New Year is a special period, which every time gives rise to bright hopes and joyful anticipations in children and adults. Therefore, people have been developing traditions for centuries to celebrate the transition of one year to another. Magic and fun are the mottos of this day. Therefore, everything related to the romance of the New Year is special and a little magical. An adult wants to be a child for a while, who believes that only a bright and beautiful, joyful and extraordinary future awaits. That’s why we treat the signs associated with the New Year with such trepidation and try to adhere to traditions.

New Year traditions

Since the holiday has a long history, in different countries there are features of celebrating the New Year and various signs associated with this wonderful time. Every family tries to maintain traditions that are passed on from elders to younger ones; this is a family celebration. The smell of fir branches, the aroma of oranges and cinnamon evokes pleasant associations that are associated with the warmth of the family hearth, relaxation and positive emotions.

To believe that the bad will remain in the past, and all the good will still come - this is the mood that you want to experience at the holiday . Therefore, special attention is paid to New Year's signs.

There are many signs of what needs to be done before the New Year.

What need to do

Holiday rituals

You don’t have to try to use all kinds of signs on New Year’s Eve; try to choose what is closest to your heart. From a large list you can choose one that you like the most and make a tradition out of this ritual. The main thing in the process is that the action carries positive energy and brings a feeling of joy and positivity into your life. A good mood and expectation of miracles will bring real magic into your life.

Achieving financial well-being

Money to money - have you heard this expression? A piece of multi-colored paper to which human consciousness ascribes great significance in terms of energy. If you want money in your pockets, put a large denomination banknote on New Year's Eve - it will symbolize a magnet for money and serve as a kind of attraction for monetary energy. Who knows, maybe next year your financial situation will improve significantly!

Of course, in the modern world, many people are switching to electronic payment systems, in which case we can advise putting more plastic cards with money in their pockets. The main thing here is that your subconscious captures the desire for financial success.

Another sign of monetary success is to place coins or bills under the tablecloth on the New Year's table; they will mean an influx of money energy into your home. A special sign is to light seven green candles. They symbolize the joy and warmth of the hearth, and the green color will attract financial well-being to the house.

Choosing New Year's outfit and decorations

Selecting a New Year's dress and accessories is a separate pleasure. Celebrating the holiday with pleasure from your dazzling appearance, with joy from how you look in the mirror is another festive sign.

Buying a beautiful dress, it’s as if we are telling the world around us that everything is fine with us, this is a kind of result of the outgoing year and the key to success for the future. Therefore, you should not skimp on a beautiful outfit. The positive message of the universe will multiply in the future.

Make a wish

This is one of the obligatory signs for celebrating the holiday. Let these wishes be varied, real or fantastic, the main thing in this process is faith in miracles and a positive attitude, the magic of the New Year will do the rest . Intimate, secret or obvious, a wish will definitely come true if you make it on this night - a period of miracles in which everyone becomes a little bit of a wizard.

For family and health

New Year for most people is a holiday in the family circle, among those who wish you every well-being and prosperity. Therefore, one of the main traditions is to celebrate the coming year among family and friends, making toasts with wishes of health and prosperity.

As a sign leading to family happiness for a girl who wants to get married, we can name the tradition of giving gifts to children. If a girl gives a gift to seven children, she will activate the energy of family well-being and her chances of getting married successfully increase.

Comic superstitions

Happy and interesting celebration to you!

Attention, TODAY only!

For me, the New Year is a time to take stock, think and ask myself... Ask what worked and what didn’t, think what could have been done better or faster. Unfortunately, time doesn’t add up, every year you get older and you realize that it’s time to think more intensively with your head, otherwise there’s no other way...

Since ancient times, there has been an opinion that with the new year, each of us has the opportunity to start life with a clean slate. Well, there's something to it. Our holidays last a long time, some go farther away to celebrate, but I never saw much sense in this. It’s simple, sometimes it reaches the point of absurdity, what’s so interesting about celebrating the New Year underwater? Well, nothing, as for me. Although take your family and go on vacation to the mountains, why not...

And here’s another thing, the fulfillment of wishes... As the chimes strike, everyone says goodbye to the old New Year, and expects from the New Year that it will give them a magic wand that will do everything for them. But this is all a fairy tale, Gentlemen, an ordinary New Year's fairy tale... You have to really work hard, and there is no smell of magic here anymore.

Of course, no one will forbid you to make a wish, but you shouldn’t hope for a miracle. In general, it’s better to turn your dream into a goal, make a concrete plan, and while the idea is still clear and doubts are not filling your head, GET TO WORK.

In general, there is still a month until the new year, and we are already thinking about what and how to do...

It turned out to be a small list, only 100 points =) Some things are serious, some are funny, some are simply heartwarming. In general, I hope that those who read it will bring inspiration and new ideas for their future plans for the new year.

