Good day, dear readers. In this article you will find out whether it is possible to buy things before the baby is born. Let's consider what caused this sign and what influenced its creation. Let's weigh all the pros and cons. After reading the article, it will be much easier for you to make your choice.

Reasons for beliefs

Medically proven reason for the appearance of signs

You may have heard more than once that purchasing things for a child who has not yet been born is a bad omen. There is a belief that such actions can negatively affect the birth process or the health of the future toddler. Let's figure out what causes this opinion.

  1. Medical point of view. In the old days, women carefully prepared for the appearance of a toddler. They hemmed diapers, sewed caps and vests, and knitted. The expectant mother worked all day long, which could have caused health problems. The deterioration in health did not appear due to the fault of some mystical factors, but due to the lack of walks, accumulated fatigue, sitting for a long time in a fixed position, or a sedentary position. So it turned out that women who were preparing for childbirth experienced health problems.
  2. Mystical look. If you are a superstitious person, you will probably listen to this opinion. There was a belief that new clothes bought for an unborn baby were an “empty house” that could be occupied by evil spirits. It is this evil spirit, not wanting to vacate the occupied space, that will begin to confront the little one who has not yet been born, harming his health or preventing his birth. Fearing the influence of such spirits, things for the child were not purchased in advance.
  3. Practical point of view. Previously, there were often large families in which newborns wore the clothes of their older brothers or sisters. There was no need to buy a set of new things, it was not profitable from an economic point of view, and not because of fears.

As you can see, a well-known sign can have at least three sources.

Advantages and disadvantages of pre-purchase

First, let's look at the positive aspects of buying things before giving birth.

  1. The opportunity to buy what you like. If you still decide to postpone purchasing things until the baby is born, you will have to entrust the shopping trips to a loved one. And then he will select clothes for the child, doing it to his taste. If you decide to go shopping in advance, while still pregnant, you will be able to choose exactly the things that you will like.
  2. Some women may say that they themselves skimp after giving birth. However, you need to understand that with the arrival of your baby, you will have very little free time and everything will be bought in a hurry. It is much easier to go shopping before the baby is born, choose what you need in a calm environment, without rushing.
  3. Positive emotions. A woman who has not yet seen her child, cannot hold him in her arms, but is already going to buy things for him, feels very positive. She imagines as if the baby is already next to her.

It is worth noting the possible disadvantages of purchasing in advance.

  1. You can get the size wrong. Even the approximate parameters of the child given to you during the ultrasound may be erroneous. And it’s also good if the purchased items are suitable for growth and are not too small.
  2. A mistake with the gender of the toddler cannot be ruled out. At least you can get by with buying clothes in a neutral color and the problem will be solved.

When purchasing things in advance, a woman protects her husband and close relatives from stress and conflict situations that arise during the hasty preparation for the woman’s discharge from the maternity hospital.

What can you buy

If a woman decides to prepare things in advance, she needs to do this after she knows who exactly will be born to her. Therefore, someone goes shopping in the fifth month of pregnancy, and someone decides to go shopping when the last ultrasound has already been done, the approximate parameters of the toddler at birth are known. We should not forget about possible miscalculations, as well as cases when the sex of the child was determined incorrectly. So you can purchase in advance:

  • envelope for discharge from the maternity hospital;
  • set of clothes;
  • baby vests;
  • caps;
  • sliders;
  • slips with front fasteners;
  • warm sweater;
  • thin and warm socks;
  • sleeping bag;
  • thin and warm hat;
  • booties;
  • scratches;
  • diapers.

The list of necessary clothing will differ depending on the time of year in which replenishment is expected. This list is suitable for late autumn or early spring.

When I was expecting the birth of my son, I prepared only diapers (thin and warm) in advance and skimped on the list for the maternity hospital. I decided to take my time with the rest. My choice was largely due to ignorance of the exact gender (there were doubts on the ultrasound, the child lay unevenly) of the future baby and his weight and height, and not by faith in a sign. If I had to give birth now, I would prepare in advance by buying all the necessary things in a neutral color, because it is so convenient.

If you decide to wait until after birth

Do not forget that a person can program himself for certain events. If a woman decides to collect a dowry for her unborn child, but at the same time she believes that punishment will come for such an action, then it is possible that problems with the baby’s health will indeed arise. Therefore, it is so important to program yourself for everything good, to convince yourself that nothing bad will happen, to communicate more with the little one who is still inside the belly, to take care of him.

