On January 1, 2018, phased indexation of pensions began. The changes affected labor pensions of non-working pensioners, as well as social and insurance pensions. This year, pensions were indexed by 3.7% not from February 1, as usual, but from January 1, since last year’s inflation rate, which is usually measured at, turned out to be a record low of only 2.5%, and funds had already been allocated to the budget, designed for a higher rate.

According to the Minister of Social Protection Topilin, such early indexation will ensure an increase in real pensions this year. That is, this year pensions are indexed to a value that is higher than the inflation rate, and not equal to it, as in previous years.

Pension increases in 2018: the latest news

  • Latest news and changes
  • Increasing pensions for disabled people
  • Increase in pensions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Increase in pensions in 2018. Latest news and changes

Since January 2018, the state began to pay a new type of pension to “foundling children” whose parents are unknown, which made it possible to equalize their rights to payments with children abandoned by their parents.

Since January 1, pensions have been indexed by 3.7% for non-working pensioners and by 4% for military personnel.

Since the beginning of the year, a new law on the indexation of pensions for dismissed pensioners has come into force. Now, after 3 months, during which the recalculation lasts, the Pension Fund will pay the indexed pension not from the 4th month, but from the first month after dismissal.

On February 1, social payments were indexed by 2.5% and additional payments to civil aviation flight personnel and coal industry workers increased. The additional payment is an independent benefit, calculated using a special formula that takes into account length of service, average monthly salary, contributions to the Pension Fund, and the average salary in the country. The amount of payments will change every 3 months: May 1, August 1, November 1.

From April 1, it is planned to index social pensions for old age, disability and loss of a breadwinner by 2.9%.

Initially, the budget included funds designed for an indexation of 4.1%, but the growth rate of the cost of living of pensioners turned out to be much lower.

Since 2018, funds from the federal budget have also been allocated for additional payments to pensioners in order to bring the amount of payments they are entitled to to the level of the subsistence level.

Since 2016, a bill on paying an additional 13 pensions to pensioners has been actively discussed, but the majority of members of the State Duma do not support this idea and propose to increase existing pensions instead.

Pension increase from January 1, 2018

From January 1, pensions for non-working pensioners were indexed. The labor (insurance) pension consists of 2 parts: fixed and insurance.

Fixed is the amount that the state undertakes to pay in any case. The insurance is made up of points accumulated during work. The point has a specific value.

As a result of indexation by 3.7%, the cost of one pension point increased from 78.58 rubles to 81.49 rubles.

The insurance pension is divided into several subtypes:

  • old age;
  • on disability;
  • for the loss of a breadwinner.

The size of the fixed part of the payment as a result of indexation was:

  • 4982 rubles - old-age pension and for disabled people of group 2;
  • 9965 rubles - pension for disabled people of group 1;
  • 2491 - survivor's pension and for disabled people of group 3.

Increase in social benefits for pensions from February 1

On February 1, social payments were traditionally indexed. They are paid to the following categories of citizens:

  • disabled people of groups 1, 2, 3;
  • military veterans;
  • WWII participants;
  • heroes of Russia;
  • residents of besieged Leningrad;
  • former concentration camp prisoners;
  • heroes of the USSR and the Russian Federation;
  • liquidators of the Chernobyl accident;
  • family members of fallen soldiers.

Social benefits consist of monthly cash payments, funeral benefits, and a certain set of social services. Social services mean: payment for travel, sanatorium treatment, provision of free medicines or payment for them. Social services can be received in kind or in monetary terms. The amount of social benefits on February 1 was indexed by 2.5%, respectively, payments are:

  • 5701 rubles - funeral benefit;
  • 1075 rubles is the monetary equivalent of a set of social services.

The size of monthly payments for each individual category of citizens has its own meaning.

Will there be 2 indexation on April 1

On April 1, a planned indexation of social pensions, not labor pensions, is planned. Social pensions do not depend on last year’s inflation level, but are calculated based on the current price level and the cost of living. The social pension is provided to those who have no work experience and cannot receive a labor pension. Such a pension, like an insurance pension, is divided into several subtypes:

  • old age;
  • on disability;
  • for the loss of a breadwinner.

Pension indexation will be carried out by 2.9%, since this is precisely the actual growth rate of the cost of living of pensioners over the past year. Thus, the following pension values ​​are expected depending on the category of citizens:

  • 13,410 rubles - pension for disabled children;
  • 13,556 rubles - pension for disabled children;
  • 12,688 rubles - disability pension for conscripts;
  • 10,746 rubles - survivor's pension for the families of conscripts.

According to the law, the social pension cannot be lower than the subsistence level in the region, so if after calculations the value turns out to be less, then additional payments are assigned.

Indexation of pensions for working pensioners

Back in 2016, the increase in insurance payments for those pensioners who continue to work was suspended. In 2018, this rule is still in effect and their pensions were not indexed in January. According to the Ministry of Finance, working pensioners are in unequal conditions with non-working ones due to the fact that their financial situation can be significantly improved through wages.

However, on August 1, 2018, there will be another annual non-declaration recalculation, for which you do not need to contact the pension fund. The employer independently transfers the employee’s data to the Pension Fund and the pension increases by the number of points earned in the past year. The only limitation is that the increase can be no more than 3 points per year.