To-do list for the year! 100 things to do in the new year

  1. . It's no surprise that this item was number one on my list. After all, the development process involves constant improvement. Each of us knows what we need to change in ourselves to become better. So, we remember all such moments and make a list of 5-12 bad habits. And then, we move on to point 2, and work on them for a whole year.
  2. . The process is similar to creating a list of bad habits, only now we are thinking specifically about what needs to be done to become more disciplined or healthy, or to become an expert in some field. This is your flow of fantasy. Because It takes about a month to form a new habit. Over the next year, 12 new habits will appear in your arsenal that will make your life easier. Think about these habits in advance or you can take them from our list, because... The items in the list below can become your new habit.
  3. Come up with ways to implement them. Turn your dreams into goals, because this is what our action plan for the next year was created for.
  4. Write your plan for the year and follow it. If you have a plan, then you know where to go.
  5. Sometimes go to a quiet coffee shop to be alone and make a plan for the next month. It's better to choose your favorite cafe.
  6. Once a month, take some time to cook a new dish. In this case, you can kill two birds with one stone: first, diversify your menu or find your signature dish, which you will treat your guests every time.
  7. Learn a new/or improve an old foreign language (English/German/Italian). What are the advantages of introducing this habit: firstly, you train your memory, and secondly, you train your brain. The main thing is to understand that the language requires constant daily practice.
  8. Learn poems. This point, like the previous one, trains our memory, and sometimes you can show off your intellect at a party. Those who don't like to learn poems can learn their favorite song. And remember that consistency is key.
  9. Read the minimum. Or maybe more, it all depends on your appetite. By the way, if you decide to read specialized literature, then within a year you can become an expert in your chosen field.
  10. Watch only. How do you know if a movie is good? Easy, ask your friends what their favorite movie is, or read reviews on the Internet before watching the movie. After doing this research, you can be 90% sure that the film is worth watching. Don't waste your time on stupid movies and TV shows. By the way, you can arrange to watch movies with friends on Fridays. 😉
  11. Start making sweets at home and completely eliminate store-bought baked goods.
  12. Pass a medical examination or simply make an appointment with the necessary doctors. Take care of your health, and it will thank you years later.
  13. . The ability to complain and feel like a victim is what you need to get rid of first. Of course, there is nothing wrong if you tell someone about your problems once. But when this is repeated constantly, it can ruin your positive aura and your friends will start avoiding you, so you need to start getting rid of this bad habit right now.
  14. (with vitamins and minerals) and stick to it. I don’t think it’s worth talking too much about the benefits of proper nutrition. The only thing I want to emphasize is that a planned menu will help you save time and money.
  15. Accustom yourself to a special regime (get up at 5-6 am, go to bed until 11 pm) Thanks to this mode, you will have a lot of extra time. After all, when the city wakes up, you have already done a lot of things.
  16. Say “I love you” every day. For yourself, those around you, your loved ones!
  17. Every month, plan who you need to meet this month. Don't forget old friends, even if you rarely see each other, call them, or even better, meet them.
  18. Plan a time when you can visit distant relatives. In case you rarely see them.
  19. Get to know your hometown as best you can. Cafes, exhibitions, buildings, secluded corners. Decide for yourself. Set aside a day once a month when you can explore your city.
  20. . When people complain about something, they don't value what they have now. And God sooner or later takes it away from them. So, start appreciating everything around you right now, without waiting for the new year.
  21. At least once a month, turn off your mobile phone for the whole day and devote the day to reflection.
  22. Learn to think at least once a week about ways to generate income (passive and active). Counting on retirement in our time is a very optimistic forecast. So, insure yourself and create passive income and save for the future yourself.
  23. Write your life story. Start writing a diary. If you read this article after the start of next year, then don't wait until next year to start. Start writing right now, everything that worries you motivates you. And don't forget to analyze every day.
  24. Take one characteristic photo per day. Memories are quickly erased, but if you can capture what was important to you on that day. You'll have something to remember later. Make a separate folder on your computer. And sign each photo in a special way. In addition, this task will teach you discipline.
  25. Learn all the capitals of the world. And make a plan of the places you want to see someday. Don't forget to explain why these particular places. Write a detailed description of each location. What places do you want to visit there? This will bring you closer to your goal.
  26. Make a list of 12 achievements for the year. It often happens that when you come to an interview, they ask you about your achievements. And you have nothing to answer. It seems like you’ve been running around all year like a squirrel in a wheel, but you can’t remember anything. Therefore, it is necessary to write everything down. Plan your achievements in advance. Think about the area in which you want to achieve something. And forward to achievements.
  27. Plan your budget(20% to save, 10% charity, 50% regular spending, 10% for entertainment)
  28. Create a personal budget. I think you have more than once discovered that the money has run out, and you still have to wait and wait until your payday, as if you didn’t buy anything, but the money has disappeared. Yes, they have such a property - to disappear. But you can take control of them. For this you need a personal budget. If anyone needs it, you can download the template .
  29. Buy things on sale. Save your budget. Usually in January and July you can buy things at the maximum discount.
  30. Get started. If you are not you, then who? We asked ourselves a question. Now start loving and pampering yourself.
  31. Stop putting things off for the future. This is probably one of the most difficult tasks for next year. But still doable. Try to do small things at once. You need to wash the frying pan, do it now, you need to finish the report, quickly get to work. Of course, if this is not a five-minute task, treat it like a game and do yourself an apartment cleaning project or a conservation project. And when the job is done, you will be proud of yourself, because you completed the whole project.
  32. Spend less than you earn. Living on credit is not living. Live within your means. Of course, there are force majeure events, but this happens only once or twice in a lifetime. If you want to spend more, find an opportunity to earn more.
  33. . Literally, mentally get rid of unnecessary thoughts. If you find it difficult to do this in your mind, write these thoughts down on paper and burn them. This ritual will help erase unnecessary thoughts from your memory. Don't rush to fill your brain with everything you see. Concentrate only on the necessary things.
