For every child, his dad is the strongest, bravest and most courageous. A true hero, the head of the family. And a defender, even if he didn’t serve in the army. Therefore, the idea of ​​congratulating dad on February 23 by making an original postcard with your own hands will be received with a bang by a preschooler or junior schoolchild.

Even the simplest drawing drawn by a child's hand will touch the hearts of parents. But there are some really interesting and unusual cards that you can make with your child for Defender of the Fatherland Day.

Ideas and templates of cards for February 23rd in kindergarten

As a rule, by February 23, children in kindergarten prepare surprises for dads, grandfathers and brothers - greeting cards. Their complexity depends on the age of the kids and the creativity of the teacher. For the holiday, kindergarteners make:

  • drawings
  • appliqués
  • crafts made from plasticine, natural materials, improvised materials

IMPORTANT: Children in the nursery and junior groups draw simple cards with two or three colors of gouache paint, and make appliqués according to templates prepared by the teacher. You can also print out sketches of cards for the whole group and let the children color them.

You can make postcards for February 23rd in the form of medals with students in middle and preparatory groups.

For the simplest version of the postcard - medals you will need:

  • sample
  • white and colored cardboard (or colored paper)
  • ruler
  • pencil
  • scissors
  • paints, colored pencils
  • satin ribbon

Template for a postcard - medals.

Decor for the postcard - medals.

  1. Templates for medals and decorations are transferred to cardboard or colored paper and carefully cut out.
  2. Children glue decorations onto the medal. These decorations can be very different, from a five-pointed star and the number “23” to various military equipment, a suitcase with tools, or attributes of various male professions.
  3. You can transfer the templates onto white paper and ask the kids to color them.
  4. A satin ribbon folded in half is glued to the back side of the medal.

A three-dimensional medal - a photo frame - turns out to be very beautiful; it is more difficult to make. But with the help of a teacher, the children will succeed. Children will need:

  • colored paper 2-3 colors
  • cardboard
  • pencil
  • scissors
  • ruler
  • a round object, such as a glass
  • ribbon

  1. At the first stage of making a postcard, the teacher gives the children 10 squares of colored paper measuring 10 by 10 cm.
  2. Children should try to fold each of the squares according to the diagram that the teacher shows. This is a very good fine motor practice.
  3. Children repeat the folding procedure for all 10 squares.
  4. The resulting parts of the “frame” are joined together and glued.
  5. Children attach a round-shaped object to a sheet of cardboard; this will be the base of a medal - a postcard.
  6. The teacher invites the kids to decorate the medal on one side, for example, by gluing the number “23” cut out of colored paper or some ready-made template onto it.
  7. On the second side there should be a photo of dad.
  8. The final step will be gluing the ribbon.

Congratulations on the postcard - medals.

VIDEO: A simple card for dad on February 23

Ideas and templates for postcards for February 23rd to school

A schoolboy can please the men in his family with a card in the form of a shirt. Most likely, he will cope with this task himself, but let his mother be nearby and help if anything happens.
For the shirt card you need:

  • colored cardboard
  • colored paper
  • pencil
  • scissors
  • ruler

Template for a tie for a postcard - a shirt.

  1. The tie will be cut out of colored paper. The child can draw its outline himself using a pencil and ruler or transfer it from a template.
  2. A sheet of colored cardboard is folded in half.
  3. The child marks the middle on the top of the left half of the sheet and puts 3 cm down from it.
  4. The child bends the corners of the cut to the side and outward, creating a shirt collar.
  5. A tie made of colored paper is placed slightly under the collar of the shirt and glued there.
  6. Inside the postcard, the schoolchild writes congratulations on February 23rd.

If desired, the postcard-shirt can be “dressed” in a jacket or military jacket.

Scheme for making a postcard - shirt.

Postcard - a shirt in a military uniform.

If a student is interested in origami, it will not be difficult for him to make a three-dimensional postcard - a shirt. This diagram will help.

Postcard - origami shirt: stages 1-4.

Postcard - origami shirt: stages 5-8.

Postcard - origami shirt: stages 9 - 12.

Postcard - origami shirt: stages 13-16.

And here is a diagram for folding a tie.

VIDEO: How to make a “SHIRT” CARD?

How to draw a card for February 23 with a pencil and paints together with your child?