Indexation of pension after dismissal

On January 1, 2018, a new law came into force that changes the procedure for indexing pensions after dismissal. In the previous 2 years, 3 months passed after dismissal, for which the reporting was first received by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, then reviewed there, and only then the pension was recalculated, taking into account all the indexations that took place during this time. The increased pension was paid starting from 4 months after dismissal, and the preceding months were lost. Now, purely technically, the recalculation procedure will also take 3 months, but pensioners dismissed after January 1, 2018 will also be able to receive an additional payment for the months during which the Pension Fund makes the recalculation.

The pensioner himself does not need to contact the Pension Fund; all reporting is submitted by the employer.

How many points are needed to calculate a labor pension in 2018?

In order to start receiving an insurance (labor) pension in 2018, you must have at least 9 years of experience and 13.8 pension points. These numbers increase every year, and by 2025 the government wants to gradually approach the following values: 15 years of work experience and 30 pension points.

If there is not enough length of service or pension points, a social pension can be assigned, for women from 60 years of age, for men from 65 years of age.

There are also premium coefficients for calculating the insurance pension. If a citizen refuses to receive payments for a period of 1 to 10 years, then his pension may increase significantly. For example, if you refuse payments for a period of 10 years, the size of the fixed part of the payment will increase by 2.1 times, and the amount of the insurance portion will increase by 2.3.

Increasing pensions for disabled people

From April 1, social pensions for disabled people will increase by 2.9% and will be accordingly:

Increase in military pensions from February 1

Every year, according to the law, military pensions and salaries are indexed on February 1. Payment increases have been frozen for several years. In 2018, changes were made to pensions: firstly, they were indexed by 4%, and secondly, this happened not on February 1, but on January 1, along with an increase in insurance pensions.

In addition, an annual increase in the reduction coefficient is provided, according to which pension provision can also be calculated. Usually it increases by 2% and the state plans to increase it to 100%, while now it is 73.23%. This year the reduction factor remained unchanged.

Additional payment to military pensioners of 2,500 rubles in 2018

Since the beginning of 2018, rumors have been actively circulating that the military will be given an additional payment of 2,500 rubles monthly, but the information was only partially confirmed. Firstly, the additional payments will affect only a third of elderly military personnel, and secondly, the amount will depend on rank.

Increase in pensions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Indexation of pensions will also affect employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The coefficient by which the pension will increase in 2018 is small, only 4%, but this figure is not yet final.

Since the fall of 2016, the State Duma has been considering a bill on 13 pensions for pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but a decision on this issue has not yet been made. According to forecasts, such a bill will most likely be rejected, since the state has already approved the budget for 2018-2020 without taking into account such payments.

How much will a disabled child's pension be?

The social pension for a disabled child in 2018 is 12,082 rubles. Such pensions are received not only by disabled children, but also by adult citizens who have the status of “childhood disabled.” Unlike children, they have 3 disability groups. Benefit amount for each group:

  • 1 group - 12082 rubles
  • Group 2 - 10068 rubles
  • Group 3 - 4279 rubles.

How much will the survivor's pension be?

If a child has lost one or two parents, he is entitled to a survivor's pension.

Its current amount is: 5,240 rubles if one parent died and 10,481 rubles if both. From April 1, 2018, survivor pensions will be indexed by 2.9%.

Families of deceased military personnel can receive a separate type of survivor's pension.

After the last indexation in 2017, the amount of the social pension is 5,034 rubles. At the same time, it can be increased:

  • 40% - a military man died from a disease acquired during work;
  • 50% - the military man died from injuries during work;
  • 150% - the military man died from an illness during his service;
  • 200% - died from military trauma.

Increase in pension of 5,000 rubles in 2018

In 2016, due to the unstable economic situation, the government was unable to index pensions in full, so all pensioners were given a one-time payment of 5,000 rubles.

In 2017 and 2018, the pension was indexed to values ​​higher than last year’s inflation, so there is no need for such a payment. The budget for 2018 did not include funds for such a payment, so it will not happen.

Raising the retirement age in 2018

In recent years, the issue of increasing the retirement age of the working-age population has been increasingly discussed. This is explained by the fact that, according to surveys, more than half of people who have retired continue to work, which means that in fact they do not yet need pension security so urgently.

In most neighboring countries, the retirement age has already been raised, but in Russia such a decision has not yet been made. As analysts expect, perhaps after the next presidential election this topic will be raised again.

Federal social supplement

Federal social benefits are a type of financial assistance to non-working pensioners whose pension provision is below the subsistence level in the region. According to the law, such additional payment must be regular and made until the pensioner finds a job, or the amount of his total income becomes equal to the subsistence level. Total income refers to all types of pensions, additional payments, compensations and benefits received by him.

Those pensioners who:

  • live on the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • does not work;
  • receive pension benefits below the regional subsistence level.

The size of the social supplement varies depending on the region and the cost of living in it. That is, it is exactly the amount that does not reach the pensioner’s subsistence level.

