May 2 (from 07:13), 3, 4 (until 12:48) Waxing Moon in Leo.

May 4 (from 12:48), 5, 6 (until 21:21) Waxing Moon in Virgo.

The lunar calendar for today under the sign of Virgo - purity and naturalness are important in everything - in food, clothing, cosmetics. Take the opportunity to make thoughtful and practical purchases - hygiene products, natural cosmetics and environmentally friendly products.

May 6 (from 21:21), 7, 8, 9 (until 08:02) Waxing Moon in Libra.

With the Moon today, your haircut will go just fine - this is one of the most favorable days for cutting your hair. All procedures with hair at this time contribute to its better growth, healing and improvement of its structure.

On Libra Day, try not to get irritated or shout: you risk getting wrinkles on your face that you won’t be able to get rid of. Now is the time to visit your cosmetologist to develop an individual skin care program.

9 (from 08:02), 10, May Waxing Moon in Scorpio.

Neutral days for hair cutting are slightly above average. It is better not to do a perm, it is not recommended to wash your hair, but the styling will turn out well. You should not use creams and ointments on a hormonal basis, with placenta extract, or unstable cosmetic preparations of natural origin. During the passage of the Moon through the watery signs of the Zodiac, water acquires very strong dissolving properties and all the chemical ingredients of our shampoos and creams penetrate deep into the skin.

To harmonize metabolism and prevent skin diseases during Scorpio days, look at the blue sky more often and choose blue clothes. Don't buy new things for your wardrobe. This is also not the right time to apply decorative cosmetics. A general massage is indicated - with nettle or its decoction, active movements.

May 11 (00:44) - FULL MOON in Scorpio.

Neutral day for hair cutting. You should not use cosmetics or wash your hair with shampoo (an exception may be natural soaps and herbal shampoos). When the Moon passes through water signs, water acquires strong dissolving properties and all the “chemistry” quickly penetrates our skin.

May 11 (from 20:01), 12, 13, 14 (until 08:39) Waning Moon in Sagittarius.

The neutral time for cutting hair is slightly below average; hair grows slower than during the waxing Moon.

May 14 (from 08:39), 15.16 (to 20:51) Waning Moon in Capricorn.

Very unfavorable days for cutting hair, but this is the best time to remove excess hair from the body - hair will not grow for a long time. To strengthen hair roots and improve their growth, nourishing wraps, washing hair with beer, as well as massage of the ears and scalp are very useful today.

When the waning moon in Capricorn is the best time for skin care, all nourishing procedures are indicated. The body's tendency to stagnation increases, so the need for the use of tonics, alcohol-containing products, biologically active creams and masks increases.

May 16 (from 20:51), 17, 18, 19 (until 06:53) Waning Moon in VodoVVVVlee.

The neutral time for cutting hair is slightly below average; hair grows slower than on the waxing Moon.

Treatment of inflammation and cracks in the skin of the legs will be successful. Dental operations, removal of tumors, pedicures, manicures, and permanent makeup are allowed. When the Moon is in Aquarius, various herbal decoctions, masks, and creams intensively nourish the skin. Anti-stress masks and facial balms, soothing herbal infusions, vitamins A, C and E, citrus fruits in nutrition and for cosmetic masks, creams containing silicon (the homeopathic element of Aquarius) are of great importance in cosmetic procedures.

May 19 (from 06:53), 20, 21 (until 13:12) Waning Moon in Pisces.

Unfavorable time for cutting hair. Hair these days is unruly, difficult to handle even by the most wonderful hairdresser, after which the haircut cannot be given the desired look, the hairstyle turns out shapeless. Haircuts today lead to dandruff. You should also avoid washing your hair. Not at all suitable for perm.

These days, the vulnerability of the skin increases, the risk of allergies increases, and the threat of fungal diseases increases. Take care of your skin - it should be cleansed and renewed. A general tonic massage, baths with valerian, chamomile, daytime naps, and nourishing masks will help you do this.

May 21 (from 13:12), 22, 23 (until 15:34) Waning Moon in Aries.

A very unfavorable time to cut your hair. When the Moon is in Aries, you shouldn’t touch your hair at all, it’s better not to even comb it. At this time, the hair is very vulnerable, and damage to it will then take a long time to restore. If you get your hair cut several times in a row on these days, your hair may become thin and brittle, begin to fall out, and bald spots may appear. The same goes for shaving.

When the waning Moon in Aries is a good time to do skin smoothing, peeling, deep cleansing, removal of papillomas, warts, ingrown nails, pimples, blackheads, freckles, age spots and “other troubles.” All kinds of cleaning are shown - internal and external. Your skin will be responsive to means that increase blood circulation - massage, hardening procedures, physical exercises for the muscles of the body.

May 23 (from 15:34), 24, 25 (until 15:16) Waning Moon in Taurus.

The neutral time for cutting hair is slightly above average. But, on the other hand, styling, coloring and perm will work out very well. A perm done during Taurus days will last a long time. Also, very favorable days for healing the scalp and strengthening gray hair with the help of nourishing lotions, masks and massage.

When the Moon is in Taurus, facial skin care procedures are very effective, especially those associated with a deep effect on the skin and tissues. Therefore, before applying the mask, clean your face. Vacuum massage and passive gymnastics on this area of ​​the body are effective.

May 25 (from 15:16) Waning Moon in GeminiVVVVtsakh.

Unfavorable days for cutting hair. Hair can become thin, brittle and begin to fall out if your haircut falls during this period several times in a row.

These days it is not recommended to do manicures, pedicures, extend gel nails, shape eyebrows, or curl the ends of eyelashes. But this is a great time for aromatherapy, inhalations, massage and hand baths, and visiting the bathhouse. Among cosmetic products, light, quickly absorbing moisturizing and nourishing creams with herbal extracts and bioactive additives from cereal sprouts are preferred. In decorative cosmetics it is permissible to use more bright colors and expressive accents.

May 25 at 22:46 - NEW MOON in Gemini.

A haircut done on the first lunar day shortens a person's life.

Unfavorable days for cutting hair. Hair can become thin, brittle and begin to fall out if your haircut falls during this period several times in a row. You shouldn't dye your hair either. Also, these days it is not recommended to do manicures, pedicures, extend gel nails, shape eyebrows, or curl the ends of eyelashes.

When the Moon is in Gemini, it is a great time for aromatherapy, inhalations, massage and hand baths, and visiting the bathhouse. Among cosmetic products, light, quickly absorbing moisturizing and nourishing creams with herbal extracts and bioactive additives from cereal sprouts are preferred. In decorative cosmetics it is permissible to use more bright colors and expressive accents.

May 27 (from 14:26), 28, 29 (until 15:13) Waxing Moon in Cancer.

Unfavorable time for cutting hair. If you get a haircut during this period, the hair will be very unruly and shaggy, the haircut will not be able to give the desired look, and the hairstyle will turn out shapeless. Also, it is completely unsuitable for perm. You shouldn’t even wash your hair or use hair care products.

These days it is useful to do deep facial cleansing, but only with the help of natural products. Wellness baths with sea salt and herbs will have a beneficial effect on your appearance: they will promote rejuvenation.

May 29 (from 15:13), 30, 31 (until 19:17) Waxing Moon in Leo.

Very favorable days for cutting hair. Hair cut these days becomes stronger and more voluminous and grows back quickly. On Leo days, hair perm works well - it turns out especially curly. Those who do not strive to get a curly mane, but prefer light curls, should wait until the Moon is in the sign of Virgo. When you dye your hair, the color will be intense and saturated, and will not wash off for a long time. Some of the most ideal days for nourishing hair masks. The styling will work out well.

Your appearance will benefit if you take mineral and radon baths these days, as well as steam baths and hot masks - they are very refreshing. Today you can choose your own cosmetics and do your makeup - the choice will be successful.

May 31 (from 19:17) Waxing Moon in Virgo.