  34. Learn to meditate. With our frantic pace of life, it is imperative to relax. The buzzword comes from yoga. If you don't have time to go to class. Sit in silence or turn on instrumental music and try to get all thoughts out of your head. Enjoy the silence. Learn to relax and distract yourself from the outside world.
  35. Limit social media to an hour a day. Better yet, give them up. I just can't do it. Sometimes it's very important to keep in touch with old friends who are abroad. But you need to limit your time; an hour is enough to answer messages and look through your feed.
  36. Forgive yourself for mistakes. Everyone can make a mistake. We learn from mistakes. Stop thinking about them. Otherwise you will live in the past.
  37. Learn to remain silent. I am a very sociable person by nature. It's hard for me to understand how people can remain silent when they walk together. But we need to learn this. Because Silence also brings people together and you won’t have time to say anything unnecessary.
  38. . There are many methods of concentration. I recommend reading the book by L. J. Palladino - Maximum Concentration. It is freely available on the Internet. Perhaps in this book you will find your own way to concentrate. So far I have found one way for myself - this is the Pomodoro principle (25 minutes of work, 5 minutes of rest)
  39. Stop going out in the sun without sunscreen. The sun is very dangerous for our skin. Take care of her.
  40. Feed your brain. In fact, there are now a lot of ways to develop our brain: games, crosswords, solving puzzles or logical problems.
  41. Surround yourself with successful people. The saying “Tell me who your friend is and I will tell you who you are” was not invented for nothing. Do you want to be successful people? Chat with people like you. And you won’t notice how you begin to change.
  42. Watch the speeches of famous speakers, study their habits and intonations. I really like the Internet channel Famous speakers share their discoveries. It is very educational and in English. Although there are Russian subtitles.
  43. Stop communicating with people who treat you badly. In fact, why communicate with people who do not value you. Relatives are an exception. But you can safely say goodbye to the rest.
  44. . This is probably one of my bad habits that I carefully fight. Try to finish every task to the end. Don't start a new book if you haven't finished reading the old one.
  45. Play boardgames. Winter is coming and it's the best time to spend time with friends.
  46. Call your parents more often. Better daily.
  47. Learn to see the good in people. This is the quality that is more valuable than money. Even though you are afraid of many people, this should not stop you from seeing something good in them. You can learn something from every person, but what exactly is your choice.
  48. Stop comparing yourself to others. You are you. And you will never become a different person. There is no need to compete with someone. Compare the results only with the past You. With what you were and what results you achieved.
  49. . This quality will be useful to you in many areas of life. While sitting on the subway, pay attention to details, or remember something along the way.
  50. Stop pouring out the ones you love. Let's admit it, everyone does this at every opportunity. For what? Unclear. Try to distract yourself from problems when you are around loved ones.
  51. Find a job you like. This is something everyone should do. Everyone has the right to a good job and to well-being and job satisfaction.
  52. Clean the apartment daily. In fact, this is difficult if you only dedicate 20 minutes a day to cleaning. Divide the apartment into zones. And clean one area every day.
  53. Find time to imagine. We are all children at heart, and it is very important for us to dream. Don't limit yourself to this. Fantasize.
  54. Focus on what you are really good at. This could become a new source of income.
  55. Get rid of clutter at home. If it's hard to throw everything away, give it to someone. The main thing is not to take it to the garage. It is designed for your Mercedes, not for storing rubbish.
  56. Get rid of the habit of replaying negative scenarios in your head. Don’t attract negativity, of course, it’s worth playing it safe, but you shouldn’t constantly think about it.
  57. Find a common interest with yours. Common things bring you closer together, make a common list with your significant other and gradually implement them.
  58. Learn to keep your word. If you want to gain respect among friends and colleagues, keep your word. If you can't do it, it's better to refuse.
  59. Introduce the 10 minute rule into your life. If you need to do something, but you have absolutely no desire, implement the 10-minute rule into your life. Dedicate at least 10 minutes a day to any task. After some time you will complete the task. Without making a huge effort. After all, 10 minutes fly by very quickly.
  60. Spend a weekend in another city or country.
  61. Have a professional photo session outdoors or in a beautiful studio.
  62. Green your apartment/house. After all, plants make a home more attractive and cozy.
  63. Plan your vacation in electronic form, make a list of things and necessary documents. Next year we will save time on planning.
  64. Pamper your body(massage, SPA salon, manicure, pedicure, etc.)
  65. Expand your social circle.
  66. Experiment with sex. Of course, if you are over 18 =)
  67. Try new entertainment(quest room or fear room, jump on a trampoline or something else.
  68. Help people in need. And it doesn’t matter what kind of help it is: charity or just moving a grandmother across the road. The main thing is a responsible attitude to business.
  69. Do something you never dared to do
  70. Learn to create something with your own hands.
  71. Surprise your loved one.
  72. Go camping with tents
  73. Spend your birthday in another country (or in the company of loved ones)
  74. Assemble a large puzzle (1000-3000 pieces). You are guaranteed employment for six months. 🙂
  75. Buy a diary for next year. I advise you to buy more than just a diary. And your diary. This is the one you will fill out. To do this, experiment for a year. If you abandon your diary after a week. This is not yours. Don't worry, look further.
  76. Prank your friends on April 1st
  77. Update your wardrobe and change your style.
  78. Go to a football game and cheer for your favorite team or just watch. This is an incredible release of emotions.
  79. Sign up for any training course from or similar sites.
  80. Learn a new technology.
  81. Start creating passive income.
  82. Attend a conference in your specialty.
  83. Eat 5 kg of strawberries. 🙂 But seriously, take care of your nutrition and learn the principles of proper nutrition.
  84. Visit a new city in your country or abroad.
  85. Become an expert in one field
  86. Go out with friends to the camp site for the weekend
  87. Go skiing in winter and upgrade to a new ski suit.
  88. Ride a bike at least 100 kilometers. If you don't have a bike, then run. It's not that difficult.
  89. Get into the habit of walking more often. Anywhere, any place you like. Try to go out into nature every weekend.
  90. Go mushroom picking.
  91. In June, go to the forest to pick strawberries.
  92. Make dandelion jam. Useful and reminiscent of childhood.
  93. Go to the cinema for a good big film.
  94. Create your own website or blog.
  95. Invest 10% of income in training. A person needs to develop. Buy books, take courses, attend thematic conferences.
  96. Do something selfless. You saw a girl crying on the street, give her flowers. If someone can't get on the subway, pay for it.
  97. Take a trial yoga class.
  98. Go to KVN
  99. Stand in plank position for 5 minutes

