How to crochet or knit a rooster, diagram or video tutorial?

    Knitted toys are very popular, both adults and children knit them. Knitting cockerel can be a wonderful handmade gift for a loved one. Here you can knit these charming birds. It's not difficult at all. Description is attached below. Choose what you like more: knitting needles or crochet hooks; all cockerels are good in their own way.


    A video tutorial with sequential steps will help you knit a cockerel.

    Next year will be under the sign of the Rooster, and master classes on knitting this bright bird will be very useful.

    But to knit such a beautiful heating pad in the shape of a cockerel,

    Bright, colorful rooster for lovers of knitting knitting needles

    The cockerel will be approximately 25 cm in size.

    What materials are needed for a cockerel:

    Description of knitting a cockerel:

    (see diagram at the very end)

    How to knit a cockerel head:

    Neck plumage:

    Head plumage:

    How to knit a beak:


    Earrings (beard):

    Feathers for the tail:

    How to tie the legs of a cockerel:

    Assembly of all parts:

    Knitting pattern:

    Surely, needlewomen who knit are interested not only in making clothes, but also in making toys. After all, with the help of knitting needles and a crochet hook you can knit a huge variety of wonderful toys that both adults and children will enjoy. And I also believe that toys made by yourself will never compare with purchased ones, because you put your work and your love into them. This video will help you tie a funny rooster.

    I knitted a lot of toys, including chickens and hens, but I didn’t knit a cockerel, so I looked at the Internet with interest and was literally taken aback by how many different cockerel toys there are.

    I chose the two I liked the most. Here is a photo:

    The rooster is associated with humor, amusing and very funny.

    And I liked this very nice one even more, so I’m giving a link to a very detailed master class.

    And here are the simplest cockerels, I think it won’t be difficult to tie them.

    And this cockerel is knitted quite simply, the base is an egg, and then it’s up to your imagination.

    And here is another one, similar to the previous one.

    2018 will be the year of the rooster, so all sorts of gifts and attributes associated with this pet will be relevant. Crochet a rooster with your own hands It’s quite simple, especially if you have a video of a master class on this lesson in front of your eyes.

    Personally, I was attracted on the Internet by a cockerel knitted from white yarn, measuring 11 centimeters.

    The lesson on crocheting a rooster consists of 2 parts and is posted on YouTube:

Nov 09

Rooster knitted with knitting needles

What does this symbol of the coming year according to the Chinese calendar contain? At the same time, it can be both bright and demonstrative, and elegant. But it’s not for nothing that the year is marked by fire, or otherwise red, which means it will be playful and perky, sociable, full of events and life. Therefore, the toy in the form of a rooster, which we will create with you, should be as similar as possible to the image of the coming year. Today I want to offer you a more classic, but at the same time bright model of a knitted cockerel.

We will need:

  • red grass yarn, one skein will be enough;
  • red yarn of medium thickness, with a minimum wool content for comb;
  • dark blue grass yarn, as well as sea green yarn, one skein each;
  • straight knitting needles number four;
  • double needles number four and a half;
  • a number two hook or a needle with a large eye for connecting parts;
  • copper wire of medium thickness;
  • decorative eyes or buttons on the stem are black;
  • scissors;
  • filler, in the form of padding polyester or foamed polystyrene;

Work progress: rooster body

  • We will knit the body of the rooster into a pear shape.
  • We start knitting from the bottom up, joining together blue threads of both shades, the body of the rooster is knitted together with the head.
  • Using a simple cast-on method, cast on only eleven stitches on number four and a half needles and then knit in the round.
  • Now we knit in simple stockinette stitch, adding ten stitches in every second row, distributing them evenly across the knitting needles.
  • When fifty-one loops are formed on the knitting needles, you will need to knit three rows without adding loops. Next, knit four rows without changes.
  • Then we begin to decrease five loops in every fourth row of knitted fabric. We switch to a red thread, it is better to fold it in half.
  • When twenty-one loops remain on the knitting needles, we again knit three rows according to the pattern without adding or subtracting.
  • Next, we make decreases by removing five stitches evenly in one row, at the end of the row you should get sixteen.
  • We knit four more rows and, pulling the thread through all the loops, tighten them.