On December 15, 2017, Dmitry Medvedev signed an order to allocate 7 billion rubles for additional payments to pensioners. At the same time, the funds will be distributed among 13 regions in which pensions for non-working pensioners are below the subsistence level. The list of regions includes:

  • Sakhalin;
  • Kamchatka;
  • Chukotka;
  • Komi;
  • Yakutia;
  • Primorsky Krai;
  • Khabarovsk region;
  • Arkhangelsk;
  • Magadan Region;
  • Murmansk region;
  • Nenets Autonomous Okrug;
  • Jewish Autonomous Region;
  • Moscow region.

An example of a federal social supplement. The federal cost of living (LM) for a pensioner in 2018 is 8,726 rubles. The regional cost of living, for example, in Vladimir is less, 8,452 rubles. The pensioner was assigned financial support in the amount of 7,500 rubles. Since the regional minimum wage is lower than the federal one, a federal social benefit is assigned. 8726-7500 =952 rubles.

An example of a regional social supplement. The federal cost of living for a pensioner in 2018 is 8,726 rubles. Regional. for example, in Murmansk it is 12,523 rubles. Payments to a pensioner amount to 10,500 rubles. The value is greater than the federal one, but less than the regional one, so there will be the following additional payment: 12523-10500 = 2023 rubles.

Supplement to pension for those over 80 years old

Pensioners who reached 80 years of age in 2018 are entitled to an increase in the fixed part of their insurance pension by 2 times, that is, by 100%. The size of the fixed payment is now 4982 rubles, respectively, the amount doubled will be equal to 10334 rubles.

For pensioners who live in the Far North, the payment increases additionally depending on the coefficient. For those who have worked in the Far North for 15 or 20 years, the payment is additionally increased by 30 or 50% of the already doubled value of the fixed part of the pension.

Such an increase will affect all pensioners of this age with the exception of disabled people of group 1, whose pension is initially 2 times higher.

Pensioners at such an advanced age are additionally entitled to a compensation payment to pay for the services of a person who would care for them, because often elderly people cannot care for themselves and they need the help of an outsider. The amount of compensation is 1200 rubles.

Additionally, regions provide their own benefits and social support measures.

After the pensioner turns 80 years old, the pension will be automatically increased starting from the month following the month in which the birthday occurred. The pensioner does not need to go anywhere for this; the Pension Fund will do everything itself.

The pension fund independently calculates the pension after the pensioner reaches the age of 80.

A new type of pension for children whose both parents are unknown

On January 1, 2018, a new type of payments came into force for the so-called “foundling children,” that is, children whose parents are unknown. This measure was taken in order to put abandoned children on the same level as other orphans who can receive pensions. At the moment, the pension amount is 10,068 rubles and is paid monthly. From April 1, 2018, it will be indexed by 2.9% and will already amount to 10,359 rubles.

The state tries to annually index all possible types of pensions for certain categories of citizens, but the budget does not always have funds for this. In some cases, you can get by with federal or regional additional payments, in others, indexation is simply frozen for several years.

In any case, the government is constantly introducing new types of additional payments and compensations that allow pensioners to live at a more or less acceptable level.


The growth of pension payments to citizens occurs every year in accordance with legislative regulations, with certain exceptions. The current year also differs in its features of recalculation. Some pensioners already received an increase from the first month, which extended to non-working Russian pensioners receiving insurance pension payments. Who will be affected by the indexation of pensions in April 2018?

What pensions will be increased from April 1, 2018

Indexation of pensions is provided for by law for both insurance and social security. If for the first type of security the increase was laid down and implemented by Law No. 420-FZ, then for the second type, plans for indexing in 2018 were initially expressed in June last year and an increase of 1.2 percent was expected. The final decision was announced on February 21, 2018 by the head of the Ministry of Labor.

The Ministry of Labor proposed to index social pension payments by 2.9% from April 1st. The draft resolution was published on the official portal of legal acts. The increase is provided for persons receiving:

  • social state provision (disabled people, including children, small northern peoples, children without a breadwinner, elderly citizens without the necessary insurance period);
  • state support (military, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, WWII veterans, Chernobyl survivors, pilots, astronauts, civil servants).

It should be recalled that the insurance type of pensions has already been increased, which were indexed by 3.7 percent since January 2018. Currently, the average amount of payments based on “old age” is 14,075 thousand rubles, in the last period the value was 13,716 thousand rubles. According to forecast calculations of the Pension Fund, by 2020 the amount will reach 15.5 thousand rubles, or in relative terms - 168.3% of the minimum pension subsistence level.

Indexation of social pensions

The law provides for mandatory annual indexation of social pension payments based on an increase in the cost of living of a pensioner for the previous financial period. This coefficient is determined by the Government of the country by its special resolution. The minimum pension level for Russians should not be less than the regional subsistence minimum for a pensioner, determined by place of residence.

If, together with other required payments, the amount received by a pensioner who does not work is below the minimum subsistence level, a social supplement is established for such a person. In 2018, the average minimum for the country as a whole was determined to be 8,726 rubles. The growth rate proposed by the Ministry of Labor project is 2.9 percent. Indexing will make it possible to increase the pension provision of 3.9 million retired citizens, among whom 3.1 million are recipients of social pensions.