In general, there is no end to things to do :) But everything can be overcome, the main thing is that there is a desire.

Time flies and 2017 is just around the corner. According to the eastern lunar calendar, it will come into its own on January 28 next year, and this will be the year of the Fire Rooster. Its element is fire, and the rooster himself is a famous bully, so the coming year will certainly be rich in events, unexpected surprises and discoveries. Let's see if the unpredictable and eccentric Fire Rooster can outdo the carefree and perky Monkey?

The Rooster is a restless creature, so we should not expect that its patronage will bring us peace and quiet. Surely serious passions will boil over on all fronts, including in your personal life. But, one grain at a time, life will definitely get better, the most important thing is to never lose optimism and faith in a bright future.

The New Year is always a chance to meet a new love, think about a new job, and just start a new life! After all, everyone knows that New Year's Eve is magical, and all your dreams will definitely come true. But to do this, you need to find out in advance what you can do to appease the obstinate Fire Rooster.

Astrological forecast for 2017

Remember the fairy tale about the golden cockerel, who warned in advance about the impending attack of enemies? So, the Fire Rooster is not like that at all, he will not warn anyone about anything; on the contrary, the key trends in the coming year will be surprise and unexpectedness. You need to be prepared for any troubles, but also for pleasant surprises.

Changes will certainly affect each of us, especially many surprises await people in love, feelings will be overwhelming, the intensity of passions can reach incredible strength. Carefully! It won't take long to burn in such a fire!

The rooster is a family bird, and what is a family without children? According to the horoscope, the rooster foretells a surge in the birth rate this year, and even those who have been dreaming of a child for many years will definitely find long-awaited happiness this year.

Undoubtedly, the coming year will be very emotional, full of unexpected turns and high-profile events. A proud and independent bird will patronize, first of all, active people who are accustomed to relying on their own strength. This year, don’t be afraid to start your own business, feel free to change your boring profession or place of work, don’t be afraid of any changes at all - you will succeed!

The Rooster knows how to impress people - with the originality of his outfit, proud posture, and independent behavior. Therefore, anyone who puts in enough effort will experience rapid career growth this year. All careerists have a green light this year!

The financial horoscope for the coming year is also very positive. According to astrologers, the year promises to be stable, without sudden political changes and financial turmoil. The rooster's self-confidence can force him to make unrealistic plans to make quick money - this should under no circumstances be done! This year there should be no place for financial adventures and dubious ways of making money, as they will certainly lead to conflicts and disappointments.

In general, the coming year promises to be prosperous for those who are serious-minded, do not take rash and frivolous steps and do not enter into conflicts. Otherwise, troubles cannot be avoided, because the Rooster is a famous provocateur and bully! The stars advise this year to learn to be responsible, not to be afraid to take on responsibilities, to develop and improve yourself.

What to do before the New Year

The last days of the outgoing year always pass in a bustle, because you really want to leave unfinished things in the past! And a few days before the holiday, the soul freezes in anticipation of a miracle, in anticipation that this particular new year will be the most magical, unlike all previous ones.

Different countries have different customs and signs that allow you to celebrate the New Year wisely. Let us also make a list of necessary things that must be done on the eve of the holiday. These signs were invented by our ancestors and have been tested for centuries, so even people who are not at all superstitious should not neglect them. Moreover, these things are not at all difficult, but rather even pleasant.

