• 03.08.2012

One of the most important moments in a person’s life, his second, now spiritual birth. And every year more and more young parents baptize their children, according to their faith and primordial Russian traditions.

According to church tenets, it is advisable to baptize a baby on the 40th day of birth, however, increasingly, young families are postponing the sacrament of baptism a little so that the newborn gets a little stronger and grows up - after all, in the first weeks he is so fragile! But in any case, it is recommended to baptize babies in the first year of life.

If you want to follow all the rules, then it is better to start preparing for baptism in advance. A very responsible and serious step is to choose the right godparents for the baby. Of course, there is no point in conducting a ceremony without faith and repentance, therefore godparents must be baptized and believing people. Godparents undertake to help parents in everything related to the Christian upbringing of the child, pray for him, and instruct him spiritually. In general, for a boy it is enough to invite only his godfather, and for a girl only his godmother is needed, but according to tradition, both are invited. Before the ceremony, godparents must go to church to confess, repent and receive communion. At least one of the parents must know the “Creed” prayer by heart; it is read during the ceremony.

For young parents, it would be a good idea to first walk through the churches, listen to your feelings, talk with the priest, the novices - they will help you sort out the details and tell you how exactly the ceremony is carried out in this church. Each church conducts the baptism ceremony a little differently - it depends on the priest and the traditions of the temple, however, in Orthodoxy there are certain strict canons. So, christening can be roughly divided into three parts: the holy father’s appeal to the Lord (at this time the child is alternately in the arms of his godparents and blood parents), anointing the baby and washing in the font. Then - the final prayers, at the end of which your child will be reliably protected by the Lord and the guardian angel.

Parents should remember that christening is not a ten-minute event, but a solemn rite, consisting of many rules and rituals lasting about 40 minutes. And this is why the right “equipment” for a baby is so important: a well-chosen baptism kit will allow your baby to withstand the entire important procedure without tears or whims.

Usually the godparents buy the outfit for the holy sacrament, however, if you don’t want “surprises,” you can still control this moment yourself. Now more and more parents are turning their attention to special baptismal sets. For example, baptismal sets of the Choupette brand absolutely comply with all Orthodox canons, because the brand’s specialists approached this issue very responsibly and consulted with representatives of the Orthodox Church. A christening outfit for a girl is a dress, complemented by accessories such as a bonnet (lace cap) and, if desired, a handmade commemorative sachet, in which it is convenient to put an icon, a cross, and then store the first cut curl there. For a boy, you can choose a laconic and sophisticated shirt, optionally complementing it with a sachet. An important point: a boy’s head, unlike a girl’s, remains uncovered during baptism. According to Orthodox canons, it is customary to dress girls and boys in long, toe-length clothes in traditional white or light cream shades, decorated with embroidery, lace, satin and silk ribbons.

Many parents are concerned about the following question: how elegant should the christening set be? There can only be one answer: an atmosphere of divinity and purity is always appropriate in a church. This is what you should consider when choosing a baptismal set. Previously, in Rus' there was a tradition of passing on baptismal clothes by inheritance to your children, so baptismal sets looked like a real family heirloom - truly luxurious! There was exquisite lace, silver embroidery, and precious stones... In the modern world, baptismal outfits for boys and girls are not passed down from generation to generation, however, they remain no less elegant - after all, this is such an important moment in life! In a christening set for a girl, embroidery, lace, satin, and silk ribbons (only in a harmonious combination) would be appropriate, but the outfit for boys should look somewhat more restrained, but no less elegant.

It is very important that the entire set fully meets the requirements for children's clothing: it is made from 100% natural, hypoallergenic materials that do not irritate the baby's skin, without rough seams or roughness. It is important to pay attention that clothes are easy to put on and take off, otherwise a long time of untying and tying can ruin the solemnity of the moment and (more importantly!) the child’s mood. Clothes that need to be put on over the head are also extremely uncomfortable for the baby. Since the baptism ceremony lasts quite a long time, it is better to prepare for various surprises, a favorite toy will help distract the child in time, food, a pacifier, changeable diapers - everything should be ready. You should be able to quickly dry and change your baby.

After the rite of anointing, there is a font, which symbolizes the cleansing of the baby; this moment, by the way, is one of the most solemn and important in the baptismal rite. After bathing, the baby is dressed in a white and always new baptismal shirt or baptismal towel. This is a sign of purity before heaven and the sight of God. Sometimes it happens that young parents buy bright clothes or a towel for christening so that the child looks smarter, but this is not true, according to church laws, only white and its shades, for example, cream, are the only correct ones. You should also not forget about a very important thing - the cross. It is better if the cross is made of light material; it is better to put off the chain for small children for later. It is safer to use a ribbon or rope made of natural material instead - it will not rub the baby’s delicate skin.