If the child is small and goes to kindergarten, it will be very nice if he draws a portrait of his dad or grandfather on a postcard for February 23rd. With a school student you can already think through the “design”. The attributes of Defender of the Fatherland Day should be placed on the postcard:

  • inscription “From February 23”
  • five-pointed red star
  • St. George's ribbon
  • soldier's carnations
  • airplane
  • other military equipment

For drawing you will need:

  • album sheet
  • pencil
  • ruler
  • compass or star pattern
  • colored pencils, markers or paints

  1. A sheet of paper is marked. The card will contain: a five-pointed star, a St. George ribbon, carnations, and the signature “Happy February 23!”
  2. The most difficult thing is to draw a five-pointed star. Ideally, a child can do this with a compass and ruler, using a diagram. If this is too difficult, the star template is printed, cut out and traced on paper.
  3. At the bottom of the star, from one of its “legs” a wavy St. George ribbon is drawn.
  4. Inside the star, from its center, the edges are drawn.
  5. Start drawing flowers. They will be behind the ribbon, in the corner of the sheet opposite from the star. There will be three colors.
  6. Above the flowers, thinly, in a sketch, lines are drawn on which the text of congratulations is written.
  7. Decorate the drawing with additional lines.
  8. Color the card at your discretion with pencils, felt-tip pens or paints.

You can draw a tank on a children's card for dad or grandfather for Defender of the Fatherland Day.

  1. They start, as always, by marking the sheet.
  2. First, the child draws a blank for the tank tracks. They will be almost the entire length of the lower half of the sheet. The tracks are a straight line at the top and a half oval at the bottom.
  3. The fall, flattened on top, is repeated inside. Next, the child draws wheels - large circles, inside of which there are smaller circles.
  4. The child begins to work on the tank’s turret and draws a rectangle on top of the tracks, slightly rounding its corners. The length of the rectangle should be slightly less than the length of the tracks.
  5. A trapezoid of shorter length and greater height, also with rounded corners, is drawn above the rectangle.
  6. The barrel of the tank is formed by two parallel lines, which the child draws from the barrel of the tank. At the free end, the lines are connected by a flattened oval - the barrel.
  7. The child decorates and paints the tank at his own discretion.

How to make a voluminous postcard with congratulations on February 23?

To make a three-dimensional card for February 23, a child will have to make an effort, show imagination, and spend time. But it’s worth it: the men in his family will be very happy with the original craft. The postcard will be with a ship at sea.

First, you need to download and print the templates for the voluminous ship and postcard decor.

Ship template.

Decor template.

You will need:

  • White paper
  • colored paper
  • scissors
  • pencil
  • ruler

  1. First they work with a sheet of white and a sheet of colored paper. The white sheet is cut so that it is 1 cm smaller than the colored sheet on all sides.
  2. Fold both sheets in half.
  3. The ship template is transferred onto a white sheet of paper.
  4. Cut straight lines. Fold the boat along the dotted lines.
  5. Unfold the sheet and straighten the lines to make a boat.
  6. Glue the white sheet onto the colored one, one by one: one side, the middle, the other side.
  7. The closed postcard dries under pressure. At this time, transfer the templates of decorative elements onto colored paper and cut them out.
  8. The dried postcard is decorated inside and out.

What card to make for grandfather and father for February 23rd?

You will need:

  • sample
  • colored paper
  • simple pencil
  • markers or gel pens
  • scissors
  • ruler

  1. The template is printed in two copies: one will be used for the box, the second – for the tools.
  2. Card elements are cut out from paper of different colors. The box will be one color, its handles and corners will be another. You can make rivets at the corners.
  3. The tools will also be multi-colored: metal elements and handles. The outlines of the instruments are drawn with markers or gel pens.
  4. Tools are either glued to the card.
  5. A wish for dad or grandfather is written on a rectangular piece of paper. This piece of paper is glued to the suitcase.
  6. Here are a few more options for designing such a postcard.

What card should I make for my brother for February 23?

By February 23, you can make an elegant postcard with a carved boat for your brother. For it you will need:

  • sample
  • colored thick paper or cardboard
    White paper
  • scissors (small, perhaps nail scissors)

  1. The template of the ship and waves is transferred to colored paper
  2. The pattern is cut right through, very neatly.
  3. The card is folded along the fold line.
  4. A rectangle equal to half the postcard is cut out of cardboard of the same color. It is glued on the side where the slots from the ship remain.
  5. Decorate the card with a congratulatory inscription and a dotted line.