Ideal days to cut your hair. Hair cut at this time remains beautiful for a long time and keeps its shape. Virgo days are especially suitable for perms, manicures, pedicures, and nail extensions. When you dye your hair, the color will be intense and saturated, and will not wash off for a long time. If you want long hair, but are afraid of an unkempt hairstyle, then use the following advice: start growing your hair in March, and for 6 months, cut your hair only under the sign of Virgo during the new moon. If you want your hair to be strong and healthy, then make a strengthening or nourishing hair mask today. All cleansing procedures are beneficial - baths, aroma and herbal medicine sessions. To improve your complexion, you need to take care of your digestion. Drink more herbal infusions, cleanse your intestines.

All representatives of the fair sex know very well that the basis of a woman’s image is not her figure or outfit, but her hair. You can come to this conclusion if you watch a little of the ladies on the street, as well as the reaction of men who pay attention to them. According to statistics, the majority of admiring glances go to those beauties who have luxurious hair. And this is not surprising, because beautiful hairstyle and well-groomed curls are able to give a woman with almost any natural characteristics an attractive and charming look.

What is the lunar haircut calendar for 2017

This is a list of special dates when not only the lunar phase, but also the ruling sign of the zodiac, the day of the week and the order of the lunar day can in a certain way affect the condition of your hair. We strongly recommend that you listen to the advice of astrologers and familiarize yourself with the list of favorable dates throughout 2017 before visiting a beauty salon, in order to protect yourself in the future from the negative consequences of lunar activity on the human body in general and on the condition of hair in particular.

Lunar hair cutting calendar for 2017 - by month

Note. Information regarding other months of 2017 will be gradually added.

Favorable and unfavorable days according to the lunar calendar for haircuts 2017

Every girl should know that in addition to favorable days, for haircuts in 2017, which you can view using the links above, there are also unfavorable days for cutting hair, which are determined individually in each month. As a rule, these are days when the Moon is in its culmination phases: new moon, full moon, first and last lunar quarters. During these periods, it is customary to avoid any changes in appearance. However, a significant influence is exerted by the current signs of the zodiac, which are valid during a certain period, the day of the week on which this event falls, and the number of the lunar calendar, which differs from the solar one and has its own meaning. A haircut on some days can not only harm the health and appearance of your hairstyle, but also accelerate the general aging process in the body, thereby affecting a person’s life expectancy.

How does the moon affect hair growth?

Many generations of women have sought to learn how to influence hair quality, condition and health. And science came to help the beauties. And not only medicine and cosmetology, astronomy made a significant contribution to solving this issue. It turned out that the Earth’s natural satellite, the Moon, has a very significant effect on hair health.

Astrologers annually compile the so-called lunar haircut calendar, which also exists for the coming year - 2017. According to this calendar, special days are determined on which the lunar cycle can affect the growth and general condition of the hair. For example, it is urgent It is not recommended to cut your hair to the Moon in its waning phase, for those girls who dream of growing luxurious long hair, because during this period the Moon takes away some forces from them that respond to the speed of their growth. But a haircut during this period can help improve the health of the hair follicle and scalp. It is generally better to avoid visiting a hairdresser on a new moon, because on this day a haircut can affect not only a person’s general health, but even his fate, shortening his life.

Women all over the world have long trusted many procedures, including hairdressing, to the phases of the moon. There will undoubtedly be scientific explanations for this, which are as incomprehensible to us as cybernetics is to drama theater actresses. All we are supposed to know is that there are good days for cutting hair and not so good days. To put it simply and briefly, this phenomenon has two explanations, which are by no means mutually exclusive.

The Moon is a satellite of the Earth that affects all life processes and our biorhythms. Its phases cause ebbs and flows, and we, as you know, are largely composed of water. If the moon can raise sea levels by as much as a meter, then the fact that it has a definite effect on your health is an irrefutable fact.

The moon has 4 phases, and the lunar haircut calendar is based on the favorable location of our satellite. Women and children are especially affected by the moon. The male body is more resistant to its effects.

New moon

This phenomenon lasts up to 7 lunar days. Haircuts during the first period of the lunar phase are strictly prohibited. Otherwise, your health may be negatively affected. The basis of such an unfavorable period is the interaction of the Moon and the Sun and their harmony with each other.

During this period, the greatest activity is observed, the hair is restored and becomes stronger. Great time for masks. But painting is not recommended. On the new moon, in addition to the surge of strength, which are physically tangible, various processes also occur, the operation of which we have no idea. The level of melatonin (the substance that is responsible for the color of our hair) in the body reaches its peak. The paint may not adhere or wash off after a few days.

Waxing Crescent

From 8 to 15 lunar days. Great time for a haircut. All growth processes are breaking time records. The lunar calendar of successful haircuts is directed precisely to the period of this phase. Hairdressing treatments will improve the health of your hair and will be beneficial for the body as a whole.

Full moon

From 16 to 22 lunar days. The harmony between the Moon and the Sun is broken, and gravitational forces have a great impact on the Earth. This is an unfavorable period for all hairdressing and cosmetic procedures.

Waning moon

From 23 to 30 lunar days. Unlucky days for cutting hair according to the lunar calendar, but strengthening masks will bring you the most noticeable effect. At this time, our hair strengthens, and growth processes, on the contrary, slow down very much.

Spiritual influence

If you believe bioenergetics, then our hair is not only an attribute of appearance, but also energy channels through which energy circulates. Each haircut can change your biofield, strengthen it or make it defenseless. Our hair has a sacred meaning in the spiritual world, and every hairdressing procedure on it can bring both benefit and harm.

Bioenergetics specialists categorically do not recommend cutting your hair during the new or full moon; this can cause irreparable harm to your health. Good days to change your hairstyle in for the most part fall on the waxing moon.

Whatever aspect of influence - physical or spiritual - is closer to you, cutting your hair according to the lunar calendar will help you choose the best day to visit the hairdresser.

Lunar calendar of haircuts for January

  • Lucky days: 15, 16, 18, 19, 25
  • Unlucky days: 5, 6, 12, 21, 30

6th January. Hair cutting on this day is contraindicated. This can harm both hair and health, as well as your emotional state in general. Hairdressing procedures can lead to decreased immunity and even illness. And bring ambiguity and confusion into your personal life.

Lunar calendar of haircuts for February

  • Lucky days: 9, 12, 14, 23
  • Unlucky days: 7, 8,13,26

This month's full moon falls on February 13. It is not advisable to schedule hairdressing and beauty treatments.

Lunar calendar of haircuts for March

  • Lucky days: 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 15, 22
  • Unlucky days: 1, 6, 7, 8, 17,26

Moon phase on March 1 falls on the waxing moon, but still, this is an unfavorable day for haircuts. This is due to the psycho-emotional state. During the waxing moon, all body processes work faster and more efficiently, which excites the nervous system. On this day you may make rash decisions. If on March 1, you suddenly changed your mind about cutting off the split ends of your long hair, preferring an even bob, then keep in mind that on March 2 you may regret it.

Lunar calendar of haircuts for April

  • Lucky days: 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 17, 18, 26, 27
  • Unlucky days: 4, 5, 12, 22, 24, 25

April 3— This is a well-chosen day for a haircut. If you are planning to visit a hairdresser in April, then there is no better day. You will not only improve the health of your hair, but also bring prosperity to your personal life, new love and good luck.

Lunar calendar of haircuts for May

  • Lucky days: 2, 6, 7, 8, 14, 16, 29, 30, 31
  • Unlucky days: 11, 19, 21, 22, 28

The best day for a haircut May 8. It's Women's Day and the fair sex looks especially attractive. A haircut on May 8 will be more than successful.

Lunar calendar of haircuts for June

  • Lucky days: 4, 10, 11, 12, 21, 26, 28, 29, 30
  • Unlucky days: 5, 6, 18, 19, 23, 24, 25

5 May the worst day for a haircut. If you neglect caution, you risk, in addition to a bad haircut, bringing disaster into your home.

Lunar calendar haircuts for July

  • Lucky days: 1, 6, 18, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29
  • Unlucky days: 2, 3, 4, 12, 13, 28, 30, 31

If you choose for a haircut July 6- you can't go wrong. A haircut will make you more attractive than any other day.