If you have come to the conclusion that the omen should not be violated, then this is your right. In such a situation, you can go in several ways:

  • entrust your family with purchasing everything you need while you are still in the maternity hospital;
  • independently select and order all the necessary things using the online store, place an order that can be picked up by any member of your family;
  • You can also resort to one old tradition, namely: buy things for the little one before giving birth, but store them not at home, but with someone you trust.

However, it is worth remembering that when going to the maternity hospital, a woman should have with her a prepared package with all the things that the baby may need from the first minutes of his life. Whatever one may say, it is necessary to skimp on the list that the doctor gives the woman in advance, because it is not known exactly when the baby will be born.

A leisurely, independent selection of things for the baby makes a woman happy, lifts her mood, strengthens the connection with the little one on an emotional level, and activates the maternal instinct.

Let's look at how a woman should behave so that no signs or other people's opinions ruin her life or affect her psychological state.

  1. Decide on your point of view. If you come to the conclusion that it’s worth preparing in advance, you don’t need to think about the bad. It will be your own choice, and there is no place for prejudice. We must not forget that many women purchase clothes for their future toddler in advance, without later having any negative consequences. And how convenient it is for them later when everything was prepared in advance. If you are overwhelmed by a feeling of fear, then it is better not to take risks. Things can be purchased later, especially if you have the opportunity to entrust the shopping trip to someone close to you when you are in the maternity hospital.
  2. You don't need to listen to other people's opinions. If someone puts pressure on you, constantly talks about a well-known sign, ignore him. Remember how important it is now to surround yourself with exclusively positive emotions. Eliminate negativity from your life. Remember that your condition, in particular your psycho-emotional background, affects the health of the little one under your heart.
  3. Keep calm. Complete calm, tranquility, and balance are extremely necessary for a woman who is carrying a child. You should not take to heart the sign that they tell you about. Listen to your intuition, do as your heart tells you.

You don't need to rely on someone else's opinion. You need to determine for yourself what is more convenient and important. Consider the advantages and disadvantages of preparing in advance and make up your mind.

Now you know why you can’t buy things before the baby is born. Knowing where the sign came from, you can make a choice for yourself. Consider your capabilities and circumstances when thinking about this question. If you can’t wait for help from anyone, it’s better to prepare everything you need for your newborn now. If you are overly superstitious, it is better to hold off on shopping and go shopping for things after the baby is born.

Soon a long-awaited event will happen in your family, the most important person in your life will appear. And of course you want to buy the best and most beautiful things for your baby. And now you are about to run to the store and buy everything you need, but there will definitely be a person who will say: “Is it possible to buy things for a newborn in advance? Stop, this is a bad omen!. After these words, even the most non-superstitious person will stop and think: is it worth the risk and what to do next? Let's find out!

There are several versions of the appearance of a bad omen, but be that as it may, we must remember that all the reasons go back to the deep past and these days are not as correct and rational as before.

The sign could appear due to some medical factors.

In ancient times, there was no such selection of various products, no stores where you could go out and buy everything you needed, parents prepared for the birth of the baby with their own strength and hands. Mom had to prepare patterns on her own, sew small clothes, and knit. All of the above actions took a lot of time, the woman was tired, she had no time left for a banal walk, she constantly sat in the same position, usually slouched, and of course such moments could not have a positive effect on the child’s condition. Women who cooked devotionally during pregnancy certainly felt worse than those who could get more rest and time for themselves. From there it could have come that preparing in advance is a bad omen.

The appearance of a folk sign can be associated with the way of life in Ancient Rus'.

A long time ago, in Rus', a huge number of children were born into families and, of course, it was customary to pass on clothes from older children to younger ones. From here, too, a sign could have appeared, although it was more likely to be more connected with the irrationality of such preparations, but it could have survived to this day as a bad sign.

The mystical reason for the appearance of signs.

There is a belief that while clothes lie ownerless, all sorts of evil spirits and evil spirits come to live in them. And then, according to legend, when a child is born, evil spirits will force him out of his clothes and torment him, and the baby will get sick - this is where the folk sign appeared. Therefore, there was no question of preparing a dowry before childbirth.

How to be and what to do?