Attention! As we knit the rooster's body, we fill it with synthetic padding or foam polystyrene.

Rooster Comb:

  • We take yarn prepared specifically for scallops.
  • We cast on sixteen loops and knit four rows with the pattern that was used to knit the body.
  • Next, to form scallops, we knit as follows: we knit two loops, and the third and fourth together, turn the knitting and knit from the wrong side without changes. Then we knit one loop from the front side, the second and third together, unfold it again and knit without changes. Next, we return to the front side and knit two loops together, pass the thread through the loop and cut it. We tie the thread to the next loops and repeat the same with the middle four loops, and then with the subsequent four loops.
  • We knit the second part of the comb symmetrically, joining the two parts together so that the front stitch is on the outside and the back stitch is on the inside.
  • You can connect either with a needle or with a crochet, whichever is more convenient for you.
  • Next, we begin to sew the comb to the head, placing it from the frontal part to the occipital part, and fill it as we sew it.

Rooster wings:

  • We knit with red grass, there is no need to fill them, and we knit only two parts.
  • We cast on six loops on straight knitting needles number four and knit four rows.
  • Then in every fourth row we knit as follows: a loop from the knitting needle, an increase in a loop, and so on until the end of the row. Lastly we knit a loop from the knitting needle.
  • When there are thirty loops on the knitting needles, you need to start knitting feathers; there should be five of them, like the fingers on your hand.
  • We knit them according to the principle of scallops on a comb. Only the number of loops in each feather will be six.
  • That is, to form the first feather, we knit the first four loops without changes with the main pattern, then the fifth and sixth together. We turn the knitting over and knit the purl rows without changes. In the next front row, we knit three loops, and the fourth and fifth together; then two loops, and the third and fourth together, we continue until there are two loops left on the knitting needles, through which we pass and tighten the thread. Continue knitting according to this principle to form the remaining fingers - feathers.


  • Sew the top of the wings to the border of flowers on the body.
  • Cut the wire twenty centimeters long and wrap it tightly with threads of different colors, the more, the fluffier the tail. Next, we thread the thin “feathers” of the tail into the part of the body where they belong, to the middle and bend it in half. We do this with all the blanks - the “feathers” of the tail.
  • We form a leg from wire with spurs and wrap it with red threads, as for a comb, as well as the beak of a rooster. We fix the legs in their proper place.
  • Sew on buttons or glue on decorative eyes and our rooster is ready.

Inspiration and creative success to you.

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The New Year of the Rooster is approaching, which means it’s time to think about gifts. What could be better than a symbolic souvenir made with love by your own hands? A knitted rooster will appeal not only to children, but also to adults, becoming a cozy addition to the interior. An interesting and simple description will help with this.

Rooster with a colorful tail

A bright cockerel with a scarlet comb and bright yellow paws will bring harmony and joy.

To knit a rooster you will need:

  • Yarn (purple, scarlet, yellow, turquoise, green, dark yellow) - 50 g of each shade; a little black and white yarn to decorate the eyes;
  • Knitting needles (6 pcs., number 3);
  • Hook (number 3);
  • Filler (at your discretion: holofiber or padding polyester);
  • Needle for stitching.

When working on a knitted rooster, keep in mind that the diagram and description are indicated with possible increases and decreases. One cell in the diagram corresponds to one loop.

Rooster body

The right side starts from the center of the back. Cast on 20 stitches with purple thread and knit in regular stockinette stitch.

The second part of the body is symmetrical

For the front part, cast on 4 loops with purple thread and knit in satin stitch. In each 2nd and 4th row, add 2 loops (1 on both sides). Then in every fourth row, 1 stitch four times. Make a mark here on each edge. On the 69th row, cast off 1 loop on both sides. In the next 4, 6 rows, 1 loop nine times. Cast off the last four stitches.

rooster head

Use purple thread. First of all, cast on 48 loops, dividing them onto 4 knitting needles. In row 45, decrease 4 stitches. Then, in every second row, remove 4 more. Repeat this six times. Pull off the remaining loops.

