Girls don’t need much, just a caring husband who would ruin their lipstick but keep their mascara...

The funny thing is that the man of your dreams is someone's ex-asshole...

Each person has their own problems... for some, the shelving does not fit into the opening, for others, their ass is in their jeans.

And to hell with it, with this love, I wish I could find a person who at least just doesn’t infuriate.

If a man is made in God's likeness, then a woman is incomparable.

The wind takes me to a place where there are plenty of handsome guys.

I would love to be better! But it couldn’t be better!!!)

Yes, now it’s not the boys who have gone, but some women! Write first, call first, call for a walk first. Maybe I should pick her up and give her some flowers?

Most of all I like 2 commands on my phone: “edit” and “send”.

Women like romantic men until they need a man's help. And he stands like this - a tear in his eyes, hands out of his ass.

A girl should always look perfect in case she meets her ex.

Over the years I make fewer and fewer mistakes. But their quality is undoubtedly growing.

I don’t know who calls their ex when they’re drunk. When I’m drinking, I don’t even know where my phone is lying around.

Not every girl believes in love at first sight, because it is difficult to determine by eye who earns how much.

A beautiful and smart girl should have one guy, and a lot of those who would like to be in his place...

Probably, you shouldn’t have said to an unfamiliar hairdresser: “Come on, surprise me!”

If you want to look young and slim, stay close to the old and fat ones.

If you don’t have a personal life, then stop being decent...

I really want to cuddle up to someone... put my lips to my ear and whisper... GIVE MONEY...

Flirting is when a girl doesn’t know what she wants, but uses all means to achieve it...

If you want to effectively seduce a guy, throw him a package of condoms and say: “Sir, defend yourself!”

Girls are masochists. Proven by epilator...

Mine comes up today and says: “You women are strange creatures! When your jeans don’t fasten, you cry from grief, and when your bra doesn’t fasten, you cry from joy!”

I’m tired... I want champagne, strawberries, flowers and for my hands!

She was an extremely sweet, good-natured and shy girl in those rare moments when no one annoyed her.

It's easy to have a bad reputation! It’s enough to be beautiful and sociable, and people will come up with everything themselves and tell others!

I beg you, those who are leaving my life, close your mouth behind you.

Girls have no sense of proportion when they wear makeup, drink and fall in love.

Oh, this feminine weakness. How much horsepower does it have?

There are too many causes of death in the world to die from modesty.

I have already left that age when you worry about what others will think of you... Now let others worry about what I will think of them!

The best statuses for girls on! The most beautiful creatures on planet Earth are, of course, women! After all, for the sake of beautiful ladies, men perform feats, dedicate poems and songs to them. All of you know the great heroines Tatyana Larina, Natasha Rostova and young Juliet from school. Thanks to them, the classics sang the purity, beauty, wisdom, playfulness, kindness, love of life, and sacrifice of women. And this is exactly what our statuses, carefully selected for this section, are about. And how many magnificent female portraits can be seen in the most famous museums in the world. Today the girl chooses her own path. Who should she become, what profession should she choose, should she be a housewife or a businesswoman. Do you want to be talked about? Then you need to look at our website and find the most interesting statuses for girls.

Original and cool statuses for girls!

The phrase in a status is often used to judge a person’s character. Therefore, incorrectly chosen words can cause a less than pleasant impression of you, to put it mildly. It is necessary to choose your status very carefully and thoughtfully, especially for girls! After all, the most important thing is that cool statuses for girls correspond to your personality. A wide selection of beautiful and original phrases from our website will help any girl choose the status she needs for the social network.

The coolest quotes for girls!

As you know, beauty is a very terrible force, and beautiful statuses for girls will allow any of you to find the perfect frame for your beauty. And let your friends envy your excellent taste and your excellent status. Girls are different, some like to read classics, while others can’t imagine themselves without a guy on a Harley. For you, brave young ladies, our cool statuses for girls. And let everyone know that you are the coolest in the area! Your friends always know that you are just a real sparkler. Not a single party can do without you, you are the life of the party and simply a real treasure. Your sense of humor amazes everyone; you are not afraid to laugh at yourself. Then our funny statuses about girls are for you! Visit our website and you can change your status on the social network at any time.

Quotes for VKontakte for girls!