Lunar calendar of haircuts for August

  • Lucky days: 4, 5, 13, 14, 22, 23, 25, 31
  • Unlucky days: 1, 11, 17, 18, 28

A haircut 25-th of August will have a large volume, remove the heaviness and dullness of the hair. He will also invite wealth and lady luck into the house.

Lunar calendar of haircuts for September

  • Lucky days: 1, 9, 10, 11, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22
  • Unlucky days: 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 14, 15, 16, 23, 24

September 7— the most unfavorable day for a haircut this month. Hairdressing and cosmetic procedures can bring unpleasant situations into your home, associated with theft of property.

Lunar calendar of haircuts for October

  • Lucky days: 7, 8, 13, 14, 17, 25, 26
  • Unlucky days: 4, 5, 6, 12, 13, 22, 30, 31

October 5, 6 These are the worst days for a haircut. May attract illnesses and misfortunes.

Lunar calendar of haircuts for November

  • Lucky days: 4, 5, 9, 10, 15, 16, 17, 22, 23
  • Unlucky days: 2, 3, 7, 18, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30

November 16 your hair will become noticeably stronger after cutting. Also, on this day you will be a real magnet, which has the ability to attract only positive people and emotions. Acquaintances made on this day are likely to develop into strong friendships.

Lunar calendar of haircuts for December

  • Lucky days: 1, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 28, 29
  • Unlucky days: 7, 14, 25, 26

December 1 - the most auspicious day this month. On this day, your hair has already been restored and gained strength; it is better to refuse dyeing, but a haircut will only benefit your hair. They will grow faster, and split ends will not bother you for a long time.

Women of our time are lucky to have access to knowledge that not so long ago was a family secret of great women of noble family. In addition, they had the value of a real secret of beauty and youthful hair, which was passed on only to close generations. Any woman in pursuit of beautiful hair was ready to do anything in order to bite a piece of secret knowledge.

Today, the lunar calendar of haircuts is publicly available, and hairdressers are open every day from morning to evening. No matter how you live, life has become easier, and the secrets of beauty and healthy hair are available to everyone.

Video: Lunar horoscope of haircuts for 2017

The holidays are just starting, so you'll likely have more time to head to the hair salon if you missed it in December. When is the best time to get a haircut? growing or decreasing Moon?

The moon will wax this month from 1 to 11 and from 28 to 31 January 2017. During these two periods, it is best to cut the ends of your hair or shape your long hair if you would like it to look longer. grew faster. Avoid negative days, which will be discussed below.

If your goal is maintain the shape of the hairstyle, then it’s better to go to the hairdresser on the days of the waning moon - from January 12 to January 27, 2017. However, remember that it is better not to dye your hair at this time, as the dye will quickly wash off.

In January, Venus, the planet of beauty, will be in the sign of Pisces, making it a time of romance. The best thing to do now is feminine classic haircuts, styling with braiding and beautiful curls. This is especially true for those women who dream of attracting more romance into their lives.

When choosing a time for a haircut or other procedures, it is better to avoid days when the Moon will move through the signs Cancer And Pisces: 2-4, 11, 12, 30 and 31 January 2017.


1 JANUARY, Sunday. 3rd, 4th lunar day from 10:26.AQUARIUS

Not a bad day to visit the hairdresser, especially if you would like to do unusual hairstyle. In general, today you can experiment with haircuts (Venus will still be in sign of Aquarius). If you don’t like experiments and don’t want to do a completely new hairstyle, it’s better to refrain from going to the hairdresser. It is also good to style with curlers.

The effect of cutting on hair

: will attract new interesting people into life, new friendships.

2 JANUARY, Monday. 4th, 5th lunar day from 10:54.AQUARIUS,

FISH from 12:58, Moon without course from 10:58 to 12:57

In the afternoon, the Moon will move into the sign of Pisces, and this is not the best time to go to hairdressers. However, in the morning hours you can still cut your hair or dye your hair. Better do it until 11:00, until the Moon went into idle. Besides until 11 am The Moon and Venus will approach connection, and this will help you get a good hairstyle.

The effect of cutting on hair : rapid growth, hair structure does not change.

Psychological impact of haircut : attractiveness, success with the opposite sex, attracting new partners (until 11:00).

3 JANUARY, Tuesday. 5th, 6th lunar day from 11:18.FISH

Bad day: it’s better to postpone going to the hairdresser. We also do not recommend doing your hair at home. You can delete it if you wish unwanted hair, pluck your eyebrows, but remember that the hair will quickly grow back, since this is the time of the waxing moon.

The effect of cutting on hair

Psychological impact of haircut : Can make you less confident, as well as more nervous and aggressive.

4 JANUARY, Wednesday. 6th, 7th lunar day from 11:41.FISH,

ARIES from 19:21, Moon without course from 19:14 to 19:20

Bad day: it’s better to postpone going to the hairdresser.

The effect of cutting on hair : hair will grow quickly, but will be thinner and weaker, and will quickly begin to split.

Psychological impact of haircut : can attract illness, difficulties in communicating with close relatives, misunderstandings in the family.

5 JANUARY, Thursday. 7th, 8th lunar day from 12:03.ARIES

Second phase of the moon from 22:48

Today is not the best day to cut your hair, however, you can choose it as a last resort if there is no opportunity visit the hairdresser on the weekend. If you have problem hair, it is better not to get a haircut, as a haircut will not have much effect on the hair structure. You can cut the ends of your hair to help your hair grow faster. Also, try not to experiment with your hair today.

The effect of cutting on hair : fast growth.

Psychological impact of haircut : will help you become more confident.

6 JANUARY, Friday. 8th, 9th lunar day from 12:26.ARIES,

CALF from 23:19, Moon without course from 21:41 to 23:18

The day is quite positive: despite the Moon sign not being the most suitable for haircuts, today you can safely go to the hairdresser for a stylish modern haircut, as Venus and Moon approaching the positive aspect.

However, the effect of the aspect will largely begin after the Moon passes into the sign of Taurus, and this will only happen after 11 pm when all the hairdressers are already closed. But if you have the opportunity to get a haircut after 23:20, the result will be much better. You can also dye your hair lighter colors, or do highlights or blonds.

The effect of cutting on hair : rapid growth, hair structure remains unchanged (until 23:20). If you get a haircut after 23:20. hair will become stronger, shinier and healthier.

Psychological impact of haircut : Will have a positive effect on partnerships.

7 JANUARY, Saturday. 9th, 10th lunar day from 12:52.CALF

Another pretty positive day. Today, various manipulations with hair are allowed, including dyeing, cutting, styling, lamination, hair extensions, and African braids. Since the Moon is now growing, the hair after cutting will also be grow back quickly. It is good to cut the ends to speed up hair growth. This is one of the most successful days for visiting hairdressers and salons.

The effect of cutting on hair : rapid growth, hair strengthening.

Psychological impact of haircut : will make you more cheerful, active, and help you fulfill your deepest desires.

JANUARY 8, Sunday. 10th, 11th lunar day from 13:22.CALF

Moon without course from 05:23

Today is a more relaxed day: the time of the Moon without a course, when any undertakings can be unsuccessful. However, you can go to the hairdresser, but it is better not to make any drastic changes. You can cut the ends of your hair. Procedures cannot be started hair treatment, as you will not get the desired result.

The effect of cutting on hair : Fast growth, but little effect on hair condition.

Psychological impact of haircut : no particular influence.

9 JANUARY, Monday. 11th, 12th lunar day from 13:58.

TWINS from 01:07, Moon without course until 01:06

It’s a bad day to visit the hairdresser: the hairstyle will turn out completely different from what you imagine, and you may seriously upset. You should also not dye your hair, as you may be disappointed with the resulting color. On this day, you can do beautiful light styling with curlers, but it is better not to use hot tools: it is easy to dry out your hair.

The effect of cutting on hair : no special influences.

Psychological impact of haircut : no special influences.

10 JANUARY, Tuesday. 12th, 13th lunar day from 14:44.TWINS

The day is quite controversial: there are many aspects of the Moon of different character and strength, so whether you will like the result after visiting the hairdresser is difficult to answer. If you have weak and damaged hair, it is better not to cut your hair today, and especially not to dye your hair. Better wait have a more auspicious day for this. It's good to do your hair with curlers. If you have normal hair without any problems, you can do a light airy hairstyle. Various masks to increase volume will be beneficial.

