paper - lilac, white, light lilac;
  2. scissors;
  3. wooden kebab stick;
  4. white and blue threads;
  5. stapler;
  6. ruler no shorter than 25 cm;
  7. vase;
  8. filler in a vase.


1. We make two identical rectangles.

2. Fold the rectangle like an accordion.

3. Remove the corners.

4. Connect the edges, find the middle and fold in half.

5. Using a stapler, fix the middle.

6. We do the same actions with the second rectangle.

7. Using a stapler, we connect the blanks along the edges.

8. Fix the middle of the blanks with thread.

9. There are 12 such blanks, four of each color. The largest size is 25 cm, and the small one is 4 cm.

10. Fill the vase with red beans, cereals, and colored pebbles. The main thing here is to fix the kebab stick well.

11. We string the largest lilac blank.

13. The next blank is snow-colored.

15. A three-dimensional paper Christmas tree made of corrugated paper is ready.

The final version looks like a fairytale snow beauty that will complement your holiday home decoration or be a creative gift for your loved ones. It will take a little time to make, but the main thing is that the productive result is a three-dimensional Christmas tree made of corrugated paper.

Master class “Green Beauty”

A voluminous Christmas tree made of corrugated paper, made by yourself, will delight people if its base is made correctly. To do this you will need to make a cone from whatman paper. This material is dense, holds its shape well, and is easy to glue. It will be convenient for the child to work with him.

What you will need to make a green Christmas tree:

  • album sheet or whatman paper;
  • stapler;
  • corrugated, green paper;
  • PVA or paper glue;
  • scissors.

Manufacturing progress:

1. To make a Christmas tree trunk, we roll up a cone using the bag method. We glue it with glue or fasten it with a stapler. If the base is not level, then trim it with scissors.

3. If the width of the cut strip is 6 cm, then apply glue in a circle to the base from the bottom at the same distance. Pay attention to the trunk, it should not be visible. Glue a strip of green paper to the trunk and immediately make folds. The more of them there are, the more magnificent the tree will be.

4. Using this method, we glue the entire Christmas tree to the top. This operation can be performed in two ways: paste the strip in a spiral or in rows.

5. The voluminous corrugated paper Christmas tree is ready. All that remains is to add additional volume. To do this, carefully stretch the edges of the paper along its entire length.

6. It turns out to be a real forest beauty. Additionally, we will add decor in the form of stars.

When decorating the Christmas tree, you can show your imagination, use small balls, rain, sparkles, light garlands.

Other Christmas tree options

Idea No. 1. New Year's beauty.

To make it you will need:

  1. whatman;
  2. office glue or PVA;
  3. corrugated paper of the color of the Christmas tree;
  4. scissors;
  5. stapler


1. We make a conical base for the future Christmas tree from whatman paper.

2. Cut strips 3 cm wide and 10 cm long, fold them in half and turn them a couple of times at the fold. This is how you get a blank for the Christmas tree. Their number depends on the size of the tree.

3. Take the blanks, coat the straight double edge with glue and glue them onto the whip so that the cone does not show through.

The result is a voluminous and beautiful Christmas tree made of corrugated paper.

Idea No. 2. Snowy Christmas tree.

To complete this you will need:

  1. whatman;
  2. white corrugated paper;
  3. scissors;
  4. sewing machine;
  5. glue.


1. We make a base for the fake from a sheet of whatman paper - a cone.

2. Cut the corrugation into strips 6 cm wide, sew on a machine with large stitches or a needle and thread. After we collect it, we make it look like a ruffle.

You can make a creative and unusual Christmas tree from colored, double-sided paper with patterns.

What you will need for this:

  • special paper;
  • scissors;
  • stick from sushi set;
  • stapler;
  • glue;
  • a piece of foam.


1. The blanks for our elegant Christmas tree are made similarly to the one described above: a snowy, forest beauty. There is no need to register a second time.

2. Let's focus on making a frame for it. Take a stick from a sushi set and a piece of foam. The foam should be about 1 cm thick and made in the shape of a square 10 x 10 cm. Place a wooden stick in the middle of the base.

3. We string the pieces onto the finished frame, starting with large ones and ending with small ones. If the top of the stick is visible, it is masked with an asterisk or snowflake.

Volumetric Christmas trees made of corrugated paper will decorate your home and lift your spirits, and most importantly, during production you will become even closer to your children.

Christmas tree made of corrugated paper

Master class “Here it is, our Christmas tree...”. Paper plastics.

Here it is, our Christmas tree,

In the brilliance of radiant lights!

She seems more beautiful than everyone else

Everything is greener and lush.

A fairy tale hides in the greenery:

The white swan is swimming

The bunny slides on a sled

The squirrel gnaws nuts.

Here it is, our Christmas tree,

In the brilliance of radiant lights!

We are all dancing for joy

On New Year's Day under it!

(V. Donnikova)

The master class is presented for teachers and preschool children.

To make this craft you will need:

1. Green corrugated paper

2. A4 cardboard

3. Scissors

4. PVA glue

5. For decoration: bow and beads

6. Pencil

Step-by-step process for making a Christmas tree:

1. Make a cone from a sheet of cardboard.

Draw a circle of arbitrary radius on the sheet, cut it out and fold it.

2. Then, you need to wrap our cone with corrugated paper, grease the edges with glue.

3. The next stage is to make “needles” for our Christmas tree.

We need to cut strips of corrugated paper and make fringe along the long side of the strips.

4. Now we wrap our stripes with fringe on a pencil - these peculiar rolls will be the needles for our Christmas tree.

6. Our Christmas tree is ready! All that remains is to decorate it. We attach a bow to the top of the head and wrap it with beads. To decorate such a Christmas tree, you can use whatever your heart desires: beads, buttons, ribbons, confetti.....