Have a terrible and terrible day, my dear fellow tribesmen! All year we have been waiting for this event, and here it is, this day has come.... THE DAY when we can finally break free into the world of people and feast on fresh, innocent souls! *evil laughter sounds
In different countries and on different continents this night is called differently. For the successors of the ancient Slavs, this is Veles's Night; for the descendants of the ancient Celts, who now live throughout Europe and even on the continent of North America, this is the eve of All Saints' Day, which modern residents nicknamed Halloween; in China, this is the Deng Jie holiday - the day of remembrance of ancestors, and in Mexico “El Dia de los Muertos”, which translates as the days of the dead. These days end with picnics at the graves of deceased relatives. So on November 2, we will finish our feast, perhaps in Mexico

Here everyone present begins to get out of their dark hiding places with interest and slowly and make approving sounds, and some even try to applaud with their decaying limbs.

Let me introduce myself! I am a Succubus. Many people consider me a woman, but I hasten to disappoint - in fact, I am a sexless creature, and I only take on the image of a sexual seductress, and since I skillfully read people's thoughts and desires, I absolutely accurately guess the preferences of my victim and appear to him in exactly that image. which he will not be able to resist. People call me a real devil in female form. My sweetest morsels are honest and respectable Christians, Catholics, Protestants and Jews. Oh, Lord of Darkness! You simply cannot imagine how much pleasure it gives me to persuade these abstainers to such a sweet sin of adultery! Thanks to the victim's confusion and fear, I am able to successfully paralyze him, distort his perception of reality and get what I need. After all, the result of our erotic act can be not only my filling with one of the most powerful sexual energies, but also fertilization, as a result of which magicians, sorcerers and witches are born.

Who else will go with us to Earth so that chaos and horror reign in the name of our brotherhood?!



There is a close relative. She gave birth late, the child is not mentally healthy. The problem is that she believes that other children, relatives, should tolerate her child’s quirks.
Together with another relative, we are celebrating our children’s joint birthday. We decided not to invite this one and her child. So she found out from another sister and now the offense is terrible. Are we wrong that we don’t want to spoil the holiday?



Kindness is evil. It's such a shame, ladies. In the summer, a friend called, she had serious health problems and needed money. She begged and cried. She said that she wrote a statement at work and was promised financial assistance, but not quickly. She has a small child. Need it right here and now. I borrowed her money, 50 thousand. And summer has passed, and autumn has almost passed too. I call back and am glad that she is feeling better. I'm waiting for money. She feeds breakfast. Yesterday I met her by chance at the metro. And she has a new fur coat. Beautiful. She was so tossed around. I ask, what about financial assistance? She bekala-mekala. In short, they gave help, but it’s winter, there’s nothing to wear blah blah blah. I bought a fur coat. And what about me? And someday I will.
It was my husband's birthday and anniversary. I had to borrow for a gift. I was terribly upset.
I myself understand that I’m a fool and I won’t see the money. (((((
Tell me, am I the only one?



Have a terrible and terrible day, my dear fellow tribesmen! All year we have been waiting for this event, and here it is, this day has come.... THE DAY when we can finally break free into the world of people and feast on fresh, innocent souls! *evil laughter sounds
In different countries and on different continents this night is called differently. For the successors of the ancient Slavs, this is Veles's Night; for the descendants of the ancient Celts, who now live throughout Europe and even on the continent of North America, this is the eve of All Saints' Day, which modern residents nicknamed Halloween; in China, this is the Deng Jie holiday - the day of remembrance of ancestors, and in Mexico “El Dia de los Muertos”, which translates as the days of the dead. These days end with picnics at the graves of deceased relatives. So on November 2, we will finish our feast, perhaps in Mexico

Here everyone present begins to get out of their dark hiding places with interest and slowly and make approving sounds, and some even try to applaud with their decaying limbs.

Let me introduce myself! I am a Succubus. Many people consider me a woman, but I hasten to disappoint - in fact, I am a sexless creature, and I only take on the image of a sexual seductress, and since I skillfully read people's thoughts and desires, I absolutely accurately guess the preferences of my victim and appear to him in exactly that image. which he will not be able to resist. People call me a real devil in female form. My sweetest morsels are honest and respectable Christians, Catholics, Protestants and Jews. Oh, Lord of Darkness! You simply cannot imagine how much pleasure it gives me to persuade these abstainers to such a sweet sin of adultery! Thanks to the victim's confusion and fear, I am able to successfully paralyze him, distort his perception of reality and get what I need. After all, the result of our erotic act can be not only my filling with one of the most powerful sexual energies, but also fertilization, as a result of which magicians, sorcerers and witches are born.