You have an important event coming up - you have been offered to become a godmother! Such a wonderful, bright holiday, you are glad of the trust placed in you, but at the same time you perfectly understand all the responsibility entrusted to you.

When you are behind the comprehension of the moral aspect of this event and the process of realizing whether you are ready to play the role of a spiritual parent, a number of “earthly” questions arise before you and one of the most important ones is what to wear for a christening and what clothes to buy for your godson (goddaughter)?

And the point is not at all that you, being a woman, want to be at your best everywhere and look your best, but that you understand where you are going and what event you are going to and you want to look appropriate and not provocative in church. I was present at four christenings, I saw everything... And believe me, I was even ashamed of those women who reacted irresponsibly to this event.

Some of them came to the christening in a denim mini, while others wore a blouse with a revealing neckline. There was a case when one lady, wearing evening makeup, was remarked by Father, who was conducting the ceremony: “Have you come to a disco?” I stood next to her and heard it with my own ears - it was an unpleasant situation, I tell you. The point is that you need to kiss the cross and it is absolutely unacceptable for a woman to have lipstick on.

Here are some important points for going to church, dear future godparents!

First, be sure to wear a cross (in order to baptize someone, you yourself must be baptized). What to do if there is no cross? Read the article. Cover your head with a scarf or scarf (not important), choose a scarf from a fabric so that it does not slip through your hair, or tie it very well - during baptism, most of the time it is the godmother who holds the child in her arms and it is very inconvenient to constantly adjust the headdress.

Secondly, you don't need any makeup. After leaving the church, you will have a minute to go “powder your nose” and at the same time quickly put on some makeup.

If you absolutely cannot do without makeup, please let it be “inconspicuous”, natural, so to speak. But lips – under no circumstances!!!

Third, wear a skirt or dress that reaches at least your knees. The top should cover the chest well and preferably the shoulders. The color can be any. But the calmer the better - no need for bright colors or sparkles on top.

You should buy new, light-colored clothes for the child you will baptize. It is best if the color is white. This could be a set or a “sandbox” type suit. A simple dress is suitable for a girl. It is convenient when the arms and legs are bare in the outfit, since Father will lubricate them.

Although if the baby is very small, most likely you will be asked to undress him “down to diapers” and wrap him up (a spacious white towel or diaper). The godmother also buys Kryzhma. There was a time when the role of the kryzhma was played by the shirt in which the father of the child was crowned (in the time of our great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers).

Maintaining these subtleties in clothing is not so difficult, is it? I wish you and your godchildren that your baptism day will become one of your most important holidays and that you will remember it for the rest of your life!

And more articles on the topic:

Comments (6) -

    By the way, they don’t always think about clothes and show up to church in trousers, bustier dresses or a blouse with thin straps, which is absolutely unacceptable. If you haven’t dressed accordingly, you can take with you a cape over your shoulders and a long skirt, which you can wear over your main outfit.

    In my opinion, even if you don’t know exactly what you can wear, you can initially assume something more strict compared to everyday life. And you can find out more specifically from knowledgeable people, they will always tell you.

    To avoid mistakes, check with the priest, in the church itself. In addition to clothes, don’t forget about makeup and manicure. My father told me to wipe off my lipstick, even though it was barely noticeable.

    The godmother buys the kryzhma and clothes, but what does the godfather buy? Cross? By the way, it is advisable that there is no nail polish on the nails, especially if the nails are extended.

    Usually christenings take place in the morning. Putting on yourself bright makeup during the day is the height of bad manners and absolute ignorance. But regarding mini and low necklines, this is something that only a 15-year-old can wear. And if you are at least over 20, I don’t think such clothes are acceptable during the day. Not to mention at all that you are going to church.

    In principle, it can be assumed that christening is primarily a rite performed in a church, so you need to dress accordingly, with a minimum of makeup. In our church, for those girls who came in a mini or jeans, the grandmother - the celebrant will always have a scarf that you can tie around your skirt instead of a skirt; they will definitely find another one for your head if you forgot. In general, people who understand this should be taken as godparents; godparents are taken for the spiritual education of the child, and not for gifts and friendship.