The Pension Fund explains that indexation occurs as planned according to the deadlines specified by legal norms, and social, not insurance payments, are indexed. The necessary funds were included in the PFR budget estimate. At the same time, for citizens the increase will be only a few hundred rubles. Experts note that in the current situation the increase will be little noticeable for pensioners.

Regulatory framework

The main legal document regulating the rights of Russians to pension guarantees from the state, their conditions for assignment and increase, is Law No. 166-FZ “On State Pension Security in the Russian Federation”. Article 5 of this legal act defines the following types of state pension provision:

  • for length of service - length of service;
  • by age - old age;
  • due to assignment of a disability group;
  • upon the loss of a breadwinner by a family;
  • social view.

Chapter V of the Law specifies provisions for establishment, payment and indexing. Social pension compensation according to Art. 23 of this chapter is established for different periods depending on the basis of accrual:

  • in old age - for life;
  • for disability - for the period the citizen is recognized as disabled (including possibly without a deadline);
  • upon the loss of a breadwinner - for the time when a relative of the deceased is declared incapacitated;
  • children whose both parents are unknown - for the period the person is declared incapacitated.

For such state provision, as for the insurance pension type, indexing is provided. The indexation procedure is reflected in Article 25 of the said law 166-FZ. The deadline for the increase is set at the first of April of each year. For 2018, the minimum subsistence level has already been approved by Law No. 362-FZ, and the conversion factor is under consideration for approval by the Russian Government. Last year, 2017, the increase index was 1.2 percent.

Who is entitled to receive a social pension?

Article 4 of the law on state pension provision approves the list of persons who are guaranteed such state protection. Among such citizens, in addition to persons noted for special merits, there is a category of “disabled Russians”:

  • small northern peoples aged 55 (male) and 50 (female) years;
  • Russians aged 65 (male) and 60 (female) years old who have not earned insurance coverage;
  • citizens with disabilities from childhood of group I and disabled children;
  • disabled people of groups I-III;
  • a child whose parents have died (single parent), under 18 years of age or older (when studying full-time in educational institutions until he reaches 23 years of age).

How much will the pension increase in April 2018?

The proposed relative growth rate of 2.9 percent in absolute monetary terms amounts to an average calculation of 255 rubles for social pension payments. The average increase for other groups is as follows: for disabled children - 378 rubles, citizens disabled since childhood - 382 rubles. The average indexed value of state pension provision will be 9.062 thousand rubles, for a disabled child – 13.410 thousand rubles.

For citizens who receive payments for dependents, the increase will be as follows: per person – 1,762.88 rubles; for two people – 3493.77 rubles; for three people – 5420.65 rub. The Ministry of Labor notes that for the state budget, increasing pensions for non-working pensioners in April 2018 costs 1.07 billion rubles. every month until the end of the year generates additional costs of 9.6 billion rubles.

By old age

The official website of the Ministry of Labor reports that according to information on the minimum subsistence level of a Russian pensioner for 2017, equal to 8,315 rubles, and for 2016, equal to 8,081 rubles, the rate of increase was determined to be 102.9 percent. Therefore, the increase index is proposed at 2.9%. Taking this into account, how will the social pension for Russians receiving old-age benefits under Art. 18 of Law No. 166-FZ, reflect the table data:

Increase in pensions for disabled people in April 2018

An increase is also expected for Russians with disabilities. Changes in payments for these groups are accumulated in the table, taking into account the legislatively approved (Article 18 of Law No. 166-FZ) basic and planned figures:

Indexation of pension payments to disabled children and disabled children

From April 1, 2018, the social pension will be increased for children left without parents, children with disabilities, and citizens who have been disabled since childhood. Data for these categories is below:

Increasing state pension benefits

In addition to the above-mentioned recipients, guaranteed rights to state pension provision are provided for by law for special groups of Russians (Article 4 166-FZ):

  • federal civilian government employees;
  • military;
  • those who participated in the Great Patriotic War (abbreviated as WWII);
  • siege survivors who have a special award “Resident of besieged Leningrad”;
  • persons affected by radiation/man-made disasters (Chernobyl, etc.);
  • astronauts;
  • test pilots.

According to the materials attached to the draft resolution, average disability pension payments for military personnel will increase by 355 rubles. and reached 12,688 thousand rubles. For military families who have lost their breadwinner, payments are increased by 303 rubles. and equal an average of 10,746 thousand rubles. For citizens with disabilities resulting from a military injury and participants of the Second World War who have 2 pensions, the increase will be in the amounts of 399 and 392 rubles.

The greatest indexation concerns additional financial support for a person for achievements and merits especially appreciated by the country. The increase is 484 rubles to 17.185 thousand rubles. Experts' comments boil down to the following: the indicated increase is less than current inflation and is invisible to the recipient, but the low indexation coefficient fully complies with the conditions of the current legal norms.