Who else will go with us to Earth so that chaos and horror reign in the name of our brotherhood?!



There is a close relative. She gave birth late, the child is not mentally healthy. The problem is that she believes that other children, relatives, should tolerate her child’s quirks.
Together with another relative, we are celebrating our children’s joint birthday. We decided not to invite this one and her child. So she found out from another sister and now the offense is terrible. Are we wrong that we don’t want to spoil the holiday?



Kindness is evil. It's such a shame, ladies. In the summer, a friend called, she had serious health problems and needed money. She begged and cried. She said that she wrote a statement at work and was promised financial assistance, but not quickly. She has a small child. Need it right here and now. I borrowed her money, 50 thousand. And summer has passed, and autumn has almost passed too. I call back and am glad that she is feeling better. I'm waiting for money. She feeds breakfast. Yesterday I met her by chance at the metro. And she has a new fur coat. Beautiful. She was so tossed around. I ask, what about financial assistance? She bekala-mekala. In short, they gave help, but it’s winter, there’s nothing to wear blah blah blah. I bought a fur coat. And what about me? And someday I will.
It was my husband's birthday and anniversary. I had to borrow for a gift. I was terribly upset.
I myself understand that I’m a fool and I won’t see the money. (((((
Tell me, am I the only one?


Showing publications 41-50 of 137.
All sections | Drawings for February 23. Drawing on the theme Defender of the Fatherland Day

Abstract of GCD in the senior group Artistic and aesthetic development Subject: "Postcard for Dad" (Applique with elements drawing) Target: Form children’s ideas about the holiday 23 February. Tasks: 1. Educational: - Teach children to cut out details for a postcard and carefully...

Master class “Do-it-yourself postcard for 23 February. Tank using plasticineography technique" for children of middle preschool age. Prepared by the teacher of MBDOU Kindergarten No. 40 Fayzrakhmanova E.V. Master's goal class: Train master class participants in working methods...

Drawings for February 23. Drawing on the theme Defender of the Fatherland Day - Summary of a GCD lesson on drawing in the middle group on the topic “Portrait of the Pope”

Educational area: Artistic and aesthetic development Program content: Introduce children to the upcoming holiday. To consolidate children's ability to depict the structure of a flower in a drawing using a variety of form-building movements, working with the whole brush and the end....

Image library "MAAM-pictures"

"Holiday fireworks for dad." GCD summary for February 23 using non-traditional drawing techniques with cotton swabs SUMMARY OF GCD on artistic and aesthetic development using non-traditional drawing techniques (with cotton swabs) Educator: Spiridonova S. V. Topic: “Holiday fireworks for dad” Age group: 2-3 years Form of joint activity: GCD Form of organization:...

Tsikhotskikh Elena Alexandrovna. Teacher of the MKDOU "Kindergarten of the state farm "Second Five-Year Plan". On the eve of the holiday "Defender of the Fatherland Day", an exhibition of drawings "Glory to the Native Army" was organized in our middle group. Parents were invited to participate along with...

The holidays are over, for which our “preparators” prepared with special trepidation. On Defender of the Fatherland Day, sports competitions were held with the participation of family teams and musical breaks between relay races. And for the holiday of March 8, the guys and I prepared a festive...

Drawings for February 23. Drawing on the theme Defender of the Fatherland Day - Summary of a lesson on plasticineography in the junior group on making a postcard for dad “Airplane”

Objectives of the lesson: 1. To strengthen the ability of children to divide a block of plasticine by eye into two equal parts, roll it out with straight movements of the palms. 2. Teach children to assemble an object consisting of several parts on a plane, to achieve an accurate representation of the object’s shape, its structure,...

Olga Zavalishina Photo report "Defender of the Fatherland Day" On February 23, our country celebrates Defender of the Fatherland Day. This holiday is considered a men's holiday, since on this day we all congratulate our defenders: present and future - our men. Our Army Vladimir...

For the holiday of Defenders of the Fatherland Day, kindergartens and schools begin to prepare in advance: educators and teachers need to come up with what their students will give to their beloved fathers and grandfathers, and children need to bring all these ideas to life under the strict guidance of adults.

