Natasha Koroleva has been on stage for over 30 years. The poet, composer and performer Igor Nikolaev gave her a start in life. Their song "Dolphin and the Mermaid" became a hit and a calling card. The creative union very quickly turned into a family union, but years later the marriage collapsed. “We got a very good divorce! Much brighter than we got married. We did it solemnly in the registry office - the wedding was celebrated at home,” noted the Queen.


By the time of the divorce, Natasha was deeply infatuated with Sergei Glushko, better known under the sonorous pseudonym Tarzan. “I was already six months pregnant and, of course, it was clear to Igor and I that we needed to get a divorce... Well, how could it be otherwise? I would have had to register the child with Nikolaev!” – the Komsomolskaya Pravda website quotes the popular performer.

On May 31, Natasha Koroleva turned 45 years old. However, according to her admission, she feels 30. The artist will celebrate her anniversary in the Moscow region with family and friends. “I do this holiday more for my mother, who will fly straight to the table - while the parents are alive, this is their holiday,” the artist expressed her opinion.

Of course, Natasha Koroleva’s 16-year-old son Arkhip, who lives in the USA, will also congratulate her. “He has been studying in America for the third year as an experiment. Now he will come home for the summer holidays, straight to his mother’s anniversary. Arkhip doesn’t like America. He says: “Mom, not my story.” He is studying Japanese, so all his thoughts are and his desires are connected precisely with this country. He is drawn to the East. He chose Japan himself, began to learn the language using a self-instruction manual, and when he could no longer cope alone, he asked for help from a tutor," the singer boasted.

Natasha Koroleva is not only a successful singer, but also the happy wife of stripper and actor Sergei Glushko. They have a charming little son. And today Natalya hinted to her friends that there will soon be a new addition to her family. They say Natalya is expecting a daughter. The star's rounded belly has already been noticed by her close friends.

I admit, back in the fall, when I was at a jewelry exhibition where the Queen presented a collection of children’s jewelry, I noticed that the singer stubbornly covered her slightly protruding tummy with her handbag. Then I asked her directly, asking if she was pregnant.

Not yet, but my husband and I are working on this issue,” the Queen answered flirtatiously. It was noticeable that she had gained weight, although before that she had been fanatically watching her figure. But anything can happen... However, today our assumptions have become reality. The organizer of the tour secretly reported that the Queen was refusing to perform - she said that now she could not fly on planes: she did not want to risk her health. At the same time, with her characteristic playfulness, she noted that she was risking not only HER health! So the concert organizers were convinced that the star was expecting a new addition. Rumors about the Queen’s pregnancy also reached television crews. We even came up with such a move - to offer Koroleva to take a pregnancy test and in front of the camera to debunk the rumors already circulating around the party. The Queen loves non-trivial moves. But creative Natasha, who usually easily agrees to different tricks, rejected the offer with the words: “I don’t need this. I already know everything!” - and smiled slyly. - Natasha, will it be a boy or a girl? - one filmmaker asked her, nodding to her tummy. - I will not say! - the mischievous girl laughed. In television circles I was told that negotiations are already underway with Natalya to purchase an exclusive - who will be the first to have the Queen officially confirm her second pregnancy. In an informal conversation, one of the heads of the jewelry company, whose face was the Queen, hinted that the rumors had a basis in reality. - We are uncomfortable talking about Natasha’s personal life. But she actually has personal news! - KP was told. We reached the artist’s husband Sergei Glushko. - I don’t talk about personal things. Even if Natasha is pregnant, why should I shout about it and comment something in the press?! - Tarzan answered. We also called the Queen herself. According to rumors, out of superstition, she is in no hurry to talk about herself. Friends noticed that she began to monitor her diet, including high-calorie and healthy foods in her diet, but previously she was on a strict diet. Now he is refusing to tour. I started spending more time at home. And constantly chirps about children. As it seemed to some, he was simply beaming with happiness. She told one of her friends that she was already looking for undershirts for her future child. And in general, he prepares for pleasant events in his life. We wish happiness and health to one of the most charming singers of our stage! The artist has never hidden that she dreams of having a large family with many children. And she is a purposeful girl, she will achieve her goal.

Not yet, but my husband and I are working on this issue,” the Queen answered flirtatiously.