  • Throw out or sell all unnecessary things from your home, give them to your friends, give them to an orphanage or shelter. Don’t regret them - it has long been noted that if you once stopped wearing some clothes or using a thing, then you are unlikely to ever return to it again. Now it's just unnecessary junk that needs to be gotten rid of. This way you will free up space for new energy and positive changes for all family members. Make at least a small rearrangement in your apartment, because the New Year is a time of change!
  • You should not enter the New Year with debts - this is a bad omen. Pay off all debts, also do not forget to collect debts from those who owe you. Try to make peace with those with whom you are in a quarrel, forgive your offenders. Give candy to the formidable watchwoman, smile at the conductor on the bus, compliment the cashier at the supermarket. A smile will make everyone brighter, and it will definitely accompany you throughout the next year!
  • New Year would not be such a magical holiday if it were not for gifts. Gifts do not have to be expensive, the main thing is from the heart! And don’t forget about the old, gradually forgotten ritual - we give postcards! We must sign the postcard by hand, with an address by name. Just imagine how pleased it will be for your aunt, or uncle, or any other person to receive a message with heartfelt congratulations in the mail for the New Year. Such a postcard will be able to convey your warmth and attention, unlike a soulless emoticon in an email.
  • We bring beauty, not only externally, but also internally. Changing your hairstyle and getting a manicure is, of course, wonderful and very pleasant, but spiritual beauty is no less important. We tune in to a positive mood, express gratitude to fate for another year you have lived, even if it was not the most successful in your life. Consider all mistakes as lessons from which you need to learn, but you have become wiser.
  • Take stock of the past year and make a to-do list for the coming year. Even if you've never done this before, believe me - it works! Write down all your plans on paper or on a computer file, and at the end of 2017, re-read them and be surprised that most of the points have come true. Having formulated your desires, you send a request to the Universe, and it, in turn, begins to help you in realizing your plans.
  • At the beginning of the year, start a jar or piggy bank where you will put small notes with all the pleasant events that will happen to you during the year. You'll be surprised how many good things happen in your life almost every day that you simply forget about. With such a piggy bank, summing up the past year will be much easier and more enjoyable.

As you can see, the tips are not at all complicated, but they are effective! So, “the holiday is coming to us... The holiday is coming to us...” - we begin to prepare! Anticipation and preparation for the holiday can be no less pleasant than the celebration itself, especially if it is a mysterious, cheerful, enigmatic and unique New Year!

How to celebrate the New Year 2017

You need to carefully prepare for a meeting with the obstinate Rooster, taking into account all the characteristic features and preferences of this wayward bird. There is no doubt that the Fire Rooster will definitely show his true character, which will certainly affect all aspects of life.

The rooster is a family bird, so this year invite all your closest and beloved relatives to your home, feel the unity of your family, the “call of blood.” Such a joint meeting will definitely bring love and understanding to your family. The owner of the New Year is not only an avid family man, but also a homebody who rarely leaves his yard, so you should not celebrate the holiday in another country, in a foreign city, in a bar or restaurant. At home, only at home, with your loved ones! A warm family atmosphere will unite you and give you a powerful boost of energy for the whole next year.

The rooster is a cocky and capricious bird, loving squabbles and scandals. Undoubtedly, the cunning bird will check you for lice, but you should not give in to it; and under no circumstances allow any quarrels or “cockfights” on New Year’s Eve. It is better to restrain your ardor and in some cases simply remain silent, and leave all the showdowns for later.

There is no need to try to turn the celebration into a “celebration of the belly” - the Fire Rooster will not appreciate this. He generally doesn’t like fatty and heavy food, so after the traditional feast and the chimes, everyone goes outside, into the fresh air, and we continue to have fun! After all, the whole New Year's Eve is still ahead!

Fireworks, firecrackers, festive fireworks, sparklers - all these “ritual offerings” will be appreciated by the Fire Rooster. Let’s not forget that for the second year in a row we have been ruled by the element of Fire, so don’t deny yourself a colorful spectacle.

And remember that the main thing in any holiday is a good mood, a friendly atmosphere and mutual understanding. Forget all quarrels and resentments and tune in to absolute positivity!

Decorating the house for the New Year

The main color of the upcoming New Year is red and the whole fiery palette, which means that these colors should predominate in the interior. But you also need to pay attention to the shades of the patron bird’s plumage: add a little green, blue, gold and purple. Looks like it's turning out pretty rosy! And let’s not forget that the rooster is a big neat freak, and he is unlikely to be happy to patronize a house where there is a mess. Everything should be in its place; We polish floors and other surfaces until they shine, and everything glass should just shine!

The rooster is a rustic bird, without any special frills, loving everything simple but of high quality. Therefore, in the interior we focus on everything natural, and even better - made with our own hands. Napkins and tablecloths are preferably made of natural linen; checkered blankets and bedspreads will emphasize a homely, cozy atmosphere, and decorative pillows and hand-embroidered towels will look simple and stylish at the same time.

If you don’t have the opportunity to set the table with earthenware, then you can probably find a couple of ceramic vases. Simple bouquets of inexpensive flowers will add tenderness and bright colors to the interior, and favor from the owner of the year will be guaranteed for the entire period of his reign.

Gold and red balls hung throughout the house, sewn or knitted wall decorations, socks for gifts, figurines made of wood and porcelain, bright garlands and tinsel - everything will please the Fire Rooster. He loves everything beautiful and bright, but monotony depresses him. But do not forget that all colors must be harmoniously combined, otherwise the apartment will look like a booth. The Rooster figurine needs to be installed in the most visible place so that he can keep an eye on everything that is happening.

And of course - candles, lots of candles! They will not only support the element of Fire, but will also add mystery and beauty to the home environment. Multi-colored lamps and lanterns placed on the table, shelves and walls will also look original.

But what you should never do is decorate your house with figurines of predators. The rooster will not approve of such a neighborhood, but he will appreciate the cute figurines of hens and chickens. These can be napkin holders, pepper shakers, candle stands, and, of course, Christmas tree decorations made in the shape of representatives of the chicken family.

Particular attention should be paid to the decor of the front door - after all, this is what the owner of the New Year will see when flying up to your house. On the door you can place New Year's wreaths made of tinsel and garlands, a colorful panel made of sparkles and beads, or just a painted Christmas tree.