Features of pension calculation

The amounts of state pensions are indicated in Chapter III of 166-FZ. Their definition depends on the category of person and is as follows:

  • Federal civil servants:
    • With the required government experience - 45 percent of average earnings minus the insurance pension part for old age (disability illness), fixed payments and increases. The required length of service for 2018 is 16 years, each year beyond this length of service gives a 3% increase in pension. The total amount is limited to 75% of average earnings.
  • Military personnel and their families - their disability pension depends on the military rank and the cause of disability and is set as a percentage of the social pension provided for under clause 1 of clause 1 of Art. 18 166-FZ – 5034.25 rubles:
    • soldiers/sailors/sergeants/petty officers with disability from military trauma - 300% for the 1st group; 250% for the 2nd group; 175% for group 3;
    • in case of disability due to a disease acquired during service – 250% for the 1st group; 200% for 2nd group; 150% for group 3;
    • on the occasion of the death of the breadwinner of a serving soldier/sailor/sergeant/sergeant major for a disabled family member (each) - 200% (cause - military injury) and 150% (cause - death from disease).
  • Participants of the Leningrad Siege and the Second World War - the pension is set as a percentage of the social pension provided for under clause 1 of clause 1 of Art. 18 166-FZ – 5034.25 rubles:
    • 1st gr. disability – 250%;
    • 2nd gr. disability – 200%;
    • 3rd gr. disability – 150%.
  • Persons affected by radiation, man-made accidents, and their families - the pension is set as a percentage of the social pension provided for under clause 1 of clause 1 of Art. 18 166-FZ – 5034.25 rubles:
    • those who received radiation sickness and other diseases or who received disability from radiation during the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant - 250%;
    • living or previously working in a place of radioactive contamination – 200%;
    • in case of loss of a breadwinner for families: children (each) - 250% in case of death of a single mother or parents, 125% - for other disabled persons and family members.
  • Cosmonauts and their families:
    • with 25 years of service (men)/20 years (women) – 55% of allowance (earnings); for each year beyond these periods, an increase of 3% is given within 85% of the monetary allowance; with 20-25 years of experience (men)/15-20 years (women), the pension is reduced by 2% for each missing year;
    • with disability 1 and 2 gr. – 85% of allowance; 3 gr. - 50%;
    • in case of loss of a breadwinner – 40% to disabled family members (each).
  • Those working in the flight test service - the pension is set as a percentage of the social pension provided for in paragraph 1 of paragraph 1 of Art. 18 166-FZ – 5034.25 rubles:
    • with 25 years of service (men)/20 years (women), of which 2/3 or more of the term is spent on test flights - 1000% minus the insurance part of the pension and fixed payments to it; for each year beyond these periods, an increase is 25% of the social pension within 1500%;
    • with less than 25 years of service (men)/20 years (women), of which flight operations account for less than 2/3 of the length of service - 800% minus the insurance part of the pension and fixed payments to it; for each year beyond these periods, an increase is 25% of the social pension within 1300%;
    • with 20-25 years of experience (men)/15-20 years (women), the pension is reduced by 50% of the social pension for each missing year;
    • 1st class test pilots receive an additional 10% pension.

Disabled military personnel, “Chernobyl survivors”, blockade survivors and participants of the Second World War - whose dependents support disabled relatives (child, grandson, brother, sister, grandfather, grandmother, elderly parents and spouse), the social pension for calculation increases by the amount of 1678.08 rubles, multiplied by for the number of disabled people, but not more than three family members.

For those living in the Far North (districts equated to it, and other areas where additional physiological and financial costs are required), the above-mentioned charges are increased additionally by multiplying by the regional coefficient depending on the area of ​​residence. If the recipient leaves such an area, the regional coefficient is then not included in the calculation.

Amount of state pensions from April 2018

Taking into account the planned indexation, the increase in pension payments for certain groups of Russians and the increase in military pensions from April 2018 apply to all recipients of state pensions, for whom the amount of payments is determined as a percentage of the social pension:


Payments before increase 04/01/2018, rub.

Payments after increase 04/01/2018, rub.


Military personnel with disabilities acquired during military service due to injury/illness

15102,75 / 12585,63

12585,63 / 10068,5

8809,94 / 7551,38

To military families after their death

10068,5 / 7551,38

Disabled WWII, blockade survivors


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Pensions for elderly citizens in the Russian Federation are subject to annual indexation. An increase in the amount of subsidies is necessary for very obvious reasons:

  • utility tariffs are increasing annually;
  • food prices are rising;
  • The cost of travel on public transport increases every year.

Pensioners have no choice but to hope for financial assistance from government authorities.

Should they expect benefits to be indexed next year? What will its size be?

Should we expect an increase in pension payments from January 1, 2018? Last news

In the second half of 2016, due to the severe consequences of the economic crisis in the country, the state was unable to index subsidies for pensioners. In 2017, elderly citizens, including working pensioners, received one-time assistance in the amount of 5,000 rubles as compensation. As for plans for 2018, according to authoritative political figures, indexation is expected in full and on time. This good news was reported by Olga Golodets, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian government, and Andrei Pudov, Deputy of the Ministry of Labor.

According to the general rule enshrined in the law, indexation of pensions should be no less than the inflation rate recorded for a specific period of time. This year, the plan is to increase payments to citizens who have retired by 6.5%. Next year, 2018, the projected indexation level will be 4.9%, and in 2019 – 4.5%. Only pensioners who have stopped working can expect such an increase in benefits; the increase does not apply to working people.