Ekaterina Morozova

Reading time: 14 minutes


Have you been chosen as godmother? This is a great honor and a great responsibility. The responsibilities of the godmother are not limited only to the sacrament of baptism and congratulating the godson on the holidays - they will continue throughout life. What are these responsibilities? What do you need to know about the sacrament of baptism? What to buy? How to prepare?

Baptism - the essence and meaning of the rite of baptism

The rite of baptism is a Sacrament in which the believer dies to a sinful carnal life in order to be reborn by the Holy Spirit into spiritual life. Baptism is cleansing man from original sin , which is communicated to him through his birth. Just as a person is born only once, and the Sacrament is performed only once in a person’s life.

How godparents prepare for the baptism ceremony

You should prepare for the Sacrament of Baptism in advance.

  • Two or three days before the ceremony, future godparents should repent of your earthly sins and take communion.
  • Directly on the day of baptism It is forbidden to have sex and eat food .
  • At the baptism of a girl godmother will have to read the prayer “Creed” , at the baptism of a boy he reads it Godfather .

Responsibilities of a godmother. What should a godmother do?

A child cannot choose his godmother himself; his parents make this choice for him. The exception is the older age of the child. The choice is usually determined the closeness of the future godmother to the family , a warm attitude towards the child, the principles of morality that the godmother adheres to.

What are the responsibilities godmother?

  • Godmother vouches for the newly baptized child before the Lord.
  • Responsible for spiritual education baby.
  • Takes part in life and education the baby on a par with biological parents.
  • Takes care of the child in a situation where something happens to the biological parents (the godmother can become the guardian in the event of the death of the parents).

Godmother is spiritual guide for her godson and an example of a Christian lifestyle.

The godmother must:

  • Pray for the godson and to be a loving and caring godmother.
  • Attend church with a child , if his parents do not have such an opportunity due to illness or absence.
  • Remember your responsibilities on religious holidays, ordinary holidays and weekdays.
  • Take problems in your godson's life seriously and support him during difficult stages of life .
  • Be interested and promote a child's spiritual growth .
  • Serve example of godly living for the godson.

Features of the baptism ritual

How is the sacrament of child baptism performed?

Requirements for a godmother at a christening

The most important requirement for godparents is be baptized Orthodox who live according to Christian laws. After the ceremony, godparents must promote the spiritual growth of the child and pray for him. If the future godmother has not yet been baptized, then she must be baptized first , and only then – the baby. Biological parents may be completely unbaptized or profess a different faith.

  • Godmother must be aware of your responsibility for raising a child. Therefore, it is welcomed when relatives are chosen as godparents - family ties are broken less often than friendly ones.
  • The godfather can attend the girl’s baptism in absentia, godmother - only in person . Her duties include receiving the girl from the font.

Godparents We must not forget about the day of baptism . On the day of the Godson's Guardian Angel, you should go to church every year, light a candle and thank God for everything.

What should a godmother wear? Appearance of the godmother at the christening.

The modern church is more loyal to many things, but taking into account its traditions is certainly recommended. Basic requirements for a godmother at baptism:

  • Presence of godparents pectoral crosses (consecrated in the church) necessarily.
  • It is unacceptable to come to baptism in trousers. Should wear a dress , which will hide the shoulders and legs below the knee.
  • On the godmother's head must have a scarf .
  • High heels are unnecessary. The baby will have to be held in your arms for a long time.
  • Flashy makeup and provocative clothing are prohibited.

What do godparents buy for baptism?

  • White christening shirt (dress). It can be simple or with embroidery - it all depends on the choice of the godparents. The shirt (and everything else) can be purchased directly from the church. At baptism, the baby’s old clothes are removed as a sign that he appears clean before the Lord, and the baptismal shirt is put on after the ceremony. Traditionally, this shirt should be worn for eight days, after which it is removed and stored for life. Of course, you cannot baptize another baby in it.
  • Pectoral cross with an image of the crucifixion. They buy it directly from the church, already consecrated. It doesn’t matter - gold, silver or simple, on a string. After baptism, many people remove the crosses from their children so that they do not accidentally harm themselves. According to church canons, the cross should not be removed. Therefore, it is better to choose a light cross and a rope (ribbon) so that the baby is comfortable.
  • , in which the baby is wrapped after the Sacrament of baptism. It is not washed after the ceremony and is stored as carefully as a shirt.
  • Cap(kerchief).
  • The best gift from godparents would be cross, icon or silver spoon.

Also for the baptism ceremony you will need:

  • Baby blanket. For a comfortable baby in the baptismal room and warming the baby after the baptismal bath.
  • Small bag, where you can put a lock of the baby’s hair, cut by a priest. You can keep it with your shirt and towel.