The girls are so different, your mood changes like the wind. Today you are funny, but by the evening you want to cry into your pillow. Or watch a romantic comedy for the soul with your best friend. Or maybe you decided to take up painting or learn to cook better than your mother-in-law. On our website you will find deep and wise statuses for girls with meaning. And let your envious people rack their brains over deciphering your status. Every self-respecting girl has a page on a social network, and perhaps more than one. With our help you can convey your mood. Tell about yourself briefly but succinctly, both in happy moments of your life and in difficult moments. Your friends and simply visitors to your page will have only a pleasant and positive opinion about you from the first seconds. And our VKontakte statuses for girls will try to help you with this. You will always find selected statuses for girls on our website! Every girl should know that they think only positively about her and treat her with respect.

The husband comes home, the child is dirty, the toys are scattered, the kitchen is all in porridge, there is no lunch. The wife is watching TV. Husband: - What is this?! - Darling, you always ask what you did all day. Today I didn’t do anything!

Fell into childhood. I want a bear, 180-190 cm tall, weighing 80-90 kg. Maybe not Mishka.

annoying girls who, seeing boys nearby, start screaming and laughing loudly. THEY WILL NOT PAY ATTENTION, CALM DOWN.

A woman must be loved so that she does not think that there is someone else in the world who will come and love her more deeply.

Every girl thinks that she would make an awesome guy.

No, our women still have low self-esteem! Just try to approach a lady you don’t know well and kiss him, and you’ll immediately hear the answer: Are you drunk?! or are you crazy?! They seriously think that they can please someone who is either drunk or mentally ill!

If a woman asks you again: What?, this does not mean that she did not hear. She gives you one last opportunity to change what you said.

New diet: instead of breakfast - a lover, for lunch - another admirer, and a home-made, modest dinner, replace it with a legitimate husband!

girls without makeup, you are the best.

An elegant woman is tastefully undressed even on the beach.

I sing along with Basta, Guf, Noise so well that it seems to me that I should have been born a rapper.

Most of us really look at you as a husband within five minutes. Humble yourself.

Every woman has a built-in file for tuning her husband.

Don't look at the photo, I'm ugly there. Well, give it back! - Girl, calm down! Insurance and registration certificate, please.

How is your daughter doing? - Great. My husband loves me, gives me fur coats, takes me to resorts. - And your son? - And my son came across a bitch, then buy her a fur coat, then take her to the resort!

We women almost always know how to do what is not necessary correctly, and how to justify it later...

You are white and fluffy, and I am black and smooth!

The best man in the world will be recorded in the red book - in my passport!

Kick-ass is when a cute guy comes up to her in a cafe and says: - Hi, is it busy here? - Hello, no! - Well, I'll take a chair then.

Do you think I'm ugly? Just so you know: even Barbie dreams of becoming me!

Girls, don’t believe all this nonsense: cabbage makes your stomach swell, not your chest.

After some actions, you are so glad that girls are not beaten.

A woman with whom you never get bored does not let you grow old!

My little fool, come to me. -I'm not yours anymore. And when I was yours, I really was a fool.

Diet: morning - tea/coffee, afternoon - apple/orange/tea, 23:00 - BUNS DRUMBLINGS SAUSAGE MEAT FISH COOKIES BITCH EAT, EAT, EAT!!!

A smile is the best makeup for a girl!

I can’t understand women who write 100 years in the age column. After all, as the heroine of the film said, love and doves - And so it’s clear that it’s not crazy.

You come up with ideals so boldly. And you just as boldly tell the old ones to fuck off.

A girl, a girl? Let's do barter without looking. How's that? Well, you're my mother-in-law, and I'm your mother-in-law.

Turn your shortcomings into your strengths, and then you will become unique)

Let's just switch roles for a minute? You will call me, write to me, cry in pain. And I will hang around clubs, restaurants, I won’t give a damn about your feelings.

If you come to work wearing new boots and everyone is silent. So the boots are really cool!

I slept, I sleep and will sleep with your girlfriend.

What is more important in a girl: intelligence or beauty? - Smart question. - Beautiful answer.

Why did you break up with him? - Yes. He whined for two months about “you don’t love me.” - And what? - What, I convinced you!

I washed the floors, blew away the dust, washed clothes, sorted out the dishes, cleaned up, cleaned the bath. Crap! I want to marry myself!

You feel such a drive. When you're at the computer and the dishes haven't been washed, dinner isn't prepared. And my husband is already calling the intercom.