Owners of private houses do not have to stop at decorating only the interior decoration. Bright windows, an elegant porch decorated with New Year's garlands, the facade of the house illuminated with LEDs - all this will look magical and will certainly attract not only friends, but also good luck to the house.

We create our own mood and festive atmosphere, and on this magical night any flight of fancy is welcome! Don’t be afraid that you won’t be able to cope or that something won’t work out - your sincere efforts and handwork will definitely be noticed and appreciated.

Decorating the Christmas tree

No New Year is complete without the smell of pine needles emanating from the forest beauty. This year there should be no artificial Christmas trees, because the rooster is an ardent fan of everything natural. Therefore, if you do not have the opportunity to put up a real Christmas tree or spruce, you can get by with spruce paws placed in ceramic vases and placed throughout the house. Believe me, such miniature Christmas trees look very stylish and elegant, they create a festive atmosphere no worse than a chic forest guest.

You should not place the Christmas tree in the corner of the room, as many people do. Its place is in the center of the room, but if this is not possible, then you can put the tree in the center, but near the wall. Under the tree, be sure to place not only the symbol of this year with its entire family, but also put some ears of corn and various grains - this will attract prosperity to the house.

In the year of the Rooster, the fashion trend is everything natural and natural, close to the rustic style. You can decorate the Christmas tree with any natural materials, fruits, golden cones, candied berries, homemade crafts and toys, and knitted figures.

Make New Year's cards with your own hands, write warm wishes on them and hang them on the tree, and on New Year's Eve let all your guests choose a card - they will definitely like it.

Toys and decorations for the Christmas tree should be bright - such as the feathers on the tail of a rooster. Therefore, all fans of the silver-white color scheme, in which it has become fashionable to decorate Christmas trees, will have to change their priorities this year and add colors, if, of course, they want to appease the capricious Rooster.

Place large toys at the bottom of the tree, gradually replacing them with smaller ones closer to the top - this way the tree will look neater. Instead of expensive toys, you can buy cheaper plastic or glass balls in the store and paint them yourself, together with the children. Even simple tangerines and sweets hung on the Christmas tree will look original and stylish. The bright final accent is the top of the spruce tree - the Rooster will certainly like it there.

And don’t forget about the most spectacular decoration of the New Year’s beauty - the festive garland. The more iridescent lights, the more elegant the tree will look. Artificial snow, figures of Father Frost, Snow Maiden and snowmen will complete the image of a fluffy forest guest.

What to wear for the holiday

The main color of 2017, as well as last year, is red and all shades of fiery. Purple or blue are also good colors. It is desirable that the dress be made of expensive natural fabrics - organza, silk, velvet, brocade, leather and so on. Such luxury is completely justified - it will attract wealth and prosperity into your life.

As for the style of the dress, it should be the embodiment of grace and beauty. No unisex style or the like - only femininity and soft lines. The dress should attract attention, as the Fire Rooster loves grace and extravagance.

The best way to attract the attention of this year's patron is to complement your holiday outfit with elegant accessories: belts, embroidery, various brooches, beads and bracelets, and feather jewelry are perfect. The main thing is that the outfit is bright, but not vulgar and flashy.

A little excess and brightness in makeup this year is welcome. Use bright, rainbow shades, gold and glitter, shining powder and mother-of-pearl - after all, this is the only night of the year when you can safely try on the look that you have long dreamed of, but did not dare to realize.

This year, men do not have to dress up in tuxedos and office suits, because the rooster is a country guy, such delights are alien to him. Of course, you shouldn't stoop to casual loungewear, but a warm jumper, a comfortable shirt and dress pants will do just fine. Jeans in combination with a bright shirt or a plain T-shirt and a colored jacket would be appropriate. You can put a large watch on your hand, and put a scarf of the opposite color in your jacket pocket.

Leopard, striped and other shades reminiscent of the cat family should be completely excluded from the New Year's wardrobe. Don't be afraid to expose your back and shoulders - modesty and restraint are not welcome this year. And don’t forget about the opportunity to decorate your toilet with feathers - the softer and fluffier the outfit, the more chances you have to win the favor of the New Year’s host.

Setting the New Year's table

According to tradition, celebrating the New Year is inextricably linked with the smell of tangerines, bubbles of champagne, a bowl of Olivier salad and “herring under a fur coat.” You shouldn’t give up your usual dishes this year either, because the rooster loves everything simple and natural. If desired, the usual menu can be significantly diversified; any housewife will certainly try to surprise guests and household members with her signature dish.

Holiday dishes don't have to be fancy, but try to avoid fatty and heavy foods, as well as processed foods. And, of course, this year we will have to do without chicken - the Rooster will not like it.

According to Eastern traditions, there must be a dish on the table that will please the symbol of the New Year. Place a small plate or wicker basket with any grain, seeds or peas in the middle of the table - this will bring abundance and prosperity to your home.

Armed with your imagination, you can put almost any salad in the shape of a rooster or chicken, using grated whites, yolks, olives, bell peppers or any other products. Place a lot of different greens on large plates, and place sliced ​​meats, cheeses and sausages in the middle. Feel free to put various sandwiches, canapés, tartlets, any pastries and desserts on the table - the Rooster will love it.

But it is better to avoid heavy alcohol, since the Rooster is a violent and quarrelsome nature, easily entering into conflicts, and quarreling on a holiday is an extremely bad omen. This year's drinks are wine, champagne, and various weak cocktails.