The effect of cutting on hair : average height.

Psychological impact of haircut : Helps make you more outgoing, but may also reduce your social circle for various reasons. It's difficult to answer. How exactly the situation will play out.

11 JANUARY, Wednesday. 13th, 14th lunar day from 15:41.

CANCER from 01:50, Moon without course from 00:38 to 01:49

With the transition of the Moon into the sign of Cancer, the best days for haircuts come. It is better to postpone going to the hairdresser for a better time. You can remove unwanted hair.

The effect of cutting on hair : can damage the hair structure and slow down growth.

Psychological impact of haircut : can attract various health problems and unfavorable events into the life of the family.


12 JANUARY, Thursday. 14th, 15th lunar day from 16:47.CANCER

FULL MOON at 14:35

Moon without course from 14:36

Bad day for cutting hair: put off hair manipulation at least until tomorrow. After 15:00 You can sign up for depilation or epilation of unwanted hair; it is especially good to get rid of hair on the legs and bikini area. It’s better not to do anything new today, especially not to perm or straighten your hair: it’s easy to ruin your hair and get a disastrous result.

The effect of cutting on hair : slow growth, hair loss, hair may be damaged.

Psychological impact of haircut : can make you more nervous, aggressive, which can have a bad effect on family relationships.

13 JANUARY, Friday. 15th, 16th lunar day from 18:01.

A LION from 03:09, Moon without course until 03:08

Today you can go to the hairdresser for a new haircut or hair extensions, but it’s better not to dye your hair, since this is the time of the waning moon: dye quickly will lose saturation. A haircut will help you improve your hair texture. However, hair growth will be slow. Today it is good to get a haircut for those who do not grow long hair and the speed of hair growth is not important to you.

The effect of cutting on hair

Psychological impact of haircut

14 JANUARY, Saturday. 16th, 17th lunar day from 19:17.A LION

Moon without course from 18:17

Another rather favorable day for a haircut: a haircut during the Moon in Leo will help improve the hair structure and make it stronger, hair will fall out less. It is good to make various masks to strengthen hair, as well as any scrubs for the scalp, masks for cleansing hair.

Cleansing masks It is especially useful for those who often use styling and volume maintenance products. These products are not always washed out well with shampoo. Scrubs will improve blood circulation and remove the top layers of dead scalp cells. Will help strengthen hair and promote rapid growth.

The effect of cutting on hair : slow growth, hair strengthening, shine.

Psychological impact of haircut : will make you more self-confident, add leadership qualities.

15 JANUARY, Sunday. 17th, 18th lunar day from 20:32.

VIRGO from 06:53, Moon without course until 06:52

Despite Virgo's successful day for various procedures, this day should not be chosen for going to the hairdresser, since the Moon and Venus will be in disharmonious aspect. This means your hairstyle may disappoint you. You can cut your bangs, the hair will grow quite slowly. Various masks are allowed, including masks made from natural products to strengthen hair.

The effect of cutting on hair : slow growth.

Psychological impact of haircut : can make you more touchy, capricious, picky about various little things.

16 JANUARY, Monday. 18th, 19th lunar day from 21:46.VIRGO

A good day to cut hair, especially classic, feminine haircuts without asymmetrical details and other cutting-edge styles. It is better not to do too complex procedures, for example, perms due to unfavorable aspects of the Moon.

The effect of cutting on hair

Psychological impact of haircut : will help you become more attentive to details.

17 JANUARY, Tuesday. 19th, 20th lunar day from 22:57.VIRGO,

SCALES from 14:17, Moon without course from 09:09 to 14:16

A good time for curling will be before 9:00. If you would like to undergo complex hair treatments, start them before the Moon is in idling mode, otherwise the result may disappoint you. Good time for different cleansing masks and hair scrubs.

The effect of cutting on hair : slow growth, strengthening hair, improving structure.

Psychological impact of haircut : will help you become more attentive to details, attract more attention from the opposite sex, make you more popular.

18 JANUARY, Wednesday. 20th lunar day.SCALES

Today you can go to the hairdresser for a new haircut, but be prepared for the fact that the hairstyle may turn out to be quite unexpected. Hair will grow back slowly after cutting. It’s better not to change the hairdresser, or go to a very experienced hairdresser; there is a high risk of mistakes: the hairstyle may simply not suit you. It is better not to dye your hair, highlight or laminate it.

The effect of cutting on hair : slow growth.

Psychological impact of haircut

19 JANUARY, Thursday. 21st lunar day from 00:06.SCALES

Moon without course from 11:55

You can get your hair cut today if you prefer light and airy hairstyles and do not grow your hair length. It is better to postpone any complex hair procedures: the change of the lunar phase is approaching. It’s good to make volume masks for thin hair, including at home.

The effect of cutting on hair : slow growth.

Psychological impact of haircut : will attract more attention from the opposite sex, making you more popular.

20 JANUARY, Friday. 21st, 22nd lunar day from 01:14.

SCORPION from 01:10, Moon without course until 01:09

The fourth phase of the moon from 01:15

Today is a good time to fight dandruff. Haircuts are not prohibited, but it is better to choose this day as a last resort. It is not recommended to dye your hair today, especially in light colors; it is better to wait until the waxing moon.

The effect of cutting on hair

Psychological impact of haircut : will help strengthen your intuition.

21 JANUARY, Saturday. 22nd, 23rd lunar day from 02:20.SCORPION

Neutral day: the haircut does not promise any special effect on the condition of the hair, but the hairstyle can leave a positive impression, because Venus and the Moon converge today favorable aspect. It is better not to do complex procedures. You can make various anti-dandruff masks, hair cleansing masks, and scalp scrubs.

The effect of cutting on hair : slow growth, no effect on hair structure, but will help get rid of dandruff.

Psychological impact of haircut : will help strengthen your intuition.

22 JANUARY, Sunday. 23rd, 24th lunar day from 03:25.SCORPION,

SAGITTARIUS from 13:46, Moon without course from 04:24 to 13:45

The first half of the day will be unsuccessful for any endeavors. If you have weak and unhealthy hair, today is a good place to start. hair treatment, but after 14:00, when the Moon enters the sign of Sagittarius. Neutral day for hair cutting.

The effect of cutting on hair : slow growth, no effect on hair structure.

Psychological impact of haircut : will help you find your goal, suggest the right paths to it (after 14:00).

23 JANUARY, Monday. 24th, 25th lunar day from 04:27.SAGITTARIUS

Not the best day for a haircut: your hair will grow back quite slowly, and the hairstyle may not suit you at all. You should also not dye your hair: the paint will quickly lose saturation t. On this day it is good to treat your hair at home or in a salon. You can rinse your hair with herbal infusions.

The effect of cutting on hair : slow growth.

Psychological impact of haircut : emotional instability, tearfulness, financial instability.

24 JANUARY, Tuesday. 25th, 26th lunar day from 05:27.SAGITTARIUS

Moon without course from 20:33

Today you can continue your hair treatment. It is better to refrain from using hot styling tools(curling irons, straightening irons, etc.), as they can damage your hair. Dry your hair naturally, you can use curlers. Various cleansing hair masks will be beneficial. You can cut your hair, but only if you do not complain about its condition.

The effect of cutting on hair : slow growth, no effect on hair structure.

Psychological impact of haircut : will help you find your goal, show you the right path to it.

25 JANUARY, Wednesday. 26th, 27th lunar day from 06:22.

CAPRICORN from 01:44, Moon without course until 01:43

Not a bad day for a haircut: there is every chance that a haircut will help strengthen them and make them more thick and healthy. Today, choose the classics and better not experiment, as experiments may turn out to be unsuccessful. You can perm it, but it’s better not to dye your hair: the dye will quickly wash off.

The effect of cutting on hair

Psychological impact of haircut

26 JANUARY, Thursday. 27th, 28th lunar day from 07:10.CAPRICORN

Today also good time for a haircut, especially if the speed of hair growth does not matter to you. Choose only a trusted hairdresser, and do not experiment with new haircuts. It is better to postpone complex procedures.