Given my taste preferences, I’m generally afraid of getting pregnant. I might want wool or machine oil. Or take over Bulgaria.

Signs of women: straightened hair - for rain; styled her hair - towards the wind; There's chaos on your head - you'll meet everyone you know!

I said that I love long hair, now this fool hasn’t shaved her legs for a month.

I opened the closet, and from there everything that I had nothing to wear would fall out on me...

– Such a beautiful lady and alone? May I give you a treat? - Well, why the hell not. I think I'll drink some vodka.

my no means NO!, and don’t persuade me, and I’ll fuck you.

I never perceived myself as a typical housewife, but now I myself have turned into an avid housewife and it seems that for a long time.

Hello, forgive me for being stupid back then, I don’t know what happened to me, I didn’t dare to give up my freedom, I guess I missed you, where are you now? - Married.

I am a shopaholic, alcoholic, sexaholic, Internet addict, sweet tooth, sleepyhead, hysterical. Why do I need drugs?!

A girl should smell like perfume and flowers.

Wife: - I went to the gynecologist! Husband: - Come on! Show them all there!

I take my words back, I came up with new ones

Every woman considers it her duty to call her beloved (husband, friend), even if it’s the 15th time, to ask one single question: Where are you?

  • Me? Be in love??? It takes some crazy nerves.
  • First the guy ran away from me, then the dog, now I see how hard it is for the fish to push the aquarium towards the door...
  • I say thank you to heaven for the fact that I breathe and follow my dreams! For this world in which I live, for the people I love.
  • Lord, give me wisdom to understand a man! Give me love - to forgive him... Patience - to withstand his character... Just don’t give me strength - otherwise I’ll kill him!
  • Cool VK statuses for girls - Why do we close our eyes when we pray, dream or kiss? Because we don’t see the most beautiful things in life, but feel them with our hearts.
  • I really want to cuddle up to someone... put my lips to my ear and whisper... GIVE MONEY...
  • It takes too much love to leave your loved ones alone. (Martin Amis)
  • When someone turns to you with the request: “Tell me, just be honest!”, you realize with horror that now you will have to lie a lot.
  • And dozens of those who wanted your body are not worth the little finger of the one who loved your soul. (Omar Khayyam)
  • True feminine happiness is to take off your heels and bra.
  • A happy marriage is a marriage in which the husband understands every word that the wife does not say. (Alfred Hitchcock)
  • When a guy is jealous, a girl is pleased... But when a girl starts to be jealous, the third world war begins...
  • Once upon a time she waited for him, then she stopped waiting and simply lived her life. But he still came... (Judith Lennox. Footprints in the sand)
  • In any unclear situation - lose weight.
  • I'm selfish, impatient and insecure. I make mistakes, get out of control, and can be difficult to handle at times. But if you can't communicate with me when I'm in a bad mood, then you don't deserve me in a good mood. (Marilyn Monroe)
  • If you want to effectively seduce a guy, throw him a package of condoms and say: “Sir, defend yourself!”
  • All you know about me are just your memories. (Haruki Murakami)
  • Mine comes up today and says: “You women are strange creatures! When your jeans don’t fasten, you cry from grief, and when your bra doesn’t fasten, you cry from joy!”
  • If you don’t know what you feel for a person, close your eyes and imagine: he’s not there. Nowhere. It never was and never will be. Then everything will become clear. (A.P. Chekhov)
  • Yes, now it’s not the boys who have gone, but some women! Write first, call first, call for a walk first. Maybe I should come pick her up and give her some flowers?
  • If the past does not let go, then it has not passed yet. (Elchin Safarli. They promised you to me)
  • The worst misconception among women is: “He will change.” The most common misconception among men is: “She’s not going anywhere!”
  • The problems of life can only be solved by love, they cannot be solved by hatred. (Osho)
  • Honey, give me something for my birthday that will make me say, “Wow! Lexus!
  • In the memory of every man lies a bitter and tender memory of some woman. (Arturo Perez-Reverte. Fencing teacher)
  • Get married, or what? Where is this unfortunate guy hiding?
  • One mesmerizing moment will undo five years of unwavering loyalty. (Francis Scott Fitzgerald. The Great Gatsby)
  • I've had no luck with men before. Time has passed... I have become wiser and wiser. Now men have no luck with me...
  • Memories are what make us grow old. The secret of eternal youth is the ability to forget. (Erich Maria Remarque)
  • Cool VK statuses for girls - If there is a guy, there are problems, if there is no guy, there is only one problem: there is no boyfriend.