We offer to congratulate a man on Defenders of the Fatherland Day with the most expensive gift - a postcard or drawing made by a child. What can kids do for their dads and grandfathers? Read in the article material.

How to draw a card for February 23 with a pencil and paints for children?

In kindergarten, children learn to draw their first schematic drawings. Step-by-step lessons will help educators prepare gifts for fathers and grandfathers on February 23, because it is in preschool that children learn about the holiday and its meaning, and why men are congratulated on this day.

Let's start with the drawing. We will need:

  • protractor (we will use it to draw a star)
  • a compass or other device that can be used to draw a circle

Let's move on to drawing:

  • Draw a circle and draw two lines in it that will divide it into 4 equal sections.
  • We measure 72 degrees on a protractor and draw a line inside along two opposite sections.

We measure 72 degrees on a protractor and draw a line
  • Again we measure 72 degrees from the already drawn line and draw a second straight line, and then a third.

We repeat
  • In order not to get confused, we mark with dots what we are measuring and from what. How to draw the lines correctly can be seen in the photo.

  • We should have 10 identical sections. Let's draw a dash in the middle of each line (through one straight line). Draw a star and slightly round the corners.
  • Use an eraser to erase the circle and additional lines inside the star. Draw an outline around the star.

Draw a line along the entire contour
  • Now let's draw a St. George's ribbon with edges curved down. Let's continue the edges of the ribbon on both sides of the star.

Drawing a ribbon
  • We draw three parallel black lines on each part of the tape. We turn the schematic drawing into a postcard by decorating the star and ribbon, and adding the inscription “Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day.”

We bring the ends of the tape to the edges of the sheet

Drawing stripes on tape

Video: Simple drawings. Soldier

An excellent drawing on the theme of Defender of the Fatherland Day - a valiant soldier at his post. Such a drawing will decorate both a postcard and a school wall newspaper prepared for the holiday.

For the drawing you will need:

  • blank sheet of paper
  • simple pencil
  • colour pencils
  • ruler

  • Divide the sheet into two halves by drawing a vertical line down the center. The left side should be slightly narrower than the right. Draw an oval in the upper third. This will be the head. Below it we draw the outline of the future collar.
  • Focusing on the preliminary markings, we draw in detail the soldier’s head, which is wearing a hat with earflaps. Add the neck and shoulders. The soldier will be wearing a pea coat, so let's outline his outline.

  • We draw a face and hands. We finish drawing the small details of the clothes.
  • Don't forget to draw our defender the machine gun he is holding in his hands. First we’ll sketch out the lines, and then we’ll draw in more detail. The photo shows what needs to be depicted.

  • Now you need to draw the protective colors of the uniform and the outline of the banner in the background.

  • We write on the left side of the sheet the inscription “Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day” and specify the background.
  • After that, all that remains is to decorate the drawing.

If the previous drawing is difficult to draw, then the child can cope with the schematic image of the tank presented in the step-by-step lesson below without the help of adults.

  • For the drawing you will need pencils and a sheet of paper. It is better to use a checkered notebook sheet. This will make it easier for the child to navigate and draw all the lines correctly.
  • Let's draw the barrel of the tank: in the center of the sheet we will draw a line 4-5 cm long, and above it, at a distance of about 1 cm, another parallel one.

  • Let's connect the lines on the left side, and draw the beginning of the barrel with an oval on the right side.
  • Let's start drawing the tank turret. To do this, step back down 1 cm and at a distance of about 1/3 from the length of the barrel, draw an elongated rectangle 10-12 cm long. Step back from the edge of the base by about 0.5 cm, put dots and connect them in a semicircle.

  • Below we draw the base of the tank caterpillar. How to do this is shown in the photo. Inside the base we draw 5 circles and sketch them with a black pencil.

Drawing a tank caterpillar track

Paint the 5 circles at the base of the tracks with black.
  • Let's draw a star in the center of the tower and a flying flag on a long pole. We paint the tank green, the star red and add an inscription.

Video: Simple drawings. Children's tank

Video: Postcard to Dad for February 23, Military Airplane

A schoolchild can easily cope with the “Warship” drawing, which will be a good gift for dad or grandfather if tanks and planes have already been given to the heroes of the holiday.