The effect of cutting on hair : average height, hair strengthening.

Psychological impact of haircut : will help advance your career.

27 JANUARY, Friday. 28th, 29th lunar day from 07:52.CAPRICORN,

AQUARIUS from 11:38, Moon without course from 10:18 to 11:37

It’s not a good day for complex hair manipulations; it’s better not to visit hairdressers at all. Let's take home hair care: various masks for strengthening, for accelerating hair growth, to increase volume.

The effect of cutting on hair : no particular influence.

Psychological impact of haircut : Can attract negative events.


28 JANUARY, Saturday. 29th, 1st lunar day from 03:07,

2nd lunar day from 08:28.AQUARIUS

NEW MOON at 03:07

The morning of this day is a magical time when you can attract positive events into your life with the help of thoughts and visualizations. Visiting the hairdresser is not prohibited; light and airy haircuts will work well, although this is not the best day this month. The moon is starting to grow, which means it’s a good idea to trim the ends of your hair to stimulate rapid growth.

The effect of cutting on hair : rapid growth, no effect on the structure and condition of the hair.

Psychological impact of haircut : will help to bring a lot of new things into life, new acquaintances.

29 JANUARY, Sunday. 2nd, 3rd lunar day from 08:58.AQUARIUS,

PISCES from 19:11, Moon without course from 08:52 to 19:10

Today is a bad day to go to the hairdresser: any hair treatments, especially for treatment and restoration, may be unsuccessful. Be careful when choosing styling products. After 19:00 You can start removing unwanted hair. Especially in the area of ​​the arms, armpits or face, but remember that now is the time of the waxing Moon, so the hair will quickly grow back.

The effect of cutting on hair : Fast growth, but may make hair weaker.

Psychological impact of haircut : no special influences.

30 JANUARY, Monday. 3rd, 4th lunar day from 09:24.FISH

Bad day for hair cutting and other hair manipulations. It's better not to wash your hair at all. Deletion is acceptable unwanted hair. Today it is dangerous to dye your hair: the dye can ruin it, and there is a high probability of allergic reactions. Refrain from using new, untested hair products.

The effect of cutting on hair

Psychological impact of haircut : Can make you more insecure.

31 JANUARY, Tuesday. 4th, 5th lunar day from 09:48.FISH

Another unfavorable day for visiting the hairdresser. You should also not do hair care at home. Compound Moon and Venus in the sign of Pisces on this day can hardly save the situation. You can use this day for shopping (after approximately 15:00).

The effect of cutting on hair : Fast growth, but can make hair weaker, promote dandruff and other hair problems.

Psychological impact of haircut : Can make you more insecure, nervous and aggressive.

Lunar calendar for hair for January 2017 (table)

Haircuts for accelerated hair growth: 1, 2, 5-8, 28
Haircuts to strengthen hair: 7, 13, 14, 16, 17, 25, 26
Thermal haircuts: 7, 16-21, 25, 26
Male haircuts: 13, 14, 16-21, 25, 26
Hair cutting: 1, 2, 5-8, 28
Bangs cut: 13-26
Styling: 7, 13, 14, 25, 26
Curlers: 1, 2, 9, 10, 17-19, 24, 27-29
Head massage: 5-8, 17-22
Coloring: 1, 2, 3, 28
Highlighting, blonding, toning, coloring: 1, 2, 6, 28
Depilation, hair removal: 3, 4, 11, 12, 30, 31
Curl: 7, 25, 26
Hair straightening: 7, 25, 26
Lamination, hair screening: 7
Braiding: 7, 15, 16, 25, 26
Hair extension: 7, 13, 14
Glazing, nourishing masks: 1, 2, 5-10, 28, 29
Masks for volume: 1, 2, 9, 10, 17-19, 27-29
Cleansing masks: 13-27
Scalp peeling: 17-22
Getting rid of dandruff: 20-22
Hair treatment: 7, 16, 22-24
Herbal rinses: 22-24
Consultation with a trichologist: 15-17
Computer selection of hairstyles: 1, 2, 28, 29
Purchases: 7, 10, 17-19, 31
The most favorable days for working with hair: 7, 13, 14, 25, 26
Unfavorable days for complex procedures: 3-5, 9, 10, 12, 16, 19, 24, 27, 3

Zodiac signs, Moon and other secrets of haircuts 2018

Legends and rules

If you believe one of the ancient legends, then in ancient times, even before the events of the Old Testament, people on Earth did not have hair, as we are accustomed to. It is believed that our distant ancestors’ “hairstyles” were more like the delicate fluff that we now see only in newborns.
However, this very fluff had a fantastic ability to accumulate biological energy, the presence of which was determined by a luminous halo above its head. We can now see approximately such a miracle - the Divine Halo - on icons.

But, according to legend, after the Fall, the ephemeral, airy hairs with the help of which a person was charged with cosmic energy became heavier and coarser. Actually, this is how hair appeared. However, there is a version that through strands and curls to this day, a secret connection is carried out between man and heaven. This connecting link will exist until people rise again to the highest level of development.

Therefore, you should treat your hair with care, understanding that these are cunning antennas with the help of which our body draws life-giving forces from space. In the old days they knew for sure that cutting hair could radically change a person’s destiny. Therefore, knowledge about secret rituals associated with cutting strands has been preserved to this day. There are secrets that tell you when is the best time to cut your hair.

Lunar calendar of haircuts for each month of 2018

Lunar calendar April 2019

Lunar calendar May 2019

Lunar calendar June 2019
Lunar calendar July 2019
Lunar calendar August 2019

Lunar calendar September 2019

Lunar calendar October 2019

Lunar calendar November 2019

Lunar calendar December 2019

Modern magic considers hair as a link between people and the Cosmos. All manipulations with them not only change our appearance, but also disrupt the flow of the invisible bioenergy river that washes us with its strength-bearing waves.

Early baldness is not just a cosmetic defect. This is the loss of powerful protection in the person of the Guardian Angel. Hence the main and immutable rule - you should treat your hair with care, remembering that any impact on it does not pass without a trace, but is directly reflected for better or worse on fate, life and health.

Fortunately, over the centuries, the sacred secrets and practical knowledge of mankind have not been lost, which help people preserve the beauty and strength of their hair. If you follow certain rules and laws of hair care in 2019, you will not only be able to amaze others with luxurious curls, but also make full use of the energy of the Cosmos.

Ten secrets of a proper and safe haircut

Secret one

Many people intuitively choose their hairdresser. Only to him do they trust their hair. And they act, by the way, absolutely correctly. You can't trust the first hairdresser you come across to do a haircut. . This man, smartly clicking his scissors, changes your biofield along the way. If you have not yet found “your hairdresser,” then remember that an energetic, good-natured master is able to change your life for the better, as if charging you with optimism.

The older and more experienced the stylist, the stronger his influence will be. Therefore, if you are an independent person, accustomed to making decisions and taking responsibility, then it is better for you to sit in the chair of a master who is the same age as you, or a little younger.

If you feel that you are chronically unlucky, as if a bad streak has come, then contact an older and more authoritative specialist. Let this well-deserved hairdresser charge dearly for his work, but if you pay him for a new hairstyle, you will not regret it. Literally immediately after leaving the hairdresser, fate will present you with your first pleasant surprise. You will not only forget about your troubles, but will feel that fate is favorable to you if you choose favorable days to visit the salon.

The second secret

A folk sign advising never cut your own hair , there is an explanation. Experienced psychics know an important rule - it is impossible to positively influence your own biofield. Indeed, in fact, people often wonder why recognized magicians and all-seeing people cannot help themselves, cure or change their fate. Their strength and will allow them to heal others, correcting the deformations of other people’s biofields. But with your own, alas, this is impossible. Or the consequences will be opposite to those desired.

The third secret

Did you know that during the process of cutting your etheric, metallic and astral biofields change? In other words, while you are in the hairdressing chair, you are extremely susceptible to the influence of others. First of all, the master himself influences you.