Neck plumage

Use scarlet thread. Make 48 loops. Divide them also into four knitting needles. Knit in stockinette stitch. Add 8 loops in rows 4, 6, 8. After 10 rows, divide 72 loops by 9. You will get 8 feather parts, each of which must be knitted separately. In every fourth row, close one loop. Do this twice. 2 more rows once, 1 stitch each. The remaining 3 knit two rows, complete.

Rooster head plumage

We move from the top. Cast on 8 loops with dark yellow thread. Next, knit in satin stitch. In each 2nd row, increase 1 loop twice on each side. There should be 12 loops. In the eighth and tenth rows, decrease one stitch on both sides. The remainder should be eight loops. In the next fourth row, add one stitch at a time. In every second - one loop five times.

After 23 rows, make a rounding using shortened rows. In the direction from the right edge, knit 17 facial loops, fold, make one yarn over and 14 purl stitches. Mark. Roll - 1 yarn over. Knit facial loops before it. Yarn over and loop together with knit stitches. Roll up. One yarn over again, purl until the yarn over. Yarn over Knit the next loop together, purl crossed. From the mark, repeat 2 times. Cast on 20 loops on one side and knit in the round. In the fifth and tenth rows, add 8 stitches. The result should be 56 loops.

After 14 rows, divide again into several identical elements of 7 loops. Rooster feathers are knitted separately by knitting 1 stitch in each 4th row. Do this twice. Knit the remaining 3 stitches a couple more rows, then complete.



Cast on 14 stitches with yellow thread. In the 7th row, close 1 loop once on both sides, then in each 5th row, one more. Complete remaining 2 stitches. Embroider the nostrils with black thread - a couple of loop stitches.


Make 12 loops with yellow thread. In the 5th row, complete 1 stitch on each side. Do this once. Then in the subsequent every fourth row, 1 more loop. Complete the remaining pair.


Using scarlet thread, make 26 chain stitches, 1 more for lifting. Knit with a single crochet. After 4 rows, knit each scallop independently of each other. From the 3rd row mark on 6 stitches. Next, along the small left edge in the column of each of the 3 rows, knit 1 single crochet. From the mark, duplicate this four more times. Add each of the four scallops on 5 loops.


Knit twice. Use a purple thread to tie a chain of 7 chain stitches, one more for lifting. Knit 5 rows of single crochets. In the 2nd row add 1 loop, and in the 4th row remove it.


Use threads of different shades. The element is knitted twice. To begin, make a chain of 34 chain loops and one more for lifting. Knit five rows in a single crochet column in this manner. Place the first row behind the last one and connect them with a stitch.

rooster paws

Knitting occurs in the transverse direction. Using a yellow thread, make a chain of 12 chain stitches and one more for lifting. Knit 3 rows with a single crochet. From the mark on the fourth row, knit 6 stitches. Next, knit a chain of 6 air loops and 1 for lifting. Repeat this way for 3 rows, do not double crochet. From the mark, repeat four more times. The paw element is folded and tied along the contour using connecting posts.


Knitted with scarlet thread. The chain of six air loops is complemented by one more for lifting. Tied with 6 columns without a cape. Roll up and on the reverse side tie a chain of 7 stitches without a cape. When making rooster eyes with knitting needles, you can follow the description, but you can also install ready-made eyes made of plastic.

Collecting a rooster

First, the front element is sewn together with the side ones. The body and head of the bird are stuffed and sewn to the hole in the neck area. The feathers of the head are sewn on the upper edges. The feathers of the neck region are sewn directly below the feathers of the head.

Both beak elements are overlapped and stitched together, and then sewn to the head. The comb and earrings are also attached there.

The work on the knitted rooster is completed by stuffing the legs, sewing them and the tail feathers.