I would like to say that during pregnancy a whole million advisers will immediately appear around you. Some will say that you need to buy this and that and this in advance, others will argue that you should under no circumstances buy anything in advance. There are so many people, so many opinions, and you can’t keep up with them all. First of all, remember that you are an individual and you have your own opinion, your own sense of comfort and your own intuition. This is your pregnancy and your baby, and only you know what is the best and most correct thing to do. If you feel more comfortable, then that’s what you need to do, without fear of anything. Millions of mothers do this and then give birth to healthy, happy children. If it’s easier for you to buy everything after the birth of your child, then you need to do just that; your peace of mind and comfort are much more important than clothes for the baby, which you can buy whenever you want.

Why is it worth preparing in advance?

Buying things for a newborn in advance is a very common and convenient practice. Let's look at the pros:

1) You have time to think about what the baby needs, be it clothes for the newborn or a bottle or rattle. After making a list and deciding on everything you need, you can go to the store.

2) Buying things for a newborn before his birth is convenient. Mommy has a lot of free time, she can calmly go shopping and choose the most beautiful, high-quality and best for her baby. And even if something is missed, there will be time to go back and get it.

3) If things for the baby are purchased in advance, and by things we mean clothes for the newborn and a crib and a stroller and a chest of drawers, you have time to arrange and lay everything out. In fact, this is very important, because upon returning from the maternity hospital, everything should be convenient and at hand. Of course, everything is easier to arrange before giving birth.

4) Buying things in advance for a newborn is a terribly pleasant experience. You walk around the shops, look at tiny things, and get a lot of positive energy and joy. The most important thing is that your little one feels it and rejoices with you, what could be better?

What are the benefits of shopping after the baby is born?

Buying clothes for newborns in advance is common, but many people prefer not to rush into shopping. And this also has its advantages, we will tell you about them:

1) A very important and positive point - dad goes and chooses clothes for the baby, all sorts of necessary little things, strollers, cribs, whatever, the main thing is that he is fully involved in the life of his child. This is very important and these days this does not happen often, usually only mothers do such things.

2) When buying clothes for a newborn after childbirth, you will never get into trouble if you were mistaken about the sex of the child on an ultrasound.

3) According to ancient tradition, you can use things left over from the children of your relatives or friends, which will significantly save your budget.

4) If a new mother wants to choose things for her baby on her own, but doesn’t have time to go shopping, the World Wide Web will come to her aid. On the Internet you can always find a suitable store and order what you like.

5) If you give your grandparents the freedom to choose clothes for your baby, this will only strengthen your family, thanks to unlimited trust. You can save a lot of time and effort.

What do you need to purchase in advance?

Whether or not to buy things for a newborn in advance is an individual matter for each parent. One is a list of items and things that one way or another will have to be purchased before giving birth. Let's discuss what these things are:

1) We would recommend buying a crib before the baby arrives. The crib should be easy to use for both the baby and the mother, who will spend a huge amount of time next to this crib. You will need to review a bunch of different options, designs and colors of cribs. After the baby is born, there will be no time left for this.

2) Be sure to buy a stroller before giving birth. The stroller should also be comfortable for the mother. You must decide on a convenient stroller model, namely: its height, width, how it handles, what kind of handle it has, a bag and a huge number of other little things. Even if you don’t buy it until the X day, then at least choose what you need so that your family can just go and buy what is convenient for you.

3) There is a certain set of things and hygiene products that every woman in labor should have with her in the maternity hospital. If you don’t want to buy too much, check with your doctor exactly what you and your baby need.

What you need to buy for a newborn in the first month of life (video):

In conclusion, I would like to say whether to buy clothes for newborns in advance or not, the choice is yours and yours alone. In any case, remember, you are in the most wonderful position in life and are waiting for the biggest miracle! Regardless of your choice and acceptance, you will have the most beautiful, happy and healthy little one and nothing will stop this!

Surely this question haunts many women preparing to become mothers for the first time. One way or another, since ancient times it was believed that taking care of purchasing accessories for a baby in advance was a bad omen, and our people are accustomed to believing in everything supernatural.

Prejudice of the past

Why did this happen? The thing is that in ancient times, childbirth was not always successful, and our grandparents were captive of prejudices and misconceptions, fearing the evil eye and damage. Naturally, for them the question of whether it was possible to buy things for a newborn in advance was resolved: before the baby arrives, no purchases. But times change, and medicine does not stand still. Modern technologies and equipment ensure minimization of unfavorable cases of childbirth. Naturally, in such conditions, today's mothers give a positive answer to the question: “Is it possible to buy things for a newborn in advance?”