And, of course, you need to pay attention to the dishes - they must be the best, because roosters love everything pretentious. Be sure to place candles on the table - this way you will pay tribute to the element of Fire. Small spruce branches will look organic on the table, and a figurine of a cockerel is a must.

In order for everything to turn out tasty and beautiful and for the hostess to hear many compliments addressed to her, we must not forget the most important thing - add love, cordiality and warmth to each dish. Even if you have to spend the entire pre-holiday day in the kitchen, dishes prepared with soul will definitely be appreciated.

Before the New Year, there is still time to think through everything and prepare. All family members, even the smallest ones, should be involved in the preparation - this will additionally unite kindred spirits, make the holiday expected, and the Fire Rooster will not remain in debt and will generously thank all household members.

Happy New Year!

The New Year is coming soon, and we all must celebrate it with dignity, without a bunch of old worries and troubles. By following these tips, you will enter the New Year leaving old problems behind and taking the best of this year into the next. So, what do you need to do before the New Year?

There are only a couple of months left before the holiday. In order for the next year to be rich in good events, and for all the problems that torment us today to remain in the past, we must do the following:

1. Throw out all the “junk” from the house

To enter the New Year with cleanliness in the soul and in the house, we do a general cleaning, during which all things that have not been used for a long time, and especially broken ones, are sent to the trash can. Carefully look at every nook and cranny of your house or apartment and get rid of things that you have been meaning to throw away for a long time, but still haven’t done so.

A broken toaster, clothes your children have outgrown, and things you haven’t worn for over a year are “junk” that you need to get rid of and never drag with you into the New Year. In addition, get rid of other people's things that someone may have forgotten at your home: be sure to return them to their owners.

To start the New Year debt-free, find opportunities and be sure to pay off all your debts. This will save you from painful thoughts at the beginning of next year about your debt obligations and will give you the opportunity to celebrate the New Year calmly and in a good mood.

3.Analyze the results of the outgoing year and manage to do this year what has been postponed more than once during this year

To complete this point, you need to devote a little time and, in order to know in which direction to move next year, sum up its results. We sit down comfortably and remember everything significant and important that happened to us this year: new acquaintances, new work, visiting new places.

Now remember something you really wanted to do, but never did. For example, after analyzing the results of the past year, I realized that I never found time to go to the gym, although I really wanted to. What about the unfinished kitchen renovation and the ever-postponed visit to grandma?

I have a little more time in the past year, and I will definitely do it! My first step towards this was purchasing an annual gym membership today. And tomorrow we’re finally going to grandma’s!

4. Thank those people who supported you this year and made it special for you

This must be done, because by saying “thank you” to those people who surrounded you this year, you will understand how dear they are to you. For example, I am very grateful to my daughter for the fact that this year we grew up together, explored the world together and gave each other many bright days and positive emotions. I am also very grateful to my parents, who provided me with maximum support during difficult times this year. Be healthy and happy, my dears!

5. Forgive your offenders and ask for forgiveness from those people you offended this year

To enter the New Year with a smile on your face and love in your heart, forgive your offenders, and also ask for forgiveness from your loved ones and relatives, to whom you may have said too much in your hearts and thereby offended them. Do this and you will realize that you are surrounded by loving and beloved people who wish only the best for you. This doesn’t have to be done out loud: you can write a letter or talk mentally.

To do this, make a wish card in which you display all your dreams and desires, and make them on New Year's Eve. In the New Year, look at the map every day and set goals to achieve them. If you don’t just look at this card, but take at least some steps to fulfill your desires, believe me, they will definitely come true!

At the end of each year, be sure to analyze which of your wishes have come true, which have not, and what else needs to be done to make them come true. And in this case, the fulfillment of New Year's wishes will not take long to arrive!

Have time to prepare for the holiday

What do you absolutely need to do before the New Year? To create a festive atmosphere in your home, think in advance what attributes and actions will help you achieve this. So, don't forget:

1. Buy and decorate a Christmas tree, as well as create New Year’s interior decor for your home

What's a New Year's holiday without a Christmas tree? Create a New Year's holiday atmosphere in your home! To get into the New Year mood, be sure to buy and decorate a Christmas tree, and also make New Year's interior decor rooms in your home and you will see how your home acquires a special, New Year's atmosphere that guarantees only positive emotions and a good mood.

2.Think over the New Year’s table and a beautiful New Year’s outfit

What can we do for the New Year that will give us pleasant emotions, be remembered for a long time, and these memories will make us happy in the future? It is not necessary for the New Year's table to be bursting with all kinds of dishes, but it is still worth taking care of some New Year's attributes. These are, first of all, tangerines, the notorious Olivier and, of course, champagne, without which you will not experience the New Year holiday.

As for the New Year's outfit, a new dress or suit will definitely help create a festive atmosphere and lift your spirits. Therefore, take care of holiday outfits for the whole family in advance.

3. Congratulate all your family and friends on the upcoming New Year

This does not require much time or special effort. Prepare New Year's cards with congratulations and send them to your loved ones and friends. This can also be done via online or New Year's SMS messages, or simply by calling. I am sure that your family and friends will be very pleased to hear New Year’s greetings from you and you will definitely receive them in return.

Now you know what you need to do before the New Year and, I hope, you will soon put this knowledge into practice. After all, there is not much time left until hour “X”. My dear readers, I wish you to celebrate the holiday with your family and friends, and may the New Year bring you only a sea of ​​happiness, good health, an ocean of joy and immeasurable luck! With coming!