A beautiful and bright gift is ready! Now you know how to knit a rooster. You can please your loved ones with a wonderful symbol of the New Year, which will certainly fulfill your most cherished dreams.

If you liked our site or found the information on this page useful, share it with your friends and acquaintances - click one of the social network buttons at the bottom of the page or at the top, because among the heaps of unnecessary garbage on the Internet it is quite difficult to find truly interesting materials.

To knit cockerels, you don’t need much: yarn (most often acrylic or cotton), a hook that fits its size (No. 1-3), stuffing (sintepon or holofiber), eyes.

Please note that almost all photos enlarge when clicked. If you can’t see the text on the descriptions of roosters, save it on your computer - it will open there in full size

Color schemes

I think it will not be superfluous for needlewomen who want to knit a very realistic cockerel =))

More and more diagrams and descriptions of cockerels appear every day. And choosing the one you like the most becomes a real problem - all the toys are original, and they just beg to be created. If you have free time, knit everything you like. I've already started a couple))

The most popular trend now is amigurumi. Many of them are quite simple to implement.

Master classes on crocheting roosters

Whether you are a beginner or a pro, you will find a description to your liking in the selections below.

Beginning needlewomen, don’t be afraid to make mistakes and try, there are now so many very detailed master classes online that even children can handle some of them.

The cutest amigurumi roosters from Elena Ermak

My daughter really liked these paws, so I also knit cockerels from Elena =)

By the way, just below in the “Ideas for Inspiration” section you will find even more photos of lovely crocheted cockerels from Elena.

Warmer for a mug Cockerel crochet

White cockerel

Handsome brothers

Bright and unforgettable roosters

Cockerels from Vera Izgrebina

“Kura” from Olga Anisimova

Rooster master class from amigurumi-toys

A selection of English and Russian master classes

This homemade chicken will be an excellent gift for the New Year - the year of the rooster, every year for Easter and just for no reason!

MK from

There are simply no words for how gorgeous this knitted rooster is! I've already started working on it, join me ^_^

The master class is also detailed, the cockerel is crocheted from mercerized cotton No. 1.

Also from this site is the traveler cockerel. Very businesslike =)

Knitted from acrylic with crochet number 1.25.

go to MK

How a snowman turned into a cockerel

A funny master class from Angela Feklina. These roosters are knitted based on snowmen and look very interesting)

By the way, I forgot to mention - this Petya is knitted with knitting needles. However, I think it’s quite easy to repeat it with crochet.

Any yarn will do except cotton and viscose.


Cockerel Arkady

A lovely cockerel as described by Tatyana Ostroumova. You will find how to knit it on the portal dedicated to amigurumi. The cockerel pattern is popular; on the Internet you can find a large number of toys knitted using it.

Crochet cockerels from Maria Urazbakhtina (Masha55)

It seems that you can fall in love with these cockerels at first sight. Just look at the eyes)

Difficulty: medium

Baby cockerel


Fluffy chicken from Tatyana Shevchenko

Still very small and defenseless, he will definitely grow up and become a handsome rooster. I think it's a great toy for a girl.

You will need: Grass yarn (yellow), hook No. 1.5, filler and granules, plastic for the beak, black eyes.

Cheerful chickens from Tsareva Olesya

Positive and cheerful birds))

Amigurumi cockerel

Reminds me of Chicken Little =)

for translation

MK from the Women's School

You can knit such a cute, bright cockerel using a detailed master class published on the Women's School portal. The difficulty level is also suitable for beginners.

You will need: YarnArt yarn of several colors, hook No. 1.75, stuffing, running eyes and a needle.

go to mk

Kinder cockerel from Anastasia Kononenko

Such a fiery cockerel =)

You can unleash your secret desires, stock up on Kinders, taste chocolate, and then force the roosters.

go to mk

Teddy Chick

An extremely soft and squeezable toy from Maria Kostyuchenko-Koshmal =)

Mainly knitted from YarnArt-DOLCE yarn, hook No. 3.5

White cockerel from Svetik

On the site you will find a complete photo and video master class on knitting such a cute and simple cockerel.