Well, why should something happen to a child if, for example, you take care of children’s toys in advance?

We need to look to the future

In any case, having brought your little one from the maternity hospital, you will be completely occupied with him: there will be no time to run around the shops looking for diapers and vests. Besides, I really don’t want to be disappointed in children’s accessories bought in a hurry. Still unsure whether you can buy things for a newborn in advance? Throw aside all fears and prejudices. Pregnancy is the optimal time to take a balanced and responsible approach to choosing the attributes necessary for a toddler. In addition to this, there is a mandatory list of supplies and accessories that you will need in the maternity hospital and after discharge from it.

Don't rely entirely on the opinions of others

Even if you are not sure whether it is possible to buy things for a newborn in advance, you should not succumb to horror stories that

First of all, father and mother are responsible for their child, and they must make all decisions independently, without regard to the opinions of others. Remember that in the first months of life the baby will require increased attention, and the mother will not have time to be distracted by other things. That is why you should not give in to anyone’s opinion about whether it is possible to buy things for a newborn in advance. Moreover, what mother would not like the advance shopping ritual, which is based on caring for the baby who has not yet been born? Such a shopping trip will undoubtedly cause a lot of positive emotions in the future parent. Why deny yourself pleasure?

Things to remember

However, the answer to the question of whether it is possible to buy things for a newborn in advance requires reservations. Experts do not recommend purchasing baby supplies immediately after pregnancy tests are positive. At a minimum, thoughts about this should be postponed until the middle of the term. Don't forget that the first trimester is the peak time for fetal development, and it is better to wait until it begins to develop normally, eliminating the risks of anxiety and stress.

If you can’t wait to take care of your baby, then take preparatory steps: look through catalogs of children’s products, choose colors and models, study reviews, think about the interior of the children’s room.

Optimal period for purchases

So, we found out whether it is worth buying things for a newborn in advance. But when is the best time to do this? It is in the second trimester of pregnancy. As a rule, at this time parents already know who will be born to them - a boy or a girl. Moreover, at this stage it will not be a bad idea to worry about purchasing large-sized accessories: a changing table, a baby car seat, a crib, etc. However, this does not mean that you should definitely purchase all this in the first days of your shopping trip. First, study the assortment offered at different retail outlets, compare prices, evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of products for children.

List of required accessories

If the expectant mother has a very vague idea about whether or not it is possible to buy things for a newborn in advance, then at least she should know what children's accessories she cannot do without after being discharged from the maternity hospital. Let's list the most basic of them.

Baby cot

Of course, your baby should have a separate sleeping place, despite the fact that many toddlers do not want to fall asleep without their mother.

Today there is a whole arsenal of different models of cribs for babies, starting with transformers with removable sides and ending with “tourist” options that allow you to put them in a bag and carry them with you, which is very convenient. When buying this or that model of a sleeping place for a baby, pay attention to such factors as the cost of the product, its safety, durability, the presence of drop-down sides and wheels. And, of course, do not forget to prepare a sleeping place for your baby in advance. If sleep is meant to be shared, no special preparations are required. If the child will sleep separately from his parents, then a soft mattress and bedding should be placed in the crib.


Is it worth buying things for newborn babies in advance? Of course, yes, if we are talking about a stroller. The choice of this accessory for a toddler should also be taken seriously. It is in this vehicle that the baby will spend a lot of time, especially in warm and sunny weather. Therefore, it is recommended to choose the above attribute taking into account climatic conditions. Today, the choice of strollers is huge: preference should be given to models with a sleeping part on a classic chassis and transformers (a portable cradle with a perfectly flat surface).

If you live in a cold climate zone, then it is better for you to buy strollers with insulation and suspension.

First aid kit

And of course, mom and dad should take care of a first aid kit for the baby in advance. Cotton wool, brilliant green, and hydrogen peroxide should be available. It is mandatory to have antipyretic drugs (suppositories, syrups) in the house. Don't forget that babies often suffer from rhinitis, colic, and constipation, and for these cases you should also have medications on hand.

Personal care products

Are you still haunted by the question: “Is it possible to buy things for a newborn baby in advance?” Remember that personal hygiene products - baby shampoos, gels, soaps, etc. - must be purchased before the baby is born. Don't forget about towels and swimming caps - the little one will also need them over time. The baby cannot do without a special bath. In the maternity hospital there will be no opportunity to comfortably bathe the baby, but at home it’s a different matter. Take care of this much-needed attribute in advance.