Based on this, It is not recommended to trust your hair to a hairdresser of the opposite sex . They explain it this way: supposedly if a lady gets her hair cut by a man, then he may become inflamed with feelings for her. And even if a beautiful client leaves the salon without incident, later she will have difficulties in personal and family relationships.

As an example, they even cite the legend of Samson. According to her, the insidious beauty Dalida, having extracted the secret of the power of the biblical hero, hidden in the inviolability of his curls, cut them off. As a result, Samson lost his strength and died.

The fourth secret

Even if you know exactly when it's best to cut your hair, always keep an eye on what happens to the cut strands later! Under no circumstances allow hairdressers to throw them into the water . If you follow this advice, you will be able to maintain the splendor and shine of your curls until old age.

Secret five

The Lunar haircut calendar 2019 will help you strengthen and improve your hair. For example, when you want as much as possible quickly grow it them, then head to the hairdresser on the days of the full moon. To improve the condition of your strands, for example, to make them manageable, smooth, and easy to comb, time your visit to the salon at a time when the night light is in its waning stage. Consider one nuance, after a haircut done on the days of the waning moon, hair grows slower than usual. True, this period is good for strengthening the roots and hair follicles, which helps prevent hair loss.

Secret six

The lunar calendar can tell you which days are favorable for a haircut , and indicate the dates during which it is strictly not recommended to touch your hair with scissors. According to the observations of our ancestors, It is better not to get a haircut on the 9th, 15th, 23rd, 29th of any month , because you can get problems with memory and mind. In 2019, you should also refrain from cutting your hair during solar and lunar eclipses.

Secret seven

What day of the week is best to cut your hair?

Each day of the week in 2019 can also have a special impact on hair growth and even the well-being and fate of the person to whom it belongs:

  • Monday: You can safely go to the salon. The hair will withstand both cutting and coloring perfectly. And during the haircut, their owner will “throw off” accumulated negative emotions and worries, and stop worrying about trifles that were pretty much ruining her nerves.
  • Tuesday: a unique day for those who cannot find the strength to solve a problem or make an important decision. Also, visiting a hairdresser will be useful for those who suffer from routine and are looking for new bright impressions.
  • Wednesday: according to the lunar calendar of haircuts, restless and sociable people should plan a visit to the hairdresser on this day. However, it is also suitable for those who simply want to bring a little romance or an adventurous spirit into their lives. For example, meet someone, go on an exciting trip.
  • Thursday: in the middle of the week, hair manipulation is indicated for those who want to improve relationships with others and dream of popularity and fame. Or maybe he just wants to overcome excessive shyness and isolation.
  • Friday: This is a special day when you can radically change your appearance. It is believed that if you are still happy with your own reflection in the mirror, then on Friday it is better not to experiment with your hairstyles. When, on the contrary, you dream of being transformed for the better, then choose special favorable days (Fridays) during the period while the Sun is moving towards Capricorn (from December 24 to January 22), or to Taurus (from April 22 to May 21).
  • Saturday: This time is recommended for image changes. The new hairstyle will be successful, the strands will acquire a healthy shine and strength. They claim that by cutting your hair on Saturday you can “remove” debts and sins from the karma of your entire family.
  • Sunday: the lunar haircut calendar 2019 categorically advises against even thinking about new hairstyles on this day, otherwise fortune will turn its back on you. If you are already chronically unlucky, then you can decide to experiment - just on Sunday, look into the salon in order to change your image. Maybe your new look will help fate take a turn for the better?

Secret eight

It’s not enough to choose a favorable day of the week for a haircut. You also need to analyze how it relates to your birthday. It turns out that there are antagonistic days that turn all the positive consequences of a haircut into purely negative and even dangerous ones!

  • For example, if you were born on Monday, your days to visit a beauty salon are Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Sunday is the most unfavorable moment.
  • For people born on Tuesday, haircuts are recommended on Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays. On Fridays, it is better not to disturb the hair on your head.
  • For Wednesday children, Sundays are harmonious, and Thursdays are contraindicated.
  • Those born on Thursday are helped by the energy of Monday, Tuesday, Friday, and Sunday. But Wednesday is the antagonist day.
  • Those born on Friday have favorable days: Monday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday. Tuesday is considered the antagonist.
  • Your first birthday fell on Saturday, then you will also be protected by the energy of Friday, but Sunday will not bring luck the desired result.
  • And finally, everyone who saw the world on Sunday should remember when to cut their hair, that their lucky days are Tuesdays and Thursdays. But Mondays are “contraindicated” for Sunday children.

And again there are no rules without exceptions. The lunar calendar for haircuts 2019 advises going to the hairdresser on “bad” days, if everything doesn’t go well, it’s simply karmic failures. It turns out that after changing your hairstyle on such a day, life seems to slow down for a while, but then fate makes a sharp and unexpected turn that leads to victories and happiness!

The ninth secret

When is the best time to cut your hair? , How to accelerate their growth and strengthen them in 2019 will be determined by the position of the Moon in the sky. Much depends on which zodiac constellation the night star is located in. A special lunar horoscope can suggest days favorable for haircuts. , which indicates the position of the Zodiac signs.

Aries. When the Moon is in this sign, it is better to hold off on getting a new hairstyle. Hairdressing manipulations during this period have practically no effect on the general condition of the hair. But the human body reacts poorly to them, and the immune system may malfunction or chronic diseases may worsen.

Taurus, Virgo And Capricorn- a great time to visit a stylist. It will turn out great and the hairstyle itself and the strands will be easy to style. In addition, they will grow actively, and their ends will be less subject to sectioning.

Twins And Scales- these are the air signs of the horoscope. This is probably why, during their “rule” in the Moon, voluminous, airy haircuts are perfect. These favorable days can be used if you want to speed up hair growth.

Cancer And Fish. When you have a goal to maintain clear haircut contours for as long as possible and give your hair nutrition and strength, then use the period while the Moon is under the influence of these zodiac signs.

a lion. According to the Haircut Calendar for 2019, this is not the best time to visit a hairdresser if you are happy with your life and things are going well. But if you are mired in problems and misfortunes are pouring down on your head, try your luck - change your hairstyle. Maybe then the desired changes for the better will come in your destiny?

Scorpion. This sign in the Moon does not promise favorable days for haircuts, because with its inherent cunning, Scorpio unpredictably interferes in personal life. This means that after the hairdresser you can both improve your relationship with your partner, and aggravate the problems and misunderstandings between you.

Sagittarius. The lunar haircut calendar 2019 recommends using the patronage of Sagittarius in the professional field. This means that a haircut according to your horoscope may well contribute to your career growth. It will give you confidence, and you will be able to achieve success and gain well-deserved authority among your colleagues.

Aquarius. Do not rush to the barber shop during the “reign” of Aquarius. You will be dissatisfied with both the work of the master and the condition of your hair.

Secret tenth

Influence of horoscope sign on birthday

If you follow all the rules, then it’s not enough to choose favorable days for a haircut; another secret to a successful hairstyle is its shape, length and even color are in harmony with the zodiac sign under which the person was born . In the Lunar calendar of haircuts you can find general characteristics of styles that help to intensively relay and make maximum use of the energy of the cosmos.


For Aries, so-called sports haircuts are recommended, with short strands that do not require painstaking styling. Firstly, such hairstyles allow you to look youthful and fit. Secondly, they actually give a person energy and have a positive effect on his well-being. It is no coincidence that even in the old days, when people were sick, they cut their hair short. And this contributed to recovery.

According to the Lunar Haircut Calendar 2019, an explanation for this phenomenon can be found. The sign of Aries is projected in our body onto the brain area, being responsible, from an astrological point of view, for its uninterrupted supply of oxygen, which is possible with uninterrupted blood supply. If you know when and how best to cut your hair according to the Aries horoscope, you can stabilize brain activity.

Hairstyles of this zodiac sign help a person to mentally concentrate and make the best decisions to implement global plans and projects. It is no coincidence that short strands are often chosen by women who are business-minded, decisive, accustomed to making decisions on their own, and who know how to get out of the most difficult situations without consequences or outside support. Often this style is followed by both athletes and dynamic ladies with an accelerated pace of life.