It is advisable to make sure in advance that the items are suitable for the baby.

After the baptism ceremony

So, the baby was baptized. You have become a godmother. Of course, according to tradition, this day is a holiday. It can be celebrated in a warm family circle or crowded. But it is worth remembering that christening is, first of all, a celebration of the spiritual birth of a baby. You should prepare for it in advance and thoroughly, thinking through every detail. After all spiritual birthday, which you will now celebrate every year, is much more important than the day of your physical birth.

Baptism is perhaps the most important event in life from a spiritual point of view. That is, this is not just a ritual, not just a tribute to tradition, but this is a new birth - a birth in a spiritual hypostasis. If you have the honor of becoming a godmother, you should not refuse, citing doubts about the fact that you do not know how to behave correctly, or what to wear for a christening. This review provides tips to help answer your burning wardrobe question.

Baptism is a celebration: choose the appropriate outfit

For some reason, one often gets the impression that a woman in church must look like a gray mouse: a wide, floor-length skirt that is dull and uninteresting, a black or gray turtleneck that completely covers her arms and neck, and a country-style scarf tied. In practice, everything turns out to be completely different. Of course, dressing modestly in church is the duty of any woman, but there is no need to look ugly and gloomy at the same time. Moreover, you should not choose gloomy clothes for a christening. This is a holiday, which means you need to dress beautifully and formally.

Church dress code: what godmothers and female guests need to know

When going to church, you can finally feel like a woman - after all, the everyday jeans and trousers that have become habitual have completely deprived most of us of this feeling. By putting on a skirt or dress, we begin to behave more feminine.

Therefore, when going through your wardrobe in search of what to wear for a christening, you can put an end to trousers, shorts, Bermuda shorts and jeans in advance. It is best if it is a dress or skirt with a blouse or jacket. The hem length should be no higher than the knee, optimally to the floor. Fortunately, maxi length skirts have recently gained the status of a fashion item. If such an outfit still seems too extravagant to you, a knee-length pencil skirt will be quite appropriate for the occasion - it is moderately strict, moderately businesslike and moderately elegant.

Don't forget to keep your arms and shoulders covered. The most convenient and easiest option to do this is to choose an outfit with long sleeves or at least elbow-length sleeves.

If the baptism takes place in the summer, in hot weather, you can choose clothes without sleeves, but at the same time carefully drape your shoulders and arms to the elbows with a wide, light scarf. True, this option may not be very convenient: the godmother will need to take the baby in her arms after the ceremony, and movement may cause the scarf to move a little and expose her shoulders. If you are just a guest, this option is quite acceptable.

Naturally, a woman should have her head covered in the temple. And let the emancipates prove that this is supposedly a discredit, but in reality it turns out that with a skillful and competent approach, this is an opportunity to decorate your own image. A beautifully tied scarf or a scarf draped in soft folds adds even more charm to a woman’s appearance.

Let's talk about shoes

There are no strict rules that must be followed. When choosing what to wear for baptism, you need to be guided only by a sense of common sense and comfort. Since you will have to stand for quite a long time, it is better to abandon the idea of ​​wearing high heels. Low-top shoes will be much more comfortable in this case.

Well, it is advisable that the shoes are not provocative: ankle boots, richly decorated with rhinestones and sequins, are best saved for another occasion.

Makeup: pros and cons

The Church does not encourage the use of cosmetics. Therefore, it’s definitely not worth putting Indian war paint on your face. If possible, it is best to go to the christening without makeup. However, discreet makeup in a natural way will not look provocative. The only restriction that must be adhered to is to refuse lipstick or gloss. You will have to kiss the cross and the icon, and leaving lip marks on them is impolite and ugly.

As for the use of perfume, it can only be a light, unobtrusive aroma, but not a heavy bouquet.

Don't forget about the cross

In general, it is desirable that every baptized person come to church with a cross on his chest. This is especially true for godfathers and mothers. Just remember that the cross should not be just a decorative adornment worn on top of clothing - it should be worn directly on the body.

Let's sum it up

Now you know how to dress for a christening. As you can see, even under the rather strict restrictions that exist in the church dress code, the godmother and any guest can look beautiful and elegant.

    Generally, you should dress modestly for church.

    A woman must wear a headscarf, a skirt no lower than knee length, and neat, closed shoes.

    A man must be dressed in trousers and a shirt, maybe a sweater or jacket, clothes must be clean and tidy.