Necessary things for the baby

Of course, the question of whether it is possible to buy things for newborn children in advance becomes irrelevant when it comes to diapers, baby vests, rompers, nappies, socks and fancy suits. These elements of a child's wardrobe will be needed in the maternity hospital.

What to do for superstitious people

It is possible that among mothers there will also be superstitious natures who, no matter what, will not want to purchase any accessories for the child before he is born. Well, everyone has the right to do their own thing. However, there is a very simple way out of the situation. You can make requests for the purchase of specific items in virtual stores on the Runet and arrange in advance for the goods to be delivered on the day of discharge from the maternity hospital. This solution to the problem can suit even the most superstitious woman.

You can do it another way: entrust the purchase of children's goods to your relatives or close people. However, you should help them in this important event: prepare a list of necessary accessories for the baby, and do not be lazy to indicate the color, model and brand - this greatly simplifies the search.

But you should also take into account that it is better to make the most important purchases, for example, a stroller or crib, on your own or together with your spouse: naturally, in this case, a home delivery service by the seller should be provided.


Both suspicious and not fixated on mysticism women who are preparing to become mothers should remember one important circumstance: everything that happens to us in this life, whether it is negative or positive, is a consequence of our thoughts and mood. Positive emotions give rise to joyful events, and a negative attitude attracts grief, and sometimes misfortune. If you are carrying a baby without any pathologies, and from a medical point of view there are no problems, then there is no reason for fear: you can safely buy things for your unborn baby.

Surely every pregnant woman has heard from relatives or friends that it is impossible to purchase baby clothes before giving birth. What is behind this opinion and should you listen to it? When to buy things for a newborn?

Pregnancy and childbirth have always been surrounded by superstitions, signs and rituals. It was they who gave rise to such a widespread opinion about the inadmissibility of preparing for the birth of a baby. However, there are modern, rational arguments for and against pre-purchasing things and it is worth considering them before making a decision.

While expecting a baby, women become sentimental. They tend to be touched by tiny children's things and, of course, it is very difficult to resist buying them.

Paying tribute to superstitions, expectant mothers are forced to give up the joys of shopping, which certainly affects their mood, and not in the best way. Does this make sense? Let's look at the arguments in favor of shopping and the arguments against it.

Arguments for purchasing things in advance

Purchasing things in advance has many advantages:

  1. By independently choosing furniture and other necessary accessories, the pregnant woman’s mood rises, her internal connection with the child strengthens, and the maternal instinct awakens.
  2. Things will suit the tastes and preferences of the pregnant woman. This is especially important when it comes to strollers and cribs. It is very likely that she will have to manage them more often than other family members, which means the opinion of the expectant mother comes first here.
  3. The young father and other relatives will not have to choose everything they need in a hurry in order to be in time for the mother and baby to return from the maternity hospital. In such a situation, it is difficult to avoid mistakes, and conflicts due to the acquisition of inappropriate things are very likely. Agree, this is completely useless during such a joyful period.
  4. The pregnant woman will have the opportunity to wash, iron and fold the baby's first things so that they are convenient to use.

Arguments against

But there are also arguments against buying in advance. Here are some of them:

  1. When choosing clothes, there is a high risk of making a mistake with the size. Sometimes a child is born much larger or, conversely, smaller than expected. Preliminary determination of fetal weight by ultrasound provides very approximate information. Therefore, you don’t need to buy a lot of things of the same size; it’s better to have fewer of them, but for different weights and heights.
  2. There is a chance that the baby will be of a different gender. All non-invasive diagnostic methods sometimes make mistakes. This can create inconvenience if you plan to buy a lot of blue or pink things that highlight your baby's gender.
  3. Large purchases (stroller, crib, changing table, etc.) will take up a lot of free space. Of course, this is not a problem if the nursery is already ready, but when renovations are just about to be done, there is no need to rush into such acquisitions.

In addition, relatives and friends will probably want to give you gifts for the birth of your baby. Having bought everything in advance, there is a risk of ending up with several cribs and strollers. To avoid spending too much, you need to discuss your plans with loved ones before shopping.

What items need to be purchased in advance?