Medium-length hairstyles are recommended for Taurus by the Lunar Haircut Calendar. They can be made in various techniques in accordance with fashion trends. But the main thing is that the strands lie freely, creating the effect of some negligence. It is this natural beauty and grace, seemingly untouched by the hairdresser, that is achieved with the help of the cunning techniques of a talented hairdresser.

Graceful, flowing curls are not easy to achieve without using modern styling products: varnishes, gels, waxes. But they are not welcome when creating masterpieces on the heads of Taurus. And the Lunar haircut calendar 2019 promises those who choose the right hairstyle good luck in real estate transactions.


According to the horoscope, this is the element of air and space. The uniqueness of this zodiac sign lies in the fact that it is not afraid of modern experiments with coloring and permanent curls. Chemicals do not cause damage to Gemini's strands, even if the ideal length is chosen - up to the shoulder.

Wavy curls, colored in ash and bluish tones, look beautiful and elegant. Such hairstyles allow you to put your nervous system and respiratory organs in order. And their secret power lies in the fact that in 2019 they help build relationships with others and bring good luck in study and travel.


This mysterious horoscope sign is incomprehensibly connected with the Middle Ages. Knights at that time had a popular hairstyle that resembled the current bob. It was not by chance that the Crusaders chose her, because they were sure that she filled them with energy and strength. The square is also suitable for our contemporaries born in Cancer.

This constellation has an influence on genetic memory. Therefore, the Lunar haircut calendar 2019 recommends a bob for those Cancers who want to build good relationships with older family members. By the way, this stylish haircut helps young people choose a worthy partner with whom they can think about marriage. Moreover, parents will approve of this candidacy.

a lion

It is difficult to imagine the king of beasts without his luxurious mane. That is why, and for representatives of this horoscope sign, a wild scattering of curls is ideal. This “natural” beauty can only be achieved with the help of a complex step-by-step haircut. Barely curly strands will add volume and lightness.

If nature has not given you curls, then you can use curlers. Or, after consulting with a hairdresser, resort to perm. The haircut calendar recommends “lion’s manes” for those who suffer from cardiovascular diseases.

In addition, hairstyles for the Leo horoscope sign develop creative abilities. They will help in 2019 to become more confident, kinder and more generous, more cheerful, and bring a bit of romance and celebration into his life.


The name of this horoscope sign is associated with a beauty who makes a lot of effort to improve her appearance. Virgos love to use cosmetics to enhance their beauty and cleverly disguise their imperfections. This means that it is common practice for them to dye their hair, wear wigs, hairpieces, and extensions.

It is interesting that all these artificial means and techniques only help Virgos in establishing strong contacts with the Cosmos, which uninterruptedly sends them energy, despite the “tricks” of hairdressing.

The lunar haircut calendar 2019 claims that the hairstyles recommended for Virgos help them cope with huge amounts of tedious work, help them in their studies, various crafts and commerce, and even improve the condition of the gastrointestinal tract.


Those born under this sign strive for the classics. For them, the ideal choice would be time-tested, stylish hairstyles - voluminous, but strict and elegant. Ladies will suit elegant hairstyles that emphasize the mystery and inaccessibility of their owner.

Men should choose stylish, classic haircuts - strict and laconic. Libras often prefer an elegant and perfect style of clothing in its apparent simplicity, which allows them to feel on an equal footing with representatives of the highest circles of society. This guarantees them the authority and respect of others and the trust of colleagues and business partners. Libra hairstyles help regulate the functions of the kidneys and urinary system.


Representatives of this sign of the element of water constantly need an increased influx of energy. For Scorpio men and women, the “vamp” style is organic - straight and smooth strands.

If they are short, then this adds a little fire and passion to the “watery” essence. Which, in turn, makes them sexy and simply attracts members of the opposite sex. And the more attention and admiration, the more beautiful Scorpios feel.

Their demonic attractiveness, emphasized by the “a la vamp” style, requires constant support from forces from above, especially in unusual, extraordinary situations. It also helps to keep the organs of the reproductive system healthy and not lose sexual desires.


People who are quite conservative are often born under this horoscope sign. They avoid extravagance in appearance and actions. But at the same time, severity and excessive restraint are alien to them.

For women under the sign of Sagittarius, the Lunar haircut calendar 2019 offers a version of the ancient Greek goddess Pallas Athena, who, being a brave warrior, wore comfortable, short-cut hair (bangs) in front of her face and a long ponytail at the back of her head. Zeus the Thunderer also preferred approximately the same, but male hair design.

Perhaps not all representatives of the stronger sex are ready to decide on such a bold, extravagant hairstyle today, but it can be seen in films about Tarzan or his namesake, who are now popularizing the beauty of the male body.

A correctly chosen haircut according to the lunar horoscope in 2019 will help Sagittarius achieve success in the field of politics, art, religion and the clergy. It is also able to effectively correct liver function.

This sign, belonging to the element of Fire, characterizes people born during its “reign” as pragmatic and active. They are moderately down-to-earth, economical and value convenience, as well as their time and energy. Therefore, according to the lunar horoscope, Sagittarians are suitable for hairstyles that require a minimum of care and maintenance.


It is curious that gentlemen of this sign often intuitively choose very short haircuts or keep their heads bald. And they act correctly, because this brutal style does not prevent them from clearly capturing energy vibrations and drawing the relying energy of this constellation.

Women prefer the option of having their hair tucked under a bandana, hat or scarf. Moreover, they often hide a luxurious braid under their headdress, which they value, are proud of and will never agree to cut off even for the sake of career aspirations.

Capricorns are practitioners who find themselves in applied areas. They are materialists with golden hands. Their hairstyle benefits the skeletal system and teeth.


If you were born under this horoscope sign, then you are very susceptible to the latest fashion trends. And this is the right position, since for Aquarius there are no clear recommendations regarding the length, hair color and recommendations for styling.

They are right in those cases when they decide to undertake the most daring experiments. For example, punk mohawks, long hippie locks, or extremely laconic, short haircuts in a minimal style.

Choosing a new hairstyle for Aquarius, sometimes ahead of its time, opens up business prospects for him, new projects and profitable connections. Vessels, arteries and veins are under the control of this sign.


These are people immersed in mysticism, seeking the meaning of existence and symbolizing the harmony of the universe. Their hairstyles should be complex, consisting of intertwined strands, for example, tricky braids, in fact, there is a reflection of the various elements of the Universe, connected together.

Such complex hair designs give Pisces energy and guarantee the protection of higher powers. At the same time, in 2019, they harmonize the life of Pisces, streamline their destiny, and help in the implementation of bold ideas and creative plans.

For representatives of this horoscope sign, peace is extremely important. That is why a properly chosen hairstyle will keep their nervous system in order, improve their metabolism, and in general will have a powerful healing effect on the entire body.

When is the best time to cut your hair on lunar days?