    A woman dresses according to all church rules, a medium-length skirt or dress is required, it can be even longer - even floor-length will look appropriate, outerwear should not be open, without cutouts or exposed parts of the body, a strict and solemn appearance.

    A man should wear trousers and a shirt of a neutral color, without bright patterns, and shorts should not be worn for this holiday.

    Crosses must be worn.

    You need to dress modestly for church. For women, no trousers or jeans, but a skirt or dress covering the knees, and a scarf on the head. On top, a blouse or blouse or dress, but only so that everything is not transparent, the shoulders are closed and without deep cutouts. For men, trousers and a shirt.

    You should go to Baptism in comfortable, comfortable clothes. Since this is a holy temple, women dress so that there are no large necklines, no short skirt or trousers, but rather a long skirt, only the forearms are exposed and the elbows are closed, you can choose a skirt and a blouse. Wear a scarf or scarf on your head so you don’t end up with your head uncovered.

    Any shade of clothing, preferably modest colors rather than bright, flashy colors; you can preferably choose light-colored clothing on such a festive day.

    As for makeup, it is light and not flashy, especially not to paint your lips too much, because at the end of the ritual the priest brings a cross for a kiss, and it is generally impossible to touch lips with painted lips.

    It is better to remove all unnecessary jewelry from yourself, like beads and earrings. You should wear a cross.

    Shoes are simpler, comfortable, without stilettos or too high heels.

    Dress the child in comfortable, light, new clothes so that the arms and legs are exposed; they will participate in the ritual separately when the priest anoints it.

    A very small child can wear a kryzhma as a head support.

    If you are going to baptize an adult, it is better to dress in loose clothing, such as a shirt. Clothing for baptism will be available at the church itself. They keep it with them after the ceremony and preserve it.

    Bring a towel and other shoes with you to wipe off moisture after you have to take a dip.

    I wore a black pencil skirt just below the knee, a light blouse with a small triangular neckline and 3/4 sleeves, and tied a scarf back over my head. The cross must be on the neck (but I wear it all the time). I took spare clothes and a towel for the child.

    It all depends on your image and how you perceive this day.

    Alternatively, you can wear a formal suit and your partner can wear a dress. Don’t focus on black moderate tones, this is not a day of mourning, you can use brighter colors.

    Just as an option for comfortable summer clothing, you can wear pants (jeans) and a T-shirt, and your partner can wear pants and a blouse or something like that.

    Woman present at the baptism ceremony in church, should not look gloomy and gray, because it is a holiday, and therefore you need to dress solemnly And Beautiful. Of course, bright, flashy clothes in church are not appropriate, but clothes without excesses in light colors are the best option.

    When going through your wardrobe, we immediately abandon all types of trousers and choose a dress or skirt with a blouse. The hem length should be below the knee, and the blouse is without a deep neckline, straps and decorative cut-out holes. A blouse with a sleeve is quite suitable below the elbow, preferably plain. You can tie a beautiful headscarf or drape a scarf on your head, which will add additional charm to your look.

    Since christening involves a long ceremony, you should not wear high-heeled shoes. Shoes on a small stable heels will make you feel comfortable and will not look defiant in church.

    Do not forget pectoral cross, which should be hidden under clothing.

    Modestly, as befits a Christian when going to church. This is a skirt below the knees, covered shoulders, chest, arms. A scarf or shawl on the head. Cross.

    For a woman - a skirt below the knees, covered shoulders, a scarf. All this is better than light colors - after all, baptism is a holiday.

    For men - trousers, shirt. Both the godfather and the godmother must wear a cross.

    In general, people dress for baptism the same way as they dress for church.

    I wore a long, dark-colored floor-length dress and a long-sleeved jacket, a scarf or scarf on my head, shoes without heels, and a cross, of course. For the child, a towel to dry and clothes (baptism kit if the child is small, it usually includes a shirt and a hat). The main thing is that in these clothes it is neither cold nor hot, since you will need to stand for at least 30-40 minutes.

    The rite of Baptism is a sacrament. You need to take it seriously and responsibly. Of course, you should pay attention to your wardrobe. You should dress modestly for church, without any frills. Clothing in pastel colors, no bright, flashy colors. No miniskirts or exposed parts of the body, even if it’s 40 degrees outside. Women are not allowed to wear trousers and shorts (the same for men). Bright makeup will also be inappropriate; applying lipstick to the cross is completely unacceptable. Bright large jewelry will also be out of place, but a cross on the neck is just right. Shoes should preferably be low-heeled, rather than high-heeled. And definitely a scarf or shawl on the woman’s head.