It was noticeable that she had gained weight, although before that she had been fanatically watching her figure. But anything can happen... However, today our assumptions have become reality. The organizer of the tour secretly reported that the Queen was refusing to perform - she said that now she could not fly on planes: she did not want to risk her health. At the same time, with her characteristic playfulness, she noted that she was risking not only HER health! So the concert organizers were convinced that the star was expecting a new addition.

Rumors about the Queen’s pregnancy also reached television crews. We even came up with such a move - to offer Koroleva to take a pregnancy test and in front of the camera to debunk the rumors already circulating around the party. The Queen loves non-trivial moves. But creative Natasha, who usually easily agrees to different tricks, rejected the offer with the words: “I don’t need this. I already know everything!” - and smiled slyly.

Natasha, will it be a boy or a girl? - one filmmaker asked her, nodding to her tummy.

I will not say! - the mischievous girl laughed.

In television circles I was told that negotiations are already underway with Natalya to purchase an exclusive - who will be the first to have the Queen officially confirm her second pregnancy.

In an informal conversation, one of the heads of the jewelry company, whose face was the Queen, hinted that the rumors had a basis in reality.

We are uncomfortable talking about Natasha’s personal life. But she actually has personal news! - KP was told.

We reached the artist’s husband Sergei Glushko.

- Sergey, they say you and your wife are expecting a second child?

I don’t talk about personal things. Even if Natasha is pregnant, why should I shout about it and comment something in the press?! - Tarzan answered.

We also called the Queen herself.

- I have been dreaming of a second child for a long time. But it’s too early to comment, let everything happen first,” the singer avoided specifics.

According to rumors, out of superstition, she is in no hurry to talk about herself. Friends noticed that she began to monitor her diet, including high-calorie and healthy foods in her diet, but previously she was on a strict diet. Now he is refusing to tour. I started spending more time at home. And constantly chirps about children. As it seemed to some, he was simply beaming with happiness. She told one of her friends that she was already looking for undershirts for her future child. And in general, he prepares for pleasant events in his life.

We wish happiness and health to one of the most charming singers of our stage!

The artist has never hidden that she dreams of having a large family with many children. And she is a purposeful girl, she will achieve her goal.

The day before, singer Natasha Koroleva turned 45 years old. In honor of the anniversary, the popular singer gave a frank interview in which she talked about her personal life.

In particular, the singer told in an interview with one of the Russian publications how she divorced her husband while pregnant and left for another.

Natasha Koroleva has been on stage for over 30 years. The poet, composer and performer Igor Nikolaev gave her a start in life. Their song “Dolphin and the Mermaid” became a hit and a calling card. The creative union very quickly turned into a family union, but years later the marriage collapsed.

“We got a very good divorce! Much brighter than we got married. We did it solemnly in the registry office - the wedding was celebrated at home,” the Queen noted.

By the time of the divorce, Natasha was deeply infatuated with Sergei Glushko, better known under the sonorous pseudonym Tarzan.

“I was already six months pregnant and, of course, it was clear to Igor and I that we needed to get a divorce... Well, how could it be otherwise? I would have had to register the child with Nikolaev!” - a popular performer from Russian media is quoted.

On May 31, Natasha Koroleva turned 45 years old. However, according to her admission, she feels 25. The artist celebrated her anniversary in the Moscow region with family and friends.

“I do this holiday more for my mother, who will simply fly to the table - while the parents are alive, this is their holiday,” the artist expressed her opinion.

Natasha Koroleva was also congratulated by her 16-year-old son Arkhip, who lives in the USA.

“As an experiment, he has been studying in America for the third year. Now he will come home for the summer holidays, just to visit his mother for her anniversary. Arkhipp does not like America. He says: “Mom, not my story.” He is studying Japanese, so all his thoughts and "his desire is connected precisely with this country. He is drawn to the East. He chose Japan himself, began to learn the language using a self-instruction manual, and when he could no longer cope alone, he asked for help from a tutor," the singer boasted.

It is very possible that Arkhip will soon have a sister or brother. A “stork” may soon fly to the already middle-aged Natasha Koroleva and Tarzan.

Natasha Koroleva is not only a successful singer, but also the happy wife of stripper and actor Sergei Glushko. They have a charming little son. And today Natalya hinted to her friends that there will soon be a new addition to her family. They say Natalya is expecting a daughter. The star's rounded belly has already been noticed by her close friends.

I admit, back in the fall, when I was at a jewelry exhibition where the Queen presented a collection of children’s jewelry, I noticed that the singer stubbornly covered her slightly protruding tummy with her handbag. Then I asked her directly, asking if she was pregnant.