  1. Moon Day. A haircut will make your life shorter.
  2. Moon Day. After a visit to a beauty salon, disputes and squabbles are likely.
  3. Moon Day. If you disturb your hair, you will harm your health. You also run the risk of losing or spending money stupidly.
  4. Moon Day. There are risks of provoking diseases of the nasopharynx and oral cavity. A haircut will cause discomfort and fear of losing family and friends.
  5. Moon Day. Auspicious time for a new hairstyle. You will increase your capital and acquire new property.
  6. Moon Day. This is an unlucky period because you can “catch” a cold and other viruses. A stuffy nose, reddened eyes - all this is unlikely to add to your beauty and charm.
  7. Moon Day. A new haircut will catalyze hatred and squabbles around you. You may quarrel with your boss or loved one. In the Tibetan calendar, this day was called “burning” because any impact on curls and strands leads to serious deterioration in health.
  8. Moon Day. Hurry to the master. You will be transformed in appearance, and will get a chance to live happily ever after, in respect and honor.
  9. Moon Day. Diseases of misfortune, this is what a haircut on this day will lead to.
  10. Moon Day. A disgusting day that also “allows” all sorts of viruses into your body.
  11. Moon Day. Get a haircut today, then you will gain clarity of mind, harmony and logic of thoughts. Or maybe you will gain the gift of foresight.
  12. Moon Day. Haircuts today increase the risk of injury and other threats to life.
  13. Moon Day. And this, contrary to all signs, is one of the best moments for transformation with the help of hairdressing scissors. The hairstyle will turn out beautiful, and everything will go like clockwork!
  14. Moon Day. Decide to get a haircut right now if you dream of improving your financial situation and receiving praise from your superiors.
  15. Moon Day. It's better not to set foot in the hairdresser's on this day! If you neglect this recommendation, then mental disorders, panic and hypertensive crises are likely.
  16. Moon Day. On this strange day, manipulation of hair can lead to mistakes and the revival or worsening of bad habits. For example, you may not be able to resist the temptation to smoke or drink too much alcohol.
  17. Moon Day. Do not cut your hair, otherwise problems, injuries and health problems are likely. The nervous system will be especially vulnerable. In the East, it was believed that touching the strands on this day could activate the powers of evil spirits.
  18. Moon Day. It's a terrible time to visit the hairdresser. Firstly, while you are sitting in your chair, burglars may break into your home. Secondly, pets (cats, dogs and other animals) anticipate your troubles, and, worrying about the owner, may get sick. In Tibet, this day was called “burning”, that is, the consequences of a haircut can be very dangerous to health and life.
  19. Moon Day. Wait for this day! Haircuts today help prolong life.
  20. Moon Day. We should put plans for a new hairstyle on hold. Otherwise, you will become depressed and feel apathy towards everything that surrounds you.
  21. Moon Day. This is a great time to get a good haircut, improve your well-being and make Fortune smile on you.
  22. Moon Day. Today's hairstyle promotes multiplication in every sense. That is, on the one hand, you improve your well-being and get some new property. On the other hand, you risk gaining excess weight.
  23. Moon Day. If you get a haircut, you will be extremely dissatisfied with your appearance - a strange person with a terrible complexion will look at you in the mirror! And besides, you will also suffer losses.
  24. If you value your health, then postpone your visit to the salon! This day, the Lunar calendar of haircuts is categorically not recommended for shortening hair length.
  25. Moon Day. Today, if scissors and a comb touch your hair, they will cause eye diseases. This could be a simple stye, or a serious deterioration in vision.
  26. Moon Day. A new hairstyle is a guarantee of happiness and joy on this day!
  27. Moon Day. It’s great if you get a new haircut today! She will bring you luck and prosperity.
  28. Moon Day. If you want someone to really like it, then don’t hesitate to decide to get a new hairstyle. You will leave the hairdresser irresistible.
  29. Moon Day. Don't cut your hair today. This is a very unfavorable period in which your karma may suffer.
  30. Moon Day. Remember that this day is the most dangerous for cutting. It can bring misfortune, trouble, contact with the enemy, or even cause an accident on the road.

In order not to miss favorable days, leave notes and reminders in calendar google or calendar yandex

Hairstyles that change your life for the better

Even if you know exactly when it’s better to cut your hair, still think about it: why get a new hairstyle or dye your strands? After all, these manipulations with your appearance will affect your well-being and even your attitude. The 2019 lunar haircut calendar and astrology will help you choose the style and type of hairstyle that matches your inner self. This unique knowledge will teach you to model your life, change your destiny and positively influence your well-being and health.

We earthlings are naively confident, believing that it is enough to know our location according to geographic coordinates or postal address. But we rarely think about the fact that we are also a part of a huge space called Space. It powerfully influences all living things on planet Earth. We are given light and energy by the Moon, Sun and other objects from Space. They provoke various kinds of environmental disasters and stimulate strong electromagnetic storms.

The place we live, of course, also leaves a certain imprint on us, our well-being and behavior. After all, we unwittingly become participants in cosmic processes that are currently aimed at a certain part of the globe. The stars are believed to send us the purest energy. Among them, the most powerful is the Sun. Over the course of a year, it passes through 12 main constellations, familiar to us from the names of the zodiac signs.

In metaphysics, hair is microscopic antennas that receive cosmic energy and relay it to the human body. If we change the length or color of the strands, then the flow of this energy also varies.

This means that before you decide on a new hairstyle, you need to analyze what you are striving for in 2019, what you are missing. Perhaps you dream of happiness in your personal life, or is your main goal a stunning career and wide public recognition?

Having determined your priorities, you get a chance to change your destiny with the help of such a simple method, as it seems only at first glance, like a successful haircut. Let's assume that professional achievements are your top priority right now. Then you need to choose a hairstyle for an earth or fire zodiac sign. If you currently want to strengthen your position in society, then the energy of hairstyles typical of the Earth or Libra signs will help you.

When you set a goal in 2019 to enlist the support of others and make useful contacts, as well as gain new knowledge or information, then focus on the haircuts recommended for the signs of Air and Virgo.

People whose personal lives are not going well should take a closer look at the hairstyles of the elements of Water and Fire. If you have made a decision and know exactly what you want at the moment, remember one more important rule: your horoscope sign should not contradict the style of your chosen hairstyle. Thus, haircuts and styling of Fire signs are suitable for people whose birthdays fall during the period of fire or air zodiac constellations. But for those born under the sign of Water, they are contraindicated, as they will scare away good luck.

If your sign belongs to the elements of Air or Fire, then feel free to choose an air sign haircut. When your birthday falls on the time of Taurus, Libra or Virgo, you shouldn’t rush with “airy” hairstyles. They will not bring you happiness and success.

According to people born under the signs Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio, water hairstyles are suitable, as well as all styles recommended by the Earth signs. But “fiery” haircuts should be avoided.

It is useful to choose hairstyles for earth signs for representatives of the Earth and Water signs, and for “air” signs Gemini, Libra and Aquarius, they are simply harmful.

Did you know that hair color determines which celestial body you draw energy from? And the shape of your hairstyle gives the answer to the question of what type of energy you primarily use. Straight, long, smooth, flowing curls are characteristic of Water signs.

Medium-length wavy locks are usually preferred by Air sign people.

Unruly, thick, cowlicks and curls can often be seen on the heads of those. who was born under the patronage Virgo, Taurus and Capricorn, in the element of Earth.

Hair of reddish, bronze and golden shades, often cut short on the crown and front, as a rule, is found by those who have been patronized by fire from birth: Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.

The length of the hair determines the speed and amount of energy a person can perceive. So the longer the strands, the more energy he draws, but at the same time, it gets to him more slowly. Long hair gives a person more energy, but his reaction to events happening around him is rather slow. A short haircut, on the contrary, makes you react quickly and impulsively to everything.

There is such a sign: if you have no reason to complain about fate, then do not rush to cut your hair . But when everything is not the way you would like, then cut off your strands without pity. It has also been noted that many women who have succeeded in business wear short hair. But stay-at-home moms and “just moms” often keep braids or style their hair to medium length. From this they conclude that a dynamic short haircut adds activity to ladies and teaches them to think strategically like a man.

The lunar haircut calendar 2019 helps you change your destiny for the better, but experienced beauties have had many ways to keep their hair healthy and shiny since ancient times. Today, these secrets are in demand more than ever, because there are more and more factors that adversely affect the condition of the hairstyle - the main decoration of beautiful ladies.

What ancient recipes can our contemporaries successfully use?
This is, for example, chamomile. Blondes of all times and peoples have used chamomile decoction as a rinse that adds shine and a golden hue to curls. Prepare a solution at the rate of four tablespoons of dry herbs per glass of boiling water.

Another option popular among fair-haired women is lemon. If you dilute it in a certain proportion with water and apply this solution to washed strands, their condition will noticeably improve. However, lemon therapy is not suitable for brown-haired and brunette women . Their hair may take on an unsightly yellow tint.

The condition of your hair directly depends on your diet. The menu should be balanced and contain a sufficient amount of protein food, which has a positive effect on the growth and appearance of strands. Recent research by scientists has proven the benefits of bed linen made from natural silk. It turns out that if the head rests on a silk pillowcase, the hair is not injured or tangled, which also has a beneficial effect on its condition.

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