Materials: YarnArt Jeans yarn, hook No. 2, padding

The height of the finished toy is 11 cm.

go to MK

Christmas tree toy - heart-shaped cockerel

I found a master class on crocheting such a hearty rooster on a website entirely dedicated to the New Year.

to the master class

Cute cockerel by Dreamfall2702

This plump beauty has simple elements and is knitted up quite quickly. And another big plus is that it can be placed comfortably on a shelf.

Cute crochet cockerel from Medzhik

You will find a description on the forum. According to the author, the rooster is so simple that you can tie it in one evening;)

The height of the toy is 15 cm

go to mk

Potholder Rooster

We have already listed a lot of toys above, but why stop only at them? The cockerel also looks great as a pot holder or cup holder

Master Class

Master classes from the Crafts Fair and Etsy (paid)

For those who have never bought on Etsy, the master class comes immediately after payment.

Monica the Hen

First of all, I would like to show a chicken knitting tutorial from Elena Ermak. It’s the year of the Rooster, of course, but how can you pass by such charms?)

MK cost: 400 rubles

buy a master class

Gorgeous man Senya Petukhov

On New Year's Eve it will win the heart of any lady =) Author of the master class: Nadezhda Biyanova, you can purchase it at the Masters Fair.

You can also purchase other master classes by the author. Admire the beauty in the gallery below:

Alex crochet cockerel

The 2017 rooster symbol pattern can be purchased from Galina Savushka on Etsy. As the author writes, such a crocheted cockerel will only be 13cm tall.

You will need: yarn (acrylic, wool), hook No. 3, eyes, stuffing.

The master class includes 19 pages with a detailed description, 85 diagrams.

Difficulty: medium.

Language: English and Russian.

MK cost: $5.51

SavushkaDesigns - Etsy

Cockerel Don Pedro

Also from Galina Savushka from Latvia. The beak resembles a duck ^_^

Language: English and Russian.