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A comment

I would love to be better! But it couldn’t be better!!!)

Each person has their own problems... for some, the shelving does not fit into the opening, for others, their ass is in their jeans. 🙂

I’m not surprised by someone’s oddities... I can’t always explain mine!

Going to bed at 11 or 12 pm is a small difference, but getting up in the morning at 6:00 or 6:05 is a huge difference!

— You sit quietly on VKontakte and here you have a question. - "What are you doing?"
- Damn, you won’t believe it, I’m cutting hay and stacking it at the monitor. =)

All men are looking for someone who is smart, beautiful, funny, sexy, some with an apartment, a car, and also faithful and selfless. The question arises: why does she need you?

Don't look for the perfect person - I'm sitting at home today ;)!!!

If you don’t have a personal life, then stop being decent...

First the guy ran away from me, then the dog, now I see how hard it is for the fish to push the aquarium towards the door...

I put on my headphones, turned on the music and went to clean the apartment.. I cleaned half of the apartment with the vacuum cleaner turned off :)

Lord, give me wisdom to understand a man! Give me love - to forgive him.. Patience - to withstand his character.. Just don’t give me strength - otherwise I’ll kill him!

I really want to cuddle up to someone... put my lips to my ear and whisper... GIVE MONEY...

You can’t drink tap water - it’s dirty, but fruits and vegetables need to be washed with tap water - they will be clean.

When someone turns to you with the request: “Tell me, just be honest!”, you realize with horror that now you will have to lie a lot.

- Where are you?
- In hell.
- Okay, when you finish studying, you’ll call.

In the morning, girls are divided into 4 types:
1. I may not put on makeup, but I’ll sleep.
2. I may not put on makeup, but I will eat it.
3. I may not sleep or eat, but I will put on makeup.

True feminine happiness is to take off your heels and bra.

When a guy is jealous, a girl is pleased... But when a girl starts to be jealous, World War 3 begins...

In any unclear situation - worse.

If you want to effectively seduce a guy, throw him a package of condoms and say: “Sir, defend yourself!”

Mine comes up today and says: “You women are strange creatures! When your jeans don’t fasten, you cry from grief, and when your bra doesn’t fasten, you cry from joy!”

Yes, now it’s not the boys who have gone, but some women! write first, call first, call for a walk first too. Maybe I should pick her up and give her some flowers?

The worst misconception among women is: “He will change.” The most common misconception among men is: “She’s not going anywhere!”

I had a fight with my loved one, turned away, and in my head: well, hug... well, hug... well, hug... and then he hugs, and you’re like: ... he took his hands away!

Darling, give me something for my birthday so that I can say: “Wow! Lexus!

This morning the mirror showed such horrors O_o

Get married, or what? Where is this unfortunate guy hiding?

I've had no luck with men before. Time has passed... I have become wiser and wiser. Now men have no luck with me...

If there is a guy, there are problems, if there is no guy, there is only one problem: there is no guy.

As women do: “That’s it, don’t call me again!..” and sit and wait...

Of the insects, I only respect the female praying mantis. Well done grandma! Seduced, fell in love, ate, forgot.

Fear in my soul, eyes on my forehead, I'm walking on the ice in heels.

I know how to roll everything... eyes, jars, hysteria... I know how to make something out of nothing... dinner, hairstyle, scandal... I can take out the trash, brain...! In general, I am a very capable girl.

Girls are masochists. Proven by epilator...=)

For a girl, the combination of a mirror and music is a very interesting thing for about two hours. (With)

I'm one of those girls who literally breaks out laughing in the middle of dead silence about something that happened a year or two ago.

If a girl walks with headphones on, with her head down, and then suddenly changes her gait, then a different song starts playing in the headphones :)

for Girls, Men - like pies: some like them with eggs, others with cabbage

A girl worries about her appearance only in two cases: when someone is looking at her, and when no one is looking...

Only a girl can put her cell phone on silent mode so as not to distract her, and then check every 15 minutes to see if she has received an SMS.

Do you think you learned to kiss on tomatoes and are ready for life?... Yeah, buy bananas...)))