Opinions on the list of things needed in the first days may differ, but there are still undeniable points on this list.

Immediately after returning from the maternity hospital you will need:

  1. Crib. It is better to purchase it in advance in order to have time to assemble and prepare everything you need without haste (children's bedding, canopy, mobile and other accessories if desired).
  2. Clothing for the baby for the first time, including for discharge from the hospital. Surely many things will be presented to loved ones, but you still need to have several practical, pre-washed and ironed clothes. The same applies to diapers if you want to use them.
  3. Chest of drawers for children's things. This point is very important for mom’s convenience. After all, children's things should be stored somewhere, and so that they are always at hand.
  4. Car seat. It is necessary for every family that has a car and is preparing for the birth of a child. Some parents believe that the baby can be transported in their arms, but in this case the risk of injury in an accident increases. In addition, transporting a child in a car without one is illegal and punishable by a fine.

It’s good if you have purchased or at least chosen a stroller in advance. It is advisable to “break in” it in the store to make sure that it is easy to control and not too heavy. If for some reason you don’t want to purchase a stroller before the baby is born, many sellers accommodate customers halfway by reserving purchases upon making an advance payment.

Some expectant mothers prefer to buy other things for the newborn in advance, for example, baby skin care products, a bathtub, etc. This makes sense if the woman has certain preferences regarding these items and it is not easy to find what she needs in nearby stores.

Common superstitions

Superstitions regarding the acquisition of a dowry for a newborn arose at a time when qualified medical care was unavailable and the outcome of childbirth was unpredictable. Infant and maternal mortality were unfortunately very high, so preparing things in advance was considered unwise. It was also believed that this would be a bad sign.

Our ancestors believed that if children's things are prepared, but not yet used, evil spirits can move into them, which will prevent the child from being born safely or affect his health and fate in the future.

There is also a more rational explanation for why preparing children's things in advance was considered a bad omen, complicating the course of pregnancy. Since the expectant mother most often sewed the baby’s clothes herself, she had to sit for a long time in an uncomfortable position. The blood circulation of the pelvic organs was disrupted, which could lead to premature birth.

In addition, families usually had many children. Buying or sewing new clothes for everyone was wasteful. Things were simply handed down from older brothers and sisters to younger ones.

Should I believe it?

So is it possible to buy things for a newborn in advance or is it better to be guided by the experience of your ancestors? In this matter, the opinion of the expectant mother should be decisive. In other words, you need to listen to yourself and do as your intuition tells you.

In modern reality, there are no compelling arguments in favor of not purchasing children's things in advance. These are just superstitions. If you want to do your own shopping for your baby, don't deprive yourself of the fun.

Of course, it is better to hold off on shopping at least until the middle of the term. In the first trimester of pregnancy, increased physical activity is contraindicated for a woman, and excessive shopping can have a negative impact on her health.

For those who are inclined to trust omens, there is a way to ward off bad omens. To prevent the crib and stroller from standing empty, place baby dolls or soft toys in them. They will “guard” a place for their little master or mistress.

If you are still overcome by anxiety, trust the opinion of your relatives, giving them the opportunity to purchase what they need after the birth of the baby. In the end, the color of the rompers and other little things are not as important as the peace of mind of the pregnant woman.

Some people still pay tribute to traditions and listen to superstitions, hoping in this way to ensure an easy birth for the child, a happy fate, and good health. Whether to continue to believe omens or prepare for the baby’s arrival in advance is up to the future parents. Any decision that makes the pregnant woman feel calm and confident will be correct.

I like!

The second and third trimester, when a woman goes on maternity leave and starts reading various articles on pregnancy, childbirth and child care, many want to spend it more actively and with greater benefit. For example, you can start buying a dowry for the future newborn.

However, there is a common belief that purchasing things for the baby too early is a bad idea, since the birth may be complicated. Where did this sign come from, does it have any basis and can it be ignored? Read the answers below.

First of all, it is necessary to find out where this superstition came from. Various experts indicate different sources of origin for such an ambiguous taboo:

A certain tendency towards mysticism remains in us even now, so some expectant mothers feel uneasy at the thought that pre-purchased baby things can lead to some negative consequences. That's why you should work on your psychological state.

When conception had not yet occurred, many women did not even think about the question of whether it was possible to buy things before the birth of the child. However, in an interesting situation, some expectant mothers become overly suspicious, which is actively taken advantage of by various “well-wishers.”