MK cost: $5.51

SavushkaDesigns - on Etsy

Cockerel knitting Materials Threads BOUTON D "OR CENTURION (50 g / 115 m) (100% wool) color Reflet, Orme, Crepuscule, Ketchup, Cuir: 1 ball of each color. Knitting needles No. 3 - 2 straws. Stuffing. Knitting Garter stitch. Knit stitch. Rib 2 x 2. Increment: pick up the thread that connects the stitch you just knitted and the next stitch and knit it in knit stitch. Embroidery Stitch knots. Pattern Square 10 cm side, knit in knit stitch. , knitting needles No. 3 = 26 sts and 34 r. Body Start from the tail. Cast on 15 sts with Reflet color, knit in stockinette stitch, adding on both sides, in each 2 r.: 2 times 1 st. We get 19 sts. Continue as follows: 1st r. * knit 4 sts, 1 inc, 1 st, 1 inc *, repeat from *to* 3 times and finish 4 sts. We get 25 sts in the 2nd r. and every even r .: all purl 3rd row: Knit 5 sts, *1 inc, 1 st, 1 inc, 6 sts *, repeat from *to* 2 times and finish with 1 inc, 1 st, 1 inc and 5 p. We get 31 p. 5th row: Knit 6 p., * 1 increase, 1 p., 1 increase, 8 p. *, repeat from * to * 2 times and finish 1 increase, 1 p. , 1 increase and 6 p. We get 37 p. Continue in this way, we get 1 p. more on both sides and 2 p. between additions. When we get 73 sts, knit 18 r. straight, then distribute decreases: 20 sts, *2 sts together, 1 sts *, repeat from *to* 3 times, 2 sts together, 11 sts, *1 simple stretch, 1 sts*, repeat from *up to* 3 times, 1 simple stretch and 20 sts. 65 sts left. Continue with shortened rows, as follows: 1st row: Knit 30 sts, remove 1 st, thread before work, 1 st. remove the purl, thread behind the work, turn the work and knit all p. 3rd row: Knit 28 stitches, remove 1 stitch from purl, thread before work, remove 1 stitch from purl, thread behind work, turn work and knit all stitches from purl. Continue in this manner, knitting 2 stitches less at the beginning of each knit. R. up to 10 stitches, remove 1 stitch from purl, thread before work, remove 1 stitch from purl, thread behind work and knit all stitches until the other edge. Next row: 30 p. p., 1 p. remove purl, thread behind work, 1 p. remove purl, thread before work, turn and knit all sts. Then knit 28 purls. p., 1 p. remove purl, thread behind work, 1 p. remove purl, thread before work, turn and knit all sts. Continue in this manner, knitting 2 sts less at least at the beginning of each purl. R. up to 10 p. p., 1 p. remove purl, thread at work, 1 p. remove purl. and knit all sts. to the other edge. Knit 2 p. on all sts, then 1 st, *2 sts together, 2 sts *, repeat from *to* 7 times from the beginning, 2 sts. together, 3 p., 1 simple broach, * 2 p., 1 simple broach *, repeat from * to * 7 times from the beginning, 1 p. 49 p. left. Knit 1 p. purl Knit again with shortened r., as follows: 20 sts, remove 1 st, purl thread before work, remove 1 st purl, thread behind work, turn work and knit all sts purl. 18 p., remove 1 p. from purl, thread before work, remove 1 p. from purl, thread behind work, turn work and knit all sts. Continue in this manner, knitting 2 sts less at least at the beginning of each k. R. up to 8 stitches, remove 1 stitch from purl, thread before work, remove 1 stitch from purl, thread behind work and all stitches, to the other edge. Next row: 22 p. p., 1 p. remove purl, thread behind work, 1 p. remove purl, thread before work, turn and knit all sts. Continue in this manner, knitting 2 sts less at least at the beginning of each purl. r., up to 8 p. p., 1 p. remove purl, thread at work, 1 p. remove purl. and knit all stitches from purl to the other edge. Knit 2 p. on all sts, then 3 sts, 10 times 2 sts together, 3 sts, 10 times 2 sts together and 3 sts. 29 sts left. Knit 1 p. purl Continue persons. satin stitch in Orme color for the head, 16 p. high, then distribute the increases as follows: 4 sts, * 2 sts in 1, 1 p.*, repeat from *to* 10 times, 2 sts in 1 and 4 sts. We get 40 p. Knit 15 r. directly. Then form decreases at the top of the head, in each 2 rows: 1st row: * 5 sts, 2 sts together *, repeat from * to * 5 times and finish 5 sts. 35 sts left. 3rd row. : *4 sts, 2 sts together *, repeat from *to* 5 times and finish 5 sts. 30 sts left. 5th row: *3 sts, 2 sts together *, repeat from *to* 6 times. 24 sts left. Row 7: * 2 sts, 2 sts together *, repeat from * to * 6 times. 