To make the picture clearer, we present the numbers. Today, the average old-age pension is approximately 13,600 rubles, and next year it is planned to increase it to 14,040 rubles, which will be 1.5 times the minimum subsistence level for the country as a whole.

Who can count on an old-age pension in Russia?

What is an old age pension? This is a government payment accrued monthly and for life to citizens who have worked for a significant period of their life and have reached a certain age.

Who can apply for a pension?

When applying for an old-age pension, at least 8 years of work experience is taken into account. These years include service in the army, studies, internship, postgraduate studies, etc. Citizens who have worked in hazardous or risky conditions acquire the right to a pension at an earlier age. For example, law enforcement officers.

The size of the monthly subsidy depends directly on the age of the recipient, salary level and available savings. Pensions are calculated by employees of the Pension Fund using specially developed formulas.

We invite you to watch a video on the topic of old-age benefits:

Forecasts and expectations

No one can name the exact size of the increase in old-age pensions for 2018. Taking into account the opinions of political figures, we can conclude that there are positive trends in this direction. In addition, before the upcoming election of the head of state in 2018, pensioners, who make up a larger percentage of those attending the elections, will certainly not be forgotten.

Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said that he signed a decree on increasing pensions from April 1, 2018, it will affect 4 million people, Interfax writes.

Increase in pensions from April 1, 2018:

to whom and by how much pensions were raised

– latest data for today

“I signed the decision to index social pensions from April 1, 2018,” Medvedev said during a meeting of the Russian government.

“The document approves the size of the coefficient by which pensions are increased. We are currently allocating about 10 billion rubles for these purposes. Indexation will affect approximately 4 million people,” the prime minister said.

“Approve the coefficient indexation of social pensions in the amount of 1.029″,” the document says. The Russian Pension Fund has been instructed to provide regional divisions with information about the level of the coefficient, so that from April 1, 2018, social pensions will be paid indexed.

Who received pension increases and by how much? from April 1, 2018?

As stated in the explanatory note, social pensions will be indexed by 2.9 percent.

“Based on the data on the cost of living of a pensioner in the Russian Federation for 2017 (8,315 rubles) and for 2016 (8,081 rubles), the growth rate of the cost of living of a pensioner in the Russian Federation for 2017 was 102.9 percent,” the document says .

  • In real terms social pensions will increase by 255 rubles - up to 9062 rubles.
  • The average pension for disabled children and disabled children of group I will increase by 378 rubles and 382 rubles, respectively, and after the increase will be 13,410 and 13,556 rubles.
  • Up for promotion social pensions , according to the explanatory note, 1.07 billion rubles per month will be required, or 9.6 billion rubles by the end of 2018.

Who will receive a pension increase from April 1, 2018?

Social pension – a type of pension provision that is available to citizens who have no work experience for any reason. It is assigned for an indefinite period, but its payment may be terminated for citizens who decide to engage in activities that require payment of compulsory pension insurance. The amount of security is set by the Government in a fixed amount, which depends on the subsistence level (ML) and, as a rule, is significantly lower than insurance (labor) payments to pensioners.

In the Law of the Russian Federation No. 166 “On state pension provision in the Russian Federation”, Article 11 establishes that this type of provision is provided to the following categories of disabled recipients:

  • disabled people of groups 1, 2 and 3, including disabled children;
  • disabled children;
  • children who have lost one or two parents, under the age of 18 (or until the age of 23, subject to full-time education in educational institutions), if the parents did not have work experience (otherwise they are entitled to an insurance pension);
  • citizens representing small peoples of the North, over 50 (for women) and 55 (for men) years, with permanent residence in indigenous places of residence approved by the Government of the Russian Federation;
  • unemployed men over 65 years of age and women over 60 years of age (provided there is no insurance record), including foreign citizens and stateless persons who can confirm permanent residence in Russia for 15 years or more.

On a note! In the Russian Federation, more than 4 million disabled citizens are recipients of social pensions.

Mandatory conditions for obtaining also include the need for permanent residence on the territory of the Russian Federation. The benefit is not available to persons who:

  • make a decision to migrate (even while maintaining Russian citizenship);
  • have two official places of registration.

You can read the full text of Federal Law No. 166-FZ dated December 15, 2001, as amended on July 18, 2017, by following the link.

Will there be indexation of insurance pensions?

The most common type of pension provision is insurance pensions. It is assigned to people who have insurance experience and deductions on individual personal accounts. However indexation of insurance pensions (including working pensioners) from April 1, 2018 not planned.

Welcome to website. In the article we will talk about various pension supplements and allowances established in 2019 in Russia. Pension payments for Russian pensioners increase annually; this is based on compensating for constant inflation processes.

The next increase in payments includes not only indexation of the base part, but also an increase in other pension supplements to which pensioners are entitled. But it is worth knowing that indexation of pensions for working pensioners will not be carried out. If you don’t yet know whether there will be a pension supplement in 2019, then our publication will be useful.