Representatives of the older generation, especially from the outback, with good intentions, begin to teach a pregnant woman everything in a row, including various signs and superstitions. What to do:

The best assistant in this matter can be women's and mother's intuition. If you are convinced that a baby wardrobe item purchased in advance will bring both you and your child exceptional joy, feel free to go shopping.

If you are afraid of premature purchases, then it is better to trust your emotions and spend time not on fruitless thoughts, but on something more pleasant.

If the expectant mother is distinguished by pragmatism, it is worth considering the problem of whether it is possible to buy things for a newborn in advance, from the point of view of healthy rationalism.

After some thought, mothers settle on the option of purchasing in advance, because, indeed, this option has many advantages. Let's look at them in more detail:

  • it's comfortable. The birth of a little lump into the world is a revolution in the life of a woman and the family as a whole. There is not enough time for anything, and if you buy things in a hurry, you can end up with a pile of unnecessary or unsuitable clothes. But imagine that it still needs to be washed and ironed... That’s why it’s much more convenient to buy a dowry in the second trimester;
  • it's practical. Agree that no one knows better than a mother what a baby should wear after birth. A woman must take into account all the nuances: color, style, quality, etc. If you shift this responsible responsibility to relatives or a spouse, then there is a risk that mom simply won’t like the things she didn’t buy;
  • it's nice. Many expectant mothers experience a lot of indescribable sensations when choosing tiny suits for their future newborn baby. Agree that it is very pleasant to cuddle pink or blue booties, envelopes, vests and other things.

Thus, the decision to buy clothes for future use is completely justified and correct. Mom prepares everything in advance, enjoying these chores, and after giving birth she spends all her time exclusively on the child.

But let's consider another option.

If the superstitious attitude prevailed and the woman refused to make premature purchases, it is necessary to find the advantages in such a decision. And they are:

Thus, there are advantages to each behavior option. The main thing is to put aside negative emotions and enjoy every minute of your pregnancy.

Regardless of whether a woman believes in the superstition that one should not buy things for a child before birth or not, there are some kind of mandatory items. Both superstitious and rational mothers should worry about purchasing them in advance.

Must buy:

  • children's bed with linen. There is no time left to choose and buy a crib after returning from the maternity hospital - the baby must immediately take its rightful place. It is worth entrusting the purchase of this accessory to a spouse who is better versed in all the technical intricacies;
  • stroller You should also purchase it in advance, and you should choose a high-quality model from a well-known company. A possible (also the most preferred) option is a transforming model that “turns” into a cradle or car seat;
  • diapers, envelope. These items will be required in the maternity hospital upon discharge, so you should think about purchasing them in advance;
  • baby care products. Various powders, napkins, some medications - all this should be purchased in advance by asking your gynecologist or obstetrician.

The first vehicle for a child must be chosen very carefully. This article by our technical specialist describes the most popular companies and brands.

There is a list of things that may also be needed, but you can wait to purchase them, for example:

  • children's wardrobe A narrow and low chest of drawers for a child’s things is also necessary, since it is unreasonable to keep clothes and other baby accessories in an adult closet;
  • changing table. Not everyone agrees that this accessory is definitely needed to care for a child, which is why we added a changing table to the list of desired items;
  • baby seat If the stroller does not transform into a car cradle, transportation will have to be purchased separately. By the way, even with a newborn child you only need to ride with a special restraint device. By the way, the device can be borrowed from friends to transport a child home;
  • sling An extremely useful device, which is a type of sling. The mother will be able to carry the child, and her hands will be free.

As a conclusion

Superstitions and omens are not only “scary” and carry some kind of negative connotation. If the expectant mother is prone to mystical thinking, another well-known belief should be called for help.

So, many have probably heard the opinion that our thoughts are attracted by those events that we often think about. That is, our psyche is capable of “controlling” the future. Why not take advantage of this common superstition?

If a pregnant woman begins to attract positive emotions, think only about a good future, and do not doubt the favorable outcome of labor, then there is a high probability that this is exactly what will happen.

The question of whether it is possible to purchase things for a newborn baby in advance does not seem naive to everyone. Until now, some women in an interesting position are racking their brains in search of an answer.

If you take a rational position, then it is not only possible, but also necessary, since buying for future use will free up time to care for the little man. However, what to do in a particular case must be decided on an individual basis. Trust your intuition!