A reminder of what you need to do before the New Year to meet it fully armed. Ideas for comprehensive preparation for the perfect holiday.

Every woman begins to prepare for the most joyful holiday of the year in advance. Some people start buying gifts and products from the first days of December, while other ladies leave everything until the last week.

Expert psychologists have compiled a list of thirty important things that need to be done before December 31st. If you do everything, the New Year will pass without additional hassle and disappointment.

New Year's to-do list

Buy a New Year's outfit

You can't do without a new outfit! Searches should be carried out 2-3 weeks before the holiday. On the eve of the New Year, prices for evening dresses may rise.

Take care of your health

It is necessary to engage not only in prevention, but also in the treatment of chronic ailments, otherwise after the New Year's feast you will encounter trouble - an exacerbation of old ailments. Start taking vitamins and drinking herbal tea.

Plan your New Year's getaway

To fill the beginning of the year with positive emotions, think through every day of the New Year holidays. You may stay in the city, but this does not mean that you need to spend all your days at home. Go skiing, go to billiards, an ice skating rink, a cafe, or training. Design a program so that you only have a few hours each day to relax at home.

Let go of all grudges

You cannot enter the New Year with a heavy load. Forgive your offenders, mentally wish them health and move on.

Buy gifts

You need to think about buying gifts for loved ones in advance. Then you won't have to buy unnecessary trinkets at supermarket sales on December 30 and 31. In addition, the stores are very crowded these days.

Pack the gifts

It’s not enough to buy New Year’s gifts; they also need to be beautifully packaged. Stock up on colorful ribbons and bright glossy paper.

Change your appearance

External changes always entail internal ones. Before the start of the year, have time to go to the hairdresser, refresh your hair color, visit beauty salons and undergo the necessary procedures. Buy one bright and beautiful accessory.

Give away all debts

Before the New Year, it is simply necessary to say goodbye to old debts. If you cannot pay back all the money, pay off the debt partially. Don't forget to pay all receipts and pay off loans.

Get in shape

Even a week before the New Year, you can start watching your diet and improve your skin condition. And, for example, you can tighten your abdominal muscles and restore physical strength without buying a gym membership. Do exercises every day for at least thirty minutes, and go for walks in the evening.

Pay attention to parents

In the everyday routine, many people forget about the people closest to them. Plan a family night out on the weekend or take the whole family to a restaurant or movie.

Make a thank you sheet

Write what you can be grateful to yourself for in the past year. No need to be modest!

Do good deeds

On the eve of the holiday, organize a trip with your colleagues or friends to an orphanage or hospital. Children and sick people enjoy every little thing! A few gifts from each person will make the meeting unforgettable!

Support your loved ones and friends

Look around, maybe your loved ones or friends are going through a difficult period and it’s difficult for them to enjoy the upcoming celebration. Maybe someone in your family is going through hard times. Don’t forget to set your loved ones up for a wonderful New Year that will change everything in their lives!

Go ice skating

Even if you have never stood on ice, gather a fun group and go to the skating rink.

Thank your loved ones and friends

Tell these people “thank you” simply for having them. You can even thank your enemies for this!

Do something with your own hands

This could be a knitted scarf or a painted card, as well as Christmas tree decorations.

Fulfill a long-standing promise

It doesn't matter whether you gave it to yourself or someone else. Promises must be kept!

Visit a new place

You don't have to leave the city to do this. Go to an exhibition or theater, visit a new large store.

Meet your best friends

Of course, a modern person has very little free time, but you should make an agreement in advance with your best friends and meet them in a bar or cafe. Chat about plans for next year and how the previous year ended.

Complete all unfinished tasks

Don’t leave anything at work that you couldn’t handle in the past year, and then during the New Year holidays you can relax peacefully without thinking about your responsibilities.

Get a manicure and pedicure

Give up the classics and surprise your friends with bright colors. For the New Year, the shiny and brightest shades of varnish will be fashionable.

Get rid of unnecessary junk

First you need it in your wardrobe. Take things that you have not worn for a long time to a temple or to a center for helping homeless people. If you have shoes or sweaters with holes, feel free to throw them away.

Create a New Year's menu

Even if the celebration is planned in a restaurant, create a menu for your home so that you don’t have to run to the store for groceries on January 1st.

Say important words

Perhaps you have been wanting to tell someone about your feelings for a long time, but you don’t dare. Maybe you are in a quarrel with an old friend and dream of making peace? Do this before the year is over.

Decorate the Christmas tree

Firstly, don’t forget to buy it, and secondly, check if the necessary toys and garlands are available.

Bake some holiday baked goods

Even if you have never baked pies, try to do it before the holiday. Fragrant pastries create a special atmosphere in the house before the holidays.

Decorate your apartment interior

Buy a pack of glitter paper, garlands, scissors, glue, glitter and make something that will capture the imagination of your household.

Decide on a place to celebrate

To avoid sitting in front of the TV all night, make an action plan. After celebrating the New Year, you can go on a visit or to the city Christmas tree.

Buy or knit a sweater with snowflakes and deer

You don't have to wear something like this to work: you can wear a sweater on cold winter evenings, and it will remind you of the holiday.

Go to any New Year's performance

It's good if you have children or nephews. Give them tickets to the play and go to the theater with your children.

Accept yourself as you are

Were you unable to lose five kilograms this past year? Haven't found a worthy life partner? This is not the time to despair. New Year is the best day