18 sts left. 9th row: * 1 st, 2 sts together *, repeat from * to * 6 times. 12 points left. Close. Beak Cast on 32 sts in color Cuir, knit. stitch 2 rows, then start decreasing: 1st row: 6 stitches, 2 stitches together, 1 simple broach, 12 stitches, 2 stitches together, 1 simple broach, 6 stitches. 28 stitches left. 2- oh and every even row: all purl. 3rd r.: 5 p., 2 p. together, 1 simple broach, 10 p., 2 p. together, 1 simple broach, 5 p. 24 p. left. 5th r.: 4 p., 2 p. together, 1 simple broach, 8 p., 2 p. together, 1 simple broach, 4 p. 20 p. left. 7th row: 3 p., 2 p. together, 1 simple broach, 6 p. , 2 sts together, 1 simple broach, 3 sts. 16 sts left. 9th row: 2 sts, 2 sts together, 1 simple broach, 4 sts, 2 sts together, 1 simple broach, 2 p. 12 p. left. 11th r.: 1 p., 2 p. together, 1 simple broach, 2 p., 2 p. together, 1 simple broach, 1 p. 8 points left. Close. Paws Cast on 16 stitches in Reflet color, knit in garter stitch, 2 rows high, then * cast on 10 stitches, knit remaining 6 stitches, turn, knit 6 stitches, cast on 10 stitches, knit 2 rows. *, repeat from * to * 2 times and close all sts. Knit 3 other parts in the same way. Scallop Cast on 14 stitches in Ketchup color, knit in garter stitch, 4 rows high, then cast off 9 stitches, knit remaining 5 stitches, turn, knit 5 stitches, cast on 7 stitches, knit 4 rows, cast off 7 stitches. , knit the remaining 5 p., turn, knit 5 p., cast on 5 p., knit 4 p., cast off 5 p., knit the remaining 5 p., turn, knit 5 p., cast on 3 p., knit 4 p. . and close all sts. Knit the second piece in the same way. Feathers under the beak: Part 1: Cast on 28 stitches in Ketchup color, knit 4 rows. garter stitch and close. 2nd part: Cast on 20 points and do the same work as for the 1st part. Tail Part 1: Cast on 24 stitches in Cuir color, knit 4 rows. garter stitch, then * cast on 20 stitches, knit remaining 4 stitches, turn, knit 4 stitches, cast on 20 stitches, knit 4 stitches. *, repeat from * to * 1 more time and cast off all sts. Part 2: Cast on 28 sts in Crepuscule color, knit 4 p. garter stitch, then * cast on 24 sts, knit remaining 4 sts, turn, knit 4 sts, cast on 24 sts, knit 4 sts. *, repeat from * to * 1 more time and close all sts. 3rd part: Cast on 32 sts in Orme color, knit 4 r. garter stitch, then * cast on 28 sts, knit remaining 4 sts, turn, knit 4 sts, cast on 28 sts, knit 4 sts. *, repeat from * to * 1 more time and close all sts. Wings 1st part: Cast on 26 sts in Crepuscule color, knit with an elastic band 2 x 2, 3 rows high, then 1 row. as follows: * 2 p. p., 2 p. together persons. *, repeat from * to * and finish with 2 purls. p. 20 p. left. Continue knit. satin stitch, 2 r., then shortened r.: 1st r.: 15 p., 1 p. remove purl, thread before work, 1 p. remove purl, thread at work, turn, all purl. 3rd row: 11 p., remove 1 p., thread before work, 1 p. remove purl, thread at work, turn, all purl. 5th row: 7 p., 1 p. remove purl, thread before work, 1 p. remove purl, thread at work, turn, all purl. Knit then 5 r. on all points and close. Knit the second part in the opposite direction. Knit 2 parts of the second wing in the same way. Collar Cast on 9 p. in Orme color, knit 4 p. garter stitch, then * cast on 6 stitches, knit remaining 3 stitches, turn, knit 3 stitches, cast on 6 stitches, knit 4 stitches. *, repeat from * to * 15 times and close all sts. Eyes Cast on 10 sts with Reflet color, knit 5 times 2 sts together. and close. Knit the second eye in the same way. Assembly Sew the bottom of the body and head, leaving an opening for stuffing, then close completely. Combine 2 parts of the scallop, stuff it and sew it on the top of the head. Make a seam at the bottom of the beak, stuff it and sew it on. Secure the eyes with a knot stitch in the color Crepuscule in the center. Secure the collar around the neck, the feathers under the beak and 3 parts of the tail. Bring 2 pieces of each paw together (leaving the top open to stuff the straw in), then close completely. Sew them to the body. Combine the 2 parts of each wing, stuff them, then secure them. row - 7 loops * 1 inc, 2 loops, 1 inc, 8 stitches *, repeat * up to * 2 times and finish with 1 inc, 2 sts, 1 inc and 7 sts. Row 7 - 8 loops * 1 inc, 3 loops, 1 inc ,8 stitches*, repeat *up to* 2 times and finish with 1 increase, 3 stitches, 1 increase and 8 stitches, and so on, try to knit