Since Defender of the Fatherland Day once had the name “Day of the Soviet Army and Navy,” it is celebrated by all military personnel: both on land and at sea.

This is what we will draw:

First, let's prepare everything you need:

  • blank sheet of paper
  • a simple pencil and a black felt-tip pen
  • colored pencils or available paints

  • Divide the sheet into two halves by drawing a horizontal line. Do not forget that we draw all the preliminary contours without pressing the pencil, so that later there will be no trace of the erased lines.
  • We will draw the ship in the lower half. First, let's draw a wavy line that will represent the surface of the water. Let's draw the stern with all the necessary protrusions.
  • On the left side of the stern we will draw a cannon. In the central part of the stern we will add the following elements: the captain's cabin and the radar. They are not difficult to draw if you exactly repeat all the lines, as in the photo.

  • At the bottom of the captain's cabin we will draw a battery of torpedoes and add a row of portholes.

  • We draw a flying flag and, to make the picture more realistic, add a couple of birds flying in the distance.
  • You can stop here and move on to coloring. But this is not enough for a greeting card: you will also have to add an inscription.
  • You need to color the drawing like this: a warship - blue-gray, water - blue, draw a red stripe at the bottom of the ship and select the right colors to depict the national flag.

Video: How to draw a cool picture for February 23rd?

Ideas and templates of cards for February 23rd in kindergarten

  • The issue of preparing for the holiday on February 23 begins to worry kindergarten teachers and school teachers long before its onset. It is only at first glance that it seems that there is nothing difficult in choosing the appropriate option for a gift.
  • But this is not at all true, since the process of creating a craft or a postcard with your own hands, which children will then give to their dearest people - dads and grandfathers, should captivate them, and therefore they should immediately abandon complex elements or multi-tiered paper structures.
  • A simple but original postcard or craft will appeal much more to both the little “creators” of the masterpiece and adults. What gifts can you prepare for the holiday on February 23 with children in kindergarten - see the photo selection below.

Cover for postcard

Ideas and templates for postcards for February 23rd to school

Children at school already know a lot, and therefore a simple picture of a tank or an airplane will not bring as much pleasure as creating a postcard with your own hands with a surprise, retractable parts, special appliqué, etc.

See the photo selection below of gifts for the holiday on February 23rd, made by schoolchildren, and get inspired!

  • We prepare a sheet for a postcard using light colored paper: fold the sheet in half and draw a place for a star in the upper part.
  • Carefully cut out the outline of the star on the main page of the postcard. Draw a small star next to it and write a beautiful congratulatory inscription. The inscription can be printed on colored paper of the same color, or use a contrasting shade.
    • Cut out a star from red colored paper. To make it voluminous, you need to bend the “ears” that will be glued to the postcard. The star is bent along the lines with the outer edges outward and the inner edges inward.
    • Glue the star on the wrong side of the card (spread).
    • We will decorate with stripes cut from golden colored paper. Let's also make the little star golden.
    • Glue 3 golden stripes vertically and horizontally onto the front side of the card, as shown in the photo. Glue a gold star next to it. To ensure that the strips stick evenly, it is better to first mark with a dotted line the places where they should be.
    How to fold a star correctly
    • A voluminous card can also be made using the quilling technique. To make a postcard, in addition to paper (colored and white), you will need toothpicks, glue and scissors.
    • Fold the sheet so that one part is slightly longer. We write large numbers of the holiday date on it. The two should be on the front of the card. After the two is drawn, we add a three on the second page of the postcard. Cut out the numbers along the outer edge.
    • We prepare “curls” from strips of colored paper. To make them, you need to “stick” a strip of colored paper onto a toothpick and twist it. How to paste the resulting curls onto a postcard can be seen in the photo.
    • We apply each spiral with the glued side to the numbers, trying not to leave large gaps between the curls. Add an asterisk between the numbers and sign the card.
    • What card should I make for my brother for February 23?

      You can surprise your brother with an original “Ship” postcard.

      Postcard "Ship"

      This beauty can be made in half an hour. So let's get started!

      • Draw a boat or print a ready-made template on double-sided cardboard.

      • Cut out some areas in the picture.

      • Fold the card along the fold line.
      • Using a felt-tip pen, draw a dotted line along the edges of the postcard and the image of the boat.

      For a brother who has not yet served in the army, you can make a shirt card.

      Video: DO IT YOURSELF / Postcard - SHIRT /Gift for FEBRUARY 23