Not yet, but my husband and I are working on this issue,” the Queen answered flirtatiously. It was noticeable that she had gained weight, although before that she had been fanatically watching her figure. But anything can happen... However, today our assumptions have become reality. The organizer of the tour secretly reported that the Queen was refusing to perform - she said that now she could not fly on planes: she did not want to risk her health. At the same time, with her characteristic playfulness, she noted that she was risking not only HER health! So the concert organizers were convinced that the star was expecting a new addition. Rumors about the Queen’s pregnancy also reached television crews. We even came up with such a move - to offer Koroleva to take a pregnancy test and in front of the camera to debunk the rumors already circulating around the party. The Queen loves non-trivial moves. But creative Natasha, who usually easily agrees to different tricks, rejected the offer with the words: “I don’t need this. I already know everything!” - and smiled slyly. - Natasha, will it be a boy or a girl? - one filmmaker asked her, nodding to her tummy. - I will not say! - the mischievous girl laughed. In television circles I was told that negotiations are already underway with Natalya to purchase an exclusive - who will be the first to have the Queen officially confirm her second pregnancy. In an informal conversation, one of the heads of the jewelry company, whose face was the Queen, hinted that the rumors had a basis in reality. - We are uncomfortable talking about Natasha’s personal life. But she actually has personal news! - KP was told. We reached the artist’s husband Sergei Glushko. - I don’t talk about personal things. Even if Natasha is pregnant, why should I shout about it and comment something in the press?! - Tarzan answered. We also called the Queen herself. According to rumors, out of superstition, she is in no hurry to talk about herself. Friends noticed that she began to monitor her diet, including high-calorie and healthy foods in her diet, but previously she was on a strict diet. Now he is refusing to tour. I started spending more time at home. And constantly chirps about children. As it seemed to some, he was simply beaming with happiness. She told one of her friends that she was already looking for undershirts for her future child. And in general, he prepares for pleasant events in his life. We wish happiness and health to one of the most charming singers of our stage! The artist has never hidden that she dreams of having a large family with many children. And she is a purposeful girl, she will achieve her goal.

Not yet, but my husband and I are working on this issue,” the Queen answered flirtatiously.

It was noticeable that she had gained weight, although before that she had been fanatically watching her figure. But anything can happen... However, today our assumptions have become reality. The organizer of the tour secretly reported that the Queen was refusing to perform - she said that now she could not fly on planes: she did not want to risk her health. At the same time, with her characteristic playfulness, she noted that she was risking not only HER health! So the concert organizers were convinced that the star was expecting a new addition.

Rumors about the Queen’s pregnancy also reached television crews. We even came up with such a move - to offer Koroleva to take a pregnancy test and in front of the camera to debunk the rumors already circulating around the party. The Queen loves non-trivial moves. But creative Natasha, who usually easily agrees to different tricks, rejected the offer with the words: “I don’t need this. I already know everything!” - and smiled slyly.

Natasha, will it be a boy or a girl? - one filmmaker asked her, nodding to her tummy.

I will not say! - the mischievous girl laughed.

In television circles I was told that negotiations are already underway with Natalya to purchase an exclusive - who will be the first to have the Queen officially confirm her second pregnancy.

In an informal conversation, one of the heads of the jewelry company, whose face was the Queen, hinted that the rumors had a basis in reality.

We are uncomfortable talking about Natasha’s personal life. But she actually has personal news! - KP was told.

We reached the artist’s husband Sergei Glushko.

- Sergey, they say you and your wife are expecting a second child?

I don’t talk about personal things. Even if Natasha is pregnant, why should I shout about it and comment something in the press?! - Tarzan answered.

We also called the Queen herself.

- I have been dreaming of a second child for a long time. But it’s too early to comment, let everything happen first,” the singer avoided specifics.

According to rumors, out of superstition, she is in no hurry to talk about herself. Friends noticed that she began to monitor her diet, including high-calorie and healthy foods in her diet, but previously she was on a strict diet. Now he is refusing to tour. I started spending more time at home. And constantly chirps about children. As it seemed to some, he was simply beaming with happiness. She told one of her friends that she was already looking for undershirts for her future child. And in general, he prepares for pleasant events in his life.

We wish happiness and health to one of the most charming singers of our stage!

The artist has never hidden that she dreams of having a large family with many children. And she is a purposeful girl, she will achieve her goal.