All accruals in 2019 will be based on the recently adopted new pension reforms. In accordance with the Law “On Insurance Pensions”, which was adopted in 2013, the old-age pension will be accrued under the following conditions:

  • Reaching a certain age to receive a pension, for women this age is 60 years, for men 65 years.
  • Having the required work experience.
  • Availability of a certain number of accumulated pension points.

Increasing requirements for length of service and pension insurance payment ratios will occur every year until 2025. In 2019, these indicators are equal to 9 years of experience and 13.8 points, and in 2019 the indicators will increase to 10 years of experience and 16.2 points, and such an increase will occur constantly. Based on the results of these data, each person can know whether his indicators correspond to those necessary for retirement.

There have also been changes in the system of contributions for people who work. This year, a new accumulation system was introduced into the system, that is, each worker can independently determine how much will be contributed to the funded part of the pension - from 1% to 50%. You can also use these savings before a person retires. Additionally, the issue of transferring the funded part by inheritance is being resolved.

According to the law, the indexation of pensions is carried out to protect the population from the consequences of inflation and the difficult economic situation. As before, the pension supplement in 2019 will be carried out over several months:

  • From January 1, the old-age pension will be indexed by 7.05%, but only those pensioners who have no other sources of income will receive it, that is, working pensioners will not receive it. Previously this pension supplement was carried out on February 1, but now money for it was set aside in the budget in advance. In order to find out how much the pension for non-working pensioners will increase, the pension payment must be multiplied by a factor of 0.0705, i.e. planned indexation ratio. If the pension in 2018 was around the Russian average - about 14,414 rubles, then the increase will be 1,000 rubles per month. If the pension in 2018 was less than the average for the Russian Federation, then the increase will be less; if the pension was more than the average, then more than 1000 rubles will be added. Thus, the average increase in the pension of a non-working pensioner per month is 1000 rubles.
  • From April 1, social and state pensions will increase; at the moment, indexation will occur by 4.1%.

The new reform did not spare civil servants either. In accordance with the new law, from January 1, 2017, their retirement age will increase annually by six months, and the minimum length of service will have to be at least 20 years. As a result, in 2019, women will retire at the age of 56, and men at 61. The age limit for men will be 65 years old in 2026. For women, the increase in the retirement age will stop in 2032 and will be 63 years.

Social payments will increase from February 1, 2019

In addition to the fact that there was an increase in pensions in January 2019, an increase in payments will occur from February 1 of this year. All types of payments will increase for all categories of pensioners. They are provided in the form of a monthly payment of EDV; they also include social services of the NSO.

At the moment, the NSS (set of social services) includes three main parts - medicines, travel and sanatorium-resort treatment. The pensioner receives them in one of two ways, which he chooses independently:

  1. Receiving directly in social form.
  2. In the form of cash payments, if the pensioner refuses to receive in kind.

The cost of each set is set directly by law, and the increase occurs in proportion to the increase in the EDV, that is, by the same percentage. In 2019, it is planned to increase these services by 3.9%, but this increase will not be very noticeable for preferential pensioners.

As a result, on February 1 of this year, indexation of social payments, as well as social services, will take place.

How the social pension will be indexed from April 1, 2019

A social pension is a type of pension that is not affected by various reasons for length of service. Her appointment is subject to legislative approval. But the amounts of such a pension are very different from the amounts of labor pension payments.

It is worth knowing that in recent years there has been slow growth in these payout ratios. In April 2017, this indexation was only 1.5%. In 2018, this ratio was significantly higher – 4.1%. N pension supplement in 2019 in April it is planned for 2.4%.

This type of pension depends entirely on the cost of living. As a result, the increase in insurance pensions and social pensions at the same time is very different, despite the fact that both types of payments are entirely dependent on consumer price increases.

As a result, the planned average social pension in 2019 will be 9,215 rubles. This is 104.2% of the pension subsistence minimum.

In 2019 there will be another positive change; the cost of living will increase both in general and in individual regions. Also, all pensioners who do not work can receive additional payments. In other words, they will receive additional bonuses, both from the state and from the region, but only if the size of their pensions is below the established values.

In accordance with the law, a person’s pension should not be below the subsistence level of the region in which he lives.

In 2010, sections for receiving social benefits were added to applications. If a person’s pension was issued before 2010, but a separate application for these payments was not submitted and the pension amount is below the subsistence level established in the region, then he can independently contact the Pension Fund and write an application to receive them.

Increase in pension supplement for working pensioners

The changes made this year do not apply to those pensioners who continue to work. That is, there will be no pension supplement in January 2019 for working citizens.

It is worth remembering that the indexation of pension payments to the working population stopped back in 2016. By law, such a stop to indexing was suspended until 2019, as working pensioners exercise their right to receive a pension.

This moratorium on increasing pension payments to the working population is carried out as follows:

  • Those people who retired before 2016 and continue to work are not entitled to an increase in pension payments.
  • Those citizens who retire after February 2016 will receive a pension, the calculation of which will include all previous indexations that occurred before the day of retirement.
  • If a person has retired and continues to work, then all indexations that will occur from the moment of his employment will not apply to him.

Working pensioners can count on annual recalculation based on data provided by the employer. Every year on August 1, the pensions of working pensioners will increase by the number of points that were taken into account over the past year, as well as for insurance payments. The increase cannot be more than 3 points per year.

Will they add a lump sum payment in 2019?

The change in indexation occurred in 2016 due to a lack of funds in the budget and difficulties in the country’s economy. At that time, the increase in pension payments was made by only 4%, while the previous inflation was 12.9%. It was planned to carry out indexation in October, but it never happened.

Then the government decided to compensate for this difference with a one-time payment of 5,000 rubles. A pensioner could receive it only once, and it did not take part in indexation. This compensation was calculated based on the average pension amount, which was multiplied by the increase factor. In other words, with a pension of 13,000 rubles, the pensioner received 5,000 compensation.

The transfer took place in January last year at the same time as the pension. Both working and military pensioners received it. The feeling of short-term gain occurred only among those pensioners with low security. For other categories, this payment could not cover the indexed income. Such a one-time supplement to pensions will not be paid to pensioners in 2019.

Indexation of pensions this year will be carried out in full, since there are already funds for this. The pension of recipients of insurance payments will increase by 3.7%.

Will there be a supplement for military pensioners?

When the government met on October 25, the Russian President instructed to control the funds that would be used to increase military pensions, as well as salaries for working military personnel. The increase took place on January 1, 2019, and affected former military personnel and citizens who are equivalent to them.

The amounts of military pension payments in our country depend entirely on the salaries of military personnel, which must increase every year, but this increase stopped back in 2013 due to a freeze. The increase in military pensions is carried out due to constant changes in the cost of living. This increase occurs annually based on government decisions. Last year, payments increased by 4%, and the coefficient increased to 72.23%.

But according to the latest news, it became known that the indexation of pensions for the military will not be carried out due to a reduction factor; the indexation will be based on the indexation of military salaries.

It is worth knowing that military pensioners belong to the category that has the right to simultaneously receive two types of pensions:

  1. From the Ministry of Defense or Ministry of Internal Affairs.
  2. An insurance pension, if after leaving service they have the necessary length of service to form it.

Now it’s worth finding out what kind of bonus awaits military pensioners in 2019. Those citizens who receive an additional insurance pension will receive an increase of 7.05% at the beginning of this year.

Increase in pension in Moscow in 2019

Moscow pension supplements in 2019 depend entirely on the types of payments that the citizen receives, that is, old age, state or social payments, as well as on how long the pensioner lives in the capital. But it is worth remembering that if a citizen’s pension is less than it is established by law, then the pensioner is obliged to receive an additional payment, which is established by law. For each case, this norm is:

  • The cost of living for a person of retirement age.
  • Urban social start.

If a person lives in the capital for less than 10 years, then his pension will increase as follows. In accordance with the law, if a person receives an old-age pension lower than the minimum cost of living in a given region, then he is entitled to an additional payment from the region, which is the difference between these two amounts. It is worth remembering that this supplement is paid only to those Muscovites who have been permanently registered in the capital for less than 10 years. If a pensioner lives in Moscow longer than this established time, then he receives a completely different compensation.

In 2018, the minimum subsistence pension for pensioners who have lived in Moscow for less than 10 years was 11,816 rubles. From January 1, it is 12,115 rubles. That is, the minimum monthly pension for pensioners living in Moscow for less than 10 years increases by 300 rubles. As a result, it turns out that a citizen receiving a pension whose amount is less than the specified amount has the full right to receive a social supplement from the region.

If a person lives in Moscow longer than the established period of 10 years, then he is considered a native Muscovite and receives another form of social security. The total payment begins to be equal to the value of the city social standard. In 2018, this value was 17,500 rubles. From January 1, 2019, the minimum pension in Moscow for pensioners who are native Muscovites is 18,800 rubles. And, if the pensioner is entitled to it, then he will receive a Moscow supplement every month. Compared to 2018, the increase is 381 rubles per month.

Non-working pensioners and some categories of pensioners continuing their working activities, as well as disabled people, are eligible for an increase in pension to the city standard. The pension increase in 2019 will also affect the city social standard and will amount to 18,800 rubles. This amount becomes minimal only for pensioners who have lived in the capital for at least 10 years.


As a result, the pension supplement in 2019 for non-working pensioners, as well as pensioners of other categories, will be:

  • The insurance pension will increase in January 2019 by 7.05%.
  • Social payments will increase by 2.4% in April.
  • The increase in the EDV will occur in accordance with the inflation rate in February.
  • The retirement age will increase in 2019 by six months, i.e. men - 60.5 years old, women - 55.5 years old will retire.
  • The freeze on pension indexation for working pensioners will not be cancelled. The increase will occur only in accordance with the recalculation of pension points, but not more than 3 points per year.
  • The minimum wage in 2019 will increase to 100%.
  • The minimum pension payment should not be lower than the subsistence level. But such installations may not be fulfilled, since the cost of living is 8,700 and significantly exceeds payments.
  • There will be an increase in military pensions in January, as well as additional insurance pensions for military retirees who are entitled to it.
  • Children of unknown parents will be entitled to receive a social pension.